If' 1; : 1r THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Xstattisfcaa 197 Vnbllabad t Tiro Section, every Tut!! day and Friday, at 96 Middle Slrwt, w Bara.N.0. CHARLES U'.STEVENfl mros' in noraraor SUBSCRIPTION BATEPy Two Months. Th"- Month J 81 Months, W " Twelre Months. U00 ONLY IS ADVANCF. Advertising ntM furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry by mail. WThe Jociuui. la only sent on psy-'.-adTanoe basis, ubacribera will reostve notice of expiration of their suo Sswrpttona and an immediate response to boitae will he'- appreciated by the Entered at thfe Postofflce.ew Bern ft. C. m second-clasa matter. Section One, Tuesday. Jl J 1903 WO IDLB TIME IN BUSINESS. The fact that this teaaon of the year fladi many eltlzeni away from the cjty, la no warrant for the possible stoppage of any really lire business Interest. There are periods during the year when there It more business doing than at other times, but In every city which is at all progressive and developing, there, there can be no Idle or dead times In Its business Interests during any period of the year. A business Interest of New Bern, and one which has been most Important to the local merchants of this city for aeveral years, has been the marketing of tobacco In the warehouses here. The fire of July 8th, which destroyed one of the tobacco warehouses of this city, should not cause thlB city to let go of Its tobacco market. No merchant can afford to lose a good customer, through personal neglect, or lack of effort. In a greater degree, no city can afford to let a single Industry fall, which brings trade to its merchants, and promotes business activity among Its people. The tobacco industry has been a most Important trade factor In New Bern daring the months when Us other In dustrial interests were not so active. This tobacco trade has given work to a number of local people; It has brought In many farmers who sold their tobacco here, and then become buyers of the lo cal merchants. It has been a good ad vertisement for New Bern, this tobacco Industry. There is no sufficient reason why ef forts should not be made as usual to at tract tobacco to this city, and keep the present tobacco trade which has been coming here. There Is nothing to show that the to bacco industry Is to be abandoned be cause of the destruction of the planters warehouse, only it should be known to the farmers that they can find New Bern a good market this year for their tobacco, as it has been In previous years. There must be no idle times In New Bern's tobacco Industry this summer. AN AGE OF INSECURE UNREST The evil of today is the base com mercialism, which places value npon the dollar, In preference to the individual It Is the spirit which demands money, that an ostentatious personal display tnd parade may be made, which how- . tyej vulgar, it may be, finds acceptance because of its dollar evidence. The unrest of today Is seen on every side, in the attempt to over do, and the Individual sacrifice of character, health and peace of mind la quickly made In the reaching out for the object sought. s . To feel strongly, to stand firmly for ' tight principles, to point to high stand ards of moral worth, as objects worthy of thought and attention, these receive cant consideration, and their advocates are given the smile of derision. , The insecurity of the spirit of today is Its refusal to be content to build solidly and substantially, through dally effort of toll and merit for the future. - - Bather the gamble to get at once the money, which ought to take years of toll to accumulate, if sought, and success Of tha ambler meant only extravagance , and vice. In the days when strenuoslty bad not tU daily Interpretation tn the lives of the people, there , was repose and content- , totnt, even though the people were in perilous timet, for high Ideals and s eer- UlndelnUanioral standard had places In thJartniL mlndaiOf the peo It ! not that generosity, tolerance and humsnlty a Bt pwall today .1 jfor they ' 4 o, trat the are intense, passionate, committing their worki to hurry for- uttA to MM w J"t " ' T! i commercialism of tcday has In ' 1 f n rao'Ji. nlaclng the dollar mark before moral worth or Intellectual merit. n- It makes rnde Invasion tn society, breeding vulgar display instead of old time courtesy, and promoting the organ isation of social cliques, the initiation into these being the abill'y to prove wealth. And yet with the rush of th limes. It Is possible that earnestness In acting and living may prove some slight barrier, to check In a degree, to perhaps reclaim some of the less heedless. For It Is only earnestness for right principles which can win, and through Its honesty and sincerity of purpose, prove Its stability, and gain success for right when every thing may seem Inse cure and perhaps, lost. