TOS WEEKLY J01NAL .IUtaklils7t . fbllahed 1b Two Boctioni'eTWT Toea day aad Friday, at 96 MiddlcJStreet, lew Hern, . U. CHARLES L.25TEVEN?ik UMTOB 4H FmOPUROr. SUBSCRIPTION RATE?" tTfitht, .k,.....;..8 0eiita. Threw Moo lia, ..' 85 T"' wx.Montiu.TT: eo . "r Twelve Months,... ,.$tOO 1 OKLTllf ADVAHCK t J tAdvertiaiaK rates furnished apoa ap plication at uo omce, or upon inquiry by mail. ' , tTThe Jovtxu. Is only sent oa pay- In-utnnn VmuiIb Rnhaftrihflra Will receive notice of expiration of their aub- aenpuoc ana an uameouue response w notice wU be appreciated by the Jecaaai, " - Entered at the Poetofflce.LNew Bein A.UM second-class matter. Section TwoFrHay Not. 28, 1902 , THE COMING CONGRESS. la a week wlllbelneeonvealngof the cloainf session of the Fifty-seventh Con gress, and K li evident that that body will have 1U hands fall in this brief lion. . Both houses will have abundant work' to do, bat the chief (train of the teaalon will fall upon the benate. Not to peak of the important domeatie leg- illation pending, much of the time of the Senate will be taken up with the consideration of treaty relations. Recip rocity with Cuba bids fair to be a fea ture of the work of the Bessie n. Thns far the negotiations looking to the adop tion of a treaty have not been very re warding, and a special effort to bring them to a speedy issue has been made ?ln the sending of General Bliss to Ha itana. So the negotiations with Columbia jhaVe thus far been unpromising, or at least unfruitful, and the Secretary of (State has deemed it proper to direct the attention of the Colombian government Ho the fact that under the Spooner amendment the United States govern ment is not committed to the Panama canal route, but may arrange for the construction of a canal by the Nlca raguan route, There has been some talk of an extra session being rendered necessary by the pressure of Work ahead but thus far no decision to that effect has hen arrived at hv the President. ; THE ANTBRACITE ARBITRA TION. ' . There is good reason to believe that an attempt will be made upon the part of the miners' union and the mining companies to reach a basis of agreement npon the differences which were sub mitted to the arbitration; of the Strike Commission, but the terms of final ad justment will be reserved for the decis ion of the Commissioners. The rate Of wages and the hours of work are the two main points to be discussed In a conciliatory conference arranged by the lawyers snd approved "by the Commis sion. . ' . ' .'This satisfactory proceeding must re sult In s great saving of time. It is not likely, however, to obviate or prevent a thorough presentation of all the facts deemed essential to the formation of a correct Judgment on behalf of all the . nartlna tn tha rtnntmvAMiv .thA mlntnr companies, independent operators, union and non-union miners and operatives, Only on such a ' presentation could the members of the Strike Commission be expected to reach just conclusions and establish the foundation for a permanent peace. The general movement' on the part of .great transportation and manufacturing , companies throughout the country, ln- eluding the railway 'companies engaged In the carrying of anthracite coal, to in- . crease the wages of their employes has no doubt lad its influence lit disposing the coat companies to favorably coa- . aider the demand of the strikers In this respect It will be a matter of rejoicing : If the compromising spirit which enables mine owners and miners to agree tin Wage rates shall, be carried one step further to cover the vexed question of . recognition of the anion and of the rights Of non-union laborers. ; The basis for, such an agreement Ilea in the pro posal of employers to deal separately wi ll local labor organizations without al. ndoning the right to employ non Si..on labor. 8uch an arrnirement would be self-adjusting and do away with' n -y causes of grievance resulting from an attempt to make one hard rule apply t arylng conditions in different locals V Phlla Record. 