i TOE WEEKLYrJODRNAL . .Ssslisl7sX i Published la Two 8ctiona,'eTery Toes day ud Friday, at M Middle 8treOww Bora, N. C. CHARLES U 5TEVEN5 BDRo'iin noniBor ' 8UB8CRTPTIOICBATEe Two Months. SSlOenta. Threes Months, ...M Rix Months. 40 Twelve Month, $1.00 ONLY IN ADVANCE I Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication at the office, c upon inquiry oy mau. HTThe JovBHai it only sent on pay-in-advance basis. Subscribers will receive notice of expiration of their tub- senptions and an immediate response k notice wut be appreciated by the Joubhai Entered at tbe Poetofflce New I. & ai second-class matter. " New Bern Section One, Tnesdav, Dee. 28, 1902 . AN AROUSED CONTEMPOR ARY. A recent editorial InEthesa columni, noting an apathy on the part of the State press, as regards the'approaching Legislatire sessions, sndwhat work there was to be undertaken, his aroused the esteemed Raleigh Post, to look 'over its exchanges with an added and closer in terest. The result seems to hare been that the esteemed has discovered in several of its exchanges, editorial observations .which it has brought forth to controvert what this paper has said about the apathy prevailing among the Stateajpress and the people generally. The Post says "The New Bnrn Journal is expected to apologize for saying the State press was Indifferent toward the work of the legislature." And the Journal will apologize not once bat many times, If It ever says that the newspapers of this State are "indif ferent" concerning any moral, social, industrial or commercial interest of North Carolina. Our friend at; Raleigh, simply makes an error in the meaning both expressed and implied in the Journals editorial, which said there was an "unhealthy apathy throughout the State over Its public affairs," hence there was less dis cussion by the press over what the next General Assembly was going to do, o should do. Thanks are due the Post for arousing itself on this subject, and the extracts from the State papers which it publishes to protect its position, are of interest, and shows that there are papers which are waking up, -While the Post may be partially cor rect Tn Us contention, the Journal can not accept any award which declares this paper all wrong in its declaration! of there being an "unhealthy apathy' in regard to public affairs in North Caro Una. - ONE SIGN OF STATE PROSPERITY . The very last of all trades, professions " or industries, to receive a direct benefit from prosperous times, it seems that the newspapers of North Carolina an finally being touched by the Improved business conditions. -u. A detailed review of the State papers is not necessary to prove that the press of North Carolina if enjoying something from thexlsting trade and industrial -' jcbndlt Ions which are adding millions of dollars to thel" wealth of those who are r in the position- to Teallze the gains. f The general advantageous" situation , .of )hose newspapers which are published 1 1 . ... ' . in. ...... - . tu jruai ran uc iciuicu uuinu Mvujik , section embracing Raleigh, Greens- " t I - ikAA AnA iftilAtt '. Aam Af Mftlra SA ; notable '.this newspaper improvement and air brprosperity, si does lie change In Weelernlsnd Eastern! Carolina press, -WUh this1 in mind, the Journal notes . tth marked' newspaper change In the ' AinevnieV CitizeiK with it eight pages, . - -and modern equipment to make possible . : '. the product of a dally first class edition, ' InWHnilngton'nie toesaenger.hads : i modern equipment, but recently its bus!- -new nas warranted -"a test being made .tpon its resonrcea, by reas"on of a great; i ry ' Increased- advertising patronage, t causing it tolenlarge. ' farther East, this wsve of more busl seta, If not called prosperity, has touch- ' ' 'ad the Greenville ReflsfcWr.Whlch exhi bits In It make np and Increased slse, .,','. that local demand which called fore lar- i ger newspaper. " - - These three are merely HlustrtUve of the point that there Is sometling real In North Carolina's Improved conilTUons. It Is not alone that the Industrials, the ' " t-.rtfac3the fanners hfl,ve prospered, " I t ttat I'ie : over bunloned and over roi-ed new??r.per man is eomiog lato I.'icf Ce I'U of et-Icr t'us, LIJ I jI 3l ---Ja stroauoub!y and hope- Carolina are exhibiting la their larger sise, with greater advertising and more news matter In their columns, the latest token that social, educational and bus laeaa coadltioas have advanced and prospered, It Is but a small reward at the best, for it has been through their et forts that all other classes were uplifted and benefitted. The newspaper benefit; comes late, bat It Is none the less welcome, if it shall bring some cessation, some