4 5 1 b i 1 J - If- TIE WEEKLY JOURNAL Published 1m Two 9ectiona,evrv Tae day wd Friday, at M Middle StreHiww Bar, P.O. CHARLES L, STEVEN,; , aoiroi &in rmopmmor 8UBSCBIFTI01CRATB?'!, Two Month, 85?nU. i Threes Month, 86 fT? Six Month. M "f : Twelve Month. $1.00 ONLY IN ADVANCK Advertisins- re tea famished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry by mail. OTThe Jouaaai i only ent oa pay-tn-dvanoe basis. Subscriber : will receive notice of expiration of their sub scription and an immediate response to notice wvJ be appreciated by Itbe Joubkax Entered at the Postofflce, Mew Bern If. C. as second-class matter. Section One, Tuesday. Dee. 9, 1908 a promoter: OF POLITICAL SAFETY. Senator Pritchard'i recently published statement defining his position, and that of the white Republicans towards the colored TOterln North Carolina, has aroused certain democratic papers, at would a red flag before an angry boll. The truth la, that the democrats of North Carolina are really under obliga tions to Senator Prltchard, for hla un failing political strenuoslly, which has ever the charm of combatlveness.i . -'The reading of Senator Pritchard's last public statement on the Republican status In this State, cannot fail to prove of Interest to anyone at all familiar with the politics of North Carolina. It is an article well calculated to arouee democratic ire in certain quarters and It will provoke for sometime from the same quarters the emphatic, if dis courteous retort of, "you're another.!" As a champion of North Carolina Re publicanism, Senator Prltchard is a most Interesting flguie. There is a sin cerity about him, a personality of the man which is attractive, a something which even his political enemies can but admire, while attempting to cut the ground from under him. Perhaps It Is in the Senator's trick of being able to keep so hot a trail upon his political adversaries, treading close ly upon truths in his statements, which provoke the opposing "Machine" to turn and endeavor to discover just how much Mr. Prltchard knows of what he states. To learn if It be "bluff," or what would be more serious, aknowledge, treading closely on facts. Like the late Marion Butler, Senator Prltchard has proven a stubborn pollti cal proposition to the Democratic party of this State, but unlike the former who possessed craftiness and smoothness in a high degree, Mr. Prltchard manifests an open sincerity and ruggedness which provokes his enemies into conflicts; really not warranted by conditions. While Senator Prltchard will soon re tire froffl the North Carolina Senator- ship, it cannot be said that he retires with any loss of character. It can be said that his retirement will In a meas ure be a loss to some commercial Inter ests of the Btate. And it Is to be hoped that his retire ment does not mean that the Democrat ic party Is to be left without so active and vigorous a political opponent as Mr. Prlfchard baa been, for v without this . opposition, 'good, 'live opposition, the Democratic party Is going to become" .very dull affair. SCIENTIFIC NOT POLITICAL TARIFF REVISION. The various industries of this coun try are too closely allied with its gener al sconomlc system, pot to feel at ' once , and, severely, any proposed national - legislation on money, or as regards the ; tariff, legislation which should Indicate any radical change In the present protec tlv schedule, . It is self evident to every; political economist of the country, :that tariff re vision Is not matter to be adjusted by i politician, per se,but that any proposed . readjustment of the tariff is a matter for experts, who shall examine Into ecomo i le conditions, and make readjustment ttpoa such a basis that existing industri ; al ooaditjoax, may not be disturbed. ' " Tariff rv-vlsiou which shall disturb the Industries of the country, thereby sr rlonsly affecting the wage earner, and through these unsettle other, lines of ln- Wastry and commerce, if not to be advo cated by any political partyf It expects recognition at the polls, by the voters. Pro"rerous times always develcj the theories who see in tar I J revision of the Q.:a Hit, ultimately loading to free t ., 'j, a mc.4as to clieck various evils . ! ever tsrg the people. ' ' ' ' Z'.zz J a'.'