IDE WEEKLY JOURNAL itaUliM S7 ur ana rruay as s auaaic wreet, ; ..CHARLES STEVEN? BgDiior Fnonrzror, SUBSCRIPTION RATE?-, Two Mouths, MTCents. Threee Months, 85 Blx Months tO - Twelve Month. $1. - - ONLY 15 ADVAKCR Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry 6T tJPThe, Jtmau. is only sent on pay-In-ad ranee basis. 8ubacriberi will snceire notice of expiration of their sub criptiona and an immediate response to notice wU be, appreciated by the JoUMai Entered atf thte Po8tofflce,.New Bern If. C. as second-class matter. Section One, Tuesday, Not. 17, 1903 DISCREDITING PUBLICITY OF JONES COUNTY CITI ZENS. The good people of Jones county ap paar to be coming in for an unusual amount of publicity Just now, the events Of Wednesday, in the rumors that a con Idertble body of Its people were bound for New Bern for the purpose of libera ting Dixon, the murderer of Webber, Who was confined in Craven county jill, Under sentence to be hung In Decern bar. And the fact that another rumor as sent out, crediting the colored people of Janes county with being bound for Goldsboro to rescue Daniels, the mur derer of Mr Simmons, was equally dls tnrbing. Without criticising the Jones county official who sent the word of alarm here, which brought out the Naval Reserves, to prevent a possible attempted assault upon Craven county jail, it Is peculiarly unfortunate that such a rumor should be tent out. A calm view of the situation shows how really absurd such an attempt would be, as the assaulters would have to go many miles, and then pass through a city, where their coming would be known at once. If such an assault was contemplated, It would have needed at least two hund red bold and hardy men, who were ag gressive violators of law and order. The Journal being near and familiar With the citizens of Jones county, does not believe that there are fifty men, In that county, who would favor much less attempt such a rescte, as ruteora said, on Wednesday night Reports, unfair and discreditable to the good citizens of Jones county, have been sent out during the Daniels trial, concerning the conduct of the people, who were reported as threatening and not wanting to see the law take Its coarse. Naturally, the people were Incensed over the murder of Mr. Simmons, but when the jury had been selected, most of the people left the court room, feel ing that justice would be given the ne gro. All this publicity Is discreditable to the good people of Jones county, and a stigma unwarranted as it Is unjust Is placed npon citizens who are as firm up holders of law and order as any people of North Carolina. THE PEOPLE MUST PAY FOR UN WISE LEGISLATION. The recent advent in the city of Greens boro, of the circus, has demonstrated most conclusively to the esteemed Re cord of that city, that nnwise legislation is costly to the people, the local appli cation being the erroneous tax Imposed npon circuses, per legislative enactment On this the Record exclaims. How much longer are the people of North Carolina going to play the fool t tot some years the legislature has been Importuned to put the tax on circuses so heavy as to make it prohibitive and at the last session days were spent in dis cussing the matter, the result being a ' bill allowing the county commissioners to levy whatever amount they saw prop er. Whether the law la just or unjust has nothing to do with the subject of um article, out either one or two things should be done: the tax should be made reasonable or absolutely so high as to make It prohibitive, for If a circus ever comet the patrons pay this tax and a : great aeai more. ,,..; v -"-.i ' And the Record further shows, that while the entire circus tax for the day at Greensboro was $l v50, through legiti mate bat canning exsuset the above sum . was greatly reduced, while the patrons ot the show had to pay doable price to Witness It. Not only with circuses, tut t very kind at amusement Is severely and unjustly taxed in North Carolina, which