1 lift VOLCMI XXV, , KIW MEN, CBAYIH COUITY, If. C, FRIDAY", 0CCIHBI& 12, 1902 --SICOSD SECTIOS. NUMBIR 73 4 . THE OLD RELIABLE 7Ak i ill nil 1V Absolutely: Pure ., . THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Market Letter on Cotton. By private, wire, J, E Latham ft Co ' New Yufk, December 11. -Sentiment has been to generally In favor of at least a temporary advance In - price that the upturn today wai a natural result. The movement hat been to small that thortt are getting nervous. ' This has been generally ei peeled and very few traders have noi looked for an advance on the light receipts, bat actual speculation has not been heavy ami even those who looked for an advance were not Inclined to help the good tiling along by baying much. Th wuket was narrow and the tose Irregular, but ra compared with the previous days tais wwk the tone -was stronger. " Southern markets were steadier and In'eoine cases higher for the day, while the Ntw Orleans market was very strong. ' 10 fact May there sold- over May here at one time. .There was Inrlber narrowing i f the January-Hay premium and traders seciuetl iiicllueil to get out of JsDUdry aoj cyver their March. There was more baying of cot ton todty Oo the small amount to sight for week. Not more than 875,100 bales according to present prospects. This attracted short covering and some out side buying. There should baa tempor ary advance and tun extent or the ad vance will depend on tbe ui'tvem-int. It may Ira some weeks lioforo uouga col ton in coming m. to have any pruniure on the tntrkvl 1 1 the menu time an ad vance of 10 polute U probable ' We still say sell It ou any bulges ui' thcru will be a weak market when the movement picks up. : We bellevo otiou Is there and ill como out with good weather and faer transportation. ' J. E. LATHiM & Co. Nkw, y6K, Deo. 10. There was lit tlo chauge in the outlook. As far as . speculation went' it was a holiday market. It -may as well have been t Christmas eve as far , as business was concerned. On the one hand small re - celpla to prevent short telling and on . the other large crop ideas and silver dis turbances to prevent buying. Between tbe ex Hemes, pit traders hardly knew what to do. Only -one thing teemed ' certain, that they should buy when the market looked like going np and-sell v when It looked like going down. Both . these operation) proved disastrous when undertaken. One, Usually' bnyt when ., things look like advancing but .of late It . baa been found - that anyone buying when the marVet looked strongest wss sure to lose money. This seems to In dicate that the - factors underlying the situation are tending In one direction, the immediate factors tend Jn the other. We regard the market as narrow and lit tle Inqury around tbe pit shows the feel ing is against the"" market in the long : run. Bad a eather and absence of coi tion In Liverpool gives traders an Idea that prices may be better temporarily. 1 Even those who look for a break below 6c later in the season are inclined to think sn sdvsnce possible this month, bnt they are waiting for such, advance to sell on and are not willing to bay It to help tt along under snch conditions we would rather sell cotton on- all bulges :" and buy It on good breaks. J. E. Latham & Co. A large Hospital for the treatment of surgical cases under the celebrated Lorens Method is -.to be erected in this country. It will be established by the . Armour fsmily and cost over 1 1,000. 003. ' - -; , ' , BIG FIRE AT WINSTON. Knitting Hill and Tobacco Warehouses Destroyed. Loss $100,000. , ' ' Half Insured. , . 