' I t I 1 A IIW im, CBATI5 C0U5TT, I. C, FRIDAY, KOYIMBIR 6, 1803. SICOND SICTION, NDMBIR 6t. r j ' W H www mini n nimniE Absolutely-Pur THERE IS KQ SUBSTITUTE , THE HEWS Jlf A NUTSHELL " ' "V-V. ' Mew York State gave a . majority ot nearly 251,000 la. favor of the proposi tion that ibe State shall spend $101,000,' 000 for Improving It canals. At Ion a Island, N Y, six men were killed and ten Injured by an explosion at tho United States naval arsenal one of the largest magazines In the United States. Enraged over a runaway hog Calvin E Wade, a New Tork State farmer, shot his wife, who laughed at him: then he committed suicide. , The death of William Shoe, who was picked op on the streets and locked up In a police station cell at Norfolk as a -drnns." was cauBoa oy oeing ran over by a fire department truck. - .All cogroes have been ratified to. leave Morgan Park, a Chlcigt suburb. Six men were killed In Kentucky dur ing the election. Lieut A M B.echcr was killed by a fall on the battleship Mtlne. , The State of Panama, (Colombia last night declared her independance, and the long expected revolution began, Trouble also occirred at Colon. The United Statei has dispatched warships and marines ti the sceno. Complaint against anthracite coal carrying railroads alleging discriminat ing rates against Maryland and other seoiluns was filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission. ' PThe State Department Is unofficially advised that Japan and Russia have reached an agreement concerning Man' char! a and Kocca. ' - . . ' China has appealed to the United States to check tho Ra ,slan advance In Manchuria. A dispatch from Simla says that terri ble earthouakes have ocourred atTur- shlz near Ta'bathUAaidurl, in Perla, The entire cltv was practically demol ished and 850 persona killed. Blxtv thousand fugitives- from the Turks are said to be In danger of free lng and ' starving to death In- Bulga ria . ;: It Is reports 1 that theOefmo grl eon at Warmbai. In German Southwest Africa, has been mismored by Hotten tots. v Mrs Thorn m A aendrlcks, widow of the late vice-president Is dead at her home la Indianapolis. She was born In 1833. - The new cable of the German Atlantic Cable Company between Jtcmaen ana Fayel Azores, has Just been completed . This is the first section of the second cable between Germany add New York city. The section between Fayal and New York city will be laid early to :.. 1904. ' ':. :!, T ' .' i- The freak of two drnnken young men caused the Coney Island lire whtch re salted In one life being lost, forty per sons being Injured, five hundred being made homeless and the destruction of $1,600,000 worth of property.. , A surgeon named , Von Manteuffel, at Dorbat, In the government of Lavonla, recently removed a ballet from a worn an's heart and the patient lived three ; days after the operation. The ballet had traversed her heait, but had not penetra ted Its larger caylty . " . 1 . . - ,.- 4'v.f nd. I'.i. i-t iklmn. f 'TiiMii l. rt Wa JoIuV' said the cheer ful Mlot Ui;t ti-yl3 to looif gorlous, "Well," snld tlieAlctlin wearily.' - . "Wheeling West Virgluln may , be some end lausing Michigan may be rather a big surgical undertaking, but Flushing Long Island Isn't suchNt tiny little sanitary stunt" Baltimore Amer ican. ... ' 4 -- -i'. .. Maryland Saldy Democrttic. new '- Iteturns Vncnant'ed. . The news from Tnesday'e el cilon, while the cfflclal toto ls not jet g ven, concede that Maryland Is safely Jcmo- oratle. r ' ; ' i -. The' returns from New York Olty show no change (n figures from Wednes day's count, of about 61,000 pluri'.lty l1? Asms. , '"hli Not 8 Rev t,& Rispass will begin !s year work at Ettt Swamp Church the third Sunday In November, at evicts, 11 aav-.- ) '. AC Mr Ralph Askin who hw been to the hospital for a treatment of Uabyos, returned. hoa) Wednesday.