U Ml fj. II 1.1 VOLUJlB IX V. EXW BIEH, CRAYI5 COUITT, I. C, TCISD1T, DICIMBIl 9,- 1902 TIRST 8ICTI0H. NUMBER 72 x, : A ''.V 'ii '"I -X'1' i -ft CE1ILLD JL30R t t Recommendations Not Thought Rad- Penitentiary Financial Exhibit Used. Governor's Coming Kes ita. j 8iHer Agricultural Sckeol JUiey From ; , Peabody ' Fund. sum war- v.- ters. f :; ,. (. j. Riliioh, December .-rTterwuic ' - (&( morning, bat the oses continue to '' " bloom;. not, of course,' eohanssomely u they did week ago.' ! ( -lIlo penltentlrydirectorfiaMTetly ''. pleased1! the fine financial showing of their report for tbla year,, whloh li In. preparation, will ihowJ They ' say that' Y " tho profits' of the year's. Work ' are large. ' . .. '..,-.' V" " , .Application la made for a new lodge of .Odd Fellows at Morgan Hill Buncombe county.. :'-' 7 ; Governor Ay cock Is at work collecting - " facts for bis message to the legislature. He tld today,-You know the fiscal , .? -- . year ends November 80,'- Well, It re quires about a month for some of the - departments and Institutions to get up ibflr reports. The result Is ' that, i cannot get some reports "before January 1. There are eom 40 or 50 re ports made, and as yet not half a dozen have come In. Of course it requires . . . time tor me to digest them. The result - ,. - Is lam greatly crowded In the few days A in January before ' IhSi legislature ' ' ' meets.' v "'ft ' ' ' The legislative joint committee to In vestigate the books, etc., of the State Auditor And Treasurer will meet here next week for that purpose. Senator - 8. Y. Webb is the chairman of the cqm- v A new hcadqnarieis flag for the Qt ''ernbthsi been received from the War department. - It Is of blue silk; with the arms exquisitely embroidered. ..1 . S ' Tbe board c.f agiiculture adjourned ; - today. It "has authorized President -Winston of the . Agricultuial and Me chsakal College : to hold there during the vacation months next year a summer . agricultural and nature study school for .. tlwbentfli of pubjje school teachers; j ' v Tbe lite of the doimltorfes will "be free and the cost of living will be very small Indeed. President Winaion has for some months had this plan in vie w and no doubt tho tchool will be a great fea ture. ' " ''' ';; ' ;; Today $ 1200 was received from the Peabody luod by Btate; Superintendent Joyntr. .Of thls$800troe8 ,to the Nor t : " ' mat and Industrial College fot women, f $300 to the negro normal school at Win j? - ston and $200 to the public schools. i A charter is granted the Ureka Trooa- .. ' er Company of Lexington, capital $10, 000, i. D. Grimes and others stock . holders. A charter Is also granted the Spray Woollen Mills, at Spray, Rocktng , . lam county, capital $103,000, with leave . . - to Increase to $500,000. Of the stock 2 0 $100 shares are prepared and 1800 of , ' $50 each common. The preferred stock Is Y to get an annual dividend of 1 Per cent and when the earnings exceed this the excess Is to be divided between the hold - ers of the preferred and common stock. The company Is authorized to manufac ture wool; cotton, silk or other fabrics. There Is much public Interest in .the recommendations made as the labor of children lifaotortes. It Is felt that they are not radical' recommendations that is are conservative. Ten hours a day for children under 14; no night work, for those under , that age, that., is no work before 0 p. m. ana o a. m; no employ ment of chlldien under 11; no child un . der 14 to work unless it can read and fi-'f4 waits. This 1s a guard against Igno- - rsnce. Then the recommendation that ' "H hours be a days work for an adult in a factory is felt to baa sound one. Snob are the comments heard regarding the mailer. .,' ' " CLARKS. , December 4, Mrs. John Simpson of New Bern is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Jno. Taylor of this plsce. .. .J t Mr J Humphrey and sister,.; Hiss "s Clara spent Sunday at Bellair. V We learn that it has been reported to be a case of small pox at Clarka and we " are glad to Inform the pnblio that It was ' all false. , Mils Clara Humphrey went to Bellair : Wednesday afternoon. : . "Daisies Shan't TelL" CUBAN TREATY READY To Be, Signed . With .United