Stomach :.: No appetite, loss of etrsngth, . BerroumeM, headache. oomtipaon,' bad breath, (ensral debility, sour ria Inga, and catarrh of tltf stomach, are all due to Indigestion. Kodol curst todlretUott, This new discovery rapra. sents the. natural Juices of dlMtloa a tbey exkt in a healthy stomach, combined with the groalort knovti tonlo and recpnetrucUve properties., Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only curt lr "(Efeation and dyspepsia, but this famous rernody euros all etomach tronblea by. cleansing, purlfytnp, sweetening and strengthening tha tnuooua mambranaa lining the atomach, DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT tUvaa Health to the Men ao4 Strength to the Weak. BotttM cnhr. tl.00 Stn fcokBnt tH ttraM - tha trial ska, which sails tor SOo. nn 7 m 0, SeVltt 4 Co., Cateata, ' 8 DUFFY Death of Charlton Lumsden. The man; friends of Mr and Mri H 0 Lnmsden were deeply grieved to learn of the sadden death of their oldest child and only son, which occurred at about seven o'clock j esterday morning. The little boy, H Charlton.Lumsden, Jr, became sick Saturday bat his case was not considered dangerous until Sunday Tenlng. The disease at first was mem branous croup bat paralysis of the heart developed which caused his death Charlton was seven years old, October 7th. He was a bright, attractive and popular little fellow and his loss will be felt by his many playmates and friends The bereaved parents havo the deepest sympathy of the entire community. The funeral services were held at the parents home on Broad street (yesterday afternoon at four o'clock, Rev T M N George, officiating, j OASTOIIIA. Baantha ' Tha Kind Yob Haw Always Bigutart INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. The average annual wage of adult mluers in Silesia, Germany, is $243. .. A strong rubber company has bought 10,000 acres of land in Mexico on which to raise rubber trees, bananas and pine apples. - American packing house products ag gregate $144,000,000 worth a year, 64 per cent of which goes to the United Kingdom. The Industrie Zeitung says that of all the countries producing steel in 1902 the United States led, with an output Of 15,000,000 tons. - ; . A great French and German automo bile company merger is being organized by American capitalists, which pro poses to take up all the big automobile factories In those two countries. PROVERBS UP TO DATE. It takes 0 big man to eat crow grace fully. Modesty la not so easily shocked at prudence. j - A woman's train of thought 1s often on her dress. ;'',. '- Marrying for money Is more a matter of dollars than of senso. , -j- ? Many a woman employs a private de tective when she looks in her mirror. - -It is not considered to a man's credit to merit success if be doesn't obtain It, We ; shouldn't mind . woman, having the last word if she'd only get to It sooner. L. de V. Mattbewman in Ev erybody's Magazine.'-- - - - The Thief.;, vi ...of Beaoity Is Captured by BradBeld'S Becnlato. tha fact Ihst Inherited comllness has been etolen way and Instead of glow ijr ch bright eyes Mid smooth brows, the tell- tale wrinkles of pais hare taken the place ol th onw cherinj. . These ereths warning ltast Wesk.Mral and axhsusted In the morning, no Me, no amM. tton 10 enier npon inw . Z J 7 J.., jms lnoicaie aenvMreo snw www. sens, bhattereu serves ana exnaniwu follow tns weaseneo. cunuii "u ui . man. - - - - i terrible reeulu, redeem your 8ve TOUW PJ fceaina Bradflold's Female Regulator The ftvrrt itrenfthenrng, tnTtgonting, trnal regulator tn me won - . Jt re) levee painful raenetruatVert, proroee men strastlon, obetructed roenetruatlon, tnnamma tion of the vagina, displacement, aaembranol Siarrh, nerroueneaa, headaches, tt utr of lacs and symmetry of form are ins mnlt of the o theM heajdror v Of drtWeu 1 .00. Our book, Failed Health for Wonim, mailed Urea. . . , THE BRAC FIILD RCftULATOIl CO. a atl"T, . ? - ill ame, cross. Qisinumum, uui -- - aljplrltedeelln e, sleepless nights, cold feet, poor circulation, "bearing down' paJna. Allthese sympu . Three eases of disorderly ooaduct yers before tha Mayor yesterday. . J as Veb ber was diacaarged. WUiiaat' CrooXet, assault with deadly weapon,' was bo lal oter to Aupedot