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the scat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and in order to cute it you mast take Intornal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure li taken interim!!)-, and acts di rectly on the blood und mucous surfaces Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medi cine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and Is a regular prescription. I: is com posed of the best tonics known, com bined with the b-'st hlood purifiers, act ing directly oil the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the to In gredients is whit produces Hiirh wonder ful results lu curing Catnirh. Smil for testimonials frtv. F.J. CJENKY I'". Tni.oV. O old by Drugglbt 57"c. . Hall's Fa tlly Pills r.Jthe best. THE SEALER'S DOCTOR. tn C:im- of sit-liiifi-n the Ship Cook AsUimI N.i Uuentlons. "'Twi'le a now governor of New foundland, nnd In- wi'iv shookin' care ful of tlio sailers' lieultli," began the old st'.illnir captain. Ids deep act eyes tv, inkiimr. "Tin' niht nl.'iv tin- North Star left Son John's for tlio ice ho came aboard to lmiuiiv what kind of stuff for medi cine cldst we luv.l. " 'You ou(;lit to have a ship's doctor uboard her with 200 men shipped,' says be. 'Who elves out the medicine?' " 'The cook, of course,' I answers. But I'm sarten of one thing, governor,' I says; 'there's not bin' there that's pl zen.' " 'How do you know?' he asks pretty sharp. " 'Well,' I answers, 'a man comf-S runnln' to the cook, and he says, "My chum's sick, and I want some medicine for lie." The cook never asks no ques tions as to what's ailin'. lie grabs up the first bottle ho gits Ids 'and on and pours out some In a cup. If it don't'do the man's chum no good he comes back, and the cook pours somethln' outon another bottle, and so on till he strikes somothin' that 'dps him. That" swhy I know there's nothln plasen In Jthat chlst or the cook would 'avo killedVarf of'Vm twenty r'y'ges ago.'" Llppte cott's Magazine. Working Night And Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made Is Dr. King's New Life Fills. These pills change weakness Into strength, llstlessness into energy, brainfag Into mental power. They're won derful In building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by C D Bradham. Cult ins. "V.r.i. 'i':i!l;yerhli!Ml can say some of the luns-t cutting things." "Vi if slu' could only keep her mouth closed for lire minutes you could have In : arrested for carrying con cealed weapons." Life. Vicious. Susie Now. when I'm asked to sing I never say, "Oh, I can't!" I always sit down nt the piano Jennie Ami let the nudlence find It out for themselves? Illustrated Bits. Cacao is grown In Cuba In connection with the coffee plant, us the latter re quires shade, which is furnished by the former, nt the same time yielding a profitable crop. No Pity Shown. "For years tate was after me continu ously" writes F A Gulledge, VeTbena, Ala. "I had a terrible case of Plies causing 24 tumors. When all failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me, Equal ly good for Burns and all aches and pains. Only 25c, at C D Bradham's Drug Store. ORCHARD AND GARDEN. Burn oil the rubbish nnd prunlngs about the garden and orchard. 1 It is best on general principles to se lect comparatively high ground for the orchard. The best available soil should be se lected for the orchard. It cannot be too rich nor too well drained. After tomato plants have reached a fair size their tops may be pinched off. This forces ont the side shoots, which Are the ones that produce the flowers and fruit ..: ' ' - - Grapevines like their roots to be near the surface. Therefore the food for them should not be placed at too great a depth. A rich soil, dry and warm, It what they want " The Foundation of Health. Nourishment Is the foundation of health life strength. