mm iOLUMI IIVI1. IXW BXRI, CBAYH COUHTY, I. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1901 SECOND SECTION, HUMBIR 5. In every receipt that calls for cream of tartar and soda or other quick leav ening agent use Royal Baking Powder. It will make the food of finer flavor, ' more di- .geslMe jmcL wholesome f ' .. BELLAIR. Farmers ate catching up with- the weather If not with their, work, and some are tiling time to go fishing and a ntcebtlnch ia oora'linelly secured. : Cotton planting la about finished, corn li com'cg up an J aome of it that was cat t3 the ground and I coming theaecood time which doej not at mil hart It. The few cabbage j laits about hete are look ing fine, and befog planted in winter hare the advantage of not running to seel aa those plants early are doing. , With tome few exceptions thetttndof pptatoes la go id and though rather dry fr they are growing nicely, and the ever busy potato bug has pot in bis ap pe trance. Spring greens nre net s- scarco now at formerly jotng collards have attuned good size t) ea'. and they certainly take the place of no grens at all, very much. Mn itc e. Tajlc r, f Qriflon has tela vMtlrg in our mills'. Mrs. H. V. Holt, of O-ltlabor ) Is visit fog hrr parents aid frlonils a'. Bell it r, Also Mia Utiiry Me t", of New Bern, Is vl ittng li our vlo'.tity. The vuuerable patrlarchMr. Lewis Kll-p-itrlulc of near Urlftoi made a short visit to his ch Urea aad gnui cbildien about Belial r. He 1s nrarly 85 years old and naked fifteen miles one day net long since, and that too, 1 joking aftir business for a friend. Our public roads are in f ilr condition now with the exception oj a few holos one or tvo ovmee s teem 1 1 neglect. '-"' L. Sarah bade ns good-bye. We wish her that degree of happiness and prosperity through life, we trust that la the near future some gentle southern breese may blow her niward again and that h In- aence may be thown about us la the future. P. M. LONG BRANCH. April 28. Oar fr mors are busy this week plant log cotton. ' Mr H K Hrott finished planting cotton last week. ... , -. Mies Stella Simpson ct this place made a v 1- it to her homo Saturday and Sun day accompanied by, one of her pupils, Halite Banks. ' . v Messrs Hsm. Robinson and Ransom Booth went to New Bern last Satur day, j Mr W F Banka, wife and children spent Sunday at Mr 0 B DeBruhl's and alao air J A DeBrnhl. We are having aome trouble with fire in the woods recently. It seems as it there Is always aome one loafing around and causing trouble. It seems as It we are going to have a . long dry spell now, it Is almost loo dry for seeds to get up now, Mr A J Banks went to New Bern Sat urday on business. ' We are glad to say our school Is pro gressing nicely under the skillful man- - agement of Miss Stella Simpson, r Mr and Mrs J H Rhodes of this place made a visit to Mr Bob Boyett'i Sun day. MrZVRawlsand family spent Sun davaV Mr L H 'Mallard's, hit wife's : father.' ' Fishing seems to be right popular among some of out ladles, but we don't know how they get along, all we see Is the ladles and their poles. That does not denote much fish. - Don't forget our plcnio and fish fry the 7th of May. . ' . i ! ,. , DEW DROPS. Our f aimers are nearly notion...' .: V v TUSCARORA. April 28tb. done planting The to si weather for the past few days, hai made the corn and tmqllook bad. ' . " MrJH SUnly went to New Bern Monday. . Mr Henrr Wlggtns of Reelaboro vassed through our berg last Mon day. Mr K D Wetherington of Cove passed through our town Tuesday, Our school closed last Wednesday with one of the finest entertainments, at the school house, that we have ever en Joyed here. ', . Miss Sarah Baum of Roanoke Inland who has successfully seived us as prln olpal of the free school it this place for the past two terms returned to her home at Roanoke Island last Friday. Mlas Baum Is a highly cultured lad and very superior talent. She Iswel Qualified to matter the work which she has successfully followed for the past twovears. Possessing all those attrib utes that go to make up; a first Cass . tftcber. ARAPAHOE. AprU 17. Our people are having fine weather for their farms which is moving on alee- Some of our farmers met with the misfortune last week of getting their potatoes out down by the frost But only abont in the loose s vamps newly cleared. There Is much work going on In oar vicinity in the way of improvements. Within 8 miles of Arapahoe there are six new balldlngs nearly completed, the most ct which are well constructed and of modern sty lip. The farming business has advanced rapidly for the last few years. We are safe to aay for the last 5 years the farming business la our com munity bas advanced 60 per cent taking all things tn