i --.7 , - . , w.-'w. UUWsj . Coar tvs r TUainlscU and . Tnyr -rt- :.-..f .evsu. s. ---1 food ..,u.i i .: The nour, C G::IIJpon TlltlllfA ThiJIleWdl0CrTerTA:ffMt4lllr.laluuMnf tnrvl r,A ...I... , " v.- th tomcl nd digestive organs In assimilating and trmrsiXonulp? it lnta the kind of nourishment that Is U J T taken cptrtha blood and fed to the tissue throughout v' . " thevartousoiiMolthebody. Kodol cure Indigestion ' LIC 1 - -cd(!Tiper?ia. tta removing the cause of all stomach ' troublaa.' ICodol gives loch strength to the body that wish to than oa for wfca TTVM hasOoa fa am." wrtas CUfeoo OlrW. OaiM. tad. ntwotdpdMfMtm.mitnitailUiirf. bea I trie KatUUkSMOaS I' - ' . I 1 .a a- v-i i ;in IikII in Ub rreparea By CD ut ox, ( . 1 e M beetle eooMum time m raaeb (br aetata mwiMHMDutUWttlilM wsiohooUjfor Hie. itiLTs 10 tun per -r CHURCH AND CLERGY. Bishop Clark of Rhode Island, ninety years old. It the oldest bishop of An glican communion In the world, . The Bev. Charles A- Trotman, pas tor ot the Church of the Bedeemer, Bt Louis, la Uk -a practicing physi cian, taring regular office boon dur- ,'lng the week.-;;-.'4--, .... Ber. Wilson Carllle, the noted Lon don minister, has introduced moving pictures into his church eervke end furnishes all persons desiring It With ft free cup of coffee as they tears the church, ' ; ;, . . Mr. Thornburji has resigned as a , Df-f clerk In the Bock . Island railroad of-t .'vfices to become rector ef Trlnfty Be- .iuu iiukuhu wureu um wiucBsu night study and for eleven years has devoted his spare time to bis ambition. If you are bilious and seeking advlt - era, '-. ii.- T - ' Take DeWltt's UtUe. Early Risers. "rf, Just before going to bed. Ton will find, on the morrow, ; 4 ' Ton are rid of yoor soriow i That's all; Just enough said, r These famous pills do not Igrlpo, bat move the-bowels gently and easily, eleanstng the liver. Their tonlo effect gives strength tq the glands, preventing s return of the disorder. - , . ' . --.t .-',; f ; USEFUL' COOKING HINTS.,1 Here r xunu bouBtk(MM'r: Knoil - hints' tor the if 'hot oven: " To le r'lokpd In I Pastry , -, , vrry To bo vooKud in a moderate oven: . Poultry, game; , I U: ,v;uVt,.l: en, pork cbop' -v To be saute In -hot shallow fat; . Flab, Omelets, slkt'd linm. cffKS. , , To be cooked In hot oven: Beef, fish, odipM.v initton. breads, souffles, lamh cakes, pudding. - -: :. To be fried drop In lulling fat; Soft Shell frill) frtilli'r o.vstrrn. croQuettes, scnllopR, fritters. imtiitocK " The General -Kccommcn as Mystic . 1 ? " Cure For Rheumatism. Geq. John Ludwlgt of Winona, Minn., Says: -"I contrasted " Rhumatlsm during the Civil war, and have used almost every preparation known for Its cure, and have also taken treatment at differ ent hot springs. J am pleased to say - Mystic Cure for Rheumatism Is the only medicine that, has given ne- immediate relief. 1 gladly recommend it to all suf ' ferers from Rheumatism,' Sciatic or like ailments. No medicines that I have tried are anywhere near Its equal." ' k Bold by T; A. Henry, DrugglsH New Bern. .-. '. Zjc' 'f -l oh iw h nrH' 'A useful hint uh Klveni the other ' .day by a iiliyslctnn who removed a - piece of prit from a patlcut'a eye. The - accident lmd occurred at the beginning of a railway! Journey lasting some boars. "Another time when you are troubled with grit in the eye," said the doctor, "don't attempt to get it out, but "Just cover the eye with your hand to : , keep it dosed and blink away as bard as you can with toe other till the grit le dislodged. .This hint was given to me by 4 commercial traveler and bow it ; acta la more than i an tell yoa, but It does, and that la all that matters, to s the sufferer." Thb 'hic:..; ft CopturMl ky BrodfleW Bultor. the loci that Inherited comliiMU hu bi Molaa tnd .mouth browi,the teU-Ul wnnkl. ol ptia hmUkn thplmtof tliiw. fonnei ' rli.rmfc urd nhou.ted la lh. niornlnii, no no Hon to liO lll thIC former pwa.urw.irni- fill.. crova. aiMXurea, ouu nwu-n-. . loplritcd foelln. ilMplw nlKli", coa I. . poor trculatlort, "learlnf flown; l1'"-- ' .".w rl . hh.ttored iwvm and .ahauftiid mmn ?illow th. wookennl conditli of th fcn.aw nran. .uri. a. nlrht Itillowa flay, bava ymptoins lndi. nl. dmnirM no wmn vr- jrouraelf Ir-vin moraterrillaf."iia,r..iril fom Fcmah He mutator Th most utrwWlr h. ' Mrtml rHrilrUor It " "- s ttr lifts ! 