around and about. Cotloa old la the local market yester day for eleven eent pound. Mr Thomas Bowdea who iu married la Raleigh Wednesday eight, arrived her with hla bride last evening. Tka sharp I Abbie Elisabeth, CapU J, B. Bmlth, arrlTad Thursday sight from Bofut loaded with fish acrap aad oil. Mary Elisabeth Whltford, daughter of Mr aad Mra D W Whltford, bora April 15,190 J died last night. Tha fnoeral aarrioM wQI ba bald at 79 afetcalf stmt, Saturday at 10 a m. Folio officer R P Montague returned yesterday from a fire days trip to Goldt boro and Seven Spring. He reports a very pleasant journey. He says he never saw a better oondition of crops. Tha schooner, J. Dallas Marvel, from Norfolk, unloaded a cargo of sof t c al at tha Kills dock yesterdry. Mr C B Vote, postmaster at Jackson Till aad a prominent citizen of Onslow county died at his home Mondsy. Attention Is called to the monthly pro ceeding!, and reports, of the County Commissioners, to be found on an InBlde page of this issue of the Journal. The excursion crowd from Fayettevllle left on their return yesterday evening about 1:80 after spending a pleasant Bight in town. It was an unusually quiet orderly crowd. If the city's cart drivers were as Indus trious la removing the trash from the streets as they are In collecting slops to haul to their friends for hog feed, their services would be rather more valuable to citizens In general Trash is allowed to remain on the streets for several days before removal, while the drivers are meandering about the alleys of Favle Town delivering slops. A civil case was tried before Justice 8 R Street yesterdsy in which one Gideon a Syrian merchant of Wilmington, brought suit against Assad Kills, a mer chant here, of same nationality, for the recovery of $20 and some odd cents The case was fiercely contested, both sides employing counsel. Justice Street Tendered lodgment for Gideon. Assad appealed to the higher court. Several thousand pounds of Beed cot' ton arrived here yesterday and sold for about three and three quarter cents per pound. The farmers report that it Is opening very fast and has a good long lint. There was another good sale of tobac co at the Farmers warehouse yesterday. About 10,000 pounds were sold yester day. A total of 50.000 pounds have been sold this week. The prices are higher and Drosoects for a better market are much brighter. Kinston loses a good citizen by Mrs Jane Griffin returning to New Bern where she will reside hereafter. Mrs. Griffin formerly lived In Kinston and moved to New Bern then back to Kins ton about a year ago. She returned to New Bern yesterday. Kinston Free Press 10th. When the city carts take away the trash from the streets, then it is the duty of the citizens to remove the boxes and other receptacles In which the trash was placed. Leaving them on the streets until thev are needed again, shows a great lack of tidiness and needs the at tention of the police. A party composed of Mrs Chas B Ay- cock and children, of Raleigh, Mrs Dr Anderson of Wilson. Mr W H Smith and wife, Mr and Mrs L Harvey, Miss Mae Harvey and State Auditor Dixon, passed thiough New Bern yesterdsy morning on a special train, going to Morehead City for a few days outing. FtRB At fERFECTION. EX -Sheriff W. A. Lane's Ban and Stable . Destroyed. Early Tuesday morning tha large ban and stables on the farm of Ex-Sheriff W B Lane, at Perfection were destroy 1 beftre. Tha origin of tha fir Una- H known. The blaze was discovered at shout half put four and made such headway that It was difficult to save anything. Mr Lane was enabled to save tea bead of horses but three cows were burned. The contents including over BOO bushels of grain, many costly farm Implements were also destroyed. The loss is estimated at $1,500 and there was no insurance. WOMAN AND FASHION A Bat. No one know what material win be used for beta next After epun giaaa and paper we are prepared for any thing. This rice straw braided into a nar makea a charming piece or neaagear, the BLADES. The barge C. Q. Blade is loading here and al Neuse River Mill this week. Miss Brownie Howard's many friends are pleased to know that she la rapidly recovering from an attack or Hemor rhagic fever. Our young people are making prepara- tinna to attend the marriage or miss Ahble Whitehead and Mr. Hancock at Oak Grove, tonlgh'. Cart. C C Howard came in from Charles ton S. C. last week to visit his sick sister. Mr. George Conner Jr. of Rlvenjale is vtnitlng relative at Blades and North Harlowe this week. Favor. xX LOSS OP TRADE ' at . t Catted If Bad Cavity Roadways Is Crave. . Drlvtag out ta the country oa oaa of I tha toads leading lato Nrw