lift N IN MR 1 '-; YOLOMI XXV. ' JRIW BIR5, CEAYIN COUITT, H. C, TUISDAT, DECIMBIR 23, 1902. FIRST SICTIOS. NUMBER 78 ' TO PRESERVE BIRDS. Audnbon Society to Seek Lepsla. . . .. " tlTc Measures. , Saprcmo Coart Adjoarss. SeBStor hip Interests ' Awakealag Warrants For State Gaard. - Batch. Fardoas From J" . fioveraor. State " Charter. ' Raleigh, December 30, The Sapreme Court met at o'clock thti morning and adjourned before noon.. Thla ends the term. The next one begins la February. The court met thui early today In order ; tbat Aaaoclate Justice Charlei A. Cook , could leave for home at noon. He vent to Warrenton. In January he will re PMVt from this State to the southwest ; and practice law. Chief Justice Parches - left this afternoon for StetesvUle, hit home;; 7 .'. j t -V , Governor Aycock today made public a - batch of pardona granted during. Not -, ember and December. Among thoae j pardoned are Ed Daly, of Wayne, who - wae serving a road aentence; E A Fogle . man, of Alamance, theft; , E A Martin, ; 7 of Maoiejgounty, whole dying . of con sumption. ' "A charter U "granted by the Slate to the Aydlett Bros. Company of Elizabeth .p.. CUy, capital 151.200; to do a wholeaale and retail' geneial merchandise buej- Today the warrania'were ent out for .the annual allowance, $250 to each com- 5Bn j and naval division of ih 8tate Quard; also for (100 for the headquar ters of each regiment ' tu t the naval brigade. ,. ; i The roof is now Wing placed on the l'ulleu memorial building at the Agri cultural and Mechanical College. It will probably be ready for nee by the first of February. " The cadets of the AgrlculturaL-and Mechanical Oofiegei will all leave for;, home next Monday fur the holidays. .Next Monday fro Tj Gilbert Pearson of Urecnbboro, I he secretary of the Au dubon society in Ms S'ate.wlll leave for Currituck sound country, to make some special tnTomlgaiioua .tts to game' end other blr isatrtf 111 tBen o down the 3orth Carolina Coast. The Audubon society Will protect! bird! 'On the coast faring the holiday season, and will have ; game wardens on., the various islands . and other breeding places to keep away the peoplu who slay ihe blrdsin order - to selllhtlr skies to ftather dealers. - These murderous feather ' gathers have nearly exterminated several varieties of birds, partlculaily gulls and terns, V Vance county has made a .full settle ment of taxes due the State.' It la the second county to settle this year.' Capitol and Mantoe lodges of Odd Fellows have had consolidation. f ' - Mr. R. H. Hayes ' of Pltuborb' is here to look after. Hon. Lee S. Overmen's In terest in the race for the .United States Senatorehlp. t -'rue uiiwrs. "- f The Biz'znrd is on everlasting' grind ; ;ng mill. Called into action,. It always ' ' reduces the grain as It ia swallowed, , j io tbut the crop la rarely distended. 1 Mil i -'. ';V All IWIH... i UUUUt.jvJLjN USE L I r i. . r U : AasisidrwCUTICURA oiNTMEmr; " the Great Skin Cure, for proervine, purl f fylng, and beautifytog the iskin, foe cleansing the scalp of crust scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair. ' for sof tain e, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and tore hands, focbabv raafua, itching, and chafing, and for all thepur ' poles of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women CUTICURA SOAP in the form of baths for annoying ' ' inflammations and irritations, or too free or offensive perspirations, in the form of washes .for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes ' which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers. No amount . r of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautiiiers to toe any others. Complete Tf'"nt tor very Humour, ft. ConslHUngofCUTKiUBASOAPfSlioO.tocleansa : the eklD of orueU ui Brjes, aod ooften the tblekeaed cuticle, ctmouua Oihtmkkv ; ' r (.riOc.), to lntAtitly allay lU'btitK, lDtlamma. - tton, unit lrritntion, and sootlio and heal, D1 COTK'IJR RKHOLVBNT 1'ILLS (.), to OOOt - aud cleanse the blood. r u . . Cirncnaa RFxntyrjrr Pills (Oiooolata Coftte!) are a tiw, ta.stle8, ortorltws, eco- . ""nmiii!aluitihe for tne e OebraUid liquid I'liTiiU Ri lini".vKNT,a well a tor all oilmr , IiI(mI purilttTH anil bnmoiir curn. In acrofr cap viais, oouuiiung oo tl .f, price (InM ,l.