'fH o fi" -4 m" gtjtmtlng, awn prof" rrtn .n, I. . ..nma it, ir-miirwnoi i t, ttrtl. c. ' -Tin aia ttit n.-Kucy of y"",,,,v rtt?; .a of Ce uf ot the- ' i iicctHaaUh .LATOrtCD. a. 1 . ( --s - - , ' L-- Vow. rtt&: awIU DercuilnA.,ffeit!nL t .ttLenext meaJ clogs it again. Tha iical belth ilmiit It contains '"A GL rnlle, Cirauise, stfraetbens and sweetens the itomacfc. -I" ri t a nji w A immh A 1 1 1 . A i i .. lluie Heat puis .Sate, Uoro-a. for olilneenaaa at Tboj mtn sits, SUPERIOR COURT. A Short Sosloa Testerday Closea The ,j Business For This Term. Sereral '. '' ' . , Cases EaTe Been Conttinel The Jury which were deliberating on the Hanfl ease against the Atlantic Coast Lme yesterdajr morning rendered a verdict awarding the plaintiff two thoisand Are knndred dollars. c v ; -Only two vases came up daring the day. After disposing of which, court adjourned for this session. . M ' Qioem ts Pritchard was cwUMaed.V Ialhs ease of L. Q. Daniels, uralnst the Southern Ballwny, ladgmeift was rendered for the Dlalntlff. - When COIIlUJir In nnt rj th. liake yoor umbrella well, then close it and stand It. handle down mh the water will ran off. Never stand way an umbrella or parasol tightly folded. The silk will soon split Per.' mlt the folds to lie loosely. 'J;Ck SertaujFIre.;. 'p ': Mr. N. F. Vincent of this city received 1 news yesterday ' of the burning of the residence and all of the farm bulling!. consisting of barns, stables,smoke house and shelters, on a farm belonging to him In Beanfort county. The farm la situated about eighteen miles from Washington. " , Mr. 8. A. Hill a brother of Mr. W. P. Bill, of this, olty, resided on the farm, and was unfortunate enough to lose all of his honsehold goods, a lot of seed cot ton and meat, corn, and all the vehicles and farming Implements on the place, besides one hundred and fifteen dollars which was burned In the home. By great exertion, Mr. ' Hill sared his horses. -r:;'-. ',. I--- i After the fire the unfortunate family took refuge In an old flab, bouse, the on ly building left standing nearby, where they will be compelled to stay until they can get quarters elsewhere. . A New Literary Society. The pupils In the High School Depart ment of the White Graded School have organized a literary Society, to be known as the"Eastera Literary Society" Thus named In honor of the-' Ulnstrloas William Gaston, . Mr. Edward Ueadr ows wu elected president of the Sooiety and Hiss Amy Galon, Secretary. ' Mutual improvement, by means of special musical exercises, recitations, orations and debates Is the object of the Society." They will endeavor to pro mote an. lateligent, loyal school spirit, and farther try to thorougly acquaint themselves with all the parliamentary rales.--,; t. K , "t--" v ,,,) The Society meets every other Friday and at the meeting yesterday a very interesting program was rendered. A duet by Misses Mollle Hollowcll and Maid Manger, a recitation by Miss Badls Berry, a vocal solo by Miss Hen rietta Harioock, were fine features. ? Resolved, That Country Life Is more deslreable than Life In the City," wm well debated by Miss Ethel . Wood and Mr. Brace Edgerton for the affirmative. and Mr. Prank Prettyman and "Miss Mary Willis for the negative! 1 The negative side won the debate. . ' , Escaped Serious Iajttrj. 