relief from the timet which tried and vexed the most serviceable and obedient of North Carolina's workers, its editors. REACH OUT AFTER TRADE! The remedy for poor trade is not found la sitting down and complaining, but In going forth and bringing it back.througb tome endeavor. While there may be exceptional mor chants in a community who prosper, re. gardless of poor conditions among the most of the ether business houses, tbe general community trade may be held as not good. Individual, as well ss community trade growth comes through advertising and personal solicitation. The attractive advertisement, not less than tbe personal endeavor are demand ed today, in order to promote local de velopment and growth of trade. Local development does not come without sn active presentation of local claims and a demand that these claims be recognized for the merit they poss ess. The holder of an article of worth and value, has never realized upon it, by keeping It hidden from view. In this day many things of real in trinsic value never bring anything to their owners, because their owners re fuse to let go or show them. A community believes It has tbe loca tion, the business houses, and yet never goes ahead In commercial development, bf cause outsiders are never let Into the tile secret of iwhat the place has within Its boundaries. Local development amounts to noth ing, business lags, when there should be constant material growth and trade up building. Something Is wanting, and the defi ciency will be found In the people of the community, who refuse to bestir them selves, to advertise to the world their resources, and to make attractive every local feature, in order that outsiders may be brought In, not merely as visi tors, but secured as permanent residents, to assist in the local upbuilding. And in addition, there Is the active personal effort, the going after business and bringing It home, for competition today is fierce in the trade world, and nothing comes to the individual or com munity which waits for business to come to it It is the active and intelligent going after trade, which gets it Trade and prosperity never come to the waiting in dividual or community. HOW'S This. Wc.offerOne;; Hundred, Dollars.Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not'be cured y EsirciCstmih tun. P. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, 0. We, undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. i . . . HWtsT & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists Toledo,0.- Waldinu, Kinnan, 4 Mar. tin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure it taken Internally acting directly-upon the blood and mu coos turf aces of the system. Testimon ial tent free. Price 75c per bottle. ' Sold by all Druggists, " . , nail's Family puis;sre the Desk : " TEMPTED,' HE ATE. JL Morr ( Bclnrleh Helae sua TWthaoai Lras Sausage. Returning from a Journey to the south of Trance Helnrich Heine met a friend, a German violinist. In Lyons, who gave him a large sausage that had teen made in Lyons, with the request to deliver It to mutual acquaintance, a homeopathic physician, iq Paris. Heine promised to attend to the com' mission and Intrusted the delicacy to the care of hla wife, who was travel log with him. But at the post chaise waa very alow and be toon became very hungry, on the advice of hit wife both tasted of tbe sausage, wbicb dwindled with every mile. Arriving at Paris, Heine did not dare to tend the remainder to thpbyslclan, and yet he wished to keep hit promise. So he cut off the thinnest possible tUce with hla raaor, wrapped it in a aheet of vellum paper and inclosed it 1st. an envelope, with the following rw Doctor irom your scientific In- vsstlf&tlons ws learn that the millionth part of a certain substance brings about ths . greatest results. . I beg, therefore, mu kind acceptance of ths socompany lna millionth part of a Lyons sausage. which our friend gave me a'dsllver to you. It homeopathy Is a truta, then this llttls piece will have ths same effect on joa a ths whole sausv lour -i . t HEINTtlCH IIKINB. rTJghetti't "With Physicians and CU- enta.' '" ' - ' ; TOO IHOW WHAT TOD ARB TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly piloted on every bottle showing that It Is sljip'y iron end quinine In a tastelew arm. ITo cure no py. Price B3o, A Golden Rule of Agricu'tutu: ' B good to four tan nC ftxu crop wi!!!efood. ?y-'4 Potash In the fert;1Uer tprV. quality I .. vest. Write us and AWj'fif.Y' we will -.end yon, ?fV ' H j ret, oj next mail, vvjf our mooev winninz " books. 