Court ttader 30 tx nj and Lealle' Jacob,whlte, waa toiad guilty sad taxed the costs. i The youth of New Bars have flee times practicing their foot ball gamen ca the Academy Qreea, afternoons, No regular game has beeo played here; rtt, hot a good deal of warm air la Hosing around as to things that are going Die doing later on. , Van realdencee In this olty are no being handsomely Improved and a he a completed will make a fine appears ace. The residents might farther beaitl'y their homes by selling out ahade tre a tn plenty aioand, which It Is hoped ihoy wUldo. . ; The friends of Capt Rosa William i of the A & N 0 will be glad to know that he has ao far recovered from his recent accident so as to be able to be out aain, Oapt Williams waa here yesterday, bat hu not recovered, sufficiently to be able to resume his duties. The people of Ktnslon will hold a chryianthemam show next Thursday and Friday, which promises to be a floe af fair. Although the flowers have been In Jured by, the early frosts many were pro tected and there will be plenty of beauti ful ones for the occasion. The proceeds of the show will go to the Daughters cf the Confederacy Work has begun on the Pamlico tail road. Only a few hands are employed on the grading yet.but there la no heavy grading to be done until the river la laachjad. Connection will be made with the A Si N C road near the old athletic park, end will be run along one of the new streets of the Dunn suburb to Neuse river. - It Is hoped that the experiment with the road making machine will prove to be an object lesson to our worthy county commlasionara. About three of ihose machines with the help of the county's convicts to operate them would put the roads tn Craven In first class condition, and the roads once made would be a great credit and honor to the enterpris ing board of commissioners who caused their construction. There Is a great demand here no .v for dwelling houses, houses that can be rent ed for six to eight dollars a month. Lots of people sre coming to this place from elsewhere, and as a rule they are Indus trious and thrifty, but on account of the depression in the tobacco business and a consequent falling off tn bustness In other places come here to better their condition, and of course need houses to. live In. Repeated comment, has been made about cows tunning at large on ; the streets, and about the drivers allowing them to walk on the sidewalks, bul com ment seems to be of no avail. Oattle roam the streets every night, and in stances can be mentioned where they have done aerlous injury to flower yards and gardens. Not many nights ago two stray animals made a raid on an old wid ow woman's collard patch and utterly ruined it, "' ' "i-"1 It was reported In yesterday morning's Journal that Fhene Howard had buen at rested on a capias for non appearaace at the last term of court and lodged In jail. The female tn question called at this of flee yesterday and most emphatically de nied that she had been an occupant' of Craven or any other county's prlson.nor that she had skipped a bond as alleged tn the paper, and charged that she had been done a great Injustice by the article She explained however, that she had been wasted at court and that a capias had been Issued on which she wan ar-. rested, but that ahe had given abend for her appearance at next. So the chapter ta ended and It la hoped that the wrong done her has been repaired. The Rocky Mount Motor says of the play, "The Fight For a Fortune which will be the opening play of the Paige Comedy Co., at the Masonic Opera house next Mondsy night: "The Paige Comedy Company delighted large audiences at the opera house Monday and Tuesday nights. Monday night "The Fight tot; a Fortune" was presented.' All the ct arao tera were well taken and pleasing to the audience. . Mr Dupew surely suiitf ined his reputation as a "Jolly Com 3d .an." The dancing of Mias Minnie Dupiee was also much enjoyed. She has few equals and no superior aa a dancer. The play "A Country Boy" last night was alno en joyed, Tuhtght Rip Vn Winkle will be presented. The show deserves a crowd ed bouse, V- i Ujf i4' oASTonZes Baantht- ye Ills Kiad Yob Hav Alw:rs Tltlnks) 'Wain of Himself tv;;'" 'Isn't It strange," remarked M. Bll lins to her husband, "that I can never get a good bargain In nhoeiv :r:: "You did once," said her husband. -. "When was thatr. v.,' "When you got me." Chicago Reo ord-Heraid. 