consideration together with the new lands just cleared np and the old wornon; farms that have been Im proving. While our people are far be hind in some respects I make mention of these things to let the readers of the Journal kuow that we are making at least normal ptogtes. Mr W R Reel who not long since went oat of the merchandise business bas bought a tract of swamp land and will go to farming. There continues to be much sickness In our surrounding neighborhood. Mrs Hatyle Phllpott wife of Mr George Phil pott Is very low with hemorrhagic fev er. Mr A D Rawls haa been very sick this week. Mr Thomas Fornes wife and two of his children have been very alok this week. There seems to be aa unusual amount of sickness far this season of the year. v - , . A. 1: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE A SCIENCE Of Love. Eloqicnt Lecture byhlckaell Totng, a S. B. of Chicago. The court house was well filled last night, the occasion being the lecture oa Christian Science by Mr Bicknell Young C S of Chicago. For this occasion the Scientists of New Bera had trans formed the court room's Interior Into a beautiful hall. Ia the bar which was cleared of Ita table and chairs, a small platform had been erected upon which the speaker stood. All around in groups and upoa stands and In pots and vases, were vines, plants and flowers. f I ' tl Mil i.Ir. mi H-n .i i ) " REV. MART BAKER a. EDDY, Discoverer of Christian Science. Everything was pleasant and agreeable to the eye, and It only needed the pres ence of the speaker, Mr Young, with his msgnetlc eloquence, to make the scene complete. Mr Romulus A Nunn Introduced the speaker In a pleasing manner, saying since the time the people of this world have looked around and upon Its beau ties to bring them to their minds to en Joy them, there has been activity of study, the desire has been to regard re ligion In various ways, and from re stricted doctrines, the disposition has been to go beyond, to accept some good In each, to find no harsh criticism of any, and the spirit has been to let all believe what they would believe, so it was good, and the question may be ervatlon. They declare that His com mand to heal the alck la as blading as that to preach the goapel, and that there is no evidence that it was iatnded for His time only. It waa sclenti&c religion that healed the alck in the time of Jeans and His disciples, and it does the same work now, and must always do it, since Bis life and work were an example for all tlme.and His method was a universal and Imperishable Heritage of man. "The steps of Salvation ia Christian Science are not annsnal. As ia otber denominations, they Involve the admis sion or conviction of sin. sorrow, for wrongdoing, or repentance, and reform ation manifested in a correct life. Sal vation in Christian Science, however, in eludes exemption from sickness, want and woe, aa well as from sin. It Is not contingent upon death, but Is a way of life, a wav of rtKbteonsnes: Chris tian Science Is founded nprn- the bi ble. , . T 'The Christian Science text vaok Is a commentary upon the bible. ,-'hef de nominations have comments, but no other tn the world has aver accomplished as much as this one. Thousand of peo pie have testified that they have been healed, some of them of socalled incura ble diseases, through the perusal of this book. - In some Instances this testimony has been given in courts of law, and has not been in the least shaken by cross examination. Many of these cases in volved the most terrible dlsestes known to mscklnd, such as cancer, tuberculo sis, locomotor ataxia, and in other in stances such diseases aa asthma, hay fever, St. Vitus' dance and others. "It Is erroneous to suppose that Christian Scientists deny the reality of things. They affirm the eternal existence of all things, and that they exist in the divine mind in their perfect Individuali ty and proper order. It denied material ity of things.tncludlng all the discordant conditions that ' material things mani fest. "Chtlst'an Scientists are in no wise arrayed against those who believe in ma teria medica. They were all believers in It themselves until they found in Chris tian Science a more efficacious way of healing. This way they believe to be the very best one, because it is God's way, as shown in the works of Jesus. Although chsaltably disposed toward those who practice materia medica. Christian Scientists are fully , aware of the fact that it is merely an experimental system. Surely after four thousand years it ought to be beyond this stage. Furth ermore, It Is a self-confessed condition of weakness that commutations of medi cal societies and the medical fraternity generally should come before our legis lature!, the