means fewer and poorer entertainments for the people, but at a greatly added cost to those who would be amused by the shows coming here. 71th the present laws on circus and tl: .:9, taxing them to thi extreme, f ;r csn be no healthy and really high amusements for the people, for every circus or amusement company en tering the State mast scheme to beat the people oat of more money than their performance warrants. As the Record asks "how much lon ger are the people of North Carolina going to play the fool on this matter of their amusement INERT POLITICAL INDIVIDUAL ISM. The average American it alert and pot Hive in his Individualism, in everything but htt politics, and In this really import ant matter he exhibits an Inertness which It remarkable. It It not that the American voter will not enthuse, for he does, but generally considered be is indifferent about going Into politics, as he does In his every day affairs, and treating politics in a practi cal and business like manner. It Is this dislike -.o be in politics, to take hold and name the men for office and dictate the measures which shall be administered by the men elected to po sitions of public trust, by the tax payer, and the citizen otherwise public spirited, which gives opportunity to a minority class to seize office and dictate put lie affairs to suit themselves. Hence much abuse of public trusts fo) low, because those In office regard them selves as special beneficiaries, and en-, titled to every possible favor which they can secure, personally, while In office. It Is this political inertness of the average American, which makes him ac cept too easily, and be satisfied without investigating, whatever measures hta party may set before him. Fidelity to political party is too often to unquestioning, too submissive, as if the Individual voter could not express ami have positive Ideas on party con duct. And this failure or indifference to dis play an individualism, gives those who make of politics a business, the chance to win political success, and ride Into of lice, not on actual party principles, but upon personal exertions, with party principles as an element to win votes for them, not that they Intend to carry out these principles In their public life. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as thej cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and In order to cure it you musi take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, Hand acts di rectly on the blood and mucous surface Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medi cine. It was proscribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It Is com posed of the best tonics known, com blned with the best blood purifiers, act ing directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two In gredients 1b what 'produces Buch wonder ful results Injuring Catarrh, Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,.0 Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The rhjsician. A popular impression prevails tlmt the physician, by reason of the Drivl leges conferred upon him by the state, is, in the absence of an adequate rea son ror not so doing, required to re spond to ail calls to render professional services. This is clearly erroneous, ex cept where the physician has already undertaken the treatment of the case or except where he is an officer of the government charged with specific du ties which he thereby violates. On the High Seas. At the bow of the steamer sit the two happy young people. "How sweet it seems tonight!" sighs the .girl. "How sweetly solemn is the view spread before us! Even the sea seems to be sleeping as it lies so placid ly ahead of the boat" Tes, love," agrees the young man, "It is asleep in front of the boat, but it is a wafce behind." Judge. Nothing Homemade. Mrs. Uaadle I see you're going in for society. Has your daughter made ner debut yet? Mrs. Nurltch-Well, I should say not Bbe got all them things made to order In Paris. Philadelphia