- The opera tion proved to be a success. . Mr WS Prlca, Mr Alfred Gaskln and daughter Katie, attended the Christian Convention at Greenville, and report a pleasant time. - The Convention is to be held at Washington the coming year? Mrs Eugene Tucker1, little Key and Jamie spent Friday night at Mrs Alfred Gasklns and wu accompanied borne by her daughter Mlsf Maggie, who spent the dsy at New Bern. MrWC Email has returned from Elnston: Glad to.havo your back with us Mr Krnull. ELECTION RETURNS. York FENTTENTJAR1 SHOWING I Appears Good One FlaancUUy. Crop Cood on SUte hrisw HepubUcaa newspaper MRatelfu, Ralkh, Nov. 6VIn the cvursa of an interview with officials, ot the peniten tiary "It la learned that the number of convicts at present Is 800. Of these 881 are on the great State farm, known as Culedonle" on the Roanoke river. On this farm there are this year 8.000 acres In corn, 1,400 In cotton and 400 in pea nuts. The cotton crop will be somewhat short but yet a thousand bales will be made where 1,200 were expected. The other crops are Very good. In the conree of the questions asked the official It wu learned that the financial stand ing of the penitentiary is extremely good, that all debts 're paid, including the bin for fertilizers, and that there is $30,000 to the credit of the penitentiary, As yet nothing of the pn sent crop hu been sold. Ot the accounts due none are bad ones. The brick making at the prison here this year has paid very well lndeed,about two and a bait millions of brick having been turned out. The tales have been very utisfactory. One. million brick were sold to Mr Ashley Home at Clay ton. fofln oil mill there. ' The demand for convict labor Is very great, but no convicts are now available, nor will any be to until after the crop at the State. farm bu been gathered. The Goldtboro Lumber Company now Mr and Mrs Harvey Sprlngleani little daughter Kathleen spent Sunday with tM fifty convicts and the contract for ner parents, r . ;' 54 these bu been renewed, . Over 80 years tMessrs Charlie Ipock and Jamts, iful- u-, oenltentlarv bought 67,acretof Cher are attending the Free Will 3PtI land a ' mile south of Raleigh, at the Conference near oreenviue, rui Bonn- D0iBt nere tn. Non j, Carolina rallwty CHOICE MISCELLANY Japan's 4 mart let. The smart set In Japan doea not know Us own mind. The Japanese are arro gant enough to prefer, their own lnsH- tutJone to tnose or o trier countries, ax the same time they wish to Join the great powers, and to do this they must accept the fashions of the hated west, for In their hearts the Japanese do bats the west, though they are sharp enough to see that no nation which does not wear trousers can be a great power. So in Japan there are two smart seta, the breeched and the trabreeched, and u there are many Japanese who prac tice several religions to. are there many who live two Uvea, f i.. The official smart set, the set which embraces ambassadors and cabinet ministers and politicians and civil servants generally, Wear trousers in public But follow home the Immacu late field marshal ot pompous ourtler, and within five minutes yon will find blm minus breechea or knee breeches and comfortably, enveloped In a kimo no, probably squatting on the floor. Tba Japanese who wear.Europeaadresa da not like to wear it On the contrary, they ere anxious to bo rid of it u is a fat woman or ber eteys. Those who know the court only would imagine Japan to be far more forelgnlzed then it really 13. The great politicians and a few other great no blemen live in foreign houses, use for- efarn furniture, give dinner parties In the foreign style, eat with knives and forks, sit on chairs and dress like Christians in Sunday attire. Then, as I have said, the emperor requires that European dress be worn at his garden parties, of which be has at least two every year, a cherry blossom party and a chrysanthemum party. Smart Set. ty. ......... V. The basket parly that was stated In Tuesdays paper to be held at Forest school house will be at the ' reside net of Mrs Laura GaskiaB, November 7th, 7 p There will be a cake bid tot the prettiest glrL Boys come and give them a bid. Mrs Cephas Gaskln from New Bern, spent Sunday bore. - Mr Bob Casey from Hcelsborc, was one of our visitors Sunday. Dr Bender of Pollocksvllle patsed through here a few days ago. Mr Blllte Price left Sunday for River side where he will leach school II any