tendency of which is almost Invariably to shut out all othet systems. Nor can any valid excuse be given as far as Christian Science is concerned on the ground of protection to the public, since corded only good deeds. The signs of these times are prophetic. They point vo ins grautnae to uoa uat is appeana. In the hearts of men for the life an works or the kaler or. tnls great move ment, destined as it Is to accomplish the regeneration or man una." J C Pritchard Nominated. Special to Journal Raleigh, April 87 Jqdgo Jeter 0 Pritchard has been nominated by Presi dent Roosevelt to succeed the late Judge Slmonton, aa Circuit Judge. Death of Alfred Fentress. Mr Alfred Fentress whose home waa near Bayboio died at Mrs Smith's board tng house on South Front street Taes dsy night. He became very sick at Pol- locksvllle Monday and was brought here bat hb disease was too far advanced to control Mr Fentress was well known la Pam lico county belonging to one of the old families of that section. He was born near Bayboro abont 40 years ago and that has always been his home. He had the misfortune to have suffered in af fliction of the eyes which had made hi a nearly blind for several years. His wife and two children survive him Relative! came yesterday and took the body to his former home for burial. mm tmiLt&LMif'W flTll I Off. THACHEVS Liver and Blood Syrup CORES BY BEMOYIIB TIE CAUSE A THVEB-POLD REMEDY sriinta Ss aas Omltnmtl. Acu th UwfiWHiiil mi I Purifies tho DIocsL Thousands have used this reliable remedy with perfect confidence and Success for 62 years, because they know Just what it contains. The formula consists of Buchn, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian. Senna and Iodide of Potassium. Any doctor or druggist will tell you that this is a scientific and reliable combination of great merit for all diseases having their origin in the liver, Kidneys or Blood. After years of experience and patient experiment, Dr. Thacher so perfected the process of manufacture, that it never fails to bring' the expected relief when taken according to directions. Thousands of tick ones to whom life has been a burden have written grate ful letters of thanka. Smm. Mississippi, Oct. 17, MO. " I hare inffcrtd greatly with Indigestion, constipation, a I no a aevet liver trouble, with loaaof appetite. Could not teat well at night; in fact, bad no energy to work orerea walk around. 1 feu like I waa packing a heavy load and, waa eaaily exhanated, until I took Or. Thacher'a Uver and Blood Syrup, which helped me almuat from the int oom. When I had taken one nad ae-half botllea I lelt lire a different man, and a k sew that it waa da entirely to your medicine. I rd ia ail three bottles, and conaider aayaelf perfectly cured. At this time my appetite ia good, I sleep well, and feel strong amd refreshed oa arising la the morning. ' T. I Spkkd. If yew awaat WMaMeiae writ t9-dap for a JVe tamjtl bo HI mnd " Dr. laataw'a Btmlth ." Oitimtymplomtformtviet. W timplff mh fow to Sry 41 ia uvno m ww an. jli an mruyguit. ov oattr M4t si.e. Thatcher We Jmmm Medicine Co., oontom CHatttanoogav, Tetan A Hew Bern Woman ;Asks ; "have you a floor paint that will last two weeks T" Yes , we have Devon's; It hat a beautiful gloss and will last two years If properly applies. K W Small wood. DOVER. April 87. Mr Beth Wet spent yesterday In Hew Bern on business. - Mi Jos Klnsey of Fort Barnwell spent a few hours in town this morning. Mr Feeeman Ernul was here yesterday on business of a political nature. Mr W B Pearce and wife passed through this morning on their way bom from New Bern. Mr Will Davis of Wilmington and Miss Jennie Daugherty were married at the home of the bride last Wednesday and Mr Davis took his bilde to Wil mington the foBowInx day. J Mr B P Daugherty Is the flrst man through this section to make ashipment of gardt a peas. He brought oat several boxes this morning consigned ; to John Balder. Phlla. " ". , v - ,: A negro convict was killed la the Ooldsboro Lumber Go's logging woods one day last week.. It seems there were several convicts on the log trela while It was backing when a oar jsmped the track and this negro jnmped from the oar and was ran over the others remain log on car were not Injured. Dr R Pollock went to Richmond yes terday to accompany a patient to the hospital Hs will return tomorrow Messrs W 0 Wootsn and N B Richard son are off to Trent river this evening on a fishing tour. We wish these clever -gentlemen a good time. . CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Kava Aliays E:' .Bears the Signature of Men.' Oxfords. AU the new styles la Pat Lea and Tan Oxfords have arrived, the eclebratedt 'Hobbs Ehoes." B.W. ARMSTRONG. Straw Hats, etc