8peclalJtoJ;urnal . ; ; Wirstoh, N. C, December 11. A fire here today destroyed f onr three story brick buildings, Including the Vaaghan knitting mill, Whitaker and Harvey's tobacco factory, Coghlan and Hill's leaf tobacco warehouse, and Llepfort and Scales tobacco house. ' ' ' The loss will be $100,000, with Insur ance to cover one half of It. CASTOR I A For Infants and CLiUrcn. ni K!:.J Y:j I":v3 .:. : T '! m Qiiifiis '.' T" . i - Of Prominent People Throughout - . State- ' ; Feaslea Warrants December 15 th. Increase of School Tax Bate. ', To KebnIU Dikes at Bosi oke Para. Strange Error.. " RALnaH.Deo.10. At Christ Church here this morning Mr, John Ward, well knows young business man, mar married Miss Nella Grimes, daughter of Mrs, William Grimes and cousin of Sec retary of State Grimes. Mr. Frank Ward the groom's brother, was best ma and Hiss Mamie Cooper was, the maid of honor. Among those present were Mr. and' - Mrs. Frank B. Saucy of Atlanta, airs. Dancy being a sister of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Ward left at noon for New York and thence sail for Cuba. It was thought that today there would be taken here some testimony for this 8tate In the Couth Dakota bond suit, but the witness, ex-Senator Marlon Butler, will be examined next Saturday at Wash Ington, D. C. The examination so far as this State Is concerned will end with the testimony of Butler and of the South Dakota Congressmen. . , . Auditor Dixon has the pension war rants all ready to be mailed December IS. He is now comparing them with special care with the pension lists in order to be sure there are no errors. The directors of the hospital, for the Insane here met today to prepare the an nual report The hospital makes a good showing for the yaar. The State Superintendent ot public lot-traction has prepared a statement concerning the school tax rate. In 1874 It was 8f cents on the $100 of property and 7C per cent of the State anil county poll tax; in 1831 It was 18 on the $100, with a corresponding Incrcsse on prop erty; In 1890 it was IS cents on the l00 and In 1891 it was 13 cents on the $100 and $1.29 on tho poll. - v. . ! At one time Mere was some talk about Raleigh people having an opportunity ntxt May to vute on the dispensary question, but nothing more has been beard about that matter. Raleigh had problblliou for two years, 1881-3. There Is a hard freeze here, but the air is so extremely Ui j that tho cold fs not felt much. -' ' - State chemist li W Kllgore is appoint ed chairman of the committee on agri cultural chemistry at the International Congress of applied chemistry at Boston next year. , s.,;-;-, By a strange error the number of chil dren of school age in Duplin county Is reported as 8,898 less than It was last jflar-V.'-M-;r C. C. Harrell of Perquimans, a cadet at the A. & M. College here, who was operated on for appendicitis, is doing we'l. - It it decided .that Greek letter frater nities shall be allowed at the Agricultu ral and Mechanical College here. At the First Presbyterian church here this evening, Mr -Henry R Thorpe of Rocky Mount and Mist Charlotte Young daughter of Mr James, Richard Young, State lnturance commissioner, were mar ried. Mr J L Arlington of Rocky Mount was best man and Mist Mabel Young, a titter ot the bride, maid of honor. Among the attendant! was Miss Milissa Payne of Norfolk. ',; rV'S-f ;V-- Tho penitentiary dlrectora will ex pend $11,000 next year. In rebuilding dykes ai the State farm on the Roanoke river. - -'r' ' , ; Kid Gloves., -Don't pay $1.00 and $1.29 for Eld Gloves, but go to J. J: Baxter and get them for 7So. and $1.00. . ; TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. All engineers of the Southern- Rail way have been grauted an Increase of wages. , i - - Mrs, EHhu Rootwife of the Secretary of Was, hat reached New ; York from Antwerp. ' , , A Mutual Distillers Association for Insurance purposes It to be formed at once at Louisville, Ky. a , .. The strike of shipping room employes of the big department stores in Chicago, wss declared off Tuesday. " The American National Red Cross So ciety, meeting at Washington, ' elected Miss Clara Barton Its president for life yesterday. - ''iKUS -' v'l) Virginia's House of Delegates have ap propriated $30,000 for an exhibit for tho State at the exposition in St. Louis, Mo. Inl904. Cornelius Vanderbllt who has been very 111 with typhoid fever, is reported Improving. r Thirteen anarchists were recently ar rested at a meeting held In Rome at which,, It is said, they had all taken an oath to kill King Victor Emmanuel of .There was much -)r!cg iu Northern cities during V s r cent cold Snap on accent of the awarcy of coal. In many r'ces the schools had to close.' . . VEKEZUEU DECLARES WAR Against Germany tad 'England. .War Vessels Sunk. Venezuelan