c u u nv y 1 - . ' . V -1 ' l . , , VOLUME XIY. HIW BIRN, CBAYH CODSTY, H. C, FRIDAY, DSCIMBIR 5, 1902 -8IC0H0 8CCTI0K. HDMBIR 71 J J -I 4 At ' ;;X' TtlEOLD HHJAELE rf" l;V' l' f I v'ri ; if" , .'. n a Absolutely: Pure S'- , T:ttilSKQSU5SmUTE NEWPORT HEWS.' A Substantial Gift to a Sinister. Chanfes " December 8. Mr. Croom Rodman of the firm Rodman and Rodman, of Wash ington, N. 0. was here laat week for the Interest of those who wish to purchase BtUe lands. , Dt Bender, dentist, was in town last week. ' i - 1 , : . ; A number of onr young people attend ed a concert at Holly " Spring's school : house Thanksgiving eve, and report quite a pleasant time.' . ' Miss Eva Morton has gone to i More head City to visit her brother,' Mr JB Morton. S ,'';', ; , t Thanksgiving Is over, and the import of the day was whether we are duly grateful to our Giver for the great and glorious blessings we are privileged to enjoy. Rev. J. II. M. Giles Is attending the M E Conference at 'Wilmington this week. A friend presented him with a handsome $40 suit of clothes made by Mr. Chad wick, of New Bern, before he left. The people through the efforts of Mr. Giles have paid off the entire debt of near $500 on their now parsonage. ' . Dr. and Mrs. C. T Wlndley apint Thanksgiving day at New Bern. ; Some changes are being made in Car teret Lodge, and when finished It wilt be quite a h ndsorac building. A party of sportsmen there not long since killed eight deer, one turkey and other game. - The school at tho Academy Is prog ressing; eighty-two pupils are enrolled and many mure yet to enter. Mr Oca. Ives Is here now looking af ter his farming Interest. v,' FRIGHTFUL FIRE ' And Loss of Lives By Hotel Fire In Chi . . cago. ... Special to Journal, - , - Chicago, Dec 4 la the destruction of ... the Lincolnton Hotel, today, by fire, twenty one guests were smothered to ' death In their beds. .. " , There, were scores of thrilling escapes .from the burning hotel, many guests jumping from the', fifth story to the roof -of an adjoining building. . -Several jumping to the alley below were fatally Injured. . Most of the victims were visitors in the city attending the Live Stock Exhi bition. , , . '. Attraction Next Week. . Commencing Monday night the Great Martynne and a company of high class artists, will play a Three Nights engage ment at the Masonio Opera House, dur ing Ihe entire engagement popular prices 10, 20, 80 cents .will prevail, and on the opening 'night (Monday); every lady accompanied by a holder of a paid . 80o. ticket will be admitted free. Tickets can be purchased :! and seats reserved at Waters, next Monday morning ' . : OLIVERS. , - : Deo. iuber L The rains for the past few daj s have Interfered with the cotton picking, but most of the. crop Is pick ed. : ; t Mr. James Simmons, of New Bern.and a few friends have been visiting Mr, Blmmon's grand-father, Mr. F. G. Sim- 1 mons, and have enjoyed several nice .hunts. ' , i- ..'! i - Mr. J.U. Parker, and Mr. J. J. Sim- , mons, went to New Bern luesday on , business. , - 4 , Miss Clara - Harper is spending this ' week with friends snd relatives at Pol locksvilte ) . Miss Bertie Heath left' Tuesday for ' Charleston, B. C to visit her sister, Mrs D W Harper. We wish her a pleasant Mrs Columbia Ward spent yesterday In Trenton. . MrFG Simmons went to Trenton Monday, and Mr C H Heath, was there yesterday. . t ... v l.