IflS WEEKLY JOURNAL SrU.Uak 187C PnhlUhod in Two fectteea, every Toes U ud Friday, at 96 MMdlctrwOww CHARLES L. STEVEN 5J bdrob am PMnUBOfi . SUBSCRIPTION RATEe- Twe Months,.. ..7Bta. Three Montba, BO Biz Months. 80 u Twelve Months, tl.W ONLY CT ADVAMC. I Advertising rates funaihed npoa ap plication at the office, or npon inquiry by maiL tTbe JotnutiA u only sent oa per-In-edvaaee baain. Saboeribert will receive no tic of sxpimtion of their aub criptioiw and an immediate reaponse to notice wJ, be appreciated . by the jounax Entered at tbe Poetofflee, Hew Ben a. u aa second-ciaaa nuttier. Section TwctFrlday Not. 21, 1908 "USELESSNESS OF THE SOLID SOUTH." Oommoa-eense politics, therefore, re quires that the Booth ahoold dismiss for erer Ita wlll-o'-the-wlsp fancy that Its solidity for one party, and a thoroughly discredited party at that, can ever make It dominant in the nation. It haa no title to such a position and no reaaon to hope for It. Step by step It has de stroyed within its limit all parties bat one. This policy alone la sufficient warn Ing against any political combination it can offer. The Booth should torn its at tention to the possible, the progressive and the modern. It has a vital Interest, for example. In tbe protection of Ameri can lndustriea and In other economic is sues. As a solid political force It has be come a negligible quantity In a national sense. The above from the St. Louis Globe Democrat, Is strictly a partisan and un fair criticism, especially so far as It re lates to North Carolina. This State is solidly Democratic be cause It Is this party which haa given character and stability to every commer cial, social and educational Interest within Its borders. The Globe-Democrat's party has had its opportunity In North Carolina to practice some of Its fine theories, but If this party had something of "common- sense politics," it was never put Into ex ecution while the Republicans were In power. Rather quite the opposite, for the State was .'discredited at home and abroad during the political reign of others, not Democrats. The Globe-Democrat, further states me Bouurs political souaness is Decause this section desires political power In the nation. The basis for this assertion is hard to prove, for the political effort, locally, In all Southern States, haa been first to establish a stable and economic govern ment within the State, regardless of how national affairs might go. The Democratic party In the South stands for those very things, "protection of American Industries and other econo mic issues," and because it does, it Is kept In political power. The "uselessness," Is political Imagery on the part of the Globe-Democrat. The i political party preserving and aervlng the best Interests of the people, Is going to be kept In power In the South and up to the present time Its name is, Democratic party. "Common sense politics" to not the sole property of Missouri. .. If It Is, the Globe-Democrat ' has never to recorded It, nor la it recorded elsewhere. GREAT WORK OF LIFE SATING SERVICE, v The report of the work done- during 1902, by the life saving service of this country,-, makes a most gratifying; ex hibit, in the results obtained through this humane organization. 'f The report shows that the number of disasters to vessels within the scope of operations of these trice during the year was greater than ever before' with the exception of the year 1898 and 1901, yet the loss of life was small. ' The-aumber of lives bat from documented veseeli those of five tons harden, or overwas only. 19, while six were lost iron, smaller craft-tall boats, row boats, etc., mak ing a total of 25, a number far below the average. .-.y.vv SM;2; r , V; .The amount of property i Imperilled waa greatly In excess of that of any previous year In the history of the ser- Ice, owing to (he unusual number of larger vessels . la velved. ' JSTo lest than 64 vessel of over 1000 Ions burdens, or wwofij aumber 38 were steamers, tuHered -disaster. . The loss of pro perty, however, ai comparatively Tbe number of disasters to document I vessels was 833. Oa board these V elg were were 8i24 persons, of whom 13 Tore lost, Tbe estimated value of t tv:5.r f-.i r'.ttf v - l and $3,87,T90 lost. The Bomber of ves sels totally lost was 51. . It la thU great work of the hardy and brave life saving crews, which so great ly lease as the