States Hext luesaay. , Special to Jdurnal. Wasbihotok, Deo 6-Presldent Palma of Cuba, sends word that the Cuban treaty with the, United States will be t signed next. Tnesdsy. .u , ( That all impediments are removed That the Cuban Senate is ready to ratify It The new tariff bill between the coun tries will then be sdopted. t: , r- r: r I ..; , . '. V o c: CCASTORIA lor Infants and CMldren. R9 rkiYcJi::v3.!;:;:r:";,i rears the RUE16H. Cotton Kills wm Bill Not Contest . .;. Te Kegilat Child Laber. Oyster Caaaery Baraed. OULan.,, - mark Bemeved. Fear Colored Fostmsiters . Ia'flUtft. ;;. -u.... BjlUUuh, Dee. 8, Last night the rs maras of Mr. T. Mortimer Fleming ar rived here from Baltimore, where be died la a hospital after an operation. For many years he was an engineer on the Seaboard Air Line but for qaite a while had been In charge of the Loulsburg bransh of that road. . His funeral was held this morning from the First Bap tist Church here, the Masons attending. Judge Purnell havlssoed in qrder au thorising Auguster HelUer and ,y. C. Moneely, the xeoelvers of tne Carolina Northern, railway, to issue receivers certificates,-to meet operating expenses and to preserve the property. . A telephone message last "night to Secretary of State Qrimes from Wash ington, N. O. said an oyster cannery and other property there wu burned and that one man had lost his life. Among todays arrivals was S Y Webb of 8helby, the chairman of the legisla tive joint committee which will this week begin the examination of the books of the State treasurer and auditor. . The Supreme Court will this week call the appeal docketfrom the 16th district; the last in regular order. v ' Oue of the landmarks here Is being torn down. It Is the residence known the Kenneth Rsyner place. It was built by William Polk, a revolutionary soldier of note in 1803. and was then the grandest house in this part of the State. Most of the material is to be taken to the Pilot cotton mills and used In lining an assembly room. It Is said by an ox-offlclal here that there is colored postmaster st Win ton, Hertford oonoty. ' If sot makes' only 4 now In this State, the three others being at Wilson, James City and Method. . Among today's arrivals re president James A. Bryan, of the v Atlantic and North Carolina railway and C. C. Cowan of Webster. ; . . Miss Rhetu Daniel, daughter of Rev. Dr. Eugene Daniel Is to be married in January to Mr. John Dodge of Jackson ville, Florida. Her father was for .12 years pastor of M Flraili'resbyterlan church here, but Is now In charge of a churoh at Lewlsburgt WVa. i. Mention has been made of a rumor that the cotton mill owners are organi sing to fight the bill to be Introduced in tbe legislature to regulate thajabor of enuaren m cotton myis.. smes a rou, l .LIU . . ... IK . V. 'W V, ' . Mt: who Is a stockholder, irVhalf a dozen mills, says he has heard tb tumor but Is sure It is unfounded, as otherwise he would have been fnformed., . i '. ' Next Wednesday there will be another hearing of testimony In the South Dako ta bond suit case before the special com missioner. Then there will be a bearing at Washington, D.C. next Saturday, at which the testimony of ex-Senator Ma rlon Butler and the Congressmen from South Dakota will be taken. Work la in progress on a monument of very handsome design to replace tba' small one now over the grave of Ensign Worth . Bsgley In Oakwood Cemetery here. ' ir'-s;r;;;ft;,i;'r I v Oreat regret Is felt here at the sudden and untimely death of Rev Dr W O Nor- man'at Wilmington. Allusions to' him were made yesterday in several churches and Banday Schools. . , COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. New County Officers Sworn In. Reports Received. Licenses Granted. Board met In special session, on Deo. 1st, 1902, at the hour of 10 o'olock a. m. at the Court House In New Bern.:; Pres- enti K R Jones, J J. Bsxter, H O Wood, A E Wadsworth and Silas Fulcher. . Board ordered, Commissioners J J Baxter and A Bj. Wadsworth are appoint ed a committee to audit the books of Geo H Roberts, commissioner of sinking fund and report to the Board. M , We the committee appointed by the Board to audit the account of the sink- lug