t . f r KOfcOL Are 4a to Indlrastion. Ninety-do ef everyone hundred peofilawho have wait treubie eu remambar whan it u attnpl Indtfaatlon. . It la ecten MM tad that all case f heart dis ease. Dot erralo, ar not only traoe M la. fcu ara the direct rwuit of inasrastlon. All food taken Into tha asairli srhSih lall of period dlgaa floa lanaeets and avail the ttosnach, faffing II op aratnat tha heart. Thia esterliraa vtth tha acnoa of tha keartr and la the coura of ttm that dellcata has vital erfan baoomea diseased. . . fillesti Wittl Ycfo Eat r She, Una Nletteto at IWh Ys. M. T. After wtw. arrfeeel mid dlsrma t Hi hit a tt pslrtUj sod I weuH wintt. . niiT i r bottle f as N Me me limln ami. Alls e aw kaMea t em r-4 ., Kdolttfe-lti4gMian, dyspepsia And all stomas disorders, and gives fa heart a Jail. Irea and untrao aaeiedecrlon. . ?-rtj .. 1 tt 80 StM Mne IK ha ttMM,bMknttefetKe , sa' sLC.DeWltt Ca..' , Chlcst T P. S. OUFFY. YOICB OP THE PEOPLE. 1 ft , 6 IfflUi Street Agstn ' biroi ' Jotjri.: If paUene. sad atWf trance accomplish al! ibing, then M It to bs esroeatly bipl that ' the pt 1. lie ace of many uf the resident and lai . . payers of bur i-lly wh have -for man yMrseihlbili-d a rems'kable degree of tl virtue, worthy Of reward, should -7 7 their untiring sfforta loccsed In con triad eg oar worth City' Father of the v. .Manifest Importance of wiping ont the disgrace of such street as Griffith, In L the aottaeta portion of oar city. - fflz np or pfiut ap" should be the dt - Jtennlnsllon of thuaa la control. .-" , ( - T-Thera taaoatiect In our oily," where. a t wall known, there Is so, much con- staat traffic, nd yet It b almost Impa- asbU, and Is real 'y more a aloof ti than a - !,' nd ' might wrll.be called. -the 'Btotgh of Despond -iA , In addition to the great lae nvnlenee - of th graveling pnbllo, I. Is a various ' flaenace to the health of the residents, a alokneak 'prevail, which In largely at vfjjte table lo the Bltbjr condition of the ' alongh." ' ..-.v . It I easily practicable to Improve Its oadltlon, by steady ' and systematlo orkt anHt Is to be hoped that on r city nthorltie will either clos It up for . trafflo or . fll It , np to J their etrrnal (lory. ' - " k Very Close Calk , ""I stnek o my engine, althongh every J ital ached and etrery nerre wa racked vtta'paln," writs O.W Bellamy, looo aotU flreman, of Burlington, Iowa, vw.7 weak and pty without any ap petite and all ran down. A I Was ;.Joat M git np, I got a bottle of Elec- lrle Bitter, and after taking It, I felt at well a I ever did In. my Ufe." r Weak, jefckly, ntn down people alway' gain : life, atrength and vigor from, their -a. Try them. Satisfaction rnaran nd by 0. D. Bradham. . Prloe 60 Mate. . . .'.,--.riV'- "w1 Btmt tkJmst. lev yee yoV tor Kf Be .Wftaft ; cajfl aheert beb.4df. ? for a bad taste In the mouth take a I few doa of Chamberlalo's Stomach and i Liver Tablets. Price Sfrcenta. Warranted v luare.' For Mle by all drnirgbt. ? ' , f , '.O tVwtrtliy jVYlmt frknk W?ror ever 's- iml9 haw aeon trl Bvealo Brown I i fsorf ttrf trwrwleds. -: rf. ... , . tWIa;TVl)y ftorotby. -t 'didn't knoif i fsstjsarrf inacb for Frank. Boston ' ' fcwiMMTlpt ;' 5 ?: 'I... ' .- . ' ' ; ti , . fcara sW VJ i a - . 2 -J. Tve got' toy tye on a girl who b i 5 i ?X tvOnea dollar hi her own neme.' ; -v : '"Wer. v "...-'"- T.We11, I wtt woo'dsrlng If I should " ' ri W tBTctonge ef name ITmny" f ! - far cnanaw www u m y fWndelpb rws. : f. :ff s 1 - L a , J L.JUM ULsUU anyol : them the" h ! ! I'. 1 f'O "l J LLLJUUU JUU " t the niqther's sliapelincas, J - -v . . -. - r If the tse of ILiLsr' lleneands rratJfu" tell of ,th SoU by all lito at i. 00 per rr- tetiU. I t 1 1 Our little '.rj aU about r"Tit, vrlll be sent free. --t"Jw7 twjnrM .ut'-'body for-Jne. rtw.jwfi, dndt ri i 9 1 rasB'itryel lit t$ttydi prjendToyeecBieSjill ,tfifev U a djuU,'ii.kijdajneekpcJla;nf JhWlierj f0yt1oU( r 'ieailfal rriod without pain. If is woman' greatest, .bloisihgy '- J! : SWAHSB0R0; ' . ' , t. January 86. 