. ' f y '' a" - V. - .'.tit'. a- i "j ...... vl:-:Bp ;.-J - jV I ( j i! " " '' " "' 1 " " ' " ' ' " ii - ' I I I I, I i ? i ! i i i a. .YpLCMS XXT. RIW BIB9, CmU COUSTT, V. C., TJISD1T DICIMBItt 16, 1902. FIRST 8KCTIOS. XUMBER 71 COIIHl'S EIFOBL State Bonds Reserrel Can be Used . For Educational Purposes. v- Slate Charter. GeUIajr Clean Malls Fr lef lilator. ' Small Be ipoim For Walter Bal- : el; Status 'tnC ',. , v '- ' Woo Condi. a , . . tlaa State - -' J - i, .. .... ;eltr4'- : .- . - . . . BaLiiqb, December' It. The legtsle .lire Joint committee baring finished Its ' -examination of the book, Touchers, etc ' in the office of the Bute treasurer and , Auditor, today made lta report.. V.-; ..The receipts of the general faad, :1he ' report says were l.W.Wa for th fiscal year ended November 80th lest, while ,the dlsbursemenUew $1,884,004, lear iog $44,954 balance, A. year" ago the ' balance was $8,000 on the wrong side of ' the ledger. .: V ,' .The receipts of the educational fund - v were $16,175, the balance December 1, 1901, being $33,884; 'the disbursements were $3,790, leaving on hand $48,909. , - , There Is a pnblio school fond et $145, 260 In State bonds In the treasurer's hands, this being Jhe property of the State board of education. It may be 5 that this fund or mots) f It will be sp 4 plied to the pnblio schools la 1903. It ' . this Is dono It will take a strain off the treasury.. Tbe fund came from the sale "of samp lands and the bonds hate been lu tbe treasury ' number .of years.- . , . '";: The leglvlatlye committee found the books of the treasurer and auditor to be admirably and correctly kept. vvi : . .. j A charter is -(-rsuted the Iliddenlte ... Granite Company, capital $100,000, with headquarters at Salisbury. Its quarries will be in Alexander county, near Bid denlte. , . . - ' The legislative halls are being thor oughly denned, for the first time In many yeara. All the wood, work and the walla as well are being cleaned with soap aud witter, and the Improvement Is remarkable. A mad dog was killed here todaf after It had tried to blfe three wen nd bad bitten a horse and eight dogs. - As yet not $18 h b: en received from - tbe public schools of the Btate' as a re--Suit of the appeal for contributions on """North Carolina Day this year for the -. Sir Walter Kalotgh statue fand. The jnouey will Uayof to beraise by other means than thls' l. ' v-"' ;. " Among today's arriraU were O D Mo- Iver, Greensboro; George Badger Harrie, Henderson; H M Heath, Charlotte. . I The report of Adjutant- General Beverly 8. Royster, to the Governor was made today " and says that during . the year there - hat . beeu very de cided Improvement In the general eon . dlllon of the State Guard. Tbe officers , v are Impressed with the need of attention Y.'. to details and the "result ' Is gratifying, : ' The "Dick Bill", now .'before. Con gress, will greatly benefit the guard and grant $20,000 more of supplies annually. It will also pay for Instruction of troops . 1 1 Held, service," j the" strength ipr-the Gaard a yew ago was $033. Ills bow 1998 there being twojpfawry ?eglmenU'ibf 12 eompanlBs, A battery tjlgbt artillery ": your naval"mllitladfvlldfls' three regl 1 menial bsndi. There art? ne Infantry and one division leas thsd last year, and many companies hM disWarged all- in active and inefficient metfv . " rbe troops are. well dlstrlbuted-ln the State so as to give all sections the bene - fit of their services." During the year ,c five Infantry companies and one division of oaval militia were disbanded and four new companies accepted,' There are so many applications on file that It would be eaBy to double, the atrength of the Guard. The condition of the Guard la In most respects better then ever before. Klakt uniform will be sent to all the troops In the Spring. Five times during the year at Wilson, Edenton, Salisbury, .Henderson, and Charlotte, the troops . were called on by the olvfl authorities. An arsenal Is greatly needed... ' -The report on criminal statistics for "the , State .hQKt atUst' yeat3i89 whlts, 4100 negroes and 12 Indians were tried, and .5801 were convicted of those tried 8 were for arson, 22 burglary 