Imftm VOIDMI IIYK IIW BIBS, CBATII COUITT, I. C, FRIDAT, NOVIMBIR 20, 1S03.-SIC05D EICTION. K DM BIB. 86. 4 :h ftml Iff) TtlECUi BEU3RIM Absolutely Pur THERE EKD SUBSTITUTE THB NEWS IN A NUTSHELL . It WM MDorted that Chit mtaht 1oln With Japan to resist Russia In the Far Baft ban Domingo has notified the United States that several of the Island's porta are closed to commerce. ' DeiDlta thli the Clyde liner Cherokee has sailed for tnese ports. The Dominican consal at New York says the Cherokee will be sank If she tries to enter the ports. A dispatch from Brussels says It Is definitely reported that King Leopold of Belgium will visit the United States In the epr Bg. Army statistics shows that only 64 per cent of the young men of military ser vice age are capable of bearing arms. Heart disease has Increased 800 per cent daring a decade, Ua usual ceremony will at end the re ception of King Victor Smmannel and Qneen Helena of Italy, who arrived at London Wednesday. All the home fleet will assemble at Portsmouth for a great naval demonstration. Dowager Qneen Margharlta was In an auto oar which ran against a milestone, throwing her gentleman in waiting out. The Queen mother was not injured. Official statistics give 15,000 as the number of Bulgarians killed since April 15th in the disturbances in Eastern Tur key. The Horse 8how at New Tork opened and wae attended by large crowds. The British in India were reporte I as expecting war in Tib " "Gets at the joints from the inside," that's the method of enreby Rheumaclde You'll find It is your druggist's pride. Harloweand North Harlowe. November 19. Rev J H M Giles our pastor gave as a special appointment at oar academy Tuesday night, when auke a number of our people met to hoar from him one of his best discourses after which the stew ards pledged to Mm that all doe on his alary should be paid before he left for conference, - Mr J A Morton made a business trip to New Bern Tuesday. . Messrs O G Bell, Geo Willis and' D G Bell of Morthead City all drove over Sunday to visit ft lends and otherwise spend the day with those of their choice. - - r'";' ; : Hiss Mamie Becton of Bachelor spent a couple or days ana nights with her aunt, Mrs M E Bell, this week. - - Mr BO Conner spent Saturday In Horehead on business. - NMr W P Bell, of Morehcad Cltywas at the mill of the Elm City Lumber Com pany yesterday to purchase lumber. - . Mr Clyde Eby was here yesterday mak Ing his regular bimonthly payment! to bis employees. ' Messrs D E Langdele and B Hunnlngs of Rusaell's Creek were in our berg Tuee day night at church. Mr Jas Herrlnglon of Hurtt's Mill passed through here en route to Blades this week. ' " MlssMadle Bill opened a subscrip tion school at the Academy this week v ' ' - : Mr Geo T Bell left Tuesday to visit his son for a few days at Pitch Kettle.' -1 f Mr Frank Harvey of Core Creek spent Tuesday night with his daughter, Mrs N ' H Taylor and went to New Bern Wed- ' neiday. -J,::-' :' :N ' ?v Messrs W N Bell, Jno 8 Morton! Char He Ward, N J Conner, and Jas R Bell are In New Bern on business today. ' llrClemmte MoDanlel-left today to make a visit to friends in Jones coun ty. ; '-'"" One of our young men took a bicycle ride over (o Newport last Saturday. We . notice that several men were missing at religious services Bonday, on account of . headaches and other complaints. We are sorry to know that our sister town will tell headache makers, .t ' v .