fund hereby find the same to be cor rect and recommend It approved. ' J. J. Baxter, A. E. Wadsworth ' ' - Auditing Committee, Ordered by the Board after hearing the report of the committee, that the re port of the Commissioner of the sinking fund It hereby approved and ordered led. :;-;w. ; To The Board of County Commissioners ' of Craven County. ' - - GeC'men We your undersigned com salttfe appointed to examine the books and youshers of the County Treasurer, beg io report that we bare attended to that duty and herewith submit our re port attached, showing the standing of ths different accounts. We have audited Ms books ap to Ded. 1st, 190$ and find .jera correct. -f .' ':: The vouchers we have cancelled and turned over to the Register of Deeds for safe keeping. U Very Respectfully, . . T. R. JONS3, i V 'VT'J H.M.GROYE3, " ' ; Auditing Committee, General Fund, statement Quarter ending December 1st, 1901. , C t 1. Elance, account over ToeuhfromJ W. Bid: J dleherllt - ' 1,418 6$ To cash from W II Wat -on,elerk" .f MM To eash, from K. R. . ' Jonas, chairman. t lor V ,. . , money ,, retarned , loaned him Oct. 23. 'r for small pox pur- : --poses - 2QO00 To eash from 33 Bax- i '. tsr, rent farm, 1901 -OS 103 00 Toeuh from J J Bax-1 ' tor, old bridge oover ' 7 60 To cub from K R Jones ' hire of prisoner . Total receipts. , ; , . . S.87 07 -' Disburssmsnls. By vouchers paid for Out. and Nov. 1903 0,779 05 7,418 92 Dee. 1,109. By balance Gen. --JPund account, overdrawn- - f61 88 The following aoooants show the fol lowing balances up to Deo, 1, 1902. Fence, No. 1. credit balance ,82 71 Fence No. 8, do iafl3 Special bridge fund, do , 189 62 Fines and penalties, do 440 99 Interest accountjoverdrawn '' 88 88 Gen. Fund aoeount, " 8,881 85 Ordered by the board that the follow ing coupons, Nos.. 8, 4, 28, II, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89,50, on Craven County bonds of corresponding No's, be and are hereby ordered burned In the presence of K. R. Jones, chairman, J J Baxter, A S Wads worth and H O Wood, Commlssloners,D L Ward, County Attorney and B M Green Register of Deeds, and thereupon the said coupons were burned. - The report of .Ernest M Green, Regis ter of Deeds on marriage license tax col lected wss accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes. . To the Honorable Board of County Com mtsslonen of Craven County. Gentlemen I respectfully beg leave to report the following marriage licenses issued for the official year ending Dec. 1st, 1902. . ' fc225 marriage licenses Q $1.80 for State and County tax $387 60 Paid sheriff for State Paid Treasurer for County $228 00 $11960 887 50 Vary Respectfully, ,. ERNEST M. GREEN, , . t r Reg. of Deeds. This 1st day of Deo. 1102. The report of the auditing committee was read and adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes. - On motion. It is ordered that the re- fort of the County Treasurer, D L Rob erts Is approved and ordered spread upon the minutes. " , . GSMSBAX. FUND. Nor. 1. By balance 1,499 78 Nov. 29. By vouchers 4,800 58 6,800 98 Nov. 8. ToJas W Biddle 500 00 8. To KR Jones J . 90000 10. To Ju W CiddleJS.Jl.000 00 14. To W M Watson sl8. To J J Baxter - do - . 80. To J WBiddle 28. To K R Jones . 29. Tobal. , 000 26 Interact Bybal," Aconntr Dec. 1, 86 88 ' Vines and Peaaltlesr ' Nov; 1. Tobal. To F T Patterson 410 74 160 ' 10, 11. To BR Street 14. do To WM Watson r - ' ' 400 100 38 78 44099 Nov. 29. Bybsl 440 M 44099 Special To bal." Bridge Fand. Dec.1, 189 62 Fence, No. s. ' . V Dec. L To bat S6 81 -' -"'Wenoe,1 Mo- 1 Nov. 1. To bat 87 61 87 61 Nov. 22. By voucher Nov. 29. By bal 4 80 82 71 87 51 . ' d l Roberts; &; , , , ' i. Trees, Craven The report of tbe Road Trustees of 8th Township was presented and a commit tee consisting of Commissioners Jones and Baxter was appointed hraudlt same and report at January meeting. . On motion the Board adjourned sine die. : ' t. The newly elected Board of County Commissioners, E R Jones, J J Baxter O Y Richardson, W E Biowa and A E Wsds worth were sworn In by.W.M Watson CSC and the former Chairman S. R Jones, called the meet tig to or der. , Present Commissioners K R Jones, J J Baxter. G V Klchardson, A