0EIUN KALI WOCKS. The Twlgta Tote. ' What constltutee the vulgar voice 1 In an article in the London Spectator a writer concludes that this evidence of vulgarity, "springs, like almost all vul garity, however displayed, chiefly from two causes an nndue love-ot comrplcu- otisness and an nndue fear of the same." The person whose chief aim is to keep himself or herself in the eye of the world rarely makes a remark without desiring that It shall reach the -ears of others besides the one directly addressed, and here the peculiarly false sound of the voice It attributed to the absence of singleness of motive. On the other hand, the wavering tone andi affected accent of the timid vulgar are ascribed to another form of insincerity namely, the wtBh to imitate others with whom one happens to be when they are of a supposedly higher social standing. The attempt it sure to fall and the result only in the suppression of nil evidence of the tpeaker'a own personality in the voice as well at in the manner. Thus sincerity, paramount In all art, Is basic in breeding as well. which la tbe art of life. The Pride of Heroes. Many soldiers In the last war wrote to say that for Scratches, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Corns, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best In the world. Same for Burns, Scalds, Bolls. Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It cures or no pay. Only c at C. D. Bradham't drug store. The Grand Llama. An Indian traveler In Tibet who saw the Krand l;una In 1882 thus described him: ' Th.' rami lnma Is a child of eight, with n bright and fair complex ion nnil rosj., .checks. His eyes aro largo anil penetrating, the shape of his face remarkably Aryan, though som whnt mnrifd by the obliquity of his eyes. The thinness of his person v.'us probably due" to the fatigue of the court TMHvmoules and to. the religious duties and nscetlc observance of his estate. A yellow miter covered his head, and its pendent lappets hid his ears. A yellow mantle draped hit per son, and be sot cross legged, with Join ed palms. The throne on which be sat was supported, by carved lions and cov ered with silk scarfs. The state officers moved about with becoming dignity." If you feet llf and need a pill Why not purchase the best? De Witt's Early Risen ,- Are little surprlsers Take one they do the rest. V W. H. Howell Houston, Tex,! writes I have used Little Early Risers Pills in my family for constipation, tick head ache, etc. To their use I am Indebted for the health of my family. F. 8. Duffy. . ; Canned G:u.' j r Employ tbe foUourUi ii.fiUlil.le test of preservation: Viioti the rtU-st inser tion of knife tu'-puurh 1'steh for "the distinct sound of a small ruuli ytf air. If this is to be'heiird, the prewrvnl'on Is perfect. Turn out the contents of all tins - immediately upon their ; being opened. ' ',, : . He' Ceta Wet. 1 . A British army, officer when hi full uniform Is -not allowed to carry an umbrella, no matter if the rain Is fall ing In torrenta. V; ;iv, V -fa -. si. ; v i - Take a bath in Hancock's Liquid 8ul phur. They are superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. They will 'cure Prickly heat, Eczema, and all skin dis eases. For sale otjt. o. irony. , " ' ' Disliked Ecwtlsas. ; "What's the matter with you?' asked his wife ; ,i. .."I'm feeling lonely," waa the reply, i "Don't you like this townr . . "I don't like .this earth." . . . r v ti ' "Whafa the oblectlon to ltr : "People are too egotistical, (f there's anything I bate if t egotism. And wben I see kings going about confidently and doing things wrong, and diplomats try Ing an sorts of lnaldcere tricks with complete effrontery, and lawyers seek lng applause for arguing on the wrong" tide of a case, and everybody display ing utter telnabneat without a blush, I am forced to the conviction that I am the only consistently high toned and moral gentleman on tblt globe. - And it makes me feel lonely." Question Answered. Tea, August Flower still has the lar gest saleof any medicine In the civilised world. Your mothers' and grandmoth era' never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Biliousness. Do tort were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regu late the action of the liver, stimulate the nyrvous snd organic action of the sys tem, snd that is all they took when feel ing dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you sat cj tUare is noth ing su-rious the imiit wiih you. Yo c a ft f ' r '.o r ' "y at your C? ,.t. 1 1'. ) o. ana t.,i. M M MM was, C . f ' New lark. fp '' Discussion Over No Tix On Judges Salaries. r QtestloaOa Band Iutf. Saireatt Caart Adjearaateat. Large Sales Whiskey Stamps. - Railroad St bed alt Change. State Charter. Pea- ; lea Pay- . meats. . RAi.ua h, Dec. 19. The State officials doaot know