III r WW, TOLCMK IIYI. IXW Bill, CS&TXI COUHTT, I. C, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1903.--SCCON D SECTION. SDMBIR SI. 1- m 4MM 3 , if I vi J POLLOCKS YILLE. ? ; ' jttij 14. Crop seem lo In improving very ' rapidly elme the wthM Ml ta about ten da) ago. ' . ' ' Several parties near hara ara housing and caring tobacco tbla weak. Mil B Elliot clred two berna laat week, r Farm labor la acarca and higher around thla section of the Stale than It has ever bean befora alnoa can be remembered, " ware it not for tha women and children there would ihrely be a famine. All the r boyt and men ara in the wood. Mr Ben B. Burst wu Ticking hi hoau of friend at thla place laat Saturday and Bnnday. . " Messrs Harry Marka and Arthur Land were Tialtlng the young ladles of thl place laat Saturday evening. "v Mr WUlle Paraona and wife of Ply- mouth, ara vUltwgAbe'femlly of Mr P M j Bowdea of thla plaeaw; - - '- 1 ' Mr Edward Bowdan left last Men-1 toy for Norfolk Va. and other northern citlea on a butlneat trip'.' .' Mm Lisa' Mattocka wlfeofDrO J Mattock left last week to visit her eon, Mr John I Mattocka at Leniar N. 0 ; aha will alao visit friend atAahevtlle, ; and other cities in Western Carolina. MrB B Barry made hi family avtaty last Saturday and Sunday, returning ' Monday, ha Is employed at Folkston N i There aeemi to be an epidemic of ty phoid feTor la . Onslow County among the course of the White Oak river. The following young men all about 29 year old hara died at follows; Mr Allen Par ker or Belgrade, on the 9ih, Mr David Aman Jr., Hickory Hill Saturday a m, X p m the 11th, Bryce Bcott Jr at Palo Alto N C. Monday a m 4 p m 13'K We .hear there are two case at Mr Ren dolph Mill, and two at Mr Parker's and aeveral other in other parti along the line of the river. Mlas Bertha Bell who waa visiting her parents at this place, left Monday even ing for her studies at Philadelphia, ' Mr 0 W Blanchard of Kinston ha been preaching eoma very able sermons here In the BaptU Church. Prof. Llneberry of WIntervUle High School wu here this week la the Inter eat of hla school at WIntervUle N. 0. Mr Emmett Bender rectved a painful hurt last Thursdsy mornlog while load ing a log carriage the lever getting looae striking him a heavy blow on the back of his bead which rendered him senseless for a few minutes; he went to New Bern, had his wound dressed and la now out of danger. Wonder Why the Ice manufacturers of New Bern ara letting Wilmington get their Ice trade from here. The dealers here say they can get better Ice for ten cents per one-hundred pounds less de livered here at the railroad depot, then , that of New Bern only twelve miles a- gainat seventj -four to Wilmington. . ' Mr and Mrs T 8 Bender returned home to day after a visit of several weeks in Pitt, and adjoining counties. to friend sand relatives. TDSCARORA. July 15. Crops are looking very well, In spite of the recent heavy rain. Rev. L. 0. Gsrner, of Newport, filled hla regular appointment here at Qeth amine, Saturday night and Sunday. We were glad to aee him looking ao well af- . ter hit long Illness. ; r. ; ' Mrs 0 H Gilffln and ton, are apendlng a few days with Mrs W H Wetherlngton, Mrs Orlfflat mother. ' Mr Jesse atklnton and wife, of Per fection were guests of Mr T A Dillon, Sunday.1...