'f"r'-i,M ': A Lost Pleaaare. Mrs. Noorlcb-Isn't It grand to ride In your own carriage t - f r Mr. Noorlch Tea, but I'd e Joy It more If I could only stand on the pave ment and see myself tide by, .... i. :&' True Bill. : : The grand jury cf tha Jones county court found true bill yesterday sgalnst Alfred Daniels for the murder of Mi T Q Simmons; Daniels confessed to the Jtlllbtg of Mr Simmons, claiming that he did it In self defense. . It Is believed however, by the public , that It is a case of cold blooded murder. v i- .- ..'; - - a Sheriff Taylor waa ordered yesterday to summon a special venire of one hand ted men from which to select a Jury, id tha esse will be taken up for , trial today at IS o'clock. r v ;; UcI By. C-ifa DANGER IN SODA SIPHONS. Tfcoy Hay SUgdaMl til Casue Imjaury t. Thaw Wks May Bw lams'. 1 yon know that the aiphon bottle snlinarlly need for Vichy, soda water a ltd other effervescent drinks Is usually charged with a pressure of from lit) to 100 pounds to the squsre Inch) The danger likely to result from an explo alou of one of these little household ar ticles Is by no means Inconsiderable, and yet the average person handlee a aipbon aa though. It were the moat harmless thing In the world. There sre two or three things to re member In handling alphona; Never keep your alphona near the range, for the unusual beat is more likely than anything else to cause an .explosion. Don't subject the bottle to any sudden change of temperature whatever. For Instance, If yon keep your alphona In the Ice box end that la the beat and safest place for them don't grasp the glaas part of the bottle with your warm hand, for the sudden change of temper ature la apt to cause an explosion. The best way to carry a siphon at ail times la by the metal top at the. bead of the bottle. It is needless to say the great eat care ahould be taken not to drop a aiphon, tor an explosion Is the Inev itable result. When empty, the aiphon la, of course, quite harmless. That these bottles are considered a great source Of danger Is evidenced by -the fact that the courts inevitably bold the bottlers strictly liable for all dam- kages resulting from the explosion or one of them If even the ailgbtest defect In the manufacture of the bottle can be shown Washington Times.. JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. When yon feel dull after eating. When you have no appetite. When yon hare a bad taste in tLe month. When your liver Is torpid. When your bowels are constipated. When yon have a headache. When you feel bilious. They will improve your appetite, cleanse and Invigorate your stomach, and regulate your liver and bowels. Price 25 cents her box. For sale by all drug gluts. Carina an Insane Patient. A patient entered the consulting room walking backward, under the de lusion that his heed bad got a twist round and that his face was turned the wrongway. Instead of laughing at him, as I expected, the doctor entered Into the case with the greatest gravity, tapping his patient's head all over, looking Into his throat and ears and sympathising with him. The patient was at once won over and placed the utmost confldenco In the doctor's assur ance that a complete cure would be ef fected In a few days, voluntarily ex ercising the greatest care in carrying out the medical directions, which con sisted In elaborate nothings to keep the patient Occupied. ' A day or two afterward the doctor met him with feigned surprise and con gratulated him. "On whatl" asked the patient "Judge for yourself," replied the doctor, banding him a mirror. The man surveyed his corrugated counte nance Intently for a few seconds, when with the dawn- of conviction there stole a grin into his' stern features. Thank ing the doctor, ho Bklpped out of the room In a frenzy of delight London Tlt-Iilts. t: L . -: -: . FROM SOUTH AFRICA. New Way of Usinf Chamberlain's Congn Remedy. 