As 1rr A " mm pfi I fl... .VOLCMI XIV. KIW.BIRN, .CBATIl COUHTT, H. C, FRIDAY, NOYIMBIft 14, 1902.-8ICOHD SICTIOS. HUMBJR 65 -THE OLD RELIABLE '..Ik- Ifll .. Absolutely Pur .q ' THERE IS NOSUSSlJTUTZ J. l A 'Market Leter on Cotton. By private wire, J. EJLathaut & Co. Niw Tobk, Novj 18. From the im ; proved tone noted yesterday there wu . ; some hesitancy titb a. m. This U lnevita . ble and was such as to unsettle one In the least when a market reacts suddenly IS points yon can expect a portion of this to be lout. The rub comes when the market gets down to within a few points, of the bottom, ..Then it cotton comes on the market, and that lew level is reached and a new order recorded it , is time to look for another break,; tint if the market acts, as it did (today March from 7.98 to 7.91 ' and back to 7.98 in the p.m. there Is every reason to eon. tlnue on aide of a further advance. The present situation is very different from that existing when January sold t in artificial price now December Is actually higher than January all this is Jenconr aging. There are signs of better) things ahead of us in our leading of the market and while there may, not be an Imme diate advance, tliero is every reason for a conservative attitude and purchases on every break. We don't know what the prosent crop in, but for that matter the Ignorance of others 1b as great. There , are a few facts we do know and When , yon have a break of Jj to lea pound these facts operate in favor of prices. The facts briefly these The New York market not high enough to attract cot; ton here. To cause a further break receipts must bo pn a scale to carry spot ! markets lower. The interior move ment is a long moderate crop rather than t he big crop lines. Damage In July and August Was .severe and fall ' weather never wholly makes up for July and August. Say crop Is ltyTO.CIO the . commercial cop is not likely to be more . than It millions and we used 10,900,000 last year we should replenish the visible supply by 300,000 bales ' taken out last year. This would take care of 11,100'- 000 bales and -not- carry prices to seven cents either. There Is the smallest sup ply in Liverpool in years at (his season. There is no accumulation at ports or interior points though the movement as been ?,'C00 bales more than last year. ThT price is not high and then what if the crop Is but 10,750,000 bales. - That would mean lOcents in the spring even with 11,100,000 or 11,250,000 there's reason to look for a temporary recovery from this depression. C. W. Leb&Co. i New York, November 12. While there was one sale of January cotton at 7. 98 this a. m. and a new low record on ,i the movement; the market had a better look than we have seen in some - days. Of course it is a rather perplexing posi tion, this New York market, and with 11,700,010 bale and 13 million We esti mates on the crop floating around, the whole question of values is uncertain. , But as far as buying : and selling of fu tures was concerned, and the Immediate influence on prices, we .should call the selling side very poor now, and the buy ing side best we have seen, in months. Ail Ibis may change with an advance of a few points. That remains to be seen, but as far as the immediate market went there is every Inducement to buy. Cot ton was sold without regard to values, and whenever this happens the end is not far off. Tor' Instance 'May opened ' 7.98 in a lew trades May was 7.91 It broke so easy that the . simplicity alone , would prevent a man from gelling. On the decline spot houses bought. '; One " broker In" the pit who gold 'all the ' Jan- ' ;nary they wanted at 8.64 less' than two i weeks ago! took several' thousand bales 1' of March from the people' at 7.90. This is what we term good buying. ' New Or ' leans Wired no cotton offered thereto speak of, nd a little baying now would ' steady the market. ' This brought many " shorts In the market as buyers here, awl 3 V ""e '""P"01 iteadlly after the first hour.' On an advanbe tomorrow we 'i ' Would take profits on cotton bought on the break, and then on a decline twe . ; ji would buy again. Under ,, the. present conditions of the future market, nnder present conditions of statistical position ' ' etc, everything leads one to this. March and May is a purchase- If e do not see , evidences of more cotton than 'oan be consumed this year. If price remains below 8o. we may not have enough with 11 million bales. There )ra