I Iff AROUW AlfD ABOUT. MAN ABOUT TOWN. THURSDAY NIGHT'S STORM. - MERCHANT PROTECTION BEATHCFTEOS.fc.REED . The Kotcd iawjer tad fsjBaibeaUrlai Pams Atit la Waihtiif- Mm V ' i . Boa Tbomu BrsckettBeed, ex-speak er of the House of Representative died et the Arlington hotel la Washington, D, C. at 1A10 Sunday morning. He bad goM from New York to Washington the proceeding Sunday to attend to sows natters before the U B Bapreme Court He witnessed the opening of Congress Monday and tppeared In the beat of health and splrlta. Later la the day be complained of great diatreaa la his stomach and the phyeiclaa la attend ance dlirnoaad hta ease aa aonendldtla. Hla aickneai was alarming from the firat aa It waa complicated with Brighta dis ease of several montha standing. -- Tbomu B. Reed wu born in Portland lie., Oct 18 1889, educated at Bowdain college and entered public life la 1868 when be became a member of the Maine legislature. Be wu a member of the lower home of Congress 83 yeara retir ing In 1899. ! He was speaker or tne noose tor sev eral terms and though he had attained great fame prior hla muter stroke wu daring the 50tn Congress when he made the famous ".decision fixing the mooted oaeation of nnorum of the house. For this' decision Reed made man; bitter enemies among the Demoorallo members of the house, and it wat then the name of "Czar" wu given him. His rulings , were violently attacked but they were aastalned by a unanimous decision of the Supreme Court, Be bu been called the greatest parliamentarian bf the age; Hot only the house but the senate have adopted his rules and many of the 8tate4 legislatures' bare made use of them. Be bad presidential aspirations but hla ambitions were defeated and be quit the political life In 1899. His resigna tion startled the country u he wu a powerfal factor for the Republican par ty. Be became a member of a New York law firm which wu one of the most prominent In New York City. Bis wife and daughters were at bia bedside when be died. The funeral will be held in Portland, Me. Notes From the Conference. The following partial list of appolnt- moti. m oil ii kit ,1ia M TP. PAnfnMnM At Wilmington was, given us by one of the delegatea who returned. lut night. Rev F D Swindell, presiding Elder, returned; Rev R F Bumpas, returned; Rev Beaman, Washington to Durham; Rev L E Thompson, to Washington; Rev Coletrain, Einston toSmithfield; Rev Davis to Einston. J. J. Baxter la agent for the W. L. Douglas, Lewis Crossett and W, P. Tay lor's bhoes for men and E, P. Reed's shoes for women. Every pair guaran teed. Strenuoslty Extraordinary. A special officer employed by the coun ty to go around and enforce the law dur ing the recent compulsory vaccination order tells of some exciting experiences he had while in discharge of hii duties. Be says that the job while one of good pay and ordinarily not unpleasant, there were times that It grew so strenuous as to be positively hair raising, The officer stated farther that as he was not bald beaded the hair raising episode wu en tirely unnecessary. At times he says, he wu obliged to look down the barrel of a shot gun and as he wu not the one to be vaccinated, he did not propose to be vaccinated with a gun. Be said that he wa afterwarda supplied with suffi cient help and took up his work and saw that everyone In his territory wuduly vaccinated. Kid Gloves. Don't pay $1.00 and $1.25 for Eld Oloves, but go to J. J. Baxter and get them for 76c. and $1.00. Magistrate's Court. Ed Fisher a young colored man and Charles Ghadwlck, a colored youth were p before Justice S B Street yesterday, on the charge of an affray Sunday night. Charles wu let off on hla parents promising to thrash him severely, which they did, taking him out to an old stable In the rear of the Justice's office for the operation.: The veils and howls that Is sued from the belabored lad wu aon- V ? lUVUk. .UN. III. . v& U sentence was well executed. - Ed wu taxed with some costs, which he was k way , he wu led to jail, looking very cheerful and happy.with the consolation i of knowing that for a month or, two he ' ttl I . 