-w!t ' WOT'''. Pt-fl I-ri 17-1$, f" . . I . i. t ii I "it;. dp !a j i i ,,. i "-' . ' - i l.vV, a.... II, c- A. ''Ail i...ui,''' l.if.. . . TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. - General B F Traoey lunched with the President yestsrdsy to disease Veneiue lan affairi. ' Rosaell Sage wu at his New Tork Tork office yesterday fer the first time in two months, having been ill. . The battleship Wisconsin went into drydock Thursday, preliminary to sail ing for the Asiatic station from San Francisco, CaL . The threatened general strike at the General Electric Works in Schenectady, N. Y., has been averted by the company promising not to declare a lockoat. ' ; Three hundred and . fifty thousand dollars life insarance wss --carried by R U Ifhayae, who was rovna aeea wun a bullet in his breast at LoaisvlUe, Ky., Wednesday nigbu.. , i An earthquake in Taahkerat, Astatic Russia, killed 150 persons last Wednes The condition of Cornelias Vender- bilt who has been very ill with typhoid fever for several weeka Is still regarded as very serious. Peritonitis has set in and hie recovery ia doubtful. . The new monitor, Nevada, wu given her official '.(rial Thursday and showed an average speed of 1198 'knots per hoar. One of the fastest boats in the navy. . : ' " ' ; ; , . " " ' ! Snpreme Court Opinions. '; Special to Journal, , ":-$ ! RiLeieH, December SO The S iprem i Court filed the following oplntona here today, -i ' ', Henry vs McCoy, from Mscon, no er ror.: : ; Thomas vs Southern R. R. Co. from Haywood, error. sThash vs Southern Hallway Company, from .Cherokee, per curiam, affirmed. . . Klser vs Barytea Company, from Mad ison, error x' 'f 'F ': Smith vs Railroad Co., from Mecklen burg, petition to rehear dismissed. : i Parker v Railroad Company, from Wayne, per carlum, affirmed. . Dsrgans vs Railroad, from Union, no error,. ',,1 ;, Filrgerald vs Furniture Co., front Ds vldson, no error. " : " Lewis vs Steamship Co , from Carteret, affirmed.: , Debnam vs ChlUy, from Hertford, modified and affirmed. All appeals Were disposed of. No ad- viaari wu taken, new court will com mence first Monday In February with clean docket. . " Kid Gloves. Don't pa? tl.00 and tl.25 for Eld Gloves, but go to J. J. Baxter and get them for 7Sc and 11.00. Market Letter on Cotton. By private wire, J.E Latham ft Co. v New Toxk, Dec. SO. Like a great many people we have an idea that fig ures make dry reading. While figures don't He and all that sort of thing, they can offer one way and rally to another. Now for Instance the world's visible supply 8,889,000 bales as compared with 4,028,000 bales last year and 8,931,000 bales two years ago. Taken on thfs stand, we think there ia enough In the comparison to tend every one Into the market as buyers.; Not for a few paltry points, but for nine, ten or eleven cents a ponnd. Thing of tt for a moment Is 840 009 bales less In the world's visible supply than year ago. ' Last year prices started from 8io about this time end never stopped going till 9.46 was reached in the , spring. ' This year why should It not go to 10.68 on the same reasoning? But wait a minute, we start ed the season with a world's supply Just 200,100 bales less than last year. ; At present European spinners have 884,000 bales more than last year according to Ellison, and taking Northern and South ern spinners together, the