TUB WEEKLY JOURNAL BrtaaU4 187 fubllahed la Two Sections, every Tuen. day ud FridKy, at W Kiaaic bums ew n.u. CHARLES L, 5TEYEN5J ". DROl'Un RORBlMk SDBSCRXTTIOIf RATE?, Two Months, S0" ThiveM Months, i Twtdve Months. t-w "OHLY IW ADVAHCF, a n i - - InMuVaJ nnnil atV plication at the office, or upon inquiry DJ BUUi. WThe 9ouBHix ia only ient on pay- . (ULu-'kAH Will J . UJ. BnKinthArH Will MAillsts MmnuU to to i '1 1 1 1 ! mull ma uuuiimu"u - ' . . s 1 - - J hv t the JdUBHAl Entered atUhte Postofflce, New Bern aT. C. as teoond-oikM matter. gectlea Two, Friday Sept. 4, 1303 SCHOOL FOR TEACHING JOUR NALISM. Tke Josepk Pulitzer gift of two mil lion dollar to endow a school for Journal Urn In Columbia University, Is a notable and worthy gift, and given by so renowned a Journalist as Mr. Pulit zer, the gift Is specially significant. The fatuous thought so often ex pressed, that the real journalist Is born, hence It is a superfluous waste of time and money to attempt to create him, therefore make no move to found schools in which journalism may be taught, Is a thing of the past with Intelligent and thinking people. It Is not that a school for journalism can be established In which those who enter may graduate with every knowl edge of the craft, theoretical and practi cal, any more than the student who enters college can graduate and at once enter upon a successful and unfailing commercial career. But like the college training may be for any of life's professions, so can such a training in the journalistic school prove most advantageous, and make more secure, sound and practical the seeker after a career in journalism. The self made journalist, like the self made man in any line of business, may pride himself on his lndivlduallsm.whlch has had the strength to win against the world's odds, yet there might have been greater success had the same self made man had the early school or college training which could have developed even greater elements of success, and made the attainment of his successes much easier. The fact that the school of journalism la to be established by a journalist, and one eminently successful, proves that Mr Pulitzer sees greater opportunities for American journalism, through a school which shall develop technical, In tellectual and moral standards in seekers in the journalistic field, and thus elevate journalism to a higher plane than It now occupies. THE SIGN OF RETURNING BUSINESS. Nothing is more significant at this season of the year, than the general In crease of advertising In periodicals of all kinds, bat more especially in the newspapers. The season of the "dodger" and the dead wall "poster" have passed, for now these cheap make shifts possess no at tractions for even the moderate adver tiser, who during the summer months imagines that his "dodgers" lying along the sidewalks and in the gutters, are ad vertislng his goods, he must now give It up, for no fancy can see good adver tising In the "dodger" which is now being blown along the public highways, by the September winds. Nor Is the dead wall any longer at tractive, for the people, the few who usually lounge daring the summer months, and fix their lazy attention upon dead wall advertisements, mast now be otherwise occupied. . . Bat it Is the newspaper, with Its new advertising business, and Its old regular advertisers with their larger and greater display of "new goods," which best In dicates the sign of better and greater business conditions. , . ., The season of business is now upon the Country, vacation time Is past, and the hustling season la here, , ' The newspaper proves this first, and people accept the alga and join the pro cession which now eagerly seeks trade. GEORGIA'S VAGRANT LAW. t Under the new vagrant law of Geor gia, that Btate is enjoying a deserved conurbation on all sides from the pregi, lyedally as the law is being rigid ly enforced. .1 12. V,;;- v -: Tl3 rculis of this fagrant law Is ai re-"7 Lr. L' g a beneficial