i : - Go after tbe cause. Stimulant and cathartic will never cure Indigestion. ,7 t?7 temporarily rere the system but the next meal clogs It afftln. Th Glilldron CJODOL'V -vv" T, - pnrtJSet, cleanse, strengthens and twectens the ttomach. LlPlVfl , 7 new discovery dlfrest ail classes of food and assist iha itomacli and digestive ornm r assimilating and mm traa&tonnlii It Into the kind of nourishment that la Ull taxenupbytheUoodandfed to tbe tisaoea throughout thevarlou organ of tha body. Kodoleurea Indigestion ' -llf"fl ' and dTspejwta, thua removing tha causa of all stomach tavvsMOt - troublea. Jtodol glTea ocn trngth to the body that It la Invaluable In all waiting disease. . r.!2lIfl!fl?l?Bt Zd ha done for write Clifton OIa, Collet, lad. Kodd L'-ssts TOiat Too Eat. rrepaiedby KCLDaWlttAsOoCalcasxi. Tbeai bottle contains l ttmeaaa macatbractael neeuremeoi)a IhetrtaJaiM hlch eelii tar toe . Icilts unie fir! j lujcri A CHANGE OF CONDITION Water Falls Eevc feet Making Havlga- ' ton Difficult : The rlrer Thursday evening and yes terday morning . presented conditions very different and the change consider ing the time was qalte remarkable. - Thursday the river gare evidence of ; being full even f nil to running over; The seas ran .high and small craft were at the mercy qf. the waves even on the peaceful bosom of the Trent But, oh what a difference In the morning' When the wind went down and tha tide went .out the river looked as It it had suffered . a collapse, From Its riotous f urj It had - subsided and the condition yesterday was possibly more dangerous than the day before because the depth of the water wu not enough for large boats, while the waves played ping ? pong with boats Thursday' the damage done by going aground was worse. .. :. The water actually fell off seven feet during the night and . so low wu it that the steamer urease could not get to its dock but discharged Its passengers and freight at midstream by means of Its small boats. Later It tied to the nd of the dock instead of at . the side as it ..usually doesH';';.;Jv...y -y- . v -. ,"; '- The Reuse was unusually lowyester day along East Front street ' ' Does It Pay to Buy Cheap? A cheap remedy for coughs and cold is all right, but youwant something that will relievo and cure the more severe and- dsngtroBf - risulU of throat and long troubles.' What shall you dot, Oo to a warmer and more' regal r climate ? Ye; It possible ; if not possible for you, then In eltherf site lake the ONLY rem edy tbat has hico Introduced in all civ ilian) countries with success in severe throat' and .lung troubles, "Hoscbee's German pyrnp.''- it not only heals and stimulates the tlsoues to destroy-the germ disease, tma,Uas inflammation, cautea'easy efectoratlonv 'gives a good night's rest, and euros. Ihe patient Try ONE bottle.-' Recommended many years by all druggists in the world.- You can get thls'rcllable remedy at all druggists, Price 23c.and 75c. - ,-" "".""-ha Trswiolt MfndT Who does not lov$a traqull'heatt'a' aweet tempered, balanced UfeJItS not matter wfcethe tenuis otj'iSUieaJ u worn muuuri,ijiiv (Lvuio- w uftmuiv- twaslrig. these bteMtagsfblr ihey in al-i '. ways sweet serepVand calm. '-' '" That exquisite poise of , character. Which we call serenity la tho las; lesson of culture; It Is the flowering of jlfe," the fruitage of the soul, .:' . . :- It la asi piwk)uiS8'i4oin,vtjDQr to be desired than goidi-yea, tbanicn fine v gold, f IoW contelftptlble jnei money t wefUth'ilooki) n compsrlflon, ,wlthf i serene life a Bfe? wjnlchdwjplla; In tiie;;bcean; ot ltaith,-benpataL4ft5 waves, beyond thff teach of tempest - In the eternal calm I , , How many people -.we inoyfE3! aour, helr 'm$i who iniaIUt)?9t,S waef and' autlf ul bit!kploaivlt4 pen, who destroy their poto ofjaasaS ier by bad bioodl -iri : fact(lU8ihaei- . tlon whether the great majority oijpeO: pjo dojjjrua.tbelr 'llvea and?5iar. their happiness by jack of self .control.' How fet'people w'e meet ln jjfujwjjo ante wfeU bahneedj who have 'that exi qulslte poise which la characteristic of the finished character !