is p P VOLUME XIT. KIW.BIRS, CB1YII COUHTT, V. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1802. SECOSD StCTION. NUMBER 77 i l5 JUDGES SiliRT III Judge PuraeU to Decide Dlffereace v- Betweei Silt and Blot Leeks Craig Loot - ;' ' After Seaatorsalp. 1 Hew' Code . Waited. ' Good Holiday Trade. ; :, RjaaieH, Deceaaber !.- LoekeCrelg, ' cf Ashevllle, oiie of the several aspirants " ' r the Untied States Benatorehlp, er- i ived here today to look after Ma Inter- : " The campaign may now U aatd to ' bare begun. There are leaat men ae- f.iranu and of ooane plenty of "dark ;' horses." i .. . -t. :!' ' Carator H B Brlmley of the State Ma- team left today for Hatteraa, ob a hunt- lag and collecting tour. , l : , The Capital printing company, form erly of Raleigh, now of Cary, this eoun- V :; . ty will more lta plant to Hamlet and -v '!oMo It capacity, Increasing Its capital a stock to $25,000. " '-i - . .J ' There appears to be Trlotlon between , .1 Subreni, Court andv the State Uz , . commission, growing oat of the letter's cs ,'fficll statement that rit will Ignore the ' ' court's rallng' .that' lodges salaries are . not taxed; What the commission is re- lying on l that oneof the present judges ;s hndtliciwo new:tses .will In-February jieclde the other wiyjl; A I i. . v Judge Puroell of lie federal Court is ''.'(.. .00k'D8 'nlnL lh i?iflerence'; between a 01117 a pioi.y a. dispute between v tiaktra of irucfc barrels brlnga. up 'tbe i quuelluii.' Otn elniun thm h ulber has ' .." l soil -B!slMh"!- ( v?iiiiKi4Vt bat the , thii mhkor':iV. sui, thai lis tils naerf a i ' f.The fcrgbUtufi MfiH r"5k-t,to chert ; " f4be Raleigh J&etnn'H. It., between 1 1 his city tad Wa8Ulugton,iiiA. number of , -'italetgh people will be stdckholdtrs.f .There will be' auXLu.a auoa. move- I - meat to hare the legislature wder a new I ; ' .iiodlflcatlpn ofthe lawsv;;!' " The holiday .trade. hute Is so larveas break all therjjeorda. Brerybody has J i money hiid It Is frctly spent. :i ' " ; . TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. ! yiahl laige dry kilos btloDgia( to the John L. R -per Lumber Co., of Uotfolk ; -ere bumcd...Tuw(iy InToKlng a loss . of 00,000 feet of lum'ber. , ' Ihe Imperial troops of Morocco were ' Undly beta by rebels Monday. The Elliott Opera hOie at Hickory, M, O. was burned Tuesday Involving a ois 1 r faotfo - President ftooacyelt has been formally icquested .by the European powers to Sh'bltrate In the Tenetuelan Imbroglio. . (? 'fetrSyi-' ,w 's: & 1 -v 1. Attempts re being made before tbe - ' tfabraika Sapreme ' Conrt to keep the olble and all rellgloas instrnetlon from r the public schools. ' " . . i " U i The ioiBCCO trait has made fts sppeat . nnce in Mexico. ; v ' ;' -t The Rt. Rer. Frederick Temple, Arch. ( -Uibup of Csnterbary died in London of " , '', aij ge. He wae primate; of the Church of England. The Cuban leclprooity measure will be lunsldered by the House and will prob- liblj pan with a good majoiitri iff- LI ' Ex-Senator D. M. r?abln, of Minneiola - died suddenly in a Chicago hotel. Mon s ( '.day night." 1 : A great stnsatlon haa been made in - the Royal house of Saxony bf the mys terious disappearance'- of the Crown Prlncots. All efforts to find her have 'vprovonfloavallipg and many rumors are : u float about the affair. ' It Is feared that she bas become Insane and killed her W'aelf-'iaV'irW:-' I I l. " The I' reel railways i t Macon Georgia 'hare been consolidated. , ,.. " The freest 'Oabler piano factory of NlW. York burned Monday, throwing 1030 men out of employment, v ' ".V fire KhoztUI Tenn , : dtsroyed ' $300,000 worth of property, Monday. - -1. ,v . His Portrait. , One of-tbe lueuibera cf a certain sub urbtiu pliotograplilc society reoeutly de . llrereil n lecture, Illustrated by lantarn '' . views. . . '. . , ' ' : f Atrctber niember, thinking to have a - . Joke at the expense of; the lecturer, ' ; slipped-in-'araong tbe slides a lantern portrait of himself.