American sup ply la 180,000 bales more than last year, The two mean a total of 850,000 bales held by spinners more than last j ear, and the visible supply Is 840,000 less. Now where is the bull argument f In one way yon can turn thla Into a bear argument if you wish Prloee last year about 7c all through November when some five million bales had been mar keted, spinners did not pay over 8o for five million bales bought early in the season. They have paid over 8o and as high as 8fo for every bale of the new crop this, year. We are taking New Tork prices as baste. Now it stands to reason If spinners have bought the cot ton at high prices this year - when they did not buy as much last year, at lower prices, last season, they have nbt only paid more bat have more on band. If they have on hand they .will not have to bay as they did on last years advance after January. So yon see you can not trust figures anyway you Want. The market la still the same old market with every reason why prices should be high er for the present, but without buyers enough to put It up. Tske profits on any advance. J. E. Latiuh & Co. Guesses On JNezt United States ' - ". Senator.5 . Iiqulry iBtoUte ef State School Appropriation!, DImusUb Over Bold Iuie. News ; papers Ia The SUtev ? i OBlyOne Case Or "' '! Smallpox Dar ''' lag Tear;' ';; . . Bixbise, Dec 29. State Insurance Commissioner Toung went to Greens bora today to look Uto the affairs of the various mutual fire insurance companies These are prosperous and doing a good bealness . m ;.:..', Chief Clerk H. T. Hudson of the office of the tSUte. Auditor returned today from a duck hunt with oyster commis sioner W. M. Webb, near Morehead City In three days they got 116 ducks. ' Inquiry is being made Into the nee of the second $100,000 of State appropria tion for keeping all publlo school open 4 months In the year. It may turn out that .the nse of thla by eome counties wu Irregular.!, 3 i : , - ; There la some question It seems as to whether there is to be a bond issue by the State to meet the excess of expendi tures over receipts In 19014), or whether the corporations will be made to put up, In the shape of a franchise tax, enough to cover thla ' Lemons, and very fine ones, grown In a few miles of Raleigh, in the open air, are on sale here. . The Supreme Court cleared Its docket, and In February what may be termed the new court will start fresh. . Not in a number of years has the docket ' thus beea clear. . s-,;t; . During this year Raleigh hat had only one case of small pox. The sick man who la a merchant, was cared for at the pest house. .. . A photograph of the Methodist Or- phanage here, taken last week, shows that the main building, now half fin ished, will be very imposing Indeed. It Is said by some of the guessers tbat the race for the United States Senator ship will really be between Overman and Hoke. ; The report on newspapers in North Carolina, made by the State labor com missioner, shows there are 198. Of these 23 are dailies, with a total circula tion of ' 43,520 or an average of 1,600. There are 180 weeklies, with a total cir culation of 868,461, or an average of 1,480. There are SO semi-weekly, total circulation 26,780; 44 monthly, 61,175, Of the papers 142 are Democratic, 17 Re publican, 3 Populist, 23 Independent Nine are Baptist, 5 Presbyterian, 4 Methodist. Twelve are educational, 8 literary, 4 medical, 9 agricultural,' 2 tex tile.; ' Death of Eugene G. Barrel!. Special to Journal. . ? . Raliigh, December 21. A cablegram from Manila ssys,1 Eugene O. Hnrrell died there.; He was in the book' busi ness here'mahy years, wss Secretary of State Teachers Assembly, was quarter master general; went to Cuba with First Regiment, became clerk In United Slatea Quartermaster's department there and was , transferred to China daring the war with China, then to Manila. Hta body will be brought hero for bar- Brushes,Pocket Books and Cacti Caes at Davis. -' ' , , J,J.Baxter la agent for UuiW.Ii. Douglas, Lewis Crossett and W. 