4 s i J J i J a. jl , -r - i' " : f - ? 3 in 10 MI JITI IXW BIKI, CE1TII COUHTT, I, C," THIS DAT, rtBRCARMfi 13U FIRST SECTION. IUMBIK SO. i t i v i i,' o - f ' J 7V" )" r:n. justioev v FlflELlORE 6 cffncunn Has Pe 0 desire to give my voran&ry teetl - . snoay to the beneficial effects of your 0OrjtatareBemedlcev I, have eufltoed f botBe.tlme fron vaeM of arte MM la the blood t and since tha middle rt laat year, from a.aevere attack of , I Xcasma, chiefly on tha acalp, face, ears - and aocst aad on one limb. J wt foe ' I , several r amthsJ under pttfeaalonal & tmtme&te,biit Um remedies preacrlbed , - wan of ao avail, and X waa gradnally naioaittf worse, bit race wa dread 'lolly dU I and I lort nearly all my UlT. All . my wife preralled upon -aMtotry tbeCatkara Semedlea and I - gara them a thoroogb trial with the aaeat aatlififitiwr leaolta. Tha dlaeaaa aooat jMgan to dhmppaar and toy hah? aatamwBc'e? to craw aaata. y A freak graaitfc at hair la covering my head, - aad my limb (although not yet quite cored) la gradually Improving. My wife tallica eo highly of yoorremedlea that Ctfha'haa beta parchaaug them la order 'to make preaenta to other persona anf farlog from similar complaints, and, - - aa President of the. Bible Women'a - Bodaty, has told the Bible women to , report If any case should coma nnder their notice when poor person la so afflicted, so that your remedies may be leeortedto." . tf .&-. - ROBERT I8AiO FI1ISU0BJS, ( Jodae of tha Natkl Rnnremn Honrt IVtermarltebiirg, Natal, Oct 29, 101. w e Ckm. Cm, lota Vm uwUAtwal? 1 ' i y 7, Peb-iOth-, , Mr J W RawU f amll have been very ,-' aUc, alio Mr J B Brai-L afrt Burls falh " at hat al baraBBOer tha "atteadance ""-tDr ai ara. of BayionvUr Heaty Eatlom, who Urea near Anpahoa hat a ij itch caused by k hurt, he lad - alobeeYttedod bv I r Asmara. s Benjamta' Brbsoa jtae' aoaof Mr -Joua BTiason the widow: of Mr 0 F Btftaoa hs beeo very low with dropsy of lb lung. D a. Atmore and Danlab hare bth' attenaad, they fay hla trouble ta aaossd by bicycle tld'ag teey aUo say -, . that a permaneaf curocf Ua Iroublet - -waa aotbe affeettd but caaxmly be tern' "''"fBsrty.sjBadlaAv Th pastor of thi Chrlsttaa Church at ' Arapahoe failed to. attend his appo nt- auat here last Sandty because of sick- '- aaas ware very sorry to hear (hat our aaatorlUa B W SommeraU. of Orlftoa aad been very low with an abscess pa r" hla aaekTMr Qeorge Moore of Reelsboro who had attended tbe Ohrlstlaa School . at Kcmbertoa Height Tana!, visited Ar apahoe last 8unday who was called on ' " ApftUthaputor'aplaoa; Which, he did s vaDtlthavlBg been unexpected to hla. . .. Oar young men of Arapahoe are ad aova ImprovemeBtr to cur little , - town. . " lb OA Banks of Arepshoe has bought Kt 9 X Padl'a' Interest la" the barber shop Mr Paul Is putting up another balldlng oa the same lot, for the purpose f selling refreshments. t .: , -I Ut XO Webb, of Wsshlngton, N D the t hotof raphar Is la Arapahoe advising " ttcpl to have their beauty struck. He lea member of the American Photo Co. 1 3k Mra BWle Abbott wife of Mr Samuel Abbott of Klastoa was buried Buoday I'sT) Hih-st the old Homo burial place Holly Spring farm owned by Mr .oaaa a few miles from Newbera. :.,,.. Mrs Abbott wu formsriy Mist Rldte May, aha wa a good Christian and en fared suffering with beautiful petieuce the fuueral party came down from Kin atoa oa tls Bundsy morning trata, leav tag the trala at Sarosota sad were drlv ea to r thauy Church where the funer alserr' -i were conducted by Rev P B Call, of Kfnstaa Chrlsttaa ..Church. The bod wa after-wards (utern d la the 00 . '.s family burying grounds by the a'Ja tf the grave of her father. , n -lire, Feb 11. The eetimate of diluis by flreaamids b ISeapert In s sarsnce compintes places tha figure at v i ';i'Jf-Cre millions. This msy be rtduc ai to sevehty million by talvsge. The f - a, authorities place the Insurance t - pilules' losses at 76 per cent flntn ' . c!.l condltloBsara resuming the normal. Large shipments of money hsve been re eolred. hundredi of laborer have come. ' lare eipeotlng work, and (0 great a trow J la abont tha city hall tod y that . r t r "I'Ja were called to dliperse them. . fc."tl lalotns remala closed. TlcWed t U$L - . Special to Journal. , ' Washlsgtoa, Ftby IB. Senator Mar cus A B sua a died this afteraooa at the ArUagtca Hotel