5, - Mr. M. E. Whltehurst, night, before last, met with ' an accident that fortu nately was not serious. . While making bis way home, and reaching the corner of New and Craven streets, he started across to the opposite corner where he resides, when his foot crushed through a defective and rotten acqaeduct which passes under the sidewalk. These old drains are cove red with wooden boards, and In this instance It wu observed that: only very thin, one Inch , boards were used. : These were very rotten at the time of the accident the eleotrio light wu out. Mr. Whltehurst, Whose sight ts very poor, wu fortunate to not have been hart seriously. -- ? . , , ' . ;V?-A-;TicoroM Settlement.' 1 One' Mr. Adams from Core Creek, was In the City yesterday, and at ter Im bibing freely of strong waters, decided; to ride.; Engaging a transfer he pro-i oeeded to take in the town. v .' He finally ordered the driver to take hlia to Mr. McDanieTs store on Broad stmt, where he proposed to settle for his ride. The driver," waiting a while, approached his puseager, who Inquired If he wanted his pay, and receiving an aSrraatlre answer, Adams paid by slug ging the old darkey la the eye two or three times, Inquiring Of the stricken man if he was satisfied with the psy. , Mr. Lapton took the wlley . Adams under his wing and bore him to, ths City Hall where t3-75 more wu de manded in the way ot settlement. Fifty cents being the amount of Adam's ready csuli, he was entertained the night at the City's expense. 1R0UKD 1RD ABOUT. Anew elactrU light has bee placed at ths ooraar of Mstcalf and South Front streets. " ' ' A long felt want has been supplied la ths placing of a street lamp at the Inter section of East Front and Qaeen streets. The baggage ear ra tike 8hooI1y train of the A, AN. C road, Jumped the track yesterday evening while the train was being made op, bat wu replaced In tlm to Wave aocordlng to schedule. Workonthereaidenos'of Mr.W.B. Blades, at the corner of Middle and Johnson streets Is progressing very rap idly. The building will be about ths finest la ths olty. The style of arobitea. ture Is an entirely new feature here. Hot Much" Is the name of an eight page, five column paper recently started at Washington, H. C. The Editor b to be congratulated on the unique name as it will require "Not Much" gray matter to fill its pages. ' Several coops of geese were seen being haaled around town yesterday. Geese are always In good demand among ear Hebrew dtlcens, and many gentiles' ap petites are ( delighted with nice, fat. baked goose. ' They sell for a pretty high price. ( ' The place of the trial of James Wil cox, the alleged murderer ot Nellie Cropsey has not yet been named. As public sentiment Is against him In Per quimans and Chowan counties as It Is In Pasquotank It Is doubtful If It will go to either. Bertie county may get It. . The negro boys who congregate at the A. & N. 0. station about train time, are a great nuisance . and should be driven away. Testerday, oaths were heard to Issue from some of them that would have shocked the sensibilities of a hardened sailor. ,;..rt.';;,..;.i.,,,.'..,. " It Is suggested that the citizens have the leaves : swept off the . sidewalks In front of their residences, which , will give the street hands an opportunity and time to fill np some of the bed ruts and boles that discommode travel. .This Is a good suggestion for consideration. Forty thousand birds were killed re cently on the North Carolina coast for millinery purposes. They were mostly sandpipers. A society of ornithologists recently met In Philadelphia where this report was made.' More strict laws re garding the killing of song birds are needed. .;, Cyrus Dixon, the murderer,) who es caped from the Jones county Jail some time ago hu been seen In the pocosin swamp near the scene of his crime. A man goitg through the swamp came upon him accidentally and Dixon cov ered him with his gun and told him to "git." The man "got" " The A. A N. G. people had a- kind of house cleaning yesterday, that Is, as far as the baggage room was concerned, number of old