f L t it 1 be 7 Everjrthing' about Cottolene is clean and pure from its origin to its completion. Warmed into life by the sun on Southern Cotton Fields, nurtured by rain and dew, the Cotton plant finally concentrates in its seed that life-ving and life-sustaining quality which is the basis of Cottolene. Cottolene makes food nutritious, delicious and healthful. Then think of people using hog lard when they can get Cottolene ! FREE I Send us a two-cent stamp to pay postage andVe'll mail "you a copy of our book, " Home Helps," edited by Mrs. Rorer, which contains 300 choice recipes from the country's noted cooks. A A Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBAKKf COMPAIfg", Department 589 Chicago & PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Capt W J fop rf Qrifton U In the - Mit T W Dewey Is In the ritv, the guesiofMtt J H Dentoo. . - - Mr nd Mm W M Bays of Hyelo k pent th day hr j ntrdy. ' , " Mt A IIj deleft y.teid4y to visit hli father, 0pt A Bde, atSlibury. v Hn Bamael iJndon of I'allockiTtUe returued homo fruia the cUy yetier- day. : ; 'i-l Hits Add kobetuwboU attoodlng school at L'tiieton it here fort be holl daya. ' : If r t-am B Waters of New Y-rk City : la Tleltlng his mother, Mr a U Wa ters, " ' ... Col. James R Y.iung of Ruelgh, la surance commUuloner was to the city ' yesterday. IfrBHitaisell and wife of Bufort . are In the clty, Tiaklng the (tolly of Mr Lon Bryan." Mr A 0 Fescue of Mytvl!le ii fi jo terday for home tiersshurt but.lj trip In the city. - ! ' Mr Leon 0 Rlohardson of Durham ar- -ilTSd last night to apend Christmas . wlthhli mother,. Mis Kite Richard on. Mln Daisy Bell of Beaufort, passed through here yesterday going to Stella - to ipend Christmas. Mrs J Trevalhan who las been Wait ing the family of Mr B D Hamilton, re- - turned o her home at Bmlthfleld. - ' Mr Jarrls Harding ot Qnenrille came lwt night to attend thawtddlng of bis : brother, Mr HP Harding. ' ' ; ':; Her H M North of Eliiabelh City passed through the city yesterday en route for Laurlnburg, N 0. t"" " - Mrs Amy DaQ retorned to her home at Snow Hill yesterday after .a Tlsll to ; friends and-relattyea fat the city. ' Mrs Edmund Btrndwickj and children and Miss Jennie Hughes arrlred froaa Richmond to spend the Christmas holl- Miss Mamie Rassell earn last night from St Mary's school to spend the hoi! days with her grand-mother, Mrs Mary MoK Nash. - Mr Lis Hendren, of the Columbian University of New York Is in theclty spending the holidays with his mother, ' Mrs LIB Hendren. Misses Helen HInnant, Laura Sand ford, Bertha Wooten and Mra 8 V Rich aVdson went to Goldsboro yesterday to spend the day. JKODOL Are due to Indication, Rtnaly-olna of everyone hundred peie who have heart trouble can remember when It was simple lndlf eatlon. It la a elr Uflo fact that all eswee H heart t ease, not organlo, are nat n!y ttaoa able to, but are the dlrmt reeuM of Indigestion, AU food kQ late the stomach m'Jsh hM of porfaot dle tton ferments and swells the a1omoh, puffing It up sclnM the heart litis interferea with the action of the hnart, and in tha course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased, r Oil Vn, t-. ri- j, ( p.m Ti, rt. W" l t. p-j t won d dlatrp fc.fo.ne it ... I r 4 e bottie cl Kiai.il m-A II Inn rt..J. Aitar 1Utiitl0 litk fe-i Kodol cures t " sl'on, dy - 'a and all Siorr ' i Cuordors, end f y s the heart a full, free and uriuarn rnc!ed satlon. e $1.00 etie fi r k t i J ua, which f.. i N' Oc. " I BABIES IN ARABIA. TKe War tie Icfortnis-te T-Ilicii Arc Clotbed Dootoreil. - They (Arabian Imliltwi nre rubbed with brown portder as soun an tboy nro born, and their eyelids are painted; then Instead of being drp3scd In soft flannels they fire wrapped la eaHeo and tied up like a bundle no tlht that tbey cannot. move hanCs or feet; then tlgbt hoods ore put on their beads with bine beads sewed, on the front to keep olT the evil eye. These babies cry a kooiI deal, and I should think they would. They cannot move, and tiles nnd other Insects crawl over tbem and bite Xhcra, and the sand gets hi their oyc3 and hurts them. ' - When a baby la about six weets old a sacrlflce is offered, and the baby's hair Is cut antf-welghed, and the same weight in Bllver is Riven to the poor. If be hasn't more hair than some of our six weeks' babies Its weight In gold or even dlmv.oLiih might be given and not make t'ue poor much richer or the pn rents much poorer. The mother puts chnrms on bla neck and arm3, and a verso from the Koran Is written and put in a Uttls-sllver or U-atlier case nnd hrna: rbont his neck to krep off evil." : If ho Is jilek this la l:!:i niodii ine: A verse froi:r the' "Koran Ij rv'rltifn with" luk on pajiier;" then th? Ink U washed off. 