-Sucoees. f, n'-t :J .A la woman is a term ot much anxicty.ierlouiUiouirht nd sweet knticlpntion. Pain and dread, lova ana Joy, ooma aver cBAngingly. W it b t h ceB atlon of pata Becery tochildbirth tliere cornea calm nerval, sleep, recuperation, v y -n.-k MOTHER'S FRIEND dtmlnlshea tha eala acoompanytng- matena- -ity. Withltsanlmothera can bring health , babies, aweet dispoattioned babies and idea babies into tha world. Take away the pais of childbirth and you hare bllsa and ecitacy. . Morning a'ckness, aora breaata and axcra ciating paina caused by the gradually az panding organs, are relieved by this t oaftrkable soothing balm. ' Among the manifold alda to ehildblrtS Mai. tr'm I ,nd has growa in popular-1; Ityand gained a prestige among rich wonts ; . as well as poor it is found and waloomed Iq the n-.ansioo as well as tha cabin. ' Children, atroag intellectually and physlo ally Is a duty every pregnant woman owes Society. Br lesaenlng tha mother's atrony of mind ana diminishing pain a beautltul influence is wrought upon the child, and Instead of pear lah. Ill-tempered and sickly forma you have, laughing humanity that remaine a blessing ver after to you and its country. Try a $1 bottle. Druggists everywhere sell Mother's Friend. Write us for our frmm book "Motherhood," 1T,2 BRA&nCLD KCCUUTC? CO, ! r fumoae Utue lire Dtlla (or blUoaanaas a Tnay mtw aria, - v . r - e onnstlpailoa. tsaa. Uoroah. . TUTr A CO ANNUAL CONFERENCE Of Forth Carolina Hethodlats at Wilming ton. Second Days Sea V'j;: . lon. Bishop A Coke Smith called tha Con ference to order. ' Opening religious servloes were conducted by Rev. W. 0. Norman. . Nina deacons of one year were called and passed to tha class of fourth ear. While alne others who were on trial were passed to the third year. .. . Preachers R. J. (Moorman and G. 0. Green were reported to have died daring the year. v-v : There ware only three applicants to be taken on trial, which la the smallest number before the conference for years The Bishop msdesome vigorous remarks about tha great scarcity of preachers, and stated that twenty-one charges of tha Conference were filled by supplies this year' An animated dlscassion arose as to the reason so few joang men were seeking to enter the ministry, in which Dr KUgo and others took part. The report of Littleton Female Colleee was presented and showed that tha In stitution has 21 officers and teachers and that 138 paplla from six different States had been enrolled during the year. , ' The report of the management of the Christian Advocate, showed an Increase In Its subscription" list from less than 2,810 names four years ago to over 8.000 now. The profits for this year amount ed to a sum, that If divided would pay nearly 20 per cent dividend. The reports of the several committees were affirmed. Yesterday all the members of the Con ference and their families were given a complimentary trip to the ocean. ; An N. & S. Boat Sunk. 1 Noi folk, Va, itec 4. The steamer Martha K Dickcrman, of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad Company,' plyr log between Norfolk and Elizabeth City N. C, sprang a lesk last night and went to the bottom of Pasquotank river. Shejcarrled a valaable cargo of merchan disc. The passengers and crew all es caped. . 