E Wads 84 66 100 00 780 800 00 96 25 8,56186 K R Jones wu elected chairman for the insulng two years. On motion D L Ward wu elected County Atty. for ensuing tens of two years, there being no other nominations, at a salary of $300 per annum, payable monthly. , . The Chairman appointed ths following Commlsioners In charge of the various County Bridges. Commissioner W E Brown, all bridges M North side of Neuse river and Streets Ferry. . , Commissioner 3 3 Baxter, Neuse river bridge and all bridges on South side of Treat river except Brice's Creek bridge also Broad Creek bridge. Commissioner K R Jones, Trent river bridge, B rices Creeks bridge and Deep Gaily bridge. : Commissioner A S Wadsworth, Batch elore Creek bridges, Core Creek bridge on Nuese road and Maple Cypress fer ry.: . - . ... ' Commissioner Q Y Rlchardson,Mosely Creek brldgea, Half Moon bridge1 and Core Creek bridge on Slover road. On motion of Commissioner Bsxter the present incumbent B D. Lancaster wu elected keeper of Neuse river bridge at a salary of $30 00 per month. , On motion of Commissioner Jones, N Arpen the present keeper of wu elected keeper of Trent river bridge at a salary of $20 00 per month.. -; . On motion of Commissioner W E Brown the present keeper W A Wilcox wu elected keener of Streets Ferry at a salary of $25 09 per month On motion of Commlsskmer Bsxter Mrs Fsnnie Williams the present incum bent wu elected keeper of Connty Home for the ensuing two .years at a salary of $20 00 per month. On motion Commissioner J J Baxter wu appointed Commissioner of the Poor. . On motion Chairman K R Jones was placed in chrage of Court Houce and Jail. On motion it is ordered that Lafayette Smith be relieved of Poll tax on account of error. Tbe bond of Ju W Blddle sheriff, for collection of State tax was presented by him, and after having been examined by the attorney u to its legal form and by the Commtssloners u to the sufficiency of the sureties thereof wu accepted and ordered recorded and filed. Commis sioners Jones, Bsxter, Wadsworth, Brown and Richardson voting to accept same The sheriff Jas W Blddle presented his process bond of $5000,00 which was examined by the attorney as to its legal form and by the Commissioners as to the sufficiency of the sureties thereof and accepted and ordered recorded and filed, Commissioners Jones, Baxter, Wads worth, Brown and Rlchardsbn voting to accept the same. The bond of Ju W Blddle sheriff fo collection of ICounty land school taxes wu, after examination by the attorney to Its legal form and by the Board u to the sufficiency of the sureties thereof, acccepted and ordered to be recorded and filed. Commissioners Jones, Bsxter Wadsworth, Brown. and Richardson vot ing to accept same. .' The bond of Dwlght Styron constable of No 8lh Township wss after examine tion by the attorney as to its legal form and by the Commissioners as to the suf ficiency of the sureties thereof accepted and ordered recorded and filed. . Com. mlssloners Jones, Baxter, Brown, Rich. ardson and Wadsworth voting to ac cept same. The Bond of E C Beard constable of No 8 Township wu after examination by the attorney u to Us legal form and by the Commissioners u to the snffloiecy of the sureties thereof wu accepted and ordered recorded and filed. Commis sioners Jones, Bsxter, Wadsworth, Brown snd Richardson voting to accept same. ' Board took recess. , Board met at 2:30 o'clock p a Deo 1st 1902. .-. .. "-'i Present Commissioners Jones, Bsxter, Brown. Richardson and Wadsworth, On motion it .is ordered that Dr 3 W Dnguld coroner be and is hereby given until the 1st Mondsy in . January 1908 to present his Bond as Coroner-elect. The Bond of George B Waters Regis ter of Deeds elec't was after examination bv the Cbontv attorney D L Ward as to Its legal form aid by. the Commissioners u the sufficiency of the surety thereof accepted and' ordered, recorded and filed Commissioners Jones,' Bsxter, Richard son, Brown and Wsdswoilh voting for same-. : : The Bond of Wm M Watson C S 0 elect was after examination by the coun ty attorney D L Ward u to the Its legal form and by the v .Commissioners u to the sufficiency of the sureties thereof and ordered recorded and filed