'nnd the Ink wat?r is-'given. Wni to drink. I wish you could see the fun ny little cradles, these babies "sleep In. They ore made of date sticks fllted to gether.'. The rockers are almost flat, so when the poor thing Is rocked he is so shaken up that it is n wonder if he is not seasick.. I am sure any good American baby would rebel at such treatment Record of Christian Work. The (.one Star State. . Down In Texas at Yoakum,' is a big dry goods Arm of which Mr J M Haller is the bead. Mr Bailer ou one of his trips Fast to buy goods said to a friend who was with him In the palace ca-, "Here-, take one of these Little Early Rls ers upon retiring and Jyou will be np early In the morning feeling good." For the '"dark brown" taste, headache and that logy feeling De Witt's Little Early Risers are the best pills to use. Bold by F 8 Duffy. ' THE HALlTbF FAME. John Palmer, a full blood Pones. In dian, has been admitted to the bar In Oklahoma. fix-Queen Ranuvulo of Madagascar to living In Algiers on a bare allowance from the French republic. Joseph Chamberlain gets his recre ation by working In his garden. He reads his hewspapers in bed. - ' , James J. Woodward has conducted business In the same house in Somen worth, N. H., for sixty years.- . : , John T. Knox of Los Angeles, Cal., and A. T. Bullenget-jf McLeanaboro, 111., are the sole known survivors ot the Black Hawk war. .'- M. Tan Dusen, eighty-one years 'of age, living In Manchester, la., claims the distinction of being the first cream ery buttermaker in the world. ' i Colonel Augustus Jacobson ot Chi cago, who was an ald-de-camp to Gen eral Sherman, has bequeathed $15,000 for the education of poor children, ' ; . C. Belknap of Manchester, N. H., the veteran trapper, has taken five foxes, four coons, four minks and eight muskrats,' besides smaller game, so far this season. Washington Grayson, a Creek Indian, twenty-one ' years old, who recently graduated from a military academy In lexsa, has been appointed a lieutenant 1b the constabulary force of the Philip pines. Bon. William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) writes from England that be is making his last trip as a showman and that upon his arrival home he will disband the Wild West show and spend the re mainder of his life in peaceful pursuits in Wyoming. ' James T. Barker, a well known and prosperous farmer of Mlddietown, R. I., has a fig orchard of some 200 trees, and to Mr. Barker belongs the unique distinction of being the" only fig farm er in that and, as fur as he is aware, In any other New England state. Maine's oldest typesetter, Martin C. tl) worth of Belfast, who has hnd six ty years of active service at the case, l"s retired." He is seventy -six years oij, and, though he is still able to do a food duy's work with the best of t' :i, he thinks he has earned a vaca- life's Gift COSTLY PRICE FOR A BATH. It TVne So Much m Paand, tha Woman Waa Heavy. "When I was connected with the hotel at Lake Mlnnetonka several years ago," remarked a hotel man, "we had as a regular summer guest a woman from the south who was remarkably stout, weighing something over 200 pounds. One day she called a bell boy and inquired: " "What do they charge for a bath ? " 1 don't know,' said the boy, 'but I'll find out.' "After being gone a ahort time the boy returned and said: - " 'Seven cents a pound,' 'What!' 1 , ' " 'Seven cents a pound,' sold the boy a second time, while the woman's face became scarlet as she made her way to the clerk's desk. : '- "1 want my bill,' she exclaimed. T have been grossly Insulted and shall leave your bouse.' "She stated her grievance, the boy was sent for and explained: "'She asked me what they charged for bass. I told her I didn't know, but would find out I asked the stew ard and he said 7 cents a pound,' "As the ludicrous blunder of