of our readers have and spare boys or old bachelors, pleate siiip to Askin to be dellvored. Katie. .... -f Farmers Attention ! The American and Imperial Tobacco Companies have instructed their ouyers to refuse all tobacco ., not pr jperly graded. This order Is effective every where and will be obeyed to the Wtter. The grading by the farmers w 11 in sure them better prices and. will make the handling at the local market and by the manufacturer much easier, y v. A Tobacco growers should heed this sog- gestlon and act .accordingly. . j crosses Walnut Creek, and took the clay front thls.land lot use in making brick. low the. tale of the land Is ordered, u the brick clay is obtained from lands the penitentiary bought recently on the line of the Raleigh and Cape Fear rail way, ; ;,; - j During the .winter the Republicans Will establish a weekly paper berr, the fundi bave .been secured, They talk as if ii will later be made a daily, that is for next year's campaign, ln which some 6f their leaders profess to believe they see tome opportunity or success. ESnfliaa Street Sm. The EnglisJi towiw have more dls- tincrtlre and lntronttng names for their streets than American towns, ln most of which 'many streets are sim ply i numberetL. London's ' Cheapslde and Aldwyvb are more than' matched by oddities many times stranger. Boot- narn.ls a ttreet in Xosk and Botcqer- gate ln Oarliste. ,Motwtob Is assertive of class distinctions tn Us Geotleman't walk," and Shrewsbury may etao4 al most at the bead of ttet of fJecaBact tlee wttb tts street labeled Dcwpole, which may or tnay opt t reiatod to Newcaetisnt Dogleeo fttataashot ttwn. Newcastle bea Pt&U&4 Oban, and BTnat may t&At slgniry; - Spanish Wizardry. Madrid society Is Just now enchanted with the details of a case of muglc, The practitioner is a woman whose specialty was "removing" by Incanta tion persons ln whose disappearance ber clients were Interested. High dames of the aristocracy resorted to her ln tbe dead of night for blood curdling rites, such as "black masses," conjuring up the devil, who appeared as a black billy goat with flamboyant bonis, and ln a general way the witch played old Harry at stiff rates. Dur ing ber incantations a wax figure was used to represent the obnoxious per son: Some of ber dupes at last com plained of the high fees paid for mag ically small results, and a detective's Wife wns sent to have ber husband conjured away. AH went amazingly well, but Just at the awful moment, when tbe enchantress was busy with a Hecate's brew of bacon fat and other ingredients, with a shirt of the doomed man steeped in them, the police burst in. Next day "the devil" vena found quietly browsing ln the garden, and it has since been ascertained that the "flamboyant horns" were the result of phosphorous treatment. London Globe SAFE HARBORS FOR CROOKS J Plaea t WWtk Thar Kar O aaa Ba Safe rraa ateteaaltlaa. There are scores of little nations with which the United States hu no treaties at all. Abyuinla la one, and were an American fugitive to reach Addis Aba ba he might remain there the rest of bis life without fear of molestation. In the West Indies are two republics ln which the American evil doer is al most as securely safe. One is Haiti, and the other is Santo Domingo. Both are usually to torn by revolutions that the existing government is almost on recognizable. In consequence both are favorite resorts for American adven turers and fugitives of the more enter prising sort One American who left New Orleans inconspicuously because of a little difference with the law rose to high rank in the Haitian army and was eventually killed ln- a fight with revolutionists on tbe Dominican bor der. The little republic of Ban Marino, ln the south of Europe, Is another secure stronghold for American fugitives, but it is so smaU that the average evil doer does not seek It out for fear that he may toss In his sleep and roll over its frontier into Spain. And far to tne eastward there is Sarawak, ln the East Indies, where an Englishman holds forth as absolute monarch and every stray soldier of fortune Is wel come. Were be to be a daring