(ih - jl 4Um ot' lb--4 1 tiJ G uiil 1- r HJ-. P P b tall -I r vo-?iavj( ij .v:. h ........... vVspv --V--... ....- - Vlhw IVh-i ibSVr-i RIW tlSI. CSATII CODITT,'IC..WPAT, MUIR 22, 1904 --Slil" SlWOr.r.'J L , - -'YmmI ii"irf"i.Vf.c H" ' fnV'QUirwJA j?.tfnlenafell ' OMENTAL '" j' SEVERE COIXEGBfrip' 1 PEOPLifcVft"l!S',DilYv''' ' ' '"' - US SmalrPotatbes bwti whkta axpUlmora nui-ia ot , f Fata a a. w ur 7- - J wntM for4 WTltM foe thm, MMk 9RK , ... UoIIe.1 nine Worker or America it id futon at adftMWll . PtMlileot About 80 -pTPon .cerd drnr1 by . the burlnff uf a Wervulr at lM mfoo teln, Oraoga Rlfcr Colony. w. -- -, . 1 Vni A Ktatna 8nnna Oonrt rea'. flrmi lln?4rade onre- time ego.theU thee;eluion onagT0a from grand JO, rlea la mm InfoTTtogCTlnilnAl eWrga agalnat membert of their . race la In vio lation of the oonttltutlon. -':7?v't ' ': IJThe JHaaU?lppt honso praed reto latlondenounclng Pretldent Root . tlar:.lf acttoB'i.-' cloalBg the j pott office at tadlanolar where the clil tent refuted to recelre their mail from - the negro pomlttrei. r. la Oerman Tooth wett Africa the re Toltof the-BttlTe la, apreadlng and , great damage la being don. The Oer , man troopt ara unable to pat down the rebellion. K-:;v ... Horn W J Bryanfat dollar dinner at Lincoln, Neb , taya tbe adoption ; of the Kanaai City platform; tn tu entirety JtlSbuld Be tbe flrat action oUhe National DemobnUocoaVe&tlonts - K Sv,llt4!!f !iiv,; i Vv-. , M, Oebrir Praaola Train died Jan. 10th. ; from heart dlieate, at Mills hotel, New York where he had lived for tome " t fj juri. VLadz dyspepsia Cup ni-jnat vtt you Bf, i ' ' January 31. 1 Wr.aieglad o hare a change In tbe twailhe't which batb en ao vejry iold all thlayr-ar. . ; ' Bathe beaat an4 (til) all. tht year owing to the extreme cold weather, ,There ha been but Very little ' donl 48 department of hbilneaa? r - All who bar bald. hr: , cotton, are .4 reBplaB blgrawain th way of prl 1 ce. , It aalla readily here at 13.87 and 14 eta. Cotton aeal' areu alto high t $8 per ton' ;s;;V;'';.:;;;V -y ;r:-;: The Matieal and Dramatic entertain " ment which , howeoat tbl place laat night wa a grand aucora In all prtt, more et peclally the mutic under the man agement of Prof Albert CobU of Tren ton and Prof J W Portl of Boult Creek Academy, The part laken in all the piece by little Lucy Portia, the 8 year old child it worth tr"'"' '"n. They bad a crowded tatltf action ' W very nounoe the wUe will ) horse J bo 111 a ha. wlthatt' Hughe l. pie of thir confidence t e lloe. Wei ' nccea in - ' tbelrJ., her, wtl rements. 1 ha enjoyed the i lucrativ prto aate,aha.raof d 0CUI; Jv W j. ' "t rllry live a great to clal and an.isrWf..:i iu, Greensboro will be the gainer, and we betoeak tor their great ucoet1nllJdpartment,of ' llf. In fh. fnlnr KfflAnf iiaw frlAnna. . : Kit , Barry who haa beenJe)u!