- 4 :. . :,v .. ' " . ! .The Joke would cbine irJ, of course, by tbe portrait appearing on the screen 1 lmrued'utcly after the lecturer had an nounocil the appearing of something ' quite different . . . ; V Fate rti'1 chuuee were .unluckily agaiuut the humorist, for when his por , trait wue piinW tbe lecturer, with - out knowing wlmt was' on tbe screen, gravely read from his Ut : . ' JTbs 'next slide, ladles and gentle men, is tbe picture of a. refractory don- Por Ium'.s anl ;-( OLTRflA. - Measles Rake lUschkt Maty Sick With tfte Malady. ' - December 8i Well, Chrlstmu Is now In sight and sach a poor time for It There are 10 tuny that have such ugly faoea, Xrerythlng wat O. K. antll one boy went la aehool aad had that little disease called, meules. Well, In less than 18 days then were 17 eases of It la school, and now there la no school aad It no mistake Is made there are about 41 cues now In fall bloom, . When we meet a neighbor and ask him If he expects company Chrlstmu he says "Tea T "Who V "Meaalea." . Kow, thla meaalea Is not the kissing kind they had. soms time ago. " The doctor said the one wrf lave now ire French meules. Well, some thought they needed a Frenchman to explain how to care for. thla one particular kind; bat when they had a good case why, the meaalea did their own talking. And they found out measles was measles U the fellow said about "gimlets being gimlets.'' -.-r There wu no preaching at Oljmpla Sunday on account of meules. There will be no Chrlstmu entertain ment u anticipated on accoint of meas les:, -.V '. ;' There is not likely to be any social gatherings In the near future at Olympla on acooant of meules. Oh, andJ forgot, there la one family la our neighborhood that has whooping 0oagh. :aI1 the resVbave measles. .Wi woald - have had sojio locsl hap penlngs In these items, but: there hu notv anything happened but the meat-' Rr D a Petree will . fill his' regular appointment on tbe 8J 8unday in Jan'y. ItfOI (it It o'clock a tn. He could not be here tfils lime on . account of so much ici is in the neighborhood. ; i . .; Mt ta Wtata, , .... ;,.( !. Ifuiloo ' are wjr: beautiful. s't !!k n' wt r"l..r women. ?tbey like to" Bet off their!S by the wearing ef Jewels.- 'i'l.cs-' v tbe rich i often exceedingly. Tftluft'ile. and any amount of them are worn. A Hlirdoo lady wears a.Isrge nose ring, a number of rings 1m her cars, banglee galore on her wrists and arms, anklets Of iallver or void and a ring on every toe. Tbeee or naments are very becoming to her dark beauty, and naturally they are a great source of pleasure, but unfortunately one which, together with the wearing ; of colore, Is denied to widows, whoeciNoxth HrloweV.MMrd" of TeryHaeap- lot ta A particularly bard one. Anyhow a Hindoo woman has not a particularly cheerful life, for ae ahe must never look upon tbe face of any man but her husband It la spent entire ly tn her borne, which, even if she be rich, is not. In the least pretty. The rooms are small and dingy,' have bare waiurvery little furniture, and their only outlook la upon the Interior court yard, which la not made bright and pretty, but la usually without a vestige of tree or flower. " Market Letter 00 Cotton. By private wire, J.