1 14 YOLDMI XXV. RIW BXRN, CBATIH COUHTT, R. C, TUESDAY, DICIMBI& 2, 1902 -FIRST SECTION, NUMBER 71) 1 to : ,Wbit Edncalloa Cost the State Dur in; the Past Tear. Wood Barnlng- Engines. U. 8. Cotrt 'This Week. The Hall, of His tory., Holiday Trade " '' . Trospects. Scar ' 1 ' let Ferer Ba- -" ' . morfc ' BaluohJ November 29. The Bute Superintendent of Fnbllo Instruction today found that the total ion expend ed for public education In North Caroli na thla year li $1,870,41. , This Includes the State University "Agricultural and Mechanical College ,fNormalend Indna- trial College for women, the city public achoola and the town and country public schools, It la much the beat ihowlng ever made, i ..' - " "' -' '-..' ' The Seaboard Alr-Llne had 10 of Its freight engine changed to wood burn : ere, but hat had them again made coal ' barneis, as no : wood haa been burned. The road contrived to get coal It haa " two thousand corda of wood cut on thla division alone, ready lor an emergency. The only problem now' la to keep supply of coal until- after the holi days. : . The Btate board of canvasser of elec tion returns having yesterday canvassed those for Congressmen and. Solicitors, today took up -tbe ones for State offi cers. - t . 4 1 Post office inspector F. N. Davis, who "' for a fortnight has been sick berets now 'convalescent. 'He kas done much valua-.- Die work for lht service In eastern North Carolina. . , ' The scml annual term of the United States District Court here beglns'neit week.- The docket ' Is not as lieavys usual. 'V ;, ?V v Auditor Diioa has returned from ' Elizabeth Olty, where .be spoke yester- day, . He very greatly enjoyed his stay ' there. ' ,p The placing of objects in the Hall of History In the Stale Museum goes on ... rapidly. There will be a complete col- lection Illustrating Indian history lo the State. - The North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati, will keep Us collection In this boll. The Civil war section will 'SSl; ........ be very ilcli iu objects of Interest.1 One - of theso features will the uniforms of prominent generals. " The collection of arms', etc. of all periods Is complete and : valuable. , The are many Revolutionary . . relics, papers, etc. " ,- It is confidently felt that.lhe'" holiday ; trade here will be the largest ever known It Is the general testimony of observant people that North Carolina was never 1 so prosperous as at present. ' , Soma very daring-robberies of stores , ? here are puzillng the police. ' 4 : - Exaggerated reports of scarlet fever here are current. Theie are only 8 cases In Raleigh and Its suburbs. This is of ficial. There has been only one death from this disease. ' Oat of all the'puplla In tue publlo schools only three are slok with this dUeaso. ' v A BIG RICE FARM. 'J Mr. J. V. Williams Interested In a Project I o Cultivate 3000 Acres of Rice, , j ; V , . ' Mr. J. V, Williams, who will be re V :;:, numbered' by many of our citizens, v having been In business here several ' years ago Is In the city, He has recently . been In New York and has returned to I , North Carolina and has a project -which ' be expects lo pni In operation as soon vv- as possible., t He ha au option on 6000 acres of land H In Hyde county, 3000 of which is under cultivation apd the balance' s swamp , and limber land. On the land under cultivating b will raise rice by the - irrigation system, He has made a study of tbe cultivation of rice and believes that be w 111 le successful growing large ' . cropa. He has spent several seasons In the rice fields of Texas, and will make ' use of the observations and experience ti obtained there. V 1 '' ' Mr. Williams 'will organize a stock company for this purpose with a large capitalization and will sell shares at 80 . J' percent. He has secured several sub ' ' scribers and hopes to get many more, The' land Is located between Matt s ,,- muskee lake and Pamlico Bound. DOVER. , . , .i A Nov,20-We feel thankful that the Lord .r has spaied , us to see 'another beautiful 4 Thanksgiving. " ' ' ' " ' Mr. Jesse Vause was In town this Y morning. r 15 j'V ' Mr, J. B. Htigglni, i Mrs. Nannie Hill and MIbs Nellie Brjsn were in Dover , yesterday. ' Mr, F, N. Hawkins has sold out his ,i. whole saw milling business to Mr. W M " Tyndal, ,,M',,,f ' 'r 1- Prof. J. W.f Portia, our watch woik- rnsn and muslo teacher, who has been In : Dover sometime will leave for bis home ' .:: In Harnett county, Jlondny December ' 1st, until after CL i, ' . Jlestr BUI WIU:.,-. s ,nj J H Haddock .''.,. of Coahoma, were In r v?r toslsy. . s We are glad to see the weather cooler ' r today s we think health will be better. , ;., , . i.fa ' ' ' X. . . , the Roller tray trunk . still takes the lead, a lady should buy no other n.