little left over last year and it will require over Jt 11,250,000 to bring about 7o next Spring. - ffc is not high for the moment. We be Heve In buying on breaks. -' ; lf!:;0 ..100 :$m:P? FM .W Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. THE HEIT SPEARtB Of Boose of Representatives From Oraafc County. Assoclatiea Coanty Ssperlntesdests leek 8UU Farm Cotton! Crep. j Arrivals For Zee.' Balden Moenshlae. Queer sm . .age Suit Ualkish, Nov. 13. The State Asso ciation of Ceunty Superintendents of education met here today. State Superln tendent J. Y. Joyner is presiding. He made a strong speech. One of the sub jects to which he specially referred was that of the great seed of school consoli dation."1 There , are now 8600 public school districts and is something Over 49 per cent of these there are fewer than 05 children of school age. The report on the need of consolidation was made, also the progress made along this line for a year past It was shown by Su perintendent Boger of Cabarrus that ex callent results have followed. E. L. Travis of the penitentiary di rectorate is here. He says the cotton crop on the State farm on the Roanoke rlyer it nearly all gathered and that on the 1100 acres about 1000 bales will be the yield. This Is better than was ex pected. The corn crop is a large one and will turn out well. He says the pent tentlary will have a good money balance this year and will not ask the State for any aid. I, Superintendent McEee of the Central hospital for the Insane here says there are now 8 empty beds there, but that In a week these will be filled as there are 37 meritorious applications on file. He says this Is the first time In three years that any beds have been empty. The latest arrivals at the "zoo" at Pul len Park here are 4 wolves. They are t months old and were born and bred at Lexington, this State. Their parents are from Kansas. Next week sotne geese cross between wild and domesticated geese, will be sent to the park as a gift by Mr. J. F Farrott of Klnston. The Cartlage and the Carolina & North Western railways are allowed by the corporation commission to alter their lumber rate so as to conform more nearly to the standard rate. W. A. Dunn of Halifax county says he has observed during the past 3 years that the negroes there are saving money and buying land. He says each Of two negroes owns $10,000 worth of land. , Revenue ' officers made a raid in this county left night and captured a ' moon shine" distillery. S The white Republicans In this State are certainly stirred by President Roose velt'! -declaration " against the "Lily Whites," and It is said some are turning their eyes towards Mark Hanna. It is asserted that one of Senator,, Prltchard's olo A friends has declared for Mark Han- t 'V- ' It is said that Samuel M. Gattisof Orange will certainly be the speaker of the hpase. That' honor has fallen to Moore In the West and to Connor la the east and now naturally goes to the cen tre. Ex-State Superintendent John C. Scarborough, now of Murfreesboro, says he has never seen such interest In pub lic education as there Is at pres ent. It is said that the mother of conductor Anderson of the Illinois Central R. R. has sued Mrs. Nicholson, of Washing ton for heavy damages. Mrs. Nicholson rejected Anderson and ; he blew out his brains the night before her wedding, at Littleton, to which place he had follow ed her from his home in Mississippi. His mother lives In Mississippi. An association or loage or stationary Engineers has been formed here. ' It is the first in this State. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer, HAVE THEY ELOPED? A Reported Flight of Pamlico County Peo ple to Hew York. : i . y A sensational affair which had every appearance of - an elopement occurred here Wednesday night and Involves the names of well known people In Alliance, Pamlico Co. V It Is said that a married man ind mar ried woman of that village left their' homes Tuesday night and came to New Bern, riding part of the way and walk ing the,, rest Thay reached this city early Wednesday morning, the woman going to a boarding house while the man basled himself making arrange, ments for further flight - , ' - They, engaged a double' rig ! to take them to Core Creek Wednesday after-' noon from whence they took 'the north bound train, -v starting ' for New .York, where the man has relatives, j .":,,, , ' These people leave families behind them, each having several children. The wife and husband who are 1 deserted are brother and fister. , , ,'!?!' f' Bo far as known there have been no efforts to locate the eloping couple, though It most have been evident that as the man and woman left Alliance to gether and bad tot returned that all was not as t should be. - j .