-.T'.s to e .;:.'yat ' " ic -i rf s i ' a I"'' r to been followed byserious eonsequeaces to the country's Industries, Its trade and bail Mr, generally. These past experiences have mad the people, regardless of political affiliations, feel vry conservative, and fearful of any attempts of tariff revision suggested by politicians, especially ',whcafree trade appears a the .alltmate object sought. This leads to the question, can or should little or great tariff revision be made except through a board of experts whose ability and judgment on econo mic conditions shall be such as to quali fy them to make the revisions along lines that shall consider Industrial and commercial conditions, in their relation ship to the entire country, and not to the preference of any political partjr J The tariff is not actually the political property of any special party. Every political Tparty is concerned for the beet interests of the people and the industrial betterment of the coun try, thefore scientific tariff revision by experta, ought to appeal more strongly to every 'party than a tariff revision through thepolltical theorist, whose ideas are . practical only so far as the end brings his party into power. If you feel ill and need a pill Why not purchase the best?, DeWItt's Early Risers Are little surprise Take one they do the rest. W. H. HcwelL Houston, Tex., writes I have used Little Early Risers Pills In my family for constipation, sick head' ache, etc. To their use I am Indebted for the health of my family. F. S. Duffy. APAThY IN LOCAL DEVELOP MENT. A visitor in this city recently, said, that the local indifference to branch out, to attempt local commercial and Indus trial development, was most noticea ble. This Indifference towards local devel opment is especially to be noted, when the great natural advantages of New Bern are understood, and anyone can easily see the opportunities offered, which would prove very profitable if ac cepted, and taken advantage of. It is not that the trade and commerce of this city are at a low ebb, for they are not. In fact business is good among the local trade. The spirit of trade, ot money making and money getting, Is keen enough in thla city, among those who do busi ness. The really great trade of New Bern Is not to be seen on any one or half a dozen of,its streets, but 1b only discoverable by an Inspection of the bills of goods, of bills of lading, which are passing to and from the merchants and the various rail and water transportation companies. Some five million feet of lumber passed out by water a few days ago, and yet not a ripple was msde upon the com merclal life of this place. Merchants handle goods to the amount of hundreds of thousands of dollars, yet only ajfew know of it. This is strictly the commercial side of New Bern. The side which seeks to maintain and increase local trade, with out that healthier and better develop ment of our Industrial life, a creation by manufacture, the desire to be more than the middle man, who exacts his per cent as a tribute for his trouble. There Is something of profit in this mid dle man business, but it Is not of Itself, the factor which builds up a city, which gives it the true and natural- develop ment and growth, so essential, so im peratively needed to make a place truly prosperous and well rounded la its growth. V v. What is demanded Is that the very money which Is so eager! to 8k Invest ment elsewhere, should be employed hero to give work,not only to those who can and will assist in-local enterprises, bat also being thus employed, yet will bring In fresh help, new men from out- side places,.who will And In New Bern a Held not merely for a living, but one where opportunity is given for Indivi dual advancement, , ' ". ' - '. Today this Individual advancement la not possible, and the ambitious, the talented youth, are not remaining here, bat seeking fields where their efforts can be justly wwrded.H,T; ! ' And while . local apathy of develop! ment prevails, there can be bo local pro gress or growth of the right kind, . " How's This. We offer One, Hundred Dollara Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cared" ry Ball'i Catanb uir.' , , ' P. J. CHENEY .& CO. Toledo, 0. We, e undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last IS years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable Id all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations msde bj tbelr firm." i,1'!;'-!)'!