-T pi , aslnn!nfOTdN C,kvlM t Henderson near here. .. ' . ..." '.',111 lm i . i . Mr rtic Leary ana wue' nav moren ' . ' : 1 . ' . ' '. . . . . . f . to uia fiao8,ioay nav rented loeir larw iiiiit c'JiiTfpn vfrand wlU.raaide herein ' ' '1 1 MrV S JuJ KobaaVls tnnilng tthe old -i 1 1 -ISnceQrJ At Vla, place and enjoy a targe patronage oi me traveling men who come here. , I'.orAfcxfl' White . haiuken th al'Uit'piac and .bat avry lull ' -' nol. B will run ten month school " , i.i Lit 6a and we Ish ref .wlBh -him fht eo I pathleiof all th,ptt- ,.1 ,.i , . "1 prteratlon and lym " k - i c." tht cho;L. Spacl btoraal.: '., t P I I . Mt.l.ti 1 .'barl J ftJcDLlld bfbirtTT-rmbliog if itenjhg'nirbf ffoiif wtidgfcL RMtral Prttft, Jhtmmt Bar tar lebam kOi Uaf u ad not and atlaMaAxllvtBaait Ooneart at 0aUrdf gi Tay VaM U did. I aria Ourall'anil VUi. Tidrenoe todaf -II I Othl 'ithmlllof Pollocir.lll ma to tiiUart, satnraar to tiih ar unm ubtau aaa ml'. J MIm Marl OaVaU returned to tthomt Bandar. Ulaa Florenoa re- r B Raxhr nd .wlff jof Trenton, pfaCBatardavmgu ana Bona ay win Mti fll Ward: -!' KrjQeorM Daf all and , Mlla Florenoa Darail and Mlaa May Blnmona mad a ihorl Wift al Hra John Slmmoni Bum daynea.lr.g.'V'. t C-V'-f Wa tblnk tba Trenton enrreapondenee ptjaat week waa In error when he laid that a lentlcmau . after a tay of two weaki there aald he bad no: teen a drank en man daring bit tay. ' We think be matt ha seen blind on Matnrdaya,or bad not betn on tba atreeta. . Hf 0 0 8mhh formerly of thli place, but a reatdent of Trenton for the paat year baa teniored from Trenton to the new atore at O.lrreri orosi roada. " Mr aIodw Kallurn of Fort Barnwell, came on a botlneea trip to Ullrert, yet . ... .. . ' 1 Bietara v o I araor, n r jrsracr, auu & LLlttleto. went to Trenton Saturday on builneaa.-1 - MUt Margie' Waten retarned to her home here lait week from a visit near JackionrlUe. Uocle Joth Paid Jones County Tax. Sheriff Lon Taylor, of Jon county we in the city yeaterdey and depotited the portion of tbe Stat tax collected, by him, in th National bank, He wa the aeoond offlolal to comply - with the law this year. Sheriff Taylor aay that the taxe In that county wer harder to col lect than laat year bat h met with very good tuooete. Tbe Democratic Attitude Toward Panama. "It I laid that th o-cal!d Republic of Panama I an aceompliahed fact! Franc repeat that It l 'un fait tocom -pll' We want It dUtlnctly onderatoo I that w had nothing to do with the 'ax -compllthment. and are proud ofth part our country took In it," uyi J obn Sharp William la Bverybody' Magi- ilne for Fubroaay. "Jt hat beta, or soon twIUtajreeogaiced a on of the Undi- pendtat tattoo of tba earth' by o J,IIBI33!.-. - - I Oovernment, ' try France , by Qrekt Britain, by Germany, and by J Rutala. Racognltion' wa manrelloutly uddn In comparison with tbe failure to recot- nil ra balllgerant right for th Ra- publlo of Quba or Independence for the Boar Republlo in South Africa. Amongat hooett mn, who bllv In certain rccoirniaed . fundamental principle of international dealing, the ao-called B- publio of Panama la aa abortion, mlspe- gotten, hag-horn, a mlthappea Caliban among tbe "Independent nations' oflh earth.": .l:ivjuSCARM?''? 1 Well. rte wa. lief "keep cold, and the famrtB'imlow3n,'trtiug tbelr fann.c 1" U If a cold.wlnter bring good C"V. y : 1 b all tmlle nxt fal ' Purly Taylor came home Sniday 'few weeU vlalt Uh rttlitlvfcf at Ledard, 'ef Klnfton, 'apt ut 1 ..It weekrwlth Lit uncle, Arch- Jam and' B M Stanly of locate hi '- cunmiiaiiT, no ara aiau to welc a them. Mrl L'oora of Gov. hs moied In iDUt neighborhood.