1 ! Mi Arthur Chapman writing from Dur ban, Natal, Soutb Africa, says: "As a proof that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is a Cure suitable for old and young, I pen you the following: A neighbor of mine had child jnst over-two months old' It had very bad cough and the parents did not -know what to give It I suggested that if they would get a bot tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy end put some upon the dummy teat the baby wal sucking It .would no doubt cure the child,' Thts, thcf did and brought about a quick relief and cured the baby." This remedy is rot sale jjsM druggists. ; s ; i' ' .-BU.Oa.atoa.: "c: 'i Tour, daughter, I understand, took the short course in cooking."- , : ' "I -suppose, so," be" growled. "I cer tainly paid the bill for itt ; ( v-, "And what did she learn T ' ' r "Well," was .the guarded reply, "I guess; ebe learned, the theory of cook ing, ut there seems to be a difference between theory and practice.''-Chlcago Poet' ' , Cam of tt. .-"I haven't , quite determined,'' said the Charles street father, "whether to hove my daughter's voice - cultivated here or abroad. What would yon sug gest?" . "Oh.'Vsaid, thejpbltglng neighbor, "abroad,, byr all imeaps.r .. ABtt that's where it all started. Baltimore News. - SapvraMlataT the BUaS. " Fuddy Aren't you gointt to take any notice of the libelous charges that have been circulated about you J - Duddy-Not on your lifer If 1 Old they might come to the knowledge of somebody Who had "not heard themv- Boston Transcript ,. - ,' Fhm a.a Vosla. ,;r ."Tea, sir,"; said the Benedict, "I've got a remarkable .Wife. She can cook and play the piano with equal facility. "rue Ideal where aid she ever learn td cook ' piano T" Indianapolis vli.'s? A Good Name. -r-Mhsc From personal experleaes I testify that DeWitt't Little Early Risers are un equalled as sliver pill. They are rightly named because they give strength and energy and do their work with ease. W T Easton, Boeme. Tex. Thousand of people are nslng these tiny little pills in preference to all others, because they are so pleasant and effectual. They cure biliousness, torpid liver, Jaundice, sick headache, constipation, etc. They do not purge and weaken,' but cleanse- and strenghten. Bold by F B Duffy. COUKTT COMMISSIONERS FroctedlofS For Fovember. Grand Jiry Report- Supt of Health and Treasurer Reports. The Board met at the Court House November Sad, 1903 In regular sess ion. Present Commissioners, Baxter, Wads worth and Uarvry. Ordered that Alex White be allowed to list and pay his poll lax for the year 1903. On recommendation of the L'st Takers of No. 1 Township, It Is ordered lhat the valuation ofJL Causey's property in said Township be reduced to $303, said groperty being on Piney Neck and listed at $1000.0). Ordered that property of W F Moore at corner of Pilmroee and A it more S a. be reduced from $65000 to $425 00, he having sold $130.00 of sal 1 ll to Susan N Dudley. Ordered that Busan V Dudley appear before the Board and show cause why her property at corner of Cyprees and Attmore it-eels should not be lls'e-1 for taxation for years 1903 and 1901 ntid why she should not pay double ux f c r failure to list same. Ordered that A M Williams x- r- qu-ei ed to pay to Mr 8 L Morris the rum ol $3.00 monthly ia rallous until further ordered on account of povertr and in flrmlly. Ordered that Wm N Nelson of No 1 Township be relieved from payment o( poll tax on account i f poverty and In firmity. Ordered that property listed to Rachel Bryan on Richardson Alley for f SO 00 be stricken from the list on account of error. Ordered that $750 0) solvent credits listed to Thos M Arthur of No. 2 town ship be reduced to $7. CO on account of error. Board took recess until 2.80 o'clock p m. The Board met at the Court House at 2:30 o'clock p m, pursuant to the re cess. Present Commissioners, Baxter, Wads worth and Harvey. Ordered that W Y O'Neil be allowed to list his taxes, he having failed to list at the proper time. Ordered that $600.00 (money on de posit) listed by Geo M Orapon be strick en from list, It appearing that same was listed by htm through error. Report of Dr J F Rhem, Supt. of Health upon presentation was accepted and ordered filed and spread upon the minutes. New Bern, Nov. 2, 1903 To the Chairman and Board of Commis sioners: I have the honor of reporting that there has bten a few cases