&ko, For sale by J. J. EAXTni. The Clark and Joyner Vote. Special to Journal Rautok, . Nov. M. The toU for chief Justice as tabulated shows as fol lows: Walter Clark, Democrat receiv ed 183,740, and Thomas N. Hill, Inde pendent, 70,804. Joyner, Democrat, for Snpi Publlo Instruction, received 185, 840 and Daniel A. Long Republican 68, 209. Joyner therefore received 8,100 more votes than Clark. Dr Thompson Resigns. Bpeclal to Journal IUuhoh, Not. 29, Dr. Cyrus Thomp son, the chief clerk la the office ol Reve nue collector Duncan here has resigned to go to his homo In Onslow County to attend to his private business affairs. The Collector greatly regrets his depart ure. Mr. L M. Deaton Is promoted to succeed Dr, Thompson. V ' ' ' Market Letter on Cotton. By private wire, J. E Latham ft Co. New York, December 1, Aa far as the total sales In this market were concerned the day proved about as unimportant as any this Fall. Prices! ranged within a arrow limit most of the time with plenty of factora keeping the market steady and about as many preventing any advance as far as situation goes on eve of the Government report, there seems to be an absence of features. It requires some news to arouse Interest and attract attention. ' There l nothing one can point to in the eltuatlon today, and say buy or sell. This may be ohanged by the Government report but at the movement everything Is featureless. Re ceipts are very light, but when you look at port stocks, one million larger than they have been for years; when you con alder the bad weather and the car short age, there are reasons for this fact. When the movement does Increase pri ces are not unlikely to be adversely- In fluenced. Then too, there la the dally movement of cotton towards New York and the doubling of our stocks In a month, not to mention prospects of Jan uary holders being compelled to take a large quantity. Then there Is the utter demoralization of the silver countries and as China Is a big buyer of British goods as well as of American fabrics, the difference in "nurchasinir rjower of money can not but influence trade, con-! ditions. We are h6t wtlllng"6"take eJ stand against the market Until the Gov-1 ernmet report Is out or we can see a de cline coming, but on the other hand the bureau may come out with decently ap proximate figures and 10,400,000 orlO,- 000,000 bales would start a decline. There is a lot of cotton held on a theory of a small bureau and should there be dlsw appointment it Is likely to be heavy sell ing foretime, ; t v'"' ;. J. E.Latham A Co, New Yobk, Nov. 29. It was again a very narrow market: Liverpool sent about the same prices, and here prices ranged within a four point limit. : The market was secondary to news. 1 The feature of the day was a Liverpool cable on the gueas of that exchange; fl gases now placed at 11,167,000 or 100.- 000,more than : this exchange, . This is about as expected since the foreign esti mate Is generally over ours. The real significance of these figures ues In the fact that the cotton world appears to.be looking for ; U millions. In (his event there should be a bureau report of 10,'- 500,000. A bureau of 10,500,000 Would mean a decline In price and this is all there Is in the market. Uncertainty over the bureau will help the market and light receipts bring In more or less support) but as long as silver continues its decline and finances fatl to rebound there Is not likely to be a bull market In cotton. The best Informed look for a narrow market tor some days, j We world not operate heavily until after the bureau Is Issued. Don't buy on ad vances nor sell on declines take advan tage of : any profits. The small move ment may advance the market some What but We think there will be ab ma terial differences until after December rd. ;' J. E. Latham & Co. i f ; OLIVER'S. 4 t : " November 17. Miss Lummle Ward returned home Friday from .Trenton where she haa been going to school. She returned to school Monday. T ; 1 Mr. Burrel Parker and Arthur Long, returned from New Bern last Friday night ' v . Mr O M Heath and wife spent ' Satur day in New Hern, - ''"'.' Mr Robert Howell spent 8atutday in New Bern. , There was a nice little party at Mr J P Harper's Saturday night. Ml B F Henderson has commenced to balld a dwelling which he will occu- V7- ' Mr J J Bimmyns has about completed a nlee feed house which Is a line, build ing. ' s Mr M H Parker went to PoIIocksville Baturday. ' ' , " , Mr B R Henderson went to Now Bern Monday. Mr J J Simmons went to New Bern ye'-tRrday. i'r and Mrs M L Hollowell of New f "i, came to Olivers yesterday to spend 1 : . - Jlvg wl'.h Mr J J t:.: nons. State Vote AH In. X- Special to Journal. : " Ralxiqh, Dec 1. The Bute canvass ing board this evening completed Its canvass of tne vote which It announced u follows: - For Chief Justice, Walter Clark, Democrat, 182, 239; Thomas N. Hill, In dependent, 71, 273. ' . For Associate Justices, Henry O. Con nor, Democrat, 197, 649, Piatt D. Walker democrat, 1987394; R. Z, Llnney, Repub lican, 1930, Charles Price, Republican, 1929. . v ,' V ! ' Walker and Conner had no regular opposition. !