tirt tOLUMI XXTI. HXW BI&X, CRATH COUHTT, I. C, FRIDAT, JAHOAR? 29. 1904 SKC0S SECTION. SDMBItt S. 3( mo .Cotton Must Have" Potash Totarh it In essential plant food m l.fth tiiasf be added u a fertilizer or the toil will become ex hausted, as is true of to many cotton fields. ' ' W. m Wook. n.vW will mmi fii ftre MafaM who aaY.es far " " tirfefUN KAU WORKS, aum -aax a. Inl at. COTTOR IS'KIRG. The .Wbik Commodity Rrfases to Come Daw From I.I High Percn. Tliiii'11vl' In 0t colton merkot con- tihim and w 'U (ro ballooning day dfirr cl.r. If Ai)j arte hail said ' In the .jMiytnoUg 'of ih season that cotton art lfl cfntu ha would have been 1m k-rt np at a dangerous person. H )w ihf t (a no atfp' i- p'iV a l!m!t. Vtalefftay Ilia prtts on Ihe lueal inr hut ranged rom l4 to IB J can U. T -fivebslea wer sold. no man sold 17 Ulce at I' cents. ' 1 b high prlcen hare cleaned oat the ".. tq pretty th ironghly In tbli section li'd Ui.ri- u a !ti! in ivntneoi a d farm ers Ate arailterlng together the odds and ads.cj their crop. ( ; k '. yhnf l still inine picking going on In tin- (M v -when the weather will per- ORIENTAL ?1 t j .it. a. , BA-UC55a tae7; vrr) W jla.kln. la vlftliig Her m ,.U r latMtrsboro. '.... 4-y VVhitty who hs Wn vlhlng her sltttr, Mrs Q b (Irlfflu her be returner! . fVlKMUln.PollookiTllle. We had a beavy rata fall lt Friday , night,- licensed trade to he d tli Haiur -day,, . : Vr.-. . V,'.i kit "f&Welslger who has benn tlelntr J' bare moved out on a farm last week.. II r '-" t) i P'Seal mi'Ted In tie honae Mr We A alger Ml, and Mr 3 W Cahoon who bat been llrlng on a farm mofed In the hont .lately ocouplei by Mr O'Neal. Mr H W Hasklna left Monday to r1It . relallTes In Klnston. : Una of the Kerahaw aports to k (n ofonr young ladlee onl driring hl 1 evening an I for some caase .ie Ut bi. ' bom ran Into a lamp post at the orner of Pr ad and Main street add threw the y nng Iaiy uut and hart her. The hone t broke l;ose from the baggy and dragged ;. the yonag man for Some distance. v ttr-A PHldgett'a cotton gin came, U 4y uear getting bnmed np laat Friday. It la supp'ed that there wai a matoh In , the cotton and while going thragh the . " gin It caught and there being a lot of cottoa on the floor It made hard work to ' put lha fire Out. . . ;.. .; curs . TOT 1KOW VX4T TOO ARB TAKIR6 When yon take OroTe's Taateleaa ChtU Tnnte, tweatue the formula la plainly 'prtntadoa erery bottle showing that It Is simply troa and qtlnlne In tasteless frr Ho core no paj. Price doc, v.- .-':,' mm OASVOAtA. ' . . Tk. Wimi V U. 1 1 . II. ft. l 4am tee st lm w "," "fi aunpe Hgutara - 'ef FOREIGN. v Rev J W MacN amara preached at Wire Grass Sundnv ntihl. r. Thaheavri. lh!n, began falllngJ Tuesday, night and oontlnned irlthoat. .,..., ceef pg 'nntll' Batureey . night," mads it I . v, " voridlswreeable for the pedestrian, v i , . u. i ITn.i -A ,i.m- v..-: Wheat nan known how to give the Mayoe ,formerlf of . Aurora, Beaufort - eonnty,)bat ; now; residing near Bean fort, was the guest of Dr DW Ham mings Sunday. ' f 'j, Th Bberple Benefit, 8 T Merrell.Capt : . stlled today for New Bam loaded with bales o' cotton Jrom the Banders nasi kHorrls steam gln.r , , Rev J R Jlnnett. filled Us regular ap. ; t potartmentat Ruasell Creek Sunday at 11 b'olock, after which he went toBeau , forCto consult Doctor la regard to his o IttUe ehndren who are tkkwlth a throat trofeble. ':':X"--Mre