the boy dawned upon them both the clerk and the guest made the hotel office resound with their laughter." AOIwaukee Sen tinel. To Improve the appetite and strength en the digestion, try a few ioses of Chamberlain's Stomaoh and Liver Tab lets. Mr. J. H. Belts, of Detroit, Mich., says, "They restored my appetite when Impaired, relieved me of a bloated feel ing and caused a pleasant and satisfac tory movement of the bowels." There are people In this community who need Just such a medicine. . For sale by all druggists. Every box warranted. ; Concjaerlnsr Crltle. - William ' Simpson, a . British artist, who accompanied the army during the Crimean war, said that Lord Cardigan, the commander, examined his early sketches of Balaklava with "a vacant stare," curtly remarking, "It is all wrong." . Still Simpson persevered and was rewarded In the end "with the ex pression of Lord Cardigan's highest ad miration." "The real truth was," he adds In his simple way, "that In the last sketch I had taken greater care than In the first two to make his lord ship conspicuous in the front of the brigade." A glass or two ot water taken half in hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh cathartics should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, i They are mild and gentle In their actions. For? sale by all druggists. ' Animals and Seaatokaea. A French authority ou seasickness makes the statement that cattle and giraffes are almost Immune.,. Monkeys suffer considerably, but aremred by eating a raw onion. Horses suffer much, and some of them die from Its effects... Tigers and elephants are also", easily affected, whereas Ice bears, ao-I customed to the movement of Ice floss, ' are. never so happy as when on ship board. " ; y , ' ; ' 4 t irishtenerHorse. 8 Running like mad down, the)street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents,' are everyday occur rences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve handy and there's none as good as Bucklen's Arnica 8alve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles, disappear quickly under Its soothing ef fect. 25o, at C. D. Bradhsm's Drug Store. "A rUUoeopher'e B Aristlppus was an earnest suitor to Dlonysius for some grant, who would give no ear to his suit Aristlppus fell at bis feet and then Dlonysius granted It One that stood by said afterward to Aristlppus, "You a philosopher and be so baso as to throw yourself at a tyrant's feet to get a suit!" Aristlppus answered, "The fault is not mine, but the fault Is in Dlonysius, who carries his ears In bis feet" . - - : Ee Quick. Not a minute should be(lost when a calld shows symptoms of croup. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon a i the child becomes hoarse, or even af ter the croupy oongh appears, will pre vent the attack. It never falls, and Is r'f - 't -re to tnl'.o. For i '3 r j feom tlie Sunny- South ' HER CLEVER SCHEME. Tha Blond1! Neighborly Act Waa All For Nanght. The blond neighbor never had called before, so the brunette was somewhat surprised to see her. " "We've been neighbors for some time," remarked, the blond after the first formal greetings had been ex changed. - "Almost a year," returned the bru nette. ' "Long enough," continued the blond, !so that either of us might reasonably call upon the other to do a little neigh borly act" "Either of us might,!' admitted the brunette guardedly. "And we really ought to be friends," persisted the blond. "We can be ox great assistance to each other at times." "It's (juite possible," the brunette con ceded, still guardedly. "Is there some thing you wish to borrow?" "Oh, dear, no," answered the blond. "I thought perhaps you were just out of coffee or wanted a little ot my best china and silver to help out at a little dinner or something of that sort." "Not at all," said the blond. "I was thinking of your children. You have several, I believe." ,: "Four," was tbejeply. ., ' "And they cry some and occasionally play leapfrog and other noisy games." The brunette became haughty at once. No woman cares to have a stran ger cast reflections on her children. "Oh, that's all right," the blond has tened to explain. , "So do mine. All children are noisy, and the only thing to do Is to take advantage of their noisi ness. Now, tomorrow