-'' .v'.. ' ,f. Wist & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists Toledo.O. - Waldino, Kuwait, A Mar yix, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Call's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally s'.'pg directly upon the blood and mu- Cuus sar'uCc:; jf the system.' Testlmon I:.lsrnt tre Trice 75c per bottle." Bold tya:ir, ; . . " et' - t 1 Which? A lean and potash-hungry soil, waited seed, wasted labor and idle giuM A MORTOaOa. Or, plenty of Potash In the fertiliser, many bales and a busy gia-A BANK ACCOUNT.' -.. a InM The Ftrat Skatmrm. It is very doubtful which race first skated, for traces have been found among prehistoric remains all over northern Europe indicating that the art wa practiced by primitive peoples. The Eskimo of the farthest north are also found to be in possession of run ners carved from whalebone. Skating Is mentioned by a Danish historian about 1134, and Fltxstephen in his "History of London" saya that In the twelfth century young men fastened the leg bone of animals un der their feet by means of thong In order to slide along the Ice. Thla statement is confirmed by the pair of bone skates of the period now In the British museum. It is likely, however, that these early Londoner got the Idea from Holland, probably via Lin colnshire, where skates have been used on the frozen fens from very re mote times. Wbat's In a Name?" Everything Is In the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E- C. De Witt & Co of Chicago discovered, some years sgo, how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that .is a specific for Piles. For Bllnd.bleeding, itlching and protrud lug 1 lies, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases DeWItt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numer ous worthless counterfeits. Ask for De W Itl's the genuine. F. S. Duffy. The Choice of a Husband. "What a lucky Ktrl you are, Llddy, to be able to choose between two such handsome and stylish young gentle men? Have you made up your mind which is to be your husband?" "To tell the truth, I'm in a bit of a fix. If I desire to wear my cretin colored dress at the wedding, I shall take Alphonse, as be is dark complex loned, you know; but if I decide to go in my blue dress I rather think fair Joseph will make the better match of the two." Fierce ladeed. "Now, then, children," said the teach er, who had been commenting upon polar expeditions, "who can tell me what fierce animals inhabit the re gions of the north pole?" "Polecats!" shouted the boy at the foot of the class. Philadelphia Press. Take a bath in Hancock's Liquid Bui phur. They are superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. They will cure Prickly heat, Eczema, and all skin dis eases. For sale by.F. 8. Duffy. D title ef the "Pet" Sheey. Out at the abattoir the "pete" among the sheep may be distinguished by their superior height and shapeliness knd by the intelligence of their expres sion. The pete are murderers. In the other pens sheep come and go by thou sands to the slaughter, but the pets re tnain. They are trained to lead their teliows to death, and they do this work well, for they have by reason of their itrength. Intelligence and beauty a rreat influence. When the butcher of the abattoir wish to slaughter a flock )f sheep word Is passed to the pets, ind they Indifferently, calmly, saunter n among the flock, gain their confi dence and esteem and then take their places at their bead and lead them to the slaughter house. Philadelphia Becord. Kodol Dyspepsia Core. . Digest all classes of food, tones and strengthen the stomach and digestive organs. Cares Dyspepsia, Indigestion Stomach Troubles, and makes rich red blood, health and strength. , Kodol re builds wornout tissues, purifleMtrength- ens and sweetens the stomachy Gov. Q W. Atkinson,, of W. Vs., says: I have used a number of bottles of Kodol and have found it to be a very effective and, Indeed, a powerful remedy for stomach ailments. I recommend It to my friends F. 8. Duffy. ' ' The Bmbaaefes at ""mSt Sir Michael Herbert, tin n -w :-..:! ambassador, will take rank next uftiT Signer Mayor dec Planches, the ltul.au embassador,; . In .the - diplomatic e ,rps. The foreign embassies at Washington now rank In this order: Oennnny. Hub ala, Mexico, Italy and Creat Britain, with Austria-Hungary next,' as Mr. Hengebnuller probably will-present his credential a ambassador before 'Mr. Jusserand, the new representative from France, arrive and la presented. There have been persistent rumors that Dr. von Holieben, the , German am bassador, who Is now dean, of the corps, Will soon relinquish his post here for another one on the continent, and there have also been intimation that Count Casein!, the Russian am-' bassador, who has been at Washing ton since June, 1808, , will be trans ferred to another post If these two prospective changes occur, Sen or Azpl ros, the Mexican ambassador, wlQ be- come dean of the corps, with Signor Mayor de Planche of