Mattl Hnmmlngi and Mra DoDi , Dudley, paid a flying visit to Mrs J B f Calaway'a near Beaufort Mondsy, r turning horn in the aflernooav , v Mr M T Merrell U building very neat : little dwelling house en his fans In front of tbe new aburch building at Tat tes Grove. . Miss Daisy Brewer. Is quite, sick with La Grippe, Wa hop however, that she ,( . will soon be eble to resume her studies r In her school at Busiell's Creek which Is x bow closed owtog to her (lines. . H 4 ' 1 1 C-v i: (Vii : ta at:: u tt 13 THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL. Ko negro was earn at the meeting of the Illy white Republican stale central committee of Louisiana which met at New Orleans to arrange ft r a S ato con Ten Hon. N 1' Reports to the state ml ie Inspector of Alabama Indicate that tbe eclmate of twelve million as the oil out pit for 1808 will be easily reoh-l. Representatives of th 0'Uheru steel companion met In N w York and, it H said, discussed tie rnvtrtl of the souih tralroapooL A taaO001aaa In a LonlsTlllo ware bonse came nar cattilng' a panic among guests of the Gait house, who thoaght thehotaf was on flra.t John Mitchell has been re-elected pres Meat of the United Mine Workers. He refused to allow hla salary to be Increas ed from $3,000 to 15,000. Former Governor Francis, of Missouri says that he Is not a candidate for the Democratic nomination lor tbe presi dency. By th.i Nil of acuity In Ihn I.ule penilcnr.e m!nn hi Vin'i.r Onl-t' '!o, 'o'i' leen men er.- kl In I n I "ue feriou.-ly Injured In oritur o vii iliafrnnoii'i'emuat, Conifressman Hirli-H..n. nf Ttx". j ur ii eyed 4 OW mtl. n to pv his poll Hi. Of tbe 184 men In iIm ml-io nt fJhcs wlck, Pa., when the i j j.l.-l" i ni-cn-r. 4 1, not one escaped. CASTOR I A . . Tor Infants and Children. Tbi tlnd Yob Han Alwajs Bought Bear the (Signature of -Tbe Atlantic Const t-lne hai filled an esoepticn to tbe order of Jtbe 'o'pira tlon Commtaelon n quiring It to p it on a passenger train to connert vl-b the Southern Rallwa) at St!m. Pnsl'Utrit rtiio-irTrH bta appolnteill. Smith W !!, a former bishop of the Morm n Chnr- b, to be a9eayer,of the ralnt at B )! O'ty, Mnho. Warrants are out for the arrest of Major Harris m. Msnaorer Will Davlf, of the 1'rq'tols theatre. and o.hers chargvd ty the cor tnnr'a J ry with be tng r.ep(inible for the l s of the life In tbe Irlqaoi Bre. The bllier.il co'd of the winter Is pre vailing In lha north-vest and states of the middle west. In some p'aces snow is falling; Whftaker Wright, hand of ibe defunct London and Globe Corporation, charged with fraud, was found guilty, died from heart dlaeaae, Jan 88th, shortly after leaving the court room, after havlr g been found trultty of frand and sentenced to seven years penal servitude. The work of rescuing bodies from the Hardwlck mine continues, and the num ber of victims is now estimated at 178. It la believed that many of the impris oned men are still alive, but water is still, pouring Into the mine, and the after damp makes tbe chances for rescuing them In time doubtful. x ,. ' Tea FIJI Islsndefcave been swept by a hurricane which destroyed en I re vil lagea. f ; ' ' :'' '' ' " Fonrteett men were killel by the fall ing of a cage shaft at the Stfatton Indi- nAm miM Jinuarv S6 h bah t bath tfla wife doesn't know Whether to rejoice because he la so snact or to weep becanae he la so little Bat a Mew-Mew Tork Freaa. ; . Important