Army -Hovlng Towards Front Special to Journal . Caracas, Vkhxiuila, Dec 11 Vene zuela declares war against Germany and England. Those powers have sunk three of the Venezuelan war vessels and the remain ing two vessels are being pursued, Marines from the Invading fleets hold the custom house and other publio build tugs at La Guayra. ' , The Venezuelan army la moving to the support of that eity. .FILIPINO EUNERALcV FtetueaB Foe Ui Sleh ui P- . tketle For tka Por. One of the most striking things. tote seen on the streets of Manila Is tf Fili pino funeral: : If . the deceased was wealthy and had hosts of fslendatho funeral will be headed by a bandjlay lng selections from eomlo cperaj, , The body . of the deceased follows (A, at hearse covered with black clotb.BJ ranged In a grewsome design nnA drawn by six black ponies, eaxH be decked with headgear of Ion black feathers. The hearse will bo followed by men on foot wearing knickerbock ers and cocked hats, and after them follow innumerable vehicles) of. every, description. If the body la to be in terred, the gravediggera .will precede the band, "with their tools over their shoulders. ' Most Filipino funerals, however, are more pathetic. The father of a few; weeks old baby will trot out to the cemetery entirely alone, with the little white coffin balanced well on his heftd, and if a man had not the price of si vehicle his remains will be carried out on bamboo poles by four Chinamen, and the coffin will be one that has seen service before. The natives have different ways of burial. Some bodies are put Into the ground, while the larger majority are placed In niches la the wall of the cemetery. A slab cemented Into the opening 'of the niche contains a brief biography of the deceased. ,' Boas BarrtTaia of FaaUoa. f- Man Is unquestionably a highly ra tional being. Still, if yon travel and observe, from the moutn of tne Danube to the Golden Gate you jrtll find most men wearing a coat .with a useless col lar marked .with a useless V. shaped slash and decorated with; two useless .buttons at the small ot tho back and fene or two tfloTe useless buttons at the 'cuffs. The -collar, the slash and the buttons are there In answer to no rational need; It la not &i common cli mate nor a common racial need of pro tection against climate, that they, repre 'sent; but a common civilization whose If arm and. ritual they mutely, confess. Over this entire area those ijvho aspire to be of tho Brahman caste deck their heads for wedding, funeral and. feast (with a black cylindrical covering, suit- so far aa .wo can discern, neither to vert the .weapon ot the adversary. Dr dart w the rain nor to provide t whereon man max auT'anft'rest And as tor the women con- within this samo area-we behold ithat the amplitude Of tho'sleeve, the Idispoaitlon ot the belt and the outline the skirt all obey the rise, and fall one resistless . tide mthlch neither toon nor seasons controIBenjanun do .Wheeler in Atlantic 1 Thm Oartalaty f Ft. The Mohammedans hare a fable hlch they repeat to Illustrate the cer- ty of fate. Tho Philadelphia Times quotes it as having been told by Mr. 'Robert Barr, the-celebrated novelist A sultan svaa one asked by his fa vorite, the grand vizier, for permission to leave at once tor Smyrna, although a brilliant court fobs was themln prog ress. Upon being asked his reason for such haste the vlsler replied "Because I Just sawi. the angel of death yonder in the crowd. He -looked at me so earnestly) that I know he has come for mev I wish to escape him." ."Gol Go at oncer said the sultan, (Who then beckoned tothe angel and asked why the latter had looked so earnestly at the viziee. . " -r 1 was wondering," repllefl the .angel of death, "why ne was here,, for Tlhave orders to kill him in Smyrnol" , i OABTORIA. Stars th v Vyllx Kind Yon Haw Alwarg Batifit Blgastsis , of Om. Herts ot.Oalti ,. . "Tea, sir," exclaimed, tho enthusiast; "golf is the beat.ever. It baa a, distinct domestio vaduefthat is not fceiiarally appreciated. We will, suppose, for ex ample, that a man baa boefi, celebrat ing a little too much, and hetwishes to round upland go home. Welk as a pre liminary he goes to 'the gotf links to get theexerclse. Youv.wlll seadily ap predatesthat there a re occasions when exerctsevihaa a dlstinctiand almost im mediate value. Now, In practice golf works , out on tbe theory 'that the more exercise a man needs in rtheae circum stances the more he gefe. The more tmrortain hie 1st In Wat drive the more waging ha-has to doandHhe effect is decidedly benfluclaL. Of course there may still be a Jlttlet something notice able about hlmtwhenthejgets.home, but It IS baturally attributed to the Scotch highball be took, because of his weari ness at tho contcliiBion (of the round. Oh, golf is; surely sjgreatjgamer Chi cago Tost, 1 ' . 