1 The conclusion of the financial ex hibit of Craven county will be found on the third page. ' - x Mr. J. M. Arnold received a large con slgnme'nt of horses yesterday- Some of them were very handsome Indeed. MUs Addie Claypoole gave a dance to her dancing class at Lowthrop hall yes terday afternoon at 8.80 o'clock. There was a large attendance and all had an enjoyable time. . . V; " - " The Peruchl Beldenl Comedy Co will end their engagement' here today, play ing at 8 p. m. At tha Hour of Nine, and at night, Jesse James.the night perform ance to begin at 9 o'clock. Dr. i Hyatt , left the evening, of the second of December for- an extensive trip. ' The chief object Of his going is to have manufactured a much Improved and Important, appliance to be used in the examination of eyes. While away he will visit the hospitals, colleges and sanatorlums of Baltimore; Philadelphia and New York. In New York he will Investigate especially the methods nsed in the Cancer Hospital among which Is the Finsen rsy. Klnston Free Prees. , f '.; twa laTr Statoaaaait. One crisis In Lord Palmeraton's life - llluetratee . the absolute - good humor Which may prevail even when political enmity Is at its worst -Lord Derby had made an attack upon him In the upper house with auch energy and eloquence that the odda against him seemed over whelming. But he defended himself and hla policy from the dusk of one day to. the dawn of another .with such tact, dexterity and force ; of appeal to the national sense of honor that he was acquitted of all blame by a majority of fourscore. - .' - ' a Next day In passing through .the cor ridor leading from an anteroom to tho tipper house one awing door opened to bis hand and atjthe same moment the other to 'that ot Lord Derby. They were opponents, but they were' also manly and sweet natured men,' They amlled, .- .n.-i'v- . : MI was just thinking," said Palmer aton, "what a clever fellow he waa who so nearly iut me In a holer ' ! ; VAhj was the rejoinder, "but noth- allke the clevernesa of the fellovc 9 goi you out of itr . Taj Get a PWwree. When 'love, cherish and obev" and "sickness, poverty and death' are left lout ot the marriage ritual, what do the happy pair "promise" : themaelveaw tmereiy to keep the peace Boston Her- aid.- : r Him. If you want to win the gratitude of a dog, feed him. As to men, the mate- trial difference is the quality of the rood. Baltimore News. A lnugh is Worth a hundred groans in any market Charles Lamb. Frlftf,ma from u twr9srm Wood! are In I'; ua, the ess ia sa for oongha, FMciiL mm For The Tetr . 1902, Of Crirei County. Offloe of Register of Deeds of I Craven County Dee. 1, 1901.. J coujitt orncxax jcacinauT. (OOHCIUDBO) J , : Jane IMS. J X Carraway, per diem as eo auditor , - v ; - D L Ward, salary as eounty atty': : 3 3 Baxter, per dieaa as eoss . mluionar A lacldeataa - oo expense , -.' . X W Dickinson, janitor at court house etc Dr N H Street, salary as supt of health t , City ot New Bern, water rent . for I months -Aaron Richmond, mowing' court hoaae lawn - . Holllster St Oox coal for court house . AXWadsworth, per diem as commissioner K B Jones, do ete Ernest M Green miscellaneous ' co work ,.''-..-Wallace ft Curtis, plumbing work at court house HO Wood, per diem as com missioner .. .. , Silas Fulchsr, do KEQuidley, janitor at coart house N B Richardson, printing no tices etc July 1901. . Xrnest M Green, reg deeds, miscellaneous oo work Walker, Evana ft Cogswell, supplies to reg deeds ' Dr N H Street, salary as supt of health Chas L Stevens, pub com pro ceedings v J J Baxter, per diem as com missioner ft incidental co expense Chss L Stevens, pub com pro ceedings KB Jones, per diem as com- ... mlssioner ft incidental co expense D L Ward, salary at county atty . , Dr JF Rhem, holding In quest , .' W F Bellangia, witness at In- '.