la this city. VOICE OP THE PEOPLE. v Local School Assistance. VXdItor Jouraal-the artlolt Mr X M Graea In your paper a few da sgo la re gard to Ue Kew Bern Military laitlttte aad Carol to a Butlneu College Id timely and to the point. - i la the estsblkhment of this Initltu tloa of 'earning la our city there Is pre sented aa opportunity which If property appreciated will redowato ths good ai all but especially this olty and viola- ''The alms, methods, scope, etc., ate all that could be desired, '" - - ' f A visit paid the college .while It Is In sestlon, either day or nlfcht will readily and most' forcibly convince a casual ob server of Its uwl'.s as aa Institu Inn of learning of the hlghett grada Oa entering to view the work done there, one Is Impressed with th t order and Implicit obedience maulfetted by ths students. Boys who have been pointed out as "terrors'' to the town, show the real spirit of application not even a whis per to be noticed Tha wisest methods of discipline seem to be nstd frm the mildest replmand delivered In kindly terms to the most rigid discipline are bri uht Into use- all according to the disposition and tern peiamei t of the student. All this Is done without, the sMghtest tinge of partiality. Tou can learn from every detail af the work, that It Is the great purpose of the pr- slcent end his associates to make mm of the boy s and women of the gltls. I can truthfully ssy that It Is a great pleasure to visit the Institution and Its various department.. ' Murh mora can be sttd of the work of (Lis school. Tbe rp'd and healthy In create In Its numters is strong evidence of Its successful work.' New Bern has long needed Just such sn Institution, under Just such n anage- tnent. Wilson, Elnston and many other towns of much less advantages tbtn we can claim, have maintained and are main (mining good boarding schools, a hy not New Bern I j.;-',; "''7 'f i This city Is a much mora sulable lo- cattoQ from many view points, than sny other town or city In the Esstern portion of the Btata. ' It contains mora wraith, and Is backed by a wtallby country, populated by In dustrious and prosperous; farmeir, who are ready toglre the New Bern Military Academy and Carolina Business College a heart; welcome and strong patron ege... . - . - Io stead of tending thtlr toss and daughters to the western pert of the State tbey will send them to New Prom a financial standpoint, tie instl- tntioa will be of greater value to our city than any factory. Bes'des the spending money which they would bring for clothing, fruits ,eto. two hundred b e will bring (3,000 per ooth to tbe grocers (board 10 per mouth) while the tuition from town and boarding atodeau, and the money paid for books .will reach the. merchants, printers, etc , la aa Indirect way. , It Will bring back to New Bern In a greater extent tbelherary spirit whloh lav former times made New Bera known aa the "Athens of North Care- Baa." . : Tens and other numerous advanta ges which this.. Institution -will add to our city should arouse to an tffott to aid la nurturing It. Let us tbea, fellow' townsmen, come together, aad as many Other towns have done, offer these gentlemen of New Bera institute, tbe grounds and bulld ogs that they need. 1 Thay have assured many of our lead ing ettlceas that they have coma hero to stsy, and all they ask Is assistant a In se curing suitable quartera. . " Let ns awaken to tha true Interests of our ;' oltj --'.be grand old city of New Bern and pat our shoulders to the wheel and help to make this Institution a pride to tha city and surrounding couatry, . - - ' ' ' - N. H. 8TEEET. Gunnert 'and Machinists For Ja pan.: l Americas guaBers and engineers whose terms of tervloe have expired la tha United States isvy are being trans ported to Japan In great nimbeis. The exodus has been In progress for some time past In a qnlet way, tha result be log that the Japanese navy has secured many of the finest gunners In tha world and these at high r rices. Col A H WU let, of Portland, Ore, wao la here, aald today that fur several weeks past tie gunners and machinist, anticipating the war which has been regarded on the pacific slope as Inevitable, have been passing through Portland an route to Japan from, all sections of the United Slates, ' "" . j1 0 r J a. , v.., LAUD AMD SEA j Waio Proms: , BLOODT URD