87 murder, 18 rape. This year 4957 ; whites, 4839 negroes and li ,ladlans were tried and 6418 convicted, of those tiled 7 were for arson, 13 burglary, 43 murder, 1 rape. ; v MaysvlUe Church PestlvaLi On Friday night, December 2B,1902 at the ardemy, the business men of Mays vlllo will give a festival for the benefit of the M. E. Church at that place. Every body Is cordially invited to attend. Come and you will enjoy yourselves. ' Tour presence will be much appreciated , .1 - Very truly yours, ' Mrs. M. R. Babibton, . '." bs. D, J. Watsoh, ' Mbs. K. R. Hat, , Miss Amhib Eoohci, Mhs. A. J. CoLLras, ' ' "... - '. ' ' Managers. CASTC.1IA For Lifants and CLIl Vcx fib K!:J Y;j i::v3 Lr : T ' , r-i t'j y ; ; r-f.atafcfC:-. -x CASTRO STILL'. DEFIANT. Threat af Genua tad English Vessels ta Bombard rorto Cabelle do llet , thange Els Pasltloa.' L Special to JounaL' '," . J.'y. .. . Waahmgtqq. D.C, December 11 Kews from Venesiela lays the demand for the surrender of Porto Cabello la re fused. ' y : ' The German . flagship Tlnela, aud British" cruiser,, Ariadne, have , cleared decks for action. .Their Commanders served uotloe that unlets the port is sur rendered within twenty-four hours, the town wQl be bombarded.' . -.. -, It Is officially announoed that Presi dent Castro In reply to the German ul timatum, has rejected every ' point pro- poeed..:,;;"- ' V'!' " Rerenue aert: --Promotion. Special to JourrAL : , . ; .' j ' RatxraB, December 18 Re venue Col lector Duncan promotes John BKoonce, of Onslow to the clerkship to succeed Deatoa, who is now chief clerk, vlce Dr Cyrus' Thompson, resigned.. " V. C. Downing o( pumberlani Is appointed to HQ the plaoe made vacant by Koonce's promotion. .' ' ',' ; Quarterly Meeting- Dates. , The first Quarterly meeting for Jones circuit will be held at Trenton Deo. 87th and; 28th ; 1908." The flrst for Craven circuit will be held at Epworth Jan. - D. Swibdill, P. E. a. 3. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. No attempt was made Saturday to land the transpacific cible at San Fraucisoo, Cal, ;, ' ' , .. Mayor Low, of New York accrpted yesterday the resignation of Police Com missioner Partridge. ' Tw of the 'big car ferries of the Aon Arbor Railway at Frankfort, Mich., are tied up bocause of lack of coal The American Institute of Architect tects, in session at Washington D. O. re elected Its officers end adjourned Satar- day.. ! '..J. y .; : ., ; v . German societies in New .York are trv lug to obtain a national pension of $2000 a year for Mrs Elite SIgel widow of Major General Fran a Sigel. Mrs, TJ. 3. Grant, widow of Gen Grant died yesterday at her home in Washing ton, D.C. -.--:. v. ..i t : v Failure of crops in Russia has mad starvation Imminent and It ia said that women and children are being sold to buy bread. - v , A severe snow storm raged all day Saturday In the Northern States. Street railway in New. York and Philadelphia wen tied up Sunday on account of the Icy condition of tbe streets. . Union cigar makers who talked of go ing on a strike last week have abandon ed tbeir plan; satisfactory settlements having been made. Market Letter on Cotton.: By private wire, JLE Latham k Co. .- New York, December 15. Memphis reports s rain fall of over 4 Inches today. In any number of -places the weather was such as to make, a free movement out of the question for some time tc come. , It was not surprising therefore, that prices' made another high (ouch with March ever 8.30, most all day. In fact It Is nothing but obstinacy of the market that prevents prices advancing. Had any one suggested to us' that the movement , could run Jiehind. 