07J VOLCMI JXY. . KIW BIBS, CRAYM COUITT, H. C, TUX DAT, HOYIMBItt 25, 1902. FIRST SICTIOH. HUMBIR C3 I III II II II II III I I V A I i WE. Lodges of Odd Fellows Instituted la X . Several Cities. . All theEight of Way For The SUie IdiiUIi Railway fif eared.",. Hebrew ,"8 IS" tion Ce. f at Dnrham .'.Greeted a Charter. ' . Fall Sale or Tax ; ; , Tag! Not - ss I : : 1 : " iqi., J t ; - , Rauidn, November 88. The BtaU Superintendent' of Pablle' lnitrocUon today sent ont a letter to all county superintendent! and teachers of public achoolt calling their attention, to aelr. . ' - oaler letter issaed by Julian 8. Carr, : reb'alrman of the 8tr Walter Raleigh monument committee.: Superintendent n iloyner aaya he hope that every child In :y a North Carolina school will hare the J r opportunity to .add a penny to this r fond. "North Carolina Day In the - public schools will be next Wednes- . day.- . -,..- ,'. Pott office -inspector F. N. Davis, Is tick here, with malarial fever. At Ellenboro tonight a new. lodge ' of Odd Fellows wu organized. Grand ,fv; Seorettry WoodeU hw applications for r new lodges at Cooleemee, Ratherford """"ton and Albemarle, ,f 4 H p. : f k. The fannral, of evangelist Weston B. Qalea wet aeldhere thla "afternoon, and ' wi the burial whs In OakWood Cemetery. Mr. Gales', last sermon was preached 1. here In the city hall, Sunday - afternoon, tTV- November 1 He was . then so. feeble that he was nnabltf q conduct theeer ' vices in the evening at the 'Fayettevllle . street Baptist church.- . - ;-v-. ' Governor AycofeVs two. sick children hare recoveied and left their room'.V . Gforge W Hloehawof Winston-Salem is here and says all the rights of way for the Stone Atou'utsln R. U. will ,be se ' v cured and the line located sp that work "ean benln April, V The company has ao- qulrcdalj the granite along the route, including Btono Mountain, a 'mass Are : mllea In circuit and 750 feet above the surrounding-ground. The road will start a little ea-t.of North YVlUeaboro and will dtrlke straight for point on ' the Virginia line whertf the Tennessee liue nvoeta It between Top and Pound mountalne. It HI cross the Blue Ridge at Grassy Gap, the lowest of all the ' gaps. A. tunnel only 800 feet Jong will .,, hare to be unlit. The road will, be 60 to 68 miles long.,. It will connect with a fl road under construction from Abingdon, . v Ya , which is to.be extended 88 miles '. the other side of Abingdon, to the. coal beds; It will give by a line 115 to 130 nllea long, the shortest of all the routes .to the coal fields. -- A charter It granted by the State to . the Hebrew Congregation Company' of ' Durham. - ' T; Commissioner of Agriculture Patter- . uo nay ua iiuua luo, iui Baits ui iu tags for fertilizer! ' are not ao large as , ; those for the fall of 1901 . t- i Reccs ot Arbitration Commission Special to Journal. JSciunton, Pa , Not. 83. Coal Arbi tration Commission adjourned today for ten days to allow time lor settlements it Is said operators will yield and grant IB percent Incroase "la wages and a nine -' Gompers Unanimously Elected. BpeclM to Journal, t ' Nw Obleahs, Not. S3. Samuel ' Gompers was unnnlmously elected Presl ' dent of the . American Federation of . Labor today. , rf . s t , ' -" Robber Hakes a Biff Haul. Special to Journal ' - ' DaTonport, la., Not. 13. A masked . man held up the passengers and crew of a Rock Island express train' near here early this morning, dynamited the safe In the express car and took $50,000. ' J, J. Baxter 1 agent for the W.L. " Douglas, Lewis Crossett and W, P. Tay- pJor's .hoea.for mea and E. E. Reed's shoes for women. , Svery pair guaran t led. Dorer WewsVvv I. Not. 14. Mr Charley Brooms died In )Us place today about 13 o'clock of Ty pbold fever. 