B1TTLE. ; i.S I ' Struggle Begun to Hold - Manchurian VRail- j road. Conflicting Beports. Qerma ny May Inter fere. Neutral Vessels Cause Trouble. Special to Journal. . .' ' London, February IS From all ad- vloes it Is believed that the Russian aad Japanese fleets are now in tha midst Of a struggle that will be tha decisive battle ot the naval war. Chinese junks arriving at Chefoo re port that a great naval battle la oa In the Lion Tnng. gulf, off tha Chinese poaat, 70 miles north of Port Arthur. The Jepaneie.fleet comprises tha uni ted vessels of Admirals Togo aad Urol and comprises 18 battleships and cruis ers, 8 destroyers and other warships The Russian fleet la smaller. At that time the Russians seemed to be getting worsted. This report Is from several sources, notably also from Shan Hal tfwsn la China where heavy firing has been heard. The combined Japanese fleets are the most powerful any power . baa aver as sembled in time of war.j It la also re ported that sixteen transports with Jap anese troops convoyed by three torpedo boats have been seen between Chemnlpol and Chenanpho. ... The Russian and Japanese forces have enoountered each other on the Tela river. The first skirmish resulted la the capture by the Russians of a small force of Jar anese officers and man. , Tha Japanese foroea that were leaded north of Port ArtEur seised the Man- churlaa railroad. The r eport is that the Russian rallied from the attack and drove the Japanese back from the line of tha railroad. The fight was a bloody one with heavy lose on both tides. Aa a result It la aald that some of the Jspaaese forces were re embarking on the transports. The Russian foroea were then with drawn to proteet Port Arthur and Dale py. The Japanese will Invest the tows although the movement w!ll cost many men. Toklo, Feby II. The Japanese fox eat have destroyed the tracks of the Man- churian railroad aad eat off oommuol ca tion between Port Arthur aad the ; t tide world. ; v . ; ; v London, Feb 18. The St Petersburg correspondent, of the Daily Telegraph claims unimpeachable authority to de clare that la the event of Russia being defeated la the far east. Germany will make a dlveraloa la her favor likely to have far reaching result. , , Washington, Feby IS. Secretary Hay today cabled lnatfaoUoat to Ambassador MoCormlok at St Petersburg to demand from the Russian government an ezpla aatloa of the detention of the United States steamship J Pleiades at . Fort Ar- . Tha Pleiades tailed from Seattle Feb ruary li with a cargo of flour. She be longed to the Boatoa , Towboat Com pany, from' whom the protest was re ceived. - The groaad oa which the steamer la detained was aot Mated la ca ble advices: . -It It expected here than an apolgy will be forth coming and the Pleiades allowed to proceed. t V A formal complaint has been lodged with the British authorities at Wei Hal Wei by tha captain of the British teen er Fa Plug which, wae fired oa at Port Arthur aad five of the crew killed. Other aentral ships are reported' to be detaiaed at Port Arthur. , v l s v v CASTOR I A For Infanta and Clildxta. Tits KfcJ Yea K:;i t::;tl Beara tho C!ECitur of Caree . vi.V V 'O cvr; a - . , ST 1 I MM Army is-in ckia. VICTORY FROM DEFEAT. Japs Bally and Cross The Yalu. Port Ar thur Doomed.Eightj Vessels Sunk. Huge Japanese Army Mobi lized. Special to Journal. St Petersburg, Feby 15. It Is official ly admitted by the Ruasian government tbat the Japanese have succeeded In ob taining a foot hold In Manchuria and that the Russian force opposed to them was unable to keep them back. This admission was made tonight and eaused a profound sensation throughout tha capital. -It Is reported that Ciar Nicholas Is disheartened and hopeless of the situa tion. He was seen weeping. London, Feby IS. The land battle on tha Yalu river waa started by the Inva sion of Cores by tha Russian forces. 