. ; O V 1 I'M ' ' volomi xxvv COUNTY ASSESSMENTS. By Corporation Commission ob Ratlwaj,! " ; , . ' T...h. -t.wk V P"' 0,14 PwcttMa Hade. Good, Sold boat trotrfe ! n on ' ' .i " l saie or unc aimed rretght at the JilcKh. Aug. 20 Todav the eornor.l a ... n . . . v.v wHV Hilt imiiv tun. m.. m tA. . ,r..-,v.H wWtwlAK;., ...... ,wv,mUi vwun fw,ww; whUawas the aceamulatlon of .tufffor Chowan tl89.807t Columbus t2.IllLW)lJ.-.. AT uurntuck t27oaio. nr. miui. twii. mmOwSBSS:'W U along the 738; ll.do tlO.00'3, Jone, i olit44LM9; New Hanover il.059.40fc i;en,.t..6.;Por,nta.B.i20,849i ltotaaon 12S2SRM. Rmma. .1 eja. WI!on f fl. 837.N .. ' v ,'i r "i ' OLIVERS. AukohI 89. Mr J J Simmont and danglm-r Mm George Daral went to Now D. rb Thurgdav. Mr and Sin Lenwood Buck of Raven- wood, spent Saturday ntght with Mr;J 1J Ucath and family. . Mrs Carolina Aakew of Comfort. It epcndlug a while with her brother Mr J T Ucath. Quite a crowd attended services van. terday at Maple Grove near here, lot. of them went from here. . Mist Essie Header. of Jbninu Is spending a while with the Mlsae. Hen . . uursuu'B oi inia Diaoe. Wo are sorrv to say Mr. J. P. H.mr .:t , .. r: w . very s.ca aoes not improvcrapld- ly but wo hope she will get well soon. We arc glad to see Mr Burrel Parke up again as he has been sick. Wo are sorry to say that Katele the II. lie child of Mr Richard Stallings, Is veiy Blck. I . -r ... . jnr jamce Absin ir uomfort came Wednesday to epend a few days with relatives. Wo tliius the marriage of Mrs. Yates Will be published enough, as It has been in (ho Itims mVeral times but we wore glad to hoar of her msrrage las she la well known hero. We wish her every success through life. We wish some one here would launch their Vessel on the matrimonial seas so we could write bout it to as every thing Is so dull, al though we havo lots of visitors in our neighborhood Gray Etkb, MERR1TT. , Aiir 2ft, W had an enormous 5 rain- fall ln-t wti-k, il'iin-lng the c.tton crop coosiilerably mo the farmers report. pi u 1.. 1. 1. . j . . ' 1 The Merrltt ball tuam played the Van. demere tesm lMl Friday, the 21st. They nlfiieil flvn Innlnira vaiih Mnri-ltt ia runs and Yanrionure thrco runs, Merrltt I c.lle.1 for a full game but Vandcmere aerced If their would nil nw thm tn li , " , TV - In the game they would decide in Mer- ..,.. i nr r. m n.A,tMi, xr. I. .,. i.i ! j i , . . T Itlit; friends and relatives at Merrltt this w M M w in ua iiui lUIB. V B. II VIM I u. n n n n . .l an a r omau returnea nome bunuay from her visit in Virginia Mr W R Sawyer and his two sons and Mr Urcadwator. relumed home Sunday irom their tour through the Northern cities. Mr Uharlle McOotter's little child ate some poison borrles last, week and died , Sunday, They reside at Btonewall, N. O. ' The farmers are busy now saving their foddnr. Mrs F P Gatllnls Vltlllng her brother Mr Thomas Goodwin at Booth River now. She expeots to return home to- da-. Guess. . a ( t . ... . y CASTOR I A For Infants and Childroa. Flis Kind You Have Always Bought Bhuts the A Good Comedy Coming. Theatre goers would do well to bear In mind that May Sargent, one of the most charming comedienne, on the American - stage and without question the most superbly gowned, is coming here on Monday September 21 In Maude Adams' and John Drew's groat Empire Theatre successThat Imprudent Young Couple, , over which comedy there was so much comment In New York. The support Ing company Is said to be very strong. Tbe ladies of this city, always otod for there attention to Fashion's dictates, . will no doubt bo Interested lq viewing the. elaborate creations worn by Miss Sargent. ' tier Method. Btella Bo she married, blm to reform him? Ilow did. she begin? . Bella By spending a lot of money. You know tow; bard, it cs for a rich nan, to enter the ktagdom ot Wven, Harper's CoBflB. 