11 1 A . .v. 1 A . -11 win v wuu ovumu iiuid 1110 uuiu, wsu fed and clothed, and nothing In the world to do but sleep and ting la a very cheering thought to such people u be. About the time the thrashing of unaries wu ra process, John vnaawica:, a brother of Charles, came Bpon the . scene and lnterferred.threatenlng Fisher with dire vengeance for being the cause -. VI. 1 .1 S -1 . .1 - 1 . -- John wu taken with a peace bond,' and he too wu led smilingly to the Craven street house of res'. Velvets, Velvets, Velvets. i We still have a nice line ot : Velvets and other mlllnery goods on hand, all to be sold for lest than cost Respect fully. , , ; , J. J, BAXTER, MMiitMMUtlHHHNm i LY EY e f 4 The pay train the A. C. L. made its regular monthly visit to the city yester day - - The temperature fell to 84 degrees Saturday morning. "The forecast ia for warmer weather today. The lke anticipate giving the poor children a treat Christmas by having a Christ mu tree especially for their bene fit...... . .. There will be a meeting of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy Wednesday De cember 10th, at four o'clock at Mtu Mary Oliver's. The Old Dominion Line steamer, Newberne, is at the N. fc 8. dock and will usiat in disposing of the large amount of freight on.hand. The Great Martynne Co. at the Opera house tonight New features in the per formance. Popular prices 10, 20, 10 eta. Reamed eeata at Waters' this morning. Not only the Methodists, but everyone In the vicinity will be glad to learn that the Conference hu returned Rev. R. F. Bampu to this station for another year. Mr. E. W Watson left yesterday morn ing for a few days bunting trip through Onslow county. Mr. Watson says be knows where "they" are and he Is going to get them. There wu a very Important real estate transaction here yesterday. Mr. C, L. Spencer purchased the large and com modious brick residence on Middle street of Mr. B. 8. Qulon. The managers of the Female Benevo lent Society are requested to meet at Miss Metts' this Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock. A full attendance Is re quested as there Is business of Import ance. The mayor's docket consisted of two cues yesterday, one, Kennan, a white sailor was fined five dollars for disorder ly conduct and Mamie Gasklns, a white woman, was given 80 days in jail for violating the conditions of a suspended judgment. The auditorium of the First Baptist Church wu very much improved in ap pearance during the past week, by plac ing down of a new and handsome car pet, the gift of Mr. J. B. Holland and the ladies of the congregation. The old carpet has been utilized In the annex. A foot ball game wu kicked off yes terday at the Academy Green, between the Down Town Juniors, and the Young Gladiators. The D. T. Juniors, won by 16 to 5. Prettyman of the latter team distinguished himself by hU sprinting abilities, while Thomas a Young Gladi ator punted wonderfully. Ella Gardner, a little girl ten years of age, died at the home of her parents No. 143 Pollock street, Sunday morning. The remains were taken yesterday to the old homestead, about nine miles from Goldsboro, and interred in the family burying ground. The family has only been living in the city a short time. Letter to E. W. Smallwood, New Bern N. C. Dear Sir: You have taken the agency of Devoe Lead and Zinc paint the "Fewer-gallons; wears longer" paint. It Is fair to tell you that It is going to lessen the amount of paint sold In your town for each job; but It Is going to more-than-double the satisfaction that people have found In other paint, and you are going to Increase your business by getting more jobs. It hu never failed to do 1. W. B. Ar nold & Co., Watervllle, Maine, bought $105 of Devoe lead and zinc In 1898. In 1901 they bought $1155. Dolg Brothers Of Lowvllle, N. ,Y., bought $39 In 1899. In 1901, $1991- Fowler & Selleru, White Plains, N. Y.