-... : Z ryctj KZXtm horn eo!itaf rt 13 Nortli Carolina Day. Bpeolal to Journal 1 RaUIgh, Not. 11 It is decided fiat December 18th shall be observed e North Carolina Day la the puUtc schoolf. Suicide tt Charlotte. Special to Journal. Charlotte, Nov. 18. The son ofldl tor Joseph P Caldwell of the Charlctte Observer, committed suicide by shoot n, himself this afternoon. ' He had served la the United Sutes Navy several years. . fat Blame Where it Belongs. There Is considerable complaint espec ially after a heavy rain about the oondl tlon of the sidewalks. Often times tl ere are paddles ankle deep and pedestrats have to cross the road to avoid them It is very annoying. Many people are disposed to blame the city authorities for this neglect when tn reality It should be put upon the prop erty holders. .In the majority of pluses where the buildings are near the sldn- walk, conductors are seen discharging the waste water on the sidewalk making depressions and filling the walk v 1th water. In many other ways the pi op- erty holders should be held responsible for the bad condition of the walks und not the city. Now that the disagreeable season Ij at hand when this feature will be more common than ever, it shomld behoove a J property holders whose sidewalks are more or less submerged, to repair sh!s fault and thereby bring the blessing) c f the pedestrians on their beads. OABTOnXA. Bur th Kinajfou Hav Always Bo Jgfcl uguran f f 'rmfl of tU8V7X A Beautiful Sunset Tbe snnset last night was- the mout beautiful that has been witnessed f r many years. 'The first impression was that a big fire was raging but the extent ot the glow made that Impossible. The redness spread far up In the heavens and It lingered many minutes gradually dj ing away with the orb as it went ouscf sight. The sunsets ot Tate have been excep tional for their beauty and intense glov. They are regarded by some people vlth a feeling akin to dread, and they ate enough to Inspire one with -two. ' Thuy are an almost certain forerunner of oold weather and also a high wind. A. B, Baxter's Cotton Letter.. New York, Nor. U. Although the weather has long a nae ceased to be of great importance, a f oud deal of attention is given to tempera- tures and these today were thesutjeot of no little comment The lowest ' en. peratares of the season were reported all over the Booth and more especally In the Southwest. There wasa(0id rise in Liverpool and bears were rtther nervous because the market sudd inly tamed strong today when everybody ex pected a blf break. It seems har l to keep prices down while the general foul ing Is so bullish, and while it is posill le that we shall witness many breaks. It Is expected that the market will rapld'y re cover. Powerful Interests are favtriig the bull side and It Is useless for the weak bear element, to attempt to or pose them, prices started at a rise of (, to 8 polnu on moderate trading. Recaipts were full bat not excessively so, and there was a good deal more dlspoi Ulon to buy than sell, especially as thebt reau report two weeks hence is ejp ectod to be quite bullish. The market wet t off daring the morning on New Orleans' weakness. Yesterday buyers took p:tf its Manchester was steadier for yarni and firm for cloths. Freezing weather was forecasted on the Atlantic 8tates, Port receipts 80,000 against 69.00 last year. . "-V- msjsVs . y CASTOR I A - For Infanta and Children, TIib Kind Yoo Ksti Always EougM Beam tb BlgMturacf A Ynnthftil ttctrar A good many citizens have beer "ap proached by a small colored boy bag ging for a penny. He is aooomp u led by two other older boys who arc "pels" and he tells them a pitiful tale b rat having no "fadder or madder." Vhe slse of the boy at onea causes a fueling of sympathy in the breast of the One touched, for It is in more senses than one a "touchlag" appeaL - ; What to do with the youthful teggar Is a question. He Is not over slyrs old and without doubt his story its with out the least semblance ot troth k it. He Is too young to arrest or to toiiish In any stern wsy and, yet he la btlng encouraged In a very pernicious prac tice. His case should be Invest giited and If his story Is true, te shou ld be provided for; if not should be . pun ished, ,4 - 1 isatssititsssWsssjaaBMM To Cnro a Col J in Ono .Boy; r.ent'.a. ARB BONDS LEG ALT Issued to VUmlnglon, Her Bern tad Onslow' Eallroad by Counties , Along Its Line Special to Journal. Raleigh, Not 18.