-' -. Mr D 8 Wetherlngton want to Dover : Monday to work In the shingle mill. Mi BO Adama and Mlaa Dollle Wrtherlogton went to Mew Bern Wed neaday. . - We ara afraid hog cholera hsa made Its ' appearance In our neighborhood. Mr O H Wetherlngton loat a porker laat - Sunday with the disease. Black Eyes! BLADES. July , 15 Watermelons have made their welcome eppearence in our little village, and the eight of them makea , us smile. i, , Mr. F. O. Dlckerson hu moved into the house occupied by Mr. W. A. Forbes ' Mr. John Dowdy will! ocoupy the houae vacated by Mr. Dlckerson. ; Mr. Geo. v, Uonner who hu been visiting het children at Btadee and North Harlowe during the lut week and returns to her home at Rlverdale today. ; - " - Mlas Brownie Howsrd with a number : of young folka from Ook Grove attend ed the M. O, District Conference at Oriental lut wek. .. . Mr; G. A Conner who atuck a nail in his foot some time ago it again able to fill hit poalton in Blades' Co. store. Two young men of Bladea are attend' lng a series f meeting at Harlowe thla week.;,-, ,v - :-'. :. We are glad to not" that Mra. W. E. Moore and tha little son of Mr. F. E. Dlckerson who have been right tlok , are able to be out again. ' Favor. no. O::ro a Gc-ji NEWPORT. July 15.-Rsv. Mr OUea and Mr David McCain hava returned home from the Conference at Oriental Mr W 8 Bell Jr. baa been spending soma days at Beaufort for bis health. Mlat Calla Mann attended the Metho dist Conference at Oriental. She Is ex pected home next week. Mlaa Sadie Brown hae returned from her visit at Harlowe. The Newport Book Club wu enter tained but week by Mra White. Miss Hewitt Isvlaltlng het sister in Wilson. Miss Locile Hawltt hu her sis ters place In the telegraph office. Miss. Maud Sanders it at Seven Spring. ; r ' Rev. Mr North It at Harlowe uilst lng Rev. Mr Giles in a protracted meeting.- s -..'t; .; . Ex. Shelff HIU and family are visiting his ttoter Mm Rodger ....r'.. ;., Mr Dave Kooncehes returned from Chicago, where he went to restore hla sight but failed. . Vr f Dr Benders waa In town yesterday. Mr Rogeraon our popular furniture dealer la succeeding. The Epworth League wu entertained by Mrt J H M Giles tha 11th Inst We, u a State, have not been in the past u ungodly u aome other States. - Mrs Hays of Harrelaville N. 0. is spending the summer with her daugh ter Mrt 0. T. Wlndley. Mitt Lottie Sharpe will stay the rest of the aeason with bar mother Mra 0 T Wlndley. Miss Maud Wlndley of Wuhtngton N 0., it the guest of her brother Dr 0. T. Wlndley. Mist Maudle Bell apent the night at the Parsonage on her way from More head Monday night to the bedside of her sick mother where she wu called by tel egram. Mr Raymond Muon was In town Monday. . New York Cotton Prices. NbwTobx, July IS. CoTTOat; Open. High. Low. Close July.... 12.10 U.40 1210 18.40 Aug... tUO 12.40 11.81 19 JO Sep 10.88 10.(7 10.40 10.62 Oct 0.81 9.84 9.78 v 9.77 Nov i... l ec 9.5) 8.B2 9.53 9.52 Jan 9.56 9.65 9 80 9.00 ARAPAHO& July 16. Mr W W Dixon, whose son died in New Bern Saturday of typhoid fever la very sick with same fever. Dr. Underbill la attending him. It I thought he will recover. ?: Plenty of Ice in town now.- It ia im ported however. "e. .v ( Mr Henry Banks retarned from Fort .., , -, , , The boya bave organizea jnue Datn team and will be heaid from soon Look out Alliance and Reelsboro we are after you. -! The weather for ten days hu been very favorable for cropf. Cotton doing much better, but atlll showing effects of the coIdTsprlng and recent heavy ralna. '". . Catching croakera Is the "leading pas time now. They bite well. Plenty of tomatoes and huckleberries in market now. Apples and peachea are very scarce. . .. ' y Balrda Creek bridge is up for repairs. Much Inconvenience la caused the trav eling public The Telephone Co., have at lut laid their cable and completed connection with the New Bern exchange. . .Mothers, Quakers, Hectare and Leg- gets Oat flakea 10a package at J R Pat ker.Jr. v- As Told on the Street What might be termed a free light oc curred on the wood yard wharf off lower Middle street yeaterday morning, all on aooount of the over aealous enterprise of the representatives of New Bern's two 1 bottling establishments. ; A boat came in from down the river somewhere, and long ere she reached the dock, watchfni ones discerned certain