effect through. ctj C ':t as J la l'-s provisions the awe:, j it "1 ;ctnal!y tie pro posed child Uboflaw attempted some time ago in that State. The bill defines the vagrancy against wblih Its provisions, are directed thus: Persons wandering or strolling -about In idleness, who are able to work and have no cronertv to auooort them. Persona leading an Idle, immoral- life, who have no property to support them, and who are able to work and do not work. All persons able to work, having no property to support them, and who hava no visible or known means of a falr.hon- eet and reputable livelihood. The terms "visible and known means of a fair, hon est and reputable livelihood," as aaed in this section, shall be construed reasona bly continuous employment at some law ful occupation for reasonable compensa tion or a fixed and regular income from oroDertv or other investment, the in come from which Is sufficient for the support and maintenance of such va grant. Persons having a fixed abode, who have no visible property to support them, and who live by stealing or by trading or bartering stolen property. Professional gamblers living In idle ness. All able-bodied persons who are found begging for a living or who quit their houses and leave their wives and child ren withoat means of subsistence. - All persons able to work and who do not work, but hire out their minor child ren and live on their wages- The person who can remain idle or do any loafing under such a mate law as the above, will have to do it In secret, specially as the law makes It the duty of every county officer, the police and like officials, to give any officer empowered to Issue a criminal warrant, information concerning all vagrants or suspects, with the Idea of giving them a quick trial. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Haifa Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and acts di rectly on tho blood end mucous surfaces Ball's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medi cine. It wa3 nrnjcribel by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It Is com posed of the best tonics known, com bined with the best blood purifiers, act ing directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of .the two In gredients Is what produces such wonder ful results In curing Catarrh, Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills areithe test. rnii-'.4i"-.i:;i?lr Irony. Browbeating lawyers soiiH'tlmcs And their match in female witnesses. An instance illustrating this Is recalled in which a once famous member of tho Philadelphia bar was quietly but ef fectively "squelched" liy a lady whose evidence was very damaging to his clleut. IIo realized thin, and, being nettled at tho Impertinence of her manner, he resolved to embarrass her if ho could So he said: "Madam, I observe that in giving your testimony you make fre quent ust- of tho word 'Irony.' May 1 ask if you understand its full mean ing?" "1 think I do, sir," she replied. "Let me-.lllustrato. If I were to call you a gentleman I should unquestionably be Indulging in irony." Philadelphia Ledger. Stomach Trouble. "I have been troubled with my stom ach for the past four years," says D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook Farm, Greenfield Mass. "A few days ago I was induced to buy a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I have taken part of them and feel a great deal better," If you have any trouble with your stomach try a box of these Tablets. You are cer tain to be pleased with the result. Price 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Ihe Au'trnt iorrica. Cassldy What rint do they charge for a house lutke yours? Casey Slvinteen dollars. Cassidy My, that's high! Don't ye hov throublo in gettln' it togithcr? Casey Faith, Oi don't, but the agent does. Philadelphia Tress. For a bilious attack take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and s quick cure is certain. For sale by all Druggists. Katar and