knave, an American fugitive might find safety, at least from American Justice, in a dozen or more of the queer nations of central Asia, though it is more than likely tbat the natives would soon finish him. In Afghanistan tbe ameer would be glad to see him, and ln Baluchistan tbe rulers of the state would treat him as a distinguished visitor. In Tibet prop er he would be under tbe eye of tbe Chinese authorities, but outwardly Tibet is not Chinese territory, and the treaties with China do not affect It High up on the central Asian table land are perched Kafrlstan and Tur kestan, neither of which recognizes even the existence of the United States. Southeast of Arabia Is tbe Independent kingdom of Oman, and toward the north are Bokhara and Khiva, vassals of Russia, but still not affected by Rus sian treaties. And in Africa there Is the vast expanse of the Kongo Free State, unhealthy, maybe, but still safe. In the west are Borum and Waday, Independent kingdoms, and Kanem' and Bogtrmi, no man's lands. Chicago Tribune. i 7noin ' . ,' - . J ' Nov. 4.-M13S Julia O'Neal jclt Fr!. day for .Rhems, Craven Co., whjre she wiU teach this fall. Mrs A P Whltford is visiting her dauahter, Mrs L M Scott at Blounts w Creek this week.-''-.- Misses Gilbert and Monnle Whltford went to Greenville Saturday. H A Mr B H Whltford and Mr Henry Wetherington went to Durham's Creek, Mondav to encage In the logging busi ness."' '." T T :Mi Shaw Bonner ;o"I, Aurora,: lost .a hone near her Sunday ntghUJEIa! wu driving from New Bern 'Sunday, when bis horse was taken to sick be was com pelled to leave him 04 the way. He seat a man Monday to doctor. Mm bu he wu too late.- The horse wu dead. The schools at this place began lion day but tbe attendance wu very small C ASTOR I A I " For Infant, and Children, . - , Hit Kind Yos Kan Alwajs Bought Bears) the Sigahtnrogf ;. ; Ladles -Stlrti. We have' a complete line of ladies dross and walking skirts. Will take pleasure In showing you- V.... . sfl '"WViiiiJam aura Unmade , ran obstinate eokV ,n nans to fray-Selsta 1 f 1 0LYMPIA. Nov S Wall "Jack Frost" made a Aatlqoltr of "Looainor the Loop." There is nothing new under tho sun. That apparently up to date method- of illustrating centrifugal force known as "looping the loop" was practiced. It teema, as long ago as the first half of the last century. A . French Journal ascribes Its invention to M. Clarlere of Havre. At first the car that did the "looping" bore nothing but bags of sand, but 'Soon a passenger made the venture, and in 1850 tho sport was prominent feature of the performance at the Paris hippodrome. Apparently, however, it was reserved for this coun try to throw the sport open to the pub lic, as was done at Coney Island, and later to produce a performer daring enough to make the trip on a bicycle In spite of this long record the feasi bility of the loop trip with a car run ning on rails was deniod several years ago in a technical Journal on tbe ground that the necessary initial speed oouM not be obtained. Success. Reversed. A wealthy golf enthusiast obtained permission from a farmer to use a meadow for his bobby. There he laid out links, and among the players were some ladles. A servant on the farm, w. ... in ... that tha ata nnimt i.it fa nn nntoWfarliniul reoentlv and I scandalized by tho eight of tall, athlet- . .v. Mud Maumm. 1. 'a'itii their lie girls 18 scarlet coats, armed with Get Your Reserved Seats. The engagement of the favorite pop ular price repertoire Attraction, that of ths Paige Comedy Company, will be inaugurated at the Muonic Opera House Monday night and will be for all of next week. The opening bill will be the remarkably clever drama, "A Fight for a Fortune" and will give the well known come dian, Mr Thos DePew, ample opportun ity of making everybody laugh heartily and Incessantly. Bstween acts a line of exceptionally fine vaudeville will be introduced. The sale of seats for tbe performance will be on sale 8aturdav morning at Waters'. Otthe comoanv the Raleigh Newt and Observer said: 'The above company gave one of tbe most creditable performano-s ot the week lut night, rendering