boxes on deck that were at once taken for packages that in used for bottled stuff. v v- fr''4'--:. The rumor went abroad, two bottling men made their appearance, all waa atlll, a orate wu hoisted ashore, then another Hands were laid on a package, it was a pull, neat a ng, a push, a shove, and the performance Began. Blows rainea last and heavy. Friends rushed In, The show waa on, the show waa over. Two min utes, four seconds, wu the time. Three black eyes waa tha result. The smallest of the fun makers suc ceeded in getting a crate, along , with a black eye, and made off aa fast as hla In dustrious plug could shamble away. : During the progress rj the entertain ment, a- valiant spectator mutt . needs take a hand In pt perhapa it was a stiok, one mighty blow did he give then , he blew away. Later oa It wu said speota torwu found banging out over (he dock. -: V;':-.1 Another act of tha performance of different character will be. given this morning at the City Hall. At (east three of the stars will appear on the boards. SWANSBORO GLEANINGS. Mr Fred Mitchell and wife, of Boston MeaL, are visitors here this week, alao, Mra Ed Market, mother of Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Market and daughter, were former residents of Onslow county, but have been living in Boston since the marriage of her daughter, to Mr Mitchell several years back. " ' t Mr JR Parker, Br., of New Bern, hu been a visitor hare for a week. Mr Par ker wu born in Bwanaboro, and is the father of your thriving merchant, JR Parker, Jr. Rev D T Johnson, Episcopal minister of Gutonla, Quton county, la a viator here for hit health, stopping at Mr G K Young's. Mrt M. Warale Montgomery and child ran, of Wilmington, are in town for a while-visiting. Mra Montgomery wu once a resident of our town, and this Is her first visit la seven, years.. t t.' Mr JPPrettymen, and family, hava moved from NeV Bern to thla place to spend the summer we believe. MrPret- tyman, wife and daughter, little Was Janle, are stopping at Mr J W , Wood hula. Mutert Frenk,Cennon and Manny at Mr J M Jonas. Dr O J Bender, of Pollocks ville wu In town lut week on professional, as well u pleuure business. Misses Julia Sanderson, of roliockt Ville, Budle Gibson, of Maville, Laura Koonce and Leah Franck of Rlchlanda, Lulu Maldea and Mabel Foscue of Fowle Blanche Moore of Marinas, Viola Weeks of Palletlert, and Mlaa Ruth Howard of Harlowe, were aome of the many visit ing young ladiea here last.and thla week; also many married ladies, among them were, Mra. Bettie Plner, and JC B Laugh lin, of Wilmington, & A Btarllng of Hu bert, and Mary X Weeks of Stella. Mr Will Montfort of Wards Mill wu down lut week and lost his heart, and never did find It He came to Swans bore about 14 timet in aa many dayt, finally went to Jonaa Co., and we haven't heard yet whether he found it there or not. The preauhera, doctors and widowers carry high handa among the elrls. our preacher hu three or four strings to his beau, and Will, he -la widower yon know, hu gone the preach er twb better ao it la aald. Ona of onr young bloods had a long face the other day, when asked what wu the matter, said Doctor B. had stolen hla gal. The ateamer Vanceboro arrived from New Bern yeaterday, she will take the place of the Fawn, lately sold by the mill company here. . K We are glad to note that Mr Walter Thompson is our county superintendent we hope he wount getihe big head like some of the others before him, and not be ruled by the big bosses. The same about our new school com mittee, they are all right, but we like to lost them so uld by an outsider from another district, recommending bthert for the placea wlthoutkauthorlty, we tup- pose they had a policy but slipped up on it. : We have good ralna now and our crops are looking upward, watermelons are sorry