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure Is the one great medicine that enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest, assimilate and transform all foods into the kind ot blood that hour ishet the nerves and feeds the tissues. Kodol lays the foundation for health. Nature does the rest Indigestion, Dys peptis, and all disorders of the (stomach and digestive organs are en red by the cseof KodoL Sold by F 8 Duffy. c: z 'b job tzit , 'ft I'M iiiiiiii 3 ttono rains, itcmng, bcaooy 9 Skin Diseases. O BartUlns. Carbuncles, Pimples, Scrofula Patnmly emt by taktnf BoUnia Blood Bala. OMtroTl UK mtfy Fatsoa la ths bloat. JTrakaM adtas and raias tat bones, back ai4 ytntt, Itcbiaa' SMmobr Bus, Blood & Ml or uim, Bwount Gaooa, Stum aad Bumjoa tM Btta, Mara ratekoi la StOBtb. Bora Throat, Ftmplca. or offenatTO croattoaa, ConajarOotorad Spots or nahoa Skla, aU iwvdowa. cr aarroaa, Clean oa any pari ot Iba body, Ualr or Era. bmn telUag oat, Carbaades or BoUs. laks Botanlo Blood Balm, guaranteed to onrasTon tbo wont aad owat dwp-aaatad eaaaa wbara oootori, pataat awdleuna, and bot aprUKtlall. Baals aUioras,atopa all achat andpalna. rad na all rwaUlaam, aakal Mood pars and rich, eomptetelr cnanrtnr tha oatlro body Into a daaa, bealtay condlUon. B. B. B. baa eared tboaauda of oases of Blood folaonerea attar reaeblng tha last atacea. Old Kheonuttlam, Catarrh, Eesema ara eaoaed by sa awful poisoned condition of tna Blood. B. B. B. Stops Hawktnf and Bpatlnc, ltehlnc and Scratching. Achas and Pmlns; curve Kheomatlem. Catarrh; beala all Scabs, Scalaa, Eniptloos, Watery Busters, fool festering Bores of Ecsemaj by string a pars, beslthy blood supply to affected parts. Cancer Cured Botanlo Blood Balm. Con Cancers of all Kinds, Boppnrattng Swellings. Bating Sores. Tumors, ugly dcers. It kill! the Cancer Poison and beala the tores or wont cancer perfectly. If you bars a peruatent Pimple, Wart, Swellings. Shooting,' Stinging Pains, take Blood Balm and they will disappear before they oerelop into Cancer. Hany apparently bopeleat easea of cancer cured by taking Botanlo Blood Balm. UIU tiUAHA ra-ai. Bar a larar battle for of any drwcalat, take atadlre4. Kotaala SSImsI ssalaadS.aa.lt.) always era wbea tba right anmntlty la tafcew. IT a at eared yaar awaey slli Botanlo Blood Balm (T.B.B.)U Pleasant and an fe to take. Thoroughly tested forSOyrs. Composed of Purs Botanlo Inirrcdlenta, StrenKthena weak kidners and weak etomaiia, cures dTBpepsla. Complete diiscttons go with esch bottle. Aaeaple of II.K.D. and Pamphlet Sent Free by writing Blood ltalm Co.. Atlanta, Oa. Describe your trouble, and epecial free nicdlcal adrtce, to suit your ease, also eent In aualml lctUT. Lakes AlTrays Frmen. "There are In the state of Oregon two lakes that are frozen st'.ff fiMiiy nr.. year's end to the other." snld I". il Harper of Tortlnnd. "Tlii' were i!U covered In Baker county not very Ium ; ago by a party on a litintln mul il-ili Ing trip In the mountains of tl e I' ri handle district. After pnssiiif.- tl'.:un-Ii a particularly wild stretch of enunliy the party discovered the lakes on the north summit of one of the mountains In the neighborhood. The lakes are both small, one of them barely l.50 feel across, while the other Is less than 1,000 feet In diameter. Both are cov ered with a heavy coating of Ice as clear as crystal and as smooth as glass and of such strength that It held sev eral members of the party who rode across on horseback. It is believed the See never melts, because the lakes are so sltunted behind two peaks that the rnys of the sun never strike them for sufficient length of time to make any Impression." Washington Star. A Thousand Churches Ii the United States have used t' e Longman & Martinez Pure Paints dur ing the past ten months. Every Church will be given a liberal quantity whenever they paint. Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for linseed oil, which you do when you; buy It In a sealed can with a paint label on It. 8 & 614, therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight gallons of L. & H, and mix six gallons of pure linseed oil with It. It will mske fourteen gallons of paint. It's done easily. It makes the paint cost you only about $1.20 a gallon; You probabaly won't need more than ten or twelve gallons of It, because the L. & M. Faint covers so much more sur face than other paints. Sales have been tens ofmllllons of gallons; nearly two million houses paint ed under guarantee to repaint If not satisfactory. Samples free Sold by our Agents, Hyman Supply Co., Wooden Shoes In Chicago. A Chicago drummer recently under took to "Josh" a man who was wear ing a pair of wooden shoes about the streets In Chicago. The Hollander of fered to bet the Chicagoan that he could "shinny" up a tree faster than the commercial man, both men to go at It with shoes on, and the Hollander won the bet One firm In Holland sells no less than 2,000 pairs of wooden shoes a year here. Some are sold as souvenirs, but the bnlk go to the people who learned to wear them In Holland and have taught their children born in this coun try to wear them. The Chateau Alt. The Chateau d'lf, upon the little rock island of the same name, has three titles to fame. It was built or at least fortified, by Francis I.; it was need in 1774 for the