4 W.a.il Seven f""3n boxes s li h rrt 13 r ;.' I k.k Jf. q FREIGHT SALE, ' ' vuw --" UTS m1s lint t.t1tm. kt. - . -a u noi ways we, Thtte was tons and ton. of i.. . . .. . - "v 'B !" n. i .1 ' . . ' KrJ! I... .... . " "' " ho im wnu m 11 mini Inlim l ; a v ; Mr 8 K Blreet waa the atutinnMi thtgooda want under tin lumm. t.. Wi direction tery rapidly and brought gwu pnem. There were a oonH mut inniiat people who thought they h4 a prtae In a box markod Fine Broakfaat Bacon and their eyes danced In 1ov to think nr ting 15 centa a pound bacon for Scents a pouna. imagine their chagrin when they found their "Fine Breakfast n, nothing but pieces of board about 18x4 incnea nice wrapped and labeled. h T 1 e re&,on t( nPPe to be oak rod, and une man bought a package which he l"""' m,8n,u Ior m8 Btair case nwl;ow J lot of Wees-the 1 me tone aenarted. i I . " " an Aj-B8loon Leaue iman rxrneht a box uhnii nur.i.. stIra 8a " tMr,h." oui on opening n found a dozen bottles of fine 10 year old rye whiskey put up by a won Known aisuiiery. mi . . . mere was a ease Of hnk mi nn They were not .old but some curlon. person openecMt thinking It might con- mm aomeininjE valnab e. Ha nmsi someooofcs but was averse to buying auyining witnout seeing , the articles. Strange to sav the box nonidlnori a. indicated but it wa. llteratora nnh. iiaueu oy oaten t medlnlnA innw.n. i advertise their eoods. Another hnr Af book, was opened and found to be a at rlts of 18S5 Code of North Carolina, There was a good deal of snort marin over the development found In some of vne pacKages. in the large majority of cases, however, the articles were nrnn- erly labeled and the purchasers entirely sausuea poiu to the quality of the gooas ana the price A Fine (Speaker Coming. Temperance people are antlclnntlnir 6 ' ,u lUD lecture to DC delivered h,n h n.. n-. o o- I y gia.. The lecture will be lven T. u... .v - - J 1 ntr ra... j .1. - a ha " ' T "V '.3'. T? . . wmpemnoe MiMMnuiM country, ue Is acreat orator .nA h.. mi - . "T MBuy . import- Int innnlnlnnnt. tf. I... I... . own aaso- OIBIAI jnhU T . . a v,"w' .youes in temperance work .nri .i.h . . I """" iBiuiuvuii iQmpr Increase in Brandy Distilleries, j Raleleh AueustaA The number of brandv dlstlllerimi a in operation In the State Is said to bo larger than a number of years past. The ngures as to the number are not irlveri put by lue authorities, but all that IS known la that the number Is much larger man was expected by anybody Just arrived direct from iim miiu fresh car loaoVot Flour, bought before we last two advances. In nricea wa am giving oar trade the benefit of onr low prices. J R Parker Jr. A nice lot fresh corned mullets Inst ia 1 . a. V e ivea at J K Parker, Jr's. A. B. Baxters Cotton Letter;;: New Yorlt, Aug. 87. The market moved np a shade the earlv torW in. bles were very good and. the weather was very fine. There was an absence, of rain every wiiere when -he market opened. Mall advances as to the crop were very poor m some pases and very flne; In others, but all of this ;as i not looked upon as much account at thia iunrtn " maiuiactis mat cotton la aoanw ano promises to be scarcer and .without the cotton It counts for little hn h. crop looks or how the "weather goes The feeling Is growing that higher level for manufactured goods in !nii.M Some accounts talk of better orops than uu year out it must be remembered that the closing croo will not axnmii m nn . 000 bales and we must have at least a million more the coming requirements The market tamed weak after the opening and 6 to 10 points loss Was Shown. Cables were oulot at tn k points advance, j The, Manchester Mar ket was hardening for cloths and 'yarns. Receipts at ports were but 40ft .in. 11,000 last year. Galveston received but 86 new bales against 4,800 last year. The clique were selling more et, less during the morning. Texas was without much rain of consequence. -"-1 A. B. Baxter A Co. . a it " K 4k HW BISV, CS1TIX CpUSITr H. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28.1303.