-W.D M elver of New Bern Is here, looking through the original Journal of Legislature, In order to see whether the act authorising the Issue of bonds In aid of ths Wilmington, New Bern and Onslow railway was con stitutionally passed, that la, wu read on three several days la each House. He expects to find it Was not so read, and to bring suit for one of the counties in Interest, la order to nullify the bonds, r ., ; y Announcement of the Institution of such a suit wlQ probably be made In a few days, . - - SwansDoro Gleanlnrs. November 18th, Mr I John Cox ot Elnston, Is visiting Mr James Freemont near Bwansboro, John Is taking a reereatlon In Onslow, county, his old home visiting. sir Newton White and brother-in-law, Mr Joyner, of Follocksvlllt were In town last week, , Mrs B Carolina Mattocks, widow of the lata Rev J F Mattocks, of Thurman, Is onr visitor this week. Messrs Nash and G D Mattocks of Stl verdale were In " town last week trad ing. "'. Mr John W Woodhull 3ias gone on a business trip to Philadelphia and New York City his old home State. Mr I E Rogers went to Marines last Saturday, returning on Monday follow ing. , Mesyrs Harry Roberts and David Foy of New Bern, were in oar place a few days last week- Dr W J Montfort and Miss Ellaa Hy men of Wards Mill were in onr town last Saturday and Sunday visiting. Mr Bryan Bell and family of Loco, have moved In onr town. MrBonyRhem of Carteret Co and family have moved to oar place. Next week Mr S R Provow and fami ly of Bear Creek, will move here. Mr T M Woodholl and family who live ont side ot town, will move in town. You see oar population la In creasing all the time. Gueta they are expecting that new rail road and hotel here, ' . .-' y',.. j Mr JF Pretty man is In New Bern now but will return In a few days. Schooner Ben Russell,-Captain Joe James Is in port now loading with lum ber for New York. The Russell was the three master that went ashore In a storm near Hog Island some time back, and reported in the Journal. ' Miss Alice Blount, daughter of Dr F H Blount here, has commenced teaching school at Frog Pond," near Montfort's Mlll,publiosohooL There was a wadding at Ward's Mill P O last Sunday week, the bride wu the pretty daughter ot Mr and Mrs J O Littleton, Postmaster, at Ward's Mill, the greom was Mr G H Collins of near Jacksonville, Mayor H B Oanaday of Jacksonville, performed the ceremony. Mr John Canaday a farmer near here made H bus good ears to the acre on his land this year, this is very good for upland and poor high land. - . , Only a few drummers this week, we noticed the genial face of H B Smith of New Bern. , Mrs Kills Peterson of Boston, a direct or or the National Alliance) of Unitarian Women, and a noted lecturer and preach er so said, will speak In ' Swansboro on Monday the 96rd Inst at 11 a m, also at Bear Creek Sunday the Mnd and White Oak Chapel the same day, Boar Creek 11 a mi White Oak Chapel 7 pm. She will be accompanied by two Unitarian Min isters. s Now don't be , too hidebound In your religion, . but come and hear Mrs Patterson talk. v.f - - ': Mr D G Ward, Br, la having tome im provements mada on his buildings, new pltzz&a, chimneys, honse moving, etc, Ret I B Olive and Mr John Rogers are the architects In wood and ' brisk work the painting by I B Rogers. , " Frank Leeoraft, eoL living nur this place and Hagar Duncan of White Oak, two respectable , colored people were married last Wednesdsy the 18th Inst. Frank has a nice ' new dwelling painted up fine,' well furnished etc, near Bwans boro ready to take In hlsV bride. The dwelling was' built by Messrs J P and I B Rogers, white; of this town. V'- Apples, 80, cents a pock 'at MoSor- ley's - uW f --: :' - ': ,-" ' ; " Why Not Resign ? .'