imprisonment ot Mlra- beau, but it is ranch more renowned for Its place in fiction than for Its place In history since Alexandre Du mas gave it such eminence in the scen ery of hia "Count of Monte-Cbrlsto." This castle has Just been sold by pub lic auction and was knocked down for the price of 5,500 francs to a modest re tired sea captain of Marseilles. Phil delphla Record. ! i ,' . tVaekr HWaabera. .' "Speaking of lucky numbers, they are the ones with the dollar sign before them, aren't theyl" , 1; ; "Well, that depends on whether they represent what Is coming to yon or what yon owe." Chicago Post V . Dtaerettoa Cosaea With Tatars. "8070a quarreled with your wlf ef ' " "No,.Buh; the quarreled wid me." j "Don't you ever answer back.? I T "Jedge," replied the. witness, . "I'm forty year old!" Atlanta Constitution, . Just Atont Bedtime take a Little' Early ; Riser-It will cure constipation, biliousness and liver troubles. DeWItfs Little Early Risers ara different from other pills. They do not gripe and bresk down ' the mucous membranes of the stemach, , liver and bowels, bat cure by gently aroaslng the seoretlom and giving strength to these organ. Bo'd by F 8 Duffy, New York Cottoi Prices. Jliw Tou,.Jaly 11. Open. High. Low. Close ..1S.I5 MJS U10 11.15 Oottom- Jaly.. altf.. Sep... Oct... Not.. Deo... Jan... .. U.M 11.97 11.79 , . 10.61 10.79 10J7 ,. 9.8! 1.90 9.81 .. 9.63 9.7S 9.63 .. 9.87 9.67 9.57 .. tM 9.63 9 54 1L.95 10.71 9.89 9.70 9.68 9.63 Government Crop Report Washington, D. C, July 11. The winter wheat percentage is given at 78.8 which is something like three points more anfsvorable than generally expect ed. It compares with 89 9 on Jane 1st last, 77, a year ago and 74.4, tha average for the last ten years. Spring wheat condition Is given as 81.5, which Is four or Ave points below the wont estimate. It compares with 95.9 on June 1st last and 85.9 the ten years average. The report on corn make conditions about 79.4 which Is something like fire points lietter than the lowest estimates ot the trade The percentage compares with 85 7 on July 1st of last year and 89.9 the average condition for the last ten years. GRANTING A FAVOft." Uo It Craclooaly-Do Not Mjske las Recipient ContemrtltOa. The essence of truest kindness Ilea In the grace with which it Is performed. Some men seem to discount all grntt tiule. almost make it impossible, by the way In.whk'h they grant favors. They make you feel so small, so mean, so In ferior; your cheeks burn with indigna tion In the acceptance of the boon yon seek at their hands. You feel It la like a bone thrown at a dog instead of the quick, sympathetic gradousnese that forestalls your explanations and waives your thanks with a smile, the pleasure of one friend who has been fa vored with the opportunity to be of service to another. The man who makes another feel like an Insect re clining on a redhot stoVe while be Is receiving a favor has no right to ex pect future gratitude; he should feel satisfied if bo receives forgiveness. Let us forget the good deeds we have done by making them seem Biiiall in comparison with the greater things we are doing and the still greater acts We hope to do. This Is true generosity and will develop gratitude In the soul of him who has been helped unless he la so petrified In selfishness as to make It Impossible. But constantly reminding n man of the favors he has received from you almost cancels the debt The care of the statistics should be his priv ilege; you are usurping his prerogative when you recall them. Merely because it has lieen our good fortune to be able to serve some one we should not act as if we held 11 mortgage on his immor tality and expect him to swing tho cen ser of adulation forever In our presence. From "The Power of Truth," by Wil liam George Jordan. Published by Brentano's. Jant a Hint. "How appropriately the words are arranged here," she remarked us she idly turned the pages of the dictionary. TIow do you mean?" Inquired Mr. Slowe-Polk. "Why. for instance, 'love' comes Just n little before 'matrimony.' ' Brutally Tortured. A case came to light that for persis tent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equalled. Joe Golobick of Colusa, Calif, writes. "For 15 years I endured Insufferable pain from Rheu matism snd nothing relieved me though tried everything known. I came across Electric Bitters and It's the greatest med icine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of It completely relieved and cures me " Just as good for Liver and Kidney troubles and general debility. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by D Bradhum, Druggist. BOER AMUSEMENTS. Siu.