'y;i'!.:,?,ifcfct ', Mr FN Hawkins has sold out his entire stock of goods to MrH B Daugher tyJr. 4 ' ' '"Chickens and eggs are very high in this place. Chickens 80 to 85 cents each, tiggs 20 per ddzen. " ' ' ' " ' ,. A gentlemen was put to a great deal of Jrouble on the Shoo Fly Sunday by the : Paegaga master putting off hla wheel at the wront station. ; - Dover is still on the Increase now buildings are going up dally, v The weather Is fine today. CAS.I Ca J A r Tor- Info's r- CLiLIrcn. i't:JY;j:. i' iT--lt TELEGRiPEIC BRETTTIES. . Odessa hat ben opened again for com merce, being free of the plague of Aalat le cholera. - . The steamer Bosnia, reported lost In a gale oa the Black Sea, has arrived at Constantinople. United States Ambassador to England Choate la going to Egypt for the open ing of the Nile dam. , Paderewskl haa decided to appear at the festival In Berlin next October des pite hla declaration not to play again In that city.'-',: . . " Typesetters, trolleymen and coach men In Havana went on a strike Batnr day. -. ;' ' ' . BM.'.' St ' I' ' The entire train service In Texas It de morallaed by the heavy rains of Thursday and Friday in that 8tate. ; ? r T The Government Investigation In Court of the ao called Beef Trust hss been fixed for December 6th, la Chicago, Twenty seven striking thopmen In Omaha, Neb., are under arrest for viola ting the Federal Injunction against pick etlng. .Germany haa selected at the Exposi tion In Bt. Louis, MOn for IU lite the one that the board -of lady managers picked for the women's building. ' - Scarcity of coal has caused the closing of the five cotton mills ot Charlotte, N. C throwing thousands of cotton mill employes out of work. : y ,A cable dispatch has been received by the Philippines Commission stating the number of eases of cholera it reduced Ufive a day Instead of thirty four a week ao. ;' . . . .'V- : ... . ' In the examination of Dr. Gibbons be-. fore the Strike Commission, Pr Gibbons said the miner's occupation tubjects a man to pleurisy, gout, neuralgia, asthma bronchitis, sciatica and other diseases, and that he would not- permit the em' ploymont In mines of children under fifteen years of age. He testified the necessity of better ambulance tervlce at collieries.. Articles ot incorporation have been granted by the Secretary of State to the Durham Hebrew Congregation Com pany. Its object la to promote the growth ot the Hebrew region in Dur ham vicinity and elsewhere, ' v Jim Wilcox, the a'leged murderer of Nellie Cropsey, when asked if he would be content with a verdict of murder In the second degree, replied: : "Give me liberty or give me'death." 1 General Yiljoen,' the Boer Commander embarked at London for New Tork Sat urday on the American Liner St. Louis The uproar In the Spanish Chamber of Deputies, last evening, canted by Robledos't attack on Premier Sagasta, became to great that the Premier with drew, and the president of the house closed the sitting amidst the Opposition members' protests and cries of "There Is ne Government.1' f-" The English Admiralty Court has awarded to the Harrison Line steam- ship "Scholar" eighteen thousand pound for salvaging the American liner Bel genlaad. , . ' , , i n f i-.fm f At a reception of five hundred Pled- montese pilgrims Friday morning by the Pope, he referred to the rumors of hit Indisposition, adding: , "My time haa not come yet. I have many things to accomplish before death." . . t Two hundred miners are on a strike at Athens, O., as a result otthe discharge Mine Motorman Clarence Russell, who, instead of reporting for .work went rab bit hunting. - ,. ; -.1 "Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.! The secret Is out and New Bern can go on living just aa u the riddle had never been asked. V. V.'r : No It can't, either, New Bern it not going to be what It was before. Itt houses aie going to be brighter; Itt peo ple a little more prosperous they are going to have some of their money left to bay other thlnga with. ? j 4 t Tbt answer to the riddle is; yoa cari paint a building with fewer gallons of DevoeLead aad ZIno paint than with mixed paints,- and It will wear several timet as long as a building painted with lead and oil mixed by hand. . ' X There'e proof abundant of It all over the United 8tates., There . will soon be proof abundant ot it In New Bern. What will people do with the rest of their money? E, - W. Smallwood sells thlt paint ' - - V A Bad Accident., , t Two