morning about 10 o'clock a tall man with a black beard will call at my flat, and if you'd watch for him and set the children to crying or playing leapfrog or making a great racket of some kind" . "Mdamt" ' .. "Don't you understand yet?" persist ed the -blond,; ignoring the indignant interruption. "The man with the black beard is the new landlord, and he's coming to see me about renewing the lease. Now, if you and your children can only make yourselves out to be se riously objectionable neighbors - don't you see what a chance it gives me to force a reduction of the rent? And later, when your lease expires, I'll do as much for you.1 What! You won't! do It? Well, I don't blame tha men for saying that most women have no head for business." Chicago Post A Costly, Mistake. - Blunders are sometimes very expen sive. . Occasionally life Itself is the price of a mistake, hut you'll never be wrong If yon take Dr. King's New Life Pills for Dyspepsia, DUzlneae, 1 Headache, Liver or BoweHfoubles. They are gen tle yet thorough. S6o,tCD Bradham's Drug Store. ' - ' . A Rare Case. - There has Just occurred at Madrid a case that is extremely rare, if not ab solutely unique, In criminal annals that of a man imprisoned on the charge of murder and - being sentenced to death and afterward reprieved with out bis knowing it The man, named Jose Espero Cuelur, had, In circum stances of great provocation, murdered a faithless sweetheart, and, although he was in jail, trial for the crime had been conducted without his being pro duced or even knowing that tha case had come on. - Even when sentence of death was pronounced nobody deemed It his Immediate duty to Inform the person most : concerned. ; One 'day, some time after, reading a newspaper that had been allowed him, Cuellar there read the announcement of his re prieve and, petitioning to see the gov ernor of the prison,. learned for the first time all that had happened. Billons Colic Prevented. Take a double dot ot Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as the first Indication of the dis ease appears and a threatened attack may be warded off. Hundreds of people nse the remedy in this way with perfect success. For Sale by all druggists. Ta Debt Waa Forgotten. ".. ." Trotter-Why haven't you been in to see me lately? . ' Ballaw Well r the truth is t was afraid that you might regard my visit as a reminder ot the money you owe me. Trotter Why, my denr follow, I bad f-"gotten all about it. Sorry it troubled mod-L ' rnmois your gPKKOtilng the Iiatli. Salt liatUs .ire common, but a pepper bath is soiiK'thlng-new to most people. Such a b.ih in recommended to pa tients of the I.os Angeles Institute of Suggestive Therapeutics as a health ful stimulant nud to promote perspira tion. it is simple and can be taken by any. one nt home. Here are the direc tions aa furnished by Dr. F. W. Ray burn: "We in our practice lay much stress upon keeping all the avenues of elim ination in perfect working order. In order that the skin may do Its full share the pores musj.be kept open and free from all effete matter. Now, the ordinary scruu does not do this. One must perspire freely. Slany of my pa tients object, and for many and vari ous reasons, but I have found that they unanimously agree as to Its effi cacy after a few trials. It stimulates and helps to equalize the circulation also. "Upon retiring fill your tub with wa ter as hot as can comfortably be borne. After the water has been turned off put in a teacupful of sea salt and a ta blespoonfnl of cayenne pepper. Fold a cold wet towel about the forehead and remain in the tub about ten minutes. After getting into bed drink a glass ful of lemonade, hot or cold, as pre-ferreifc- In the morning yotl Will fully realize the need of your morning scrub, followed by a cold spongo bath, In which you have dissolved sea salt After a brisk rub with a rough towel you will feel new life, vitality and vigor tingling through every vein and artery. I know whereof I speak. I take it twice a week myself. Oftener would not be advisable." Los Angeles Times. OASTOniA. Bwi tie :' Kind Von Haw Always BstigM Signature ' of TTio Last Straw. It was Saturday night, and owing to the temporary absence of his wife it fell to Mr. Brown to attend to the usual process