3.3. Baxter is agent for theW. L. Douglas, Lewis Crosse tt and W. P. Tay lor's shoes for men and E. P. Reed's shoes for women. Every t pair gnarac teed. ' . , ; ' , First Hundred Thousand "Dollars For Patllc Schools. Petition For New Lodge. IaaateXs- sspet From Seldltrs' Bono. ,. Eight CoavIeU Cat -' -Throigh Stockade ;' 7 at Boaaeke Farm. Ralkiob, December 11 The warrants are being prepared apportioning to the various counties what is known as the "first hundred thousand dollars" of the direct appropriation by the Bute to the nnhllo schools. .To this snm a little over 41.009 is added from U. board ot education fond, so as to makers i appor tionment exactly 15 oenttto each child of school age. What Is known as the "second $100,000" la for the express purpose of bringing all school terms up to 4 months in each year. , Grand Secretary Woodell ot the I P O V has received a petition for anew lodge at Oooleemee. An inmate of the Soldiers' home hete by the name of Ford, from Edgecombe county,, ran away this morning. He wss in the hospital and his mind is not sound.' Persons were quickly sent in pursuit ot him and tho railway stations were wstched. Among todsy's arrivals were A J Con- ... . v a UVll 1 ilL.. nor, Ktcnoquare; jonn jtukbs, vuw lotte; B S Little, Wadesboro; Dr J M Dunlap, Anson vllle. The Supreme Court, having flnlsnea the regular appeal dockets, today took up end of the docket cases. Mrs McGehee, widow of Hon. Mont ford If cGebee, of Person county, is dan gerously 111 with pneumonia. She is a daughter of the late Hon. George E Bad ger of Raleigh. Her husband was for 4 years commissioner of agriculture. ' ' Eight convicts have made their esoape by cutting through the floor Of their stockado on the State farm on the Roan eke river.. In the toderal court here J D Johnson wa on the point of being convicted Of illicit distilling when G T Lee volunta rily came before Judge Purnell and swore Johnson was innocent and that he operated the distillery on Johnson's land. He. declared ho made the confess ion because he did not want to see an Innocentman punished. v ... VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. The Wonders of Science, Professor Hough, a noted astronomer has written that he has almost spent a life time In the study of the "Heavenly bodies," and has come to the Just conclu sion that Mars, Jupiter, and Venus, are inhabited, and these inhabitants are thousands of vears In advance of the civilization of the inhabltance of the Earth. And he further says the time will be (for reasons known to himself he falls to tell the time.) when they will au know each other, and be familiar with the earth also, lis hoped the time Is tint distant, when thev will aid us. In reaching the grand qualities bt civlllza tlon, that now, they are so, much la ad vanco of us. or the people ol the earth. As vet, the learned Professor hss not told whether or not, the three noted planets have a Heaven, and also a "Lake of Fire and Brimstone," neither has he told, whether or not they have a Bible, or have ever had a Redeemer. , The world is doubtless waiting in great anxiety to learn of these Wonder ful points. Of course it would be .great lvinlusfto the Professor for anyone t unnnu ha does not know all the facts, to sustain his astounding asser. Hons. .. . ...i Anothe savant astronomer, Professor Young, says, the planet, mars, it wree millions of miles distant from tne esrvn. Yet a French scientist proposes to visit Mars and have communication with her inhabitants (he of course ''knows their lahKuaue.) His voyage so