-1898, $166; 1901, $1762 Leggett & Peddle, Glens Falls, N. Y. 1899, $883; 1901, $8796. Write to them. You can't know too much about a paint that's going to Increase business like that, and do so much for the people of your town. Your truly, F. W. Dkvob &CO New York. The Great Martynne Company. The Great Martynne Vaudeville Co., at the Opera Bouse last night wu an entertainment that was highly enjoyable to a large house. On account of the train arriving late the entire program could not be presented. The dances with scenic effects were marvels of grace and beauty and the costumes shewn in them were costly and beautiful.' ." ' ' The trained dogs were features which greatly pleated. They are wonderfully sagacious canines and performed with almost human intelligence. .. Baptist Convention at Durham. The Baptist State Convention meets tomorrow In Durham. Thla body hu a constitutuency of nine hundred minis ters, seventeen hundred churches and one hundred and seventy-five thousand members. The Baptists of this section are to be represented in the Convention by Pastors A A .Butler, of Beaufort, A W Setzer, of Morehead City, J B Olive, of Bwana- boro, Bight C Moore and wife and M P Davis of this city and probably some others, ' Hello There I Say, ' Stop a moment. Can you tell me the placel want to goto f Well, you're fool. Bow do I know where you want to go f Well I'm not so much so as you tuke me for. But do show me 43 Middle Zl. or a place called - I'LL DO IT. , V.'ell, my friend, you're all right, I'm ,;.., f tpTsolf. to buy an overcoat. A Ftw Pertinent, Surgtstlonl At Eow Te , firew. ';'. When a driver applies a whip to a horse be does so to make the animal get a move onfhlm to persuade hla to have more ambition. A whip Is a good article to use on a hone and metaphorically speaking, or writing, to use on a mass of people known u a corporation, or specifically, u a city. ' ' : : If this article may be called a whip it la used not u a means of punishment but u an .Instigator to promote" some energy in behalf of our city. The stroke is not intended to sting but to aaaiat In the progreu of the city. ; If it shall arouse sentiment and city pride even to a small degree the writer will consider hi efforts not In vain." A eltlzen of New Bern who has lately been In the North wu telling of a con versation he had with a former realdent of a New Bern who wu a well wisher for the prosperity of this place, that he waa desirous of seeing theoltlaens move, be alive to the capacities and resources of this beautiful city. And returning with that one end In view the citizen aougbt the Journal u a promoter of this Idea. , ," It la possible that the citizens of New Bern do-not realise that the natural lo cation of this city makes it one of the most desirable places la the South for manufacturea of every deecrtplion. The magnificent waterway that we have ia an advaatage that most cities would ardently crave. When used right this potent commercial agent will con tribute largely to the growth of the town - " J In the first place there la aa enormous amount of lumber ahlpped from here each month. It la estimated that during the month of October and November 8,003,000 feet of lumber went away from here. Of course, to manufactories In other places. This lumber statement embodies the suggestion that there must be "something doing" In the lumber In dustry, and we are not disposed in the least to doubt It. . But the question arises just here, why Is It not as well to establish factories here for the manufacture of furniture and other articles, and by keeping the lumber at home furnish . employment for hundreds of other men? ', There la said to be enough idle capi tal to start at leut one plant of this de soriptlon .and by making a respectable offer we can locate -a factory here that will be a wonderful help to the city. Having acceded to this the query "Whata the matter with New Bern?" can but be answered by a hearty aid vociferous, "Bhe'e All Right!" if she will only get a move on herself. Man About Town. A Good and Capable Official. ; Among the Important county changes of officials which took place In this coun last week, wu the retirement of Mr. Ernest M. Green, as Register of Deeds. Mr. Green hu proven himself a most capable, trustworthy and courteous county official, and can retire from his office with the full conscientiousness