trunks, valises, satchels, carpet bags, boxes, bundles ot old paper, maps and other plunder which hu been accumulating for years, were seen plied up on the platform. It will probably be sold at whatever It will bring-' ' The motor-cycle belonging to Mr. L. M. Edgerton, the bicycle man, can often be heard rushing over town at nights, Ths machine Is fine - piece of mechan ism, and seems to work . very satisfacto rily. It ts capable of great . speed, but can be stopped almost Instantly by the rider. It makes considerable noise, and can be heard further than seen. , -..V. J ; -..'rr- - a' i.' - tf- J.-M 1 : A Staruint: Surprise. i SVery few could believe In looking st A. T. Hoadley, a healthy; robust black smith of Tilden, Ind., that for ten years he suffered' such tortures from. Rheu matism .as few could endure and live. But .a 'wonderful' change followed his taking ' Electric Bitters. ?TwO bottles wholly- cured me,"; he writes, ;"and I have not felt a twinge In over a year." They regulate the Kidneys; purify the blood and cure Rheumatirm, Neural gia, ; Nervousness, Improve digestion audi give perfect health. Try them. Only 60 , eta. , at. U U, , Bradaem drag store. .., k - ,. - , ,, . ,it. ' . 'Am Xmvml Bmtto. ' Thls collar button is my own lnven Hon," said the street fakir, "and the name 1 have given it Is 'Fault'" "Because every dy has faults r suggested the red .'nosed man, In ths crowd, v - -. v ".' : v i w s V ' "No, my dear sir; simply because if a ; eo. easy to find."-Phlladelpbia Press, :.??;?OAOlIPORtA.::y;' ef mX.CUUU CaMadar has most holidays- of . any British : colony.- Including , Sundays. Cnnadlnos have ninety-five holidays - The world cow consumes. 6,800,000,- 000 pounds ef tobacco yearly, or 2,812,1 BOO tona This Is worth 1200.000,000. In other words, the world's smoke bUt Is Just ttUKW.000 a week, i s;, i - I ; 'i- ' ;? 0 Questjon JLnsverea;v; fi Tes, August Flower still hu the lar gest ule of an medicine In the civilised world. Tour mothers' and graudmoth era' never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Biliousness. Doc tors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc,. They;, used Atgust Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested; food, regu late the action of the liver, stimulate the nerved and orgaaio action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feel ing dull and bad with headaches en$ other ec!.t s. Tou only i k1 a Uw doses of Green's "August llower, In liquid form, to iralrfl yoa p"'- "sd there is noth ing serious tl,e r . r wiih you. Yoa cm ft. v 1 r ' r Bt your t . . .. . . i . ' - IsVASHlTi GTON' LCTTCR . (Special CorrwpoadMaeavl The movement which was started by the members of the citizens execu tive' committee of the Grand Army Isnoampment to mark the historic botnts of Washington with placards permanently has been revived by the Boslnees Men's association. Two hundred of these sites were narked for the benefit of the encamp ment visitors, each marker bearing a Met history ot the location .or build ing. A small pamphlet was Issued, and each article bad a number which Corresponded with a figure on the va rious signs. These booklets were dis tributed among the visitors tree of charge and were the means of thou sands of persons becoming more tav tniliar with places made historic by the events of the civil war. Secretary Bulkley ot the cltiaens ex ecutive committee, who holds the same position with the Business Men's asso ciation. Is In favor of petitioning con gress to make an appropriation of $3, 900 for the marking of these points ot Interest permanently.' It Is Mr. Balk ley' idea to have placed at each of these 200 sites bronze tablets bearing Inscriptions relating to the history ot each respective point The Hew DUrtrlet BaUdta. It will be at leaat three years before the new District building is ready tor Dccopency, and it is likely that It wfil be ' nearer four years. Buch