-- - " ; i Mr W. T McCoy of Cove, w n our town yeterdy. Y-'.C Mr Georg A William, of Green vllle, 8 C, i ipending a few week with her mother, Mr fdV. - Bottle Wetherlng- Dover, hu Loved MrPGrtfflnof toTatcarora, f ? " 'f j' v ':BIk ry!" . aBmaaBaaaaaaaawBaaw" ..' .. :.( ..... ' ' ' ? la k CalaaaKr Clan, , Tb great man bad written la aa- tobtograpby.' ' , - The purlat placvd hi critical) flngtr mpan tne ntuua wuiva begun. "Aiy wedding' ovvurrvd" , . 4 -' Mildly h maruttrated. "Cnlhmltle oeaur," he said. "Marrlafca, bulla, rv rapttaa and prvloaly jrdard event tab alee."!.,-.,,, , -( I V . Ihe great man looked up wtarily.. "Saat belna- tae dinctl)n., be aald 'y, wju t the ntnc ttandi' , Co It wenf tfnrevtaed.-Phlladelpbli Preai'V ' ' -m 1 ; ti " - ORIENTAL . ' I . " r- . Jem. to. Mlaa JeBBttHall who baa UeaTlalt- lag frlenda her retnraed to her home at Yaademere laatJBatnrday. Mr J T DaTanport of Pamlico waa here iatt week proapectlng. We hope, to hare htm With na ' There were aarerat drammari hare Vut week. One of on aaarchanu . pnk np a 'alga. "No dramatera allowed .to here""-' - Oor tabbage' mpi eompietely.. Cat off. $ome kre going to try hotbeda,., J anmpniH uougea,. wu .vij m Rorfaaa 'HIH' Iaa.'l.th.i h leaTea a hatband and fonr children, and a boat of fdendi to raoiira tbeir loef. , I OW Utile town te grotng fatt. Ho - e ar. In large Amend, and rent . tot rgl; lh- lurnU- ; wh, . good prioa.'- v .... ,; Jr fcj.i r v .. w Thoaewho hare lota here tt.waud r.. ik.m tn hnIM iuu hnniH aal theja. ' " .'' ' ' ' I Mr W I Morgan baa been right iok, bnt glad to tay la-feme, better aow. . There waa a line lot of flab on Ike mar I ketlaat Thundty. One man caught eighty dollar worth, " ' - -' Borne of oar fvmere are bothered to get their cotton picked oat. Mr R D Hodgee baa tome eotton that haa nerer beea plckod, the lint time he ha offared terent)-Bve cent a hundred to bar it plck-d. - . Dr Daniel it patting up a nice drug ttor her. W hop him aucceaa. Mra O W Ha-alda aa I daanhter re turned from New Ben latt Wadneaday night, ' Mr and Mra J E Carooa returnadfrom Kintton latt week where tby have been j on a vlnlt. J Dr Danlela retrirned Sunday morning from Richmond where he hat been to take a patient. . r Mr Jim Sawyer of Merrltt lain town tonlpht on hi way to Ayden. - " DTR Marrlat'e Invitation. 8peclal to Journal. ' .i . .. Ralelgh.Jtn Sl.-lnvltatlont are Issued to marriage February 8rd . at GreenvUl, I of Mb Elizabeth Laughlnghoute and I Secretary of State, J Bryan Grime. Trenton Items. - Januarr SllL Senator The D Warren and Mr M W) Whltaker went to Klntton tbi week. Mr and Mr J E Water of Dover, Tts4 lted at Sheriff Taylor' Sunday and Mon day. Meur W D Pollock and X F Noble 0 Elmton, 1 In town for a few dayaj Mewrt Lindtey, Land and Smith of Nw Bern, I In town today dramming groceries." "' ;-.-v.sr-t ..;.J Meurt Nathan RlchardtOB and O B. Gill of Dover.are In town thli week. : J Mr 0 C May went to Cove tbl morn ing to bur cotton. In laat week' itort thould ha stated that Mr May wa alio nciai inr in raruiiEHra. . i .