.-n .iill VoUlMt XXYll. HW IIU, CliTXI COUIJT, .;c;;t&idatjuii.io,:i3oi sicosd 8ICTI0. NUMBIR 21. IM .1 a dry MT ri. BABIES' OH FIRE Willi Mhi Imti Scalj i K:r$ cf tta .Skb ; i 5 l ? -'-' vD C:ra Scip aal Instant relief and refreshing sleep for . sku-tortured babies, and net or tired, , fretted mothers, la warm batba with .' Cutlcura Soap and genu attainting ... with Cutlcura Ointment, the great skin cart, and puna or emollients, to bt followed la severe eaaea by mild dotes " ' j4 Cntlcora Besolvent. - .- My niece's little baby boy, two yean . j&A, wat so badly afflicted with ecssma , - that be seeded constant watching. It H all over nit face and he scratched -the Mr constantly. Mornings ala clothe would be stained with blood, I jiad hi face and hand would be oot- tred. Bla family never could take Mm - oat, aa hia (ace wai always full of largo , . eoree. . Thay had medical treatment, and tried eTerytalng they heard of. F fine commenced aalng the Cutlcnra Kerned lei laat spring and found that at , last aha had a wonderfnl healer. The ore left his face and he was entirely jewed, and now his face is as smooth nd rosy as though no eore had erer fceei tbsre to mar It." Ms. L.J. BOOT, jEBUSALBf, H. T. On afarch T, 190S, fire years later, lira. Boot writes t "I reoelTed your note of kind ia $ 4mtry and am pleased to Inform yoa of ihe permanent cure of my little boy. He 1 now healthy child with pink ad whit skin free from all blemish. It has been a manreUoua core and . brought about la a snort time after all . other medical aid failed. . aM klMtMl Jt VMM. MM liltint.K. fla Mm aTcWoUu Cmu4 Vuu, u. mi at tnuitg.i mt UtvM CtnalMl Corm.. Dot. FaMalan. PLEA FOR A HOSPITAL : , AN iCelVmistha Skk and Wounded May RccelTC Proper Trratm.nl ucb Heeded A well known lady of this city SU getted to the Joarsal to agitate tha quetlloa of a hosplial hero. The Joui- . aal has published ona or more articles but Ilka many other public conTsnUneea which may not exactly coma under the .head of real neceSiltr, a great deal moat fleeds be sail before the average cIUmd can see tha Importance of such an lastl- . .tatlon. , ; " : . -r. . " In the flrst p'nee no wall rtgalated uslty ought to be. without some suitable d)lace where tba bomeleia sick ones may irecelre attention. Thera are cues arising every week which emphasize tha need of a hospital stnd it mites no difference as to whelh r the locality it hsalthy or . not, tha ojuestlon still remains permanent. There need be-no expenslre bc(ldlng noted for the purpose, . thera need be no very great expense, comparatively Speaking, made for the enterprise. ' There are plenty . of private unoccu pied bolldloRt In the city which, with bat little repnlr will serve an admirable purpose aa a hospital. The Idea needs encouragement and tha parson who oaa And tha love of ha amenliy in bU tool enough to establish a hospital will bring lbs blessing of many poor parson on his head. ' ' t y- 'LI1TLE HELL- I 4 s ' Janes. . Yoa may all leach at the. name of oar lluls berg. Bat ttUl It Is an ancient " , aama given to It In slave time. ' ' Our farmers area little behind In their work, nil trt la hopes to catch up daring thla pretty weather. ' Mrs Beasts Heath and little daughter, Myrtle spent last week with parents at ; this place.' f S Vs - -r Mr Ben Taylor' and mother visited f rlenda and relatives at Klatton last vk week. t ? t; f ? Mr K W Horns and family of Non man's rare:, us, visitea nis sister, Mrs Liule 8lmpson lut week Mr A r Simpson made trip to Tack. shoe Saturday. Mr John Caeady maJa n baslnass trip da New Bern Thursday. Mr Jack Harrison and Mlis Annie Avery Of this place called on Trenton reletlvea aa I friends Sunday. We are glad to say wa have a mors onvenlent way of getting our mall. Tha Fran Delivery Route Is a grsat help , to oar country. . Ooldea Tsars. - ARAPAHOE. - thrift