Bern writer was pained to not the bad dition xlUag. Deep rats aad breaks has been throw, lato tha hole, without TU" "" " "eua ea git years dirt being plead upoa It, which made . i ' ' It etill worse. All that la Beaded to S1m" m.k. V. TW roH. l.nUUU. I Vt BTo Of JOB OOUBty Wr U WOlOOaM n, .tu... .u. r..ri. i. I tUItors ef hhertff D J Saadert aidfak. , Sept. 10. Mra Magr Bpeaea Seaa, aea McLaaa formerly of Columbia B C, bow at Cat toala N C, has been oar visitor for some day. Mrs Sean, la a slater of Mra Nash Mattock of SUverdale thlaeousty, and daughter of tha lata RSMcLaaaaad wife of ou tow, this being hat Ant baufoot unuTiiEn s HEW STORE. I The Pamlloo road la bo great thing either. A prominent phrslclaa of tha ctty being called oa an argent case la tha I country a few days ago, found I foundered la a mud slough along ona of the Important public roads leading to New Bern, and fearing for tha Ufa aad I limbs of his horse, waa compelled to get oat la the slosh and loee many valuable I minutes, unhitching his animal aad I drawing tha buggy from the mire with his owb hands. Somebody is to blame for tha road be I log la such bid condition. Theeommla eloner are opposed to be tha fathers I or guardians of tha county and It Dy last weak. Master Daa RaaseH has goat to Suf folk Virginia to eater school at that plana. . -. - r Mr C B Ptltmaa has km appointed I Rotary Public sor Bwaasboro aad viola-1 Ity. Mr J W WoodhuQ took hit wife to thai Bellevue hospital Hew York City last week, his son, L M aad daughter Nellie, accompanied their father. They ar rived at the Hoapttal Friday morning llh Inst, and after (laying until night that day, KrLM WoodhuH returned,! arriving her Bunday morning the Cthl Inst, a quick trip. Ha reported hist mother doing weU after tha fatigue of I We will soon bo in our New Store at 69 Pollock St., Opp. Episcopal Church. Our buyers have just returned from' the Northern Uarkets where they have se selected everytning new in our line. ' -We will sell everything that is sold in a First-Class Dry Goods Store, f . ' . Barfoot Brothers, that they could devise some Haa wharf ft but dWt think sh would Dry Goods and Womens' Apparel cccccoocnooLicncooncccccon TOO KHOW WHAT TOD ARE TAAMHo When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it Is simply Iron and quinine lc a tasteless f jhp No cure no pay. Price 50c. ansa or bicb sraaw. r It is bo right even If It la not alto gether durable. This one la trimmed with soft taffeta ribbon In pale blue, caught with' rblneetone button and finished with bunches of drooping vio lets at back and aide. Dr. Cy Thompson Here. Doctor Cyrus Thompson, formerly of North Carolina, but now of Onsltw county, was in tho city yesterday, and enioved the day with a number of friends. The Doctor Is looking very well, and while claiming farming as his present pursuit In life, is not out of touch with present events which are taking place, and Is fully alive to possible political future happenings, as In the days of the later nineties when he did some suc cessful political stunts on his own ac count. Doctor Cy can see nothing over which the present State administration can really feel proud, this from a plain farm er's point of view, and not as coming from one without or with, political "hopes." The Doctor is the same genial compan ion to meet, and Is as entertaining and bright as ever. He left for Raleigh last night Embroidered muslin coats are consid ered more elegant than those fashioned of lace. A model three-quarter length of white embroidered muslin is built over white India silk. It has tiny tuck between the embroidery and comes to a little below the waist line and Is open in the front, with long, loose flowing sleeves. These coots are worn over muslin frocks as well as cloth coa- tumes. Pongee makes a stylish as well as a durable costume. A model built on shirt waist suit lines has a box plaited bodice and a white lace cape over the shoulders. It blouses in front and is box plaited in the back. The box plaits also appear on the sleeve. The skirt is box plaited to about twelve inches from the bottom, where it flares. The waist line is completed by a pointed girdle of black taffeta. by the roads might be worked. If tha work of tha board wi a sometime mora practical and lea sentimental. It ser vices would be much mora valuable to the best interests of the county. Then the grand jury might take a hand In the matter. It ta conceded that the force liable to road duty la Inefficient to keep them la good condition, bat how much of the available force ha been utilize If On lome sections the few hands that the law require road servlea of have not been