-.... , i Our two If D, carrier eeem to be very muca interested in meir routet. ai ... . ... ir. la claimed almott every month to be bat- ter than their oreviou. ; . Mr R L May. agent Sir Howard, Is 11 maklng preparation for a nice dwelling on the corner of Jones and Market Su. He will have the old houaerentond thortly for hi new tructure. Th T 0 Uacd returned from PpL lockiville today. Bay they are having very good euocest at full house and their ptogiajn. The ettlmated nQmber at Trenton belbi.860, ' 'V ' Mr Fred Smith waa here thia morning to tee after the phone line.' ' It la taid that they are very much troubled wpth ' - '- " ... -t f . L. wood cutter aong tne county' ' i ad The phone ont of .fW'eltiWViryBii ok lneoavanlence at tlntea, ,'hla. morn ng a man eager to get new, had to drive to Cove, a dtatanoeof 9 mtlea. : j The mail route from Trenton to Rich land hu canted a great deal dlaaatbifae- tlon of late. The carrier not abb to perform hit tervlce at ahpuid be; ' Note the Oliver corrwpondenl of thla week .- L found error about thedUpraaary.'Wefwlll Pceedlnga.fpr jinr;. fflsklu rhera he foundlhU oorresDon. U P0" "7 ce,lthat laat week aik him where he found thl oorrea'pon dent In error.- He thould have thought before he wrote, that If any error.il wu ,..7Z.a. with the man th.reporUr. W.rth.tOu.olv correspondent ahould hare teen tfld of .., :."-.'.'".'"-.';."-i-' '- -.,-, - thla. V Sheriff Taylor went to ttew Bern; Wed netday where he , mad , a , depotlt, Hhe amount being foritai It U dd that he wu the ucond T- ply with the lawt No Nkv 1 1.1.. CASTOR 1 A For Infa&tk and CM14rli Tli Vd Yea te A!tj E:::!;t 1 Baara tha 61gnatmTt WW Bit Aaaklttoa. t " "B want to be conldrtd In debate," tttd en atatwmao. 'Ta," aniwend th othr; iBt thafa whv h lDslst en aalna . tUtad laev guagt tor underalaed theugbta."f.Waan- Ington Star. ..' -. , - !.,-... " II" I" .-.. , II Stale Horaul Scnaalbormlttry at, Green bar Bcatrey td. Student 5 uffer - Loste. .. Ho Fatal'nles. ( ' School continue . '.. Special to JoaraaU " ' r Gkawuioao, y' January II. At I roar p-aeoa tata jaoroirtK . bi'm oia- a 'l.a . ... J f ..... i - - i J. eovered In the Horealtory atWutta iKoimal and ladoatrlai -OolIeae . for ' ., ; - -j' V -t.,ii,..ti r ... KroD " " qnlck'y eonanmed. It,w,tbr!for1 ttotfet lo height adonrt ahoat I'AOGKJ 0, fc uwri' t,0 l.iurnw ..i4 .u l.T r' " - ... - TDlllKbt DUt tWO .buaqreil t IIik Normal college atadenta who. o..nie.l iu b. j. dorn,uorf bare room at pvlrata hftl ww,,. fh 0th kri aleenrol. f 1 - - - m .i- . . . , v the aormitoriea or me opuege wmun were left Intact., . Thoae ptiidenta nQt'in private horaw were tnrreil wltl t(ipoer In 'the domett hi acttfneo hall,- .bnt thuy ill get ttntril ai tb h,)lcli .C iinnn hv atartetl a tulncrlpilon 11 already amounting to over a tboait:iit ilolltr to b placed at tbe dhpotal of . the &iw. fdr teneilt of'destltot etndf.n'f J Student talldin ami other . bblldlj Jin oe r.ovriea womeepig rvums uu work haa alreadr .coiumencwl on tern portry kitchen and dlalug room. .Mt-tl oi df board of director today to take ttep loklng to erection of modern dormUory ulldlng to be ready for bte at begins ling of fall JtriiuJti,Ua"'a1aaV tut President Mdrr atatee, that n