Plant. Dr. Andrew Wilson, writes: "If we assumed that flowers were merely evolved to gratify- human senses we should be entertaining a woefully lim ited view of nature. The botanist will tell you that everything about a flower is meant to favor one end. That end Is the production of seeds and the prop agation of the species. The colors of flowers nay, even the little splashes of a hue or tint seen on a petal are in tended to attract Insects that they may carry oil the fertilizing dust, or pollen, to other flowers of the same or near Bpecles and thus Insure a sturdier race as the result of cross fertilization. It Is to this end also that your flowers are many of them sweet scented. The per fume is another kind of Invitation to the insect world. The honey they se crete forms' a third attraction the most practical of all, perhaps. - Then the arrangement of the flowers on the stalk, -the times of opening and shut ting of the flowers and the position of the stamens and pistils are all so many features whereby-nature is giving each plant a help on the way." , . Distress After Eating Cared. Judge W.'T. Holland of Greenebnrg, La., who Is well and favorably known, says: ?Two years ago I suffered greatfy from Indigestion. - After eating great distress would Invariably result, lasting for an boar or so and my nights were restless. I concluded to try Kodol Dys pepsia Care .and it cured me entirely, Now my sleep is refreshing and digest ion perfect.;' Sold by F. S. Duffy, .. .; - Jtaliiams from th Hortaena Waotf ' arc la rjny-EJaun, tt v?rt!a curt tvt fwgh. 1 111 ii'i - aw , II SAA Skin Diseases. O SwalHaca. Carfcwele, Ptaaplea, Berofala riiMninij 1 T" Siamji tlx rotna la Ik Wood, JT rn km aeae v4 paias te boaea, busk and Jot lung Beaba sua. Blood SmIi hoi r ttota. SwoUia Oka, Mai aat Bemaajoa lb BMa, MM rateae ra Meet. Son Thrael, Flmph. r offaaarr mill, OmimOutwBporia8M. all wa4ow.ee aarroea, lion a anraart at lb badr. Bat ar Km. anIlUioat,VunoelaotBoUa,lak i . Botarrlo Blood Balm, guaranteed totathwwtMtnitm MMMHth oew,tinl aw1lMi,Ti4 hot ajttoti hul. Bl tUHm, atop aUae&M and patna.iadnewaUtwtUlaaa, aka Moo am art rick, omplMr cbudac th aatMhodjlatalMa.htalitaToBiuoa, B. B. B. M woMraaoamaasut Old Ftt Catarrh. Ecaaaaa am oaand b aa awtat tobowS aooUUoa at lb Blood. B. B. B. o Bawklas lad Sptttlnc Uaunf and BaateblncAebMandFibaiaara Baaonulaa. Caianbi batla aU Seat, Satlw, Enpam, Waury fimurm, foal faaartiicSonot Ecaanat bf ftrtas a balthybtodiarlTbaBiiiiliiW. Cancer Cured . BoUnlo Blood Btla.Cm Caatari at an Ktadt, Bovoantlac BmUlaf. Battaf Bon, Timor, attr Clan. U kulitheCmaaar Polaoasn ktlUMraa or mint caaoar perfMOy. It ya km a nam rtmpl. Wait, SwCUagt, BhooUac" Sundae rata tab Blood Balm tad tbay vul atatpoear bafoi tbtj atralot haoCaaoav llaay waawaUr basal aja Of aaaear oowd by Ukint Botaal Blood Baba, OVK atVAKAMTUt. m UrM baatlaiar SI. mt m rbaa abo rlh uut; u taaioa. r aaraa vaata aaaaMrarata it. ' BotaaleBloodBaliafBJB.Els Plaaaantasdaafetotake. Tboroajrhly lemtA forln yr. Ooropoaed ot Far ot ram tiotam incmueaia, ocrwiRtli.nl wrai innm hi. wmb mnnL 111 aTumwu. Completa direction co with aacb bottle. BaaaBi ion of B.HH. aa4 Tauapblet llaat bf arrtUnc Blood Balm Co Auaata, Oa. Daeeribo row rauDiv, uu meuu itm meaiou butub, w rill fB a, alao aeot In aealod letter. Caah Bator Fame. "Why don't you try to write your name on the scroll of fame?" "My friend," said Senator Sorghum very earnestly, T have never yet seen anybody tearing leaflets out of the scroll of fame and getting tbem cashed at the bank." Philadelphia Inquirer. Aa Amateur. Young Bride I'm so nervous, I'm actually shaking. Matrimonial Vetornn You'll get ovei it, dear. Why, when I first began get ting married I thought I should never Stop having altar fright Baltimore American. When a man meets his wife in a rail road station he never knows whether to kiss .her befoir .ail the people or to fretend 'that be ufjust iMeo$bf the family. Mew York freer