-SKCTIOS, JLStofltfar AccidenV Raleigh August 27 A Ter singfelar sodden t, and one which namnrl related neing lataloocurred VMtardav afternoon u cnut creex townwilp, near this city, I- U 1 . . . - A preacher rode up to the house of Mr. George Ford and left hit bona un hitched In the yard. The horse went to the wen, one of the kind hiring two buckets and a trallev. On th An at curb was a bucket full ol water. This Ue horse shoved back Into the welL Mrs. Ford wa standing near the well and at the bucket fell sprang forward and seized the chain, to stop, the bucket . ; la a second she waa drawn headf ore. most Into the well, which fa 20 feet deep no. in wnica wer0, n io feet of water. The Walls being of rofltrh atona. her husband and the preacher hurried to her rescue bbo Was consdoua and when they let sosne lines dowa to her aaized them and was drawn up. per head was cut ana, pnueeo: by stoaes. ARAPAHOE. . ? August N --We are haying line weather this week for fodder puUlngJif it were not zox the extreme heat Our business men are making oreo- aratlons for their fan trade.. Mr W. Reel Is building a new cotton house. .. Prof Laydell of New Bern was in Arapahoe, Monday selling eyeglasses. Mn Sadie Ross and famllv and MIh arnma uui of Grantsboro are visiting parenU la Arapahoe. Dr Bell of Oriental visited oar olaoe last Monday accompanied by a young lady, Miss Smith. Miss Mamie Hooker of New Bern is visiting friends near Arapahoe Miss Llllle Brlnson of Aranahoe visited her folks In New Bern last week and returned home Monday night. Mr G. W. Brlnson and his son Mr Clem Brlnson of Araoahoe left Mnndav evening to meet the Ashevllle Excursion train at New Bern Tuesday morning. Borne of oar neighbors have been troubled by a dog owned by the Post Master he seems to have two homes one at the Post Office at Arapahoe and the other at the Post ' master home about one and one half mile from the : office It Is reported by . good outhorlty that he has bat three persons a round about the Office and also attacked the mall carrlerMr Benjaman Brlnson who es caped by driving. It does not seem that such a dog should have much business at the post office. A. B. , HAVELOCK. August 26th Under the auspices of the Havelock branch of the "Women's As sociation for the" Betterment of Public School Houses In N. O. a basket supper was held at the school of this place Bat- Urdav ntffht' Anonit' fi2nr1 ' Th inhnnl a a w was so orowded that some of the gentle-1 men were obliged to resort to boxes for I seats Th anlf lialii ailtl. Ih. nnWnnaa mv ww.h im mv.v n.M iuh yiuyvav of raising money with "which to We pump and other, needed things. Our hopes were more; than i relieved when thro' the expert auctioneering of Mr Jim Hunter the bankets were sold, bring ing twelve dollars in all and giving a very enjoyable time to all as well. ; 1 We shall hold true to our promise and let yon hear from us from time to time bat we should also be very Lglad to bear how some of our sister associations In this county are progressing. 8th Tofrnsnip Road .Supervisors.; The Road Supervisors and overseers of No. 8th Township are . reanested to meet at the Court house in New Bera at 11 a m, oa Saturday August 22nd. . 1 . W. H. BRAY, i i- . ; - -if i Chairman, j iDlN't. tANB,.,-,,!; ' u.5i"'ii: BecreUryW!S;i .B(.afjii , ' 1 Farmers Attention ! , ' The American and Imperial Tobacco Companies have instructed their buyer to . refuse alt tobacco .not properly graded. . This order Is effective every where and will be obeyed to the letter. The grading by the farmers will , In sure them better ricea and will make the handling at tie local market and by toe manniaoturer muca easier, , . Tobacco growers should heed this sug gestiojn and act accordingly. . . 1 : .-'.IU Kaw ' W.. '-;'r.. f'-.-'i 'invlAtin sVn lrt TJiit mv yon Btwljr yoq will know notjiidg. llooi wuiiautBe no money who wucn u auujr, tWnca.