Press. The Best Liniment "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is consider ed the best liniment on the market,' write Post fe Bliss, of Georgia, Vt. No other liniment will heal a cot or braise so promptly. No other affords such quick relief from rhenmatio pains.' No other so valuable for deep seated pains like lame back and pains In the chest. Give this liniment a trial and you will never wish to be without it Sold by all druggists, v - . The Mexloam Bonndarr Line. The international boundary line be tween the United States and the renuh- llo of Mexico is marked by pyramids Of stones placed at irregular distances along the line all the way from the kio uranae to the Pacific ocean. Wher ever it Was found practicable to do so theset pyramids were built on promi nent peaks at ' road crossings, fords. etc. The line was not surveyed, as is the usual custom, the location of the monuments being based on astronom ical calculations and observations. , A Runaway Bicycle, Terminated with an ngly cut 'on the leg of J B.Orner, Franklin Grove, I1L It developed a stubbokn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured. It's ust as good for Burns, Scalds, '.Skin Eruptions and Plies. S5o at.O D Brad- ham's drug store. llfli liiiiil Ram Dlna. lr-KLnrr. f.rfthhtf HHIfl UIIAIMA. Iwelllari, Carbuncle, Pimples, Scrofula rmmlli rstrrt ItIsiItsj Tlntanln mnnH Wilm A fteemijl tt ectts Folaoa 1 the Mood. jreeasse, abaa and flm m booea, back ant Jonas, Ilcalaf Seebbr Skin, Blood teata hot or tbla. Swollen Gla&as. Bisnigs and Bnnraa.oa the Skis, Mama Fetches la Month, Son Throat, Pimples, or offSnsrte aravUom, Oopper-Oolored Spot or nab on Skin, all random, or samoa, Clears on any part ol tb bodj, lialr or Xre erowt laUlns out, Cartonelet or Bolls, take Botanlo Blood Balm, guaranteed toomoeeuthowotsteaiBrnnotrl.epseeto1 nam where etoejtrjre, patent medldnet, and hot springs tall. Heals all sores, stops aU aches and palm, rataoee aU reeUlngs, snakes blood pure and rich, oomplttly changing the enure body into a dean, haaltby oonditton. B. B. B. bu cored thousands of cases ot Blood Poison nan attar reaching the bit stage. Sjl - Old Rheumatism. Catarrh, Eeaamn are earned by an awful polsonea eondiuoo ot the Blood. B. B. B. stops Hawking and Spitting, Itching ana Scratching, aches andPalnti cone Rheumatism. Catarrh; Dealt all Scabs, Sonlce, Eroptloni, Watery Blisters, foul teetering Sore of Bctema; by siring a oore, healthy blood soppl? to affected parte. 9 Cancer Cured v Botanlo Blood Balm . Carat Cancert ot alt Kinds. Suppurating Swelling. Eating Bona, Tarn on, ugly Clone. It kills the Cenoor Poieon nod beeU the eorei or worst cancer perfectly. If you hero a perelttenl Ptmple, Wert, Swellings, Shooting,' Stinging Faint take Blood Balm and they will dtesppear before the oerelop Into Cancer. Many apparently hopeless eases ot cancer cored by taking Botanlo Blood Belm, OVA. eCAmA.HTKai. Ber e. larsre battle for el, of any drsursTlst, takestsdU-eeteKl. Mutant Blood always ear rbea the right ejeusntlty la tatkea, r aet eared yer aaoewy wtl m eBotan'o Blood Halm fB-B.B. la ' rieasantandesfetoteke. ThorortghlyteateaforSdyrtL Composed of Pure Botanlo Ingredients. Strengthens weak kidners and week stomachs, cures drspepshu Complete directions go with each bottle, ftample writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe youc trouble, and special free medical adrlos, to suit tobs case, also tent in sealed letter. oi a. . z . ... sds M l HEALTH'S DECALOGUE. 1. HIsj early, retire early and fill jour day with work. 2. .Water and bread maintain life; pure nlr and sunshine are Indlspen sable to health. 3. Frugality and sobriety form the best ellsir of longevity. 4. Cleanllues3 prevents rust; the best cared for machines last the longest. 5. Enough sleep repairs waste and strengthens; too much sleep softens and enfeebles. 6. To be sensibly dressed is to give freedom to one's movements and enough warmth to be protected from sudden changes of temperature. 