Italy ranking next and Sir Michael Herbert third in the order of rrPop"iefl. Use Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, foi Eesna,T!a-rs T' worm, DandraX ! all emjI t For sale at F. S. Writ. far -if" S ar keek. Tkty are I 'Jr mm? via- 1 V 1 tkm A I ; f hnn - 2 W W I Jh' -' f aa. I TIIK mil Of Stmt A. k R. C Road T Help State Finances. State XlltUry Matters. Iaiaeetlea Stat Balldlsgs, Talaakle Ar - tlelee Fer State Maseam. Ma jority Coaatle Exceed Coaatltatloaal Tax Limit Rauioh, Dec 6 Today an order was Issued from the Adjutant Oeaeral'a of fice appointing Col. T. H. Bain; Lt. CoL Alfred Williams and MaJ. Charles C. Bunch a board to meet here ' December J0;h to Inspect quartermaster's store which are carried on the return by thla Bute to the TJ. 8. aad determine what are unserviceable and the ditpoaitlOa to be made of them. A convict from Hyde county vu placed la the penitentiary today to serve 8 years for burglary. The State board of Agriculture, which la also the board of trustees of the Ag ricultural and Mechanical College spent the day at that institution, asking a thorough Inspection of buildings, ac counts, etc, - It la said that some politician are again talking about the desirability of of selling the Stste's interest In the At lantic & North Carolina Road, Borne of them have an idea that there may have to be a bond Issue unless this course Is followed, but It does not appear likely that any sale will be made. Vance county's returns show that its tax rate Is only 00 cents on the $100 valuation, thla being the least In the 8tate. Wayne Is next, W cents. The constitutional limitation la Mi cents, ' The wind waa so high nearly all laat night that it waa feared damage would be done, but so far there are no reports ot any in this section. The suthorlties of Orange county In form the State Superintendent of pub lic instruction of the gift by cillzens of two free libraries to rural puhllo schools the State having reached the limit of its allowance to t,hat county. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction Is sending out blanks for the purpose of collecting Information regarding public schools In the cotton mill districts, with a view to making some recommendations regarding such schools. Today the uniforms of Gen, James Johnston Prttlgrew, , and Gen. Bryan Grimes, together with various articles used by them dnriog the civil war were placed in a case in the hall of history In the State museum. The uniform of En sign Worth Bsgley, together with his commission, a model of the torpedo boat Uagley and other articles belong ing to him, were also placed In a caie. Bishop Cheshire has gone to New York and Sunday afternoon will ad dress a Sunday Sohool mass-meeting. i Joseph F. Armfield Is re-elected Col onel of the 1st regiment of the State Guard; Thomas R. Robertson, LtCol.; George E. Butler, R L Flanagan and J. C Bessert, majors. H. C. Bragaw Is elected colonel of the 2d Regiment; T C James, Lt. 'Col., C B Elliott, T B Pace, G B Sellers, majors. J. N. Craig Is elect ed Colonel ot the 3d Regiment, TJ Win Hon, Lt. Col., J J Bernard,J M Albright majors (one majoi yet to be chosen). Seventy-seven counties lathe State exceed the constitutional limitation as to taxes. Cores Cancer and Blood Poison. If you have blood poison producing eruptions, pimples, ulcers, swollen glands, bumps and risings, burning, Itch ing skin, copper-colored Bpots or raah on the skin, mucous patches In mouth or throat, falling hair, bene pains, old then matism or foul catarrh, take . Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) It kills the pois on la the blood; soon all sores, eruptions heal, hard swellings subside, aches and pains stop and a perfect cure la made of the worst cases of Blood Poison, ; For cancers, tumors, swellings, eating sores, ugly ulcers,' persistent pimples of all kinds, take & B. B. It destroy the cancer poison in the bipod, heal cancer of all kinds; cures the worst humor or suppurating , swellings. Thousands cured by B. B. B, after all else fails. - B, B. B. composed of pure botanic ingre dients. Improves the digestion, makes the blood pure and rich, stops the awful Itching and all sharp, shooting pain. Thoroughly tested for thirty year. Druggists, f 1 per, bottle, with complete directions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Brood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice also sent In sealed letter. For aale by F. 8. Duffy and C. D. Brad ham, New Bern. The GnillotUe aad Its Investor. One of the most widely disseminated of popular errors 1 