1IIk' Mabel ?oeae -and .' Minnie, at aides of Fowls, 8 A Starling and wife of Habert, 0 I Obraht of Rhems, Dr W I Montfort and UUs E!U Byman of Ward's milt, beside the nsnal Bomber of dranuners, were among the visitor to IhU place last week. Hon W M Thompion, (yonoty Soper lnUndcat came down lst week and de livered three very appropriate and Inter estlng addresses In behalf of education at the H E Church Houth ' h. re. It the people will do as Mr I'hompion sya, more boy and girl will b ducated In North Carolina than" everwere be fore. " ' : ;' ' " TheHaaona met and Installed their officer on the 16 h Inst as per "progtam iDx Jlonlfort, W M. . Mr Colvln DeBruhl, of Rhemth Jones connty has been out visitor for k day and night lately. " He It agent for Joihnaon, Harvester Co., B.tavU, MY. Calvin la an old friend of lb writer and fam ily, and this was his first v!a't here in fifteen year. .W with him success. . Captain, Lewis, Boyrr and Harry Tee, with their mute, Bert Elliott, of Philadelphia, have - been . s joarnlng here tor 'a weak, hunting and sporting around, i They are owner and captain of the large new tag, John B Pat ton at work In Philadelphia ; water. Mo D Q Ward Jr I , their all round pilot and hunting man; bird, dicks, squirrels, foxes, coon, 'poesams and deer are the game they hunt, ' tip to date they have had bad wealher.but have bagged lots of game jut the tame. Mr John Hunt of Maysvllle came lut week and went out hunting with good luck scored one very large "Ruynards," beside other smaller game. 2Mr O W Smith went to New Bern 'at week and brought back sli line looking "Portuguese ' to work o.i nls firm near Swanstoro. We saw tbein all and tried to talk Ith them, bat not butng Bkilie l In black bird 1aaguge faiied to mke one "point," and if Mr Smith succeeds la learning their talk in 12 months, we shall be very much nurprlsml. They are Uo looking young own. W Wrd took a trip off last week, visiting .Taokrnvil!', Aiavbvlllo, Walts Oak, and Loco. ' , Mr D 3 Rupsell killed 53 fat h gs list week and made 8j0 p uudj offioeeaa- sage from, the ; triininlcga and scraps.. without cottiog op a tingle hofc', dfdn i even cut np a shoulder nor ham. Mf D O Ward rtf, Uo killed 8 fine porker last week, two of ihetn weighed 496 poands each. One year a d ona wceli Old.:. ,, . . .!.... ... MrDaWrd.f Paul G rdt, PI, sent us another crate of pine appli ast week, and they w ere fl n e We x peel to go to see hlra ".vn, and ne tiiai country of Bowers and fruit RcT C.E EtlwanU fl'Ied bis p,)olnt menta here lart di.t inlay sud ruuday to targe congregations. " J! ! -"MIm Al'O'i Htan'y who his -'.ie..'n vis iting in W iiulng'on' f r smi tine, re tnracd .tq ber home near here las) . Mr 0 8 Pttm"kn "te'urnpd home lust Saturday after a week's v'Mi lo Orien tal " . v Mr and Mrs Lewis Morton, of Hubert, were cur visitors last tut ur lay and Ban day. ; We hear the pis'-orflce at Hubert has been moved from Mr D B .Morton's to the (tore of Slocnmb & Co, and Mi 8 A Starling appointed post-n aiier in place of D B Morton removed. . We bear that Mr 0 Q War 4 Br, of this place I spoken t f as a candidate, for Sberlff this year. ' ' 5 Jast One Klnate. . ' One Minute Cough Cure give relief In one minute, V because It kills the microbe which tickle the moco'u mem brane, causing the rough, and at the same time clear the phlegm, draws out the Inflammation and heals and soothe the affected part. One Minute Cough I Cure strengthens the lungs, ward oft pneumonia and t a Harmless ana neter falling cure In. all curable cases ot Cough. Cold and Croup. Ooe tilnute Cough Care I nfeasant to take, harm less and good alike for young -and old. sold by r a uutry, N i v.;i i . Baneclallr Painful Therp. . Mr. Gaddie Sirs, l)t Ti oi tvuant In- Vlted to Mra. SwiHIjiian"? ni Ht all. but She came. When she entered the room the silence -was positively painful.. Mr. Gaddle Naturally. Silt;ti..o b kV way painful kniong women.'!;. .; ; - TO PJRE A COLD -IN ONE DAY ; ; JTake Laxative Broroo ' Cjiitniue Tab lets. All druggists refund tWnOney If i falli )p pttre, F- W (Jrnve' elgnature on each box ,l7io-v'viv',j..-;fif The Huter-Whiit are yoji tUluklng of, MamieTv . ':.V ' ' ; Mamie-71 am dtamlrjg- ot.uiy . youth, t The Bruter-I thought youvbad, far away look, In y,our eyes. " Ptfiicefon Tiger.;-r -';1V..