whether the legislature will issue bonds, nor caa they say whether It will enact a law taxing the franchises of corporation. Interest is shown In the enactment by Georgia of a law to thit effect. The Supreme Court will tomorrow ad journ for tbe term '.and will leave ths docket entirely clear of cases. The number of rural free delivery mall routes in this State is now M0. This it double the number a year ago. The tales of whUkey stamps In this revenue district are unusually heavy this week. They are to be put oa whit- key for holiday consumption. Application Is made for an Encamp ment of Odd Fellows, to be organized at Salisbury. State Treasurer Lacy today registered a number of State bonds. During his term of office thut far he has registered-) 1308,000, of which. $336,000 ae held by one New York saving bank. The sales of holly and mlsletoe here this season are the largest on record. None is shipped from here to the North. Important chang of schedule go Into effect Sunday as to tome traina on the Seaboard Air-Line..' The most Import ant Is as to the fast train southbound, which will leave here at 6.40 a. m. and arrive at Jacksonville, Fla., 8.43 p. m. This will give the people of Wilmington a long desired change, as the train will leave there at 4.30 p. m. Instead of 8.10 to connect with this fast train. All the fast trains will be made up entirely of Pullman cars. A charter is granted by the State to the Hamlet Electric Light Company, capital $100,000, George O. Sanders and others stockholders. There will be a number of dances here durlngjlhe holidays. The capital club will Jgive a New Year't eve dance. The payments of pension, warrants by the Slate treasury will be very heavy during the next thirty days. Moat of them are sent in within IS days after issue. The date of Issue was December 15th.. The opinion of the attorney general that Judges salaries are not liable to tax ation, which was first published in this correspondence, Is attracting considera ble attention. . Some people do not like the opinion, though practically all law yers say it Is in accordance with the constitution, One politician goes so far as to say that it Judges cannot be taxed he wants all Income taxes abolished. Cores Cancer and Blood Poison. If you have blood poison producing eruptions, pimples, ulcers, swollen glands, bumps and risings; burning, itch ing skin, copper-colored spots or rash on the skin, mucous patches In mouth or throat, falling hair, bene pains, old rhen matism or foul catarrh, takt Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) It kills the pois on In the blood; soon all tores, eruptions heal, hard swellings subside, aches and pains stop and t perfect curt Is made of the worst $atei of Blood Polioul -k For cancers, tumors, Swellings, eating sores, ugly ulcers, persistent pimples of all kinds, take B. B. B. It destroys the cancer poison in the bipod, heals cancer of all kinds, cures the worst humors or suppurating swellings. Thousands cured by B. B. B, after all else fails. B. B. B. composed of pure botanlo Ingre dients. .Improves tht digestion, makes the blood pure and rich, stops the awful Itching and all sharp, shooting pains. Thnrnnffhlr teatnd for thlrtT vesra. Druggists, tl per bottle, with complete directions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble" and free medical advice also tent in sealed letter. For sale by F.8. Duffy andO. D. Brad- bam, New Bern. . ' ' - :- JtHiaetal . Atr. : : ; ' The prorrot-s of Invention In subma rine navlp.tioir has stimulated efforts to produce- oxygen by cheaper and eas ier, methods. If oxygen, the vital ale ment In sir, can be supplied at wanted, tbe length of time that men can remain under water may be Indefinitely pro longed. A process of making oxygen, Invented by George F, : Jaubert, a French scientist, promises to answer the requirement . His object was to And a solid substance which would produce oxygen tt calcium carbide produces acetylene gas. He selected for tbe purpose a peroxide of sodium or of potassium which can be cheaply manufactured by electro chemical means. It is called "oxyllthe" and is made in little cubes and pellets, soma only half an inch in diameter. When decomposed with water, It gives off oxygen. Two or three ounces of thit substance supply enough oxygen to en able a diver to remain under water for an hour. : By suitable apparatus the carbonic oxide produced by respiration It withdrawn into the oxygen genera tor, and fresh oxygen takes Itl place. DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE Permanently cured by the masterly power of "South Ambbioas NiRvnrs Tonic." Invalids need suffer no longer, because this great remedy caa cure them at. It Is a cure for the whole ' world of stomach weakness and indlget Jon. The care begins with the first dose. The re- Vif it brings is marvelous and surprising . makes no fullure; never d'sarfolntt, No matter how long you hve Su your cure Is cwtula under tite Die of t - t be-i'th-r.'