Emergency Medicines. It is a great convenience to have a hand reliable remedies for use In caset of accident and for slight Injuries and ailments. A good liniment and one thai Is fast becoming a favorite If not a house hold neoaasUy ia Chamberlain' Pain Balm. -By applying It promptly to a cut bruise or burn it allays the pain and causes the injury to heal In about one third the time usually required, and -as It is an antiseptic It prevents any dan ger of blood poisoning. When Pain Balm is kept at hand a sprain may be treated before Inflammation sets In which Insures a quick recovery. For sale by all Druggists. Why He Carrie a Cane. The man from London who always carries a cane In fair weather gives his reason for doing so: "You see, carrying a stick is not only very proper, but it is also a very use ful accomplishment. Why, don't you know, a man who always carries a stick never loses an umbrella. By car rying a cane I get so accustomed to having something In my hand that if I start away without it I miss it be fore I have gone half a dozen steps. Now, when I carry my umbrella It Is just the some. There Is nothing like babtt Try it, and you will never lose an umbrella." The Pleasure of Eating. Persons suffering from Indigestion, dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will find that Kodol Dyspepsia Core digests what yon eat and makes the stomach sweet. This remedy is a never falling care for Indigestion and Dyspepsia and all complaints affecting the glands 01 membranes of the stomach or digestive tract When yon take Kodol Dyspepsia Care everything yoa eat tastes good, and every bit of the nutriment that your food contains is assimilated and appropriated by the blood and tissues. Sold by T. S. Duffy. - Craalty to Bora. i 'What caused yoa to lose row position?" asked the broker "of would be office boy. "Got fired cn I smoked." ' . "Oh, welL that won't make any dif ference in this office, I keetrclgUB under lock and key. Indianapolis Sun,' . ", ' Bffatra ftetalla. ' "Father,": said the little boy, "what is a mathematician 1" v , "A mathematician, my. eon, ltua man who can calculate the oUsfsnwvetWMn the most remote stars sM. who ie lia ble to be fllmftammedq.chang1j)g k two dollar bUl"-Washington TBtar, In Praise of Chamberlain's Colic : Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "Allow me to give yoa t few words in praise of Chamberlain's Colic, : Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ,"says Mr John Hamlett, of Eagle Pus. Texas. . " I suf fered one week with bowel trouble and took all kinds of medicine without eet ting any relief, when my friend, Mr C. Johnson, a merchant here, advised me to take this remedy. After taking one dose I felt greatly relieved and when I had taken the third dose was entirely eared. I thank yoa from the bottom of my heart for patting this great remedy ia the hands of manLIad," For sale by all Dr. DID HOT VES START. Wind toe light For Contesting Yachts to Cross Line. 8pecialloJoaraal. Niw Yobk, September L Today proved the wont of any of the days of the yacht race, the boa is not even at art lag. : ... ' : ' The wind was three mllea an hoar and the yachts waited aalil 1 p a la kopea of getting a northerly trretae, bat the re gatta, committee finally decided to post pone the net nn if! tomorrow. Anti-Saloon Learnt Committee. 8pecial to Journal. , " ' Ralxiqh, Septeanbor 1. Chairman J W Bailey of the Stale Anti-Saloon Leag ue annouaoe ihe following is tho exec utive oommlttee for Craven county. T 1 Mitchell, 0 W Monger, M 8 Spear, IJFAberly. Be is advised that Snow Hill has voted for Prohibition. New Bern Company Chartered. Raleigh, Sept. 1 A charter Is granted to the Atlantic Coast Timber and Lum ber Manufacturing Co. ot Hew Bern, to deal In timber land, develop real estate, operate aaw mill, etc Capital 1500,000; D.J Njsewander, C 0 Mills and J T Greer, all of 'Toledo, Ohio, being the stockholders, -' the term being thirty years. t. A Thousand Church js Ii the United States have used the Longman & Martlncr Pare.Palnts dur ing the past ten montha. Every Church wHl be given a liberal quantity whenever tbey paint. Don't psy $1.60 a gallon for Unseed oil, which yoa do when yoa bay it In sealed can with a paint label on It, . 