called out for months ay the over seer, still no action u Drought againsi that overseer. The trade of New Bern has been ham- ever get well. Schooners Joha aad Best BusealL! Capt Grant aad Thomas, are Im port loading with lumber for Northern keta. Thee are three matter aad trTR carry tome 850,000 feet of lumber wham loaded. MrsKH Baraom aad family, who have been rusticating ber for a aaoBth, toft last Monday for their home fat Nrv Bora. ' ';" " '. ' We are very sorry to aote the of Mr David Hancock, aoa of Mr and Mr Joha Hanoock, of Bear Creek, near Swansboro. H died last Thursday 8rd Inst, aged II year. ' oar townsman, X RusselL haa al () () C) o o n o n o o o o o ). AH SHOWING A -COMPLETE- LINE dan of Pieca Goo for Fall Suite ta all the New Weave and give yon an Elegantly Tailored Garment at email cost . You get Style, Fit and Workmanship here for the same price that yon pay for the ordinary kind elsewhere. . . T. B: BBITTOIT, HATTER AND HABEBDASHE8, - rHONX H. 'r-'-J- J Middle Street () () O O O O O () () O O o pared for the past two years by these) - pear tre la ma gardes lot, uai bad roads and much of it has gone else- Uacarloahy lolook at. , The tree b where and the time bai come whea every i w aoma-4wo aoaarea merchant and business man lathe city large peara ob It. The limbs are broken should Interest their. selve la the road iowa after being propped ap ell rooad. matter. I n. ,t .1. - v.. . . . t. s . , counted Si large peara. we Death of J. D. Swindell. After many months of suffering Mr J D Swindell, died Thursday afternoon at one o'clock at his home on Middle street The immediate cause of his death was cerebral meningitis but previous to his last Illness he had been an Invalid. He was 88 years of age. The wife snddaugb ter survive. The funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock this morning at Christ EplscOral Church. Rev Noe, of Beaufort, will offl elate. tSfNorfolk papers and New York Journal please copy. Oatlasr Hats. The latest and most extravagant nov elties in outing hats match the panama hat in quality and price, but are made of bamboo finely shredded and closely woven. There is only one shape, a large, round sailor with a crushed crown and a rolling brim. It comes in the natural tone of the bamboo and occasionally In colors. The decorations are somewhat strik ing, consisting of a scarf or lace straw touched with some bright color blue, green or cerise and a generous cluster of fruit pears, peaches or grapes. The fruit is startlingly realistic. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to care. W Grove's signature is ob each box. 25c Bowden Matthews Marriage. Special to Journal. Ralkiqh. Sept. 10. At the office of the Raleigh Christian Advocate today, its editor. Rev T N Ivey, married Thos. Bowden of New Bern and Miss Mary B Matthews of Hamilton, Martin county. A Chlo JTearUaTee. Daintiness and simplicity mark a negligee of white crepe de chine which is made over pale liberty silk. It Is gathered with half a dozen ahlrrlngs Into the figure, and the neck haa a deep collar of the soft crape, which is turned back, showing a prettily draped effect Of pink liberty silk arranged like a crossed fichu. The sleeve are cut Into several deep points and do not extend even to the elbows, but beneath theae are closely fitted liberty silk sleeves which ruffle In mousquetalre faBhlon to the wrist Letter to W. F. Crockett New Bern, N O. Dear Sir: The cheapest thing in the way of tending anything over the world Is a postage stamp; and the cheapest way to shed water is paint Not whitewash; paint. Do yon happen to know It don't belong to your boat. ness to know about paint you know- do you happen to know that most of the makers of paint stuff is out with lime nd clay and sand and water aad air. They do stuff it out In th can; but not n the house. They make more gallons to sell or to buy; more money to pay for paint; more money to pay for patting it on; a good deal more money to pay for putting it on; bat no more beauty; more rust; decay; disappointment; lots. Devoe 1 your paint, because it's all paint n aham, and full-measure. Tears truly FW Dkvob A Co. B W Smallwood sells oar paint - Notice to Teachers. The school commlttemen of No Town ship will meet at Trultt Oct 8. 