of giving his eight-year-old son a bath and putting him to bed. Hff had left his evening paper with a man's reluctance and had hurried mat ters along with more speed than the little chap was accustomed to. How ever, he endured it all without a pro test until It came to the prayer. It was his habit after "Now I lay me" to ask the divine blessing upon a long list of relatives and friends, calling each by name. "Please God," be began, "bless papa and mamma, grandpa and grandma and Aunt Edith and Uncle George and" A pause. His father, thinking to cur tail the list of beneficiaries, softly in sinuated an "Amen." Not heeding the interruption, the little supplicant drew a .long breath and continued, "And Aunt Alice and Cousin Annie and and" Again his father said "Amen." This was more than flesh and blood could stand,, and, lifting h!?Jlttle head, ho cxclalined,Twith tears of indigna tion, 'To pa, who's running this prayer; you or me?"-Ii!irpcr'8 Monthly. Why New Bern Peo ple Should Follow ' This Valuable ' Advice.' Because the proof Is in Mew Bern. You can easily Investigate It - Not necessary to experiment - - With some untried remedy. Profit by the experience of a citizen. B B Parker, whose sheet metal busi ness Is at Craven and S.uth Front Bts., place of residence; 41 Craven Street, says: "I beileve Doan's Kidney Pills to be a good remedy, la fact, I know It. I have been quite a sufferer from backache. At times it was so bad I could scarcely endure it, but since using Doan's Kid ney Pills which I got at the Bradham Pharmacy my back has not troubled me at all. . Should there ever ;be a recur rence I shall certainly resort to Doan's Eldney Pills, and intend to keep them on hand to have in case of need," For sale by all dealers. Price SOJoeats, a box. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole stents for the U. 8. F -member Uo rr.-c Dora's e 1 ffc m frtsM lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmleaa, sure to accomplish DESIRED Kuauuio. ureateat Known lemale remedy, price, 1.50 per bottle. filUTMH Bewireof oonntarfalta and Imitations. Vim rmalae Is aalrta puM-aoarS Oat Wftwiiun ton with fso-almlla aljnamra oa tide of ha ponla, tkna: a tena for Ciroalw K) WUJLiaJiS Mftt. 00, Sole AsaMa, Olevelaaa, OhM. ZT BOLD BY F. S. DUFF $7 qiHmmHmmnumunnnHunuivnuuo 2C mm straw H 3? John Grocer 2 Begn to call the attention of 5 Comp?ete Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, if t Every steamer is bringing in some delacacy to be added to 2t his stock. . 35 s " ' ' . . a,. p A share of our trade ia. solicited. Your orders will re- ceive careful attention and PROMPT ATTENTION, -sf. All orders small or large JOHN- sE Grocer, tt Phone 74. POXJLOCK ST. Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co. Haye cut the price on Heaters Car load to be sold. Fire Boardf Fitted, StovesJJset p. Full line of Hardwaie, Elwood Fence, Faints, Oils and Varnish, Lime and Cement, Saab, l)oori and Blinds. Lowest Prices, Best Goods, Nice linn of Carvers expected for the Holiday trade. Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co., HARDWARE 78 Middle St Phone 147. OCCCOODODOQODODODOnonCrCOO q r We Sell io Merchants Only. Q We have Just received anothev complete stock of Furniture f) and can fill all orders promptly. We are the only eiolusir 4 wholesale furniture dealers in the state that do not manufact tire. All goods sold at factory prices with local freight added A to New Bern. , We also carry a complete line of Iron Safes in t" stock. Q All Mail and Phone Orders will receive prompt attention. A . Office Phone 172, Residence 254. . A 1 Office and Sample Room 47 Middle Street; Warehouses 5 and 7 East Side Middle treet.- o 0 T. J. Tamer 0 occcononoconocooocaccccccj New Bern Cotton Oil "T andFertilizer Llills, Manufacturers of Cotton Seed Products and High-grade Fertilizers, , ; Will pay tho Highest Cash Prices for Cot ton Seed and Beed Cotton. Baca furnished to seed shippers. HAVE FOR GALEIa Fresh Cupply cf Cot ton Beed Heal and nulls, ?hich iz tho n::.t Cattlo Feed in tho vrcrld. ;7o 7ill eschan-o Ilcrl for ccttcn r" 1. a?- v. 5' - 4 It i the Housekeepers to his Fine and 5 will be appreciated. BUMt so -' at ZMILIiaSUPPLIXS 44 Craven St; Phone 810, " Furniture Co., O NEW BEEN, N. C. J LPtmn