-. qest -"-, J E Smith, juror at Inquest Q W Hardison, do W R Harper do J L Hall do R B Nixon, do , B B Davenport do A E Wadsworth, per diem aa COm ;- .' i L H Cutler, mdse to co 400 WOO MM 2800 1S7 2800 U0 1160 7 70 1082 78 00 19 9 490 7 SO 1800 1978 U00 800 167 WOO 1800 10 80 23 00 38 00 1210 80 980 380 280 360 380 70 00 HO Wood, per diem as com missioner 4 901 E W Dickinson, janitor at court house H M Groves, per diem as au ditor .- 16 00 400 Aaron . Richmond, mowing court house lawn , s 3 60 1800 3106 1090 10 00 800 S E Quldley, janitor aj court house " - : ... -.. , , Silas; Fuloher per diem ha com ft other co expense ; HO Wood, do , K R Jones, do r" J J Baxter do c - August 1908. -;: Ernest- M Green reg-deeds, copying record books; 9096 t Dr N H Street,1 Mlarya supt or health M-CT 11 40 1936 V" H A E Wadsworth, .per diem aa KR Jones, do Aaron Rlchtttphdy ' mowing ' court house'iwnJ:r:; 360. H 0 Wood, per tllem as com mlssioner'' -ri " ' j;-) :49. : ': ,7 60 3 3 Baxter do- ' .-( 'JW Dr Chaa Duffy do oaianltary ''I i board 't. :- VW3i: Dr F W Hushes, do iJ'- $ ' ' iod Chas L Stevens, pub com pro ceeding, v.- 00 00 Edwards ft ' Broughton,' ta. thmary for reg deeds D L Ward, ' salary a connty 1 ' atty v : :: 9$: ' i 98 00 Ernesf M Green rex deads, miscellaaeous co work 1W50 E W DIoklMon, asst janitor . at conn house IB 00 6 00 E B Quldley, do ,:; : September 1903,. , X::-:- I Silas Fulcher per diem as com- ' mlssioner i - '," " ' '7 80 Chas L Stevens, : pub co ro- v ; ? oeedings ' - " , A X Wadsworth,; per diem aa , ;.com J - i , E W Dickmion, janitor at . courthouse ' f H P Wood, per diem u.com . -, - mlssioner t f j, t f i . Aaron Richmond mowing court house- lawn " ''' K R Jones, par dlent as com-" ' mlssioner etc ' City of New Bern, water rent- : 8 months -. ' 30 00 70 8 00 490 -1 . v, ' .I hi in sssoo Henderson Tel Co, phona rent 8 months Dr N H Street, npt of health lmo F 8 Duffy,- mdssr to court : house-". . . D L W ard, salary as county ' .'atty I E Quldley, janitor at court house DrJWDuglud, coroners In- quest October 1909. M De W Bteventon, acting as - co atty . D L W ard, co atty salary . Ernest M Green reg deeds,. mlsccllan'ous co work E W Dickinson, janitor court hoiiie lmo i I.7 H667 "i 4 i 33 ! US :27 '1000 16 00 06 65 1800 A X Wadsworth, par diem u com 7 70 1 80 SUaa Falchar, do Dr N H Street, salary as snpt of health 16 67 Edwards ft Broaghton, top. ft records for reg deeds 160 H O Wood, par diem as com missioner 4 90 Ernest M Green B D, miscel laneous co work 46S8I H M Groves, per dlemaa au ditor 4 00 J W Daguld coroner, holding Inquest 8 00 Thoe Daniels Jurors at In quest 100 100 WB Smith do J A Dugald do 100 1 00 RLOIlldo John MoSorley do 100 100 X H Williams do George Johnson wltaees at In quest 60 60 60 60 Windsor Swan do Wright Green do JWMssseydo Dr J W ZDagnid holding In quest 860 100 Dwight Styron Juror at In quest Jessa PopCdo EdHollowelldo 100 100 G H Conner do John Gasklll do 100 100 100 James Doguld do John Grady witness at In quest 60 Mary Lisa Fisher do Claud Foy do 60 60 Luanda Farewell do 60 Loa Bryan do Oapt Lupton do 60 60 X X Quldley janitor at court house. 