distant) wilt turely be one of great perii:r However, he may have a consultation . with, and a promise from Aeolus . the uoa oi ue winds, to guard him from being thrown out of direct une to the planet Mars. And he doubtless will also get promise from Jupiter the God of thunder to pro tect him trosr his ternblo tbunaerooits. And while on his Journey be may per chance stop at Saturn for rest, is to tit hoped that a love for Jewelry will net impel him to rob ner oi one oi ner gmur inif finis, as that surely would be too trt:. It evldentlr would 'surpass a'l other highway robberies. H ha said that he already has dis covered the. mountains and canals in Mars. Well tls hoped he'll be careful and not fall Into a canal and be drowned and thus cause the whole world to shed aars ot sorrow for his loss that never could be repaired. " ' 'Tls turely hoped he'll have a sate voy atce and return, and then enlighten tne animals' In human shape, who now oc iunv this beniithted world tho earth. Then too he will doubtless toll, Of the glowing cheeks and sparkling eyes, Of the blessed children of the upper skyea. Tall of their good grand ma-mas And of their noble grand pa-pat, '. Whose homes are In the planet Mars. That Is onlv three mlUIont of toilet tff tt' eewth. T.In. THIRTEEN DOCTORS FAILED. Mrs. INI. A. Close, of Nebraska, Was Cured rf Incipient Consumption After All Medical Aid Had Failed Read Iler Letter. w 1 " MRS. M. A. CLOSE. 1 ; Dr. S.B. Hartmaa, Columbus, Oblo: Dear Doctor"! detlre to express terest you here tbown la my case, and baa effected a cure of as bad a case ot . "Peruna and FOUND HERSELF GROWING WORSE. best physicians In tban three years thirteen weeks In a Wis.; but finding myself growing worse, as a last resort, I came West where I was bedfast tor many weeks, and tbe physicians wblcb my thanks to Peruna, I tooled them all. to take Peruna tbe hemorrhages stopped. I began to mend slowly at first, but tbe Improvement became more marked, and now I can truthfully say that there Is not tbe slightest trace ot my "I would have written you a long see It the effect was lasting; and In conclusion I would say, Qod bless you and keep you with us that you may go on to come.' MRS. M. A. CLOSE. P. S."Iam going to visit friends see me alive again, so please forward Wls."-.M.A.G . Maysvllle Church Festival On Friday night, December 26, 1002 at the acvlemy, the business men of Mays vllle will give a festival for the benefit of the M..E. Church at that place. Every body is cordially invited to attend. Come and you will enjoy yourselves. Your presence will be much appreciated ; ; y Very truly yours, ' '. ' ' Mrs. M. R. Sabibton, , ',, Has. D. J. Watson, V Mas. E. R. Hat, Miss Akhib Kooicce, : Mas. A. J, Collins, . " Managers. The Boiler: tray trunk still takes the lead, a lady should buy no other make. For sale by - t J.J.BAXTER. Chocolate Creams SO cents pound at MoBorley's. The Drop CnrtnJn. A youngster had been to tlie theater, and upon his ' return his uuc-le asked him how he like J the pluy. 'Oh, he replied, "the piny tvns nil right, but I didn't sec nearly nil of it" "Why, how did that happen?',' nsued bis uncle. Because," answered the youngster, "the roller must have been broke, for the window blind fell down two or three times!" Chums. . t ' .' ' A Fair Enksat. ' Editor Bee here, Mr. Dolan. Yon delivered me a load of hay for the six years' subscription you owed for my riper. Mr. Dolan-Oi did. Editor Well, my horse won't eat that hay, V gosht Mr. Dolan Well, my goat .won't eat your paper, be gobs I Puck. The average man is alwaya Anxious to meet the fool killer for thopnrpose of sending him next -floorr-Chlcago New,-;:-' who are in need ot the best nedloal treat ment should not tall to oonsnlt Dr; Hatha way at onee, as he Is recognised at the leadlna and mostsoo- eeMfuT spaa is list. Yoa are sat in Dlaelna your ease in longest established ( and has the best rep k station. He euros where others fall: -V there Is no patohwork or experimenting la his treatment. Fer- x 4 annal attention by Dr, ...,.v.i Bathaway. also spe- na. HiTHAWAT. eial counsel from his ' i ' associate physicians yoa can not oall, write tor free booklets and ni"i,.n blanks. Mention