100,000 bales In a week, and promise to lose most of the excess over last year, I we would have conditions Ignorant of the market, but here We are Just doing that ana yet prioea fan to advance much. What Inducement la there to buy or sell Id a market of this kind ? We don't know when the movement will pick up. Just when the last short is covered and everything looks like a straight sway market receipts are likely to increase and the whole .thing collapse. This will be true if two things are true. . First, unless the Government has for the first time In Its history overestimated the crop, the commercial figures are likely to be at least 10,800,000 and this will mean a larger movement soon. Second If the average estimate is not going to break all records by coming out of line at the final out-tarn, there Is likely to hf about eleven million bales in sight. Thli will mesn an Increase pretty soon. 01' course tt may be swsy off this year and all our reasononlng Is valueless. If prices advance and shorts cover gener ally , what Is going to hold the market when the movement gets larger f For tbe time being we look for higher prices, but we would take adv--i cf I ,'-e to sell long cotton and 1 ? ) not I t JCept on good bre ' . ' , ' J. E. I " "n & Co. j- Two Hundred Thousand Dollars To " Gladden Pensioners. ' District Attorney Spears BesmaL Suite Charter, EetlrUg Su preme Cotrt Jutleei 1 ailNewCotrt ef Jus- tlcea. Kelt Bnlle- ' ' tin oa Applet. RiLaioB. Deo. 15, Jadge Pnrnellof U.S. District Court asks for the removal of assistant District.. Attorney. Oscar J. Bpeare. Itiaealdthat there Is a report agalnat Speassy . oa Ale at Washington, made by a special agent a year or more ago, to the .effect that he did not lire here hut la Harnett county, and was hence not able e give proper- attention toohe business. .-.i i -; , Auditor Dixon was all tmllei today. He said: . "We are just sending out a big Chriatmaa gift to the pensioners, in 1 the shape of $200,000. Ail the warrants are tent out today; and as you see I sm delivering these to the register of deeds for Wake.? ,u t. The Btate grants a charter to the Ell Gurganus General Mercantile Company of Willlamaton, with $25,000 capitaL uniei uiera, a. T.uuoson oi tne Diate Auditor has gone to Morehead City, to take a week's trip duck, shooting, with oyster commissioner Webb. Arguments before the Supreme Court are finished. Court will adjourn for the term Friday or Saturday. , On tbe first dsy of January; chief jus tice D M Furches and Associate' Justice Charles Cook of the Supreme ' Court will retire. Judge Furches wQl return to his home at Btatesville, and Judge Cook will go to the southwest, where he will locate. The new court, so to speak, will be composed of chief justice Walter Clark and justices Robert M. Douglss, Walter A Montgomery, Henry G Connor and Piatt D Walker, and these take of fice January 1. ''' 'T.'f - 1 The next bulletin of the agricultural department will be largely about apples and the illustrations will be beautiful They , will be half-tones, from photo graphs made in orchards, last autumn in Western North Carolina by secretary Thomas E.Bruner. The National Bank Annual Meetinj:. , The annual meeting of tbe stockhold ers of this Bank, for the election; of Its Directors, and the transaction of such other huslness',' as . may , come before them, will be held at their banking house on the 2nd Tuesday of January being the 13th day of January 1908. The polls will be opened at 12 o clock m. to he closed at 1 p. m. 1 New Bern, N. O., Deo. 12th, 1902. ;-" V OH ROBERTS, v:'"'"V :" " - Cssbler. . Twain on Christian Science. AshevIJle Cltisen, Dee, 6th. - No writer has ever so unmercifully" uncovered the errors and mistakes of the Christian Boientlsta as has Mark Twain. ; Yet the great American humor let is hot the kind of nan who can only : see one aide of a . question . or cannot recognise some good in Texy- thlng. i-ui i vipr--- In the Cosmopolitan; magazine , about two years ago he wrote a most scath ing satire on Christian Science,' showing the ridiculousness of some of Its claims and the silly conclusions to which even well-founded principle can be car ried.- - In the iortb American Review for December, however, .he has sometMag to uy on the other side of the questaen. He writes' :; ' -.-: .'."v - . "And who are attracted hy Chrlstfan Science! There Is no limit; Its field is horiaonless; its appeal Is as universal as i the appeal of Christianity Itself. It appeals to the rich, the poor, the high, the low, tbe cultured, the Ignorant, the gifted, the stupid, the modest, lb vain, the wise, the silly, the soldier, the Iv- 11 Ian, the herd, the coward, the Idler, the worker, tbe godly, tbe godless, the freeman, the slave, the adult, Jhe child; inev ' wno are alllnsr m mlna or ooav; they Who have friends that are ailing In body or mind.