13 00 OL Stevens publishing pro ceedings 16 00 Nov. 1902 8 lias Fulcher perdeim as Com missioner 7 60 J J Baxter perdelm as Commit sloner ft etc 16 00 Earnest II Green Reg. Deeds computing and copying tax lists 190 86 100 00 100 00 100 00 Ernest M Green do KB Jones per delm as com missioners 900 IrnestM Green Register of Deeda mlscellanous county work Dr J W Duguld autopsy ftc at Inquest Richardson printing house mlscellanous county print ing E W Dickenson Janitor at courthouse Dr N H Street Superintendent of Health D L Ward salary at county at torney. OL Stevens publishing pro ceedings. 122 88 20 00 15 00 15 00 16 67 25 00 10 00 W M Watson O 8 0 rendering plats and partitions 47 00 H O Wood Per Delm and eto 780 E X Quldley janitor for court house 16 00 Total 8,400 88 mSOOXANXOTJS COUNTY EXFKN8E8. December 1903 New Bern Naval Reserves sup port for 1 mo. 1000 JsnurarylOOS L H Cutler interest on vouch ara ' 3716 0 D Bradham Interest on vouch ers 185 National Bank note paid by Treat 800 BE Bryan ft others assess ing property , 600 X . E Bryan ft others assess ing property 660 Wew Bern Naval Reserve 1 mo support 10 00 Feb 1903 New Bern Naval Reserve 1 mo support 10 March 1908 John Buys rebate for taxes In charged In error 478 Wm Cully do Henrietta Edwards 178 188 New Bern Naval Reserve sup port 1 mo . 1000 April 1903 v. , , L H 'Ca tier Interest on vouch- . era " - 26 J D McCoy bringing prisoner 'Jair 410 B W lyes service assessing . property ; v .7 10 New Bern Nava1Resetve 1 mo support '' - v 1000 Nsws ft Observer advertise-' meat County at Charles ton May 1903 New Bern Naval Reserve sup port 1 mo. Jane 1803 ; Matthews ft Willis potllngtax notices New Bern Naval Reserve sup- -1 port 1 mo July 1903 D P Whltford Tax Lister No 1 Township F A Fulcher Tax Lister No 8 . Township v GeO E West Tax Lister No 8 Township -BW Ives Tax Lister No 7 Township J L Matthews Tax Lister No 35 10 - v ; 50 oo 3 80 1000 60 60 3300 40 33 00 00 40 . 6 Township ;. JF House Tax Ltster No 9 Township v New Bern Naval Reterves.sup port, lmo Frederick Dougbus, error la poll tax V A Tolson, tax lister In No 6 township E K Bryan and others, assess ing property, per diem Do do E E Bryan, part payment as 35 38 1000 ISO 35 00 60 00 Aug. 1903. . 1 X A Bryan, payment la XalJ aa list taker Xe. 8 township 83 00 1 New Bern Naval Raaarveaup port, 1 mo 1001 J W Stewart, money refunded for error In tax certificate 81 63 Sept. 1902. New Bern Naval Retervesup port, lmo 10 00 Oct, 1903. New Bern Naval Reserves" P port, 1 mo 10 00 Nov. 1901. B B Mallisoa, par diem, etc as election officer DB Wood, making election 8 33 boxes J W Biddle, serving notices at 13 80 election 10 80 New Bern Naval Reeerves.aup port, 1 nto 10 CO Total 1864 30 rox KXPKNSE. February, 1902. Nathan Tisdala, removing small pox cases from Jsmes City 600 Sept 1903. E L Archbell, rations to peat house 86 67 J J Baiter, miscel. small pox trill 64 45 D R Davb,medlelnes for small pox 87 78 J 8 Miller, merchandise for small pox peat house 13 85 D L Perkins, medical atten tion small pox ease 400 DrJ W Daguld, attending smallpox 1100 Dr N H Street, extra salary In smallpox 200 00 W P Jonas, cols and mattress es smsll pox 725 Rebecca Russell, furniture de stroyed on account of small pox 10 00 J H Hunter, bills for small pox 3 60 October, 1902. James Pearson, tending small pox case 10 00 J J Baxter, sundry expense for smsll pox 105 48 Merrltt Whitley, burial small pox patients 14 00 ER Jones, sundry smallpox eipense 14 52 J H Heater, expense paid on small pox cases at Have lock 330 J E White, expense paid on small pox cases 6 31 Lucas ft Lewis, mds. to small pox patients 14 76 166 45 18 00 E W Armatrong, do Brice Anderson, work on pest house Trent Lumber Mills, lumber for repairs to pest h eases 40 28 Dr N H Street, extra compen sation in small pox 200 00 39 66 Archbell ft Co., rations to pest house D R Davis, medicines to pest house 116 80 5 90 Banff ft Son, mdse. to pest house JP Vollvs, work on pest house 18 00 100 00 J L Hahn, payment of Sands place at pest house do do do do do do Nor. 1903. 