your trouble. Kt eryti'ixii strictly eonuuentlal. J. Kewton .onandlJomon hauiaway, M,D. - - 74 Inman Building, 221 S ,X3road Ei, ATIA.3TA, OA, . w Kearney, Neb., July 8, 1900. to you my elacere thanka tor tbe la- for tbe timely aU and advice wbkb consumption aKmtuld be well Imagined. Manalln bare done what thirteen ot tbe tbe country nave tolled to do. Far more I doctored tor consumption, and spent Pulmonary Sanitarium at Milwaukee, husband called gave no hop but said, 'She cannot possibly live more tban a tew days.' ' Bat In an Incredibly short time otter f began old complaint. time ago, but have purposely waited to with your work of mercy tor many years In Wisconsin who never expected to mall to me at S 79 Pacific street, AppMon, - Beginning today I will sail you 10c per 3 lb ean. . ' Fancy Malaga Grapes, Brunes, Eyaporated Apples Mince Meat, Cocoanutg, Cooking Butter, Spices ancl Flavoring Eitraete, Pickles and Bauer Kraut, ? , - A large and well assorted stock of both Staple and Fancy Groceries. ' 1 - , . r . Yomrs.to pleast, - . , . J 1. MoMH il 'Phone Ol. (ttMttmtiiiitrtSsurMtv.uu;:;;;::'"""- 1 NEW BBL. COm I :C; My' i JUST : oi?ETro.'i j Sweet PickledJPeaches, 80o perquart. , ' ; ' Assorted Mangoes 80o per quart, ... ; . Standard 8 lb Tomatoes lOo per can. Standard 2 lb Corn lOo, 8 for 25o, ' : Loose Olives 40o per quart. '. :, Attmore's Pure Mince meat lOo per lb. ; , , ; j Nabob Pancake Hour, lOo per package, j Hecker's Cld Homefltead Pancake Flour 10c package. J We want your business and are soiling you goods for 1 i than any other house In the city.' ; Thanics yoa for ps .t f a - ors rnd trusting to receive a share of your future I:..-. , 1 1 t Z Yours to f lease, .. t. m St - 4 C '3 t t n v V C3, C AN OLD COLD Catarrh, and Catarrh Leads to Consumption. The tendency of catarrh of the head is to paaa downward through the bron chial tube to the longs. .Any one who bas bad catarrh of the head for a year or more finds the dlssass gradually pro gressing downward. In some eases the progress is rapid, and In other eases it is alow; bat sooner or later tf catarrh Is allowed to run, tt will go to the longs and set up the diseaas known aa eon sumption. It is doubtful if consumption ever caused by anything except ca tarrh. . The catarrh usually begins aa a cold in the bead or throat, and is neglected until becomes chronic j then.it begins to dawn on the victim that he baa catarrh. Unless he is very foolish Indeed he will not rest easy until the eatarrh is entirely cured. Thousands pay no attention to It until it is too late. lira. 3. Priest, Lee, Mich, writes I think there la no medtetne on earth that . ezeells Peruna. My husband won't take any other, we have tested it and it worked a great change in my son's health last spring when we thought he was going into consumption. We gave him only one bottle and he was all right. I tell everybody about now much good it baa done na. My bnabaod says be can't do without it. As tot myself it saved me seven years ago from going blind. I could not see to read one word for six weeks. I thought I should surely lose my sight. I commenced taking Pe runa and by the time I bad taken one bottle I could see to read as well aa ever. We think It is a grand medicine." Mrs. J. Priest. - Us aa Knob as Ksidsi. If Peruna la used a Cold never be comes chronic, and henee eatarrh is pre vented. But after . catarrh has be-, eome thoroughly established Fern-' will euro it, but It will take mush longer. Even in eases where eatarrh bas attaeked the lungs and tbe symptoms of eon sumption hare shown them Miss Corlnns GU. mors, US Vance Bt Mamphla, Tens-, uses Fsraas. for oolds and eatarrh. selves, the Peru na wUl eure. A great many eases of genuine eon- sumption have been cured with Peruna after the patient had been given np to die, as In the ease of Mrs. Close. . If yon do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give yon his valuable ad vice gratis. ,. . . i Address : Sr. Hartman, President ot Tbe Hartman Banlta Columbus, Ok good Yellow Table Peaches for J j ' ! I Nice Apples, Bananas, Raisins, and Peaches, Citron, Lemon and Wholesale Grocer. TlBrsjart Ct issis 5? Teim Dap X ,!or the S r -,-t :