- ; : Another attempt wae ude last night to get together enough of the Aldermen to form a quorum so that seme Impor tant city affairs could be acted upon, i But like several previous attempts no quorum was present, and there was no business transacted, . , If Aldermen, cannot attend meetings, how can the City's affairs receive the attention that la demanded ? for what are aldermen elected t , i v. Otree Oriai tn,Twre)l BASSETTS RESIGNATION. Said io Have Been Tendered. Asks For F-rompt Acceptancs. Special tb Journal. Raxiion, November 19 It Is an nounced that Professor Bassett ot the Chair of History at Trinity College, Dur ham, has resigned. The trustees lid been called to meet In special session next Tuesday, regsrd lng Bassett, whose attitude in the South Atlantic Quarterly on the negro ques tion has aroused Intense Indignation. It Is said his resignation wu tendered some days ago with a requcBt for a prompt acceptance. J, i v BIG HOTEL SALE. The Seven Springs Resort Hostelry Said to Have Been Sold. Klnston Free Press. The papers conveying the Seven Springs property have been made out, signed and placed In escrow and only lacks the action of the purchasers in ac cepting and depositing amount to 'com plete the deal. The actual purchasers known In the deal are Messrs Gibson and Humphrey, of Goldsboro, but It Is said there Is a stock company or syndicate back of it and the property will be improved, and It has been Intimated that a trolley line may soon put this famous watering place in close touch with the world by quick transit to the railroad. Full particulars of the deal were not learned nor Is the purchase price to be given out yet, but If the terms of sale are met by the purchasers the transfer of the property will be made the first of Febrn ary, 190. Don't Forget The Winter Courses. If you have not already received a copy of Agricultural Education and the Circular of Information in Reference to the Short Course in Dairying and the Winter Course In Agriculture, you should write Prof Ohas W Burkett, Ag ricultural and Mechanical College, Ral eigh, N O, at onoe for these publications which will be sent free. It is not too early to arrange for at tending either course at this time. It Is hoped that a large number will enroll tor these oourses, which are the highest value and imDortance for young men and women interested in agriculture In anyway. Women are admitted under the same conditions as men. The cost for board, room and registration fee is but thirty dollars. The Instruction will be worth ten times the cost of the course. There opght to De one nunarea young men and women In attendance this winter. Will you be one? You ought to be, that is sure. Take the course end learn the proper way of mak ing butter, and handling milk, of feed ing the various classes of live stock, soil improvement, judging horses and cattle, veterinary medicine, plant diseases, farm chemistry, and other practical courses ot the utmost value to the young man and woman in any way connected with the farm. Remember the courses begin January 4, 1904. TUSCARORA. November 18. We are glad to have, the weather turn cooler. It has been too warm to feel good for the last few days. The farmers are about, through hous ing their crops, and have commenced killing hogs. A good many of them have not sold their cotton yet, and since It has gone up to 11 cents they have bright faces. Mr Floyd Stewart and Leamon weth- erlngton spent last week at Sloop Point, NO. . ' Miss Carrie Wetherlngton went to Dover Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs C flflrlffln. ' ' Mrs Mollis Wetherlngton went to Goldsboro Saturday to visit her moth- Mrs Rachel Miller of New Bern Is spending this week with her mother,Mrs Bettle Wetherlngton 5" Mr R O Adams and Mrs Bettle weth- ertngton wu the guest of Mr David De bruhls lsst Sunday.' ,f ' Mr 1 A Hill and Mr Thomas Franks of Vanoeboro was In our town today on the way to Stump Sound. Plenty of line fish and oysters at tub- earora. Mr NT weecs uw