--.: ! CASTCIA . For Infants and CLil-L-ca. Bear the denature of urn in m i - : I ''" . Recommended By State TaiCom- ' " mlssloners. . r j . ; . . ... , ' - A - ' ' '" '! Proalient . Society Wedding at IlttrelL Beyeral 8UU Charters " C ranted. iTideice la ' : , Soith Dakota Boad RiXsloH. Dec V. At the 'Methodist Church at KlUrell this afternoon Miss Ellen M. Crudup, daughter of Mrs. John Boddle Crudup, was united In marriage to Dr. James R. Rodgers of Raleigh. The attendance was large, Raleigh and other points being represented. The btlde Is a member of a family pf pro mi-, aenoe. and wealth. ' Dr. Rogers is one of Raleigh's leading physicians and has a wide acquaintance id this State, ' His brother, Dr. Cary P Rogers of Balti more, was his best man. -r. The 'State Tax Commission today made its annual report to the legislature filing this" with the Governor, Chairman McNeill of the commission gives your correspondent a statement of the chief features of the report. He says: "We recommend that the exemption of proper ty from taxation be Increased to $300 (It Is now $26), that poll, tax be levied for State and county purposes and not for municipal purposes; that the Sttta and county tax rate be limited to cents on the $100 of . property, and that the municipal tax rate be so limited that combined with the Btate and county rate It shall not exceed $1 on the $100 value of property; that the revenue for State purposes be derived from taxes on in comes; franchises, inheritances, etc. Our plan is to levy no advalorun aiesfor State and pension purposes." The State today granted several char ters. One to the Hanover Iron Works Company, of Wilmington, capital $50,. 000; to the Wilkinson-Bullock real estate company.of Rocky Mount, capital $50, 000; to the Hackney and Moale Printing, Publishing and Book-binding company, of Ahevllle, capital $10,000, to the Shal lotte and Wilmington Transportation Company, to operate a line of steamers between fhese points, headquarters at Sballolte. - i " ' The special commissioner, E. 3. Bat tie, has resumed the taking of this State's evidence bore In the South Da kota Bond suit. . Governor Ayoock and Treasurer Lacy are among the wit nesses.. :.'' . - Arrivals George Rountree; Wilmlng ton; A D Ward, New Bern; T O Wblta- ker, Trenton. ,' ' .r Btate Superintendent J Y Joyner has bought a handsome house here, near the executive mansion and will soon make Raleigh bis home. , Kinston nilltary Company. Special tS'Journal. ' . halbigh, ueo v. The Kmston nines, CapU H. D. Harper was accepted as Co, B find Regiment, State Guard, and wai ordered mustered In today. New County Officers. The County officers elected at the Nov ember election have been formally in stalled' and are now discharging their official functions. .The following are the officers: , -..' Clerk of Superior court, W M Watson Sheriff, J W BIddle, Register of Deeds, George B Waters, Treasurer, D L Rob erts. Dr. J W Duguld theooroner-elect, did not present his bond, s , Tho following County Commissioners were Installed. I: W E Brown, J J Baxter, K R Jonea A E Wadsworthand G Y Richardson. Mr D L Ward was reelected county attorney, N. C. Methodist Conference. The sixty sixth session of the North Carolina Conference convened In Wil mington, on Wednesday, Bishop A. Coke Smith, presiding. . ; - The proceedings for the first day were naming coming committees and hearing reports from the districts. - i The following report was made by F, D, Swindell. New Bern District. . : "We have done soma material work. We have improved some churches and parsonages, and have paid some debts of long standing. Some of the charges have increased the salaries of last year. We hare had some good revivals, but not what we ought to have had. We have all told had a pleasant year on the New Bern district". ' . ; The attendance at the Conference large. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. - Eleven men were killed Wednesday bv the explosion of the boiler of the steamer Progress which was lying at Its dock at Han Francisco, CaL ' The ex-Speaker of the House, Thos B. Reed Is very ill "at his home in New York with an attack of catarrhal appen dicitis. ; '": . ' ' ;; " J ' Benor.Bagasts, the prime minister of Spain has resigned. The relations be tween the ing and Sagasta were pleas ant the former being anxious for Sagasta to remain In tbe Cabinet. Jas Rochelle Tyler, grandson of Prcsl- i nt Tyler died at the Confederate 8ol r -s Ho- Esmond, Vs., Wc3ne.!ay DOBfcS. i Farmers Lose Honey. Consolidation of Tobacco Interest Dec. 1 Miss Ina Brewer, who is teach ing near Yanoeboropent Thanksgiving at borne. , Bhewas accompanied by Mrs Dora Gssklns. ' Mr. and Mrs 8 R. Ball and little grand son Master Sam BmaH, of New Bern spent Sunday here. Messrs. Charles Lancaster, of Hono lulu, and Is rail Moore of Coxvtlle, spent Saturday night here.after taking Thanks giving dinner at Mr. E. A. Lancaster's at BeUair.' Mr. Ray Brewer, who is attending school at Beaufort, spent Thanksgiving with his parents. , ' The peanut crop is good In our sec tion. Mr.W.F. Lancaster made over eighty bushels to the acre, ' and all who planted any this year say they have an xceotlonallr fine mod. , Miss Blanche McLawhon.who la teach lng ' at the Aldrldge school house near Honolulu, and brother Joe, who is at tending school : at WlntervOIe, spent Thanksgiving with their parents. They were accompanied by Mr. Dick Nelson of Grlfton. " '', Messrs. Bryan and Thede WUU of Wmp, spent Sunday here. Miss Mamie Mldyett of Oriental, will teach our school this year. She came up Friday and will board at Mr. G. V. Briffhts. ' ' '. That "competition Is the life of trade" o . Is well Illustrated in the fall in the price of tobacco since the two large companies consolidated. The farmers In this vi cinity lost considerably by not selling the first of the season. Several have told ns that they had lost from one to two hundred and fifty dollars by hold' ing their tobacco. Well,such is monop oly and we guess we'll have to "grin and bear It". Wandering Willie, The Roller , tray trunk still takes the lead, a lady should buy no other make. For sale by J. J. BAXTER. Market Letter on Cotton. By private wire, J. E Latham ft Co. Nbw iYork, Dec. 4V-Following the excitement of yesterday, there was one of the dullest markets we have had this fall today. A few minutes after opening March sold at 8.S5 and during the great er part of the day, the price never varied a point from that figure.' Above 8.25 there was cotton for sale and below 8J35 cotton was wanted. On' one hand bad weather, light receipts and shorts cover ing, sustained prices, On the other, the estimate from Washington and the pre vailing belief in a crop of eleven mil lion bales . kept the trado from buy ing.' The most important deve!6pment was the buying by those who sold before the bureau report came'OUt. Thousands of bales of March and MaV; Vere . taken during the early dealings B;f iroters sup posed to operate for the bull frowd, tak ing most of It. The same brokers were the sellers on Monday and Tuesday. Present factors are on the whole more favorable to prices than otherwise. Bad weather and no movement of cotton here In New . York, all operate la favor of price, but when the jlze of the crop Is considered, or what is believed to be the six of It, the present price is really a good one. A year or two ago no one would have believed 8 possible on crop of eleven million bales. Former crops of that size found Co the price. Of course size of drop found 6c prices. World's finances and everything of that kind show differently today. As to change crop views we would rather sell on every bulge over 8o than buy at present prices.' c; ;-y. u-'i ' '. . :V: : 1,:.' Jsrv-J. Jb. LATHAM CO. New York,' December 8. The report has beta received and is out of the way now we will go along more naturally than for. some time past, and prices - will depend more on every day's factors.. If receipts are light , for one reason or another the market 'will be steady. If they grow heavy the price will sag. ' At present there is not enough cotton "Join ing in to allow much ' of a break. iThis must not be forgotten in planning the future of the market. ...The report today was distinct surprise to the majority; It was so low to prove that the figures could not be, over 10,200,000; that