- fir". 11 t i ..a. i ,J ly O, D ; i LIST LIT OP SCUCCL. , SBnnnWanwWws . latcratlar School OttlEg Bxcrcttct, Circa y Ccmbcn of tk Cistoa literary So . ckty. t Contrary to a former snaovacmeal la the Joaraal that the schools would not close aatil December S3, the last day of tht term was yesterday. - The change waa brought about by the petitions of the young lad a to I the school board to allow the two fall weeks tor the vaca tloa. Friday afteraoo was devoted to dot ing xerchea vader the a asp lose of the Qasloa Literary Society. Jut before the students were assembled f rose reei Rev. R.F. Bumpass presented to Sapt. Harding oa behalf of tht scholars of all ths grades, a handsome gold lined shav lag set. , , The literary excrdtes consisted of vocal and Instrumental muslo, recitations essays sad an orailoa, a debate oa the question, BesotTwd.that Women Shoe Id Hare the Same Right at Men to Tote.' The affirmative side was supported br Klae Elisabeth Clark and Tom Lasslter, sad the negative akkt by Miss Berths Wooten and Baas Street. The Judges decided for the aegative. The students acquitted themselves In all performances with great credit and the program was very Interesting. Following these axerctet was the pre sentation of Christmas gifts from scholj art to teachers. Miss Margaret Tonga, representing the nlalk grade gave Prof. Bpence a fla watch guard. Mr. a M. Brlntoa then p reseated Miss Reamey with a morocco sound hyma book; he alto made Trot. Bpence a present of e pearl handled knife. Mr T A Green gsve Prof. Bpence a silver stsmp box; Rev H C Moors presented a beautiful gold crescent to Miss Reamey as a gift from the eighth grade and Rev. Mr. Bnmpat presented Mia Reamey with a beautiful silver handled umbrella with the compliments of the ninth grade. - Orlando, Fhv, OotAlMl. The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Oo Balti more, Md. Gentlemen; I taketpletsure la raoom- mendingHaneock's Liquid Bulphur to any one suffering with Bceema. -1 have had It for tea or fifteen years, have tried many remedies and found no relief Until I was Induced to try your "H.L.S." Hsva only used It a short while and am now almost entirely cured. I can truth fully say that after fifty years as prac ticing physician that your Liquid Sul phur is the most wonderful remedy for Eczema I hsve ever known. . .- Yonrs respectfully, DR4W,;W.'.LEAKE. For ssle stSF. 8. Daffy's. Lead Pencil Exserl meats. An English statistician was asked how many words could be written with an English lead pencil, and, being de termined to answer It be bought a lead pencil and Scott's "I van hoe" and pro ceeded to copy tbe tatter word by word. He wrote 06,908 words and then was obliged to stop, for the pencil bad be come so short that be could not nee It A German statistician who heard of this experiment was dissatisfied with tt been nee all the lead la the pencil was not need on the work, and therefore he bought a pencil and started to copy a loosT German novel. When tbe pencil waa to short that be could not handle It with his fingers, be attached a solder to lt.and It is said that he wrote with this one pencil 400,000 words. Possi bly, however, ttla -pencil was longer or the lead In It waa of a more durable quality. - -.. O. Boars the TmlUYNHmahnnBoi OgBStait of A Cold Ware. The forecast of sudden changes In ths weather serves notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy cough may Invade the sanctity of health In yoar ownhome. Cautious people have a bottle of One Minute Cough Care always at hand. E. H. Wise, Madison, Ga., writes: "I am In debted ta one One Minute Cough Core for my life." It cures Coughs, Colds LaGrippe, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lang troubles. Ons Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm draws oat the Inflammation, heals and soothes the mucous membranes sod strengthens ths lungs. F. B. Duffy. raeamemla. Is at HaatV'"'." Do not neglect any cold Is the advice suggested by. Dr; Reynolds, the com missioner of health of Chicago,' Who comments on tha Increase snd ravages of pneumonia.' It Is evident that In sev eral parts of the United States pneumo nia la the most widespread snd fatal of all acute diseases,' outstripping pulmo nary tuberculosis as the chief Item ta the tables of mortality. The advice it therefore timely and needed, "Do not neglect a cold, however slight at this season of the year. American Medl dna. r ,.r- v.: -. '- .