-inir Them in- f'ole Climbing, A Tlirunlau and Sjiudo Riiclnsr. The Itxr Is n (Inn believer in th advantage of cwlse, though his way! ara not ouin. One fuvorlto form la pole cllniliin;.'. This consists of hav ing one arm tied behind the back and swarming to the top ot the pole with the aid of tho lens and the free arm. It sounds simple, but it is noLhalf ' simple as it seems. Another exercise is throwing tha hatchet or ax, to be more correct i ordinary wood chopping ax is need for this. This Is swung round the bead until It reaches a sufficient momentum. when it is released. Th man who throws the farthest does not of neces ty win, as it Is necessary that the blade should bury Itself in the earth OB reaching Its destination. It requires a considerable, amount of skill to accom plish this. ., . -.. : ;,f . Another kind of amusement la apade racing. The men stand with one foot on either side of an ordinary spade, grasping the top of the handle between the bands. At the signal they start forward by a series of Jump. If man'a foot leave its proper place he is disqualified. There is no more vere strain on the muscles of the leg than this. The distance for, such I race as this is generally twenty pace. The Boer is gifted with wonderful endurance. At long distance he could hold his own with any, but he would not stand any ch&ncs with oar men at sprint racing, as he lacks th necessary speed. . v , A Surgical Operation Is always dangerous do not submit to the surgeon's knife until you have tried DeWItt's 'Witch Hsi'l 8alve. It will cur when everything else fails It has done this In thousands of cases. Hera Is one of them: I suffered from bleeding and protruding piles for twenty years. Was treated by different specialists snd used many remedies, but obtained no relief until I used DeWItt's Witch Basel Salve. Two boxes of this salve cured me eighteen months sgo and I have not had a touch of the piles since. H A Tls- dsle, Bjromertown, 8 O. For Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles no remedy equals DeWItt's Witch Hsiel Salve, eoldbj f 8 Duffy. PEOPLE OF THE DAY ( ' "( v rtttn rate "aUuaaaar. The recant assmsainatiom of the king and qoasm of Servla aUa attention anew to the situation In Bulgaria. But tarU t the uaealest of the Balkan states, over whkh the war cloud has been hovering for yeara. It has loaf . rniMci nnDouao. base feared that It would be In' Bul garia that the match would be applied to the .powder mages! no. , Prince -Ferdinand's throne has long been considered the shakiest In Eu rope. For months he has .been away from his capital, fearing to return to It because of the danger -of assassina tion. Long ago Prince Ferdinand said that he expected to be assassinated. He. has. taken pretty good care thus far to escape that fate. Am Rfflcleat Chief Clerk. It is within bounds as to fact and no reflection upon two or three other ex cellent men in corresponding positions to say 'that Mr. Wallace II. Hills. chief clerk of the treasury department is at the very head of his class, says the Washlnstfon correspondent of a New York newspaper. No other chief clerk in the service has the so ma Im mense responsibility resting upon him. Certainly none other has by the record of many years of intelligent work and unremitting patience in dealing with all sorts of people made himself so con spicuous an example of what a man In such a place ought to be. lie has risen from the ranks by sheer force of a merit which nobody has ventured to question. The big contractors who have to deal with the treasury admit that they liked him because be has no fa vorites among them, the small ones be cause he gives their affairs ns careful handling as if there wero a million at stake. It was his foresight that car ried the treasury, with its vast ramifi cations, through the coal famine with out distress or panic and with the min imum of expense. Proud ot Her Widowhood. I would rather be tha widow ot Phil Sheridan than the wife of any man living," said Mra. rhlllp n. Sheri dan when some of her friends were twitting her about marrying again. Despite her prolonijed widowhood she Is very attractive, bright nnd enter taining. She has beautiful hands, al ways well set off by dainty cuffs. She has four children a son. Lieu tenant Philip II. Sheridan, United States cavalry, and three daughters, Mary, Louise and Irene, the last two being known as "the Sheridan twins,' who can hardly be told apart They are always dressed alike and are al most Inseparable companions. Mrs. Sheridan has just sold her Washington home, which, with many of its furnishings, was presented to General Sheridan by Glfford Pinchot her neighbor. She will now build an other home at Sheridan circle. Mrs. Sheridan owns a pretty summer place at Nonqult, on Buzzards bay. Holland Sara We Can Fly. It Is announced that John P. Hol land, inventor of the Holland subma rine torpedo 1 10.".!:, will e:i l oavor to solve the protiliun of acrl.il navigation, the very n.iupllcUy of v lilch, he says, has heretofore prevented Its solution. According to Mr. Holland, scientists tOSM , tod others have been experimenting In the field of aerial navigation on the wron? Unea Be says that the prac tical mode that will be Adopted finally will be the rise ot artificial wings; with which men can fly throngb tho air is Mrds fry.. .