and three-quarter boxes on LD, I, foad was badly wrecked on last Satur day, but we undern'Ad tame will be re- pi iced at once, as wat only clothing, Cause of trouble was a rush of people at "I'll Do Ii'e"-43 Middle street. , , 1 i)1 1 tata 1 1 n - Pon't pay tl.P3-and ft.fl f-r Hid C.u..), tat go to J, J,- laxti and got t'if a for ?:o. and ?1,C3. .TALE AICD HARVARD. The Mack Discussed Contest Between the Jtlg Teams Uclded. ' pedal to JomaL New Haven, Conn 4 November 23. The contest on the gridiron today be tween Tale and Harvard resulted In the championship going to .Yale. The score was, Tale It, Harvard 0. Enormous Rain Fall. Special to Journal. ' Dallas,' Tax, Nov. 83. Telegrams from parte of the State give Information of enormous rata falls. "Blehteem Inches have fallen durlng the past 84 hoars. ' - - ' "k Market Letter on Cotton. .: ', J, j . . r . . - . . - By privau wire, J. E Latham & Ce. New Tork, November 24 -At BM, the prioe touched thlt a. m. , March cot ton hat enjoyed the substantial advance of 50 points In less than 10 trading days. In view of all circumstanoea this It a noteworthy gain and one that Inclines the conservative holder to Una profits regardless ot the future. It may be that the eotton world It all wrong and! prices are now on the way to 9c before the bu reau report It may be crop la really 10 million and there are sensational; devel opments ahead of us. , All of thu 1 may be buf it will be remembered less than 3 weeks ago we said we believed In buy ing on every break, and It .wu many a weary day before thlt cotton showed a profit Now ' we are having the other turn of the wheel. Buying against the tide wat the tafe thing to do below 8c. to telling for profits on an advance of 60 oointa la the thine to do bow. Thlt It not saying market won't go higher. Prices are running In wavea and there It no telling what prices may do.- Every body will take profits on such bulges aa these. ' Spot Interests are working for thlt advance and are now anxious to see a narrower difference between January and March. Weather it bad, froatsmore likely to appear and Liverpool in a de moralized condition. ! 8ell long cotton on every advance. " ' ! ' -j ' 3. E. Latham & Co. New Tork, Not. 23,The market had a ten point break thla a. m. and then a sharp recovery of 8 to 10 points. Break due to lower Liverpool cablet and nat ural telling after the advance, The re covery waa due to moderate estimates at Houston for Monday and the prospect of a moderate movement of cotton next week as bureau la expected to be bullish. We will not have much short telling In the meantime.- Those who believe In a large crop and consider anything over 8I0. In New Tork hardly justified at this season of the year will welcome advance to tell on. Those who look for moder ate receipts and the ( coming reports aa bull factors will buy as long aa the mar ket keeps going up. ' The two tend to create, a better . market and one that should be a fair risk to buy on any breaks. The market showed resistance to pressure.' We should not be surprised to tee a lower . range of wheat early In the week 'and would certainly buy, if lett than 1 to 3 points.'. One reason for the recent advance has been bad reports from Texas where excessive rains have delayed picking caused rot, etc. Then why not delay- marketing aa well; It works both ways f We would continue to sell on every advance and wait tor a substaatlal break for baying again. , i ; J. E Latham ft Co. 33 to 2' nr wort Nov, 24. Since -our last writing we have had new 1 neighbors to move near Olympla, Mr. land 1 Mrs. J. B. Brinson moved on the farm? of Mr A L Holton. Mr Brinson ,wu. recently hart in the Rawla timber woods near Beelaboro but Is much better at present. . ;m ' i ,v Well,, well fate hu decreed ; again Our peeple or aome are glad and some are sorry at the unfortunate fellow who got the "green grapes" recently, he for got the people In the wild west use dif ferent bait-f roar the people down cut When they go gshlng, "We think it would not be amiss to say with the poet thU Ume f ; ' w. From rocks and aandt, 'yi;j , . And barren lands. , cv:.t ; juna lortune set me iree ; ia inn'. From great guna, and women' ten gnes, -v '0 Good Lord deliver me1 I J 1 1 Revr Mr Jenklna JUed hit .regular appointment Sunday.' 