1903 at 10 o'clock for the purpose of hiring teachers. W. D. Whitford, Chairman, cccccnonononononoconocccoa " ""a""" p mm ' , ' " . ' J" "" i , BAAAaAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&AAAAAAAAAA ""wEARE SELLING FAST ft J J But must rush off the remainder of our 3 2r Bummer Goods,! so we can he ready 3f Mat Mm. h grtUag good It so far, this and last week. Oapta.Qeo.1 zr biuug ui uiu dkuau uo :bwiu cu uh Littleton aad Van wiui have caught Prices. No such sale has been in New 2L? 5 Bern this season. Come Quick before 3 3 the Bargains are all gone. ' 3 3: ,n , : s. Tomr,- - 3e 28 Xliddle St, Near Market Dock. 2& Xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa A For a Child. A stylish little design that exemplifies the use of kilt skirt and the Russian style of closing la shown here la a little frock that may be worn by girls or small boys. The model is very attrac- Aa Easy Berth. Stateaville Landmark. Some of the newspapers, notably the Greensboro Record and the Raleigh Times, are disposed to ridicule Gov, Ay eock'a appointment of W H Bagley, of Raleigh, a a director of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad. The ap pointment hardly seems a fitting one,but at this distance the Landwark is not well enough informed to pass an opla Ion, However, we have noticed that the management of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad I a sort of family af fair. The State controls the road and about all the people of prominence in that section of the State Who have a pall with the State administration either ride free with their families over the road at all time, or have some sort of a job on the road, tome sort of official connection with It by means of which they get free rides for themselves, their friends and all their connections, and also get paid for doing nothing. An examination of the Auditor's report sometimes reveals pay meat for to called service to the State that cause one to wonder.' First Cotton Brought to Market. The first cotton of the season was bought at the Cotton Exchange yester day, Mr A B Dawson having the honor of depositing seven bales of the white commodity at the platform. It was of high grade and brought twelve cents a pound. Mr Dawson Is generally among the first to deliver cotton at this market His crops are always found not only to be among the first to be harvested but they are also among the best natural and heaviest In this seotlon. Will Surely Appear. There is no need for further . doubt about "That Imprndent-Young Coap'e" being seen here. The interested parlies have reached an understanding and Mist Sargent and her company will surely be seen her Monday 8ept 21. - Tobacco Prices Improve. At the Farmers Tobacco Warehouse, yesterday, there were greatly Increased tales, with considerable Improvement In : price. . w - The tobacco I'taailon 1 greatly im proved Is this market and farmers are feeling much encouraged. , fresh bbL Corned Beef at 8c lb. Fresh bbL Corned Mackerel, just opened at JR Parker, Jr's. . Stronf ana Progressive. Craven Lodge No 1, Knlhtsof Ha-- mony, 1 a local fraternal organize' ion which Is proving Itself especially valua ble to this community.- It la an order which i regressive, and strong in membership and financial resources. At Its meeting this week, eight addition were made to this Lodge while a number of applications for membership are on fill to beaded upon. Teeth. Small, chalk white teeth are a sign of Lweak constitution. Strong, normal ith are largo and yellowish white. Sometimes an enthusiastic novelist in depicting the charms of his heroine will give ber two row of pearls be rween her ruby lips. The troth of the matter la nothing could be more ghast ly or unnatural or unbecoming that teeth made of pearls. It is only "store) teeth'' that possess a high polish. .J Notice to Teachers. Notice 1 hereby given that the School I Committee of No, 1 Township will at Vaooeboro, N O, ob Batarday Sept 10th 1008, at 11 o'clock a m for the pur pose of employing teacher for the Schools ia tald township. All teachers who desire to apply for appoiatmeaU 1b la No. (1) Township are requested to meet with the Committee as stated. ' Signed E F ADAMS, Chairman School Com. No. 1 Town ship. p Parmer's Attention I over 8,000 pouada of aloe mulleta, . -... ' Soft crabs are plentiful. - The email boy furnishes the dUsens with luolout oft crab every day and they tell cheap too, only SO cents, per dosea for large one. . -. ,: - r;".:.