-i'j,, - ... CASTOR I A nt utfuitts and CUlL.'sn.' YjJ (. tuamZ k.Tlt Lts Ue Ky TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. The government of Venezuela has boon reestablished at Caracas sabject only to another Insurrection. ' Forty prisoners In the Arizona peni tentiary escaped Tuesday night' There are many desperate characters In the lot President Roosevelt is on bis way to Mississippi to go on a hunting expedi tion as a guest of Qov Longino, Major General Young has been se lected to succeed Gen. Miles when the latter retires from active' service next August. The Daughters of the Confederacy representing about 30 states are In con vention at New Orleans, A project Is on foot to build an enor mous hotel at Cape Hatteras that will eclipse all other coast resort hotels. Danger of a strike of switchmen In Chicago, 111., issiald to have passed. Mayor Low laid yesterday the cor ner stone of the new New York publio library. Governor Yates, of Illinois, was re ported yesterday to be probably out of danger.' Emma Goldman, the anarchist wu not allowed to speak in Providence R. I. Sunday evening. The Crown Prince of Slam climbed Pikes Peak, Col., yeBterday, standing the 0000 foot altitude well. Senator Pritchard left Ashevllle. N. C. last night for Washington to tell how he views the colored man in polities' Charged with accepting an unlawful fee, former Police Captain Moynihan arraigned In New York yesterday, pleading not guilty. Minister Wu will made his last public appearance In America on Thursday evening In New York at the dinner of the Silk Association of America. King Edward gave a large banquet to the laborers on his estate Tuenday. R. W. Goelet, the New York million aire was arrested Tuesday for driving his automobile through Central Park at a 30 mile an hour rate. . The British steamship Eltngamlte, bound from Sydney, N. S. W to Auck land has been wrecxed on Three Kings Island, near Australia and 96 persons are missing. Eon Chas Grosvenor of Ohio has de cided not to be a candidate for Speaker of the House of Representatives but will support the candidacy of Hon Joseph Cannon, of Illinois. ' The Premier Sagasta and all the minis ters of the government of Spain have resigned. King Alfonso had expected to ask them ' to remain. Thielr action has made a crisis In that couatry. It is believed they will be induced! to recon sider. " Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer j OLIVERS. Nov. It. Miss Annie Stewart return ed to her home Saturday. i - Mr. Dave Koonce of Borate was at Piney Grove at preaching last: Sunday, He Is a blind man. He has beam blind yqais. He was the guest of .Mr. F, H. Foy... ,., ..a.nrt ' ' Mi. O. M. Heath and R. A. MoDanlel went to Maple Cypress Monday. Mrs. C. L Ward and son, G. O. Ward, were In your town yesterday. ' There was an enjoyable oandy party at . Mr. George Barrows Tuesday night - ; . - -r ti - Ht. F. Q. Simmons went to Pollocks- vllle Tuesday, j . . Mrs. Delpha Flowers has moued back to Trenton. She moved last we ek. "We aid very sorry for we shall miss her. - Mr. M. H. Parker and wife went to New Bern today. ' "'' v' ' Mr. J. C. Parker 'and J. 7. Simmons went to New Bern todsy: " ' i Mr.-J 8. Basnlght Is here vlsltfng Mr, CM. Heath. " i '"V.' ymsoK-.BR6DGHtoic.: 1 A Well Known New Bern Man . Ha rrles ,!..,". , Raleigh Lady.iM j '' Mr,Garrett. LaFayette Ylnson. a gen tleman well known in New Bern bat of late years having been, . engaged In busi ness in Mansfield, Ohio, -.ivas1 married Wednesday , afternoon . to MIm Estelle Brougb,ton at the Taberr.acla Baptist church In Raleigh. . , ,.-.. The occasion wu an Im port ant event In Raleigh society and this cat iron ' wu beautifully decorated with Hewers and J plants,; itS- ,v . J. wvn , .., ins groom was bora la New Jfern ana lived here many years. . H s Is one of the owners of the Ohio Bras worka at Mans field, a flourishing ataaaf actor y. ' The bride is dadgk-l er d If r. and Mrs, J. M. Brought .f Filelgh. and has a wide circled fries da there. RALEIGH Forty Thoisand Dollars Peniten tiary Profits. Continued Sesslois County Superia Undents. Report Board Pub lic IastlUUoss Nearly v Ready. Raral Deliv ery Routes. Con victs For Pen itentiary. Raleigh, November 13.