so far bat the price is high, sell Ina-from 15 to OOo each, small, but;, the small boy don't care lor that, if he has thequarter.,,;;.;?!::,'":::'-'.:, -'.'; The new saw mill will be In operation soon. Oh for a hotel and railroad, visi tors can't come here because of nowhere to atay at night W. CASTORiA For Infants and Children. ' Tha Krnd You Have Always Bought dgnittnTa) of rr"- KeotHaa Tttt WtBt BiwcSV' ;CJsards of several sorts can 'walk and run easily on their hind legs. The Australian water Heard, which la three or four feet in length, keeps quite erect when traversing long distances on land. It is found in the neighborhood f river banks, and passes much of Its time in shallow" water, , , , .! ' The frilled Usasd of Queensland alas travels on its hind legs on level ground, keenlna- the frill folded when running. When attacked It expands this fold Of skin, which stands out like a ruff at right angles round the neck, giving it s most formidable aspect, so that dogs that attack and kill larger lizards will often retreat before frilled lizard at baT.';:-.' t'.i.," . There Is aim a tree lizard la Austra lia that moves In a similar way. All these species walk on all fours when merely moving about or -going short distance. . ' . - .v y:-it V . ' Cfcttdrea Lie. Do children UeT--Yes; constantly, persistently and universally,, saya the Kindergarten Magazine. A child does not tell the truth because he could not He does not know the truth, and his approximation to the truth la very much vaguer than ours. And there are certain qualities of hla mind wblcb make It inevitable that he should per vert the truth. . In the first place, truth Is synonymous with knowledge.. He does not know What truth Is.' In the second place (and It is the same with ua), children gradually approximate the truth. They have their ideas of troth. In the third place, the child's Imagination drives him of ten to. tell what ia hot true. ; . ;5,.,;',-,v ;?,;, --it ' - A Cures Crip tx Two t&yt. Bean the Tr SfA-ZT- S. BLAINB DEAD. Widow of The Distinguished stateman, James G Blaine, Passes Away at Her . ' Home In Portland, He. Mrs Blaine died at tha old ftmiljhome stead on State, Portland MeWendeaday July 15th ;. Mrs Blaine's maiden name was uariitt Stanwood, the daughter of a leading cltl aen of Maine .She met het husbandwhlle both of them were teachers In a school at Kentucky. They were married at Pitts burg and later went to Augnsta wheie Mr. Blaine became editor of the Kenne bec Journal .She leaves one son, James G. Blaine, two dsnghters, Mrs Harriett BealeandMr. Walter Damroscb, of New York, who were at her bedside dur ing her but slckneif. She was seventj tlx vein of ure. The funeral will be at 4 p m. Saturday in Portlandand the interment will be In Washington D. 0. Monday. Used Cancelled Stamps. Currin Foster Is under arrest for vio lation of Postal Laws. Currin Foster, a colored youth of nineteen years, living In this city, Is In tho county jail on the charge of having vlolatsd Section 1685 of the United States Postallaws. This oartlcular section Is relative to the de fining the offense of using cancelled pos tage stamps and providing tte punish ment therefor. Foster was arresi-d Wednesday on a warrant sworn out by F W Davis, post office inspector and Issued by U. P. C jm mlssloner C B HU'. Foster's ci.se was trio J b y Ccmxl s ) I one Hill yesterday morning and he was held for trial at the njxtturm of the United States Court undur $100 bond. Being unable to famish security was committed t ih couty jail. he A DRAMATIC LAWYER. BSIeetlTe Climax That Resulted getting a Siarderer Fre. Lachaud, the great French advocate. was renovrned for deliberate but telling dramatic Improvisations, ns ' it were, noon the original theme. At one time, for instance, he was de fending a murderer on Dec. 24. All