(B Latham A Co. NewTork, December 83. May sold at 8.91 this am and 8.23 the dar after tbe Government report. This ia not what yon might call progress. The day the Government report came ont May opened at 8.18 and sold back there the day fol lowing. Since it hu been at 8.4 with bull news all the time." Of course this holiday season trade is not what Is called aeve. Brokers have nothing to do. This a m . .ther talked of the Jaonarv manifest The pool will look after this. Nothing ,Jld about changes. The stock of cotton- here in New Tors, Is over 118,000. bales or larger than In six years. If a corner is attented It Is likely to be 818.000 bales at $40 a bale, this means eight million dollars worth of cot ton, and It . requires ' money to finance that kind tf a deal. We don't oareto hare anything to do with January what ever. We have been accused of being bearish on the cotton outlook. If not advising buying above 8c the present time means bearish we are. We think the market hu sustained our attitude for a long time. Below 80 on the No vember break we said buy for an ad vance to 8xc Jast before the Govern ment report we reasoned the showing woald be big and adrlssd profit taking. When receipts got small af ter Govern ment report we utd cotton would work higher undoubtedly, bat advised selling on all bulges over 8J. May. did sell at 48 aad this morning at 8 89. - We can't tee our way clear to bull cotton at the moment The re mutt be more buyers to put ap prices. When the bujlng brglnt we want to buy. la the meantime ouly buy en good brvaks and sell on bulges ovef te i. E. Latham A Co. ' Niw Yobs:, Deo. 84. It wu a day of festivity, and not a day of business. From 18 to 1 p, mr the pit wai crowded with members and various Jokey played on members and gifts presented) practi cally - no attention paid to news. Wc hare never aeen u mach gunutne fun as today. We can assure you there would have been many a hearty laugh could they be told. Every One setmed to forget their cares and enjoy Chrlst mu. We desire to extend thanks as well as wishes for a merry' Chrlstmat whether Interested in the market or'not We are anxious Jo f arn' a In'ormatlor.' if pobaiVid to obtain, bo matter cf wha'. serration furthering . your interests. A year sgo today we wished you all a n crry Christmas,. Today the same goei orr t' e w!r?s snd we mean sndtu', : i cw j "ir rj I've you good HARL0WE 1KD K. HARL0WE. HoUday Happealnta In ' Towns. The Sister December 3. Our aohools have all closed for a' f e w weeks holiday. Miss Mary Adams and brother, Clossle Adams, and Mr Emory Ward went to Hew Bern last Satuday. ' Mr Jno S Morton and family . went to Rlyerdale to visit Mrs Morton's parents and family lut 8unday, . This Is to be a week of Chrlstmu tree entertainments. Our Oak drove and Core Creek friends will both'hare theirs OA Chrlstmu Ere. Miss Morton's school entertainment will follow on the night of the 15th, 'while Harlow Sunday School wlU-raterUla ha patrons with a tree entertainment on. the night of the 8eth.i--;vr . - Mrs Ju L Taylor and mother, Mr and Mrs O O Bell and daughter, Hiss Fannie with Miss Mamie Beoton'of Bachelor were all pleasant visitors .to oar berg lut Sunday. .. - ,' ' K :. .' Dr O N Muon wu tn New Bern for a day lut week, and teems to hare found Santa Claus while there. ' , cWe were sorry to miss Miss Pearl Tay lor from our Sunday School lut Sunday, She spent the day In Newport , , Mr and Mrs Ju 7 Smith of Bachelor were in North Harlowe thla Monday making purchues for Chrlstmu. '' 1 Mr J H Davis is off today for a drive with his fine trotter "Orange Bud." Miee Martin, of Qoldsboro, who is teaching at Adams Creek passed through lut Saturday en route for her home to spend the holidays. " "" Mr Cherry, the very polite and profic ient surveyor who has been laying ont some of our school board lands on the pocosins and swamps of Carteret