Is the statement mads by Supervising Archi tect James Knox Taylor of the treas- hrr deDartment regarding the im provement, in which the people, of the District of Columbia ore much inter bated. The puns for the structure, on which twelve architects are working In competition, are to be submitted by Dec 6V The decision of the Judges chosen to make a selection will be made immediately after the receipt of the designs. Following the acceptance of the successful architect's plans, the winner of the competition will take up the work of preparing the drawing, buns nod specifications. This task, It ts estimated by Mr. Taylor, wUl take from eight to ten months. This done, the work can be given over to the con tractors probably about a year from now. The erection of the building will re bulre, Mr. Taylor says, from two to three years from the time the con tractors start on the work. Consequent ly the end of 1905 is about the time that Washlngtonlans can expect to transact business with their local gov ernment in the new structure devoted to Its purposes. The limit of cost set by congress for the building Is $900, boo, excepting mural decorations and painting. . - HcKlBler'a Favorite Parrot, After an absence of about six months Loretta, the famous talking parrot, to which the late President MeKlnley look such a fancy and liking, has re turned to Washington and to her old home In a bird store on Twelfth street Loretta Is without doubt the most ao- tDpUshed talker in the city and one ong several of the best talking birds la America. She is a Mexican parrot bf the common, yellow headed, green with a patch of red running along the border of each wing) variety found throughout the seacoast belt of our Lister republic. For something In the neighborhood of six months Loretta was at the White House, where she Improved her English, doubtless by lis tening to those who came and went from the executive mansion. Loretta not only speaks good Eng lish, but sings different songs as well. hnd can swear a little when occasion 'demands. While at the White House She used to amuse the president by tog "All Coons Look Alike to Me" never a colored person, coachman pr domestic appeared about her cage. Mr. Alltaon'a Shadow Portrait. Portraits of President Roosevelt and nx-President McKlniey have been dis covered in the Imitation marble walls bt Statuary ball in the capltoL They trere not ordered by Uncle Sam, and hey will not be paid for. They were painted Into the walla by Mr. Allison, the artist who painted the big pillars and walls In Imitation of marble. The two pictures of tbe present ex ecutive and his predecessor are similar bhadew drawings. Both portraits are excellent, and, while It is difficult to kllscover them at first, so skillfully are they bidden, when seen they loom up lifelike In Bize and can be observed from every portion of tbe old hall of representatives now adorned by marble taoaomenta of tbe nation's great men. - -: Ta Wow Lorn Jlrldsre. Stone for the new Long bridge ts Eow arriving, and the woru on toe laaalve piers la being pushed, a large force of men being employed on them. JFour piers In the river, the central pier kor the draw and the abutment pier on the Potomac park aids of the river are WwimnletMl. anil another nler. on the Washington side of the draw, le above the surface of tbe water and win be (completed in a few days. The coffer- dams In which the .remaining piers twill be constructed are all In position, Veftdy for : the stoucmusons to begin work: It Is expected that within a month the building of the steel struc ture of the bridge will be begun. .Star Abaaaoa O (Octal Owlna- to the many Improvements tlU to be made lo the White Bouse It IS possible toe omcuu recepriona uu be abandoned for tbe season. . A eched- uio for the four evening levees and three state dinners will be made out, as usual, la November, but the delays already encountered