sales man. ': ? - r Our school closed last week for a day on account of a telegram to oar teacher, Miss Sarah Baum ot Hyde county stating that her brother was very sick, but we sincerely hope he Is better and that she will be able to come up again and start BOhOOl. :" . . ' '" Mr Tan Moreadette of Jasper, was In our midst last week delivering fruit trees eta . i . ' . Black Ees. An Approacntoff Marriage. Dr and Mrs RE King of Beaufort, N Ohava Issued Invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Mary Tanstall to Mr 1 David Ramsey Davis of New Bern, 'The marriage will take place at St Paul's church. Beaufort, N O on Thurs day evening, December 8. LOST Wednesday night, Oct Slat on road between New Bern and "Bayboro, a black satchel or grip, 'such as usually carried by physician. Grip contained a bottle ot morphine pills. Finder will got reward by returning to this office. V A Golden Rule ft of Agriculture: Be good to your land and your crop will be good. Plenty ol Potash Inthefertlllxerspensqaalityf h uu uuanuiy in uic aar-i M ct Writ n mw,A I V we will send you, free, by next mail, our money winning; books. oeiman kali wokcs, Nnrlwt-MKMMSt. m Itiad, k.-BM SfcBna" SL VANCEB0RO. November 17. Mr W Cleve Williams and Miss Bessie Windley attended church at Epworth Sunday. Miss Llllle Smythe has been very 111 for about three weeks, and her many friends are glad to learn that she Is Im proving, Mr W C White went to New Bern yes terday. Mrs Hattle Dixon of Tar Landing has been visiting parents at Cowpen Land ing. There were some hunters from New Jersey here last week. They killed a fine deer which they packed In Ice and ship ped north. Mr J W Bland of Epworth church will move to Aurora this week. We know the people of his vicinity will greatly miss him and his clever young wife, nee Mies Llllle Miller ot Aurora. Mr Jesse Broom of Aurora and Mr Herbert Boyd of Epworth came up to visit friends last Saturday. Mr and Mrs Joshua Foy of Lane's Chapel returned Sunday from a visit to relatives near New Bern. Mr B F tTlnklns and daughter Mies Dallas, went to New Bern yesterday. Misses Etta McLawhorn, Etta Lancas ter and Mr Joe McLawhorn spent Satur day and Sunday with friends In Wash ington. Messrs Nat M Lancaster, J M Lancas ter and J B Harvey went to New Bern yesterday. Messrs TS Jackson and D G White went to New Bern today. Mr and Mrs Claud Chapman and Miss Katie Chapman of Shelmerdlne vlsltod relatives here Sunday. There will be a grand ball here Thanks giving night. The managers are Messrs W Cleve Williams and E A Asklns, who will do everything in their power to give all a pleasant time. All who like a "Pine Top German" are cordially Invited. There will be an entertainment and Confectionery supper at Mount Pleasant school house near Cowpen LandIng,Sat- urday night the 27th Inst for the benefit of Ellsworth church. Everybody come and have a good time. Mrs Pennle Williams and Mr Duff Lathlnghouse went to New Bern to day. v We seem to have a scaroltyof public schoolteachers. There are two school In our township without teachers. Miss Ella Buok who has been visiting relatives near here returned to her home at Cbocowlnlty Friday. Messrs W E White and H C Lancaster our R F D carriers spent Saturday night tn New Bern. Messrs Gatllu and McLawhorn attend ed the Paige Comedy Co. show in New Bern Friday night. The news of the marriage of our clever and efficient postmistress, Miss Cora DInklns, to Mr D W Coppage of Dray- den, Md., which occurred at the Monti cello hotel In Norfolk last Wednesday the 11th Inst, came a a great surprise to her many friends here. She was accom panied to Norfolk by her father, Mr B F DInklns, and Immediately after the cere mony the happy young couple left for an extended trip to Washington and Balti more, after which they will go to their new home at Drayden, Md. Mies DInk lns will be greatly missed In Vanoeboro as she has