100 00 100 00 186 00 E B Jones, sundry Incidental expense on account of .small pox 890 46 Dr N H 8treet, extra compen sation In small pox 100 00 00 1 J E WUtcrallotti to small pox patients 300 Treat Lmbr Mills, lumber for pest houses 133 33 Archbell ftCo rations to small pox patients and pest house 353 49 Lucas &Lewtilretiont to small pox" patlenta . . 10 55 W P Jones,'cots and. ma ttress 001 et for small pox . 410 Mrs Hellen Hancock, bedding and clothing destroyed in smallpox 800 31 60 Merritt Whitley, burial of sml pdv patient " E W Armstrong, mds. to pest house1 44 80 90 3015 1031 J H Hunter, R. R. fare for nana for small pox 00 1 J S Miller, mda. to pest house and small pox D B Borden, rations to smsll pox patients Dr R 8 Primrose, vaccinating by order of Sanitary Board 107 00 Dr B DuVal Jones, do 110 00 D R Davis, medical supplies and medicine for small pox 733 96 00 Dr J F Rhem, vaccinating by order of Sanitary Board : . 100 001 .".'Total ;; ' ' ; $3,663 . EXPENDITURES. County Poor -Department otJustio Bridges and Ferries v County Official machinery and 3,186 Utt taker No. 8 township 6,860 83 8,78119 mlscellaaeoua 46473 00 Interest on.bond 1 Craven County School Fund Marriage Meant tax ; paid - 9,690 139308 Btate. . . - 235 761 00 Treasurers Commissions ... Small Pox expenses to Dec. 1, 00 1903 ,',:",. . 8,653 Road tax 8th township paldJ 00 A Meadows, Trees. 8,063 00 $39,783 Outstanding Bonds ' $43026. Unpaid County voucher ' (approx) $39468 ' I, Xrnest M. Green, Register Deed and Ex-oQclo Clerk Board of Commis sioner do hereby certify that the fore going Is a true statement of tl rece!pts 8 00 6 60 andd:.Un:x:nU ot th fln&;::s ot tL County for the r.fflcUl r tie I 1st, 1903 to lie best r-f7 It M sad belief FRR T V.OMC'K R-g rw-rl-ailE of.... C H '. New Bctb, N. rc l, W , - '"A teaiiUestea CaaV" '"" A country "aqohV Is often caBe4" upon to setts questions wucn tax both hla knowledge and hi Ingenuity. One auch matter waa preaented tt Squire lYescott of Banbury. "Square," said a solemn faced man, stopping the lawyer one day a be waa leaving the postofflce, therea a point I want you should settle, and whatever yon My 111 abide by it, whether yon think as I expect you will or not." "Well, let's bear what tt la,-- aM Squire Frescott good naturedly. "It'a Just like this," said the man, stepping closer and speaking In a low er tone. "Hen Bogera want to trad farms with me, but. we cant quite agree on terms. His cow paatnrw better than mine, but I've rot twice aa many blueberry bushes aa he baa; Tola corn Is all started, and mine Isn't, but I've got screens to five windows and two doors; there's leas stone fax hi meadow land than there la In mine, but there's more bog. "Now, I won't tell you which la which, but one of us thinks Hen's collie dog had ought to be throwed fatto the bar ter, and the other one thinks that my heifer would Just about even up. Now, What should yon say waa the fair thing?' Youth's Companion. HSU. White lead Is said to be the most ef fective agent for mending broken crock ery, as tt is one of the few cements that re8l8t both water and heat Ap ply thinly on the edges of the broken pieces, press them together ana aei aside to dry. Orlando, Fla.0ct42, 1901. Tbe Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Balti more, Md. Gentlemen; I takepleasurein reeom- mendlngHancook't Liquid Sulphur to any one suffering with Eczema. I have hadlt for ten or fifteen years, have tried many remedies and found no relief until was inducea to try your "tt. l B. Have