our "German American Citizen" with Thos. E DePew as the star, Mr DePew Is one of the jolliest fellows on the stsge and will always get a warm welcome when ever it is his pleuure to appear here. All of the company are without doubt the best eyer seen here : and no bouse in the north or south need fear their being capable of entertaining the most Intelligent audience of the present day. The specialties were all fine snd the buck and wing dancing of Miss Minnie Dupree is Indeed the finest feature act ever carried with a repertoire show. This young ledy wean the champion ship gold medal of the world. epidemic at-this place It a mistake. Mr W P Toler'a family are that last ones who have had this fever and they are all better. ' - DrlalUasr Stat ""The prevalent Idea that drlottng and smoking are companion vice: l al together wrong," said a physician who bu made a special study of diiwina- nla. "I And, on tbe contrary, ttat the habitual drunkard Is not abnoni ally addicted to the est of tobacco. He may use the, weed as ft letset itittrolant when not strongly under tbe tmluanoe of alcohol, but when the drln.; geta flrmlv intrenched In bis system becaeet nothing tor tobacco, for then it nu lost its force and Its Influence rjpoft hit nerves. ; Of courts I mean in ext erna "On the other hand, It if t rathe curious fact tbat in the case of the moderate drlnkee, who also smokes,' the cutting oft of hit supply, pf .tobacco Will Increase hit appetite for eJcohoKo bev erages, and while at first the tpor will not affect blm nearlx to ftiM f when he la smoking, In tie end It will do blm ud. Consequently It is We (4 assume that tbe man who alwaja. oaed liquor and tobacco in moderation, win, if be gives! up tobacco, take more strongly to liquor. In fact, thli is no assumption; It bat been demonstrated on numerous occaslont.'WPbllailelpbla Record.- paint brushes and retouched nature's portrait and changed lbs woods from a pretty green to hundreds of dainty col ors which ait very beautiful to the eve.w .. " 'V-'-'v Th farmert ate : very busy bousing their crop The cotton It about , all picked out, h crop. .being K about one third shorter .than. lut year. Some ot our young ladles art) away teaching achool and tome are going to school. .;f .Pgfiy.ftl , Mist Emma Dunn It teaching tt Chin. ..as's:.''1;- '- '-' Mist Elsie J uoiion u leacning swf per.s 1 ewsav . MIu Ethel Barringtoa it teaching near Mba Jennie Dunns it teaonug in Trulttt.'f:' t'x '. Mbs Cornelia Holton it going to tohool at New JSaraVt. Si3 1 trofi hoofed clubs, striding over tbe fields, one day reported to his master: . "Tbem girls ln tbe meadow scare our cower- v w . Thn firmnr nhonk.hls head sadlV while bo uttered this profound remark: "Ah, Thomas," said t he, "times is changed since we were, young 1. Used to be the oowt which scared the gals!" I -London Tlt-Brts. i SewiMDtri la Barm. )n no country baa the spread of Jour nalism during the last half, century been more marked than In Egypt One fitindned and twenty periodicals are novt Dttbrtehed there, ox which elgbty- omri are prlnte4 in Arabic, among tbe svnew oeing nuy iwuu uuiumo, twenteen ttory papers, ten religtocs nauaatDoa, seven legal Joornau, five medical jamais, two egrlcuttiirsJ pe oeM. two women't) oepers. one Journal fceoted to Preerfiflsonry afidwo.oomr Just Reeelvet; Freeh old Fashion and Heckei'a Preparel Buckwheat, Maple Syrup in pints, quarts, half gallons and gallon cane, Fancy Elgin and Fox River Print Batter, Fieah Grits and Big Hominy, , -. 1 Cape Cod Cranbe'mefl, Evaporated Peaches, Dried Apples Sweet and Sour Pickles, ' ' Florida Oranges and Nice Apples, Complete Stock Nice Fresh Canned Goods. I will thank you for a share of your trade. Yours to Please, Wholesale A RetaU ' Grocer, 'Phone 91. 71 BrJai Bt in tIie World U JM at $3.00, I fL Cs E p Weeds at J y INr and $2.50 ' I A XI W.L.Douirlas. " ; ' " V sett's and A E v Xettleton'sfor New Howatd Hats 1 We are selling the Howard Hats I i this fall at $2,60 worth $3.00. j y 1. 