dangers of those who mast gala a livelihood upon the waters and sayea property from total lees. It b a service which brings great re turns for the money spent la keeping It TRUST REMEDT LEGISLATION. To legislate npoa aa equitable treat law is a matter which demaada wisdom and conservatism oa the part of Con- greet. Any monopoly or trust. In Its control upon a special commodity, a consump tive article, holds the lives of the com munity la lta power, because it to the sole possessor of what is necessary te, and that which enters into the lives of the cilitens of a community. Government or legislative doing away or the destruction of f monopoly or trust, would work evil to all Interests.be eause the legislative action necessary to destroy, would In Its operation prove destructive to other Interests, besides the trust which might be destroyed. There are remedies which Congress might In Its legislative capacity enact which would prove restraining la effect upon trusts, leading to their being de prived of that power which now over rides all, and makes them a danger and menace to the stability of the coun try. One remedy is publicity of the actual workings of a monoply, and follow Ins; this a law against over valuation, the Issuing of Block In excess of tbe actual property value of the corporation or trust. Through publicity of a trust's affairs, its actual profits, and how made, compe tition by the individual outside of trust, would be encouraged, and a law for the suppression of the over valuation and stock watering by corporations, would place them on an equalized basis of earn ing dividends. Such an equalization would mean that employes would be protected In their wage earnings, giving them a share In the prosperity which might come to the corporation, because the corporation would be earning its dividends upon n honest valuation basis, sud not upon a basis of over valuation. Trusts or corporation earnings based upon this honest valuation, wculd also help the consumer, as he could buy upon a basis of profit to the corporation or trust, at a much lower figure, becase he would not have to pay the extra sum to make good the trust's dividend earnings, based upon its excessive over valuation in It watered stock. Legislation by Congress, along such lines as these could not fall to be pro ductive of benefit to the consumer and the wage earner, and aell not work In jury to trusts. Beware oi OintmentsforCatarrh ThatiContalns Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tlons from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them Ball's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and to taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Ia buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure yon get the genu ine. It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo,' Ohio, by F. J. .CheneyJ &;Oo. Testimonials free. Soldjby Druggists. Prlce.75c per.bot- tle. - ' Ball's Family pillsre tfia.best. ' SHORT STORIES. . .An ounce troy of pure gold is worth 120.67. 1 ' The estate of a Long Island miter who died last year to appraised at 4V 000. His household effects are valued at $10. - -i:.f:- The submarine boat to not a success, many declare, because the persona on board of tbem are in more danger than, tbe enemy. :C. '. 1 : ;.;. . .--v; f."l : The average value of a horse In tbe United States to 140.07, being lowest in Arizona ($13.61) and highest In Rhode Island ($80.12). . . ' ; . Tbe government has withdrawn from publla entry a tract of 8,400,000 cret of land in the Blue mountains, la Ore goo, at a forest reserve. ' j According to the Motor Car Illus trated, the omnibus deposed the crino line, the bicycle tbe bustle, and now the motor car will lop tbe feminine train. . .- ;; ' The water of the artesian wells in the desert regions of southern Califor nia rises sometimes to the height of two feet over tbe top of a four Inch Iron pipe,-- f'-'.