- To mass it In a phrase, Its clientage Ik the human race. Will It march J 1 think so." . '. ' MarkTwaln. also ; calls attention to the following words of a Baptist clergy man, writing 1n the' Christian Bclcmce Journal for October:? 1898: "TheV average Christian Scientist ;bas ; put all' anxiety and fretting, undr, hit feet.",He does have a victory over tear,, and car that is not achieved ' by I tbe average orthodox Christian." , 1 f x i -v- .The famo-us humorist's comment on this reads'. 'f What - proportion -if your earnings would . you be - willing to psy out for that frame of mind, year In. year outt It really outvalues any price that can be put upon It. Where, can you purchssj It, st any . outlay" of any sort, In any church, or ; out of It eiklsept the Solentlst's R ,' ' , , OAa'joriTA Btantis ltntir,ilKoi)Hr.ilT,tBoi,-Ji , ltia!rlJYoiiH.iil'''T!tBoi!"? Elgnatni of JorJan's Liver Pills. The Jordan's Lfvcr PHI contlnui ft to be a piop'ular liver medicine. It Is a teg e'uLlo pill and does not conteli call -net. SYMPATHY . FOR VENEZUELA ! awaaaes From Argentine Republic and Chill. This Couatry Stands by Monroe : j . Doctrine. Special to Journal. WasbikotoHi December 18. The Ar- gentlne RepubUo and Chill, stand ready to declare their sympathy for Vene suela, and become the letter's allies against Germany and England, and have instructed their Ministers net to ascer tain the views of the United States, re garding such a step on their part. President Roosevelt had a Cabinet meeting, today.. ' " The United States will let the dispu tants fight it out, unless there Is a very evident. dlspositlbnTSy Great Britain and Germany to seise territory, and thus oome In direct conflict with the Monroe Doctrine. Fewer gallons; wears longer, Devoe. Notice. Application will be made to the next session Of the General Assembly of North Carolina to amend the charter of the Pamlico; Oriental and Western Rail Road Company. This December 11th, 1902. , W.T.CAHO, Presides P. O. and W. R. R .Co. FEMININE CHAT. , :Frnu Friedrlch Mnterna, the original Branhllde, has lost all her money and la obliged to give music lessons in Vienna. Mrs.' Phebe Hearst's gifts for arche ology and anthropology at the Univer sity of California amounted to $111,000 during tbe last academic year. Miss Lizzie Sherman, tbe only un- married daughter of the late General W. T. Sherman, will not return to Wash ington this winter, but will remain in Paris. .Miss Emma D. Sedgwick, in the office of the quartermaster general, Washing ton, has Just celebrated the fortieth an niversary of her entrance in the serv ice of the war department Dr. Sara R. Ellison of New York is considered to have the finest library of book on conjuring and magic in the conntrr. reoresentlni many years or search, and labor on the part of its own er. v . Miss Nora Stanton Blateh, grand dauzhtcr of the lata Elizabeth. Cady Stanton, was the only woman to take up civil engineering' at Cornell unlver- sltyv- She will carry on her grnnamotn. er's Hfe work. Under the will of Jane Anne Maid atone Smith, recently filed in Philadel phia, ' several valuable paintings, in cluding portraits of Queen Matilda of Denmark and Marie Antoinette, are de vised to the Duke of Argyll in trust for King Edward. The Comtemte de Castellane, formerly Miss Anna Gould, has a magnificent collection of Jewels, among which is a rQara of diamonds, emeralds and sap- irJMres once belonging to ex-Queen Isa bella of Spain.