county hu knocked off for the holidays and hu gone to his home In New -. Bern. He will soon return to resume his sar- Missel Msdle Bell and Ola Long drove over to Morehead City last Friday and after spending a pleuant evening In the city with their 'many,; friends returned home Saturday evening. , .. Messrs J L Taylor, C O Bell, W L Har rls, JB Becton and Hurt Tingle, of Bachelor passed through Tuesday for Messrs J L Msthews,': JuRBell, and nephew, Muter Armstead Bell, spent, this Tuesday In the Citv of Rlma. Lately there hu been posing about Aparana ; end.plumsge which haa bad tne enect to attract an expert "bunter" from about Havolock and we fear from his aptness with cupld's arrow we may lose our game, - t Great Word BalMlas; Coatcst, See. how lnuuy words you can make out of the letters given below. ;Do not use any? other letters save those given. You can use; proper namaa, Improper names, verba, nouns, -adjectives, prepo sitions, .conjunoaons aad articles. DO not use any one totter more than eight rimes in one word. Caa only nice words. Here are the letters: - ; " iA BODBFOBIIEL M f MO PQ R S TV TffXIZ - Here is yonr chancel See who can get up the largest Mate of words' by using thess letters aocosKHng to the rules of the contest For the first largest number of words sent In a porterhouse steak Inlaid with turquoise will be awarded; to the second largest num ber, an elastic glass botttsf to thethlrd, n pound of medicated pastry. . ; ' " ' Every guess must be aeoompanled by a coupon from.s 4 per cent government bend. New York Telegraph. . , ,t.tka AaeLrat Hrash 1 The early, .Egyptians divided tjae day and night each Into, twelve hours-a cus tom adopted by the Jews or tbe Ctreeks probably from the Babylonians. The day is' said to have first been IiMlded Into hours from B. C. 803, When, a bun dial was erected in the temple of Quiri nus at Rome.- PrevSoos to the lnveeition of water clocks, B. a 1C8, the am, was called at , Rome by public criers. ', In early England one expedient of meas uring time was by wax, candles, three Inches burning an hour.' Tbe first, per- rect mechanlo&l clock , was not made until about A. D. 1250. Day began at sunrise amosg most of the.northBrn na tions, at sunset among the Athenians and Jews, at midnlgbj; among-tbe Ro mans, as with us. -V;,vlv';- K'. When the , celebrated physjclnn Sir Henry Holland told Sydney Smith that he bad failed to kill cither one of a brace of pheasants that had risen With in easy Tange near the tatter's home, the wttty divine asked, "Why did you not prescribe for them?" , .. One day Sir. Henry wbb engaged ia a hot 'argument with "Bobus" Smith, a barrister, concerning the merits of their respective professions. "You will admlt,,' said Sir Henry, f1hat .your profession does not make ' angels of men." "No,"; retorted Smith, "there you have the best of lt.,,,s -v; w: V'; -'A Took Ber Lltarellr. Elizabeth Cndy Stanton xws once giving a. piece Of rulvlce to a roomful, of young men In a little VUTnge on the subject of lnntrlmony. ;When you marry she Wil,' "clwose a woman with a spine end a sound set of teeth." "Good 1 gracious. -'Mrs. 'Stanton," re- .mnrked one of iter listeners In alarm. "do they ever come-, withoutspines?" .t:ii -'s 111 f 11 ' '.' - Bait .IswIUbsxV . Ouo of the causes to which the Drev- alepce of bad spelling among tbe rlahiff generation la ntti llmted Is the fact that the modern' Itoinnn ' method of pro- nonncjng- Latin BIvps no direct indica- t'fin rt '. : " r-f Via Enff- 1 ti u, i v ;i i m l fi 1 , cue to their f .. ;:a as te lUi 1 b.umlof latin v -Hi 1 v i.ih r t Report of State Board of Education ; Issued. Clesttat laaly ef Wlastes, aa As pirant Far Senatorial Heaors. State Board . of Charities , Make Seport Beport . . ef Corporation Com- -; mission. V Ralkish, December i24. A charter ter wu'granted. by the .'State to) the W W Mills ConWy.