'P. Tay lor's ahoes for men end E, P. .Reed's shoes for women.. Every pair gi aran teeA.;v;, y.. ; t , - , :yy Malllard's and Tenney's Candlt s at Davis. :.f-y:.i, .' . ass ' ; . :;v;,?.;..i DIED Col. William Andrews of Pollocksvllle died died Sundayevenlng the 21st at 1;18 p.m. ..':"'..' -:vv 'The Col. had been a faithful employe of Mr J H Ben of Pollocksvllle for the last 18 years, ever at his post of duty ever vigilant to the Interest of hla era- ployer. The are but few such as Bill An drewa was. '. - ,i He will be burled In theoldburjing grounds near' Trenton, thla p. mi. the 22nd. ' ' Age about 01 years never married? was thoaght well of by us all who knew i!m wen. May he test In peace. " -' ' ' . Deatn of Sam B. Loeb. j r The friends of 8am B. Loeb lrn this city, were grestly shocked to lesn of his sudden death", from heart faflui , on last Sunday at hla home In Baltimoi Mr. Loeb had t often visited her e and wrs wall known "and liked. : Mrs If. M, Marka and Mrs. E. W. Rosen thrj left here Sunday night, to attend the f iner al. CAStORIA lot Infants and CMldren. , Tl3 K!:J Y:3 to A:;5 T::! ' Dears the C'.stBre GOOD TOBACCO SEASON. Oifht to Be Largely Increased In 103. . Warchoase Company Propos eo, The tobacco season for the year 1902 has about closed with as, but a stray load comes In onee In a while, . There were about ten loada in this past week at the Farmers Warehouse, but nearly all the crop from thla section has beea sold. The season Just closing has been the largest In the history of New Bern and the sales will nearly go to a million and a half pounds, which is quite a Jump from a half million last year. The prices realized by the planters of this section has been as good on this market as on any of the Eastern Mar kets. There Is no reason why New Bern should not get Its share, of the tobacco business of this section, but In order to get It there must ba some effort made to hold what we have and to Increase the business. Wilmington is making an effort to open a market there and has subscribed quite a large amount for that purpose. "" We understand an effort will be made to organise the Farmera Warehouse Co., whlohwlllbe incorporated, wltlf a capi tal stock of $5,000 to buy and sell tobac co and to erect a stemmery. i The shsres will be of the par valae of $10,03 and an effort will be made to have a part of the stock taken by the tobacco farmers of this section. We trust our business men will give the enterprise their encourage ment, and- do all they can to build up oar market. Tobacco has been a great help to the planter this year and they have been enabled to meet their bills and have some to spare, and they have invested In hardware, furniture, building mater ial, and some of the luxuries as well u the necessities, all of which has been of value and profit to New Bern's business Interests. Sachet Powders at Davis. POLLOCKSVILLE Several Cases of Smallpox. Peasonals and Items ;of General Inter est. Dec. 23. Monday morning cloudy and rainy after a loug time of beautiful weather. '" Work of all kluds is now suspended for the Xmss holidays. Miss Bertha Tucker of New Bern, who has been teaching school at this place is spending the holidays with her parents at New Bern, Miss Florence Kllpatrlck of this place left last Sunday to spend a few weeks with her parents in Pitt County. Ulss Mabel Kllpatrlck of Pitt Is visit ing her sister Mrs T & Bender of this place. Miss Mabel Bunas . who has been at tending school et Klnston returned home here last Saturday to spend Christ maa accompanied by her cousin Miss TIda Burrus of Klnston. Mr Silaa Beaman of Snow Hill is vislt- imrkfriends