- miotn sax ;4 lvyirn Mr. Holland says that eight years Sgo he constructed three machines that demonstrated conclusively the correct ness of his theory, although some mis' takes or difficulties in construction led hln4o destroy them, 'the defects were poreij, mechanical and coald have been overcorfjesd be continued his experi ments. f -i ' i , 1 v i , , . , j Iflcht Was Her Terror, - i "I would eoufch ' nearly all 4 night long, " writes Mrs. Ohas. Applegste, of Alexandria, Ind., "and could hardly get mj sleep. I had consumption so bad that If I walked s block I woald cough frightfully snd' spit blood,' tut when all other medicines failed three $1 bottles Dr.Kliig'l Zlew Discovery wholly cured me and I rained TO pounds." It's adso lately guaranteed to curs Coughs, Colds La Grippe, Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lunt- Troubles. Price f and fl.CO Trial Ikh Jus free at a P. Bradham's dT'Sr.OM.,, a , ' "tt fx r . .f --' , ,...ViVV.V... w - - - - : The Kind Ton Dare Always in use -for over SO yean, ' 1 " -' Ann S7 All Counterfeits, Imitations and M Jast-as-good are bos Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiments What is4CASTORIA Castorla is a harmleM substitute for Castor OH. Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootle substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays FeTerishness. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. - It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE C ASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. c m esarraua eaaisajrr,' n araaaa smear, a aw sasM arm - JLsLTE ET.il I N Cf Rev. X W. Berry (of Arkaniat UettaoAit Confemos.iitM:) "Enclosed find flft? cents foe which pleMenall m tworakiffea of TKETHINA W wondsir hnw w ra,r ourt sent ns narksure mnd It came lit s moat onnortnna been in bad condition for daya, and nothing that we care perfoct relief and he h had no further trouble. Other ueMi a a a perfect aooeea. Trochct's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules. A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which dis solve in liquids ot the stomach without causing irritation or disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by iruRgists. Be sure and get the genuine. WILLIAMS HFO. CO., ILEVLA.11, OHIO, Soto Trop. SOLD BY F S DUFFY COLCHICINE SALICYLATE, ILKS ! We are oflering this oi Silks At New York Cost We also offer some very pretty Novelties in White and Colored Wash Silks At 3?Ce Our Nainsooks and Egyptian Dimities are unsurpassed. BEE HIVE, 61 Pollock St., Opposite Episcopal Church TI1K BACTCLK rACKMA-KIB. xVsTBAIN ON'sffo-TT iTr ; sprocket - JL zr: The Easiest Hill Climber hi the World. Ovf " f K A tl Y tl L t 10 lbs more strain on chain than on pedals. -i "V " : . '' ';;i stakdabd nion-oBAM nicToi,B. - Racers, Roadstors ' 'u i ' and Pacemakers. PJ 'i'jjN!:,! y " .it. UJ; V STRAIN ON I 1 ::i l.i.. . : XS SPROCKET ' : . ; Note tht enormous morease in the strain ,'ft: Pnllni.t t I'mmb St. amallar snracketa and a 9-lnch lower s-ar. t-Of, fOUOtK & tfavrn M8 3 . t 9 & aXsT -1 '. '..'11: -' ii ' M,, m Ottering imd Finish ' ' All Work Delivered. : -' 'I.v.lJU.oti- f ,, , , ...WILMINGTON, N. a'.-v-V C . v ; we naye some out and rough brown stone at A. ' 0. hi depot in New petti that we will Bell cheap. Xtongbt, and which baa beea has borne the sdgtaatnre of ri a M fwum majfa miAm Sifa aiai ' sonal supervision since Its bifBJtcy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. Signature of , POWDERS paJasvl ehildren without it. Thaothar ds Lad In Mil lu TDBOtner amj m imay in bis riooe condition t hie bowels had id doM of EETHINA" rat time: our babe was In a aerioai condition t hie bowels had did any food, the eecond doee of TEETHINA1 gaffl mmbn ot the Umllj hare BMd it snd mrvj dote hM week our entire line I HAVE IN STOCK Tribune, Cleveland, Eagle, Latonia BICYCLES. T Aa. ..... make of wheels. A full line of all kinds of Sundries. EDGERTON, 4q)J r . Marat. U. 1UI11. M Cemetery Work at Right Prices 1. w-V iff' m r 4 .'t"-