-.. : Oar tick are better, those reported last One or two new case this weak, Mia Jessie Blount, daughter of Dr Blouat haa flight attack of malarial fever. Mr GW Ward it laid ap this week with a carbuncle on his knee, not able to get about Rev 3 B Olive held a two day meet Ing at Plney Grove church, near 8waaa boro last Batarday and Bandar. . Rev BH Matthew It still busy and hard at work on Us school rooms, "Swansboro Inttitate. Yesterday we noticed only one small negro boy help ing him. Snob pertwrerence Is bound to succeed we think. : , LULA. , We, th undersigned, believing ' Dr I 8ETH ARNOLD'S BALSAM to be are I liable Remedy for Bowel Complaint I hereby guarantee twenty-five cent botl tie to give satisfaction or money refund I led. T. A, Henry. Trenton High School, Fall term begins Monday, Sept I 14. CfoMgw reasonable. . For par ticulars write the principal, . W.n.HAMMOHLV : Trenton, K.O " A Groat v Thunder Storm I At S. Conlcn' Our entire stock of Fall Good, above I are new ready for inspection audi prices are in harmony with the hard times. " For the past 9 days i we have been . kept Daisy marking I down the cash prices in order to give our customers the benefit of I 1 Time to begin to think of the dresses and separate' skirts for Fall. - -: . .-v -. We are showing the New Zibe line Mohair, 36 inches wide at 50c that should be very popular. Sight ly goods and good wearing mater- J ial. .-.-'..' For short skirts we recommend two very good values, both 66 in ches wide, in Oxford grey at 69c and 98c yard. These would make splendid wearing unlined skirts. - "Special value, 62 inch Mohair, heavy quality, in black and brown ;atv-3--' U Still Mot TJatlaictr. Do your neighbors sing the latest songs of the dayr asked the landlord. 1 shouldn't object to that," answered the sod eyed tenant; "their specialty is I the latest songs of the night" Wash i lngton Star. "IBB! rr swu.r five In percale, linen, pique or beavylmd, geen per lb . cotton fabrics. The front of the blonse I ' 4 ery. may be decorated by buttons or ma-Beetwai, chine stitched. The plaited aklrt la a style that ia very Jaunty and youthful and one that is most popular. Prlcea are better on all gradea sound IdisconntS. ' I tobacco, aad we think the farmer will Th price below Will convince maksno miatake to begin grading and J0U statement , U I awaMttaaai! mm WSU WeVUaH Wll WUVM WW 1 - n MMnftf VSR'S CLOTHIKa. , 84 Mea.'1 Baitav all wool bv fine artist tailors, formerly sold at $15, now at! X X your dlacount, f 15. , 17 Ken's Suit of Oriental beauty, all on ilxe, S3a, worth (18, will go at this salefor$10eatoh. 7 Baits Same as Above, one Site 88s, double breasted, something finer than UBeat7l3. 10 Youths Suits, the very mteet style, would be suitable for . King Alpbonao, only $4 43. - WLiUle Bchool Baits which would I here, and then it will be difficult to han dle, . - -r HOWARD A HESTER, I Managers Farmers Tobacco Warehome. NEW BERK PRODUCE MARKET WnOLBBAIJI rUCKS CVBXCm. Egg, per doa 18c Chicken, old per pair....;.'.... 60 . young, per pr,. ....... S5 ABO Pork,per,lb. 70 Beef, " ... be 80 Hew lot Fall style V V v Punjab Percales absolutely fast colors, suitable for Boys Ghlrt Waists, ; Childrens Cchool Dresses and Ladies Shirt 7aist3. ' 4 , T DIQE8TI0f OASVOnXA. Ben th : Tin Kind Yon Haw Always Bmgtt Slgnatiut , f f T immediately by thecne cfEickg The Newest Styles in Fall Eats. I hare Just received all the new thing in Fall Hats for swell dreescr. Samples in window. Yours truly, ', Farmers Attention! The American and Imperial Tobacco Companies have Instructed their buyers to refuse all tobacco not properly graded. ; This order It effective every where and will be obeyed to the letter. The grading by the farmer will In- i ture them better prices aad will make the handling at the local market and by the manufacturer much easier. Tobacco growers should heed this sug Corn, per bash, OaU,i " : . BOe Peanuts.... t , , . ...85 Potatoes, Tarns ......... .j, i ... ......75 Bahamas. . ...................... ... , .SO - Local Grain Karket U Corn, per bu....... ',. Oats per bu Meal, per bu Hominy, perbu. Cora bran, per 100 lb. Wheat bran, per " ......... Feed, 100 lb.... .......... Cotton seed meal, 109 lbs.. Cotton ieed;hull, 1CD lb...' Ship stuff make any boy proud of his father, good I taste, Just Look 07e. I On Knee Panta. Great BoottI what I SO to U bargalna, all suet, and aU prices. ; And 65A70iurus. .. .. , su'J-a. Oar fl 60 L'en's Vlci and Velour Cf'i Shoe win go xor tia ween on:y as s e. fin1 f t 1. end in. . . Our S CJ It 5 ho w!"4 be old for tl 41 all t. j. i ) I ..s to alect from. I . Xl.Lsetani Cluluiena thoes in pro-1 1. .c n r ' r t , .721 .60 .78 .75 0 M.40 1.40 WO " A5 uz benu t.ial I e of a J wol ti all siiades, i:enrleU2 I s, etc at tc. 7 r&JucsJ f.w.. Yc;3 f.r r - lzx in a, I Wri' vt crJ ttzTmcevlical Ckzmist, aeV , . t ) IIj te l..0 t tni mc:t coinplete line of Drugs. Patents Cheml- lca!s l Tlr ;:'.!cr.!s in tae oity. ' - - Trc":- -3 tr.l orJcrs given the personal supervision of the r t 1 1" ."Iverei on siort notice to any part of the city. - ;.v: : c Sb. 38. ' , E. W. ARMSTRONG. gestion eM act accordingly.-.. -.. No. 1 Tlmothyer tea

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