8 & S 14, therefore when yoa want fourteen ?illons of paint, boy only eight gallons of L. 4 f. and mix six gallons of pure linseed oil with it. It will make fourteongallons of paint. It'sdone'easlly. " flBJ It makes the paint coat yoa only about $1.20 a gallon, - You probabaly won't need more than ten or twelve gallons of It, because the L. & M. Paint covers so much more sur face than other paints. Sales have been lens of millions of gallons; nearly two million houses paint ed.'; under guarantee to repaint if not satisfactory. Samples free Bold by our A gent) Hymen Supply Co., A. B, Baxter's Cotton Letter. New York, Sept I. The cotton market today failed to show much business around the opunlng Cables were better than looked for, at least they showed that on the other aide as here nobody cares to undertake opera tions on the short side as yet, anl It Is a question when they will, since the move ment fa!ls to move faster. Of coarse we shall have plenty of cotton moving be fore a great while, bat it la very doubt ful whether it will move freely before next month as to have any great in fluence on the market. Mills seem willing to pay fall prices for all the spot they can get and If spots are worth 12K other months cannot yield much. The bureau report tomorrow will not count for much according to present expecta tions, having been largely discounted. In fact the ideals general that the crop movement will be everything and all other surroundings of little consequence ontll the first week of October, when the frost will be near. Prices weakened after the opening. September made a good average and then eased off. Some hammering met wHb.llttle success. The weather today was generally fair. Cablet were steady at 4 to 6 decline. Yam at Manchester steady and cloths were quiet - Fearful Odds Against Him. : Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, In brief was the condition of an old sol dier by name of J J Havens, Versailles Q. For years he was troubled with Kid ney disease and neither doctors aor med icine gave him relief. At length he tried Ilectric Bitters. It pat him on his feet la short order and now he testifies. ' Tin on the road to complete recovery." Best on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and all forms 'Of Btomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed br O UBradham, druggist. - Aa Ecaaaaaltal Moines. Small Kb tacrine, who had been for bidden to touch the ink bottle, had ac cidentally spilled Its contents not only all over her mother's desk, but on the rug, several chairs and her own apron. Her mother, on discovering the state of affairs, bad expressed more .eurpriae than pleasure. When the father of tbe family ' returned at night hie Httle daughter met him at tbe door and asked: ; v:.-; t :Papa, how much does a bottle of ink eoetr d-,: . w;.v.K-vv?-;rf.-."Ob, about B cents." -'- 1 " "Five cents!" exclaimed the aggrieved youngster in a tone of deep disgust "And to think that mamma would make all that fuss about one little h tie of inkr--Llpplncott'a, t v the Genuine YS.'ConBterfelts. The genuine Is alwaj s better than a counterfeit, bat the truth of this state ment Is never more forcibly realized or more thoroughly appreciated than when yoa compare the . genuine DeWitl's Witch Hazel Salve with the many coun terfeits and worthless substitutes . that are on the market, W. 8. Ledbetter, of Shreveport, La sayst "After nslng numerous other remedies without bene fit, one box of DeWItt'e Witch Hazel Salve cured me," For l!!nd, bleec!'r, itching and protrnd'c? p''. s no r- 'y is equal to DeWitl's Wi.h nazol .Ire. Sold by F. S. Duffy. - A RC.OKT.C mSLNS. : s Eloping COT pie ge ea ftotrd a Old SUk ' en bheouer te he lUrrtci. Although therrare lacking .the ale BtnUoawldlngahlghBfe,themaia features of the atarrtara of Robert Brarr and Masale Ball which occurred Monday night are of sack a romantle aat ax that the contracting parUas'aeed not "go way back aad sit down" lor. any pa. For determination and streaaonameef n the mailer, of being married thay fcoid the record. It was. only eacJaar. deanon stration of the saying "Love will find a way," aad neither fire nor water wCl prevent the elimination of a lor affair when Ue partUe Interested sot their minds on marriage. . . Theoonple have been keeping com pany for some time hut they have had strong opposition from the yoong wom an's mother . who lives sear, the long wharf. Pf lae the meetings have had, to be made elandestine ia order to escape the wrath of the mother. , Monday night was agreed upon when the couple should plight their troth, la order that the ceremony should be per formed quietly as possible the groom took the bride and the minister. Rot. B. W. Jones, of -the Free - WUI Baptist Church, in a boat aad rowed than to tbe 01a schooner which ia partially sunken in the Trent river opposite Long wharf Oa board the old wreck the words were pronounced that made Robert Bragg aad Mamie BaU man and wife. ' Journal of Commerce hi Cottbii New York, Sept 1, According to special reporta gathered by the Joarnal of Commerce, the present oondltloB bf cotton Is estimated at 7M, a fi of. .1 over the previous month, and 8.6 hotter than Sept 1 1903, and 0.4 better than Sept 1801. August Is usually n month of deterioration says the Joarnal, and we improvement is tans ail . uvs more striking. The crop has recovered fulty a week ot the backwardness reported a month ago and Is now about S to ,8 weeks late. Replies were received from 1,490 correspondents, the average date being Aug M, : All States except Texas and Florida report Improvement ia con dition. . . . Price's Crop Estimate. ' New York Ang 8L Theo. H Price uys a record eottoa crop Is promised A yield of nearly 18,750,000 bales Is Indi cated, and although crop Is 88 days late the condition has improved 8 per cent since July 1st ; -- t-..-: Citizens Meeting- at Vanctboro, The citizens of Vanoeboro seotlon. about one hundred and fifty la number, met here Saturday last, August 89th for the purpose of discussing the low prices, which we are receiving for oar tobacco. and to take such steps, and pass each resolutions as can be done in regard to onr condition. ':, A move was made and seconded, to adopt the resolutions made and laid down by oar fellow citizens of Rocky Mount N C, and the amount of money, wii subscribed for the purpose of carry' ing ont such resolutions , A committee vis: J B Harvey, J L Bland, J A Jackson, O 3 Heath. N B Ipock, O F Back, H B WINams, W H Adams, D JFnloher, .D WDefl aad A McAfferty, were appointed delegates to meet la New Bern Saturday. September 18th 1808 to effect a county organiza tion. - - ;v- . ' r'-v v-' We are now waillnc to hear from New Bern, and see what steps she will take 10 neip as, in this, onr great trouble. The merohanta aad farmers wUl meet here again Saturday September 5th, aad it Is hoped that every man will attend, and lead as a helping naad. Dont for get Ue OBM. A. lABiXI. ' A Boy's WUd Ride For Life. " With family aronnd expecting him to die, and a son riding forJtfeVlS mOea, to get Dr King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs . and Oolds, ; , w B Brown, pf LeesvOle, , Ind, endured death's agonies from uthma; but. this wonderful medicine gan . instant relief and soon cured him. He wrttest I bow sleep soundly every night1, , tike mar- Teloai cures of fjonsnmptlon, Pneumo ala, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat and Long troubles. ' Guaranteed bottles Sle and $1X0. Trial bottles tree at O D radham's drag store.' ' . ; 5 " I 'H-'.HrMjaeHMeM.. - li'.f-ijra. Bate. st waate.5i .Thebee, Egypt, at the Present tbae bresents .rulne tweuty-eevf, mlkw te tircuuiference. Tht) rewtne of inany Of the buildings, such as ex 'um r-h ee, eta, "are of such g nte e t".t no known modern mftvu.ory oi i he equal to the task of tAL-i Vma down, to say nothing of putng Uiem la Umt present poelttooa. . S ? I.