-of-RaMlgav peid-sp capital lloe.OOO, anthorized.f300,IOO; W W Mills, R D Goodwin and J A Woolett stockholders, Mills holding $90,000. The company will deal In lumber and oper ate saw mills and'the coun ties of Wake, Harnett, Wilson, Johnson, Nash and Cumberland, t Miliaria a very successful lumber man and Is a half owner of the Raleigh and Capo Fear railway. N Warrantswere sent out by the State today, for 7 free libraries for rural pub lic schools, bringing the number np to 438. A report completed todsy shows that the Slate board of education now holds 148,8(0 of the State's 4 per cent bonds,' $9,000 of its 0 per cent bonds and $48, 908 In cash; the proceeds of tbe sale of swamp lands. It Is said that Clement Manly of Win ston Is an aspirant for the United States Senatorshlp. It Is also said that a num ber of people want Gov. Ayoock to be Senator. lie Is no candidate. January 8th there will be a bearing be fore judge Purnell in the matter of his intervening in the affairs of tho Carolina Northern railway . The State board of public charities met here lut night and prepared its re port to the Governor. . .The annual report of the Corporation Commission was completed today. It ssys the railways have enjoyed a good business and a prosperous year. The most Important work of the commission during the year was the reduction of the passenger fare rate over the Atlantic Out Line, Seaboard Air .Line and Southern Railway, whereby the stand ard rate of 8 cents per mile for second class and 81 cents per mile first class fare Is now applied to the main line, divisions and brsnch Unes oLlbs systems alike and In fact to nearly tary roairm State. No less than 259 complaints were made, malolf of overcharges, discrimina tions, failure to provide cars, etc . The ruling of the commission that the assess ment of railway property of 1900 held until 1903 was sustained by the Supreme court,-. There are 3,681 miles of railway In the State, an Increase of 30 -miles over last year. There were built 66 miles, but 35 were abandoned. The Atlantic Coatt Line, Southern, and Seaboard Air Line controll over t of the mileage in the State; the A. O. L. having 948 miles, the S. A. L. 611, the Southern 1269, total 8,849. The usessed .values 'are, ACL $18, 978,440, Southern $15,826,677, SAL $$, 712,728, miscellaneous roads $4,110,414, total $43,627,261; telephone1 companies $888,964, steamboats, canals and ferries $849,950, street railways $1,199,690, elec tric light and gu companies $'206,850, hsleeplog car companies $180,205, express companies $225,779, grand total f 48,803,- 886. The taxes paid are A O L $183,710, or $195 per mile; SAL $89,695, or $147 per mile; Southern $281,687 or $180 per mile, miscellaneous $40,870 or $48 per mile. : " V " . BELLAIR. December. 94. We were not aware that Bellalr wu getting up a marriage so quietly that it would put off and the nearest neighbors, not be aware of it but sach wu the case. So Bellalr has for the 4th Chrlstmu in succession had some of Its holidays enlivened with two made one. - " This time it Is not the young and gay but two who have passed the meridian of life, and have joined heart and hand to make the evening of lit pass off more pleusntly. r. Thursdaythe 18th, Mr John Allen aa ex-Confederate soldier now living with Mr GT Richardson was married to an elderly lady, Mrs Hawkins.