-i ; -t. Y'-' ' , t-; . The ocean travel' along the route from the Pugct sound country to Bkag nay averages during the summer tea ton a boat a day, these vessels being of 1,000 tons and upward; ; j startling; But Jnt. ! " ''IfJ every one, knew what a greed medicine Dr. King's New Life Pills Is," writes D. n. Turner, Dempseytown, Pa., "you'd sell all you have in a day Two w'ks' use has made a new man of me." I "i f r crnflt'pn'Jon, stomach and rt !. V.o at?a D. . '- 'Lam P A Golden Rule of Agriculture: B rood to your Uad aad row craft . wUbegood. riaatyef N Potash to the hrtfllMr aptlls quality and quantity 1a the har Write us and rfw we will firt, by tend yon, swat tuil. winning books. ntuM uu wata. N I Hnr itrk. THE FASHIONS. New fall eoatt will come half way down the skirt Black and wblt, all black, pale blue and green seem to be tbe favorite col ors for ties. Large white tulle bows, with polk dots of green velvet, are worn at the base of the neckband In front The monoKrun buckle to tbe latest style for tbo colonial shoe. It to made of gun metal, with the monogram of sterling silver. Chinese and Russian effects In em broidery a n1 cross stitch, with coarse lose, are modish trimmings for early fall costumes. The style In shoes has changed great ly. Heels are- much higher, toes more pointed and the curve at the Instep more pronounced. A smart llttio reefer coat of tan cloth to doubl breasted and curved In at the aides. It to an exception to the prevail ing mode, but Is extremely chic. Tbe use of white satin, narrow fur edgings. One untarnisbable gold braid. costly buttons and guipure laces will be a feature of cloth and velvet gowns for two seasons to come. New York Tribune. Asleep Amid Flames. Breaking Into a blaring home, some firemen lately dragged the sleeping in mates from death. Fancied security, and death near. It's that way when you neglect coughs and colds. Don't do it. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tlon gives perfect protection against all Throat, Chest and Lung Trouble. Keep It near, and avoid suffering, death, and doctor's bills. A teaspoonful stops a late cough, persistent nse the most stub born. Harmless and nice tasting, It's guaranteed to satisfy by O. D. Bradham. Price 50c. and 91.00. Trial bottles free. She Kirw! Mrs. Hayfork (In country poetofflee) Anything for me? Postmaster I dou't sec uothln. Mrs. Hayfork I was ei pectin' a let ter or postcard, from Aunt Spriggs tell In what day she was comin',. Bural Postmaster (calling to his wife) DM you see a postcard from Mrs, nayfork's Aunt Sally 1 His Wife Yes. She's comln' on Thursday. Prickly heat cured in one application by using of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. It will also cure Eczema. Fetter. Pirno- les, Ringworm, Dandruff, Cuts, Burnt, Old Sores, and all akin troubles In a short time, when used at directed. For sale at F.S-'Duffy's Drag Store, The Orkae? Ialftnt. "The member from the Orkneys" Is the only man In tbe British house of commons who can say be sits for 200 islands. Only sixty of the Islands are inhabited, but the constituency em braces more than 60,000 people. ; .. . Tbe Orkneys were once given by Nor way to England as. security for a queen's dower and never redeemed. In the Islands tbe voters must go to the polls by boats, and In some cases the distance to be traveled to eight miles. OAOVO Bam -jmmmmitmdKet m Oraa Hist tt Coaattaia, . - "Bee aeret" remarked tbe guest to the new waiter. "There doesn't teem to be any soup oa this menu eard." "Oh, aa, sir, wplted . th miter nervously. "I didn't spin it it this table; tt was tbe one on tbe other side of the MonVV-CbKmnatL Commercial Tribune. . '' Use Hancock's Liquid ttalphar, for Eczema, Pimples, Ringworm, Dan draff and all akin diseases.-. For tale at F. 8. Dmffy,t,i::t-5,; - ',' :- 'p":.i .' :-. t A all' risk Tee.'-,' -j1"'-: Sailors have a very simple and what to laid to be tv very effective way of determining : the edible , or nonedlbtt qualities Of ny tiew varieties of flab they may happen to tan across. In the water la which tie. fish to tolled to placed brlgfct silver coin, : If the coin retains ltajiatural color daring Vm boil ing process, tna fish to good to eat, but if tt turn dark tat txd la redacted, The test mscr-tian for EalarU. , Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Gaova'i TARnjtssCBn.it Tomo. It Is simply iroa and quinine in a tasteleat font. No nura ao pay. Prlee 50c -' ' ' ' v.! , . ii '! '- - Several detective agencies do a large business watching tbe movements of bank clorka after business hours. By1 ttral la tcnol. Experiments In German t ohoolt have thown that In October t;-.