-The second day's session of the Association of Coun ty Superintendents' was marked by an increased attendance. The first business was a conference with Dr. Butterlck of the General Education, Board, a most helpful, earnest sod Inspiring man. Then followed a discussion of township teachers' meetings, how to conduct them and what to get out of them, led by Superintendents Atkinson of Wayne and Long of Northsmpton. Bupenn tendenU Massey of Durham and Catlett J . . st I of New Hanover led a discussion of county teachers' association, teachers libraries and courses of study for teach ers. Superintendent Butler of Iredell spoke on the employment of teachers and government of schools. "Agriculture in the Kurai tscnoois" was a most interesting ana practical topic handled by Professors Burketl and Stevens of the A. & M. College. These two teachers have simply revolutionized the Agricultural instruction of the col lege and made Ita Agricultural Depart ment strong, practical and popular. They showed today that agriculture can be taught in the i ural public schools as well as in the A. & M. College, trot. Burkctt spoke on seed selection, soils, and live stock. lie used corn to Illus trate selection. Several types of ears were noted and contrasted. Corn is imvorned hv hnredltv like folks and anl mais. The ear with smaii cob in pro- nortion to erains will produce ears like itself. The two ear stalk will produce u two ears, the one ear stalk only one, etc A careful selection of seed corn, an nually, will Increase the yield and im prove the quality. The same is true of all other crops. In discussing soils, he showed by simple experiments how water rises In soil, how water passes through the soil, the effect of mulching, and the principles of drainage. There was an address by Dr Butterick This afternoon the delegates went In a body to the State school for the blind, Inspected it and saw the work of the pupils. Peace Institute was also visited and special exercises were held there. There was a dress parade and band con cert at the Agricultural and Mechanical College in honor of the association, all the members of which have visited the college. The board of examiners of public in structions is hard at work on its report. Its chairman says this will be ready next week and will be put in the Governor's hands, He says the board found the In stitutions (35 of them in all) in good shape, found nothing crooked, and the managemsnt.excellent. Ten negro convicts from Craven ar rived at the penitentiary today, all for terms of a year or less. One white con vict, formerly with a circus, arrived from New Hanover. The State today authorized the in crease of the Capital stock of the Leak, Wall & McRae Company's cotton mill at Rockingham from $100 -W to $1S0C 000. Eighteen more rural free ' delivery routes have been put in operation In the State since November 1. A number more will be put In operation In 30 days. Auditor Dixon's statement that the penitentiary's net earnings this 'ear will be at least tlon. $40,000 attracts atten VOICE OP THE PEOPLE. The Hew Business Era. 1 Editor JouKHAirTour article In yes terday's Issue on the need of local busi ness aggressiveness In New Bern was to me a real surprise, as I had for years, with much pleasure fostered, the belief, that she was alive to the advantages of all-branches ot legitimate business. ' True the failure to carry out the ap parent plan for establishing' $he ''Pem broke Factory,'! was to me an (old time Hew Bernlan,) a disappointment ' much felt, and I've never yet learned by whom rwhy the failure wu caused, ' other than the want of proper business energy that all of your good citizens should fos ter. Yes, use their best energy to pro mote proper enterprises. Just here I must say, that I concur with you In opinion, that your business men should cease having a plodding ex- Istence. and I do hope that . ere long, a new era will spread lu benignant wings ever the good old town. -1 What I've written, is prompted by no other motive, than an "Inborn" Interest in my native town. , t.l: H. Morehead City, Nov. 18. Married. Married on Wednesday Noy. 12. 