-' - May the two made one pass quietly down life's vale till the evening light glows from the eternal shore. Surely love has all seasons andagea tor Its own. . We ; were wondering today as we passed through the upper end of new Bern, If the eity authorities ever come np that way. There la a since of mud from near Queen street almost to una street u we come out Broad street If they have not been out that way recent ly we wish them a pleasant journey out that way In a hack or boat the next rainy day that cornea, and if convenient we county men ont here would be glad for the authorities to have thtroad balled out ort filled np whichever they think most convenient. " Let as rejoice In the near approach of another anniversary of the birth of Christ, and as we give and receive gifts let us remember that we are celebrating the best, the greatest gift ever made, A Loving Savior to a lost world. L TESTEMirs MARKETS. Cotton, Grain, Provisions and Stocks, rUaje Ia Prices. Receipts and . Shipments, The following are the market quota tions, reeetved by private wire to J. E. Latham ft Go. New Bars, V. C. Haw Yeas, 9.c 84. Open. High. Low. Close etreen ; Jan.. Feb , Men. Apr. May. June July. Ang. apt. Oct.. Nov. Dee.. ... 81 1.14 8.W , 8.28 8.39 8.28 ......... 9J3 8.8$ 880 ..... ... 88 $82 8.81 , 8.13 8J3 8.83 8.84 8 JO 8.19 8.19 8.S3 8.39 8.83 8.83 8.84 883 8.84 8.17 7.91 ..9.11 8.61 8.48 8.48 New Open.- ...13t .. 98 .. llt ..31 . ltt Tork, Bee, 24. Clou 128 99 196 163 147 124 10 59 89 42 32 92 124 68 154 88 176 34 99 84 34 64 101 46 97 71 57 161 48 87 82 189 79 80 44 144 19 10 163 12 89 Stocks; Amr.Sugsr. . . Union Pacific. Mo. Pacils... So. Faclfle ... Manhattan.... Q.wat Westers.. 124 M.ney 9J Amr. Copper.... 68 Teias Pacific... 89 Wabuh pf 41 Erie, 1st 5t Colorado So Southern Ry... 81 Southern Uy pf.. 93 LouIsvllle&Nuh 128 Brooklyn R.T.. 65i Penn.RR....... 151 Atchison 821 St. Paul 175 Erie...... 84 Atchison pf 98 f.S. Steel pf... 88 U. a Steel. 84 Reading...: 63 People Gu lOlf C ft 0 46 B. ft 0 97 M. ;W 70f Tenn. Coal, Ires. 56 N.T Central..... 161 Rock Island 43 Western Yoioa.. 87 Ontario Western 39 Metropolitan. ... 187 Coal, FssUroa. 88 60 Canadian Pacific Amr. Ctton Oil. 44 111 Central...... 144 Repnbllo Steel.. 19 Am. Ice. 10 Del.ftHadsoa...l68 A.L... V. SXeather.... 11 Amr Gar Found. C S.Leather pf . . 89 Pac Mid.... Estimated receipts for tomorrow. Total ports estimated today 62,000 vs. 48,830 lut year. Galveston 11 to 186C6 against 6,811 last year. New Orleans 14 to 16900 against 6,311 lut year, Houston 9500 te 10500 against 7,680 lut year. Liverpool Liverpool closing eollonjnarket closed Mid. 4 50 Salea Receipts Dec 4.69 Deo-Jan 4.49 Jan-Feb 49 , Feb-Mar 4.49. Mar-Apr 4.49. Apr-May 4.S0 May-June 4.11. June-July 4.51 - POBT..RBOB1PTS. I Same week . Lut week . last year. V 293,438 60999 64000 66009 4300 3060 69000 860,830 ' This weec. Sat. 86900 Mon. 43CO0 Tuea. 63000 Wed. 62000 Thurs. Frl. ' " ' 802000 Heat of a Prlaec. . . Very Ingenious ta the home of the Prince of Agra, In India, which la floating palace of tbe most stupendous and magnificent proportions. Although of only two stories, Its height is Im mense, tbe rooms being grand vaulted chambers, furnished In the most gor geous oriental manner. . All tbe chairs have golden arms, and precious atones are set In the backs. Tbe well decora tions are beautiful beyond description, While the ceilings are tinted to repre sent the sky, sliver stars appearing here and there on the dark blue back ground. The palace la made of both wood and atone, but so constructed that It floats with ease. When not. In use, It as moored to the banks of the river Jumna.. Here the prince and his royal retinue betake themsefveo on sultry afternoons, and laally the palace glides down the river to the soft, sweet muBlc of harps. Up and down