7. A clean and cheerful house makes a happy home. 8. The mind is refreshed and invlg orated by distractions and amusement but nbuso of them leads to dissipation and dissipation to vice. D. Cheerfulness makes love of life, and love of life Is half of health. On the contrary, sadness and discourage merit hasten old age. 10. Do you gain your living by your intellect? Then do not allow your arms and legs to grow stiff. Do you earn your bread by your pickax? Do not forget to cultivate your mind and to enlarge your thought French Medical Review, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Pleasant to Take. .The finest quality of granulated lost sugar 1b used In the manufacture ol Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and the roots used In its preparation give it flavor similar to maple syrup, making II quite pleasant to take. Mr'WLRode rick, of Poolesvllle, Md, in speaking of this remedy, says: "I have used Cham berlatn's Cough Remedy wlthmy child- ren for several years and can truthfully say it Is the best preparation of the kind I know of. The children like to take'It and It has no injurious after effect. For sale by all druggists. Too Much For Ulm. Voltaire could not speak much Eng lish. The reason why he refused to study the language la this: It ariuea into mm that plague was pronounced "plalg," which he thought very pretty and acceptable. But right on top of it he was Introduced to "ague," which his teacher said must be called "a-gue." Binding it impos sible to reconcile the difference, he went off into a philosophical tantrum and dropped the study. TO CURE A COLD m ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. E W Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c. The Cry For Hcln. From the cradle to the grave the crv of mankind is for "help." We are all in search of a physician, some one who will help us, some one who will in spire us-glve us a remedy, point us tee way. Not the poor and the Blck alorv. but the rich and the strong, are crying out for help. Sometimes, it is the doctor we want; sometimes it is the banker; sometimes it la the clergy man. And yet the doctor, the banker ana the clergyman are human, and they are crying for help along with the rest of us. Those whom we think the strongest are weak, and those whom we think the weakest are strong. We cannot stand alone. We all need help. . We must help one another until the end. Schoolmaster. : from;south africa. . NewJrVay niUsine .ttamberlaln'i Cough Remedy. Mr Arthur Cbapman writing from Dur ban, Natal, Booth Africa, says: "Ass proof that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a cure suitable for old and voans-. I penyoathe following: A neighbor of mine had a child Just over two monthi old. It had a very bad cough and the parents did not know what to givet). I suggested that If they would get a bot tle of Chamberlain's Coagh Remedy and pot some npon the dummy teat the baby was sucking It wonld no doubt care the child. This they did and brought about a qolck relief and Cared the baby." This remedy Is for isle by all druggists. RUN BY MOUSE POWER." A. Thrifty sVeetea.esa.a-a Sekeaae re OtMrstttatT Mis Threw Mills. 'Thrift Is generally ackJKwstdge4 to be one of the leading chajactarlstics) of the native of FUeabire, and It ntrrer was more forcibly exemplified than in the person of David Hutton, a native of Dunfermline), who actually proved that even nilcevthoee acknowledged pests of mankind could be made not only to earn their own llring. bat also to yield a respectable Income to their owners. About the year 1820 thla atletnaa actually erected a small mill at Dun fermline for the manufacture ot thread a mill worked entirely by mice. It was while visiting Perth prison la 1812 that Mr. Hutton first cotmtved this remarkable idea of utilising moose power. In an old pamphlet of ttM time, "The Curiosity Coffee Boom,'' be gave an account of the way In which the Idea dawned on him. "In