it a ctrcttmtai to th typhoid, fever leptdemlo ' a few yetra ago: Btate Sopt Joy ner, State Treat. Lacy trehete -atid jGovernor . Ay cock w.ooaiSt ' ijomorrb; Letter! and telegram of lympatbjr nave come from all leading lnitltutlena. Qn twenty four tudnU will' go bom, Th Are originated in kitchen of b olid ling used a dining room, laundry, coa- lalning boiler, cold ttorageand heating blanL. There were robmi for one bun I dred and fifty In . thle, ' and In the fourl .itorr dormitory Were ..two. hundred Every girl wa safely gotten Dot, over) oae hundred of the girl losing all theli clothing. ',-iV,;-.-;..;:i 'v;,'" '.' Th oltlaen ent invitations io thost burned out to aecommodtte tham, whllt the city banka offered 'money and the Southern Railway offered free transpor tation to girl wishing to return hom. Arrangement are made to, continue tchool, and President Molver gave as surance that there would be no closing on account of theTrre." I i.tftr.. i .- . - i - r ' . . i Miues Mary Jones. Leila Styron, Bi I linor MarahalL and Bertie Williams, bt I thl city and Ills Mamie Buys of HaVe- I lock. wr. attending the School tad 1 - were among those burned but, trid 16 s- tag their peronal effect. TOO IHOW WHAT TOO ARB TAU ..... 016 When yon take Grove' Tasteless op Tonic, because the formula .la plainly printed on every bottle showing , thtj It simply iron and quinine In a tMfelfes Una So enre no pay. Price Wc, Certlflaue.ofLFUIns .ftf, Conet ;.,'ocldersttDlsSo!H-'' '.'.i ,ri j.ttftn State of NdttK CarolInk'; ' DeDartmeni of'Slate.r ,r To all whom these Prete'nU Sntycbme .-greeting;: '-"f Whereas. It tDPeart to my -ItiUfao. tlon. b dulv authenticated recbrd oi the the Brick ft Tile -Manufacturing. ,tfom pany, a corporation of thla State, wbose principal office la altuatedX at No,.8 CV of Craven, State of Horth fcara. I Una (T.G.Hymatt, Secretary hein the agent therein and in onarge. tbtreoi, upon whom prooett may be tervd, hah itt'.ffi 2Kl IDfllNOD i.WAf f3UMiiw ou tau v iotisv the . Cbrobratlon Ltw of Notth ICtrb- UuCi pteilminarjf td tbe liaolnbdf thla Certiflcate that incii content htsj been filed, y.,w i, .-s,.,) 1 ... ..... I Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Gklme, Beovetw:0f State of .the Bute ,of Worth Carolina do hereby certify thtt tttaiaid oorooratlon did, on the aixth day pf Jn uary 1004 file In mv office a dulylexecu ted and attested content la writing' to th dissolution of (aid corporation i euted by more than two thirds It Inter est of the itockholden thereof, I which (aid certiflcate and .the , proceedings aforesaid art now on file la tny bald of- floe u orovlded by law. - . I , t Teatlmonv Whereof. I havsl bereto set my hand and affixed my official leal at Rale!gh,-lhtt tlxth day of January A D. one thousand nine hundred and (our, Warrttr llaH-.rai' BsrainaJ - . The niOKt rxtitiug rampalju In tbt almost K nstanl .rtrife L.Mwern fftrtlont f'rhllwuy beri.o)("Ib rttcnt yerrfl tbntin wbWj Uu- CffJ-iClwWJHi la tere s ;m- jirr.?fl-.nfr3t1'rMl Casatt . of tlio" n-tfiUjlVUnlTTaf rand. Ttn I'liJ.wt of Ibe altich vpoVOatMmtt tt! m-im-'l'ila 'fliit)1fi'-tiiiCTir' from-ea. 