2," 9 Tr;ts employ the aMe3t lawyers trial monopolies becomes vocal, a aaege slne article or a aewspeper Interview is emitted by a Trust official, usually a lawyer, to combat all the argumeats which snow these overcapitalised com binations to be mischievous aad as worthy of the benefits of tariff protec tion. Twice, at least, the work ef repre senting the Trusts as beneficent and nee essery to our continued prosperity ha fallen oa Judge Gary, a distinguished .lawyer, who is chairman of the Execu tive Committee of the Steel Trusts Yet with all the experience he has had la this Una, he is not more successful than other Trust lawyers in making a consist ent and convincing brief for his concern Not all the legal talent In the land can harmonise certain opposing facta, which are vital. Judge Gray fully agrees with President Boose velt and with Representative Can non and other Republican leaders that it would never do to revise the tariff in a way to deprive the Trusts of protective duties. The result of such a revision, he avers, would be disastrous. Protection Is needed, he declares, to maintain these Industries, which employ so many thou sands of people. Yet In the same argu ment Judge Gray glories tn our coming industrial supremacy. "We win in the markets of the world," he exclaims, "be cause we deserve to win. We can do bet ter work than our rivals;" What lawyer can reconslle these two things that our Trusts Industries perish without protec tive duties, yet win in the world's mar kets because they do better work than their foreign rivals. If Judge Gsry should be entirely frsnk be would say that the Trusts aid us In getting foreign customers In this way: Owing to the protective duties the Trusts msy make American prices high-enough to enable (hem to undersell foreign rivals abroad. This Is a form of Industrial supremacy for which the American people are not eager. They would prefer lower prices for themselves even though nothing should be sold abroad. There Is such a thing as paying too high a price for foreign sales. Phil. Record. Beware oi Ointmcnts.forCatarrh That ContalnsjMercuryJ as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrlp tlons from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F Ji Cheney & Co, Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure yon get the genu ine. It is taken Internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.' Cheney &Co. Testimonials free. 1 Druggists. Price 75c. tle. , Hall's Fsmily pUlsre the best. I Tlasot Corrected. " A visitor asked the late James Tlasot 'ode day whether the picture he was at Iwhm-It n n-na Intanriod rt 111 iIqHm) to tfio time of Christ The artist replied In he affirmative. "Then," eald the vis-, iter, "permit me to call your attention to, an, error. Aloes, such as you have ihryour picture, did not exist In the Mediterranean region till alter the con- kjnest Of Mexico bypatn." Tlssot promptly took his brush ana altered oi picture. Cored ol Piles After 40Tears. Mr. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, Jhad the piles for forty years. Doctors and dol lars could do him no lasting good. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him per manentiy. Invaluable , for cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, lacerations, eczema, tetter, salt rheum, and all other skin dis eases. - Look for the name DeWItton the package all others are cheap, worth less counterfeits. F. 8. Duffy. .-, WtaU Surely Rata Btreiie. " la the old days they spoke of a li censed fooL . If all the fools were re quired to hare a license now, the gov ernment could do away with its other taxes and still maintain the surplus. There's a "single tax" for you. Monte eano Independent. DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE Permanently cured by the masterly power of "South Ambbicas Nbrvtub Tonic," Invalids need suffer no longer, becansa this great remedy can cure them alL lit Is a cure for the whole world of stomach weakness and lndlget.Ion. , The euro begins with the first dose. The re Pot it brings is marvelous and surprising 1 , makes no failure; never disappoints. No matter how long you have suffered, your cure is certain under tue use of this, great health-giving force. Pleasant and always safe. Bold by C, D. Bradham, uruggist r ' ""He Knew Her. ' 1 - She Reggie, dedr, there is something of the old time love light in your eyes tonight something