the inm- raer of the year 1812," he wrote, 1 bad occasion to be in Perth, and when inspecting the toys and trinkets that were manufactured by the French pris oners in the depot there my attention was involuntarily attracted by .a little toy house, with a wheel in the gable of it that was running rapidly round. Impelled by the Insignificant gravity of a common bouse mouse. For 1 shil ling I purchased house, mouse and wheel Inclosing it In a handkerchief, on my Journey homeward I waa' com pelled to contemplate its favorite amusement But bow to apply half ounce power, which la the weight of mouse, to a useful purpose was the difficulty. At length the manufactur ing of sewing thread seemed the most practicable." Mr. Hutton bad one mouse that ran the amazing distance of eighteen mUes a day, but he proved that an ordinary mouse could run ten and a half mUes on an average. A, halfpenny's worth of oatmeal was sufficient for its sup port for thirty-five days, during which It ran 730 half miles. He bad actually two mice constantly employed In the making of sewing thread for more than a year. The mouse thread mill waa so constructed that the common house mouse was enabled to make atonement to society for past offenses by twist ing, twining and reeling from 100 to 120 threads a day, Sundays not except ed. To perform this task the little pedestrian had to run ten and a half miles, and this Journey it performed with ease every day. A halfpenny's worth of oatmeal served one of these thread mill culprits for the long period of fire weeks. In that time it made 3,350 threads of twenty-five inches, and as a penny was paid to women for ev ery bank made in the ordinary way the mouse at that rate earned nine pence every six weeks. Just one far thing a day, or 7s. Cd. a year. Taking sixpence off for board and allowing 1 shilling for machinery, there was a clear yearly profit from each mouse of C shillings. Mr. Hutton firm ly intended to apply for the loan of the empty cathedral In Dunfermline, which would have held, he calculated, 10,000 mouse mills, sufficient room being left for keepers and some hundreds of spectators. Death, however, overtook the inventor before this marvelous project could be carried out. Edin burgh Scotsman. Disastrous Wrecks. CareluBsnessiis responsible for many railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles. But since the advent of Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, even the worst cases can be cared, and hopeless resignation Is no longer neces eary. Mrs Lois Craggof Dorchester, Mass., Is one of the many whose life was saved by Dr King's New Discovery. This great remedy Is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by C D Brad ham, Druggist. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. All Hie Egg In One Basket. uooaman Gonrong We don't git nothlu' at thnt house. I asked the wo man fur some cold, vittles, a cup of cawfey, some clothln' an' a place to sleep In the barn, an', by gum, she said I was comln' it a little too strong, an' sne snet the door In my face. Tuffold Knut That's wot ye git, ye blame fool, fur puttln' all yer begs in one asic it Chicago Tribune. Cured Of ;Piles After 4o Years. MrO Haney, of Geneva, O.hed the piles for 40 years. Doctors and doctors conld do him no lasting good. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured htm permanent ly. Invaluable for cats, burns, braises, sprains, lacerations, eczema, tetter, salt rheum, and all other skin diseases. Look for the name DeWitt on the package- all others ars cheap, worthless oouater- felts. Sold by F b Daffy. I'eeful Wood Love. ' It you are lost in the woods alt down the moment you realize it and think It over. If you start off at random you will do sure to walk in a circle. Rone but the most experienced woodsmen can keep a straight course,' and even they go in a circle when they get really pet .- ..