-'' can oa tbe average see loKers of a fclvea sire a yard farther away Dut at tie end Of the winter months. : ' s LIquIJSuI SMC As IW1 Americaa drar Co. Headquarters ' Established at Darbam. Iaipertaat V. 8. Cases at Wllailag : tea. Begretftr Death tfBev. -Wwtta K. 6alet. A "Day . . Naraerj" Opeaed. Thlr teea Ceavicta Seat to State Farm. . RaxxiOB, Nov. II. The .American St I r . a .a . . a . m vigmr vompaay Bat ooBNauesua seu I In thla Rtatit vlth nMilnnartiira mt On. ! ham and Frank L. Fuller aa Its repra- teoUUve. lu capital to 110,000,000 of which $9,966,000 ia paid ap. The penaioa warrenta are bow being rapidly prepared, so that all oaa be tent oat by State Auditor Dlxoa December llFirst class 'pensions wDJ thla year get $80. Sad class $40. trd class $35. and 4th elasa, Includlag widows, $14.50. Uoited States DUtrlct Attorney, Harry Skinner kft today for Wilmington, Where a term of the United Btatea Dis trict Court begins Monday, Bt says there are some Important post office let oa the docket Judge Pnrnell and United 6tatea Marshal Dockery will leave her Sunday for Wilmington. Great regret to expressed here at the death of Rev. Weston R. Galea, a native of this city, at Montreal, aooloay of which he was the founder.' He was aa Independent evangelist aad conducted services here during the week of the Bute Fair la a Bapttot Charon. He had for a long time been In weak health. Et wu a son of the lata Maj. .Beaton Galea, who died In 1879, and great grandson of lbs noted Joseph Gales, who was known all over the United States aa on of the editors of the National IntelUgenoer. Jndge-elect Charles M. Cooke of Loalsburg was here today and was a caller at the executive office. He was oa his way home from Shelby, where he spoke at a large re-union of ex-Gonfed- orate Veterana. News reaches here that J. L. it. Car ry, for some time sick at Aahevllle, to now Improving. The stockholders of the Oak City to bacco warehouse and Investment com pany, met here today and elected officers and directors This company baa bought a lot now occupied for city purposes and next will build a large leaf warehouse, a stemmery, etc, - The "day nursery which la for the special benefit of working mothers, wu opened here today. It is maintained by one of tbe circles of King's Daugh ters. ' " Thirteen convicts have been sent from the penitentiary to Join the large force at the State farm on the Roanoke river, leaving only about 65 convicts In the main prison. This afternoon the ftueral ot Mr. J. K. Barkley was held here. He was widely known for years aa a commercial trav eller. His health Vroke down some months sgo. He was a Confederate Vet eraa and the local camp paraded .at the funeral. He was -a prominent member of the Baptist Tabernacle. ; C rt B.oo 1, fcfc-n Troablm, l .near, Bload Poison. GreattBloo4Pmriar If your blood Is Impure, thin, diseased hot or full of humors, if yon have blood poison, eaaoer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrotals, eczema, itching, risings aad lumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, "or amy blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) acordtng to directions. Soon all tores heal, aches and paint atop, the blood Is mote pure and rich, leaving the skin free from every eruption, and giv ing the rich glow ot perfect health to the skin. - At the ssnts time B. B, B, im proves the digestion, cures dyspepsia, strengthens weak kidneys. Just tht medl cine for old people, as It elves them new, vigorous Mood. Druggists, $1 per largo bottle, with directions for home cute. Sample free and prepaid by writ ing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. De scribe trouble and special fret medical advice also tent In sealed letter. B. B. B it especially advised for chronic, deep seated cases of Impure blood and akin disease, and cures after ail el falls. For sale by F. S. Daffy and O. D. Brad ham. . : ' - - . .... A Wnaaa'a laveatfea. f! It was a woman who Invented the tack puller, which, to now to widely used In this country. The tsck- puller to simply a leverlike arrangement by means of which the tacks holding a carpet to tbe floor can be easily, and tpeedily pulled out,. .S'V t : , Luck In Thirteen, j V ' By tending IS miles Wm. 8plrey, of Walton Furnace, Yt., got a. box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, that wholly cared a horrible Fever Sore on hit leg. Morning else could, positively caret Bruises, Felons, Ulcers, : Eruptions, Bolls, Barns, Corns and Piles. Caly 35o. Guaranteed by;. D. Bradham drag- " " Bum Broedln.