-';:; . tr ip TEybearing of children U oftln dgstructive-: All of tbta can be-tvotueg, Friend bc-'ore babyotrjcf.'a thiiw benefit and relief derived frop ther - -. -.. - -. ...v.. .- , ; ti .'.V - , f 3J ;A PLAYS AND PLAYER8. ' ' t . .. . I J - - lb the programme of "Merely Mary Ann," now at the Garden theater. New York, v canary bird Is named In the casta! -' . - - . . . . ' . A dramatic adaptation of Kipling's "Story of tb Gadibys" baa been aae cesafully tried la one of the west end London the ten. , -. ; 1 Comyns Cart to the author of 'the English version of "La Chatelaine," which Sir Charles Wyndham will pro duce In bla New theater, London. "When Mrs. Patrick Campbell return to the London atag ahe will appear In "Phedre" in a translation which ha been made for ber by John Davidson, . "The CountyChalrman" la prosper ing at Wallack's theater; New York. and the probability la that be wUl bold the board there until spring, If not longer.' '' ? 1 . " Miss 'Winifred Arthur Jonea, daugh ter of Henry Arthur Jonea,' baa been playing Julia Wren In ber ftther com edy, "The Whitewashing of Julia,", In one of tlie theaters of outer London. -- Cecil Raleigh, the ingenious artificer of Drury Lane (London) melodrama. Is writing., play for George Alexander, who will produce It at the London fit James theater. The aqtbor describe the piece as "si metaphysical romance.', Cure.BloodJandSkla Diseases Itcb lnfiHumers,EczemaScrufuU f ' . :' ElC. . ' -Send no money limply write and try Botanlo Blood Balm at onr expense. A personal trial of Blood Balm la better than a thousand printed testimonials, ao don't' hesitate to write for free am ple. r - ... , .. , " -. . ' ' If you suffer from ulcers, eczema, scrofula,. Blood Poison, cancer, eating seres, itching akin, pimples, bolls, bone pains, (welling, ' rheumatism,' catarrh, or tiny blood or skin disease, we advise you to take Botanlo Blood Balm (B. B. B,) Especially recommended for old, obstinate, deep seated cases of malign ant blood or akin diseases, becvu Botanle Blood Balm (B. B B ) kill the polcon In the blood, cure where JI1 else falls, heals every sore,' make th blood pur a d rich, give the skin tber!ch glow of health. B. B. B , the most perfect blood p'irlfier made Thoroughly tested for 80 years. Cost tl per large bottle at drug Btoiei. To prove It cures, sample of Btood Balm sent free by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta. Ga. Deaoribe trbuble and tree medical ad rice sent in sealed letter. rjyThI la an honest of fer medicine tent at onoe, prepaid. Lrs Mil Uistunctf U'uiIj enchantment to serv ice In cougres. ,The delegate from Ha waii will receive nearly $15,000. during his term or two year in addition to his snlury of fiO.OCO, beeldee drawing an ul Iowa nee for clerk-, hire and stationery. The $15,000 la the bonus, or rather the mileage, which he receive because be lives in the Sandwich Islands. A dele gate to congress from the Philippines would be abl to collect abont $3Tv00O mileage If then should happen to be an extra session during fits, term. Other wise be would get shoot $34,000. A Prisoner in -UerOwn House. ! Mrs.W. H. Layha, of 1001 Agnes Ave, Kansas City, Md.j ha for several year teen troubled with severe hoarseness and at time a hard' cough, . which ahe pays, "Would keep me In door for days. I was prescribed lor hy physician with no noticeable remits. A friend gave m part of a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with Instruction to eloiely follow the direction X wIn to state that after the flrt day I bottld notice decided change for. the better, and at this time after using It for two- week, have no hesitation In saying I realise that ! am entirely cored. Thls-remedy Is for sale by all Druggist. , ; ' Cokiplptlqa -.4h Sntn. y., '"Tluit dntts Is becoming,' my dear,'. tstiUIHtie ujuu w'ho thlnka he IS A dip lomat, . : - j k She looked at . hint coldly for" a. mo ment and then replied: . ... i "Yes;, it is becoming threadbare." Washington Stas...