- ' ; ! -; -" Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. "Fewer gallons; takes less of Devoo Lead and Zlno'tban mixed paints. Wears longer; twice as long as lead and oil. : LIBRARY WORK FOR CLUB Women How Women of north Carolina May Assist In Educational Work. It is eminently proper that the women of the State should aid in the great eda oational campaign which our Governor and his counselors have Inaugurated. Ed cation means more to them than to others, To the woman whole out off from the social pleasures of tbe clty.this Is a vital, a living Issue, The education acquired In the school room, must, with the great majority of our people, be meagre at best. The ooarseof . study . In our , public schools will always be rudimentary, but the chief object Is. attained, If, in the few years of school life, a love of reading good books has, been created in the hearts of the pupils, so that they Will seize on every opportunity to read. The library la an Important factor In the pub 11c school system. It la one of the great forces In modern educational progress. The youth finds In a good library a sub stitute for university training. , The stu dent of mature r years supplements a col lege course by reading In the hours and minutes of leisure as accompaniments to regular business.'' v.jt .; .y ! 'V The legislature of North Carolina has provided partially for the establishment of 682 small rural libraries. The number actually placed so far Is 898, making a proportion of one library to fourteen school districts. Fewer than fifteen per cent of our ppeple live in touohwlth the city libraries, leaving a large majority who have, access to no books except those found in meagre private collect- In many homes thejbobk shelf Is con spicuous for itt absence. An old spell ing book, a patent office report, perhaps a Bible, and a last year's almanac, and the library la complete. ; The club women of the State,' at a re cent meeting In Winston-Salem, recog nizing thla need as their opportunity, adopted Library Extension aa one de partment, of work. .The aim of this de partment. Is to promote the establishment of libraries wherever the way maybe open; to enlarge those already in exis tence? to fit out small oases of books which may be sent to points where they are needed; to stimulate the Interest in libraries generally; to foster the love of collecting and preserving books; and to endeavor to infuse Into the minds of the people a proper conception of the bene fits to be derived from libraries. It should not be a difficult matter to so core a traveling library. Many clubs will send out memorial libraries which have been'" contributed. In most' cases the book's will be donated by the mem bers of the' clubs. In many communi ties there are good men and women who Will gladly aid In making ' up suitable collections of books. 4 "' -. The ready ' assistance .of the County Superintendents, teachers 1 and ' other school bfflclals, as well as the rail road authorities will facilitate the placing of these libraries. - We appeal to all women to co-operate In this work. ' ; . !- MRS. J. T. ALDERMAN, Chairman Library Extension, Btate Fed eration, Woman's Clubs. J, J. Baxter Is agent , for the W. L. Douglas,' Lewis Crosaett and W, P. Tay lor's khoes for men. and E. P, Reed's shoes (or women. Every pair, guaran teed.. ' ,.uuts t fj u.-..i- CLARES. ': . ,-v.l . , ." ...... , i,-1 -; i f-a.Jf a Deo. 1. The farmers arounnd here, are about through gathering - In their crops and are smiling over the harvest. Hunt ing Is now In order and many are enjoy ing the sport. V -' ! 1 " ' Sore arms are much .In evidence here now, and the request - to "look out for that arm" la heard on every side. Everyg body In Clark has been : vaccinated, Save three persons, whom It Is said ran like rabbits, and were never caught, Messrs L A and G H Hancock took a business trio to New Bern Saturday Miss Kosa Lane of New Bern M spend lng a few days la Clarks. ... ... Mr G TJEubank went to see the father of Mr Eubanks, Mr Thomas Eu banks, who Is very slok, Sunday, i Mrs Maggie Tyler died at her home In Clarks last Sunday. CASTOniA For LLiits and Children. . - ra'r i Y:a C: i fcs r:::lt Wells To Be Deyeloped In Th:s ' State. Supreme Court Work. Rainfall. Death of Leadlag Merchant. Election Returns Just