-""""'" ' In England and France horse breed ing pays farmers better than anything otoe. " ' .... The scent of an otter to conveyed to tbe pursuing hound wLT.e undr water by the "chain" of bubbtes wblch mark 1U devious course, , ; EISTRESSKG STO! Permanently cured by the masterly power of "Sooth Axibtcsk Kehvibi ToniO." Invalids need s Ijr no lorir, because this great rcmeJ 1 a csre t' a all.' It Is a euro for tl d uue wor'Jcf stomach weaknr s an 1 i. " K.ljn. 1' eure t-Ins !:'a t'.s C ; C t. 1' l r f itl)t!r:sl3i ,tv.' . . t . ' ' ; I i ' i no t ' ' y, i r i for, "t bo? T y 1 I f y !i ( si TXLEGXirniC tETmrs. Pres. Sootevelt haa returned home frost his Mississippi hut bearksa. He was accorded warn and t&Utoalattto receptions at Mtmphia aadKaoxvlUt Tana. Tht Toloaala traptloa of Saalo Maria, la Qaataatala, to said to hart ceased the aeaist at nenuiatt or youpio Uvettoek la Colorado art periahiag great auabart oa aeooaat of the drought there. : Revaaae officers raided tlx Illicit stills la South Carolina Tharsday. They had little trouble la ascaring the moonshine material f ... . : - - . Mrs Carrie Halloa of hatchet fame, made oat of her periodical sensations by attending tht New York horse show Wednesday evening aai criticising la a load itrldaaA oka the wearing apparel of the ladtot atleadlng tht show. Bht was taoorted oat of tht room by tht nolle. . - Mist Httta Gere, an isttrVaa artist ttadytog In Parto waa killed Tharsdsy U the room of a Rasalaa Noblomaa la tht French CapltoL The affair bat oaaaed setae tantatiom and there to con siderable mystery as Us polios authori ties are aot certala, whether It to murder ortulctde, Much of the tlnklng, tired and empty feeling irons which boslneas men who iwosw. their brains alone so often suffer la doe to tbe accumulation of toxins tn tbe system which went "working off." Two meato a day and active exercise sir the preventive, and there to no ex ercise which can be got at any time and by anybody to the extent that walking can. But to do good tt must not be Mastering.- Beally "smart" avalkiog to sr&at to wanted-BoapttaL YOU mOW WHAT TOD AM TAIIHfi When yoa take Grove's Tasteleat Chill Tonic, because the formula . to plainly printed oa every bottle showing that it It simply Iroa and quinine In a tasteless 4rm. No cure no pay. Price 66a Bow tkx stMta Cfeaaaroa. . How does one- generation of men nccced anotberT Tbe fathers are not wept away In a body to make room or the children, bat one by one tbe old drop off and tbe young come on until a day to reached when none of those remain that once were here. How does some form of human speech be come extinct? About 100 years ago an old lady named Doily Dentreath died In Cornwall. She could speak tbe Cornish language. After, her death there waa nobody that could. Thus quietly did tbe living Corotoh language become a dead language. And In a like unobtrusive manner nave been wrought most of the new becomings which have changed and are changing the tearthWobn Ftsk fen Harper'a. . . Orlando, Fla,, Oct. 9, 1901. Tht Hancock Liquid Salphar Oo., Balti more, Md. i ". . GeaUemesu -I take pleasure ia recom mending Eanoock'a Liquid Salphar to any one suffering with Xeaema. I have had It for ten or fifteen yean, havt tried many remedies and found no relief until I was Induced to try your "H. L. 8," Have only used It a short while and am now almost entirely cured. I can truth fully say that after fifty years as prac ticing physician that your Liquid Sul phur to tht most woaderf a! remedy for icrema I have ever known. Yours respectfully, ' - DR. W, W. LKAKK. For tale at F. B. Duffya. T" 11nolU tt to stated that walk through the cellars at the London docks, where large quantities of spirits art stored, baa at first a peculiarly stimulating ef fect followed by depression, headache and nausea. - -.- . These can bt quickly cored by drop ping a little oil on the hinges, or a tiny bit of vaseline does equally welL Black lead te another excellent remedy, and placet that cawwtbt got at with an prdinary brag can generally bt reach ed with a black lead pencil. Cured ot Piles After 40 Tear. ' Mr. Haaey, of Geneva, Ohio, bad tht piles for forty yean. Doctors and dol lan ootid da htm no lasting good. - De- Witt's Witch Hatel Salve oared him per manently, Invaluabla " for eatt, baras, bruises, spralna, laoerations, eczema. totter, salt rheum, aad all otha skia die easea. , Look, for tht name DeWltt oa the psckage all others art eheap.worta lata eomatarfetta. ' F. Bi Daffy.