i w 1 a i : .1... ' WO are al v aaauaua waaiawr, tha season continues about as good our farmers could wish for. This to gether with the fancy price of potatoes , has put aa sxtrs smile oa the farmers . and aot only the farmers are receiving benefits of high prloes for the produce, but the laboier also. Our people are 1 bow giving 1 to IScte per barrel for I : j up potato. Tie h'beat price . I " ""fSf'sf rss lOcts It tl-U for men. Thla Is In where the potato digging and eotton hopplsg hava ran together.' Qlrla.who art Industrious can easily make $1.00 a day picking up potatoes at the p reseat prloea. It has been said a time past that taeta was bat 10 cla differs see be tween the bus that worked aad the one that played, bat that Is cf the. pent There is no areata now for loaf ra. ' ' Messrs W W Dixon and WRTUgls opened ap their lafraahmeu! shop last Saturday. . ,;B; kr , -j , -;: Borne rude mlachlatPM boys of this place wtat to the farm of Mrs Bowden on the tide of Nanse ilrer where no oaa res at present, found a pot of tar aad tarred her plana floor. I will not gtra tba names, If they recelre justice their es will be diTulf ed later on. Mrs! Bowdsn Is a poor widow lad( and It was shameful for her to be treated la such manner. There la hut little. cute for inch meanness la our llttlt place.; ,;-t. ' j Ji i'...: , , We hara preaching three tlmea a month aad Sunday School every Sunday to keep the attention of the young folks. . w ... Mr W H Belaagta who has beet for soma time In . Northw.st Ye.. ilslUd nrspthoe last Buadsy aa week ago aad left for home Monday : He waa ao tpaaledby his brother Mr Charlie Belaaglewho will woikout thera la timber. ' .,.,. Ray Mr Snmniaiell the pastor of the ObrUtiaa Church Ailed his regular ap polataunt here Sunday. . A. B. CROATAf, June 0. Crops are looking One now. The fanners around here are almost through shipping lrhh potatoes . Mr J B Williams, who has been quits sick, has rejovered so that he can be ont some. We srs gltd to say he Is Improv ing now. We are sorry to say that Mrs Yates, who was hart on the train a few days ago, Is ao better, Mrs N f Ballard and little son.Ernest, of New Bern, who have been visiting her mother, Mrs 0 W Hardlsoa, of this place, returned home yesterday after noon. ; " . Mr Henry Brlnson, wife, two children aad sister, Mrs Boyd, returned home Sunday, after spending ft week with friends tnd relatives at Croatia and BaTelock. . - , Miss Fannie Ballard returned to her home at Havelock Monday after spend ing a week with her sisters, Mrs Law ranee hud Mrs Parker. Mr B C Bardlson went to New Bern on a Luitoess trip Tuesday. We think his business was to ate the Register of Deeds. Mr SO Parker went to New Bern Sunday to tee his father. Mr B M Williams want to Havalack, Saturday. Misses Walter WU.lams and Phebe Banks, who have been attending school In New Bern, have returned homo. Mrs Haywood of Rocky Mount la vU- Itlag her son, Mr T X Hsywood 6f this place. , Mlu Bartia Williams and Miss Memls Hardlsoa went to Niv Bam to attend the graduating sxsrcltes of the Graded School last Wednesday. . . , .. Mr Tom Moes of North River has re turned to his home after spetdlng soms months among us. t Mr Will Haywood spent Sunday la Qoldsboro. Rev Mr Sewall, pastor of the Baptist Chuicb at Oroataa Ailed his appoint meat Saturday night and Sunday. , The annual Sunday School picnic of Oroatan was he'd May 88. i It waa at tends! by a largo crowd from far and near and all reported a Ana time. There was a plenty of something good toast and drink. ' " ' : Dew Drops. LOCO. i ' JaasOth.' It seems that summer Is at last with us Tha weather Is warm and Ann for grow log crops. Mlis Linn Hall of Polloksvill Is visit log her staler hero. , Among our visitors Sunday ware: Mr, aad Mrs Daniel Meadows and little son Cecil of near Msytvllla, Misses Ola Bom phrey and . Lora