la Negro Desperado Caught. Coming Promlaeat Marriage. Ralxioh, Deo. L The rMn fell In torrents yesterday and last night, but all of It waa needed. . The Supreme Court devote this week to the docket of appeals from tbe 15th district. Only one more district will will then remain,' on the regular call. The court will not adjourn for the term until a day or two before Christ mas. The State canvassing board got .at work early today In order to complete the canvass during the day. It Is said by experts that there is cer tainly oil within 20 miles of Fayettevllle They have been to tbe location and made the tests. They say the only ques tion is whether It la In paying quantities They are now endeavoring to get some of the artesian well-boring companlea to drive some test wells. Mrs. Crutch, the widow of Mr. Alex ander Crutch, who was for years a lead ing merchant here and widely known, died at her home here today. .The election returns from Forsythe and Washington counties did not reach the State Board of Canvassers until to day, At Henderson, yesterday, four police men wont to arrest a negro thief, a noted desperado, long wanted. They caught htm In a house. He dashed out, pistol In hand, and fired at them. One bullet passed through a button on a coat front. The officers opened fire and killed the negro, who was struck In the head and neck. - Invitations are Issued to the wedding at the First Presbyterian church here on the evening of December 10th, of Miss Charlotte Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Young, to Mr. Henry R. Thorpe. BRADHAM'S IMPROVED ANTI BILIOUS PILLS are nature's niildesj and most effective remedy for a sluggish liver anddi Borders of the digestive tract generally. They remove impurities from the blood and clear np the sallow com plexion often seen in persons suffering from liver or bowel diseases, Price 2S per box, sample box two doses for 5c. BRADHAM'S PHARMACY, Car. Pelleok ft Middle Its. At.Davis'. Fresh Diphtheria Antitoxin and Vac cine Virus at Davis' Prescription Phar macy. ATTEMPTED WIFE MURDER. Brutal But Unsuccessful Attempts. . . Flight Ends In Capture. U ' - ,-'f , , What came very near, closely near, being a fatal Incldent.occurred on Queen street last night about six o'clock. : J. W Dall, a white man of vicious and unlawful habits, who was married to a good and tender woman, took -his wife to an out of way place in Pamlico county to reside, and about two months ago be came cruel and bratal to both her, and the children, two girls, and one boy, . , Dall It is said engaged In the sale of Illicit whiskey and stayed full all the lime himself, growing all the time more fierce and intractable. Two weeks ago, In one of Dall's drunken frenzies, he ordered his wife to leave at once, on fear of death, swearing he would Mil her on his return. Mrs. Dall left and took refuge at her mother's house in this city; Mrs. Sidney Jordan, who lives on Queen street, and who ia a most estimable old lady. Saturday afternoon Dall showed up in New Bern, making his way to Mrs. Jordan's where he expected to find his wife and children, whom Mrs. Dall had brought away with her. ; ,-. Mrs Dall, after an Interview with her unnatural and brutal husband, thought best' to get away,, and left Sunday for Dover, where she stayed until yesterday afternoon, returning on the evening train, thinking perhaps her husband had gone away. But Dall had continued to lurk around and when he found his wife at her moth ers he rushed In and began cursing and abusing her. Mrs. Dall, being near a door, dodged within, and Dall thinking . to oatch a shot, began firing through the passage, the shots passing out the back door, which was open at the time. t Dall finding his shots had taken no effect, rushed In and grasped his wife by the throat, and after choking her nearly senseless beat her in the face, unmercl fully. The brutal, inhuman wretch' after his attacks rushed to the E. C. D. dock, where the steamer Neuse was on the point of sailing, and took passage, tak ing his little boy with him. This one time, it so happened, that "the devil didn't take care of his own." Dail was apprehended at Oriental and will be brought here to answer for his reprehensible conduct. Mrs Dall waa seen last night, and while not suSerlngfrom any serious bodily injury was suffering much men tal anguish on the loss of her boy, who en and o ma fe DR. HATHAWAY.. Recognked as the Leading and Most Successful Specialist in His line la the United States. Stricture My cure for this disease u gentle and painless, and often causes no detention from business or other duties. It involves no cutting or dangerons surgical operation. Improper treatment will result in serious Injury. I give each ease individ ual attention, and treat its every reaulrement. Everv obstruction in rnnnml. uul n riiMh.rmi mn inflmm. Hon and soreness la allayed and the canal heals up promptly and permanently. Bend for free book on Stricture, . .. If This disease Is the enlargement of veins of the scrotum, which fill with stagnant blood, causing a constant drain Boon VariCDCBIf he vitality. It weakens the entire system and saps away all sexual strength. 