day long be harassed witnesses, calling them, causing delay after lay before getting bis final address to the Jury. It was well on In the even ing before he commenced. Then sud denly, at the height of Ills passionate noDeals for the Drisoner, tae slow, sol emn bells -of the cathedral next door pealed for the midnight massthe first moss of Christmas morning, utennua atoDDed as if overwhelmed by a sud den warning. Do you bear?" he said solemnly after a mordent's silence, and his man ner conveyed that all his own glib eloquence had been shattered by the divine interruption of Christ himself, "The Redeemer comes to amend our pitiable endeavors. Which of us would dare now, on this great day of mercy and forgiveness, to condemn another hnman belns and. above all, to con demn one whose culnablllty la more than doubtful V The prisoner was acquitted without the least difficulty, though his death sentence ten minutes before bad been regarded as certain. The actual sound of the pealing bells had been too rnucn for nerves already strained to snap ping point by the fatigue of a long day's sitting. But nobody guessed, except the rew who knew Lachaud intimately, that had been maneuvering from the time the court opened in the morning to get that one stirring effect, J.'he prisoner' was a dead man without It and saved as certainly if it coma ce brought off successfully. Kansas CJtJJ Independent Never (Heard a complaint. B. W. Hargrave, one of the leading drugglstt of Wilson, N. C, writes: "Gen tlemenUnsolicited, I offer jou this tes timonial concerning your 'Worthlngton remedy.' I can and do say that the same wu used In my father's family from my birth, andln my own ever since I have been housekeeping, as a panacea formal! kinds of bowel troubles, both for adult and infant As a druggist I have recom mended and sold It for twenty years, and have never had a customer complain of its falling to come up to the claim made for it" ' FIF.LD PEAS B'OR SEED-I have 25 bushels of Que seed peas which I will tell cheap. J. H. Slade, at J. V. layior t ttore. , New line of Panama Hats just received at J J Baxter's. ; CALL NO. 2. Bridge Bonds of Craven Connty, K. C, Notice Is hereby given that (14) four teen Craven county bridge bonds of the denomination oft500.00) five hundred dollars each have this day bsen drawn for the sicking fund of said, county in accordance' with the act of Assembly au thorlzing their Issue as follows: No's. 7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20. ..,- These bonds will be paid principal ana accrued Interest to July 81st, 1003, upon presentation of ' earnest the National Bank of New B srn, N C, on or oerore the 81st dsy-ot July 1003. Interest on the above bonds will cease on and after July 81st, 1903. By order of the Board of Commission ER era.'. ;v,-; . J. J. BAXTER, CUTICURA SOAP The World's Greatest Skin Soap, The Standard of Erery Nation of tha Earth. Sals Greater TMefmlfs Miict or Otlicr EUji Sold Wherever Civilization Has Penetrated. Millions of the world's best people use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cutlcura Ointment, for preserving,, purifying and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchingg and chaflngs, in the form of baths for annoying irritations and in flammations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sana tive, antiseptic purposes whlcn readily suggest themselves to women, espe cially mothers, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nur sery. Cuticura Soap combines delicate emollient properties derived from Cuti cura, tne great BJUn cure, witn tne pur est of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odours. Ne other medicated soap ever compounded is to be compared witn it lor preserv ing, purifying and beautifying the skin. scalp, hair and hands. No other