- Prickly heat cured la one application by using of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. It will also cure Eczema, Fetter, Pfanp let, Rlngwotm, Dandruff, Cuts, Burns, pld Sores, and all skin troablea In a short time, when tied undirected. For tale at F. P. Duffy 't Drug Store, f Fewer Diverges Is eaclx-ail. ; Divorce cases are not so nuimroua in England at they were twelve months ago. - .-. "v-" The number tn tbe "Cause list la ISO, a decrease of 63 from is it year. They Include 123 petitions for divorce, 12 for judicial separation and for restitution of conjugal rights. ' Of the 123 petitions for divorce 85 are presented by husbands and only 48 by wlvea The proportion of undefend ed cases increases. Only 23 of the pe titions In the present list are to be con tested. London Exrrcss. - , - , ; ".Tie t:stprscr!r.::af:rri!ar!a. CM"s and Fever Is a bottle of CsoYS'i Ts?i aCi-atT. i II is t" "'y ' if I q' ' ' Hill if a. I 3 -.!' ' , h r5.. :tp.x latlnSftcrccdartfrtcSitfci- e-imltnf Inrl ff aiUUiUXU-.Q I.AtVUlUt UllVUM' ij ' luulllteSt'ur-,soill3ow;i30f il ncss and Rest Contaliti nrfiltr OpiumXorpluiu jwr J Unor.il. Not UAH c otic. MsW- Ax tm ttwm ,iy v - nun,St;uri;jitvit.Dinii'r)i('A Worms .(iixi'ilKJiui Jcwish itcss and LtS OF f.LEEI. tacSlmfc Signnlurr of KEW "Dr,K. ' exact copy or r WRAPPER, i '4 : Jw t,.'-'. ! ' f - a: BARFOOT BROS.; t Greatest 'Bargain Sale of Xmas Goods I his Week. Dolls, Toys, Games, Books, Doll Carriages, Go (arts, Horns, Drums Tea Bets, Doll Furniture and hundreds of other things. ' -At the LOWEST PRICES we have ever named. . Brine tha bUHnm en aaa tna Tm, ..it Qmmtm ni.. I- n'- t-jn Eton open every night until Xmas. - 2 BARFOOT BROS. I WE ARE FITTED UP To FILL ORDERS for Stoves A full stock of Wood Ileaters, feet with front feed door. .Tea will lad on oar door the kind jou want. We are prompt in patting tkeat op. Loot oar stock over before placing yoar order, - . We carry a good stock of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lima, Cement, Plat ter, anything yon may waut in Baildars Material. h Special Black Jack Stove Blacking. " - . T Ball Beariug Castor. . ; ' - - PHONE U7. x r J 71 BflDBLS 8T Every family now meeds one, be saais the old ' family "wash worn. an'i serriees are hard to secart. Gmarantetd to do the wte's wash in 10 or 12 mUates, '. . i Call and examine the machine. '" P. M.: cDRANE Y, C7 S. Froiiit Ht.' x Aracinnition. The Xmas Holidays art rapidly ap proaching snd while yon are arranging lor your hunting trip yoa should not forget that your pleasure and sacoest tte pends largely upon the ammahitton yon use. We carry in stock the most com plete line of loaded sneus ever snown in ths city; over forty different loads in black and smokeless powder, drop and chilled Shot Also Fine Guns, Lenf (Joats, Caps and everything that will help make your nunt.a pleasure. WLl T. HILL, Phnas 11. r 31-83 Middle Street NEW BERN, H. C. Persons entitled to petitions uaar the North Caroltua Biste Laws are hereby not'Sed tlist the pe&:on warrants for Craven County are now in my htad snd .!!lfcs I..ucl one? r,l. r- -) " ''' ' HP For Infanta and CrtjUren. iTha Kind - Yon rHave Always . Sought - :, - . J J 1 iJQaTS tll8 t 5 siemiure In ' Use For Over Thirty Years lutlul Wilson Heaters, and both are per. A M a I aW M tar mm Iff tl - lid tt H H O f uAd r.U war rtTve''', ":" Qaskill Hardware Co. WIW BBMBI, N. e SAVE HONEY ! Compare these prices with-those you have been paying:- Plo-nio Hams, sliced, -; . . I Jo lb. Best Lard,...,.- . l?e " Componna Lard,, .I0o Pies Fe in vinrgaf .... ....... ft Tripehi vinegar,.... 4.;.., -. At ' Good Hoar,....,;,;...; y.. So " Better Flour, , .. .... -T t " Best lle Peaches, ... . .- 0a ran, 1 for ty. lablePesohes, .. lie a " lo. Canned Cora,.' ..10o 9 H S e. . " Tomatoes,... ........ 10c can. Granulated 8ofsr 6e per pound. A, Good Table Batter, 80c per lb. print - Also have a supply of Oranges, Applet Bananas, Pears, etc. Try a peck of say We apples. Give me a trial, ; Tonrs for business, IaVD VinCSKT, . CorVSoata Fraat Ceieaif Streets XX i - X y a-; 'Si ' t ) AC'''' In one of our new bvieeles will be a real pleasure.- There's no ( hnstmns gift for your f"mi'y like one of oar styl- u,u veiiic in. iucy are well made of the best rut-. .J.3, wiUi pneumatie tires and the 1; t imnrovmenta kt flnisb. We 1 1; 1 s e now at low prices. (ail sad exitiu.nt before buying else- V, t, tea at oace a eood wood worker and trimmer, quick and sober, who will work steady. A pood place for the right man, for tue tommg year. . 2 rhone 10?, , ?rt;Broad St, Kb Esrs, N. O

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