to farmers j1 The Btat agricultural Department hu; Issued a circular which should be of interest to fruit growers as It treats of the beet way to spray fruit trees. It Is Important to look after the trees now and destroy the eggs of the injects end pesta which Will later destroy the lult If the trees are not thoroughly 'sprayed Especially Is this true of the apple crop. If farmers Want a good cop tbey should begin at once to spray their trees before the bads start. ' Tble circular tells the best means and apparatus. h ttte entomologist,' 'Franklin Sherman, has Issued circulars on the various pestt: The Hessian Hy, Cotton Boll worm, and the Roand-headed Ap ple borer. Tbe last circular Is on Hpray- Ing Apparatus. . A Any on Of these circulars may 1 ob tained bf applying to Mr Sherman. De partment of Agriculture, Raleigh., b Crro q Co!'J ia Cno Bay- mu : T. j :-:zr?, TESTEXDATS EAKXETS. Canon, Grain, PrtvUtoM aaa Stocks Range In rrkaa. Receipts and Shipments. , The following are tbe market quota Uona, nod red by private re to A 41. Baiter A Co. Haw Bern, R. 0. sw lease, Jea. tt. (pea, Bfh. Low. Oloee Oottom: - March. Hay... July Aog . . 10 S5 ISM 18 St W 15 ns.67 18.80 1S.8S lAtO 18.98 1140 lSBi HI 11.84 18.85 i 1870 H Chicago, Jei(,i Chicago Grain;'. May Wheat May Corn May Oats . May Ribs May Pork May Laid 'Opav. Oleae 89..- 411 8.70 18.87 7 87 8 49 J fl.'(0 18.88 741 Hew Tork, Jan. ii.'m Stooxb; Open, ; O oae Amr.8ugar......l89t 187 Mo. Pacific.... . 94J V4 . I'HTlflc 611 60f Uul iH I'aclflc... 8t ; klH Miuhatun H4J 144i A. nr. Ooppr.... SO 48t Mchlmtu 70s ' 8 K Q I, 8 K-vlInK '. 474 46 .MHA PH. I0I .... 87 !I6 Antsh (r 40i 8U1 rt-ulw.r.i rty .. 83 34 onlbern Ky pf.. 84 J 3 C. S. Hteel 114 It U.S. 6teel p(... 67 " 684 Peun. R R 188 131, .Kite 28, 874 LouisTlile&NKh10b' ' 107 Si. Paul 145 144 N.Y Centre!. . : . 120 lJOJ 0. dsO. ......... 86 84 B. AO ;.. 86f 84i N. & W 61 Brooklyn H. T.. 49 4bt GoloradoSo... 181 18) Coal. Fuel, Irou.. 83 81 1 Amr. Ctton OU, 83 ' 81 Va. C Chemical. 33J 81 Rock Island..... 86 84 Tenn. Coal,Iron. 40f 88 Am. Ice. ... I. 8i 8i A 0 P Bx-Div. i p o. i "Kept a Rannin." The EUubeth City Economist telle tbe M !o wing good story; - i ' "One of KlIziOBth City's looal attor- n ys has just returned from a visit to an adjacent county nr8' " relates several amusing InctdeAts tbat came under his observation. Among them waa that of a sheriff who had a warrant to serve on a party and while the attorney was la the court bouse the sheriff made his return on tbe warrant. Written on the back was these wo'ds. "Served the enclosed papers on the said, while he was running and said ,j, did turn and say go to h , and kept a ma nic." The attorney . vouchee for the truthfulness of the above story and will be glad to. relate It and many other Inter eating reminiscences opoa applica tion. . ' THEY COME AND GO. . Mr FF Matthews went to Elisabeth City yesterday Mr and Mrs Thomas I Tood, of Hart ford Conn., are . stopping at. th Chat- tawka. ,v . Mr 8 M Brlnson went to, Ttrsoarora yesterdsy. ,;XJM-v v-,--Vt ' e - , Mr George A Mackasney of Norfolk la a guest of th HaultoK " - - Mr R D Button, jf New Tork City wu at the Hjsiti'sts)r4ay.V -iXZ-l f Mr J M Deaaey of Boston is a go at theHsxelton, yyy L -"T-- - ' Mr Ashland Bander a well known 1dm ber man of Philadelphia Is a guest at th Chattawk.