for eign or domestio toilet soap, however expensive, Is to be compared with It ' for all the purposes of the toilet, bath ClllU UUIDC1JI A. 11UO Ail VVLUMlliVD IU VllO soap at one price the best skin and complexion soap and the best toilet and baby soap ever compounded. Sale greater than the world's product of all other skin soaps. Sold In every part oi me civmz9a worm. IEXCURSION From Mew Bern to Norfolk, Washington City or Baltimore, Tuesday, July 28th, 1903. ,j . FARE FOR ROUND TRIP: From New Bern and all stations Up to and including Dover to Norfolk and return f 4.50 To WMhlngton City or Baltimore and return 8.00 From Kinston to Norfolk and re turn 4.00 From Kinston to Washington City or Baltimore and return 7.50 From LaOrange to Norfolk and re turn From LaOrange to Washington City or Baltimore and return Children under 18 years old will taken at half price. Baggage and refreshment car attached to train. Tickets will be sold by railroad agents at New Bern, Kinston and LaGrange. For other stations tluaeis wui do soia on train. Ticketa will be good on regular pas senger train, leaving New Bern Tuesday July 28th at 9 a. m., returning on regu lar passenger train, leaving Ooldsboro Friday evening, July Slst. Mr. J. E. Peterson of Goldsborc, N v., will be on train to furnish all the Infor mation concerning trip. Those desiring 'to secure state rooms In advance will please write me stating whether they wish to go to Washington City or Baltimore. This excursion will give you two dayt and three nlghta in Norfolk, two dayt In Washington or Baltimore. Special arrangements have been made for board, and no pains will be spared to make this trio memorable for comfort and enjoyment ; Respectfully, R. E. PIPKIN, M'g'r. Goldsboro, N. C. A NEW AND ATTRACTIVE ROUTE J To Toronto, the Huskoka Lakes, Georgian Bay, District, The Highlands of ' Ontario, Via. the Thous ands Islands and Lake Ontario. Leaving New York via New York Cen md at 800 p. m. (except rJundaj ), arriv ing at Clavton next morning, connecting -with steamer for a delightful sail through the Thousand Islands to Alexandria Bay, affording over half day at tnd among the Islands; leaving Aiexanuii Bav at 2:30 d m. dally, except zuonaay, via Ua new and magnificent steamers ot tha R. 4,0. Line, calling at Front nao. and Clayton, arriving at Kingston, Cab 5:09 n m. Toronto 8:30 next morning (in cludlee mcala and berth 'Alexandria nay to Toronto), connecting witn morning . tnr tha Hiirhisnds of Ontario, The Muskaka LUes, etc. The return trip la made from Toronto via steamer to Old Hlagara, iewiston, rait to Niagara Falls and Albany, thence either rail or aieamer to New York. : , R.tn from New Tork to Toronto and return only ' " " ' 3L00 Hate from New York to MuBkoka knrt return onlv r 181.85 For Descriptive Matter write to v. MILTON C. ROACH, JUST RECEIVED fresh from, At 16c, 20c, I Clover Hill Print j If you want tne very best you can g always find it fresh and cool at . i 1 js J. t lilt, 3SB I ' 'Phone 01. 71 Brea4 Nt S He FnD m il ETino I'hio I mon rur 63 mcnes SHEER ORGANDIES White and black at 50c and 65c. ORGANDIES In all colors for 16c and 20c. REDUCTION We have a few, desirable shapes left , ia STRAW HATS and nave knocked off the profits in order to close them out. $2 50 Hats now 12 00, . -: : . ' -' J 1 1 50 Hats now 1 20, : 1 ' .'' "t ,V 1 00 Hats now 80, ' .;.. This is your chance. We have only a few left, bo call at once. tj. a Vann & Co O . Correct wear for Hen, () 57" Folloclr Stroot. "1 foi: Dealers in General the dairy X 8 V V V V V i 25c and 40c. Ldiuus oiuusu wiae at ouc. 8 ALL. STKAW hats. ,.;3.,..r ft . sWJsvJjai Jat. II ON V i X,' ' - - 79 South Front St, ; Q.E.P. A.. N.Y.C.&H.K.R.E.CO. ' "llir-'il3r -i. ' ; Chairman 1118 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. July 7tb, 1903. X.