- It waa purchased by theeomtesse for $125,000. Mine Mildred Howells, daughter of William1 Dean Howells, who is to mar ry David" Kalrchlld, entomologist of the Smithsonraa institute, naa Deen tne es pecial com!anloB of her father and In her chlldhoo-1. figured in two or three children's stories which be wrote ror n Juvenile magazine. . IMPERTINENT PERSONALS.. Mr. Schwab seems .to be tired of ev erything but spending money, and even that la becoming a bore-Buffalo News, i No one can contemplate the profound alienee-of Channcey Depew recently and aay that marriage is a failure, Memohls Commercial Appeal. It ia aaid that Count Bonl de Castel lane has an 111.000 overcoat This re calls the cowboy expression, "A hun dred dollah saddle pn a ten daUajinoas." Denver Post - - Booth Tarklnirtoo' In Indiana and i Winston Churchill in' New Hampshire .will now DrOceed to give tnose com monwealths some novel legislation. Washington Times. Dr. Harper may be right In deeiartng that the church is "alienating tne ricn," but be has the satisfaction of knowing that be Is entirely innocent of aich fol ly himself. Newark Kews. General Cor bin ban deciaea tnat giria say marry bla bjtstUieaded, stuffy, old gea-sralfl, but they must not set tbeir cane for his vounir officers. 6 rent la 1 Corbln, and he has no prophet Bir mingham Age-Herald. . . j , . ' n P...1! Joke. "I thlnkit Is so silly to. see a baby hitlna- hie toes." remarked' tne young mother. ' "Well. I "don't" spoke upne youu f other. "If shows that he'le already learning howsto be thrifty." j. trvi. lanf hi mnklnsr both ends meetr'-Cblcngo News. , C v Watch For The Balloon. A unique and Interesting advertise ment will be put out by the jseemve in the shape of a balloon which will be sentub from the store and to which will be attached a card. The balloon of course, will laud somewhere, and If the person finding tbe card will return It to the Bee Hive be will receive a present. The person msklng a correct solution of the nuzzle contained on tbe card will also receive a valuable present. The balloon ascensions will take place j at? o'clock Wednesday. Thursday and BLADES LUMBER COMPANY Of Jltw Bern Granted State Charter. Great Falls Cotton rg. Co. In - x creases Its Stock. Specjal to Journal. ' Kalbmh; Dec II. The State today! Charters the Blades Lumber Company I Of New Bern, with capital $150,000. . The Oreat Falls Cotton Manufactur ing C. Is authorised to Increase Its capl tal stock from $100,000 to $150,000. The Roller tray trunk Still takes the I lead, a lady should buy no other make. I For sale by J.J.BAXTER. Hello There! Say, Stop a moment. Can you tell me the I place I want to go tor Well, you're a fool How do I know where you want to cot Well I'm not so much so aa you take sue for. Bui do show me 42 Middle ! St. or a place called ' rLLDorr. Well, mv friend. !vou're all right, I'm going there myself, to buy an overcoat Come right along with me. WORKING IN THE DARK. nhMfnti of MlmlBSr Before tbe Oavr Lmis Waa lit. The difficulties under which coal mlnlnsT oreratlona were carried on be fore the scientist Davy had Invented his safety lamn must have been very great In many times the only alternative the medieeval miner had to pitch darkness was the phosphorescent gleam from dried fish. The miner's implements, orlclnally of stone or hard oak, gradu ally Improved, but he wns forced to work In almost complete darkness jnntfl Sir Humphry Davy by his remarkaDie Invention enabled him to light hla way through the tunnels he had excavated with comparative safety. Agricola, an author who wrote about the middle of the sixteenth century, has left an elaborate treatise on coal mlnine as it wn practiced during the middle ages. From this we learn that the horse gin, which survives to the present day In some of the mining dis tricts of Great Britain and northern Europe, was the engine chiefly em ployed both for lifting the coal and.for getting rid of the water. This latter object was also sometimes effected by means of pumps turned by windmills or by tunnels driven with great labor to an outlet at a lower level. Tomb of tbe Ancient Prophet. There exist in parts of Islam many tomba of the prophet Daniel. Of these one of the most celebrated is at Cairo. This fact need not astonish us. The Mussulmans admit without hesitation the duplication or even indefinite mul tiplication of the bodies of holy per sons without their veneration for each of the remains being diminished in the least. It is worth noting that the na ture of the honorary qualifications ac corded to the same saint varies In dif ferent countries. Thus, for example, Daniel haa at Cairo the name of Neb-bi-Daniel that is, they give him the title of prophet as being at the same time that which suits him