make tt probable that the east room and the adjoining parlors Witt be still unfinished In mid- twin ter, which will render otnciai en- tortalnmenta lmDOSslble.' , . CARL SCHOFIELD. v : A Tnank-sgiTing- Dinner. fteavr estlat Is ususlly the first cease of Indigestion. Repeated attacks Inflame tbe mucous membranes lining the stom ach, exposes the nerves of the stomach, producing a swelling after eating, heart burn, headache, sour risings and Anally catarrti of the stomach. Kodol relieves the Inflammation, protects the serves and cares the catarrh. Kodol euros In digestion, dyspepsia.!! stomach troubles hy cleansing and sweetening the glands of the stomach. P. B. Duly. sis rr UPON TOTAL 1st SEPT., OONTEOT II MAGNIFICENT TWENTY THOUSAND To the one Making the exact, or the nearest to the eiaot. estimate of - thereoelpts of cotton AT 1902. to January 10. 1003 To the next nearest To the second next To the five next nearest To the ten next nearest ; To the fifteen next nearest ', To the twenty next nearest To the fifty next nearest To the one hundred For distribution among those astlmatee (not taking any of the above SOS prises) aom IngwKhln i,OO0 bales either way of the exact figure - Should the exaot figure have been given during the eonteet prior t Sept. I at there was offered to the suoooeeful estimate, If mad befor than Grand total CondWona of Sending Estimates In This Mammoth $20,000 fionteaU (1) SaaStl.M fcr WMKLT CONSTITUTION sad STJHKT SOOTH, kotb SB. VSMk Sa4 two oXlatalM la tat. tratttia. Is a. aattmaU tba 8CSNT SOUTH awl ajiothu aatlmau lot THB O0RBTITUTI0M. J Btmi g 1 .00 for WEEKLY C0N8TITUTI0K ana yow and wtU tt aatnaala la rtM MatMl. fai --- " .... 14) Snd 000 for on estimate alon Intha oontostlf you don't want' a subscription, or If jrou, wlah ta maka a aunkar of aatlmitM an thla haalavou mil aanr THRU estimates for rV ONIDOb LAR forwarded atth earn time sama time, without subaorlptlon, tha eender may forward trvm wixn amy s aa oonarainio ww olal dlsoount being offored only to eetlmate ef tan. A poetal I eard iwoelpt will be ent for aaat atlmat ao received. Wher aubsorlptlona ar aent th arrival of tha paper Iteolf le an aoknowldg. mant that your aatlmat haa been reoelved and oarafully recorded, i 1 ThmoaayandUraraliHloaa4Uia)ttiiiatmlooalali.a Taawafa,laaawaaratayra. UoaaatoraOMr. Thla rate to aaaltW. .. (1 B aaflmata m rat at awlloS lata? tha. PaoaaUxt IUS, ISM, tTJ la mm afa ttt apoa any prtaa aat'mata, lh auoar wUl ba aaallr drnSaa. , BURI FOR tl.80 UD THREE ESTIMATES, WITHOUT lOBSCRIFTlOI. (Ts l ehamaadiriabaarlpttaiia aad ardaatw ImU ar aast.) PUBLISHERS OONSTrrVTIOIl, Adaata, Ga. Catat THBM aatlmalai ter ma, (or 11.00 aaclOMd, la rant onmat aaatwt aa fcUewai 1st Upon Total Port Rewlpts n j September i. 1902, ZU to Janurr 10,1903. 3d Name Postoffloe. State KOTIC-If tm wtah aarr ONB animate m tbe eontest, aond FIFTY CEJTB lad SO aa aalr eaelmeal blaatelceeirtaliTSSeaUmaleaUtbaeoateataaMTHaUIKlLlZaKS and wttta real awa Sfiuaa IrTra'abb te aabaerlbetoTHB WGBKLV CONSTrTUTIOKorBOTWVTOTJTorbota.aeakewoOarad, BMke ramltttao ledleated and anidaaUmateaFBEB oneaaUmata for eoh y aarlj aubavlptlfin. oitvemt tht immhlnetlftWi --T-rWg nrtnpftn aonordlngiy and analoaa with mltfail FLIGHT OF THE SNIPE. It DodatasT Cornea Froal the Anecev traJ Method of AToldlaa; Foe a. The flight of the snipe Is swift, vigor ous and aerially for the first few yards erratic. The bird gets under way smartly, And as a usual thing goes bor ing up wind In a style rather sug gestive of a feathered corkscrew. A Series of electrical zigzags get him to top - speed, whereupon his progress steadies a bit and he darts away in something more ttke a straight line. As B'generat rule a flushed bird springs a few, feet into th air, bangs for the fraction of a second, then begins to twist and dodge as though the Old Boy was-at his tali. It would be very In teresting could we discover