it seemed suspiciously easy to guess at 10,300,000. As some expected the rt port proved over 10,100,000. This for the yield. In addition to the yield the cur rent crop will be made wp of 180,000 balealef t over and 350,000 samples, etc. or something like 10,800,000 as the posj sible crop. These Azures are rather bearish, as we regard them never before has the departmea t Issued such large figures, and the ' cotton trade of the world is likely to be Influenced by this showing. Figures indicate an" eleven million bale crop. We regard 8 to 81c as a good price with this outlook, and we should most certainly take advantage of every 'advance to sell long cotton For a time the oat shortage Is likely to leave small receipt! and with some short of December and January prlcss could advance. On a crop of eleven millions there will be nothing to bring about a tell market above 82c, but until the urop Is proved in excess of that figure,' there will ,'aot be much of a break below 8a. J. E. Latham & Co. Ell Cloves.--; .':' Don't pay (.1.00 and (1.23 jorKld C!otp, "tgOtoJ.J. Eaxtcr r.ti n New Plan Taxation Receives -Pntllc . ApproraL ( , Sale Tax Tags for Fertilisers Fall off. Queer Few!.; State Char tor. Strawberries. Got- -h-- eraor Refuses to - Pardon. Com ing Mar riage. Ralhoh, December 4. The weather prophets have made groat errors lately in their predictions, Tbe weather, fact, appears to be a pussle- , in The recommendations regarding what may be termed 4 nsw plan of taxation, as made by the Stalk-sax commission are well receives by the public, to judge by the comments. The board of agriculture today made ud Its budget for the half year. The re ceipts from the sales of tax tags for fer tlllzers are some (2,000 less than tney were last year for the autumn business. An Increase of at least 81500 had been expected. Among today's arrivals were a. & Gilliam and John Mayo, Tarboro; John H Gore, Jr., Wilmington; Z F Long, Rockingham. At the State museum a queer fowl is On view; a cross between a turkey and a guinea. It is to be placed In the "zoo' at the cltt park. During November there were 88 deaths and 87 births. Ten cases or scarlet fever and 2 of tvohold fever were re ported. The State grants a charter to tne J w , Wadsworth Sons Company, ot Char lotte, to deal in horses, etc. capital $125- 000. Your ' correspondent was at Elttrell yesterday afternoon and round very lame ripe strawberries in tne oerry farm of Mr. Oscar W. Blacknall.- This easily breaks the record for this part of North Carolina. Governor Ayoock declines to pardon John Murrow, of Greensboro. Great ef forts ta secure a oardon for this man have been make for weeks past. Mr John Ward and Miss Nella Grimes both of Raleigh, are to be married De cember 10. The bride elect Is a niece of the late Gen. J. Bryan Grimes, and a cousin of Secretary of State Grimes. Why suffer pain and severe sickness from Bowel Complaints, when AR NOLD'S BALSAM stops one and cures the other. It hu been successfully used for fifty year. 'Warranted to give satis faction or money refunded by T. A Henry. . ' DIED AMONG STRANGERS. W.Verser. of Virginia, Dies at the , Hazelton HoteL ' Mr. N. W. Verser, of Richmond, Vs., an agent of the Fidelity Mutual Life In surance Co., of Philadelphia, died yes terday morning at the Hazelton hotel ot typhoid fever. He had been very sick for about two weeks and all the medical attention and nursing care that wu pos sible wu given him. His mother and brother camenom Virginia Wednesday, morning , In re sponse to telegrams. They took the re mains home with them on the west bound train at 6.30 last night. Mr. Verser wu quite well known here having visited here several times in the interest of his company. He was an Odd Fellow and through the lodge made number of acaualntances and wu very popular, He wu 26 years old. The funeral services wm oe mm to day at Jennings Ordinary, Va. COVE. I Dec 4. Mr