- Mr. JVm. a Crape, of California, Md., nlTered lor years' from rheumatism and lumbago. He was finally advised to try Chambwlain'a Pain Balm, which hi did and ft effected a complete cure.? For ale by all drogglsts. ' - J Senator Dcpew was chatting recently with .a congressmaa who during the clvirwar was twice-drafted and-each time furuislicd a substitute. The sub ject of 'airships was .under, discussion. and the congressman asked: .'Senator, do you believe that balloons Will ever be useful In wsrT" i -"Well, I think some persons might find them handy In case of a draft" Philadelphia Ledger.' . ' '-' . ' - i t Wonderfol Iterre. I displayed by many a man enduring pain of accidental Cuta.Wouada, Bruis es, Burns, Scald, Sore feet r stiff joint But there's no need for It Buokb-n' Arntea Sarve will kill th pal and burs the trouble. It's the best Sslve on earth for'Plles.oq 59 at O D Bradham' drag gtst, t " v ' The saddest news that has some out bf . Mabw.Iq.Ajkmg time l-tbst the J spruce gum crop is short This that chewing; gum. WW cost. more -this year or gum chewers wlH get less) for thelf 'ftrrMeyv Most of the gum pot np pf the' great chewing, gum coivaSrns comes frortf the sprnce tree of Maine, and the shortness of tha. crop, therefore, is of direct Interest to every messenger boy.AypewritUig gtr, saleswoman and cash girl who has the gum shewing MOID .1 . ; -.;... The nicest and pleuantest vedlolne I have used for Indigestion and constlpa- tloa la Chamberlain' 8tomach and Llvet T..it. ..4. w.i.wi v n,.t. r uit. . ... . grove,tyx; v4neywora use a onarm and do not gripe or bave any unpleasant effect." Tor sal by all drneriats. FOR, i FARMERS - 1 .... ; ' Vena BlMklatary. - If farmers should canonise saint In ventors of labor aaving farm ma chinery would bold front rank among these thus distinguished. The man who makes two blades of grass grow where only one grew verily baa his reward, but of what value Is bis effort If tb farmer cannot barveei the double bene faction) Agriculture in America would be fairly still ad In Its own extent and richness but tor the machinery with which barveata are garnered. Seed time might be, met by old fashioned methods, but harrest never. The mag nitude of our production requires the implements Invented to gather tt from the fields. Hand labor could not com pass the task even If It were abundant The cost of old ilia methods would quickly bankrupt the modern farmer. Time and labor could not be command ed In sufficient volume to reap our bar Tets without the aid of modern ma chinery. The astounding reduction In the cost of farm production effected by ma chinery Is strikingly evidenced In the figures given by the statistician of the department of agriculture. According to bis estimate it required 17 cents' worth of labor lu 1S30 to produce a ousliel of wheut In 1S96 this cost had been reduced to U14 cents. The time rcpreseutiwe; the production of a bushel of corn lu 1830 was four and a half hours, which bad been reduced to tlilr- ty-four minutes by 1900. Perhaps all' farmers do not realize their Indebted ness to the Inredtors and manufactur ers of .agricultural Implements, but these figures should drive home an ap preciation of the situation And the end Is not yet. 'The practical lesson of this preachment Is that the farmer should study to understand the imple ments put into bis hands by the genius 0 Inventors and the enterprise of mau-sfaeturei-s so that be may utilize these oyerful aids to the utmost. . Wker, Sklaa Htlk and Battermllk. Numerous experiments and practical work done by Individual feeders have proved the great value of dairy by products as part of the rations for fat tening awine. There is practically no difference In the feeding value of skim milk, buttermilk or whey when ail three are fed In prime condition, except that of course the skim milk will be richer or poorer, according to the care taken to remove the butter fat In the separator. Five pounds of skim milk per bead a day is an economical allow ance In fattening swine over a hun dred pounds In weight when mixed grains are fed. Where corn was fed. as in Wisconsin, the best returns were secured with not more than three pounds of milk tp each pound of meal lUperimentt have shown that one pound of mixed peas, barley and rye Is equivalent to 6.69 pounds of