If you wsnt a Straw Hat, Fancy Vest' Bhe Is a model young Udy surely one I 8Mrt or anything else In the fur- i influx n. iP? t w r . r a t 1 ,mm&m i 1 Harlowe and N. Harlowe. AprU 87. The Harlowe Telephone Oo. have their Una with seven connections In and are having very satisfactory ser vice. Dr C N Mason spent a day last week in Beaufort where he went to see bis aged father, Mr J H Msson who is very feeble. Mrs Q W Thompson is Again at home from New Bern where she and little Marvin had been spending a few days. Mr J H Davis and daughter. Miss Dollle of Besufort were np to spend the day with his son, Mr J H Davis Snn dsy. Miss Reba Morton of Beanfort is on a short visit to her relatives. - Mrs Joseph Fisher and children, Miss Bissle Morton and Mrs R W Ward re turned from Rlverdale Sunday. Mr T D Hewitt, of Carteret Lodge, was here yesterday In the Interest of life Insurance. Mr Donate Hanks has gone to New Bern to be present at the marriage of bis sister, Miss Brownie, at one time the very popular and courteous telle; of the F and M Bank. Mr J A Morton was In New Bern on business yet tsrday. The carpenters have commenced work on the building of a new bridge In place of the old one at the southward end of the canal, which Is much need ed. Mr Jno S Morton went to Wlnthrop yesterday collecting taxes and perform ing other official duties. Mrs J J Long and son, Irs, and Miss Madie Bell are spending the day In the City of Elms. Messrs J H Davis and Jas R Bell are on a bnslness trip to new Bern to day. You can find what you want in Ladies Neckwear x AT THE MOTHER CHURCH, BOSTON, MASS., destined to adorn the rank she graces Itany eyes grew dim with tears, many I -.mIs throbbed with sorrow when VAtst alsblng line, we the goods, can supply you with E. W. AKltSTOiTQ. asked who shall say -otherwise ? The time wss when no toleration prevailed In religious thought, but today that is changed. Tonight we have with us, Mr Bicknell Young of Chicago, a gen. tleman whose reputation has come be fore him, and we shall tonight hear him Upon, Christian Science. , i - V l Without any preliminary, the speak er at once entered npoa his lecture, and for over an hoar held the close attention of his audience. Mr. Young, Is .a quiet, deliberate spesker, His language Is the besthts manner attractive hlsenundatlon dear, decisive, eloquent and he impress es his hearers as not only being well versed In bis subject, bat equally serious and a firm believer In his every argument in favor of Christian Science. Perhaps It Is firmness and apparent absolute be llf in what he ssvs. which gives Mr Young most strength In his speaking. hi nam in Dan: "Christian Science mav be defined as the science of all that relates to God, and ia science not only in relation to healing, but as corrective In relation to all the problems of eilstenoe. Accepted i theories or religion ana science nuvu scoffed at the association of these words but reason and logio show conclusively that science must relate to truth, and therefore to uoa, since uoa is me cease and basis of all that is true "Christian bcience aoes not porciaim a new God nor a new law, but comes de claring the same God and the same law that Jesus aeciarea, me one uiuuikj, eternal Gofl.and His good and nnchange able law. It deolares the omnipotence, omniscience , and omnipresence of God as do all other denominations, and upon thai basis shows that evil has ao power, knowledge or presence; in other words, that It la nnreaL ' "Christian Science never ascribes evil ta God. or makes Him In any way re sponsible for It, hot shows that evil originates in a oeuei oi material exist ence entirely apart from God. and nn sepported bv science or truth, Of all people, Cbrlst'tn Bulent'nta believe moat a::sih!tii!v in Christ. - liiey "pt the tcac:.!.-s of C;..-t Jesus wi.-oot res- ChrUtian Sclencttsts do - not advertise nor sanction quackery, and they Deiieve In obeying tko regulations of health Doaras it reunion to contagious auu uvu- "Those who believe mat mentality nlavs some oart In disease and Its cure s-enerallv look in the wrong direction, - . . . . v rusi.Ai- ana SSV was we cares ui vuruuaii fiHenne are effected bv mental sugges tion, hypnotism, mental scienoe, which la snnrious and not relstsd to Christian Science, will power, or to some other erroneous or material belief. Christian fiHunca. however, declares that it it God who heals diseases through Christian Bcience. and they of all people know "We scarcely dare to think what the world would hare been naa not mere ap peared from time to time a man or wom an good enoogn ana great enuugu iu urn touched by eternal truth, ana brave ana ifllf-sacrlliclne enough to stand for it. Mis. Eidv. the discoverer