1 cure this disease with the same unl .wwwr.w f0rm ogftainty just as quick as consistent with medical science. Probably more men are afflicted with Varicocele than any other disease, and their strength is being drained away without their knowing the cause. Come to me at once if you thinfr yon Ar9 affllot ed, and learn the cause of your trouble Send for free booklet oa Varicocele. DI..J Bm!am Thl9 horrible disease Is no longer incurable, and when I say that I can cure the most severe ease I do so because I -' DlODD rDISllli know just what my treatment has accomplished. If yon have sores, pimples, blotches, sore throat, pains In the riwwM bones, falling hair, or any symptoms which you do not understand, It is lmportantthat you consult me at once, and I will tell yon frankly whether or not you are an unfortunate victim. I will guarantee to oure you without the use of strong and injurious drugs, In as qulok, if not quleker, time than any known treatment. My cure Is a permanent one, and Is not mere patohwork, and the fllttstt wiube eradicated from the system forever. Send for my free booklet, "The Poison King." r 17 S Women who suffer from theallmsnts peculiar to their sex are cured by my gentle and painless UlSBaSBS OT VY OlllCn method of treatment, which avoids all necessity for surgical operations. If you suffer from bearing eiwvMwwr w downpalns, backache, Irregularities, leuchorrhea, etc, write me about your ease, I have restored to health thousands ot suffering women. Send for my free booklet on women's Diseases. fiL...!. nir.nnr.nn MT specialty also Includes all other chronlo diseases, such aa Rheumatism, Catarrh, Diabetes, Brlght't llfirOniG ' UlSBaSBS P'sease, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Piles, Fistula, Rupture, Paralysis, Locomotor Ataxias St, viu wmw . Vitus Dance, etc., and all who want skillful, expert treatment should write me about their case. Mr office is equipped with the most approved X-Bay and electrical apparatus, to that my patients get the benefit of the latest discoveries of science. I Taih( I Invite everyone to consult me without charge, and will refund railroad fare one way to all who take Hnilln I rBHllslClil treatment. If you cannot see me in person write for symptom blanks and full Information about my euc aswsssw .. oessful plan of home treatment by which I have cured patients In every Btate In the Union and In Ionian countries. Correspondence confidential. - ' v .w J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 74 Inman Building, 22 f 8. Broad St., ATLANTA, UA, OLYWPIA. December 1. We have had a heavy rain fall thlf pats week.lt was about an Inch and half rain. Farmers are about through housing crops and report a very good yield In every kind of orop. Sunday was a very quiet day In the p. m; rainy, which made it very disagreea ble for those who attended the Union meeting at Kitt Swamp. Miss Susan Hartley is visiting relatives and friends at Olympia. Mr J A Johnson of Arapahoe passed through Olympia Wednesday last on a business trip. If madam rumor Is correct a young man of down east made a business trip to Olympia last week; we presume he Is fishing. Good many of our people are carrying a steaky erm for fear they might arouse a sensation with vaccination. Mr and Mrs Augbstus Sutton lost their little child of smallpox the 20th Inst., and It Is reported Mrs button has small pox. If you don't want small pox you must be vaccinated, and by this means, kill out the fever, j ffevent IMiicss By Shampoos with flS And fight dVessingi with CUTICURA purest of emollient skin cures, This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, . scales, and dandruff soothes irritated, pitching surfaces, stim ulates the hair follicles, supplits the roots with nourishment, and makes the hair row upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy, scalp when all else fails. Millions Use, CoTtctra Soap, assisted by crmctnaa Onrrsorar, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp ot crusts, scales, and dandruff and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whiten, lag, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, ltchlngs, and chaSngs, and tor all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of women use Ctmocaa boaf In the form of baths for annoying lrrita. tons, Inflammations, and oheflngs, or too free or offensive perspiration, In the form ot washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women. s Complete Humour Cure, $1.' Cutiour A SOAP (2BO.) , to cleanse the skin of . 