-' - x", Messrs B B Bhor and B Q Mean of New York City ar registered at hotel ChatUwka,' f:.Xr.y Mr EE Baldwin,' presld'ant of th Loog Island railway is as guest at the rn..ti..V. . f . ,l I Rev W H Wlills, of Marlon TWHng relatives In the city. '' - ' A Aa latlUaf bird. f A species of woodpecker InhaMh) th driest part . of Mesloo.: wbera Aaetng the droughts It must die of starvation unless'tt inade a stors: To prevent thje It selscts th hollow stem of a apecea of aloe,, the bore ot" which ia ynt Ursw enough 'to hold a nut Th woodpeckm drills hole at ioterraia in the stem and fills It from bottom to top with th nuts, the separate bote being apparent; It made for oonverdenc' 0C aocm to the colntnn of hnta wrthfew ' ' , . Th lntell1enc Which net ontv fotk struct a apactaj stonhouea, hot teaches the woodpecker to lay b oosjr th nuts. which will keep, an not h kaascta, whioh Would Oeoar; t'prhais) 'to highest form of bird resMwrmgr Whsct) has yet been ooeorvea. i Corsje t4 k TwoDeya. 'jj WASHINGTON LETTER tflturaal Cmiaaiiniiiliy j When ec-Oevernor John D. Lona; aft erward aecretary of th navy, waa In eongreas, CotoneJ FMe Hepburn of Io wa, . ntrwnamod th " Massachusetts nber TaXTr. That Aaxo la stUl re- meanberetl b th oldar Bembera, ur vlvora of the Forty-eighth, Forty-ninth and Fiftieth cosmreoasa, . "Aa aeon as afr. Long came to the feaoaV sUd Ootonel Hepburn tbe other a, awseng at th loug faUary of ex speakera pertralta hi tbe rear lobby ; where jh waa ataadtng, "every nwtQr ber who overtook to deliver a speech waa aaeorcd of an audleuc. Whenev er one areee to apeak Mr. Long took a seat ioxnedtatety In frout and Uajtened with rapt attention. H woaltC glue his eanss atfta uhm of "th orator The apetieh eoncloded. Mr. Long would rush forward cordially, claep the mem ber frantically by the hand and con gratulate him. " '1 thank yon ever bo much for that ep'eech,' ko would say. 'I had serious doobta on several points of tbe subject yon have been discussing. You have cleared them away for me. I am very grateful to you.' "Tea," replied Colonel Hepburn, "that te why 1 called Long Taffy, bat do you know that be made a friend for life of every member to whom be listened eo attentively and congratulated eo warm ly? There's a good deal of human na-J turn m t all. We do like a Ilttlo praise." ' tjavotmla Atftrtjrtlom. Naval ofilcera who happen to bo on waiting ordera are esUug themselves who are to be the Mlantonouioh mar tyrs. Tbe Mlantbnomoh la a large mon itor which baa beeu lying disused at the League Island navy yard, Phila delphia, for many months. With tbe monitor Puritan she la to be fitted out tor tropical service, and some of the "waiting orders" officers will be direct ed to take bertha on ber. Th opinion of every commtaelooed one from cap tola to midshipman la that there is smalt choice between hade and service on a veseoi of the Mlnntonomoh type. Her , upper deok la only about a foot above the wa ter ttne, and with the least sea on ev erybody moat stay below, whore. If the thermometer ever marks a teniperatura below 100 degree!, officers and crew consider It cold weather. The eharpest drtacjsm Is directed at Ore navy department tor ordering tbe two monitors to the tropica, Wbera they ar to be. used aa guardehlps for Unit ed States eoallng e tattoos. Other vee- veta, It. hi asserted, would do as weH, othen vessels there la ocaav seonai comfort - A MaarMatcaae Oraaasaat. 