-., If you know the direction of camp tie some strip of white rag to tree and then start off. Ton can find the com pass points by remembering that moss always grows on the north side of trees. Keep tying strips of rag to trees as you go on. Then yon can find your way back- to the starting point if you should fall to strike the oath that Wads to sarery. . A Remarkable Case,- One of the most remarkable eases of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs, causing pneumonia, Is that of Mrs Gertrude X Penner, Marlon, Ind., who was entire!? cared by the ase of One MInuM Cough Cure. She says: "The coughing and straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 148 to 89 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Coagh -Cure. Four bottle, ot this wonderful remedy cared me entirely of the cough, strength sned my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by F 8 Duffy., t A, ft. Xkltefl CotteLet&, KswTw;!rov.i4v la the Liverpool surket today rises advanced tat a polab Thla was fool esioagh whea we HaMSabat that jetter. days rise there was a remarkable oae. Nevertheless, Been tried to stake capital of the slight ilea. BsJttah seatisMat b mi gueral. BeeclsOM are lees fre qaent than una! tal store vtolaat changes and greater drops would Cease Msorpriee. Memsrovs reports of better crop, thaa ssppoeed are being drcnlated Whu ,Dsea there stay be forts' sot known. Disappointed bulls are bcma to be the originators of those reports is order to get la and profit (by tta advise later on. Receipts are oaazingBO eo- eern expect to bears who fear they Buy fall oonalderably owing to Ue rapidity which the) crop ass been wutoA what Klllsoa may calculate as to redsxed eoa tumptioa, e what fa!) River taay do la regard to cut wages will aot add to the size of the crop or eh sage prevaClag tea Ument which Is ttm very balHia. Re ceipts were estimated at 6S.0OQ against os.oug last year, rreit taklag sauted weakness during thi morning and boy era failed to to the rescue prompt ly. ' After losing 10 pouts ths enlist lost was wiped out Spot taarkets la ths South .were booming and local shorts bought heavily. The negro conass. la session st Washington, hat called on Atloraev (tea oral Knox to defend the fifteenth amend mentfrom the attacks being made on ft A blltiardts raging on ths Pacific coast All the telegrtph wires art down and railroad trafflo Is impeded. A general strike of the 1.000 tmploveet of the Chicago .City railway has been ordered. i Secretary of Agrlcalrure Wilson hat purchased 800 tons of Georgia cotton seed for distribution la Texas la an effort to allay the ravages of ths boll weevil. Colonel William T BlaekweU, an old and highly respected clllsea of Durham. died at his home at the age of sixty-four He was among the pioneer manufactur ers of tobacco in that city and acquired a large fortune. JUST WHAT TOU REED. Chamberlain'! sStomach aid liver Tab- kit. When you feel dull after eatlag When you have no appetite. When you have a bad taste In the mouth. When your liver is torpid. When you bowels are eoaitlpaled. When you have a headache. When you feel billots. They will imorove vour annetlk. cleanse and lnvirorate roar ilonBch-and regulate your liver and bowels. Price 85 cents her box. For taletby all. drug gists. Steal eSSeetJ. "It to very last .- eatM the sjrt with tne new tmt, lar s to be tKrftte- e "h Is a ret wesi tfteglrl with the et her to attract temm annsje ranee of att tastes- t. eersia, effort to have rt erppear that tw ts wot uying to artsaet etttrartwi.'Wtra. "Have yetj gtgt meM t$ wjf) sotenm fcotttf bartwrtsT tsfftt. tfta 3'ewavwsaws. sssssa esSak WOUTAuav Hirastfeiwrt4 ' - : r wr-w v mm we swrtj tfinoom SB BBMBM e3wsegjse9wnsA "... .