-" " -- - ' Vhnrut TtnnnrnlThnt' nnthlm Wl'il have everything charged, and I'll EW an that way tui i get rnamea. i urg genaorfee Blatter. j 5 ' m.ir. lUtnA VliMm ' "These roung. society buds are hers T)ntterflDg,' sxial tbe Btev. Mr. BUalfr jfttce. They; 'have no ( thought fot ltne 'ftxtuw tife.' - A r-"' ' ! I i -or me rntnro ureryrenuea.Ausiptn bit N)lL,,but tteydbl IMatrlmortr lwars Initbeli thouehtL" Excha nge. .' ' '. mf a,;, yftun at great calamity befnjls tone, rttrnrjltillnhtena It tottOn.abOut U hfter t fcl-AtcUBOOiOQe. ., l i tjaav Cures CI ' two Eejx crj cv: 5 if S Consul Assassinated Bpeclal to Journal.' . Washlngton.August 27-Unlttd State. State Department it informed that the United States Consul at Beirut Syria wis assassinated today while riding In a car riage. ; " :'r The United States demand, the Imme diate arrest and punishment of the mur derers. ' , - I Swansboro Gleanings. Aoiust 27. Mrs Dr Montfort and Utile Miss Mar Oilman, of Wards Mill, Is In town this week visiting. ,; , Messrs John Hnrst.and James Ervln of Loco, were here for a few dayr last week fishing and sailing Jor their pleas- Mr Forner Wilcox and George Stanly of Pollocksville were our visitors last Frldav and Saturday. Mr WUooZ Is an old Confederate soldier, of the 27th N C Regiment his first visit here in five years. Mr A B Jarman of Jacksonville was la town last Saturday and Sunday. What's the matter Oscar you seem slow in getting ready. Miss Phoebe Hataell and Mr Nat Shen pard of Palo Alto, were our visitors last and this week. .Nat brought a load of fine Laeonta nears. Misa Phoebe is visit ing her sister, MUs Sallle Hatsell at Mrs j m Jones . Mrs K N Bell of Cedar Point, Is here for her health, boarding with Mrs G R Young. Mr Alfred Cbener. of New Hern, was here last Friday and Saturday on busi ness and pleasure. Ur (Jheney is a sur veyor and oame In the interest of the Swansboro Lumber Co. Rev. C Edwards, our preacher, went to Boykln, Va., last week,, to vlalt his parents, he returned in time to fill hU appointment here last Saturday and Sunday, and gave us three good ser mons. v. Miss Gertrude Gunstor of Washington NC, Is one of our pretty "young lady visitors. She Is a niece of Rev J B Olive and wife. She tells us she was the first nnnll enrolled on the register roll of the Baptist Female University of Raleigh N C. Mrs Maria Laughlin of Wilmington was our visitor last week. She came on a flvlnir visit, (as the saving is.) with her cousin, Mrs Josephine Ward, widow of the late Or W Ward, oi jfouocas vllle. Mrs Ward came to the Simmons place on New River, to erect a tomb stone over her late husband's grave there. Mrs Ward now lives la Wilming ton with her son-in-law, Dr S E Eoonce. Mr Will J Montfort, Jr., of Jackson ville, has particular business about Fowle, Jones county vory of ton so we iiicai. irui, uimu uuw juu vu. jum keards" that way, we might be a thorn hear. Will, mind how you cut your in your "equIliberum'V better go some- where else hadn't you Mr J F Prettyman and family who have been boarding ?.with Mr John W Woodhull near here for some time, has moved la our berg now, and will remain rtiirfniT the anmmer keening house for themselves; the cause.' we learn of their moving from Woodhull's is, that Mrs Woodhull is very sick, today we hear that Mrs Woodhull is dangerously sick, and a Dr from New Bern has been called. We sincerely trust sho will re cover soon. Mrs Herbert Parkins of New Bern, le our visitor this week, stopping at Cspt. James Parkins. ' Miss Daisv PIttman . and Mrs Maude Wnnrlhnll. whn want tn Oriental latelv with her sister Kate, on her bridal trip,. came home last Saturday looking well pleased. , Prettv weather now and glad to see it, after a rain of forty days , today makvs the fifth day without rain, and we are nearly all able to eat too. 1 Mr and Mrs Lewis Morton of Hubert, was our visitors last Saturday and Sun day, : Mlaa l.nl. H.ntBll tall a rt that eight joined the church at Queens Creek, dur- . . . ....... .i Ing tne ten aays proirauieu meeuug thnro. closing last Thursday.