of Diphtheria and Typhoid Fever reported for the month of October, I also recommend that Iron bed steads be placed in the county home. Respectfully submitted, J. F. RHEM, M. D , Supt. of Health. Report of the Grand Jury upon ex amination was accepted and ordered filed and spread upon the minutes, Report of Orand Jury October Term of Court New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina. October 3th, 1903. To his Honor: Frederick Moore, Judge Presiding. We, The Grand Jury of this Term. Respecfully beg to submit to the Court the following report of the services per formed by us. We have endeavored to faithfully follow Inaturctlons.Our duties have been executed , to the best of our knowledge and ability. We visited the County Jail, and In Ipected Building and Yard, found prem- Ises clean and In order- We would suggest the adding of (4) new Iron cages as they are needed for the safe keeping of prisoners. Mr Williams, Jailer, wishes a small house of about four rooms to be built in the jail enclosure for him and family, thereby Increasing capacity of ulby the two rooms which they now occupy, this we endorse. In the Register of Deed's office we found everything In order. We would recommend that the reg ister be allowed to have seveial volumes of records copied which are very valu able books as they are very old and the papet Is rotten and discolored, and new copies would be the means of preserving the records and would suggest that modern bookcases would greatly facilit ate the handling the same, as formally reported by the grand Jury. . We found the Clerk's office In order and well kept. We Inspected the office of Sheriff and found everything; in order. Neuse river bridge being examined we found It to be In bad condition, especial ly ratlines on same which are unsafe and thon'.d be repaired at once. r Upon examination of Trent river bridge we also found that to be in ex oeedlngly bad ' condition and extensive renaira necessary. The railings on this bridge are also rotten and dangerous, affording very little protection, the ap proaches to drsw are entirely insufficient to protect same and need attention at once. We would advise that extra force of hands-be employed aa present number are not sufficient to push work ss rapid ly as It should be. Bridge contractor at present employed, suggeata that a string piece In centre of bridge, dividing traffic coming and going on either aide of same thereby making wear on floor of bridge more equal and relieving centre, of all the wear, as at present meets with our approbation. , The County home was visited and up on examination was found to be In first class condition, clean and well keep, the keeper doing all In her power for the comfort of the Inmates, all of whom say they art well cared for and well fed. We would alio suggest that a force pump aadhoas be allowed for nela'y case or nre. Also phone would be neots sary for eoovsalenee of keeper and In case of emergency. We find Court House building and grounds well kept and In fin I class order. W. B. ELLIS, Foreman Grand Jury. A true copy. W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court. Report of Treae. D L Roberta upon presentation waa examined and accepted and ordoroJ spread upon the minutes. Report of D L Roberts, Treasurer of Craven county for month of October 1903 UKNERAL FUND. Oct. 1. " 31 Nov. 2 To Bal. 73 47 i500 00 13174 f 1,893 21 1 1,695 21 j JuBldJle Oc. 81 lly roucbers 1,695 21 I H rKRBST ACCOUNT, Oct 1. By bnl. 97 00 25 00 113 06 133 06 81. Hj Coupon N iy. 2. To lul 123 06 FKNCK, NO. 1. Oct. 1. To bal. 81 47 23 86 105 88 23 86 8147 105 83 31. To Jaa Riddle Oct. 31. By voucher Nov. 2. By bal. FENCE, NO. 3. Oct. 1. To bal. 719 83 50 I 31. To J W Blddle 89 69 83 50 719 89 69 Oct. 81. By voucher Nov. 2. By bal. FINES PENALTIES, Oct. 1. To bal. 635 00 4 50 128 25 5. To S R btreet 22. To W M Watson 667 75 Oct. 9. By Educational Fund Nov. 3. By bal. 535 00 133 75 667 75 D. L. ROBERTS, Tress. Craven Co. Ordered that India Hoselr of Kinston, N O be notified to appear before the Board at its next meeting in December and show cause, If any ahe has, why her property In 9th Township should not be listed for taxation and why she should not be made to pay