'At the outset the Japanese ontposti, were driven back, losing numbers of prisoners. The Japanese rallied from the attack and drove the Russians back across the river, Inflicting great loss es. The Russian army Is estimated at eighty thootandretrong, the-Japanese had sixty thousand and both sides had artillery and oasalry contingents. Advices by way of Paris confirm the news of a desperate battle now raging oa the Russlaa aide of the Talu river. These reports claim that the Japanese had suffered a repulse. However, the latest news of a battle oa the north tide of the river comet from Ruaslaa source and indicates that la tplte of the rout of the outposts the Japanese army afterward pushed across the river - London, Feby 15. Another Japanese naval victory Is reported by theoorre apoadeat of the London Star at Tien Tsetn. ;. The Japanese mado a combined land and naval attack on Port Arthur. ; The naval officers were ashore when the at tack began aad the Russians were eaught napping. Sight Russlaa vessels were sunk and tea others captured. The town la bow completely Invested and Itt fall la regarded ai certain. Toklo, February 15. It la officially da aled that the Yladlvoottok fleet is de stroyed. The Japanese vessels are cruis ing aorta of the ielanda. Washington, February to. It is learn ad that BO.OOO mora Japanese troops landed at Chemulpo yesterday and marched to Seoul. . Three hundred thousand J apaneae soldiers are mobilized and ready for embarkation at Sase kc . ' It la tha policy of the Mikado's adris era to occupy Qoreaat every slrateglo point," at the name time keeping the Russian foroea busy where 'they are in poaltloa to hamper theW ' ' - Tha situation la the fir last Is being moat closely watched at' London and It la felt there that Port Arthur la doomed notwithstanding tha repulse of some Jap aneae foroea that a tempted to land on, the Kwan Tung peninsula. Booklet on Home Missions. ! The Woman's Homo Mission Society has organised City Mission Boards in fifteen cites. A fine opportunity is bow offered for accomplishing great good In, this line of work. The booklet pa City Missions prepar ed by Mist Helm, is bow ready tor cir culation. It la full ot helpful suggestions aad plant, and any Board (can do. a better work by consulting R ,,,, -::iC;0:- CON. -l Fire M winterville Wlnterville Pitt County, was visited by a destructive fire Thursday night burning a . block of wooden buildings, entailing a loss of 1 80, 000. The fire or iginated, Hla thought from a stove In the office of Dr Cox, ; Those who Buffered by the fire are tr Cox. Mlia Teylor.JM miner. J R Cooper. Will Wetheringtoa. Col 0 D Hooker. Q A Kltrell. Guy Taylor. H T John son, and Harrington A Barber. Cne store, a brick structure was not trasel Tie Insurance was small, and tbat thejapaacse ' t li ,'acf tvs iter's c ' 1 to im3. CAUGHT BY THE GRIP. RELEASED BY PE-RU-NA. Congressman Geo. H. White's Case. A Noted. Sculptress Cured rp-TTTTTTT-!IItIITTTTITTTTtTTTTT l!HMTTTTMtTTTTTT The world of medicine recognizes Grip as epi demic ca tarrh. - -Medical Talk. tXIIIIIIIIllXlIIITIItlTTITTTTTlTllTTTTTTIITTTTTTT LA GRIPPE Is epidemic catarrh. It spares ho class or nationalty. The cultured and the Ignorant, the aristocrat and tha pauper, the masses and the classes are alike subject to la grippe. Kone are exempt all are liable. Have you tha grip ? Or, rather, has the grip got you f-- Grip is well named. The original French term,' la grippe, hasboeu shortened by the busy Ameri can to read " grip." Without intending to do so a new word has been coined that exactly describes the case. . As if some hideous giant with awful Gkip had 1 CHINA'S NEUTRALITY. Japan Prescribes tbe Conditions Under Which She Will Respect It. Paris, Feb 13 The Japanese legation here to-day gave out the text of a leng thy cable message from Toklo defining Japan's attitude towards the neutrality of China. It says China should observe strict neutrality and lays down the fol lowing principles. "First The belligerents are morally bound to reduce to a minimum the area of war. To this the war operations should be geographically limited. "Second The number of belligerent powers should be reduced as much as possible, and the war should do confin ed to Japan and Russia in order to pre vent a general conflagration. 'Third It Is of the utmost import ance that order be preserved through out the interior of China and at the treaty ports. Therefore, Japan has In structed her minister at Pekln to urge upon Prince that China scrupulously observe neutrality, mantaln order and refrain from' furnishing supplies to the belligerent's. China should also keep sufficient garrisons at Shan-Hal-Kwan and other strategic points to prevent a breach of neutrality and see that all territory, exctpt Manchuria, it free from war operations. 