- Rev W A Jenkins doing the preaching. Mies Lula says she caught more than one , oat nsn and a crab: she caught her finger with the hook too, but Is all right now, and will Bhow you how to catch fish nglt, if; you come down. The tobacco farmers are maa put iney may grin, the Trusts navo you, me other day throe men carried tobacco to KInston, one reoelved five cents over ex penses, another was Drougni ow in aeoi the other, couldn't sell at any price, so: waa going to leave It, when a maa came up aad offered a gallon ot coin whiskey for the load ot 1800 pouads, and the maa took It, aad seemed glad to get It oil of his hands, Mr Gua White of FoUock.vIUe, came d walast week and went fishing, Goe hooked a large black fish which took oft his hook. About, half an' hoar later, some euaiter mile away, he hooked and . . . . a i i u l- caught the same oiaca nsn whu uuu m his month. Gus is a new hand fishing these being Jhls first, so up jumped gus, to danoe a jig' for Joy, when , boat ore reened aad overboard went Gus, In 15ft. salt water but ie didn't get drownetf, nt onltA reminded US of DOrPOlsel. Mr J A Plttmna U quite slok with malarial fever. ' Dr F H Blount is at tending Wm. ', Mamik. If you want a good 6c. smoke, try any .v. n.i1i..f. frh..nA. ' Red Drapon. ul ma ivvwB) i o . Aunt Hannah, Cubaaola, Cremo, Prince AGAIN WIND FAILED And so Race. Kellance Led Throughout. - ' Well Ahead Whra Ca'led Off. Special to Journal. New York, August 27. The third race between the Reliance and Sham rock was started today, the outlook being gloomy at. start, weather being hazy and wind very light. The course wa fifteen miles to wind ward and return, the Rellanoe started In lead at onoe and was never threatened afterwards, the only qnrsiion being able to get over the line before time limit si plredA'', :-: -. .'. - , ' ' The wrnd throughout waa puffy, reach Ing eight miles when boats passed outer mark, the Reliance leading by about six minutes, but when about five miles from finish wind about died out and race was declared off at 4.20 p m, it being seen no chance to finish within time limit, the Reliance being one mile and half in the lead. A Dangerous Tobacco Disease. A very destructive tobacco disease has recently broken out with extreme vio lence In certain portions of the State. It Is the desire of the Station to accumulate all Information concerning the disease which may lead to a checking of Its rav ages. The point now moat to be desired Is to find out how widely the disease Is distributed over the State. To that end we request that all people interested In tobacco growing, who are troubled with any disease of their tobacco plants will tend specimens consisting of the lower part of tbe stem and the roots to the Station. We particularly desire these specimens if the disease consists of the wilting of the leaves, accompanied byja brown color in that portion of the stem just inside of the bark. We urge upon all tobacco growers the Importance of notifying the Station Immediately after this disease appears in the neighbor hood, so that we may advise as to the means of preventing Its spread. Two diseased stalks in the field this year may mean the loss of the entire crop the next year you put tobacco on the field. F. L. STEVENS, Biologist. The Search Rewarded That advertising pays, no one with a thimble full of sense will dispute, al though some old fogies rather pride themselves on not having so liberal an amount of "gumption." But, to the point. Last Saturday night, a colored man, seeming to be in great distress of mind, strolled Into this office, explaining that a bicycle had been stolen from him, and that he had been directed by some one to "go to the Journal office and that the man there would tell him where his wheel was. and how to get It." Not being a clairvoyant, nor the 'person who stole the wheel, the writer could only comfort the distressed man by advising him to leave a few centB as a retainer and that the Journal would go out to seek his wheel. A small "business lo cal" was Inserted in Sunday's paper and yesterday morning a 'phone message