skim milk. The protein and ash m the milk are what are needed to give strength to the bones and develop the muscles sufficiently. Whey and skim milk pro duce rapid and economical gains and a One quality of bacon even when no ex ercise Is given to the fattening stock and counteract the tendency to soft ness produced by too lavish feeding J of shorts. The average results of ex periments at tne untano and Wisconsin stations show that 786 pounds of why are equal to 100 pound of grain. Amoriran Cultivator. . Aa Bxtem Tmbs of Male. Some little capital Is required to own an extra team, o two. But what of that? The early crop In many In stances will make -enough over the late to buy outright several teams. The ex tra team need not be expensive, bnt should be the kind that will grow you money. T With moles, yearlings and two-year-olds will help out a great deal and can often be bought so that an ad vance can be got on v them In a year. Older broken stock, say four to seven years Old, will also grow some money; will do more; work, bnt wU cost near ly twice as much and are not apt to shew as good an advance as where green stock Is bo right These young sters (mules) can stand a surprising amount of work, are easily broken, and most of this work of breaking can be done before the busy season- and on rainy days. In this locality late rains prevented breaking, ground until late In the season; then came a drought followed by two weeks' bard ratnv A Southern Farmer In Agriculturist Eplt- omlst . - ' . a -. r .. Thai AaaoHeaa Farmer. . , ' We have all read of "The Man With the Hoe,. He doesn't belong here- his home H on the-ether siae or tne big pond; We know how to wield the hoe all right but we seldom do It be cause we know a better, more, rapid and economical system: qf cultivation. We hoe chiefly In the corners and In the small track patches. . , ' The -American farmer Is different He Is the man who reads; who leans km the printing press m6re"otten than tie ooee on me uou. ne Biuuies uoukv and reads agrlcultnrnl ' papers and farms up to date; He buys tested seeds, raises pure bred stock.' Is kind to his wife and sends his; children to school. He deals Justly with hla. neighbor and tand out for equity for all. Henry Burns tieer in Up to iathvarming. ' Protaetlasr Te Proaa Mice. Experiments by Professor H. L, Hutt of the ' Ontario ' Agricultural college with, several, kinds of tarred und felt paper showed that honeAvaS Injurious to the trees and all equally effective in preventing Injury from mice during winter. The paper ' was cut In strips bont S foot long, enough to go around the trees and to stand' about a foot high. A piece of string' was oscd to hold the paper In place, and earth was banked around the bottom of the pam per to Keep ine mice irom getting un derneath it -o; .",,6. VviS-i.;.; Sare4 From Terrible Death. The famDy of Mrs M L Bobbltt, of Bafgetton, Tena., saw -her dying - and ware powerles to save her. The moat skillful pbvalolan and every remedy need, failed, while consumption was slowly but surely taking ber life, in , for OonsornDtlon teraed desoair Into Joy. the first bottle brought Immediate rellef nd lu continued use completely cured her. It's th moat certain cure In the world for all throat and lung troub je,,. Qn.ranteed bottles 60c and $100 Trial bottle free at C D Bradham' drag tstore HINTS GOVERNMENT LAND. . i A PI Wa Ita StMnatka tke Aataal Battle aaS Make. During; the last fiscal year, accord ing to the report of th commissioner of the general land office, 22.650,923 acres of the public lends were taken up by private individuals. These enor mous figures ought to be sufficient te open the eyes of every one to the fact that our public domain is passing Into the handa of private Individuals at an alarming rate and convince the people of the urgent need of reform In our land laws. The public lands. It has al ways been contended, abould be for borne builders, but it is a fact beyond dispute that but a small portion of the land now passing out of the baoda of the government goes to actual settlers or to create homes. This fact, taken In conupftion with recent exposure of wholesale