'On Of the handsome crystal chan- dBtlartr taken from the eaet room of the Whit Hons hefore R recent renova- tton baa been placed In position In the room of the committee on th District at Ootomtta of the senate. It was rec grdsed a eminently, proper that one of thaw bejmeome ornaments abouM go to th District eommltU. The chandesler k regarded a on of the hanrVsomast of It kind anywhere, ! It Is formed of BnsMrewt aaa anfi oeatato tifiW ptoem. easting erigmialfar 84,000.. When tt wa hanging at th White Hone it waa hot wired tot aleatri hghttng, bot before betng ptaeed In Senator GJ an ger's room K waa fatly provktod -with tor eleetrie ftxtnrea and w contain forty-eight eleotrle lajhta,'! wish gJohe bearing th nationaloat of Xnere war three of the Dn- ftsjBar at the WMraBooa. bpt th that bav been tafteo to mafce on per sat ptoea,' som of the pert ha vie taMtooV Th ehandaJter . Is very Ngarded as enperior to the (hat bar' been ptaeed hi east room sine the remodeling and. fa feet, a looked upon as possessing ar- Oatla am) ornasMntat qtwllflea of the - -A He itMMl. The eoate eommitte on military has a Moto. arsenal. On the waTH of Ma room and-adjacent to Its tout tatt fher waa ' arracaed dur ing tn twnoay a prrarjing coneerjoa f tfOtoa, vwortbt wtth fearful blade and Wonderfully shaped kntve whtah r fnakM on bteod curdle to look at m sMtsrptM :tJk s Vjmd ot steel Bntta. Another of th - 1 W m&ttOoa 1 thick helmet at braaa, with: kara dUrjawfl flape to ptntsct tha ears of thmwrtoc. -j - th wtMoa com from ft kfhifla- ihido of the Mpso jOeArntry, wncfe w ' penetrated teat sumtner bar A- skehMQ Doostseouer Atoneo gtewart. Be seomwd them from a Irieod that the mag be aa obyeot leeson on aavug war fare to the military senatora. Oanajiee aa gtaat laasflss. A btfl totrodnced to th hone by Mr. fBlafrom of Oaaorado Jvivea totetsat In a fliiaajaas ftsanoaotly made to hav euaaieas meet aa toon after th Msaiau etoctkaia praetleahM. Under tik creaant aTstent which ha ootrna tta finrpose, a ewigree elect doe not asset for thirteen month unless called to extra ealonvrMf.-;fihAfrotb pro pones to bav each cohgrea aawamhis far in firat ortong seswtan on tb fhtra Meaday ta Jannatr aaOnwlng th gen- feral election and tor th aitt aeswkm on-fh first iJondax after th Ant of tannery in t3ie year ColKrwlna. .,- , . Precedent ts a rttibborn thing, and tt wtt . probobty prevent the Bhafroth Wa from gettrngiswwbere-at this Quae, a 18 ha bfoehed every precedtog tosawm that had th same end In view, 'oawis , Maartlat M Oka ftavy. ' The annual atatamnrrt of. Jndge Ad vocate General Lemty . of the number of eoorm nrarfhtl la th navy and tna rra corpa Ourtng tb neat year show that In th roartneiBorpa ther wr tov and to th nary f85.' .. . i . CAE.L SCHOF1ELD. Bssistaa ' W 1 BaggW NEGRO LOOTED tMOIE BOUSE. I And a Quaniliy of Hog Meat Was Found In Els tea. An Important arrest was made Wei kriay Biriit ftlrer 1 opioa placing In. tli a d ro who wt,a brought to tb city hall nu up rton of ltroeny by Messrs unctl Hardlroa and Ilermao Bell Tbe fellow who at first gave the nam of Gat field Gssklns, had been loaflogla tbe vlclalty of tbe place where the con vict camp on the north side of the House Is located, and on Tuesday Mr Hardlsoa Lo IS ee gaged at work on the barracks for the use of the convicts, missed his hatchet and ruspected that this man had stolen it. A short jUme later Mr HU.Iard Barring n, living near by reported that his m. k n juw Bad been Oioaen into ana laii'ljf'of meat stolen. ' "'""'.