of having performed his duties, fully and well In all particulars. In addition to having so faithfully maintained his public trust, - Mr. Green can carry with him. the feellna; that his personal friendships are many, and that no political enmity follows him Into his new professional life. ; Only good wishes, and hopes for his success wiu tie tne ouraen tor mm to take away. v, . U. S. Commissioner's Court , . Yesterday, J W Dall, the repated Illicit trafflcer, and Incidentally, wlfe beater who.hu been confined In JaU here on default of ball, appeared before . TJ 8 Commissioner Charles B HIU with the required security for his release un til next session of the Federal district court In this city. Dall had In the mean time furnished a - bond to the . State au thorities for his appearance at the next term of the Superior court fa this coun ty, for shooting at and " beating his wife. ....... r Clarrlssa Bennett the colored woman who wu arrested about a week ago Jn Beaufort county, near Edwards wu ar raigned on a charge of selling liquors without license, Clarrlssa had, when af rested just finished serving a sentence In tbe county Jail at Wuhlogton for offending the State law In the like man ner. The evidence produced by the government wu not sufficient to justify Commissioner Bill In sending the defen dant up to court, so she wu let off with a warning "to go and: sin no more-' The real facts seemed to be that Ularlua waa in the employ of the notorious Illicit distiller, Btephen Tuten, of Beau; fort county,; and that In tbe discbarge of her work, she wu called on to uslst In the Illegal traffic, and wu perhaps Ignorant of any violation of the law. -.yv. " - h iiinssaaaaaaaaaaaawaa- I Election of Officers. At tbe regular meeting of tbe L 0. B last Thursday night at 7.80 p. m. the fol lowing officers were elected for the en- talng year. Past Archon John L McDanlel. , , Archon W D Sablston. Provost J J Tolson, Sr. Financier John O Beaks Treasurer Mark Dtsosway, - ; Secretary Geo D Gordner. Prelate John A Jones. Warder F M Chadwick. ? Inspector Joseph E Ilawk. Sentinel Thorrns F ITcCarthy. One, of the Most Terrific for Several Tear. Wrecks all Along the " . V..' Coast. J ''V:V ..One of the worst storms that hu been known in thla section for many years came Thursday night and althwgh New Bern was not particularly affected by It, the force was felt very perceptibly In Morehead and Beaufort. ' The storm originated on the gulf and moved rapidly northeast IncreulrTg In violence all the time. The, sea cout ia literally strewn with wrecks and many have been drowned. The life saving station at Cape Batteru reported several boats uhore. That place ia reported to be the moit danger ous of sny on the Atlantic cout. At Beaufort one bark loaded with lum ber went ashore and one man wu killed, another man's back was broken . and the Captain's leg wu broken in three places. The cargo la scattered on the beach and Is a total loss. The telegraph and telephone compa nies all over the country suffered on ac count of their wires being broken dowa by the storm. Lut week, Wednesday, Secretary of the Navy Moody pasted through New Bern en route to Washington, D. C. Bis boat, ; the government yacht, Dolphin had to get Into the Beaufort harbor on account of the storm. Tbe Secretary and colleagues had been out on an In spection tour. . ' .. Foot Ball With Wilmington. . Manager Tom Daniels has about com. pleted arrangements with the strong eleven of Wilmington to play a game in tbla elty at an early date. The fact that Wilmington is coming arouses a good deal of Interest In the lovers of tbe game, as they know thai a good Interest will be assured. Manager Daniels bouts of the team that he is managing, as It hu never been . scored on, and he ssys that our boys will prove equal to the task that will be upon them. Be is also trying to arrange a game for Christmas Day, but no team hu been secured aa yet. You are liable to a sudden attack of Summer sickness and should keep in your houBe a bottle of Dr. SETB AR NOLD'S BALSAM tbe best known Remedy. Warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded by T. A. Henry. Resolutions of Respect. Resolutions of Respect offered by the Epworth League of Centenary Church, New Bern, N. C. Whereas, God In his mysterious, yet omniscient providence removed from our midst on Sunday morning, Novem ber 28rd.,our beloved sister and co-labor er, MIbs Sadie Taylor, and Whereas, We desire to give express- Ion to our sorrow, and to our estimate of her high Christian character and her true sterling worth. Therefore be it, Resolved, That in the death of Miss Taylor, our League hu lost one of Its brightest jewel; one, In whose charac ter nature harmonized, blending the love of God Into the faithfulness of duty entire oblivion of self and a heart filled with sunshine and love. ana, 1 bat wntiewe tow in bumble submission to the will of Him who Is too wise to err and too good to be unkind, we will ever cherish tbe memory and the many virtues of our departed friend. td, That we tender our sympathy to' the bereaved ones, and pray that God's grace may be sufficient in the sad hours of their deep affliction and that they may trust tbe hand of God and bow In humble submission to the will of Him, who doeth all things well, living In the sweet hope of meeting their loved one when life's tolls are over. Bib, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Leag ue, a copy be sent to the family of the deceased, a copy sent to the Raleigh Christian Advocate and New Bern Jour nal for publication. ' . Mrs. Gao. W. Bowabd, , Miss Mamib Bat, ' . Miss Mollis Bell Bollowkia, ; Miss Lizzin R, Hahcock. ' THE VALUE OF EXPERT TREAT - -; -MENT. " Everyone who ia afflicted with a chron td disease experiences great difficulty in having tkelr cue Intelligently treated by the average physician. . These diseases caionly be cured ' by a specialist who understands "them thoroughly. Dr. J. Tertor Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga. Is acknowledged the most skiuiut ana suc cessful specialist in the United States. Write him for bia expert opinion of your cue, for which be makes no charge. NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET ' " WnOLKSALK PRICKS CURRENT. Eggs, per doz.... .,............... lOo. Chickens, old per pair.. ....60&65 .. .86 ft 40 " young, per pr... Pork, per lb. ., Beef,, Hides, green, per lb .... . ft 10 ......6 ft 6 6c .....9410 ... 20 to 26 ....55 & 66 .'. 66c dry, - ...... Beeswax, Corn, per bush ....... Oats,. , Peanuts 85 Pot atoes, Tarns ...................... 65 Bahamas. .1.. ....... ......40 Local Grain Market Corn, per bu..,., ,1 .68 Oats per bu. , .50 Meal, per bo..... ...... .70 Hominy, per bu........ Corn bran, per 100 lbs. ...... . 1.25 Wheat bran, per ' ......... ... . 1.40 Feed, lOO.lbs , 1.70 Cotton seed meal, 100 lbs. . . . 1.50 Cotton seed hulls, 100 lbs. .45 EUlp stuff 1.60 No. 1 Timothy, per ton 2O.C0 Against Indiscriminate Street. Selling of Goods By Hucksters. Every year, just before the holidays, new fruit and confectionary stands, and lunch plaoee can be seen oa the side walks, and la any little place that can be procured for tbe sale of such things u are la demand la this season. Whether these transient merchants. or small shops and wares pay any privi lege tax, la a question more cully answered by the dty authorities, ptls said that they do not pay any. At any rate, the dty does not seem to grow very much richer for them. Whue these small dealers may appear at first sight, lnslgtnfloant, and not worth troubling for taxes, they obtain a patronage that might better be given to the regularly established confectioneries fruit stores and other business establish ments of the city. ' , The merchanta of New Bern are, u a rule, worthy ; tradesmen and deserve a larger patronage than the surrounding country Is able to give. In summer, their trade la largely confined to city patrons, whleh for various reasons amounts to but little. The more wealthy citizens buy their supplies In large quan tities, (many of them order from other cities,) and the poorerjcluaes, embracing the oolored population have very Utile money to spend. The merchants, there fore, are compelled to .get along