land stealing by speculators and syndicates, should arouse the peo pie to demand of their representative In congress to call a halt in this rapid disposal of the remaining public lands Repeal the desert land act, timber and stone net and the commutation clause of the homestead act and the stealing of the public domain will stop. Make it the law that not another acre of government land shall pasa to private ownership until the applicant for the same has abown his good faith and real Intention to make his home upon the Inod by actual residence and ultivution for a term of five years. uttd the occupation of the land apecu- lator and land grabber will be gene Every bona fide settler who goes upon the land with the intention of making It his home Is more than willing to abide by such a law. It la the specu lator and public land grabber who have profited by the commutation clause In the homestead act and not the actual settler and home maker. This clause In the bomestPiid law should be repealed without further de lay for the protection of tlie genuine settler who wants to ninki bis home on the land. -Maxwell's Talhunnn. Fallhfnl to tkr Law. "Why did you let him get away from you?" thundered the chief. He er-took a mean advantage of me, replied the green detective. "He ran across the grass In the park, and" Well?' "Well, there was a sign there, 'Keep Off the Grass.' "Philadelphia Pred. Tbe Sweet Gum. The exudation you see clinging to the sweet gum tree In the summer contains a stimulating expectorant that will loos en the phlegm In the throat. Taylor' Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein cure coughs and colds. At druggists, 25c, 60 c, and $1 60 a bottle. For sale In New Bern by F S Daffy. '1 til eut. Manima-AViilie, how can yon be so naughty? I'll J'tst tell your pupit when lie comes home. Willie G'on. jest do It, an' see how quick he'll spank you for tellln' tales. Philadelphia Press. A Mlshty Nlmrod. Burd Hunter Had great luck today. Archie Gunter Bog anything? Burd Hunter No, but I brought all the dogs back alive. Pennsylvania Pnnch Bowl. 'Give your blood a cleaning." Rhus maclde clean out all the Impurities that make you ill. Ask your druggist. Tour I'lace For Iblevc. Bermuda is not accustomed to thieves No experienced Bermudan will enter the profession of pilfering, at least of taking tilings that cannot be Imme diately eaten. For what can be done with them? If any property is taken the officers of the law have only to watch the steamship docks. The stuff cannot be disposed of on the islands. They are too small, and everybody knows everybody. It Is a Bermudan legend that once a bicycle was stolen. It was the talk of the town. Tbe ncxl ensuing problem of the thief was how to get any good of It He did not dare use it; he could not send It out of the country. That he finally "gave it up" was proved when six months later a fisherman brought np the missing wheel from fairly deep water upon bis hook. READ ALL TBIS. You Never Know the Moment When This Information May Prove of Infin ite Value. It Is worth considerable to any cMsen of New Bern to know bow to bs cured of painful, snnoylng and Itching pile Enow then that Doan'e Ointment I positive remedy for all itchiness of the ektn, for plies, eczema, etc, One appli cation relieve and soothe. Read this testimony of Its merit: f --'5 John F Banff, proprietor of General Merchandise store, at 80 Middle atreet, ays: "I used Doan'a Kidney Fill and the? are all they are represented tobe. I can also say that Doan'f OIMmit is the best thing I ever ttted for itching - . hemorrhoids. I suffered untold agony with them, could not rest one moment, day or night, and I could not find any thing to relieve the suffering antll 1 cam across Doan's Ointment and procured It at Bradham' Pharmacy.' It relieved me at once,and acted entirely different from anything else I ever used. Ton could task about this remedy for a month and It would not be like, one application of the ointment.. Ton can use my same and I will be only too pleased to recom mend these remedies to any one when ever opportunity arise." j.v' .