Com missioners. Jones, Baxter, Richardson. Brown and Wadsworth voting for the same. The Bond for State and County taxes of Daniel L Roberts Treuurer elect wu after examination by the County attor ney D L Ward u . to Its legal form and by the Commissioners as to the sufficien cy of the surety thereof accepted and ordered recorded and filed, Commission ers Jones, Baxter, Richardson, Brown and Wadsworth voting for same. On motion it is ordered by the Board that D. L. Roberts, treuurer, Is allowed until the 1st Monday In January 1903 to present bis school bond. Ordered by the Board that Eugene Tucker Is hereby elected standard keeper of Craven county for the term of two years, from the 1st Monday In December 1803 until the 1st Monday In December 1504. - keeper elect, wu after examination by tbe oonnty attorney D. L. Ward u to its legal form and by the commissioners u to'the sufficiency of the sureties there of. accepted and ordered filed and re- oorded. Commissioners Jonea, Baxter, I Richardson, Brown and Wadsworth vot ing for same, The bond of B. R. Warren, constable of No. 1 township wu after examination by the county attorney D. L. Ward as to its legal form and by the commissioners to the sufficiency of the sureties there of. accepted and ordered filed and re corded Commissioners Jones, Baxter, Richardson, Brown and Wadsworth vot ing for same. Ordered by the Board that the appli cation of John F. Williams ft Co. to re tail liquor In Vanceborobe and Is hereby denied. Commissioners Jones, Bsxter, Richardson, Wadsworth and Brown vot lng to reject same. Ordered by the Board that the report of Dr. N. H. Street, Bopt. of health be received and filed. xQrdered by tbe Board that the attorney D. L. Ward and commissioner Baxter are hereby appointed a committee to ex amine the report of the clerk of the court and report to the Board at the next meeting. On motion Board adjourned until 10 clock a m Deo. 2nd 1903. Board met at Court House Dec. 2nd pursuant to recess. Present Commissioners Jones, Bsxter Wadsworth and Richardson. Ordered by the Board that the person al property valuation listed to C. L. Spencer be reduced to $2,768.00 so as to give him credit for Bona Fide lndepted- ness owing by him according to his itemized statement All commissioners voting for same. The regular monthly bills were al lowed, all commissioners voting for same. Ordered that V. A. Wetherlngton, of No. 1 township be relieved of payment of poll tax on account of being over 60 years old. The bond of F. A. Fulcher, county surveyor elect wu after examination by the county attorney D. L. Ward u to its legal form and by the commissioners as I to the sufficiency of the sureties thereof accepted and ordered recorded and filed. Commissioners Jones, Baxter, Richard son, Brown and Wadsworth voting to receive ssme. On motion Board took recess until 2:30 p. m. The Sanitary Board met at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Present Commissioners Jones, Baxter Richardson, Wadsworth and Dr. Chu. Duffy. r t . i . n a . i . . . . a uruereu oy we ouaru mai part oi an order heretofore passed at a meeting of tbe Board in May9oi, providing that ah nti Id not Mftfwwi 9flfi nr mnnth In case of any eperdemlc by way of extra worth, Richardson voting for same. Dr Duffy voting no. Ordered by the Board that the .alary of the county - Bupt. of health shall not exceed $100 u extra compensation dur ing the small pox eperdemlo er until the further order of this Board. Commission en Jones and Wadsworth voting no. Commissioners Baxter, Richardson and Dr. Duffv votlnn ave. On motion Sanitary Board adjobrned. The Board of Commissioners resumed U V'!!L,n..?l4:?? Px. Present Commissioners Jones, Baxter and Richardson. On motion Mr. Samuel M. Howard wueleoted wood inspector for the en suing term of two years and wu given until the 1st Monday In January 1903 to present his bond. Commissioners Jones Baxter and Richardson voting aye. Moved by Commissioner Richardson and seconded by Commissioner, Baxter that the bill of the Supt. of health for $810.0? be allowed for $216.67, amended by the chairman to allow $100 In full of all compensation for month of Novem ber,' bill was allowed for $216.67 