about you that re minds me of those sweet days of long ago., I hope you have ; He-Ies, I have a Uttle left How much do you want this .time 7 - 5 ';' Startllnj, tut True. f Ml, every one, knew what (a grand medicine Dr. King's New Life PUls Is," writes D. H. Turner, Dempseytown, Ps., A Golden Rule of Agriculture: B good to your land and vow crop will be good. Plenty of . Potash la the fertilizer spells quality I ana quantity in tna m vest. Write os and - mm will rmmI .mm Jrtt. by Dt mail, wktmev wmninar nithi Cerk. " It la commonly the way when one la trying to fit a large cork to a small bottle to get a knife and trim the cork. This is a waste of time, for it is only necessary to let the cork aonk In boil ing water for fire minutes, and it will fit the neck of the bottle without any further trouble. " r Caret Blood, BUn TroablM, Cuw, BlooJ FoImm. OraatMtBlooaPmriaor ' Froe. If your blood Is impart, thin, diseased hot or full of humors. If yoa have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and lumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) acordlng to directions.. Soon all sores heal, aches and pains atop, the blood is more pure and rich, leaving the skin free from every eruption, and giv ing the rich glow of perfect ' health to the skin. At the same time B. B. B. Im proves the digestion, cures dyspepsia, strengthens weak kidneys. Just the medl cine for old people, as It elves them new, vigorous blood. Druggists, fl per large bottle, with directions for home cure, Sample free and prepaid by writ ing Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, Oa. De scribe trouble and special free medical advice also sent In sealed letter. B. B. B is especially advised for chronic, deep seated cases of impure blood and skin disease, and cures after all el je falls. For sale by F. 8." Duffy and C. D. Brad ham. Cork Carpet. A cork carpet may be kept clean and In good condition by using the follow ing mixture: Put kito a pottle equal parts of vinegar, turpentine, methylnt ed spirit and lineeed oil and shake all well together. Rub this well all over the carpet with a pad of doth or something of the kind, polishing It well afterward with a clean cloth. Rheumatism Cured In a Day by Mystic Cure For Rheumatism." "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to S days. Its action upon the system Is remarka ble and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly bene fits. 75 cents and tl. Bold by T. A. Henry, Druggist, New Bern. To Brlmat It Oat. ' "I know Pve got a rem of poetry in me, air," confidently asserted the young man to the editor, "nnd all I want Is a chance to bring it out What would you suggest, sir?" - 5 "I think you had better see a doctor and have It lanced." Tko Wrong .CeurtoaV Something is the matter "with the law of waste and economy In this .world. Fowls fit for eating are not the once that have plumage fit for trimming hats. Atchison Globe. ' - Does It Pay to Buy Cheap? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and" dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you dot Go to a warmer and mora regular climate t Tea, if possible If not possible for you, then In either case take tha ONLY rem edy that has been introduced in all civ ilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boechee's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays Inflammation, causes easy expectoration, give a good night's rest, and cures the patient Try ONE bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. Ton can get this reliable remedy at all druggists. Price 25c and 75c.-- ' ' Be Had Seen One. "Hiram," queried Mrs. Meddergrasa, I At A wi mpnn awt -Mijt a rtiAM dale acisbJ ties?" - "I low I hev, mother," replied the old man. "I seed one o th' tarnaf 'things last time I Was tew, tk .crty "What air they built out tft. lUramr asked Mrs. M.. . -. :' 'Newa. Use Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, for Eczema, Pimples, Rlngworm,!Dandruff and all skin diseases. For sale at F. 8. : ' fta'tnrat . ' ''' V--' Clarence I wish 1 hkd lots of money-, .. TJncle Henry-r-If one could get what he wished for, I think I should wish for common sense, not for money. ( . Clarence -4 -Naturally.1 . every'. 