that Dr. Gulllotin Invented the grim machine which still bear the name. The real Inventor of this sinister contrivance was Dr. Louis, a well known medical man and permanent secretary of. the Parisian School of Medicine, or Academle de Medicine.. -':''- '. ... . Dr. Gulllotin, who' died In 1814, ener getically but vainly protested against the nee of his name In connection with this disagreeable subject an evidence, If one were wanted, of the great diffi culty there Is of correcting a popular error. Needles to ay that the legend that Dr. Gulllotin was among the vic tims of bis friend' ingenious and mer ciful , Instrument of destruction la wholly apocryphal. ' He died at a good old age and in his bed, surrounded by hi children, who, however, obtained permission to change their name, roo mow what too are utr:3 When yoo take Grove's Tacteless CliEl Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle slowing tliat lt Is e'inply Iron and qu!ulne la a t" ;'.!.:: o . l i c ii o i 7. r." 3 1":, GERMAN GLEANINGS. (There are in Germany three (rait treat to each Inhabitant Germany army ea a artr footing new amoant to 250,000 officers and 6,783,000 men. Duaeeldort, Germany, own It rwn electric plant. The dty also controls) the harbor and run a theater. The naaber at ateambeata on the Rhine Increased from 4SI In 1SS4 to U&3 la hkO. although there la a rail way on either shore. Of -every thou sa ad . persons In the German empire 629 are Protestant, 861 Catholic. 10 Jew and of different or cn determined creed. Excavation for the foundation ec a new railway station at Heta have just brought to tight the remains of a Bo man thsata 498 feat too-. The now aneteat ectme for extract ing gold from the salt aaa waves baa just been, worked again and again ex ploded, tola time In Germany. Only $500,000 waa lost thla tunc . i A memorial has feeently been erect ed by the German Association of Alien ists over the grave of the anatomist BeU. He sraa buried in his garden at Halle, which la now part of the aoolog leal garden ot the dty. .. Sand at Grave's Brink. "I know I would loag ago have been in my grave," write Mrs. B. H. New som, of Decatur, Ale, "if It .had not been for Electrlo Bitters. For three year I suffered antold agony from the worst forma of Indigestion, Waterbraah, Stomach aad Bowel Dyspepsia. Bat this excellent medicine did me a world of good. Biace using It I can eat hear tily and hare gained 85 poinds." For In digestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach, Liver and Kidney trouble Electrlo Bit ter are a positive, guaranteed cure. Only Mo at CD. Bradbam's drag store. A rtMaeter'a Pea. J. Pterpont Morgan, Charles M, Scbnaab and several friends were at Mr. Morgunja kennel looking over some of the prtoo banting dogs. Mr. Sfihwabifetiiin love with a fine looking pototerModtaakcd Mr. Morgan the dog's name. : ' That) dog's name Is Russell Sage,' aid Mcl Morsan. "And 'why do you call htm Russell Sager asked'Mr. Schwab. "BoeaueeV'snld the great financier. "be never teaea a scent." World's Sventa. ; A Cold Wave. The forecast of sudden changes la the weather serves notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy coagh may Invade the sanctity of health in your ownhome. Cautious people have a bottle of One Minute Cough Care always at hand. E, H. Wise, Madison, Ga.. writes: "I am In debted to one One Minute Cough Cure for my life." It cures ' Coughs, Colds LaGrlppe, Bronohltie, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lang troubles. One Minute Cough Care oat the phlegm draw oat the Inflammation, heal and soothes the mucous membranes and strengthen the long. F. 8. Duffy. Tfce Qnotatlea Cempleted. Bishop Fowler of . the Methodist church on oue eccasioa found himself opposed in conference very bitterly by oue of the other members and, after listening to a lengthy tirade concern ing the matter in Question, replied in a manner that seemed to make very little impression on bis opponent, wbov aris ing, stretched hia arm In the direction of the bishop, roUed bis eyes upward very solemnly and exclaimed: ' ' "Deliver me from the snare of the fowler!" ' 1;- . . . t "And from the noiaome pestilence r added the bishop, rising quick an a flash and mimicking the roll of the oth er's eyes andtbevtretch of the arm. TtaathmrtpttoafwIUIarla. Chills and Fever la a bottle of G nova's TASTBXKsaCBiu. Tosna It b simply Iron and quinine In-a tasteless form. No cure -no pay. Price 50c - A Family ot Elrd. The wife of a Methodist minister In West Virginia baa been married three times, says an exchange. Her