and founder of Ohrlatiui Scienoe. discerned and pro claimed to the world the God-given freedom of the race from all sickness tin. want and woe. She revealed the science bv which men may begin to rea lize that freedom and enter upon their heritage of dominion over evil. .Some time this knowledge had to come. Ac cot ding to the promise of Jesus, it was to be the SDlrit of truth. Some one bad to be good and pure above all others in order to perceive It. Any great discov ery along a given line is always made by a .1 l.J 1 a ah an. iniilna k SAWITAKI WAU tUAIIHU. Plastleo Is NOT a hot water, fl'.tny glue Kalsomine. It is a finely powdered rock, in whit and beautiful tints to bo mixed with cold water. Any on can brush it on. Plastico haa tho peculiar property or cementing; w in wall, destroying; disease germs and vermin and never rubbing or scaling. Kalsomtno has no cementing property dependsentirelyon glue to make it stick. The glue soon rots, nourishing vermin and germs ot deadly diaeasea ana tho atua ruDs ana acaiea ou, spoiling walls, clothing and furniture. Wall finishes that must bo mixed with hot water are avaisominea, no matter what fanclfulnames they bear. Refuse these unhealthful mixtures and amy Plaatlco la S lb. twckaaTM only, prop erly labelled. Sample card of Flaatioo tints free. - ANTt-KALSOMINB CO., arklliaiii.lica. For sale by E. W. SMALLWOOD. Fire Accident, and i Plate Glass In surance Home and Foreign companies: MISS NANNIE P. STREET. one whose thoughts, desiws, and studies wfciell YOU Get TldC are reachinn beyong those of other pec- 1 COviOHT ia-S.5"i4 J M. MITCHELL & CO. f ""JThey.have Just Received New Crushed Belts in Black and white, also in colors. JEWELRY. They have all the New Things in Waist Seta and Sash Tins, RIBBONS. If you want a Beautiful Quality of Ribbons for a little money see them. . What does a lady appreciate more than pretty Ribbon. They are headquarters. Their line is complete. They have that handsome Mausseline Taffeta in all shades, 61 inch wide, only ask you 23c the yard. We prepay Express and freight on all purchases amounting to $5.00 or over shipped to any place within a radius of 100 miles of PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office, i r5i 0 n i I Keceiveojl Flea, A Choice lot Harvey small Sugar Cured Pig Hams. Also a t few niceN O Hams English Cdted Shoulders and. Picnic J Hams. '. ij ; Fresh Grits, Big Hominy, Oat Flakes and Carolina Rice. , 2j ;i I make a specialty of strictly fresh quality Butter I receive g it fresh from tho dairy every week and I guarantee it to be as rfi fine as it is possible to get, , S Your to Please ? J.L.Hc!!AlL 3? . , - Wholesale & XZetaU Grocer, 'Phone pi. 9! -4 are reaching beyong i1a. - "tdsi unriaiiau buicuuv um auiui the world's thought today is due entirely tn Mrs. Sddv.: There was a time when 1' . a in. r - A 1 she stood absolutely aione via uoa, ana innnrrad the ridicule of ienorance and the hostility of theoretical reforms ot rflllclon and material moaes 01 meaioine because of her discovery of Christian enlAniA Todav the whole world Is up lifted bv her tcachlnes ana example, ana because of It, human thought Is arising anmawhat from tha doDtllS Of frOSS ma terlaltsm. Thore are the simple facts. I should cons'der it presumptuous to nr&he Mrs. Edrtv. A charactor touched bv the dcenent humllltf and illumined with lov to God and compassion for man Is ChrisUilte; It needs 110 eulopy, Dtir life ia an open boon wherein are re- brlng that carriage around to ns and we will soon ten yon now ume ooevs vuu to repair and pnt It in order again. We dp all kinds, and It Is seldom a vehicle la ao damacea that we can t mase 11 good as new. And It won't cost anything like tie pnoe 01 a new one onaor. We tint Rubber Tires on yonr old or new wheels, n e snrma yonr loose vtraa in a machine without cutting tnem. or without taktne tire from wheel on buggy while you wait Everybody is in vited to see the machine at work putting new holts in old places. G. B. T7ctcra & Zz, Successors to G. II .1 Watered Son, phone 1C3, ' 73 Ewr.a JV r:w I Z ? IT. O LIIIIITIIIIIIIimTTTTTnTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTIIIIIIl 'ft JUST RECEIVED A .LOT OF Fteshly Corned Pot tsmoath Mallets. Call and look at our line of Crockery, V Several beautiful ed-room Sets; Plates Cups and Saucers. All Iwlll he sold within 10 Per Cent ot Cost, ,.' Came before they are all Bold. The business will be oontmued as before and we hope at. our old Customers will stay with us. : - ,j ,t .- Yours to please, rut ate or ; '"-t '-: - r ; .- . - - 5 aaaa.. .m ! 1 " J SI tl 1 a 1 I . a - a""" COS X C3. Cct. Hrc r. rb m: ITr r r : ! :

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