always been a leader in all so cial affairs, but we will console ourselves with the knowledge that our loss Is . .. . . . , ,i Marjlsna'S gain. Aiongana nappy mo of wedded bliss to you Miss Cora, ia the wtsh of your hosts ot friends at Vance boro. Weary WlUlo.w "The evil that men do, lives after them, the good is oft Interraj with their bones" Shakespeare.' . ; . Not so with Duffy's Pain Destroyer, it will live on and on and , Increase In the estimation of the public. There la nothing better for the croup and cough of children than a teaspoonrui or tnis mixed with a cup of molasses and given as often as needed. It will not harm the child if glren the entire amount. Satisfaction guaranteed by F S Duty or money refunded. Fanners Attention I The American and Imperial Tobacco Companies have Instructed their buyers to ; refuse all tobacco not properly graded. This order Is effective every where and will be obeyed to the Utter, The grading by the farmers will ln sure them better prices and will make the handling at the local market and by the manufacturer much easier. Tobacco growers should heed this sug gestlon and act accordingly. EMM it INew Ctfop Ontario Mills and Hecker's Prepared Buckwheat just New California Prune?, Dried Apples and Peaches, Cran berries. Sweet and Sour Pickles, Pigs Feet, Big Hams to cut and Small Pig Hams to boil whole, Prepared and Old Fashion Buckwheat and Maple Syrup, Fresh Print and Fancy Elgin Butter, Fancy Cream Cheese, Fresn Oat Flakes, Rice, Grits and Big Hominy, Fresh TJneeda Biscuit, TJneeda Milk Biscuit, .-1. Fresh supply Canned Soups, all kinds, Fresh Celery 5c stalk. And numerous other good th'jigs to eat which we cannot mention for lack of space. Call ani look over my stock, no trouwe to snow goods. Yours to J. L. MAIL nsA craw If It's Dress Goods you are & I Looking for go to Hackburn's i he .Lames nnd that our m JNewest weaveB and Designs, and the selection is certainly jjSt very large, and our prices are never higher, and often less than p you will find elsewhere. To get what you want in Dress Goods tj linings and Trimmings you have to go where they are for m sale. Tins season we have bought larger and stronger lines M than ever before. In order to see the New Styles and Pretty Patterns in all f prices from 10c to $1 50 per yard a visit to oar store will eon- m vmce you of the fact. "J j Broad Cloth in all shades at tl, White Broad Cloth $1 25, S& t Shark Skin Venetian Melrose, Granite, Cheviots and Coy- yj erts, all Wool and Silk Wraps, Henriettas, W t A new line of Silks to select from. Taffeta SilkB in-all "ft? n ouauco an uuu, UiW, OU, tl uaucy uun juetue m waist or Dress Patterns at II a yd, White reau de Soie $1, 36 inch Black Peau de Soie $1 35, n 36 inch Black Taffeta 46 inch Black Glora Silk, 75c, - ijX Kid Gloves all sizes and shades, m I E. B. HACKBURN, $ $ 47-49 Pollock St. $ w It if Hesitate and ULiOST ; ; i Price pruning in November makes it a I Gaptal time to buy Capital Hats and i Furnishings with little Capital. ; Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, ;1 Nightrobes, Underwear; etc. If Satisfaction Guaranteed. E. W. ARMSTRONG, 07 Middle Street. teeeeseeeooeeeeereeMeiiw The Largest Sales in History Business. We have just received a las, Lewis A wrossett and A x Having sold our regular Fall stock we had to buy again in lorder to meet the growing demand for these famous shoes. ' v Our stock has also been replenished in our other lines of goods such as Clothing, Hats, Underwear, Dress Shirts, Neok wear, Dress Goods,J01oaks, &c ' Buy of us and be Happy. " "' ' ": . .i '-': f'v; - x '' KeBpectfully, . , ' received in all sizes. Please, Wholesale eft Retail Groeer, mn w ew4i CO stock of Dress Goods are the yj OOO. . M $l-and $1 25, You 'are Lost. the ot our second Bhipmenfc of the K Nattleton Fine Shoes. L Doug ' V J v. ' n

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