only used it a short while and am now almost entirely cured. I can truth fullv sav that after flftv rears aa r no ticing physician that your Liquid Sul phur is the most wonderful remedy for jsczema l nave ever Known. Toura respectfully, DR. W, W.'LEAEE. For sale at F. S. Duffy's. Toothache. Dentist Been suffering from tooth ache, I see. She Tee; haven't slept a wink for three nights. Dentist Is It a back one or She No; it'a my husband's tooth. Not m Barsrala Day. The Husband (during the quarrel)-. I You're always making bargains. ' ftYaa there ever a time when yon dldn'tt The Wife Yes, air: on my wedding day. Plenty ot Proof. Alice What makes yon think your new photograph are so horrid 7 Gladys All my girl friend ask for ene, but my male menaa aon r. Nothing is more distressing (nan young men trying to act ow prtuj men trying to act young.-ChlcigQ News. .'-. . A Million Voices Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point, Ia. Listen why: A severe cold had settled on hit lungs, causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said ha had consump tion, bat could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Contump tlon and writes "it completely cured me and saved my life. I now weigh 337 lbs." It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Lung trouble. Price 60c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at C. D Bradham's. Maraaaian Stabatoaa. In some parts of South Africa much damage is done by baboons, which go in large marauding parties to rob gar dens. - ' ' - : Parts G !. The fatal effect of parts green, sen, th er cent; Insecticide which is so often taken suicidal Intent, depends upon tha that It Is more than half oxide nlc. The formula n: Copper oxide, per cent; arsenioua oxide, 69 per acetic add, 10 per cent A : Every Kaffir In Gape Colony mutt pay a labor tax or to shillings a year Unless be can prove that be baa worked for three mouths of the year. .SVC Btantat Slgsttai -yaTtokYMHwslwmBoqW f v. A Love PetUa. 00 One of the leading sources of lncom to the old herbalist wa the compound 04 ing of love powder for despondent wain and heartsick matdena. If a powder would not bring the desired re lief, varloua Juice of roots and herbs were mingled in a potion and sold as the love phial. Here ia an old recipe: "Mistletoe berries (not exceeding nine 01 in number) are ateeped In aa equal mixtures of wine, bee, vinegar honey. . ..v. -i-. -,..-. -:-- 00 This taken on an empty stomach be fore going to bed will cans dream of your future destiny (provided yon re tire before 12 o'clock) either on Christ 00 84 mas eve or on the first and third ot new moon." Perhaps aa a lingering 04 remnant of thla absurdity there la current notion In noma parte of world today that a whole mince pie Vandemere on Tuesday and . Fit eaten at midnight wlU cause the reap- flayY at 6 o'clock, a. m,, retnrjrj pearanco of long departed frtenda, not - - 93 94 to mention th family phyatdan the mora Interested member of household. Prickly .heat cured In one application by OBing of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. It will also cure Eczema, Fetter, rirr - les, Ringworm, Dandru, Cuts, Earnt, Old Sores, and all skin troul'-.s short time, when used as dlrec'&J. sals at F. S. Dury'sCrcg E'.ora, IWinier Eczema OR TETTER la ooe of the many raxktiee i oi idii nr tK-ntinj diacaea called Eczema. It aluas aers through tbe summer and breaks - oat in winter. The bead, feet and hand . arc tht parts sooat of tea attacked, tkooeh tt sometimes appear on other parts of the body, the at ia hardens, crack open and bletda, while the itching aad burning ta at time almost unbearable. Scratching