-:. Budlen's inlet Salye. -. jHu world-wide fame toi "marvellous cares. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for Cats, Corns Barns, Bolls, Bores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Rhenm, Fever Bores, , Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Pfles. Care guaranteed. Only 85s at O D Bradham's, druggist. '. H ' ImtttT 1 UmtmJ i jTabsloy I have always had aa Idea that .after a Couple had becn.marrted for some time even tb'r t!i"""-ta be came to a great 0;ree Cju..cut.. Am IrlghtPeckT , . . Hr. N. Peck-Yoo s a. A.out CJe fine my wt'e is t-l TV.rf what kjtni t r f.r ec-."j t;s jw kte, a&4 to am L . 1 la" tbe last an s r cl r y knor t we do know tlat it is auIjtt-Ut 1 r. Abuse that law evens!' suits. I r .:.ri:.'- 1 t v rr"-t tf tla t ... t-- J a C " i,Ect' 'irr LtTer t . t S X. . , - - . - . i " . r it'.arc . c.'i J Tt C J . J!' ). It Atftt.AL2e PrOdrallij'af ur AA- ilr'iati-g fixfoodar-'Ilcguty ness ardBestXontalns neither . 0iim.Morrtune -nor JlincraL' lioi'ilXB.COTlCf - Mfea I If - eaay FeverisbX jtfsa and Logs QKSLEEg ' TaiSlnuk Sigrmrure of " z z u Costs Oslj 29 cents s1 1 . ' dt,mm A - 1 I v 1111 . JLrHrirsdyorCBpeV' luMti bour btonuriJiiiJiarxnoea Vrbrms Xxwrvulsions. Ot sua tl eeata te C el. MOFFKTT. M. D. ST. LOUIS. Ma n.ame re 1. R. R.anT. aearererr of Stele. Amm. Tee- Mnr. SI. IHOCL I kT loaaS Dr. MotMT TKETBINA a pleedM remedr end aid for mj teeUtlrtf ehlldren. . When raj ol.lnrl SiiTTMatealhlaa lihllrt. em) annneeilliia; lie J imiil ealhal aa irnnlil hltrltelilr Inaa riia, laeppened Uioa TK1CTHINA. end ateaee adralnieleriBeT it lo hire, end hie Improvement wee marked in S4 Soare, end from thai der oa M reonpereted. I hf eoaetanUy kept it aad need It elnee with mr ohildrea. and here taken great feeaauelaaeaadinc It preieae to all raotbars tt roanc ohildrea, 1 found it lofaloeble ercn after theteotiiiag .--'-.... DR. LYOII'S French Periodical Drops ' 8rrictlTregetable, perfectly harmleaa,Bure to accomplish DESIRED J RESULT5. Greatest knows female remedy. Price, f 1.50 per bottle. tSIITin Beware of eonnterfelta and Imlutloni, fha rennlne t pal ap onlr la paete-boerd Car. WMH llWrl toa with fae-aimll aia-natnra on aid ot the bottle, tbna: JtS t . eei Baadror Clrealar to WILUAMS UtM. CCk, Bol gest. CKTelead.Oiilo. JBX-S - - ' BOLD BY F 8. DUFFY ' . qL . -- ZZL. FOB SALK BY Dealers In General Hardware. Cook Wtoves,' Paints, Etc. . .. , 79 Fenth Front St ' " iVW BEBN,' JT. C. aat,as4a4stta4n ;;vtttttttttttttrf tetttetttttttttf :dim "Dnmi9 ." Gtocet - ' a it J a a j X 4 J I j. a Begs to call the attention of the Housekeepersto hip Fine and. Complete Stock of - - - ' Staple and Fancy Groceries, if , VSvery steamer is bringing in some delicacy to be added to J i: ? A ihare of jour trade ia solicited. Your orders will re-35 receive careful attention and a PROMPT DEM VERY. 25 AU orders amaU or large will be appreciated. . Z : : ' i, "' esaa4aassaasaaaaasj mm i 1L tin. A . AB Cemetery WorkatFight Prices Lettering and Finish the Best. Latest Designs. All Work Delivered. ii. a. OTciiEri - cr.o., . WILMINGTON, N. C. v ' : For Infanta and CTilIJren. - 1W Kind You Have 'Always Bought : Bears the' Signature ; of In Use For Over Thirty Years 9 mm M rri7..?i9lfFi7Tf.'T-ncorit Cbotera-lnfantoai, i I DiarrhDysurttry.anr iff!, if til Ay the Bowel troubles ol fjxMrtaofAnylar. Aids Dlgution. Regulsta tns Bowels, Mrenctiwns the Child end Makes at Drnggists, , TEETHING EASY,- - a.- ane. v. u. tuutui. e i:: POlsIsOCK BT. I I III! BlX V B I " and hioies We have Borne cat and rough brown stone., at A. CLIi. depot in New Bern that we will Bell cheap.. "ZJ-.m ; OADPOniAi i w tte f m

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