-: .. . j For sale by all dealer. Price 60 ceati a box. Foeter-atUburn Co., Buffalo, K Yi, sole agents tor the TJ. 8. - ' Remember the name Doan'i and take no other. NAnars Ciftlfrom tht Sonny 5ontlk ftoltto Sayootbodrlffidm yira life WAS ' v1 X X wim u uspanaim quiw as muco upon in .A stomach and the manner in whioh it did J xSL it work. The moment you put lard- 11 cooked food in your stomach you are I j ssnding out a pressing invitation for dys- ' pepsia to call upon you. Thia may sound exaggerated, but let us reason it out Lard is mads from hog fats. Th hog isn't the most cleanly animal in th world, and why should lard be any more digestible than fat pork? It isn't You ar aim ply taking chances when you use lard la cooking; if it doesn't harm you, you're lucky. 1" The best shortening in the universe is Cottolene. It la made from refined vegetable oil and choice beef suet There's no ingredient about it but what is purs, wholesome and digestible. No other shortening will do the work of Cottolene. You must either uae Cottolene or an inferior product Which are you going to do? Guard against substitutes. (three sizes) with a red abel A our trads mark a steer's tolsns is not open to contamination as is bulk lard ; the quality is always uniform and guaranteed. Ask your grocer for a pail of Cottolene and start yoursslf on th right road to successful cookery. VSt ft LESS. Cottolene being richer than either lard or cooking butter, one-third less is required, ITpVT? Send as a Se stamp te pay pottae and wsH mail you a copy of our beak, : A "Home Helps." edited by Mrs. Rorer. which contains 500 choice recipe from th country's noted cooks. Made only by THB R. K. FJURBAMK COMPANY, Dept. 589 Chicago lyon's French Periodical Drops Btrictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Price, $1.50 per bottle. ftTnsj Beware of eonnterfelti and imitation!. Tbe genuine Is put up only in paste-boar Oas SSUIIUB ton with fae-simlle elirnatare on side of the bottle, thus: jf Tjti-i Send tot Circular to WILLIAMS MTU. CO., Bole Ageote, Cleveland, Ohio. mfCS.' a 80LD BY F. Sale & Exchange STABLES. Finelot Lignt and Heavy Draft Mules, also Good Working Horses Just Received. Muat be Bold. Terms to suit Purchasers. Cash or good negotiable paper. Call at stables wnd see the stock offered. L. G-. Daniels, Craven Street. NEW BERN, N. C. New Bern Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Mills, Manufacturers of Cotton Seed Products and High-grade Fertilizers, NEW BERN, JT, C. WUl pay the Highest Cash Prices for Cot ton Seed and Seed Cotton. Bags furnteiefl to seed shippers. HAVE FOB SALE ton Seed Meal and Hulls, which is the "finest Cattle Feed in the world. We will exchange Factory and Mills AT THE HEAD OF ALL MEADOW'S . Specially prepared for the lands good ears, makes Wrappers and Fills . As our goods are manufactured near you and not reshipped, wa skim Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition. . High Grade Cabbage, Potato, Allorop and Cotton Goarjo.' ,". E.K & J. A. MEADOWS CO., Mn'fts, Factory-Ncnse BiTer, New Bern, IT. C Pi-uIlYliOYAL PILL3 II ( v . Orinael sn Our OolM. t m tt it.ii n,, 1 r.lt i,flULUu l rt:a u .U MtallV Ink m)4 IU MiltM. 1 .k mm sUAna lHtimi SBUttJ.M Mi ImIIs. tHma. BttJ 9t Jr DrMtIM, m Md Am. la unri fcr r.rUtml.n, TjMawle tta tkmiU lO.etreTMUwml. Bout 1 1 n Dnegt.u. akna, u (kirk. rOtowl. mi C m. Haleama flroni tn Kortaeana Woael eralarriBalseBhttMOertal&eanteooaghh HJ?7) GhaunctyDepevv ONCE ASKED: la life worth living ? " He replied: " It depend upon tha liver." Chauncey was partially right but he might have added Cottolene comas only in sealed tin label and band. In the center of the head in cotton nlant wreath. Cot- S. DUFFY. a Fresh Supply of Cot Meal for cottonseed. Loeh Bistan It:; HB.l!i. TOBACCO FERTILIZER. GOLD LEAF of Eastern Carolina Insures a Your Purse. , - Ernest M. Green, " Attoraey tt Coasielor at law, Bboad Bt NSW BBICT, IT. C. Well eqnlped to search title bv reaaoa of many years experisnos In Ui oUce, and at Eeglittr of Deedii Prsnttr In tne uonrt ot uraven, Jones, I rr....-o, Carteret, Onslow, or whtrever srrU-s are required , ; ' - .. . . r -a. Ann n rvn : H WWU .. I I J II " if II IV