1 crust and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle, CuTioiiKA Ointment (Wc.), to in ttantly allay itching and Inflammation, and soothe and heal, and Cutkwka KksolvksI Pills (Itoo.), to cool and cleanse the blood. OntitroiuEsm.viinPn.i.s (Chocolate Coated) : are a new, taatelena, odorless, economical snb stuiite for the eelebmtea Hoind Cu'riotma Ha. SotvitHT as well as for all outer biood purifWa sd hmnmir euros. In screw-cap vials, contain lug 30 dowa, p : , 4o. ' "I ! WurM. J-h n i m f -.. '. Frm ri i i -, I' . . i k mw sue ;., vt, c j Women of The specialist li now lnOispsnssbta. Ia all walks of Ufa there la a demand tot the aiaa ho can do on particular thing totter than any one also, and tnoh a man is on who has " his endeavor to, and contend all of hit OMrgr and ability oa tha ipeolaltr h has ehotea tor hla life's work. :, , . . . -; ..- Early In mjr professional career I reallnd that Chroale Diseases were aot being given lbs attention which their Importance warranted. I saw that these diseases required a special fit ness which the busy practitioner aotud sever acquire. For no re than twenty years I have de voted myself exolnalvelr to the study and treatment of these disease, and the fact that physi cians recommend me to their patients Is aa evidence of my skill and ability In my special line, t give special obunsel to physicians with obstinate and obscure eases.. . , , I have devoted particular attention to chronic diseases of men and women, and no other elass of disease requires more Intelligent and expert treatment. It It a fact that a majority of ' men owe the seriousness of their condition to Improper treatment, and a failure to realise tht Importance of placing their ease In the hands of a skilled and expert specialist., . -- MnHiiniie nnliSlStif Overindulgence, indiscretions and excesses are not the only NcrVOUS U6DIIIIV eausee of an Impairment of sexual strength. Such a derange- : " rnent frequently oomei from worry, overwork, mental etrSn, etc., which gradually weakens and injures the system before tbe unfortunate victim realise. . the true nature of his trouble. Nervousness, weak bank, disslneae, lost of memory, ipota before the eyes, despondency, etc., often are the first symptoms of an lmpalrmentof manly vigor, and If neglected serious results are sure to follow. Iwant to talk to every man who hat anyot these symptoms of weakening of his manly functions. I can promptly correct all Irregularities, and under my skillful treatment you will have restored all of the strength and glory ol your man hood. Whether you consult me or not, do not Jeopardise your health by experimenting with ready-made medicines, free samples, so-called quick cures, etc, the most delicate organs of the body are involved, and only an expert should be entrusted with your ease, Bend for tree booklet, " rlervous lability and Its Family of Ills." All the necessary articles to make your Thanksgiving and Christmas Fruit Cake such as Currants, Raisins, Citron, Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Pure Spices and Flavoring Extracts. Aiso Fine London Layer Eaisins, New Prunes, Evaporat ed Peaches and Apples, Apricots, Atmore's Mince Meat, Gran, berries. ' , A complete stock of Canned Fruits and Vegetables Sweet and Sour Pickles, Tomato Catsup, Tobasoo Sauce. " ' Fox River Print and Fancy Elgin Bntter, Finest Cream Cheese, Buckwheat, Maple Syrup, and hundreds of nice articles which we cannot mention for want of space. Tours to please, 1 5B T If m mm 3 I I III K & 3 U. U. tlil'UdiiUlJL1, . 'Phone 91. 3. . Hackbuira!! HAS JUST n Another shipment of that All Wool, i iK in black, navy and gray, at SOo yard. jg . All Wool Rainy Day Skirt Good, in all shades, 28 Inches S ') wide, at 50o and 60o yard. . , - . W fj v . 1 v ' We Have the Royal Worcester I - ' ' i Corsets ' - ' - ' ' T Tawm Viet esrtil. ik. U.J!... 1. Jt.l.U. 1 Ct3 .1 w a i s j scraigm irons gives grace ana SEE OUR The Grandest Values ever ""sar " ' nudnut's Ajjcncy at Cavis. Davis Pbarmary has been very fortun ate In seeming the sole s-ncy L ,se for IT ndu nt's Pr-rfumcs and T", t T. ; ' - a lions. Their quuV.'j la r f r 'if ' lence e 1 c " - 7 f ,t 1' 7 a a I ly t I 1 ' V 3 s ' " ( AH Anoo, B Wholesale XSetair Grocer, 71 Broad fit saejejiev. ftjiiVj.ii.fc,, ,1, . j, j i ) RECEIVED inch wide Skirt Goods ( ) m oomtort, vraov;.' offered by anyone in this city. "W ' If year 1 C lit! V ' r h-W if 1 s -j,

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