1 one wishes for what he hasn't gotr-Boston Transcript. V '. -' ' T ' -V ' 1 Take' a bath In Hancock's Liquid Bui phur. , Tbey'aie ;, ' ,r to tboce of the SESJUM KAU WOUS,. , Z i N Km UmU T . . Nrv Yak. - AY1' wmm. President Roosevelt Will Call Extra . Session to Down Trusts. . Ceasidcr Sack ef Sapreau Impart- a ace. Oeaplete Agreemeat -la the Caal ' Strike " . Treables Male Tes ' teriay at Wash v lagtoa. 8peclal to Journal. WasantaTOH, November . 45. Tte concluding work was put upon the mes sage to Congress by President Roosevelt today, after conference with the leaders la the House and 8enatein regard to their vlewa oa the tariff and the trusts aad also oa the question of Cuban recip rocity which is ever present in the Pres ident's mind. President - Roosevelt believes that anti-trust legislation is far more Import ant than tariff legislation. This matter will be given the first prominence la the forthcoming message to Congress. ' '' The President intimated to the politi cal leaders today that unless something wss done to curb the trusts that ha will convene Congress In extraordinary ses sion after the 4th of March' next, to pass legislation to meet the trust evil. John MlichelLPrcsldent of the United Mine Workers, was tn Washington to- dayf.In conference with Wayne Me- Veagh and the other attorneys for the coal operator. j " An amicable agreement was reached by the representatives of the United Mine Workers and the Anthracite coal operators and all the differences between them were adjusted satisfactorily to both aides of the controversy. The miners representatives wont to Washington to confer without knowing what the operators had to offer them. All sides to the late strife were anxious to reach a quick and satisfactory settle ment of the questions involved. u One Minute Cough Care. Is the only harmless cough cars that gives quick relief. Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough Pneumonia, Asthma, LaQrippa and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. I got sosked by rain, says Gertrude E. Fen- ner, Muncle, Ind., and contracted a se vere cold and cough. I failed rapidly; lost 48 lbs. . My druggist ' recommended One Minute Cough Cure. The first bot tle brought relief; several cured me, I am back to my old weight, 148 lbs. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm, re lieves the cough at once, draws out In flammation, cures croup. An ideal rem edy for ehildreq, K. 8. Duffy. ALTOGETHER LOVELY. Webb Says Oysters Are Plentiful and , . Laws all enforced1 , Special to Journal. Rakish, Nov, 25. State oyster com missioner ' Webb conferred with Gov ernor Aycock today about the forth coming report. Be says that "oysters are abundant and that the prices are good and that report that oysters are very scarce la untrue. rgv When these reports were sent out the Governor received a letter from a gentle man advialng him to follow President Roosevelt's course in the coal strike and summon tha oyster dealers aad oyster- men to Raleigh - for a conference. ' He sent a letter to commissioner Webb. The latter thinks the . law regarding dredging Is being well enforced. Luck In Thirteen. . By sending 13 miles Wm. Bplrey, of Walton Furnace, Tt, got a box of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, that wholly cured,a horrible Fever Sore on his leg. Nothing else could. Positively cares Bruises, ' Felons, Ulcers, Eruptions, Bolls, Burns, Corns and Piles. Only S5& Guaranteed by 0. D. Bradham drag- gist Supreme Court Opinions. , : Special to Journal ' . , -i Raleigh, November 23 The Supreme Court filed the following opinions here today; ; , , , Joyuer vs Sugg, from Pitt, error. . . Fay vs Causey, from Guilford, error. , . Davis vs Summerfleld, from Durham, affirmed. ' - Lefler vs Telecraph Co., from Rowan, kew trial. State vs Finger, from Lincoln, affirm ed. , State vs Peoples, from Mecklenburg, error. Town of Gsstonia vs Am. Surety Co., affirmed. -",.