here this week, There are several casesof Small pox In this vicinity about 8 miles from here Mr Sylvester Philips and. family and all ia a very pitiable condition every mem ber of them down. His wife died Sun day mornlnf with no one to help the sick or help the Doctor dispose of the dead. Some Immaues were secured todsy to asaist him. : Mr E L Hauahton left for Pittsboro N C, Sunday to Spend Xmaa with friends and relatives.' . ' ri - VK: Mr Ebb William .of Ravenswood was married on the night of the 21st to Hiss Bulah Buok of the same place at tne re sidence of her father Mr Jackson Buck. Meaara Ben . Hurst and Charlie May of New Bern were visiting friends here vasterdav. . ' ' . : Miss Flora Mattocka whohaaoeena sales lsdy for Mrs S A Hudson has gone home to Swanaboro and Miss Ada Barry is now filling the vacancy left at. the same place. .u,n)!.i ' i The Comuaas-'a Reaaon. Anamuslng extract from a Belgian nan nor iriB tho followinir Incident: A wpinan whose husband had lost Ma life ln a rallwr.y ncclnent received from the company 10,000 francs by .war of comrjensatlon. Shortly after she heard that rutraveler who bad lost a leg had been paid 20,000 rranca The widow at oncfe put on ber Jonnet and shawl and went to the office of the mmmnr. v "Gentlemen, hoW.ile thlaT she asked. "Ton blve 26.000 francs for a leg, and you allowed me only 10,000 francs for the loss of my hustuinar "M.Aim " vaa the reDlv. "rue reason la nlnJn. Twenty thousand francs won't provide him with a leg, but for ten thousand yoa can get a nusnana. i Everybody's Katraztae, January. . Everybody's Magszlnejfor January is a vsrv attractive .Issue. In the fifth num ber of the Woman that Works Miss Van Vorat discusses work la Chicago and Is very Interesting and instructive. Among tha other i articles are Bui and Bhumal A. R. Calhoun: To Ber by Martha Dick inson: The Personality of (Helen Uould bv Juliet Thomklns; the conclusion of Journey's Sad by J. M. Forman; A Mem ber of the Masses; Good Night; Little Stories of Real Life: Tragedies of Steam Thnat Histories: Great Davs in Great Ca- lecrs: The Unemployed Rich; Some Golf T: i; Eowr.oosovoltrecame President T" -'il.' sl'cr.y. HARD QUESTIONS. Oaa lmllr Grta. A correspondent write a sorrowful regarding hie experiences in run- a ccrreapondentr column" in a '.paper. After he had written botflueetiona and answers for awhile uetpuDue anany Became warmea up tolUuq.Me and began to Bend in qnee tiqn in whoee presence the ency elope- ; 0UeiteeU was au. nerveleac and trem- In one Saturflare mall the follow ing'' letter were 'received addressed to "the editor of the correspondents col Tuniir Dear Blr Where U the universe? Pleaae atve -illustration. Tours truly, i. PAUL, B KIT It Another read: . tau 'BOltor-Bow ooea a corpuacle dlf fer tram a (era' and whyT I can find Dothio- en'&ia.euhjeot In our percholo- ttea Tours tnd, . SHANK EATON. 8011 another read: 0ar Kit BOltcr-en our examination pasMr todar thetaacbea fiaflthe foUowlnf eueattooi ''aUnUoe flae artous tunc tlensIeouldot de 1 "Win yoa pleaa menttan J&tmt tTISOSaaa you m advaacev I am, touts moat UulT. . , -- , , . v . :. CXARA E. JONES. These otteatipaa roe?-look easy, but if yon think ao taks pan and sit down and aaawer thMBvMlnneapolls Jour- The Bawsaae t Wild Sheep. Wild (beep depend for greatest pro tection on (heir oUmblng capabilities. They tra veT .where no man can follow, and often In cUmblntT use their knees Instead, of. their fore hoof a Their first instinct at the approach of an enemy is to start for the mountain top, aiming If possible to get above and keep above the enemy. ,. j-- Wolves, wolverene and eagles are their most common enemies, and the lambs suffer extensively from these. Wolves are capable of taking down grown animals, bnt in summer hunger seldom Induces them to make the struggle, and in winter they prefer lower altitudes. There are many stories told of the lordly ram doing battle With wolves, which are on a par with the story of leaping from dizzy heights. The old rams are Cunning, and in thla lies their greatest safety. Tljey are perfectly at home on rocky ledges, where the wolf is not, and if they can gain such a position they will, with one charge, hurl the wolf to the rocks below.A. J. Stone in Outing. 