the original causa of the dodging. Possibly some ancient foe, now long extinct was best baffled by that mode of flight, for there usually Is some such explanation foe peculiar actions by wild things. Because tha flight happens to be puz cling , to a gunner is no guarantee that the bird dodges for that purpose-such aa exslanantlon would Imply a deal more Intelligence than the entire tribe Df enlpe are possessed of. Snipe, of course, dodged oa the wing long prior to the appearance of firearms, and tt is extremely anUkely that the erratic flight haa anything In the nature of protective tactics against the devices of human foes. Edwyn Sandys In Out ing. ........- A Pie For Lelaare. -. Individuals will rather helplessly re ply to a plea for leisure by saying: "what are we going to nor tjompen- tors 'bustle' and we must do the same OF starve." Borne win urge that the American temperament demands con stant occupation, that "hustling". Is our national trait Well, I have no desire to Insist that we go back to stagecoach days. . But all of us have plenty, of opportunity to tone down a little. And -why not try ltr A na tional trait may be dangerous as well aa useful day need control. ' If tbe average Individual would make mora leisurely use of his leisure there would not be nearly as many cases of nervous prostration as there are now. Put on the brakes a bit Take things a little easier when yott can, t know people who are never content unless they are "doing' sornethlng. Such abnormal de sire for activity la not natural; It ts an unnatural craving. It will be well for us not to be so eager to gratify It Qreat Otound World. - ' . ... ; : - It waa a very angry man who met arl acatmlctance on the street the other day. n thought you told me that D. was a. man of steady namts," were nis flrtt -words following the usual salu tattoh,"; '1 said ! I required a man of absolutely steady habits, and you were fery1 positive' In. your assurance that the man Jn question was sucn a one,' "Well, haa be- proved otherwise 7 rWhy, man,' be la drunk all of the tine; tru taet -I do not think be has drawn a sober brinth' since he has beea-with nej' , n'hen whTtt ut rou lumping on me fort. Your owih statement heart out Jtifit WhafJ toWj yop about him." I have know I). tor the past ton months, and' I know that be: has been drunk daiiug 'all of that period, and If that ta't being a man of steady, habits I'd l".e to know What It Is." New. York Tlaica, , ' A i Pi it OF THE ATLANTA OOM3TTUTIOX PORT RECEIPTS 1902, TO 10th JAN., 1003. ILOOFIS DtZGtZlVIDIER ALL united BiAitsrwaisirom epv. i, estimate nearest - - SSOOeaoh SOOeaoh IOO each BO each lOeach e nearest Beaoh -$20,000 aetlmateaar enfc If aa many a r:n liivparrieDI. ' "When I knew cU Iliuiks years ago," said the returned traveler, "he hadn't a soul above dollars and cents. I find him now the best read man, especially in history and tha works of tbe standard novelists, I ever met I enn't understand the change In nlm." ' "The explanation Is easy," replied the old citizen. "He lent IL00O to a man who wanted to start a blgtf class circulating library. After a year or two the man tailed, leaving nothing but the books aa hlavassets. OSd Hunks had to take them tor tbe debt and as nobody wanted to buy a lot of second hand books be started in and read all of them to get his money '.backy Chi. cago Tribune. ; Soaae Satfuafaetlo a Tou have built fine residences In various parts of tbe country," said tha austere friend, "you have caused spar kling fountains to play and beanufui gardens to bloom, but can yon honest ly say that the world Is any better tor tout having lived In ltr 'well," answered tne millionaire humbly, "I don't know that It actually is any better, but I minx i can ciaua that it looks a little better x More to Follow. "Well" said the lady who waa en deavoring to give the widow consola tion on the way home from tbe ceme tery, "the