part of the year u best he can, and when tbe holiday season comes around, during which he might sell something extra, to be confronted by a mushroom compe tition that pays no tales, no rent, and perhaps nothing for their wares, it does seem, Is not only a hardship, but an in justice. A good portion of the city's Income is derived from -the privilege taxes of the regular dealers, and the dty should be very jealous of the Interests of those merchants who-pay this tax, and protect their Interests u far u possible. . No Special Storm Here. , The severe rain and wind storm which prevailed at other places, wu of so ap parent here on lut Thursday. V . It wu rainy and stormy, but nothing like storms that have been berev. In the telegraphic service which hu beat very alow since Thursday, the fact of the storm is appreciated more than from any special storm disturbance here. .BVOAIA. Btaittes Ogaatiie ef TM Kind Yoa Hrn Arwtrs BoqrU R. P. Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Clover, Hay, Utan, Cotton Seed.Hulls, ffled and eMail CHAS. B.HILL, 35 Middle St., JJEW BERN, JT, . BIG AUCTION SALE! In order to close out my business at Stiver Dale, 1 will sell the balance of my stock of General Merchandise, which consists of Dry Goods, Notions, Bats, Caps, Shoes, Bardware, Drugs and Med. icinea, Furniture, Light and Beavy Groceries a auction - Saturdays Dec. 13ti & and on Thursday, "January 1st, 1803, will also sell a auotion Buggies, Wag ons, Farming Utensils, 60 bbls Corn, 6000 lbs Fodder, Bousehold and Kitch en Furniture and lota of other things. Let everybody attend these sales u it -will be the hut chance to secure bar- Bale to commence at 10 a. m. , E. B.HAKGET, ' BILVEB DAL?, N O. A thorough' cleanser Hnrnn till s Famous Bilious Pills. Bend 6 cents and have semple dose sailed yon. Absolutely harmless, " BABGXrS PBABMACT, . , New Bern, N. C Schoondr For Salo l Fast sailing and commodloili'Schoon er Mabell, 14 net tons, recently , rebuilt and fitted out with everything necessa ry for dredging, will easily carry one thousand bushels of oysters. Is also first-class freight boat, will Carry 800 barrels' or 80 tone. FafeY solid, com fortable. For price and terms address; J. P. C0D2TT, 1 Nw A Earlowe, N.C. Fine and Oak Wood for sale by boat load. , . . Royal Worcester Corset Co. WORCMTm, asAt. MAMMOTH cASSORTMENTcVF mns w- ooojs NOW At 75 Pollock Street, Cor, Pollock & Middle Sts., 07 Middle St., Eaton's Old Stand Toys, Fireworks, Fruits, LARGEST STOCK lect from. Prices are 3 STORES, The Christmas 0E mm Ml , ,n . (I ) And it begins right, Begin with tha ahop fully ortlHed to meet the demands of the Gift Givers (and who Is not a gift giver at Chiist mas ?) Can't tell yoa'about it, all by any means, can only suggest to and there to guide yon in yonr baying; ' A Tisit to . oar store will do the rest. " - - - - .- r ' We've bought Doils If It's an Umbrella enough to go around) , Try fbissShbp. At least we thinlf sof Dolls of all sizes, dressed and undiess d. - You will find dolt bnying here'; very satisfactory. Handkerchiefs. ; We have provided for . wan ft of Handkerchief buyers as never be fore. Two Special Lota of Lfulus Handkerchiefs at 25c, in beautiful qualities, Embroidered edges and comers and Hemstitched. Beauti ful line to select from. . ' -Grand Values at 5c. All Linen Plain and Hems'd 10c You are Cordially Invited to Ilalie us a Vis it at as Early a Dato as Ppcslble. wt.: " 67 Polloclf btresi. ;-rJVc:!:x;rt: V r it Dion t TCCL DlillT v ADC B 1 6 II T Once worn always worn STRAIGHT FRONT - Ask your merchant to order style selected. ... s i .... . . tin as -a ON DISPLAY Confectioneries Etc. IN THE CITY to se- Right at BEQIT, N. C Selling Begins. A earef ul study of your wants in ithis important itenf has been made. Materials of m best, handles se lected with tne greatest oare. r noes boind to please. , . Childrens Tjmbreilas, just'' the thing for school use, f 1.00. Ladies Fancy Handles, good taffe ta top, tl.69, fl.89. Fine Gold and filver Filled and Flated Handles, All Guaranteed, 03.50, i . ,' 1 :::t CCLD CU3T., t'r ' 1 taiorg wS'hme. , , , . E.wvy