It ap pearing that $100 of this bin had been disallowed at the October meeting and again presented at this meeting, On motion It is ordered that the treu urer place In the bands of J. J. Baxter tbe sum of $200 to defray the incidental small pox expenses for the ' month of December. The following persons were granted license to retail liquor at the following places of buslneu in the city of Hew Bern upon the payment of the proper tax to the sheriff and all other taxes duo he county by them. Wm. Schenk, S3 Middle st W. H. Johnson, SO Middle st Wm. Sultan, 186 Middle st. C. C. Roach, A 4 Puteur st. L. J. Taylor, corner Queen and Bern st. - Jas. F. Taylor, 18 Middle sU J.8.Garret,89Mlddlest Noah Powell, South aide Queen st. Mark Dlsosway, 81 South Front sU J. P. Rodman, 181 Broad and Queen it. T. C. Howard, 64 Middle it. L. B. Hablcht, corner Hancock and S. Front st. . M. L. Jacobs, East side Middle st, M. Edwards, 130 Middle st. ! ' Commissioners Jones and Baxter vot ing aye, Commissioner Richardson vot ing no. ' On motion Board adjourned. , Qao. B. Wstbbb, Clk. Bd. Co. Coma C';satar f . ( f c , d ftMra. All tbe necessary articles to make jour Thanksgiving and Christmas Fruit Cake such as Currants, Baisina, Citron, Orange Peel, Lemon Peal, Pure Spices and Flavoring Extracts. Also Pine London Layer Raisins, New Prunes, Evaporat ed Peaches and Apples, Apricots, Atmors's Mince Meat, Cran berries. - A complete stock of Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Sweet and Sour Pickles, Tomato Catsup, Tobaaoo Sauce. ' Fox River Print and Fancy Elgin Batter, Finest Cream Cheese, Buckwheat, Maple Syrup, and hundreds of nice articles which we cannot mention for wan, of space. Tovrs to treats,' A:iu J. L McDMIIEL, . 'Phone 01. Headquarters Santa Claus Great stoc oi Toys, Dolls, Games, Books, Carriages, Go-Carts, Wagons, Drums, etc. Our prices in every case a little lower.than others ask. Things you do not bare to have, bmt if you want to add sunshine to the life of the little ones it will cost you mighty little now. '' '' BARFOOT BROS f j Bo to. Friends for Atae; . . .... . - DUme BlOrtJB VLUy UttVO HUM nuu vu o ljovicm sales days. Every day is Bargain Day with 1 Ut9 OUT Christmas GOOCU Will DO ftUOWIl COSX next week, consisting oi Sofa Pillows, Tin Cushions, Pillow Tops, Drawn and Ladies. MiBses and Childrens Men ftnd B0y8 flippers, Hold and Umbrellas, Pocket Handkerchiefs undressed kid, Golf GloTes in all ties too numerour to mention. Call to see us befoie purchasing, The Bee Hive PATTEESON & HILL, 61 Pollock St, Opposite Episcopal Church. FOR SALE ! AB A WHOLE OR ANY PART, j One flglf Feed Rip Saw, ? One 7 inch E&B Holmes 4 8 Planer, One 80 " Shaving Blower, One Drop Tubler Boiler 80 HP, 4 One 14 x 18 Center Crank Skinner En gine, ; , One 24" Wooda Planer 4 B, , ! One 9" Leamai Moulder 4 S, outside. One 72" Rogers Automatio Knife Grinder, "" . , One 79". Corel Automatio Circular Saw Grinder, Also Pulleys, Shafting, Boxes, T Ralls Dry Kuu Trucks, Mm Trucks," ete " The above machinery has all been altghtly damaged by fire. ".' Address, .TRENT LUMBER-MILLS, ;? New Bern, N. C. WE ARE OPENING OUR HOLIDAY STOCK and all that is Newest and Best awaits your inspection. tttsittit::: w y It i Jjn a 2 J m J . Wholesale Retail! Grortr.K ?: 71 Inroad St ... boaaUI Fancy Work on : Cotton and Linen, Far-trimmed and Wo:l Lined cuppe SUtst Handled Umbrellas, Childreas of aUkials, Gloves to dressed 1 eolon, to fast a large variety of hoy w will save yom money. Stop and TliinJi Just how you can gave Money by Baying your Groceries from MY B. Land & Co. AR pork sausage, 12 lb, 9 lbs for 256. 81b PaRlceJ25(vMlxeaNute 16o, 8fD can Tomatoes lOo, Canned Peas from lSo to 8 for 25c, Cod Fish 10a lb or 8 for Slo, Minced Meat 10c lb 8 tor 88& Try a pound of our 20o Coffee if not better.tban any you have ever purchased for the money wewill refund the money smilingly. - Headquarters for Chickens, Eggs and sweet potatoes fresh from our farm. . E. Land & Go. Pkone 16!. 69 Bread Et. A fins lot of Ghristm worth and W E Erown. On rron of Co'-t . :!pner Psxt (- -a f .5 S7 Tbe bond of T-reT;: ' -r, standard

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