only makes it worse, sores aad scab forming where the skin is broken. In this form of Ecscma brownish whit crusts sometimes formwhichtcaleoff SKIN CRACKS la fine particles, vingtheakinraw AND BLEEDS Md inflamed. It is especially painful and severe when coav aoM lolne bands, wnlcn orotn Decosne so badly affected that tha ufierer ia aoabla to perform the lightest work. This, like all other types of Eczema, Is due to add poison in the blood and not to local caasea. The trouble ia mora than akin deep, and washes, soaps, powders and salves nor anything else applied to the surface can possibly do more than aootha the burning and itching or relieve tempo rarily the inflammation and pain. It ia tha acids thrown off by the blood and which are forcing their way thxoogb, the pores that cause the skin tohardan, etack and bleed, and produce the IrriU- non ana oress. 8. a 6. nantraliaea these acid poisons and cleanse tha blood of all irritating sub stance end' humor aad doe it promptly and eSectnally. 8. 8. 8. purifies and invigorates the thist acid blood, and builds up tha entire ay, tern; then the unsightly eruption and on heal, the akin become smooth and soft, aad all signs of the Eczema disappear. Onr special book on Skin Diseases free. Tha Swift Speolft C,, Atlanta, 8a. Bar Uaea Far tha Hiavarrmaet. , stringent law against bacbakni baa; recently been promulgated in onaj of the ttatea forming the Argehttoafl At'man la marriageable in Argentmai when he 1 twenty. If from that datsl aAftlll h P&saee hi thirtieth birthday! ne awlshe to remain single, he man pay !5 a month to the state. For the! jDexfjUve years the tax increase pet. Cent. i Between thlrty-flve and fifty bachelor is mulcted to the tuna rjr month. From hla fiftieth year ta enisive aov a momu ia uq harmjr.reached the seveaty-flfth Mittr,1wnal1w nnma a nrl IKa bv cornea nominal, being reduced' gp $20jss 'year, fter eighty a mamcannenubn atne-Wt aHthnnt nannir anvthtne. 1 There 1 paragraph relating to arld-a owers, avho are given three yearnWj wnicn to mourn ana pica a ucceao ) Xtnan who can prove that 1m2m proposed and been refused three .timeaj ta one year Is also considered to nave earned Immunity from taxation. It Is said that the law works like aj- harm. DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE. Permanently cured by tha masterly power of "South Ajfuioas Kisvm Tomo," Invalids need sailer no longer,, because this great remedy can cure them alL It is a cure for the whole world of stomach weakness and IndlgetJIon. Tho cure begins with the first dose. The re lief it brings Is marvelous and surpr"ug J ! makes no failure; never disappoint. Ho matter how long you have suffered, your cure is certain unaer ute use oi mis great health-giving force. Pleasant and . always safe. SoldlbylO. D Bradham. Druggiat THE CELEBRATED, Garland Wood Wa are the agent. Breech Loading, Single and Doubla Barrel, Hammerless Shot Guns. , Full line Ammunition for Sport' men. Sash, Doors, Blinds, i General Hardware. " " ,,,v f Under Hotel Cluttawka, BTE17 B EIXH I I. KKD US IMI In tl. UM . T.b. aTf I ' CMJCMIraTf CNttLWH - k CHICHKHTEK'8 ,... ,-J R60 'ae.eea iiwiusm. aaa i ma : M r fMlraUn, I 'ula mm "Kelfer Ibr l.-ril Uum. .r Itf 'b -If fan Mall. II.OTku Ml) al seffcT MaShna aaee. fku. tit Us liySliClS users of, morphlna, 2 uarae voos w oar 4 Sj'nintoflum '.j' "illlfllt A.l.lf..:. tL n.i.J: CO.. 61 8tr. Blar. a OaaaV n l i1 J Whisk - ' - J. .... On and after Tuesday, October 28th, 190 the Str. Bhuiche Will sail for Bayboro, Stonewall and the and I WednescUy'g and Saturday's. thai Freight received forabovo iilzii daily. J ID) ArilwNlDjaMlilan p - la a For f 9