4" H j Wonder whers"Brown EveaV f Reelsboro Is, let, ns hear ; from, thai plaoa,; aa '".3 'i! r' JiHvM- Arapauuai - gums your - 5 A 1 . f - 11. .i The Roller "tray trunk 'still takes t he lead, a lady should buy no other maiie. For tale by J.J. BAXTER, f I j " AWIlcoi,Trial Id Perquimans,- f After a Careful investigation of ll'ao Wlloox sentiment u It exists In neigh boring Countle! Judge ' Fred Moore 1 or dered Saturday that. the trial' to iie carried to - Hertford, Perquimans Con - In an interview - Judge Moors aalda "I find aeopla 1b Peraulmana opposed to capital punishment, and thla wilt be in favor of the defendant" m- -' - H . The Cropsey family fought TlgonoOHjy against the change and are bitter over the Supreme Court doeWoa. j. , - . ; lit C:-rv, Interest In Cattle Raising- la ute Eastern Counties. Will Fin Selatetef Heaer. Big BalldoealaU ScheelFnad Talaatloai Are ' Iaereased. , K , Raliiqb, Not. 24. -Today Commis sioner of Agriculture Patterson and Suit Teterlnarlaa Talt Butler left for Ellrabeth City, to attend a farmerf steel lng. Dr. Butler slys that there la a coa- slderablt Increase In InUrest In cattle raising in the section around juuaDeta City. Edgecombe county, however, heads all those in the eastern part of the Bute in this important matter. Excel lent progress la being made there. . The congregation of the First Presby terian church here at a meeting yester day called Rev. Cave of Paducah, Ky, to be the pastor. A . charter it granted the Alleghany Land and Lumber Company or Ashe ville. People of Wllllsmsport, Pa, are the principal stockholders. Rifles were today taken out to the Soldiers Home and In future a squad Will fire a salute over the graves of those who die there and are burled in the Con federate Cemetery near by. Frank Wynne, a Wayne county negro who murdered hit nephew, sold some property and put up $3,500 cash for ap pearance, then fled and waa re-captured at Fayettevllte, escapes the gallows. What may be termed a compromise effected, by which he will not be tried for murder in the first degree, but will plead guilty to murder In the second de gree, get a ten years sentence, and for feit to the public school fund the $2,500 he deposited as bail. . Btate Auditor Dixon says that there It more "excess" reported by corporations this year than last year, and that more corporations have reported. He . says that thlt year a number of corporations have increased the valuation of their real and personal property to a figure equalling their assessment of capital Stock. Think of This. A great number of vessels of light draft come to this port, many of them are from Swansboro, Beaufort, The Straits, and In L fact 111 along the .coast. They nearly all pus through the old Clubfoot and Harlowe Conal. This canal belongs to a corporation, Who hu'almost abandoned it, in fact no tolls have been collected for several vtars. A great saving of distance and many dangers are avoided by putlng through the canal, but the skippers re port that it is fast filling up, and before many years perhaps will be Impuslble. Some effort might be made to Induce the government, to acquire the title to thla waterway and appropriate a sum sufficient to open .it for traffic. I ; The canal proper, that is where dredg ing would be needed is said to be only about three mllea, and a comparatively small asm; ot money would do fhls work. ,1 . -J To open - the canal would be a great convenience to the people along the cout in Onslow and Carteret counties, and merchants of thlt city would tell hundreds of dollars worth of goods that are now braght elsewhere, w . Bellair Hews. Nov. 24.