1902 at the residence of her parents In Beau fort, Mary Adallna daughter of Mr and Mrs T M Thomas to Dr. C. W. Malwell ot MtlOllve, the Rev. N,'; M. Jttrney officiating. ' The best wishes of all their many friends -attend the happy couple In their new home. ASEMSAT A Veambte Wisconsin Lady R& stored to Health by Peruaa After Twenty-five Years' Suffering. Special news from Evanrvllle, Wis. I EVANSVILLE, WIS.-A woman J -M ..i...t 6 tSAHtW.AvA VDSrfl' standing was the occasion of Peruna be ing introduced to the inhabitants of Evansville, Wis. From that time to this there has been a great demand tor Pe runa in this vicinity and hundreds of eases have been cured. It is in this manner that Peruna spreads from town to town and from state to state. No sort of advertising could have given Peruna the reputation it has. The secret of its success is that it makes cures. It cures old cases of catarrh where other remedies have failed. This ought to make any remedy popular. Mr. C. R. Harden, of Evansville, Wis., writes the following letter : Dear Doctor Hartman "I wish to write to certify what Peruna has done for me. I read of Peruna in the papers, of what it would do for catarrh, and sent for a bottle. This was the first bot tle of Peruna that ever came to Evans startling Statements from f WILLARD, KY. The news of the recovery of Mrs. Elizabeth Prater is a very striking instance of the wonderful curative powers of Peruna. This esti mable lady had been an invalid from catarrh of the stomach and bowels for twenty years. No wonder her many friends are enthusiaatio over her recov ery. She writes: "It is through the mercies of God and your medicine that I am permitted to write yon this letter. I have been a constant sufferer from bowel and stomach trouble for about twenty-five years, and could never find relief until I began the use of Peruna. I think it is a God-send to poor suffering ggmanity." Mrs. Elisabeth Prater. DIRE DISASTER Will Overtake the Cities ot Wilmington and James. The die Is cast. The edict has gone forth. And like the laws of the Medes and Persians it cannot be chanced. The city of Wilmington will surely be over come by a sea ot fire, Aug. 14, 1904 and simultaneously, James City, New Bern's suburb, will be devoured by the always hungry never satisfied sea. This is the pronunclamento made by a negro who has made himself a prophet He is described as a tall, black, slick lookimr Individual In clerical garb. He says little but hands out flaming circu lars containing the above announce ment Following this prophecy the circular deals with matters political and promul gates a "slate" of future rulers and po tentates. George H. White, of Washing- ton, 'P.O.. Is to be Yice Prince; 8. H. Vick, of Wilson, will have the office of Postmaster, General; John 0. Dancey, Washington D. C. Recorder ot Deeds; J. E. O'Hara and R. W. Williamson of this city are to be register and treasurer,' re spectively, of the interior; S. H. Gorham of Klnston, Governor of South Carolina; O.H.Davis, of Norfolk, Va., postmas ter; Vincent trexze, of Norfolk, King ot the Italians; Hsywood Sawyer, of Eliza beth Cltr. Governor of North Caro lina. It will be observed that the "tall black sleek" man ia dealing out sinecures with a lavish hand. Circulars of similar character have been handed oat here from time to time bat they contained such an Incoherent lot of rot that they "were quickly passed ip. The only reason for the publicity thus given Is the very absurd statements it makss. ' ' " ' Bam s '? fTli slid Yoe Hut Alwijt ffcetft Judge Bryan Keeps Order. Klnston Free Press. ' " Judge Bryan is strict on preserving order In the court bouse. He fined two I men yesterday $5 each, for not being as I quiet u they ought to have been. Evasion of Marine Laws. The recent examination by the govern ment authorities, Into the required num ber ot officers demanded nnder the law which vessels must carry, Is said to have ' caused quite I sensation in the Eastern Carolina vessel circles,' ot this district " ' ' 1 J 1 i" Anumberof vesseUwert foundtobeeral.adVIlllCC3 acting wo economically in wusway, served upcm1 the owners, which quickly brought up the required allotment ONAL R ville ; from my using it all three of the druggists now keep it. - It cured my wife of catarrh with which the bad been troubled for more than twenty-five yean, and I bad been troubled with It for fifteen yean. We are now both all right "My youngest son had la grippe four years ago, and as he had supposed had got well, or so far recovered that he went to work. He took a relapse and the pneumonia set in. He had hemorrhages, and though we tried everything