-"'''': Town of Gastonia vs Post Glover elec tric, no error. State vs Wiseman, from Mitchell, af firmed. - . Moore vs Moore, from Alexander, mo tion dismissed. - - Lanevs Raney, from Craven, new trial. - i Westfield vs Adams, from Swain, new trial, ; ltowe vs urg. Co, from Uatawoe, per curiam affirmed. Howard vs Railroad, from Catawba, per curiam, affirmed. . Kay vs uouon amn, irom uaBion, per curtittn, affirmed. " . " Ycu tv.yx t at TctJ i Trr z Wh'-a jon ta!:c Orove's T : ' ;s CI"! Tot because the foi ' U t' ' r ' I on e y I- ' ' 1 T t t ., '. " i ' 1 .!!!,. . What wm he Reccmmcndei to the . : . Letislatare This Session. Llaaer, Ball wan aad Real Estate Wilt lacrease SeTeaiea. Bead Bait ' Testlmeay. ' Sea beard Salt. Hall f lUUry Opa. RautioH, ' November 25, Tour cor respondent today irpecJally Interviewed State' Auditor ' Dlxoa as to what he would nootamead to the legislature re garding - taxation. Ha replied, I will particularly - urge a Stat tax trpoa all bar rooms, dispensaries, whiskey distill eries and rectifying establishments. The State of Teanassee gets aa annual rev- ease of $315,000 from this source, aad Virginia tSU.OOt, while North Carolina gets only $8,000, There will be an In creased assessment of ' railway .property next year. There will ale bo a re aisoss- meat of all real estate then. The taxes will therefore be levied oa a new esse meat All Improvements made will be added to this, so yoa see there will be a considerable Increase of the tax list" -- The Supreme Court today took ap the 14th district appeals. Many prominent attorneys are present, among thorn A. O. Avery, and L T. Avery, Morgan ton; W. W. Zachary, Marshall; B, K. MoCalL Alfred & Barnard and Locke Craig, Alheville; TaomasN.Hlll, Halifax; M. D. W. Stevenson, New Bern; J. 0. L. Bird, Marlon; Solomoa Galleit, Rather- fordton; E. J. Justice, Marion. - . Then win be a continuation Decem ber 8 of taking of testimony la the bond suit of South Dakota against this State. There Is already : a mass of evidence, enough to fill 200 pages or more. . State Aadltor Dixoa left today for Elizabeth City, where ha will tomorrow make aa educational address. Deputy sheriff Overman of Pasqutank brought three convicts to the peniten tiary today, one to serve 80 'years for wife murder, sheriff Bond of Bertie brought one and sheriff Wooten of Le. noiralz. ' Tha Seaboard Air Line1 will be sued for perhaps $50,000 for the killing of en gineer James B. Watson. He was killed near Raleigh last August Richmond College plays the A. AM. College here Thanksgiving day, at foot ball at the State Fair grounds. That evening Richmond College and Wake Forest College will have a prize debate at the Academy of Music. The "Hall of History" In the State Museum was opened today for the re ception of exhibits. It U to be made a great feature. Julias Baker an Intoxicated white man who was struck on the head by an engine while working oa the railway track In the city limits, will probably die. - A Startlinf Surprise. QVery few could believe In looking at A T. Hoadley, a healthy, robust blsck smlthof Tllden,IndV that for ten years he suffered such tortures from Rheu matism as few could endare and live. But a ' wonderful change followed his taking Electric Bitters. "Two bottles wholly cured me," he writes, "and I have not felt a twinge In over a year." They regulate the Kidaeys, partly the blood and cure Kheumatlsm.'.Nearal gia. Nervousness, Improve digestion and give perfect health. . Try them. Only 60 vcts. at C.; D. Bradham drug atore." , t A Timely Suggestion, ;; Several loads of tobacco were sold at the Farmers Warehouse yesterday. The price paid was nuusuauy high In propor tion to other market ' Had it not been for the small pox scare la the early part of the season, the tobacco sales would have been very much larger than they have beea. The prices have ruled high allalonsv Let the merchants get to gather and Inaugurate some plan to 1 ap prove the roads feadtng to New Bern by next year, and with the increased tobac co crop, If the seasons are favorable, this old town will 'enjoy an era of pros parity to which tt has been" a stranger, these fifteen years. Prickly heat cared in one application by uaing of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. It will also care Eczema, Fetter, Pimp les, Ringworm, : Dandruff, Outs, Barns, Old Sores, snd sH skin troubles In a short time, when ased as directed. For sale at F. a Duffy's Drag Store, - - ' - A BfenierablO'IHdo. The tnost memorablo