-Well this is Beech Grove' beginning of Thanksgiving, and wliu such bountiful crops boused general health good, we will try to continue 1 Thanksgiving till Thursday and longer; but on Thursday we shall be aorry tor the farmers frlendathe birds, they do as ao' much eood we don't want them scared away or killed. The Beech Grove Missionary Society had Its fifteenth missionary anniversary Friday November 21, and though we are somewhat reduced in numbers by deaths removals, etc., the full force we had turned out, and we had a good day, Many of our friends bom New Bern -remembered ue and gave ui their presence and encouragement, , A few were 'with u from other parti of the circuit. 5 Oar dinner wu up to the atandud perhaps we might sty ahead, for after a to mtiful repast for about one hundred persons.there were taken up of the '-f tag ments1! and whole pieces too.euough for several sufferers. ' Oar collection while not at large at we haws made, wu really larger than we mected as we had fewer workers than formerly, . : .- " , After paying for our missionary: liter ature for another year we turned over to nor Pastor 80 dollars. " Socially, It wu a good day, and all aeemed to enioy the occulon; but the beat of the feut wu a very . warm - Im seeulve talk to our society by Bro. R F Bumoas. Surely such an address will brisg fruit for another year. A Fine Catch. ' The largest fish that hu been . caught with hook and line, out of the waters around here, -wu suocessfally landed yesterdap by Mr. J, R. Pope. , Ihe fish was what Is locally known Welshman, and wu indeed a noble specimen, tipping the seales at eight pounds and four ounces. Mr. Pope made his fine catch near the Neuie river bridge, using live bait, and intimated that there were p'.nty of oil ers there, but It Is presumed t&t he w eat'; led with t' a ovo. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Is The Pardoning Power Abused T Ed JocasAL In the Journal ef the Slat Inst, It la aeea that yoar Raleigh correspondent tells that during the past sixty days while Got. Ayeock wu cam paigning, he Issued tea pardons of con victs from the penitentiary, and the papers la the cases were prepared to day." .Thla writer la a Democrat a genuine Tar Heel" Carolinian. Hu been a voter full five decades, and In early life wu In some measure In the political area; sometimes accompanied candidates and did son canvassing. Though more than once solicited, he never had any aspiration for public of fice or position. He more than once read the Decaration of Our Independ ence or 4th of July celebration. Hu more than once read our Constitution, and hu always felt a disapproval of the Teto power, aad he will ask, why In rea son or justice, after the majority of both branches of Congress pusea a law the President If he desires, can veto It, rend erfhg It nail and Told. Is that not plain- ly an Imperial power, a power that is not other than a ttain, nay a blot upon American Escatchebn.clalmlng as we do to be a country of Freemen who yean ago threw off the tyranny, of Singly power of ruling. Thla view mty conflict with opinion of some politicians or of distinguished Savants, but that matters not, (t thlt American claiming the writer is an right of opinion. That as yet hu net been Vetoed. To me the pardoning power seems far more wrong than the Veto power; as tie In a different line, and touches the safety of communities. Hence let me ask, why have we courts wav arraign a law breaker before a udge, a sworn jury, and sworn wit nesses, who prove nini guilty, ana tne udge sentence! him, for a term in the penitentiary, If a one man power can pardon him; Let him loose again upon community. I repeat, why have we courtt r Of course I have no personal feeling against our worthy Governor, I can vassed for, and voted for him, and re gard him u an excellent gentleman, whose sympathy It easily touched. Tet, perhapt he does not see In the proper light, that these appeals for pardons, are chiefly the work of paid lawyers, who get Up touching appeals, signed by' -Tom Dick and Ham" to aid in swelling the namber, who uk for pardons by his Ex cellency, of scoundrels. New Bern not long ago, had a case in point, an appeal wat made to the Gov ernor to pardon a poor fellow, wco it wu laid wu wasting away by consump tion. Hewu pardoned, and the Jour nal said few men were seen on the street who made a better appearance of health than he did. And before two months had elapsed, he again was a law viola tor. I'll only add, that possibly the coming Legislature, may deem It proper, to take deserved notice of the matter indi cated. . , .;,.. T. L. H. Morehead City, Not. 21, 1903. A Leather Trust hu been incorporat ed In North Carolina, with $121,000,0001 capital. , V-. .. ..