was received at this office from Bayboro say ing the wheel had been found there. The maa who lost the bicycle lives In the neighborhood of Eiverdale, and can recover his property by communicating with this office. HARLOWE AND N. HARLOWE. Aug. 26. Mrs Chas, Parker and wife passed through our berg one day last week returning to their home at Stella, from making a visit to Mrs Morton his sister at Blades ullL ' Mrs M E Bett and daughter Miss Ma- die are spending a tew weeks at Seven Springs hoping for Improvement of the health of Mra Bell. Miss Mamie Becton of Bachelor, is spending a while at Mr J R Bell's. , Cant. J W Jenkins of the Southern rail road came In to spend a few days with his family who are here from At lanta. Mr J R Bell was In Beaufort on busi ness last Monday. Mr and Mrs E T Webb who have been spending a few months at Mr W F Bee- ton's have returned to their nome at Swansboro, ... Miu Jnlla Potter of Washington D C was aa appreciated guest at the home of Mrs J R Bell Monday night. She left next day for a few days visit to her sis ter Mrs Abnest Mason of Wlnthrop. . Mr J D Morton of KInston, was a caller at our sanctum yesterday on his wav to Blades mill Where he goes to make a visit to his cousin Mr C. D. Mor ton the manager there. Mr Eugene Ravner and C E Thomson of KInston. passed through our berg yes terday enroute for Beaufort to attend the pony penning, Where they hope to make some purchases of the small ani mals. Notice to Teachers. The School commtttemen ot No 9 To wa ship wlU meet at Truht Oct 8. 1903 it 10 o'clock tor the purpose of .hiring teachers.' - ' ' W.D.Whllford, Chairman New Orleans Sweet Home Molasses In 1 pint, t quart, i gallon and gallon cans PORTSMOUTH 5 orned Mu Nice Lot Just Received. Also nice lot Hnrvfiv'a Km nil An oai Cured Hams, Breakfast Strips, . Big jiciiiia 10 ciii, ancv rjc Nicr Hams. Heinz's Pure Armln niriAt mrtao-o-r Sweet Mixed and Plain Sweet Pickles. Full Cream Cheese, Fresh Elgin and "V TJ . a aM . . jc xwyer rrmt uutter. J. L MAIL 'Phone Ol. I 'ft In Laces and iv V PRICES CUT IN HALF This sale will and will last 4 days only. This is to A? close out the odds and ends, in order v to make room for Fall Stock. x See us for-Lace and Embroidery. M TO MAKE ROOn 3C for Fall and Winter Stock PRICES on all Summer Goods 3 GREATLY Ladies Shoes, solid leatner 68o pair. Mens " 98o Mens Suits, that were $6t)0, now $3j25. Bovb " 4 00. 1 75. 3? Same proportionate reduction in llata and Caps and all 3 r Spring and Summer Goods. 2 P other Spring and Summer Goods s. rorriE, , ;; it 28 Middle St., Near Market Dock. It Aaaaauaaauaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauaa v VTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrrWWWTTwQ ) Fnr ho Onllono Vminn Hon U fj I Ul UIU WUIIUljU I UUIItJ It I (111 a f Is your boy going to college this Fall f If he is we are ready to fit him out In the Clothing line. Our stock of Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Hats, Shoes, Shirts and Underwear are all in. Suits from - s6 50 to $15 00 Overcoats - 5 00 to 15 00 We invite you to call and see the new styles. We can show you the best values for young men ever shown in our town. J. G. Dunn & Co., O orrtjci if ear ior sien () U7 ollocli: Street. RAII. ROAI, IIIIiIs AND machine suppmes. WE ARE MAXUFACTTJRERS AGENTS FO-R' : -- ' Erie City Boilers and Engines, " Van Winkle Celebrated Gina and Presses ' The Oneida Wood Split Pulleys, ' . The Wagner Duplex Steam Pumpa, " " ' " . Starret'a Fina Tools. We carry a full stock o everything in tha Kne of Manhinr.rv an,i Supplies, Gnoiiiii VAu. & HAKOWAM 73 KUJ'.e St. I v ' rhoneli?.' . . -. . , NUMBER 43.' ml I Wholesale eft Retail Grocer, - 71 Ilrtfad lit Embroideries J begin Mondav 24th Si REDUCED. :'S. AAAAAA Shoos from Hats from - $2 00 to $5 00 l 00 to : 3 00 : , " ' . " Sets! 1 w i5 r:ni r- . '"nr. L Of India. AU tor Sale ai iv I araer, Jr's. . at J RTa lT, Jr's.

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