'posltJon ot T'rW6irt'i6f fin" P mm.. I ' " j r r rfl-Lf ' a"'-1 1 r mm putt vt 'trJ?S. a- bids V 4rV IT .'jin'.a. ai;tl Uu- motliod Oinployod is tb Anii-ol of the comp,i uj-'a Oupltnl etockv ' It yul'l that Gould's attuck upon ;asfij.t M liisptrea uy tno uesrre- get jcvonge .for'llie dukflng of the i West- !va UnlonTeiegrii'pb toulfiany from tba, vuiisj-lvunla lint 'and 'the" destruction f a large 'ittuoririt 'of the 'telegraph toiupany'8 property,- la the; abape. 0 oolos, wires, etci - Itockefeller'a. special interest, aside from his desire to ex tend bls nmuiclal..p,9.wcel n,,tbe rail lroQdifleld..lB,sald.to be to secure satfa- 'factory tra psflortntjlon 'faclllliy" fctid rates, foir tbe 'business df 'ta'e"19tatalrf Oil compan''over-tbe''P6nnylrtn Unes. Tbe directorate of the Peaneyk. vanla has so far stood squarely up In support of President Oassatt, but as tba plan (4 capajgn, 0.$ war is airectea towara tne eoa or comran" Ing tlie. fetAA of -the railway cowwrn ed, 'tbe1 crirrfblned power, of jtle..Q9iql3 Diid Rockefeller .interests .In, tbe, stoj 'market may, eventually, work cbai&geo inimical, .to., .trie, , interests or rresiaent Cassatt in the, directorate of 'the 'com nanv. . " "" Stnr'aia and the' WctoK Frank Sturgfc of Btfong, 8trgta Co. consulted a' doctor and was adviaedl to go away' to som resort Jor. a good long rest " Mr. 'Sturgls lexpijeesed hh contempt for tbe advice so rue thing, lltti this: - . i ., ... ,. "Bestl Sbucks, What else have I been doing for tbe past six "months! For a real,, right down, "thbrougbgolnk rest give me Wall Street lh the-sun -mer of 1003. Wall street at preset . compared wttfT-the-sleepiest aumnx i resort In the sleepiest1 - mountains) P i earth, Is- like solatoite in a hearse, com pared with a game of poker wlti Gates, Clark et nl. And I paid f 10 tit that advice!" New York Times. ""t"l II I j in 3t Preaolilna .ad Prmettoinet, Bishop Fredejrlc Burgess of tbe 'dto-'l cese ol j-ioug iuiuuu una a mtuj wu . . j 1 ; '-,-. j u, ml. lt. that he uses well'ln' urgument' man- argaeB recently wlth Blsbbp Burgess about 'clergymen Thla. mJw claimed they old not proctbje . iwqat they preached,) ... ., . 1 , . "Olv weJtV eald jtbe, bishop, rmajlbe yon expect top much of them.' Did rou .ever bear of a signpost' 'tliuf lol loped Its own direction T' . Sorafofl Ltonta'eWr General Boris Sarafoff. the reoocil ed leader of tne fJatlidbiian revoluttn- lsts;''flrrivea,nBoBar BttLgarla,jecnt- It ' 'rihd'1 Itmaelatelu ..becawa.lhe too of fJrehOuy,i..lfewm.DrpWflipd.a tltrnol haro)y..the,.tb8and8 who gitbr, eredatitbxailKr to rec4ly.t. him... Tie -was crowned! 'with 'a 'morel vffleatft and iiterallly" covered' 'WTttf'flDw; ers, In respdrse',i;6 ,tHe",i(rota of fori T 1ft,,1'oEraSait',BbB iut&vm. .hitinnlta were not onlV'finAifji nered. Sarafoff spent nine, months'' 1IJ Mace- f the revolution. "HMUfe waa one of constant perH'TVnd'fiarltoMp-j Hajept, mostly in "tiie'openiir viit nana 'of ' sixty 'thtft 4ed.lo Jtfonaitir but efgbf swvtoev. . Jhwgb. hi.ablrit la 't. '. a- - n-ry -rap j ( i KSfTT J m I 17 J . . ." "I. .Wi s. om chralelao wffl ten yoa Bwt roe wot mmamn raiiRuaataia, aaaaawaa. aim euar euiatt j uipiw, . Brtt rev bom ten rood valakey, pan whiakav. for poor