ride to English history was that of Sir Arthur Owen, which placed the Hanoverian dynasty on the throne of Oreat Britain. The act of settlement by which in 1701 parliament elected tbe bouse of Ban over to tbe British throne was1 passed by only one vote, and thai casting vote Was given, by file Arthur. Owen, the member of parliament for Pembroke shire. Us arrived at ' Westminster, dusty and travel worn, only Just in time' to record bus vote, having ridden with furious baste from Wales for the ' purpose oo relays of horses kept at all the posting bouses alone; tbe route. To that rlle Britain owes Its Georgian : era,' hence Its Queen Victoria and her descendants. Asleep Am.l TLsies Breaking Into a blazing home, some firemen lalJy drafted the sleeping In matesfromd r.lh. i ac!I security, snd death ..tear. It's V X t J Y' eayou neglect cot '" i i 1c Dr. Elns'sl VI tlon t : s t - t 1 ThrcLt.CI ' ts"l I St f" -, f - 1 . . li t- loctor'f i:::s. A t i. i .at qo it. yf;r:p j r .:. t a'J .,9. Eeep , C i. and : .1 s, s ' 1 ! t I "j 1 t ' I a. - i I 7- t AMgctaMe PreparaitoaJbr Aa slmflatlng flKFocdandDciJiila Uiu (he Skoacte end Dcvrvh d rromolcs DigcslioiiiCia,crful neas and Resi Contahi nelltaf SiuBn.Moi-phine nJrUiwral. otahcOtiC. . fM.Sjer ; Ummy n rorrwr. "A perfect Remedy forCdrstlpn flon , Sour Stomach. DinrrtKKVi Worms Axmdsk)iis .fcvcrialy ncss nnd Loss OF Sleep. ' rac Simile Signiilure of NtV YDIIK. exact copy or ws Appro TOU WILL SAVE MONET ! - ,, Our stock Is complete in every department and we can surely please you alL Our business blooms because we are constantly placing new bargains before you. Our strong valuea support our prices,. ; :..--u- : 10 bolts 8c Outing for 6c yard. ' .- . 1 lot (an ton Flannel worth 7 ic, for i o, Big lot Waist Goods worth 13c, 16c and 25o y'd, for9c. . . 10 bolts of Black and Gray Skirt Flannel worth 76c, we sell at 45e. ' - r 10 bolts 56 inch Ladies Cloth worth 78c, at 4c. - 6 bolts Bed Flannel worth 20c yd, our price 12o - and 86c, our price 12 Jo and 19c per yard, inA o..t.. i .1, 1 so. ... a. na - i ovya DiiiM iu an uuiura, uov w 0lJ Mils 487 Mens Suits, all colors and Latest Style, from f 3 67 to $19 60 per suit, Look at them, - - 867 Hens Overcoats any color and any style you want and any price from $3 99 to 914 76, 17 do Mens Dress Shirts worth 75c for 87c . Mens, Ladies and Childrens Hhoes cheap, - 1C0 Plush Cares worth $1 75 to $3 at 9So ea. Jackets from $1 69c up, . :- . . , . Live and learn, die and forget it all, Yours Resnsctfullv. ' - ' 75 Middle St, next to Gaskill'Rdw. Co., New Bern, N. (!. - T A T U a JC2L U Livery, Feed; . Sate ana Exchange n - t LARGEST AND ' "-j ;j (i i ..... - ... '" . ' " Ml.' " 11 I -JUL. --"."''' m ' '' ''B'afcaaassW' fcne',',l' ever offered for Bale in this city, A car load of eacb jaafc in, ' ; . Alao.a complete hue ot Baggies,! TTagons, Harnesa,' -Itolbea, Whips, Cart;Wheel, Ac. "J , " - " !. , . ' - J A JOnO, Bmd St. Sttwtrl'g Old.Stmd. OtMttfftttef.ttMtetfVaeVttVstttfV I i' tiElV :DDL COnHED DEEFj 4 Sweet PickledjPeaea,.Spc per;;quart'' . " Assor.ed Mangoes 30o per qutot,"' " , , 1 , Standard 8 lb Tomatoes lOo fer can.' ' - , Standard 2 lb 'Cotn lCc 8 for 25c. h."' " " : ' , Loose Olives 40o per quart. V -', " :- Attmore's Pure Mince meat 10c per lb. . Nabob Pancake Flour, lOo per package. " , - Hecker's Old Homestead Pancake Flour 10c packago. We want your business and are selling you goods for leas than any other house la the city. Than ing yon for past fav ors rnd trusting to receive a share of your future biwncss, I am "Yours to please, J - T"" "T3 A """'" "" riTTV' -" '-. Wtoalj rl P C.-ocer, ' - . IMMMMttltMUM atttfe f .--- i 3 ... ,. For Infarta nv j Children. The Kind rYcj-I!uV8 Mtuniil nttla Bears Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years :l S TaTTTI sTN VJAXJUOy 1 fl FIKSET BTOCKOF . J .a, jmmmmwmtmmm mmm0t m m r. the i mm I 4 XL : " 9C: "'-y to a' '.end aV-nost'.excl ' 1 '. tf"" '.st". r t3t".:nni- "you'd sell all you have in a day Two v ecis Uua tea iua'de a new man of me." most celebrated Eu', ' r t: s aaa::!-,r-' I J if ' I-' .',:' 'a f r constipation, stomach ' -1 " T.r. ft C. D. r " ' I c

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