best and U Che most honorable they can confer, Iij Alserla or Morocco feudal countries the title they Eive to saints is sidl. which signifies lord, which Is alsd the title there of military and political chiefs. In central Asia they give to those canonized persons whom they re snect most aa to the prophet Daniel, the title of kbodla. wntcn means jn ... a I Arabic writer or lettered. Pur kA SwMtv. tbe Skin, Solp, ud tuur oi Innun. mnora aadBMOtiaeapj- 'ariLLION'a vn Cmtxmk Soar, as. IVl slited bv Ctmotma Onmrarr, fo ' pnservlnc, purifyinft, and heautlfy Ing the skin, for cleansing the soal-t, and the stomlna: oi tuune nau, xor soiwnmfr, whitanine. and sooth lna red, roneh, and ten hand for baby sashes, itohlngs, and ehaangs,andforallpurposMot the toilet, Uth. and nutserr. KUlions of Women use CcnccaA Boa In baths for annoying irritations and Inflammations, for too tree . or offensive perspiration. In washes tot nlosrative weaknesses, and for many san. atlve, antlseptio purposes which readily suggest themselves to women. Com r.I t a Treatment. CI. ' Cotiodha 8oa- (SSc.), to eleanse the sMn of ornota and Renins and ottn Uie thickened cuticle, CtmoniU Oimtmbkt (Roc.), to In stantly allay Itching and lnflammrttlon, and soothe ani heal, and CiiTtouRA KKHOLvaaX leu.LS (Sue.), to cool and eie&nM the blood. Ct-ttott4. P'.soith1 Vn,t (Choeolata OoMwi) tUM. (kinri, enonnra. JMTfc L j WW rl nU.itlatehirthaewtehr.ti linHi(lCt!TI('T'4 B.M.u.,i,N,e,MWutur all other ufrtipriMre end humour on. la Hnt4tf luui, evuuua. Uig 6M doikHi, pioe 2a m .ti '. r-wti ., - , , .. .. . i .i r - . lfOy... u .wO, it 0. A. hUI..,. . 1 M Dftfps .V31 eginning today I will tell you goodJTellow Table Peachea for t lOcfper 8 lb can " . """"Fancy Malaga Grape, Nice AppUa, Bajianaa, Raiaina, B runes, Evaporated Appiea and Peaches, Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel, Currants thoroughly cleaned 5c and lOo package, 7 -Mince Meat, (coanuta, Cooking Buttw, Spicea and Flavoring : ; Extracta, cUesnd sWner Krant,- ; ; 7 A large and welljaaaorted atock of;both Staple nd Fancy roceries. .' .... .',";r J J Toarajto pleae,J - . 1 'Phone 91- 71 JtrosA St" eeeee0rKHHXM00H BARFOOT BROS., J Greatest bargain Sale of Xmas Goods This Week. T Tolls, Toys, Games, Books, Doll Carriages, Go Carts, Horns, ? Drums. Tea Bets. Doll Fnmitnre and hundreds of other things. Ak tliH T1WF.HT PIlTC'Tla wa Bring the children to see the Store open every night until Xmas. I BARFOOT BROS. IBM HOLIDAY 0PEMIMG Useful Holiday Presents. A WELCOME FOB ALL buying the Christmaa Presenta early. It's much better to shop at your leisure than in a rnah. Then there are many other advantages tor. For instance: - Stocks are in better shape than they -will be later on, thus you choose from better assort ments than to be had a few weeks hence- Ladies Pure linen Hemstitched Eandkei chiefs only 5c Ladies Linen Lawn Handkerchiefs 1-8, 1-4 Hemstitched, at 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c. 1 25c, 40c and 50c . ' Gents Handkerchiefs, Pare linen with 3 4 and I inch hem at 15c, 20c and 25c. Gents Silk Handkerchiefs, size 28x23 in., 1 inoh hem, at 50c. Umbrellas with fanoy handles at $1 25 to $6. ; Just the thing you may want for a Christmaa Present. ' Tlie Bee Hive Balloon Ascension Wednesday, ? Thursday and Friday, Dec. 17, 10 & we will send wo a laree of The Bee Hive, on be a card, the nnder one ot them to us, WILL RECEIVE A PRESH3T. On these cards vie have lating lo our business, tne one guc::i2-; I most ot these Quotations Trill also receive . valuable present. Guesses to be xent in. t The Bee Hive not later 18th at 12 o'clocn. It C03t you nothin!? to cuct3, eo put c : your thinking cap and TTiittenand signed to IfewEern. The poo- - 61 Pollock St., O; - TV Wholesale eft XXetall ;Oroeer,r have fiver named. Toys and Santa Claus in our window. V' 1M ) 19, at 3 0'clc:!: balloon trom the ten each balloon thero vrill returning tnem or any threo quotation rc than Thursday, L. . . cend tho cvlz: :z i: tho Uhcapc:t l:z:o i t '3 :::: l. ' I":; ;a sud sold only at Dsvte' I'ret f r!p- Friday afternoons. Watch for t'.cm.'

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