wBlaaar. adaliarataa , ar do oaoUed hana I'SA-tNU WHlSKkT ta inat wka roa BMd tor It oa omt u dlitlUr to JO wlta alljM ordinal atreoa-tb. rloBneaa and Ban. Wakar.Biai dltiial finm oi aarrrlsa a TJNITKO STATSS RiQlS'IEitf DISTIIXKB S OCABANTXJI of FDBV jntY aod JLOTt tot ae-rtaar-fce4tena7M iclQta,. Wa kav enr a Quarter a a anliUoowaattsflad euaonMia, exelattrslr lamliV trvia,w1io know It la beat lor BMdlntmt ' Mrpoaea and prefer W W IU 1 Ta .Maare-l foes! .te-ai.OTIIi7. .forVC3 "Puiic.Qcrai. ,ii i. We will send yon rutnt rOEU OfllkW BOTTVKS oTBXT BllPB flKTBB- .. . .. . TK.AMOL.lJ kig lor H.XJ. ana we.wui pay ui If you ooo't and It all right and at rood1 ta yoa- aavbadr alaaiat ana nrlm. and It back at our retained to rod by next mail, fatt tHtak tbt fatrerl.If xpare not perfaptly aauifled you aeoa you a tnai oraer. iiyoii ooB'twaiwtooroaanayouraeir.wetairMMa jotai you. i6l)lBmaft maila la jMagaMwBomaioaliowTbat' Orlv or ArttnaL, OoL, Iflaho, Moct, or Wto. muat M ta UietxaM'-ff iwmartai for huu Dy aTprr. n:3 jirVTrxi3iiUJa ccPAni K , ftltAHTVaa. i AtIPJV.Pu. rnnPslftU k MLo ,HI,tAUL MINN. nnmUiWwTiOTwft-j wrest: 'sz'. r.". .ytkp, bt smzit sizes- .-.... Frfesli'OrltS' and Biff Hoiriinv. . Oat Flakijs m(L Carolina Jlice." : ' Saner -Krauty A .ComplQtjb'itock Staple and Fancy j: Groceries. T'9 fci 1 1. .... -, ,,A alU. . rat 'XQT&t 6aPiease; ; 2 - eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' fpB " 1 " T J 1 1 - tj J . la' aBjaa y .Ht ,v4 ; J ' tv I rftV -waw bbb aaawrit:V.', VaaWwataV I a wrwv , ar at "v tJ" '-a9oa' 5fiWApt s in "laces "and 'Embroiderlei -'ka'M : f ;i 5 1 "1 1 .,..--. i ... . : . ' i AV" "Tfie'tflMt eiulsito-rlrodttotioni of foreign . and AmerltBn ; ) 5 iffiaj?8. . ready; lot mrBmxnatton.ana leieption. j. xooy A are well wortli Vftnjflfnwtdtioi'ir'he ( ) ' (f'aOt;Blid.we ayotdd.be iiiofo'tliaa pleatMto.dioi; t(to yon, ) A for they are so attrMtiYeir priced that we .Xupw that' moae ) ,. fip;46Mfi( lbbk'wiH retiaia r - 1- !. ; mm II, U mt9lm ii. h Hdv; , Hava oiltvrMoe a Heatere Carload! V!' Hardwaio, e and' Cement. SwLi Jjolri i .ffliAil Vim t-.. t.lh . LowBit-.iMQejjL, ,Be rmAKict 5 tfitfs ihft Holiday traded' V'"1' Gf:nilar:i!i,sunBo., y, (booi aiwara hare aoma toed valakey ta at w,ypP aboold try Tamil raaafctj 03 nQLD L1YE 0 EXFuESS 'J Jft pnEPAID n; tbe atonal eharaoa. Try It and M-arer oasd'or eaa boy -front aaaenaa and tout ts.M will ba oler orar. Ho aoold It ke 1 are fcofcoy e mW Batter lots mrrl K Kn. .Or., TTtpV Vf aaK ataiBHBB ism . .. , 5 1. . .1 1 smktl sizes "5: Wholetsale . -Mr Ta4l '" it 15 av.r 'a JmMVpM.M ( ,i M-OrOejajr. " " " ".''bc I ... -( .. . ', . Sat 7jiiurosi. w-,.t, , i -.-- - ill m at J i. t j.io., to bny...n ,.., , , - ( ) . ' . '-- ---'.1 .... Pi!lSuii:Co. telwobd Fence, Paintt Oils and Yarnifih, i t.. it. ' I'atMlmaui, ,,!.! .t , 1 .aJV . Jl lM -I " ''1 a, ol :5 2' f. a undent l,arrvtrit,alel onla in gen- -:f '', ' OareaC'ji rfll.,t ,Trws nun. iu ; ufJa-BipjUUW,JU5 ,TP Wdie it, jaLLjsurru: i cav-a ct plan. - J la Twt Secretary of Statei r ..,M,.,J, . j.J.'tj':? 0 Bauttba iil81' U1, ' B'"mtmft l rJf ft . 1., ''- a'n, t 1 ... t

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