'Under the foregoing conditions Ja pan will respect China's neutrality. ZORAH. Feby 15th. Miss Carrie Tunstall who Is attending school at New Bern visited her family here Saturday and Sunday. ' . Mr John Toler of Zorah waa married to Mist Jennie Toler on the eighth Inst. i't;-:----";-:--'7'-! : f" Miss Alice Ipock of near Vaaceboro, has been visiting relatives here for some time, -' ' ' ' j Mr W D Wbltford hat been having considerable sickness In hit family late ly. First his daughter Miss Delia, and niece, little Pearl Morton were taken and were quite sick; They are better and now he himself Is Blck also. 1 Mr 0 0 O'Neal and titter Mitt Lit tle ancl Mr and Mrs B 0 Whitford vis ited relatlres at New Bern last Sun day. ' " Eld Eobt Slflley failed to fill hit reg ular appointment here Sunday. Messrs B 0, G A, and A R Whlifori ot this place are attending court this week. v7v-J : !-v- ' -. The Duffy farm hear here bu been recently purchased by Mr Andrew Bob lnson of Jones Co. : t i MIbs Mamie Whitford left today to at tend the marrlago of Miss Xthel Whit ford and Mr Silas Ipock, near Yanct' boro tomorrow. " 3 olutched ns in its fatal clasp. Men, women, children, whole towns and cities are caught in the baneful grip ot a ter rible monster. P-rn-na for Grip. Mrs. Theophlle Schmitt, wife of the Ex-Secretary of the German Consulate, write tha following letter from 8117 Wabash avenue, Chicago, HI. : - "I suffered this winter with a severe attack ot la grippe. After using three bottlee of Peruna I found the grip had disappeared." Mrs. T. Schmitt. For Your Spring 6oun; J The material and the trimmings for your Spring Gewft. ( ) can be bought nowhere else so here. The goods are all yon can wide variety, fJS The prices are even lower W that means a great deal. Fiesli JUST RECEIVED: Wholesale end fcOSI 69..' - Cfer. nrc - K!!!!!!!T!!f!!!T!TTmTTTTr ci: ":r Mr. Celeste Covell vrritaa froat In K avenue, Aurora, ULt "Only those who have aafletei wUk la grippe and been eared aa appseiilaaa how grateful I feet that eaea a plaavdat medicine aa Peruna haa beaapl sssd a . the door of every enflerlag prepay ' Mra.C. CoveH. ;v..,' f,,'.,.v - todlnltiMiOM4lah Mrs. M.C. Cooper, of the Royal j amy of Arta, of Xmdoa. Knglaad,) residing la Vaehlngton, D. 3n Is one at -the greatest living seoaptoeaaad palaisss) -of theworld. ehoaayai j' atsi " I take pleasure la reooaimeadlag Fe runa for catarrh and la grippe. Z haw suffered for months, and after the ai -one bottle of Peruna I ameaMssty araO. Mrs.M.C. Cooper. ( , P. L. Wallaee, a ehartet aaeaabet eat the International Barber's TJaion.'wrtteaf from 15 Western avenue, IflnnssaanMsj, . Minn.: , ' ; - " Following a severe attack of la grtppa I seemed to be affected badly all owe. "One of my onatomera who waa gaeatlw helped by Peruna advised me to try t and I procured a bottle tha same der Now my head la clear, my nerves are) steady, I enjoy food and reel wall.- fm runa has been worth a dollar adoeeai me." D.L. Wallace. ' Lieutenant Clarloe Hunt, of the aalg Lake City Barracks of the BalvaCisaa Army, writes from Ogden, Utah I Two months ago I waa suffering wtaa so severe a cold that I eonld hardly spssS. " Our captain advised me ta try rw runa and procured a bottle for me, aa4 truly It worked, wonders. Wlthla twe weeks I waa entirely Trtll " fHartsa Hunt. GonsTManm Wrklts1 sVatssew Gentlemen : 1 mm men tkmm aaxaat tied with Peruna mad Had It torn mm excellent remedy tor the ana aad mm tarrn. I nave amea It In my . ana iney mil torn ma ta reeomt It aa aa excellent remedy."- n. wane, member ot &omsaa. . Mrs. T. W. Collin, Treasurer lade pendent Order of Good Templars, ed Everett, Wash, writes j ' . "After having a aevare attack at U grippe I continued ta a feeble even after the doctors called dm My blood seemed poisoned. cured me." Mr. T. W. CoUlaa. , - If you do not derive prompt aaol i factory results from the aaa of Pntma . write at ono to Dr. Hartmaa, givlag a full statement of your caaa aad he wt& ' be pleased to give you his valuable aa vice gratia. ' e Address Dr. Hartmaa, Tlialiaat at The Hartmaa Saaitarnua, riiilaiBaaa, X 7. A) .A) wisely and eMnomioallx uf ; ' - 5 C ' ask fresh, fashionable, ft&4 la' ) C V ' 1-"0J, than onr prices usually art, aad . ( ) , ... J J Lot Rsti.l Crecrr, acjrTr - ' ":V . V

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