C J White reported that he would be married last Wednesday night and disappointed a good many neoole. We had a lots of fun with them. ' Mr E J Hlnes left Jor Parmele, Wed nesday. ' We are verv sorry to learn that Miss Lena Harrison k very sick. We are glad to. say that MrWEJ Brothers will soon bo doing business In Cove. . i ; : ' r- Mr H T White is building a new store opposite the depot in which he eqpects to carry en a business. Mr Bill Robinson will be married Deo, 10th and we expect ' to give him a nice serenade. Henon, OABTOnXA, lUMti,. Tha Kind Yoo Hava Alwari filgsatir er Velvets, Velvets, Velvets. .We still have a nice line of Velvets and other millnery goods on hand, all to be sold for less than cost Respect fully. . J. J. BAXTER. Eello There! Say, . Stop a moment. Can yon tell ml the place I want to go to? well, you're fool. How do I know where you want to go t Well I'm not so much so u you take mo for. But do show me 43 Middle 8t. or a place called I LIi DO IT. ! "Well, my friend, you're all riht, I'm p t' -"-e tr- ", to t"7 sa orcrcort. ILLICIT DISTILLER ARRESTED. J. W. ball ef Oriental In the' County JaU For Hanafactarint and Selling ' - Llqaor Wltheat a MffBM. " J. W. Dail, of Oriental was arrested by United States Marshal, W. & Jewell yesterday on the charge of operating an illicit still and retailing liquor without a license. . ' He was brought to New Bern and had a preliminary examination before United States Commissioner Charles B. Hill. He wu required to give a justified bond for $100, which he wu unable to do and wu taken to the County jail to await trial before tho U. 8. Court. Dail is under $100 bond for assault with deadly weapon under a dty war rant, on Monday night having shot at his wife during a quarrel. He will have to stand trial la the Superior Court u well u the United States Court. AROUND AND ABOUT. We are reminded of the approach of Christmas by the very pretty window decoration in Simmons &Hollowell'j store. It ta artistic and attractive. Mr. 8. H. Scott, who Is travelling In New York, writes from Niagara Falls of a treat snow storm there. He left Buffalo this week for St Louis. The tug Wm B Blades -and the two masted schooner C Hay are undergoing repairs at the Meadows' yard. There may be a game of football next Monday between Chocowlnlty and New Bern. Arrangements are not fully completed, The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Z T Fulcher, died yesterday. Rev T M N George will conduct the burial today at 11 o'clock- The barges Mystery, Porter and Phillips from Baltimore are discharging cargoes of phospeate and kalnlt at the Meadows mllL The friends of J. L. A. Templetoo, formerly of this city, will be glad to learn that he Is alive and well and is now living at Ayden, Pitt County. There wu a small tobacco break at the Farmers warehouse yesterday. Man ager Howard expects larger sales for to day and tomorrow. The prices are very good. Masters Nelson . George and George Roberts spent their Thanksgiving holi day with Muter Joe Dawson, and went prepared for hunting, they returned In high spirits, having bagged two rabbits, 2 squirrels partridges, and two other birds. The Governor hu issued an addition-1 el reward of one hundred dollars reward for the capture of Cyrus Dixon, the murderer, who escaped from Jones conn I jail sometime ago. This makes a total of MOO.