the tide it majestically floats t!ie a hues white awan, twhlle wltlilo f royal guests s"? coo','. pi bevfr-rr-a erl.Uly -dream away r f ' r I. i. VONCG-OESTTEB METALLIC CARTRIDGES. INURING our 30 years tf gun toailng, we have www ww.m 1 no one could letra la tay other way. Our discoTcries la thla line, toceher'.vlth years of experience manufacturing ammutiln, enable as to embody many $U9 points In Winchester Metafflc'Cartridges for riflei lafrtvolrera yUch make them superior In many ways w all other "brands upon the market. Winchester cartridges ta all calibers are accurate, sure-fire and exact ia size; feeing made tad loaded la a modem manner by skilled experts; jf you van. the best INSIST UPON tiAVINb WINCHESTER MAKE OP CARTRIDGES. Good Things to Eat For Christmas' In Abundance At . L McDaniel's. Florida Oranges, Fancy Apples, Freak Candy, New Crop Nntg of all kinds, Raiains, Currants, Citron, Prunes, Iinoe Meat, Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Fancy Malaga Grapes. Canned floods of all kinds. , : Heinz's Pickles. I also har a big bargain in bottle Pick les, a nice large bottle of fine English Pieklw, regmlar 20 size for 10c per bottle for Neit 10 Days. New Crop Fancy New Orleans Molasses just received. Yours to please,J ' - 'Phone 91. tWMMttmtmMMtmntmttiuwtnuttitn l BBL C0R.JED BEEF,H Sweet Pickled Peaclies,.30cjper2quart. , Assorted Mangoes 30o per.quart, T ' J Standard 3 lb Tomatoes lOo per can. Standard 2 lb Corn 10c, 3 for 25c. Loose Olives 40b per quart. - " ' Attmore's Pure Mince meat lOcJper lb. Nabob Pancake Flour, lOo per package. Hecker's Cld Homestead Pancake Flour 10c package. ' ' We want your business and than any other house in the city.. Thaning yoa for pist far- j ors rnd trusting to receive a share of your future bnsinessI am j Yours to please, ' ' n Zl Wholesale and RatallOrocer, PHONE 69. Cor. Broad aft Hancock BtaC OwwrfVfvfvvvvffff?ttttt8teeteeeeretteeeeat LOOK! LOOK! CHRISTMAS COMES But 0NCI & TEAS You know that everybody bas got to bare .this Xmas Clothes and Shoes, also an Overcook. So we are looking for you to come and examine oar large stock before buying. - Below we give you a few prices which no one can compete with. MENS DEPARTMENT. 25 Mens Suits worth 7 50, cut price 85 " " 6 75, 15 " " " 4 00, 50 Overcoats, " 10 00, 18 " ' " 7 60, i " " o;oo, 85 " a job, worth from 6 00 to tl5, " 75 pre Creedmore Shroes, worth $1 50 " 60 " Black Vicl Kids, , " 8 85 " 50 " Veal Talf, d. sole, V ' 1 10 " 39 " Vicl Kid Patent, -' ; ;8 50 " LA.DIES SHOES. 60'pra Ladies Vict Kids, worth $8 50, at 50 " ' " " " 8 00, " 75 tt ; 11 .. , ja 11 nH ISO;" 600 prs Ohildrens School Shoes' 1 00, a If you don't see what you want ask for have it If anybody haa. , ( Goods delivered to any part of the city. Yours .Respectfully, ' ! m 75 Middle St. next to Gasklll Stop and Think Just how you can gare Money by Baying your Groceries from M. E. Land & Co. . . All pork sausage, 12t lb, 3 lbs for S5o. 8 lb Pa Rice 25c, Mixed Nets 15c, 8 lb can Tomatoes 10c, Canned Peaa from 15c to 8 for 23c, Cod Fish 10s lb or 8 tor 25e, Minced Meat 10c lb t for 25c. ' Try a pound of our 20o Coffee it not better than any you have ever purchased tor the money we will refand tae meney smilingly. ' ( " Headquarters for Chickens, fs ami sweet potatoes fresh from our farm. i,iy. auvu ! 1 in 1 mimwu mil n e- 8 li -aasj n s5 y s&XSetaU UDii, grocer, 71 Broad St 4 a. are selling you goods for lesi a) m a) 4 73 8 00 e.78 " - S 6 8 0S B 873 , 98 160 8 .: 3 69 188 148 It. we . Hdw.'Co., New Bern, 11 C.) Ell ' ' B1-.3 RLmh Every family now me; Ji on I tttzt oil family uwc T . aa's i:rr!::iri taxi to t ii 10,cr 12r 1. Cul t-1 v ' 1 1 ' 98 liil-