-.. 1 ran nv mm i AND REST FOR MOTHERS Sleep for Skla Tortured Babies and Rest for Tired Mothers, in '";r,;,WarmBattjwltIi , And pcntl appllcatioos of Giti cura Ointment, purest ot emol lients and greatest of skin cores,' to be followed in severe cases by ; mild doses of Cuticura Resolvent . Pills. This b the most speedy, permanent, and economical treat ment for torturing, dtsfigftirinp;, hchinor, burnine, tke&nz. scaly " cr us tea, and pimply skin and scalp , humours, with loss ot hair, ol in- tants and ciuidren, ever com- , pounded, x ''.. :.; 'vs Mtlltows ot Pf"tl tibk CrrrtomiA 8oa. ltwt by CuiKHiua Oiktmicnt, for beauH. fving the kin, fur ciiianniii the acalp, and . tlie Bttomliijc of fn'in.n huir, for aotumlnpr, : Wiiiu-au, and smu.,n,g rt, rourh. and Bore fiHn.iii, for ail t piinotMiBof the toiiot, t'H.Hit' l niirrT. untHOf womi-n line CU- nnu- u... v or o ' 1' ', in v i r , . ... i. f ., t SLEEP I'll A 1 w iTAl TAKE DOWN A Winchester Take-Down Repeating Shotgun, with J strong shooting, full choked barrel, suitable for J trap or duck ahoodnt , and an extra intercnangeabie Ing, lists at only $42.00. . Dealers aell them for fan. This rnakea a serrkeabls all round an within 'reach of every body'e pocket book. Winchester '.Shorrana ontahoot and outlast the most enenatrv 1 double barrel guns and are Just as reliable besides. 1 rYCHSTE tsnnxm urns co, . ne bates, coxy. "Like burning a candle at both ends:" Trading with houses that ciedit la like "burning r candle at both' ends", it's wasteful, Credit houses pat a profit on for those who dont pay. THE BEE HIVE SELLS NO are smaller than credit houses, nothing added for the non-paying class, and they are legion. We also make you a partner in dend of 4 Per cent- 011 verT 25-00 ou wouia piCK up a aouar 11 1 a 1 11 m you were in luck. you can pick up dollars here by ftt ?fe . hnrf.--nnj Ua. - - . We are bringing all our resources t bear to make it pay you to be a regular customer at our store. It will pay you to come in and Our tine of Mens, Womens and Chtldrens Underwear is targe and prices very low . Cotton Fleece and Wool Rib and Flat " u . for girls 1 ' for Men, We have a full line of Wright's boys The Bee Hive, PATTERSON & HILL, . . 61 Pollock St., Opposite Episcopal Church U Sal . Not having sufficient room, have decided to close out all our Mens Underwear. We do this at this time of the year to dean np 'everything r on1 hand.' ' Only v a few weeks to the extremely cold weather, : why not an ticipate a little and choose now, from the following: , Mens Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, heavy qual , ity, worth 85c, while they'last, , Mens Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, Extra Fine Quality, neVar sold for less than $1 00, Price now v . 79c. Mens Extra Heavy Shirts and Drawers II 19. -All New, Fresh Goods, Very Cheap km Only one month in which to select presents. -. , We call your attention first to the neatest and cheapest article we ever offered.' "We have six designs of the Magnificent Buildings of the Pan American Ex position reproduced in the bowls of beautiful silver af ter dinner coffee spoons. . V r - l ". Thess spoons are heavy plated with silver on white metal and will wear a long while. . ". ; Price lOo each or set. of six for 68c Any ne would appreciate Buch a present. . R 111 REPEATING SHOTGUNS; : ? you and an additional one for V .V , ; ; n ONE ON CREDIT, their profit ' ' , our business, by paying you a dm J0 Pend m 0M store- you iomnu it ou uie eureei suu uuus m 3 1 1! -J. A Jt lVI-1. oir dividend system, but this is investigate this system ' Knit for Lad.es, 45 to $15 00 suit and boys, - 80o to $1 00 -' 50o to 2 00 ' Health Underwear for men and aLi P)ci a 63c X I X j i C ....