- reward . offered by the Slate for his capture. Yesterday after the rain, It was no ticed that the sidewalk on Hancock street, between Johnson and Queen, wu flooded with water. The drain, If there Is one wu completely filled up and the pond of water was very large. Pedes trians were compelled to wsde to get by. YESTERDAY'S STORM. One of the Worst Storms of the Year. Yesterday wu one of the roughest days of the year. A storm set In about 8 o'clock in the morning and kepi up a steady down pour for more than six boars. Rainy weather wu not expected u the government forecast waf for fair and cooler weather. The rain came gently yet in such quantities u to make it very uncomfortable to walk out with out an umbrella. J Early In the morning a wire of the City Electric tlroult crossed the tele phone wire and caused the switchboard to be burned out. The telephone ser vice wu delayed for about an hour- No other damage of any amount wu done around the city. ! About noon a high wind arose and for a time the river lashed the shores with fearful .fury. Many boats midstream sought safety at the piers. Two boats, the two muted schooner Minnie and G. N.J Ive's gasolene launch, Sappho were anchored in the Trent and the force of the.waves drove them. against the piling of the A & N C bridge. The launch jam med against the schooner and wu almost put upon her deck. v The tug Swan went to the aislstance of the boats and had great deal difficulty In settlne- the boats loose u the tide wu very high and the seas wore running wild preventing any very rapid work The Swan finally released the boats and all tbe spectators expected, to see both boats badly damaged . but they were brought back to the dock uninjured. THB VALUE OP EXPERT TREAT Everyone who is afflicted with a chron ic disease experiences great difficulty in having their cue Intelligently treated the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who understands them thoroughly. Dr. 3, Newton Eathaway ot Atlanta, Ga.ls acknowledged tie most skillful and suc- c-'-fal r-c " ";;t intheUuIUl Cotes. V r: e 1 ilr ta expert c; ' !i of r" r t fer Vi'.'-h te i. to e& this ' All tbe necessary articles to make your Thanksgiving and Christmas Fruit Cake such aa Currants, Raisins, Citron, Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Pure Spices and Flavoring Extracts. , Also Fine London Layer Raisins, New Prunes, Evaporat ed Peaches and Apples, Apricots, Atmore's Mince Meat, Cran berries. " - . , ,..''-. V A complete stock of Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Sweet and Sour Pickles, Tomato Catsup, Tobasco Sauce. ' Fox River Print and Fancy Elgin Butter, ' Finest Cream Cheese, Buckwheat, Maple Syrup, and hundreds of nice articles which we cannot mention for want of space, n ' ' Yours to pleaae,C3.7 ' ' ; J IMW lUwUmuu 3 'Phone 01. SHAPING FOR THE mi T rade We consider it good advertising to tell you that the Big Christmas Lines are here: that wo shall soon '. have them in selling shapes. " ; We want you to know that when the gift-buying time comes you can depend on this shop being In com- plete readiness to supply your wants. In the mean time glance through the following list of things you need now: 1 ' Yarns, Embroidery Silk & Art Goods rm Fleesher's Shetland Floss fer Shawls, Fleeshert Germantowa for Slippers, Fleecher's Saxony for Baby Sacks, . Slipper Soles for Children, Misses, Ladies and Men. STAMPED LINENS, T colors of Hemmwayto Embroidery Silk for fancy work. Ait Important Selling of Fancy Pillow Tops. This purchase of Pillow Tops comes our way at the right time. The Newest Designs iat high art print ing. - Indian Heads, Indian Teppee. The Canoeist. Hattie Tom and several New Designs, 25o. NARROW RIBBONS Complete line of colons for Fancy Work, So yard. - Large line of the Newest Styles in Monta Coats to select from. Prices Low. ill 67 Pollock Street. 3C j OF MONTE CARLO COATS At about New York Cost , They axe samples sent us on approval. ' Black, CaatorA Tans, 82 to 88, regular price $7 60 to $15 00, Special Price $5 50 to til 00. OOOOOOOOv 0 v VV by If your baby has a trosl'-eass Cf" cold or croup, - ,7P tt. Will TClieve it, It's 1st h tt Emde exflwKivc'T 1 rl n i t roti. It is t i, ' , .. , i ' " . Wholesale A Itetail 71 Broad St as) Mfra,Ay if UP odlay Beautiful Designs, fell line f t Carlo T,nnra ... . ( ( i L i I 1 . ail , , for ;' J i i 1U L- -V"':.". C C T r t 1! V - ' p ! .3 rjrny-Balsam 1 and j1 ' t t .- 1 A Away ' c i. t'