- v ' ' v StnM BaalMtnt mt m KoM Blacan. CatalanTa husband,, a ; handsome Frenchman, waa even, more onlotelleo tual than bis wife ba was atnpld. Once, baring foond the pitch of tht piano too high, tbt-tald after the so- beareal to ber husbandt "Tbe plane la itoo hlgb. ; WU1 yon net that tt It made 'lower before the concert)" . When tbe evening came, Catalan! prat annoyed to find that tbe. piano bad not been altered. Her husband tent foe the carpenter, who declared that he bad tawed oi two Inches from each ileg, at he bad been ordered to da l&urely tt oant be too high now, ry. dear!" said the stupid husband toot !ngiy. - - --..-...'--- Ose Klrrt: Ccrl Cat Is the only harmless eoub curt that gives quick re!' ?. Cores Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronclli'3, WhoorS Cough Pneai&onSa, AsCifia, LaCdppeand all Throat, C!.::t and Lcrj troubles. I got toaktd ly r.'.T aya' Gertrodt S. Feu ner, !3uc!3, IaL, and coc'.ractcl aae vereer'lani co":,. 1 tJZS ra;SJ!y; lo-;t 43 1' . Vj d. ;'st reco Out L'.:att Cf Can. Tlie first tot- t'ji t i! " J c : 1 ce. I i:3Li Cce j t" i'. ' re i, d. sTi c..t Ij . AallJt ' 1) M ' ' . ' - i - AVcCclalie rrparadoafr At stmnai'nij ttaerocsJarEegula bng fhebtoafia aftitUcwcis ot Promotes DiijesUon.CJrcr lur rcss and neslConlalna ndBar Ophjrafarphine norMatrrdl. KotNarcotic Apafecl Remedy forConsOrw Tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms XxMWulsions .Feverish ncs9 and LQ89 or SlZEP. - FacStmilo Signnlure of "i . NEW YDHK." 3. EXACT COPY OF TRAPPCa law H waa aaatal la laMklac WoabUa, aa4 laaSMtkai vai mn aDaaaqaeai apoa um mm ai inp aaa aikliaa. at oaaof aa MaaMlaal wbM laan k faaaraUbf wa laka plaann ! ri.ow mdin- h tooaj fH ft. ta,l.,i bVailIWKU.ak A I ait, T? na M aaaa) ts . 4. SjiorpsrtT. O. aT. kOUIa. tSO. toiKja7t. c w. ai.awa.-iw am minis r aaraM tm Mien i a wtiitum Ilk our tab who k wm bat tw nu MuL m hiimIw fd aaMm aa4 a wan mJ - J. A JOMBS, Livery, Feed Sale ana Exchange - . -wT- -LARGEST AKP ii hnr i - T rr V" ri- HOESES OELciL lCZJUnSm, ever offered for sale in this city,' .A cat luad of each Jul in,' , . , Also complete lint of Etgfiet, Wagons, Hanaett, Eobet, Wbtps, CartJWheels, Ac' 1 J A JOIina, Bmi St. Stiwtrt'i OH Stul. ' Dress Goods and Capo Sale! : We nerer try to make Dig money' on a few tales but a little money on many salts. Oar store hat jnatly 'earned the title of the birth place of loir prices. , - " " . , LOOK I LOOK 1 1 'f - . . CIIILDRENS JACKKTrV . 4U Inch Dress flannel, worth 76o for 48c gi 50 Jackets. - - . . tl 93 Mn ' '' ' "APES. . I 100 Jacket - -,:""-," - ITWOapts,'' -....-... ... f4!,.-. - 4 CO Capes, - -. -. 1 08 Ladlet Bed and giay flannel Under- S CO Capes, ' . ' 171 eklrt goods at lOe, lSe and S5e. For this week we have 50 dozen Misses and Children- Black Rib Hose, worth 10c, will sell this week at half price So. Ladies Underwear 23 doi, value S7io each, this week 22jc. ' . Just reoeiyed a bi $ line of Menj and Boys Clothing prices too low to" mention; also a fall line of all kinds of Shots. . ; - ' - Very respectfully, ' . 75 Middle St, neit tq Gaikill aaaM'aMaas'AfaaAifiriiaMiMKa i i u a. i u i - ' .'- i- . ' Just in, a fresh lot of Seeded Raisins, Cleamed Cnrrants, Fine Crystial Citron; also General Assortment of Dried . Frmit rranes Co per lb, Peaches lOo p r lb., Apples 8e per lb,and everything else you want at Tory reasonable prices. Give vs a part of your basiness and we will give you prices and quality also quick delivery, Ilvr;ccl!ully, r,. .-. . . ' o . i ToTlnfta ana CHldrcn. Th3 Ycu Havo AlsVaya Bought Boars the Signaturo of In U Knr nunr .. . I VI . W I Ml " S Thirty Yqars mm ftstrsis.rwsmiy,ant sfcs kwal Treablss et Cadra Ajss Ptjainow. ktfnlatsi lMS)wtewgthsns illMlw of aa was I VrV S.A9 AW aW. . In iffi ilMimtuI ai iafiainil i alii talllaw liaa taw km kteawi lianaiiaai aa aaal aa,ialn !! araarar. mm oi tka aarri4 Mat taal mo aau Danla aa a kaaa I tMiiaaa? tNaV Taaal mm Wtf II t-Mmiaaw.) . tables Ur i F1N8ET BTOCI.OP- Klw. Co., Kew Bern, If. C. P j J L . J ! f 'Mil'' i n 1 1 i , Take a bath In Va, phur. They are S'T" most celebrate! E '. t:.taJ!lt!OTalt' a ft-jirci a" r 7t--.: t r , -A: r. to V.-fe of the . j r!rji,havlc3 cf t ' i bib 's ' y v,:j core . 1 t'i i' 'a (?' .- : f