worst ts over now." "I'm afraid not" answered tne af flicted one. "The .lawyer says there's a bad flaw In one of the Insurance pol icies." Chicago Becord-Herald. OoUIIDMIDfDpI With . muscles drawn and throbbtesr with pain, and jolnta swollen, stlfl and tender, the rheumatic patient is as helpless and dependent aa though bound hand and foot r4o disease cettsee suca mteasa stn ferine-, such aharo. nerre-fackina! pains aa Rheumatism, and thla unfeeling mon ster, unless checked, crushes the strength and hone at its victims. wnen tne system necomes iniecxea wn -Uric Acid and other like poisons they are absorbed into the blood and lodged la the I muscles, joints and nerves. Then withi ... . . - . . .. . tne suaaenneea of an eiectna snooa, pain, begin to shoot through th. muscle or joint enectea, wmcn oiteo nwi anu inflames, and becomes tender, feverish and sore. Unless treated throngtt the blood SLhettmatisai growiatomdlly worse, finally ending tn i shrunken maseies, immovable Joints, shaky nerves, and . the invalid's chair Of ) crutches. Tha cure of Rheumatism can never be complete or permanent nntUthe acid blood haa been purified and the sys tem cleansed of all coisonoua matter. S. & ; S. does this promptly and snrely, because it Is a perfect blood medicine. and aa antidote for the Irritating acids that cause Kheumatiam. 8. 8. 8. purifies and Invigorates tha polluted, stagnant blood. - and when a tree, healthy circulation is again estab lished, the gritty, corroding particles are v "v f -k y wasiieA out of t. ( i (it 4 achlngmuscl-d joints, a lor 4 f,ii nd t is pertnnne'it beoau 3 t removeaeuanotuir- o. to r-rodii'-e another . - - v'rite lor epecial I 1, t i v OF COTTON 3lavt. IOOQ. DOLLAR OFFER. $0,000 B.OOO 1,000 I.BOO f AAA T.BOO f.OOO 600 BOO 18,000 ta.eoo ""$i7,eod aoo TUI 2tlr",i- STATISTICS , SBVJtR CKOFS. THB PORT BKCEIPT9 Sot the part few yean, tram Sep tember through the are fan oeya ol Jaauarr, ar (Ires to aid rou la malrlns an htaltt ent eetlmate la tale ooataaU It le not aecaaurr to Itemlas voar eatlmata aire tt in eno ItielB aum eapreaaea la Ssano. oarr; i uiem m a u wm roum-awra,. Baoelpte from Bant. 4 to January 10. Cottoa Tear IB95-S-... .. n.a S.t-ll ifloe-T.. B.I38.B7 I8S7-98.. aa . 5-51-?"! unaa-e ... i. IS8 5n aaaa-iAOO.. . 4.S07.B6S 1M::v.r.::nS:?S1:ll- Beenurr Heater, of tha H Ortsaae Cotton Kxohanae, will tn oTDoiat asarea to this eoateet. Dont fortet, every aiAaata. tloa for roaraolf or roar Mead. wu entitle yoa to aa emmai In tba areat SSOOOO eoateet. ATlArJTA, .Dr. Wosllei's israrr titrate ell losers of morphine,. lePAINLESSV optara, . aMoaaaa), rsllxlref opium, ao ealne or whiskey, a urge sook of par. Meniere on home or austorinm treat meat. Addreee, . M. WOOLliYOO, AJtO 104 N. Pry or Street, AUwta, fieotstt. HfBTBN-a KNaUBH m a cjtuunajyiayeB muumh la BB at eM I all kieav aMM rttHarMa. Tafcaeeaehae. B-wiae BttiMavea aabMtaaaaa ima wh M..i wr r tmM,m t m. la eSDneeiM.. CAMCkevleeltw THS CXLXBBATBO " , Garland Wood , Heaters We are ths agent, Breech. Loading, Single and Domhla ' Barral, Hammerlesg Shot Guns. ' Fill line Aatmiuiition for Spgrti men. Sash, Doors. Blinds, General Hardware. oaaaaa aBBBBBaaam aBaSl tta aa . , a !LW.g, Under Hotel Chanwka An Up-to-d-ta "LL'z 1 a regular cock of ths wali for Thanksgiving day and for every day la what a driving man wants, ana he r ed seex no runner tnan our earn: 1 1 os- itorv, where ail that is new, novel, r,.art and stylish in pneumatic tired and eee- tai made veniciea can be nad. w e Lave the best la desifn, make and fla'uh. and out carriages oi ail kinds are no sj ior their extreme ease of ' ridic' ud nir" quaiitiea. Tbe only place in town n y aaa Tiy'.' 'r? to ir r t- 1 1 n lv ive buy" Tan-tf 1 1 WSJ-"-. 1 j il rr a, ; rl in a rr" a H I n 3 I 1 r 1 1 1 c.J 1 ...I 1 1 q no V J Fes Itj"!:' 'ltL,rm " A ' du. 1 kuD .o. ai "i-o.

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