double tax for failure to list same. The regular billa were allowed. On motion Board adjourned. GEO. B. WATERS, OBO, A Scientific Discovery, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does for the stomach that which It la unable to do for itself, eren when but slightly dis ordered or oyer loaded. Eodol Dyspep sia Cure supplies the natural juices of digestion snd does the work of the atom ach, relaxing the nervous tension, while the inflamed muscles of thst organ are allowed to rest and heal. Eodol Dyspep sla Cure digests what you eat and en ables the stomach and digestive organs to tranaform all food Into rich, red blood Sold by F 8 Duffy. WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. The veterans of the Mexican war will meet In St Louis next year. The United States Internal revenue department will make a- complete ex hibit of all revenue stamps. The mining companies of Mexico are taking active Interest In the world's fair, St. Louis, and will make an ex tensive display. Pennsylvania will have In operation at the world'a fair two miniature fish hatcheries, one illustrating the method of hatching lake fish and one showing the hatching of trout The Texas commission has about de cided to show the state photographical ly. The plan ia to take several thou sand photographs of typical Texas scenes and arrange them In several easily bandied volumes. FACTS FROM FRANCE. . Automobile building gives employ ment to 20,000 persons In France. Juvenile crime In France has de creased by 80 per cent among boys and 43 per cent among girls since 1881, - Flower growers In the south of France and other favored climes find It profitable to aend the products vf their skiii io unuso mantels. J "It Is my talisman," said one of gang arrested for robbing's clerk of $3,000 In rarla when the scale of a flab was found In his pocket - - . Paris Eiffel tower will stand for only a few years longer. A commission appointed to decide on the uses to which the Champ de Mars shall be put has ordered that the tower be torn down at the end of the concession. Which expires in 1910. ... OABTOXllAi Bsan u Ins Kind Hw Haw Always Bouipt Igaataja utabi I traaa Save'a Woal ' an U PiBalsam, tha ssrtata son for ooogiia. Your money feacCi Iff yon are not satisfied BO TOO Bl'WOSl tha e fnnaav wlU IKS. V7tt!?tSt " m " DO YOU SCPP0S8 w mold tanrjaMlaa Of StUl ITMter sneeeai by (aUlac so fulfU aor DO YOU BUPPOSB ws would msJu suoh la UM) aaUarjl&ff Quality of our poods F . - . " - - j i, imn inr Bminirnnai ml moans in el a writ Prrfwred tor other uses. THats whf weare ratrularlj suppl TioTerVe u-rw oil Snlllkm aaliaflad auau-nara. Thaa'a arhe nn .k;i .-1 ""- a'sse"r ta a Direct from our tim Diilm'Pr.mi! PURE 8EVEfJeYEAn0LD nYE I FULL QUARTS Weneynd rou FWJB FULL QUARTS of HAYWBB'S BBVKW-YHAB-OLD EYB for U.S0, sod we wUl pay tha express caercea. WHen you receive the whiskey, try It and if you don't find It all right and M rood as you ever QranV or oan buy from aur body else al any arloe, then send it back at our expense and your U.SQ will be returned to you by next matL Bow oould ao offer be fairer f We take all the risk and stand all the expense, if the roods do not please you. Won't you let us send you a trial Order f We abip in a plain sealed oaaei no marks to enow what's inside Orders for Arts., OaL, Col, Idaho. Mont.. He. N. Mex., Ore.,TJth, Wash, or Wm, must be on the basis of (aarta for SiOo by reS Frepaid or WT iiuatu tor Uootrbyrreisk. rixpaid. Write out nearest offles sad do it MOW. THE HAYNER OISTILLINQ C0I3PANY ATLANTA! GA. DATT0N, OHIO ST. LOUIS. NO. ST. PAUL, MINN, 166 OrsmuBT, Tnor, Q EniBUSHXD 18M, nr laJLaTjxntiNi iLTUTmKfiurQWCEFaaU Costs Only eats Or stafl St erats to C. TdsikoseT Ale., JolrJg, 1878. Da, O. J. Mofrwrr Mr mj experlenoe with ToaraxMllent medicine, TanTHINa. troneleleethlns;. Krery remedy was sxbaassid In She ahasa of uieeerliiSiiss tram familr phrsiclaas. Her sewels edsa-nned lo nus off pare blood and barnrns Cerer ooeMneee fer days at a true. Her lue waa alraoet aesaelred eC Ber mother determined to try TEETHIK A, aad ta a day er twe there was aarsat eaascs-asw lue aad retarasd me oowois were regular, ana uianasio i liiuia A, IIS A, the Yours, sts.. V. w. Sale & Exchange