maiden name wa Partridge, her first hus band was named Robin, her second Sparrow, - and the yritnt one's name Is Quayle. There are now two young Robins, one Spanow, and three little Quayle In the. family. . One grandfa ther waa a Swann. and another waa a Jay, but be la dead and now a bird of paradise. - They live In Hawk avenue, Eagtevllle, Canary Islands, and the fel low who writes this article la. a lyre bird and an Interested relative of the 'family. - - Foils a Deadlj Attack. J : "My wife vu so in that good phys'o lant were unable to help her," write II. M.Austin, of Winchester, tnd "bat was completely eared by Dr. King's New Life Pills." They work wonder la stomach and liver, triable. Care con stipation, sick headache. I0o t C D. Bradham'a drug store. I Tfce Dealchveeera, The Doukhobora, that queer Russian set In Canada, are vegetarian of the first water. A writer In the Outlook ays: "On of the few English words they know I "grease,' and open my of fering them any food breed, for In stance they would look at It suspi ciously and inquire, "Grease? They Were afraid that lard or tallow might have been need In making the bread, and. If so, they would not eat It Com of the Indiana do not care to have the Doukhobora visit them, aa they are re garded as 'queer.' and I have Been a Cree Indian wave an approaching Doukhobor away by holding up a piece of bannock la front of his tent, with, a deprecating gesture and the word Greaser " ;.. He Prile of n crocs. . : Many soldiers la the last war wrote to say that for Scratches, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Corns, Bore Feot and Stiff Joints, Bucklen's Arnica dive la the best in the world. Same for Burns, Ecalds, Bolls. Ulcers, Ella Eropllons and nics. It earn cr no psy. Only Z'z at C. D. E..." i' dn'g r.ore. ill-.. . .- .AYegetauk Preparation for As similating fteFoclancLBegula ling lheStQ&&3 aitHtaftrels of Promotes DiClIon Cheerfur ness and Resl-Contaitw nelllar OpttnuMorphine norllmeraL JiOTHAKCOTIC. . JtxJmmm . v . ewawawji i in Aperfrtl Itemedy roiTcrsfV-T Ron. Sour Stonk-vch.Uiarrtwm Worms jCoimilsions .Fever tsh ness twdLOBSOrSlEEP, ..Facsimile Sigrtnlur w. - NEW YOnK. exact copy or wrapper. J. A. J Livery, Feed Sale ana Exchange r LARGEST AND FIN8ET 8TOCB30F HOBSES and IvTJX-ES, ever offered for sale in this city, A car load of each just In, Also a complete line of Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Robes, ( Whip", Cartwheels, See, ' - - I A. JONE3, Broad St. Stiirtrt'i Old Stand. TOU WILL SAVE MONEY 1 . Our stock is complete la every- department and we can surely please you all, , Our business -blooms because we are constancy placing new bargains before you. Our strong Valnos support our prices, 1 10 bolts 8o Outing for 5c yard. : 1 lot ( anton Flannel worth.TJc, fr 4o Big lot Waist Goods worth 12c,!i6 and 25c y'd, ' for8o. ' . . 10 bolt of Black and Gray 81 Irk Flannel worth 76c, we aell at 49Te 10 bolts SO inch Ladle Cloth worth' 780, at 49o.; " 6 bolt Bed Flannel worth 20o yd, our price 12To ; B bolt for nnderahlrting in Flannel worth SSc . and 85c, our prioe lSlo and 19c per yard, 190 Boys 8uiU in all oolora, 08o to ti 91 anit, ' 487 Mens Suits, all colors and Latest 8tyle,from ' t2 67 to 919 60 per suit, Look at tliem, . 887 Mens Overcoats any color and any style yon - want and any price from $1 99 to 14 78, . U 17 do Mens Dress Shirts worth 73c for 97c -Mens, Ladies and Children bhoe cheap, ' -100 Flush Capes worth $1 75 to 9 at 98c ea. - v Jackets from $1 09c up, ; Live and learn, die andjforget it all, Yours Respectfully, . . . ; - 75; Middle' 9t; Btxl to Gi skill TE ARE FITTED UP To FILL ORDERS for Stoves A full stock of Wood Hcnterp. fect--wjtli front feed door. JTou will find ou Cur floor tha kind jod want. We are prompt in pattine them nn. Look oar stock over before placing yoar order. - ' We carry a good stock of Sub, Door, Winds, Lime, foment, Plan ter, anjthing yon may want In liwilders Material. " I: t Bpecial Ulack Jack Store Blacking. ; ; . - . v Ball Bearitig Castora. ;t ' , ' - ,f ' PHOMS 't47. "T ry 7i l TIIS PI - s a - L.aU.i wallOe ilw..juL!..,Jt tA oil ( T T" . i I A X w . .J, , II I I Tor Infanta and Children. Tha'Jfind-Yca Have vvays Doujh! : Bears' the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Yoars ty t arret it etMniv, mnt tmi MTV O NES, tables Bdw. t'o., New Bern, N. 4Y ATilaon Heaters, and hntk am Mr. , - ' , S3 - 1 M - 1 Gaskill Hardware Co. 78.Middlb Bnl . NEW BXKN, N. 0 S 9?o ij . I ( M PLACE TQ BU? YOUR L1 tl f

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