- , - Doesn't Respect Oii Are. It's shantafnt When Vnnth fkfta'tj.aVi proper, respect for old age,- but just the mtrarVlu thscjasaof Drattea'a Saw Life Fills. They eut of 'maladies so matter how evrs aid breroectlve of old age. Dyspepilf, JsnditjVevei, Constipation an yield to this pstftf fin, soo, at a O. Bradhassji Q&g More. . -r-eSB SSfJhSSSSV would say I leap. Tikes i VblN ttrusn wW.i hOstietai KrK I ftrasat ttat " ess. taping fa the tfrWjkw keg estcseV tew inrtstiteveT Mowsl ; KfiteI rMitH - I - - - ee j then toned ft en stats. bsweM letNty to right sa foe 1 A TBoisail QircKi I the United etatoj have asad the Longman X Marline fui tottjdur- ug the put M months. . Xvery Church vfU bs vust literal quantity whenever Uey aslnl Pont pay f IM flalloa Jot Mossed OD, which you do wheat you . bay h In a sealed eatt with paint label Ok H. 8 ft 14, therefoss whesyou want fourteen .rallona of saint, buy only sight gallons of L. efagM. and tali six gallont of pure linseed oU vIU It It will inake fourteen pilous of paint It's done easuy. f . It makes theijaUt ecnt yof only about tljMsnllOB, You probabaly'wont end sboH ths ten or twelve gallons ei It, bmbm the L tk It. Paint covers so Bueaora atp face than other pabito. , . Sales have beta tens of BLCUosii of gallonsj nearly two Bullion houses bait ed under gaarantee to repaint IT. fceft tattsfaotory. ""..V" '- . Samples free Bold, by ' out I Igwsto Eyman Supply Ctx, tresst Xmrjue. 1 PpSfttj tMens i serjurr stM HMsstejiwI eesessWeeastea orgnoe HQ., t Ls inn nry tare so and a Pllf(Q) Tbtj Kind Yon Ilarra eUwxys . tn one tot oror 80 TCaws, land AU Coimt43rftat lMtnrttonn Experlmenta Chat trtfl wrttZk SUsd &HlMBgix tho Ivesvltli os? Tjifigotji BsTJel QlUlllUB riOjIlJaQQ g&B JStQrtaitSDm. Whatlo CA5TORIA Oesnorl ta t LannleM gorle, Drop boA SootlOntf Bynrpsv Xt la Flenrismi. It txmtavlns neltber Opium. aXaOerphlDa) van vGkm VmrvAla ttabetanoee Its anje If Its sroaamntefla XI dontwsl Worms) .Mid ftDayt) Ftrrerisllnawe II oores PIsnrtsOBSs svod Wind sDolioe It rellevr TeetMng Trooblest, oaraa Ctootlptttlon evnd riatnlency. It MslrjajlatQC th Food, tepilwtes) tho ISteoxoach and Bowels, gtttrnj LetUtay and Mtrxxnl glcop. The Chfldrcn'g Vvaaum -0110 VvQmLtj Frtqod, . CENUINB CASTORIA a-av8 Beui tb He Kind You Hp Always Bonght in Uso For Over 30 Years. 'Saad' rr. aie-iii. iiiiii in ii a Costs Oily I oosi st tan R'riSaJOr ataD li St 0 'saSBsrsVala..JalresimD.e.j.fraigia ssjazperlenee with jronrezeelleat awdletea, TBITsTIla, Oar less, bm, ss ssereM evertss sM, ksa ka4 amen enaalesselhiag. atrery teenedr was eibaaetaa la See eaaee et I BJ team aeretetsae. seeU efJlaeoed to pass off pare blood and tenlag ftwer eaelaas4 sa eere ee a esse. Bae eras arewet eeraetje ot, Bar auther Jetereeined to trr TESTHlIa. aad at a Safe, tee Pel esaee ill 1 1 isjt st i Bte ket ufiiei sMtwwetowen iesTBlar,eadthaalutoTUraistta -- soars, sek, eA w. J. A. JONES, Lwety, Feed, Sate ind Exchange ST-A-HBLEIaS- -LARGEST AND Ever offered for sale in New Born, A tar lead of tacll jut in. AlBoJaJcomplete line of Inggie?, Wagons, fiarntss. Robta, ' "Wbipa Cart WheejLi. Etc. , J. A. JOIVXaSe BronU fit. I have just returned C38 and Zlissouri with tf fl f 1 r trl vP 1 1 AserrN etrtrl Vnfi all personally and most The Best Class ot stock shotm in this mark et for the past 5 years, T7&nte The right kind tor. the tarm. road work, general draft ststiXlrn. 1 XI : Can also show yon the most gies, Harness, Robes, Whips, Blankets, Eta. to-be found in Eastern Carolina. . ole agent for the RENOWNED . AUBURN" WAGONS AND WHEELS, the Beit on the market See me before buying, or if you SATE TOU MONEY. ft::i71, ' - . KUdli Et., K? BI1W, H C. Doztt stnl nkes tsuti berA tarn traroe Co tixonaat ot Ism DeennnBa4tiTsaaiuiNB gKMatZTrCSTTlalOtl ttoOrJ US tofsVTaCy. Rrnstua of ism tkten'l&ttia sswfaoeASX'tletsry, seeij aWBre tWewtt CkJkstiWilfsv Ulss jyuM.a, i jfan aseCMH s4 TttlBrW4l BAST. el. BSOfffBS V, Bl. Ba, SV, aVBV tirO gtr Pear SOI Jeses. MeeaaaeBeawrseeeMeereresi esraes,aeseesrewe'i.sseeB sssseesaaaa avwss rirfl6T;iTO0IXOF - from Tennessee, Kan- - carefully selected. such as you1 need and purposes and timber 1 I ' ' ' ' ' ,J" oomplete line of Top and Open Bug " ' ' expect to buy. I CAN and WILL Y K. 2 ,!.'',' V V

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