- - It bciu g- knoe j that -Gtsklas was no cupylog Villi ut pi mission one of the S-etls'ofibe barracks, the mea went to the place and broka In. baskins had removed the lock that was put on he door and replaced it with one of hie own, n -.be room ns found a housekeeping nmtii (insimul scale and some mea tnseiln the dn crijitloo of tu-ii stolen frnm ibe cmol e li.-u-i. Numerous other hi i it ter' f : I iliuru liic udlnit the t.l r tc i-'. TT.tmikii "i fn'ii is as llird.soa and H it wi-n- c i' li in N- w Hum tbuy met vk'iir- nu ih-: .Si .oe brlilga and In- uoet ui "i lieip ibom carry seme blug-bt k 'i'ii. city. Upon striving l Iho viiy In I hu was given Into the cuqUmIt vif oiHcir Lupton. lie resisted nest hui -i-i ir-rpowered and placed In a cell. On b lun; q -i. t-lioised clos- ly by tbe tllorrs hu a I intuit taking tbe m-iat fronj-the smoke bouse and said that he had carried a part of It to Clark's Brick yard. Two men were sent there to get tbe things, Gaaalus having Indicated where they were, and they returned with the stolen meat which was used as evi dence In t jo trial. ' It consisted of 8 hams, 4 shoulders, 1 jowl, 1 head and 6 pounds .of ssusage. Besides thee a bag of potatoes was found and considerable tothlng, probably stolen but the owner not as yet Identified. In bis trial yesteiday afternoon he said hU name was Will G. ski as. He admitted to ibe Mayor that he had been serving a ten yetr term In the peniten tiary. He said he was dltobarged last November and Capt Jesse Uaaktns signed his discharge; he could oof "pro duce the paper however; and is believed to be an escaped convict. A clock which was idei.t'fled as belong ing to tbe school house near the bar racks was fo'ind In the room. It was learned that it had been broken open and some articles taken. Gasklns ad mitted that he took the clock. He was put under a $30 be n ! for ap pearance at criminal court. He unable to furnish security and was com mitted to the county jail. W H Harris was la the mayor's court on the charge of being drunk and tils orderly. Judgment was suspended on payment of costs. Certificate of Filing of Consent by Stockholders to Dissolu tion. State of North Carolina, Department of State. To all whom these Presents may come Greeting: Whereas, In appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for tbe voluntary dissolu tion thereof deposited In my office, that the Brick ft Tile Manufacturing Com pany, a corporation of this State, whose principal office Is situated at No. 48 Craven street, In the City of New Bern, County of Craven, Stat of North Caro lina (T. G. Hyman, Secretary being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served, has compiled with the requirements of an act of the Legislature of North Carolina (Session 1901), entitled "An act to revise th Corporation Law of North Caro lina,! preliminary to the Issuing of this Certificate that such consent has been mod, - . ;:. , v . ., Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on tha sixth day of Jan nary 1004, ill in my office a duly execu ted and attested consent In writing to the dissolution of said corporation, exe cuted by more than two thirds In Inter est of the stockholders thereof, which said certificate and th proceedings aforesaid ar now on file In my . said of fice as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto sat my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this sixth day of January A. D. on thousand nine hundred and four. J. BRYAN GRIMES,' Secretary of Btat. Gin Outfit For sale. On Engine and Boiler, (20 hors pow er) 70 flaw Gin and Buotlon Outfit take cotton from wagon' or storag house either, On Boss Cotton free. 1.1, In good order. For further Information can on - v Q. B. J. 3, DIXON, j , - ' Mspl OypNiaVlT, 0. YouEV money EsacEi ' If you are not Mtlsfltd SO YOU grjppoSI that a eompaov with a earful of tSOO.am.oa paid la fan. aa see EToJJi Sf " " 000 UDmM uooe- would oa aa oOar ao4 aot sarxf DO YOO 8UPFOSI we would leopardlas oar stamJlnf with tae DObUs and eer SaaaaM Ot StUl mater eaeeeat by faillnc ta ruim ear promise we make f ' DO YOU SUPPOSE we would make such an ofiar U ws did not bav tha ntattet aoafl aM ta tbe sattsfrtaa eaaUtr ot out roods t .."NOW ,T .T1 pioM roe and i se roe money, for HATlfXB WHISKEY W dtreot from ear distillery to yon, with all tta original rlchoeaa and Bitot, cairyuu: a UNITED STATES BXOISTKRED DISTILLER'S GUARANTEE of PURITY sod AOS and serine roa the bit profit of the dealer. That's why It's best for medicinal porpoaaa. That's why DIroct from our diotHXory to YOU Sim iMitrs' Prafltt! Prmnlt Ada.tir.tloa! PUHE OEVEn-YEAD-OLO nYE , ; yr full teiM EXPnESS ; ' QUARTS V) PREPAID Weirmsendyou TOT7B ftTLL QTJABT9 of HATrTSB9 8KVXW-TXAB- ' OLORYSforSra), and we will pay the exnrees ehargee. When you metre the Whiskey, tn It and if Ton don't And It mil risht aiul a mil drank or oan bur from any body else at any expense ana your St. to will be returned to you by nut mall. How oould an offer be falrerr We take all the risk and stand all the expense. If the goods do not please you. Won't you let as send you a trial order) We ship In a plain sealed oase; no marks to show what's inside. . Orders tor Arli. OaLi OoL, Idaho, Mont, Wev., W. Hex., Ore., TTkth, Wash, or Wya, must be on the beets of 4 Qaarte for a00 by Kinrnee Frepald or cO (Qaarte for 1.00 by rrelsht paio Write our nearest offloe and do It Now. THE HAYNEn DISTILLING COMPANY ATLAKTAi BA. . DATTO", OHIO ST. 156 Danmxr, Taor, O. Establbhid usi F WINCHESTER Tells you Waste of your own when he ia telling first-class Haekb the same price yon hare been paving for the material, pay you to lay in a supply now, for your future needs, we.haTe are specially marked with VERY LOW PRICES and won't stay with us long. harueys Cured hams 1 5c lb. Nice lot small sizes Just Received, j. L. HcDMlIEL'S. Fresh Grit and Big Hominy, Oat : FiaKes ana Carolina Rice. Bauer Kraut, . A Complete stock Staple and Fancy. : Groceries. Yours to Please, l-.s. n arloe, then send It back at our LOUIS. HA ST. PAUL MINN. "TAKE-DOWN" REPEATING SHOT GUNS These guns are a high-class production at a low-claa price. For strong shooting snd lasting qualities, they are in a class by themselves. Tbey are made in 12 and 16 gauge, in full cylinder or modified choke for brush and field shooting; or full choke for trap and duck shooting. 1 They can be taken down instantly without any tools To get the best rV suits always use Winchester Factory Loaded Sheila in these guns, as one Is made for the other. v ppvEjtouf ttr nur itaxtant Ulvttraiad eaioiooaa. REPEATING ARMS CO.. NEW HAVEN. CONN. urn? it is a 8 Time to make Bed Linen 8 5? Sheets and Pillow Cases at about It will V What V o Best Sugan fi Crcccr, -" V