STABLES. Finelori Uglit 'and Heavy Draft Mules, also Good Working Horses Jnst Received. Must be sold. Terms to suit Purchasers. Cash or good negotiable paper. Call at stables and see the stock offered. L. Q. Crimen Street, WIT BUBBLES IN TOASTS. Some Humorooa Sentiments Pithily Expressed at Banquets. A publisher once guve the following: "Woman, the fairest work In all crea tion. Tbo edition is large, and no man should be without a copy." This is fairly seconded by a youth who, giving his distant sweetheart, said, "Delectable dear, so sweet that honey would blush in her presence and treacle stand appalled." Further, In regard to the fair sex, we have: "Woman, she needs no eulogy; she spenks for herself." "Woman, the bitter half of man." In regard to matrimony some bach elor once gave, "Marriage, the gate through which the happy lover leaves his enchanted ground and returns to earth." At tbe marriage of a deaf and dumb couple some wit wished them "un speakable bliss." At a supper given to a writer of com edies a wag said: "The writer's very good health. May he live to be as old as his Jokes." From a law critic: "The bench and the bar. If It were not for the bar there would be little use for tbe bench." A celebrated statesman, while dining with a duchess on her eightieth birth day, in proposing her health said: "May you live, my lady duchess, un til you begin to grow ugly." "I thank you, sir," she said, "and may yon long continue your taste for antiquiaes'-London Tit-Bits. Why New Bern People Should Follow This Valuable Ad vice. tt Because the proof is in New Bern, Ton can easily investigate It ' Not necessary to experiment -With some untried remedy. , Profit by tbe experience of a citizen. 8 B Parker.whose sheet metal business Is at Craven and South Front streets. place of residence 41 Craven street says: "I believe Doan's Kidney Pills to be a good remedy, In fact, 1 know It I have been quite a sufferer from backache. At times it waa so bad I could scarcely en dure It, bnt since using Doan's Kidney Pills which I got at the Bradham Phar macy my back hu not troubled me at all. Should there ever be a recurrence I shall certainly resort to Doan's Kidney Pills, and Intend to keep them on hand to have In case of need." For sale by all dealers. Price SO ceits, a box. roster-Xilbura Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the U. a Remember the name Doan's and take no other. eapttal at SM0, 00000, paid ta fan, aad fee "H suceeewsalEo55 sere smli 4.v v. m promise are soaks n-m aa odor If va old art aaea t .r a. dlotillory to YOU Pniinlildailintloa!" 20 EXPRESS PREPAID Cores Cborera-bfastsa, DlsirhorDyeMy,aTrl the Bowel Troubles d Cildrtaoilrriffe. Aids Oigtttion, Rcguiaks the Bowels, Saxnethans thtChnd and Maaas r ,sata at Dmgg'sts, TEETHING EASY. D ST. LOUIS. MO. J. MOPraTfr. M. Dear Sir i Jmtl.V jr, eon denaads that I shoata bits yea Oar UrNe airi. isit tbirieea BHmths eld. has had a llrd. bass Is now Soles well Maivaa. SUltsr sad rrosrlssst Taskagss (Ala.) Hews. 1 Daniels, NEW BERN, N. C. PeHieHtSTCR-S) inoliom ' ilinvmALPiLLS Cf-TV,Arit- ? relUbte. Laaiee, eak DraffM kr CHICUIlSTKK wtthblMrlkbea. Take as atfeer. ateras, aaaareaa SaaeUlatleaa aaS laaiee. ateae. Bur of jar rafgirtL er seed 4a. fca im r i-arueaiara, Teensaealal all Draafliu. Calekeeter Caesaieal Oe- lmm 1 SOD, aalste Basses, ataara, run., rar Notice ! Any farmer desiring to fence his land with the American Field Fence can procure tHe same of me for a short while. I now have in stock two car loads of Same. 3 Under Hotel Chattawk; , Nl.W BEM. lV. C. WHEN BUYING HARDWARE ' yon wish to buy where you can get the best for ths least money. Yon know that below ft certain price it is impossi ble to manufacture y UUUU UA.KDWAK1S. Cm Hardware is the best obtainable. and our prices are the lowest, quality considered. , Wo don't give things away bnt we come pretty near it We re agents for HEATH ' AND MULLIGAN'S; BEST T REP A RED PAINT. Foy 2i Simmun S, 79 8. Front St, NEW BERN, N. 0. For Rent or Lcaco. : A good farm near Rlverdale (on Reuse River) known as "Old Fisher place" good buildings for reasonable term. - Apply toj WLI.6ULTAIT, e3r IbsJIeatasi IfMM,

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