we could think of it was to no purpose until we gave him Peruna. The hemorrhages stopped, and he soon got up and is well and hard at work. We think there is nothing like Peruna." In a recent letter Mr. Harden writes: "We keep Peruna always in the house, as it cured us both of catarrh of long Kentucky, Illinois and Remarkable Recoveries. ELGIN, ILL. In a very recent com munication from this place comes the news that Mr. Arthur Ernest Kidd, a well-known architect of that city, has made complete recovery from catarrh of the head from which he bad suffered for nearly a quarter of a century. He writes the following from 18 Hamilton ave.: " I am 42 years of age, and have had catarrh of the head for over half of my life. " I read of Peruna, and finally decided to try it two months ago. I have now taken seven bottles, and : weigh 172 pounds. Never felt happier or merrier. Eeel tip top." A. E. Kidd. , I NEW BBL. CORNED BEEF, y JUST OPEXEB. i Sweet Pickled Peaches, 80o per quart. Assorted Mangoes 30c per quart, ' J Standard 3 lb Tomatoes 10c per can. 1 Standard 2 lb Corn 10c, 8 for 25c. " ' J Loose Olives 40c per quart. 5 Attmore's Pure Mince meat 10c per lb. J Nabob Pancake Flour, lOo per package. Hecker's Old Homestead Pancake Flour 10c package. We want your business and are selling you goods for less J J than any other house in the city. ' Thanking you for past fav ors rnd trusting to receive a share of your future business, I am J i Yours to please, . v -If ; 25 J. 33. . PiilTr., It Wholesale and Retail arocer) , ; 4S PHONE 69. Cor. Broad & Hancock Bts. XaaaaAaAaaaa4aAAaUA444AM VwTtwtTTf?wffTtt???ttttteets.tev !i -1 At' v t V If you want one why not buy a good one and flave money. tWe have recently received, a new Btooki of , Brooms which you t will find to be up-to-date both .... . . Also new juinoe pieac jusc in, Atmore a AeyBtwnu, wmuu ! yen know is very fine, 10c per pound. ' . ; ''" ' " ' v-' ' e carry everything kept in a Grrocery store, and will' be glad to have some of your orders. l" ' " 9 ,. . ...... ... ...... . . i, -. 1 .i njL ftn'liib'a In J " " j Kespectf ully, IS) ?!..' iG.' ' f Broad St Grocers? VDilFtiVa a 4' f BISHOP'S FIREPROOF COTTON STORAGE 7lftRE!IC!!S5 80 TOur cotton at these extreme low prices 'with everythirs depressing the market when yon can store rt nominal cost, and take ad vantage of higher prices later in 'J Allcottoh covered ana rTermsVf" Tr& mtpi m k J, 1 r - ECOVERY. standing. We hare callers eVerr little while to Inquire as to what Parana has done tor oa. ' I sayi 'Look at us. That U proof enoagh." , u I send yon a pieture of. my residence. I helped build a bowe in Iowa City oa the first of last June, and worked eighty two days, only losing one-quarter of a day during the whole time. How is that for an old man 77 y ears oldT I came home la September and hare built another bona oat in the country this tall and am well and hearty W4ay. "I hope to live twenty years yet, sad if Peruna helps me in the future as It has in the past I don't know why I can't The druggist say Peruna is one of the best selling medicines they have in stock." C. R. HARDEN. Peruna can be relied upon to care slight colds and coughs and other ca tarrhal ailments with a promptness that is unequaled by any other remedy. If a cold has settled in any portion of the body and produced catarrh, it is gen erally thought by people that they must suffer on year after year without amy hope of cure. This is not true, however, Peruna cures such cases.' Thousands of testimonials that can never be osed attest this fact Any one wishing free literature on this subject should address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. New Hampshire of Other MANCHESTER, N. H, According to late advices, Miss Blanche Im Bundlett has made a comphste recovery from Ca tarrh of the head which had caused a chronio running from the ears. Bex own statement of the ease-; is as fol lows: "I have suffered for several yean with catarrh of the head. It finally reached my ear, and caused a running ear. Having read of Dr, Hartman'S remedies I immediately wrote, and he advised me. To-day I am in better health than I have been for some time. I will gladly recommend P.eruna for all catarrhal diseases."-Mlss Blanche Im Rnndlett ! 1 ' in quality and price. . . i . " ' " - ... 1 '.V Is,- Phohi,l37i: V V4 4 D tt iTi it k 1 i ., frt,i.'t the Season. J,J 1 1 -,! by iiLurxici HilJ.irj- H fiClTCd. -" -' --, if