10ABTORIA. Bearsfhs A Ha AlwafS Blgsatus sf ttodol Dyspepsia Cure ; Digeato what you eat POPULAR i j RESENTS !; ; Lap Desks, i: Ink Wells, i : Music Bolls. ! Calendars, Cigar Cases, X Work Boxes, Fountain Fens, Collar & Cuff Boxes t I Purses and "Card 1 z Cases, I Bibles and M. . t nymn books, t ' Prayer Books and : Hymnals. ' i IMTT'SBOOKSTORlii et a . ) For Christmas. I have a full stock of Christmas Good Tnings and want a share oi your patro nage. CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, OP ALL KINDS. . t. . 1 GIVE ME A GALL: ' Satisfaction Guaranteed. James Defason, Phone 209. , 108 Kiddle St IP YOU Want anything in tlio Confec tionery Lino sendus your order it will be filled promptly. . Brozd 1 St Frctt Co., n.crt Z3 letter nlnar :ixitUium w-muimm WMMMMit -v t Good Things to Eat 1 For Christmas In Abundance At J. LMcDaniets. Florida Oranges, Fancy Apples, Fresh Candj, New Crop Nntg of all kinds, Raisins, Currant, Citron, Prunes, Mince Meat, Evaporated Apples and Peaehes, Fancy Malaga Grapes. Canned Goods of all kinds. Heinz's Pickles.' I also have a big bargain in bottle Pick les, a nice large bottle of fine English Piekle,' regular 2&o size for 10c per bottle for Next 10 Days. New Croj? Fancy New OTleans Molasses jast lectlred. - ; ' Tours to please, i -i 'Phone 01. Display oi China and Glassware at y prices to suit everyone, irom 10c to Vj $500 each. .r,' v - i '- ) A store full of Holiday Goods. A look through each de- J ' partment will remind yoa of many things that yen can . buy for a Christmas Gift at a very small cost. J In addition to the above our Dress Goods and Trimmings are complete and up-to-date. A look through this department y will be worth your while. Broad Cloth hi all shades: . 52 inch Broad Cloth at tl 00. 52 Granite -'. , 90 52 Ladies " s 65. . Taffeta Silk in all shades at 40c, 50e, 05c, 75, 85o. .. 36 ineh Black Taffeta, guaranteed the best, at $1 25. 35 K Peau de Soie, f 1 85. 2022 inch Black Peau de tra heavy. .; A Peau de Soie Silk will .our wife, daughter, mother or A nice lot of Jamaca Oranges, Fine Baldwin Apples, Ex tra Fancy Large Lemons, Raisin layer and seedless, Gleaned Currants, Crystal Citron, Cranberries. , ' ' Also a fresh lot of National Biscuit Co's Cakes The Mag nolia Pound Cake in 1 lb packages are extra fine; Graham Crackers; Social Teas, 6 o'clock Teas, Banquet Wafers, TJneeda Ginger Wafers, Oatmeal Crackers, &0. . - Let your orders come this way, they will be filled prompt ly and carefully. Tours truly, , picGehee V3 1 Broad St Grocers. For ChristMsiJi Gifts - GET A Beautiful Piece of China, ; A Fine Lamp, ' A Piece of Genuine Cat-Glass, Vases and Ornaments AT ' Whitchurst's 45 Peleck Ct Phone 228. i 'Disinfectants and Germzddes. SO Cases CHLORIDB OF LIMB Just Received. j 10c and IBs the eaa ' I BRALHAM'S PIIAK1IA0T. Z ttttt 1 1 i i t OAD' Essntts Est-!:.a f, Wholesale & Iletail g Grocer, , sa. 71 Brtai St" J V7 u v Soie, at 75c, $1 00, 1 1 26, ex- ) make a nice Xmas present lor some loved one. , . , . ') illis, Phone 13711 ire Tl -rxttftC rx a' . Mil r - ibb iiEADauAr.Tr.3 for Candies, Baislns, Apples, Oraches, Bananas, In fact everything that it takes to make a complete stock lor CacU Class. We Invite yoa to call and ex amine out stock before buying, Car goods are fresh and Prices Low. ro'-"x c -. i f r r' 1 V V i atu S

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