1-wMi'i PREPABE EOnCOLDWElTIIEB No use to be cold when you can GO TO t'ntortnaato. ... Monoybiigs How did your banquet go off. Banklurk? Banklurk Not as well as It nilgnt. you kuow. Tbe toastmaster called on ft gentleman wbo bad lost an arm ana A leg to answer to tbe toast "Our Ab sent Members."' New Xorker. CTinnmata Man of theao fonrnei&are kU ana sirs joei lavwut 01 vnentai ygiy veil prxntea ana nave a jarja or- : i - visited parentt and relatlvei 1mm lut cuteOon - There it semis tlcinese in the neigh borhood, atnresentwt have bad on death of typhoid tevtr- -' - ' lb William W Blmont after lingering n davs died of this muoh dreaded dis ease November 1st. M$v& Mr Ottit Bplghts fell from bit fathers bone's back and broke bit arm, he it ftrafcollaaa tm ECff. Amona the curiosities recently. SO- quired by the department of EgypOan and Assyrian antlqulUet in the us n musouin it an ostrich egg pierced for suspension and covered with traces ot a pointed design, probably bt a pre- dynastlc period. . According to the ex- denartment this egg u nerts of tbe mtiina alone-vert wellathsbunoMldl certainly nearly WX years old, at tbe ..... I . . , . i. M.n A iWV from tho break. l.;sat a -trj i s .-- ; aesign. wee muue nm u T r, C3!L- J I ' - Y' -'y CvOrb : ill b Two Days. ' - i 1 BtsrsQia 7 9, O. The egg of tbe ostrich Is said to have possessed some religious slgnln- canco even ln the predynastlc period. London Globe, ihi Kind You H-"s '""t DOVER. Nov. 5-Mr Setb West spent today ln New Bern on business. " Hr Claud Holland visited hit parents near Bandy Bottom Sunday. Mr HP Woodson who hat been iiok with fever for several weeks nu im proved to at to be-up, and will leave for , hit home Lynchburg, Va, this evening in Mcnnerate. Dr R Pollock will ac- comoanT Mr Woodton to bit home. We are tomewbat incuneu 10 oe niwr- lout over the victories In New York for ! democracy and Durham for temperance. The John Busett Incident it about tbe onlv thine at this time that troubles our 1 equilibrium. Prof Batsett must have been mentally unbalanced when be wrote hit tlanderout artiole. We do not 1 believe that be believes what he bat written. V-'. - -"N Since the quail season hu opened it re ' minds one tbat Chriitmu is coming. Some of tbe sportsmen are out every day and bring In nice bunchet. All of our mills are working lull time. Ths farmers busy harvesting oropt all of whtch tend to make everything s,o alone- smoothly. - The weather It ideal tor all klndt of work. Mr W A Evans It building a general repair shop tor Mr Win Garrls who will soon be ready to do all kinds of repair 9 St) v v v v i) n v V i) i) V u o u ( () HATL IIOAD. MlXXi Aim MA.CIIIin3:StJPPIaIE3. WK ARE MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR ' Erie City Boilers and Engines, ; Van Winkle Celebrated Gins and Presses, j, - The Oneida Wood Split Pulleys, 1 ' 'The Wagner Duplex Steam Pumps, , Starret's Fine Tec' i. We cany a full stock of everything In the line of Hact Supplies, f and get a suit of that Heavy Double-breasted Fleeced L Underwear for men, worth tl 50 for f 1 00. ' Here's another good value Natural Mixed Wool in gray at tl 00 the suit. We find thai we are a little over stocked in this line and for a few days we offer at a special price. Mens White Merino Shirts and Drawers that Bell for tl 00 suit, Special at 87ic each. This is an extra good value, we also carry in stock Sharer's All Wool Non-Shrink Health Un dei wear t2 00 the suit. N Mens All Wool Red Flannel Underwear at $2 00 the suit, '. We also have Wright's Health Underwear. See us for Mens All Wool Half Hose, Only 25c, 60c also Mens Jersey and Australian Fleeced Lined Gloves 25c. V LADIES UNDERWEAR. y , Ladies FineWtite Australian Wool Vests and Pants 75 per cent wool' at 75o the suit. - - Ladies Ribbel Oxfords All Wool non-Bhrinking t2 00 the suit. Ladies Red Flannel $1 50 the suit. Ladies Heavy Fleeced Lined Eibbed Silk Taped Finish tl 00 the suit. ! Missea Fleeced Jersey RibbedVest and Pants, all sizes, 25o each. Misses and Ohildrens All Wool, Vests and Pants in all sizes. - Infants Australian Lambs Wool Wrappers all Bizes. Ladies Wool Hose 25c cry t CAKDTAT.3 73 j:;,U.:e Tt. vtC-ie' -:t r

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