Henderson of Jones county, Mr. J. 0. BeU, of Belgrade and Mr. Wright Higgles, of New York, Tba nsw bridge across Whit Oak river at "Collins Crossing" waa com pleted Saturday. We think oar R. F, D carrier will sleep more at night bow. Mr IB Morton aadbrothsr of. New Bern spent Saturday night with John MortDu and family. ' ! ., Bonnie the little soa of. Mr end Mrs Joha Mortoa met with a polafal though not a tartous accident Sunday p. in. He was playing around a mule that kicked him on tbs forehead. '. , On of our neighbors seeme to be hav log some trouble raising chicks. Soma tbiog went Into her hen house, sight not long since, and when ah saw her chicks sgsla setsral of them were minus a foot. Maybe 'twas a large rat. : - ! . i i ;s MrJR Persons spent Sunday very pleasantly at Rlcblaads. 1 - ' . Mr. W. Htggtns htis retsntly parehssed something sew, Jast sot tee htmswhsa yoa see him out driving again - VIOLET, Hartoweaui Horti. Bartowc l-l. :;4 JU th i- MrO'OBSIl Iboompanled by oar physician Dr ON Mason and Mrs Abi gail P BeU wars eaUd to Morehead City Saturdsy to the death bed of her mother Mrs iaisaBWl..i ' Mr Wm Watson vot tiswport cams over Sunday hrUglsg with him on of Newport's (amoua, .hallas hUm Daisy Doughty who spent' .the dayt with her santMrsW PBseton. t, , . . Messrs Johjg I. MrUund Joshua A4amai4w,f ear aMftatrates and uncksra want to New Bars, , Monday to the meeting of the maglMsntes , Our ooBsmuhlty was saddened Monday when news osmeikatlirsEllraBell.whose long and chrUtlas Ufa nntil recently was t pasesd, here, waa dead. ' A few years ago she. west to Morehead City to be with bee son, Abekas passed over the river of death es4 had gone to be In the eternal profanes af Hla whom she loved so mnch to pieits when shelwas.wlth as. Bar remains VMS brought "home by assay relatives and friends of Morehead City in tb beautiful Steam Launch George from which they were taken amid the many sorrowing . fiiaads and relatives ta the her church ' Cemetery where her pastori from .Morehead and Carteret Ret B W WUUs aad JHM Giles conducted the funeral aervtees and she waa laid to rest by the side of her -hus band Gideon U BeU who pjeceeded her to Heaven by nearly thirty years, w - Messrs J R Meson and Donate Banks went to Morehead City Saturdsy even ing to spend Sasdsy., ' .Mr G W Thompson spent Sunday In Beaufort. , ; ..,- , Misses RoMie. Mason left yesUrdsy for New Bam auroute : for Norfolk whan she goes to make I visit to relatives. J B Mason Esq and Miss Madia Bell weat to New Bern yesterday on baat Mr and Mrs W Tbompaon and little son Marvin enjoyed 9 rids through the country to : Beaufort snd back Tues day, i'.i V.,'; -!.''...: ) ; -I' Mr Percy Ashford, Of New Bern, Is at Bbys mill ettendleg to the , loading of Aats with lumber for New Bern, " - - Mr G W Thompson wm in New Bern yesterday bevlsf work dona for- the mill ' r Ut PresepU Vho kS been dowa In tha latareetof hf Kim' City Lumber hureturn4 J?W Bern. Co I Mr Sam Long went to Morehead City Tuesday night to meet with the Masonic Lodge. i 1 ; Miss Ols Long if spending a few dayt I Visiting rmturfs no irwuui mora- head City, u-" Jas R Ball Beq Is ta Nsw Bern on but nest today, THE rMGOEBREOTYPE. : ... t " 9M Kettou Cecraia the rmtH 1 When K wee law. Many ajptuing remarks were made at the door of daguerreotype galleries When ttjy were flrst opened in this country. A email framo containing a Itowra mwWf wuv " machine, nod the Dlcture comes If you look long enough." Another wouia " w . . . say ; "It Is not so macb the looking that does It Tb sun burns It In If 7u keep atlU.? Ajsotfaer mad It all very plain by stating, "The plat as a look ing glass, and when you alt In front of It your shadow sticks on the plate.' How.it Me about-, was never known, but tb topreeslon became general tjutt the tttter must not wink. No operator at tatelllgeuce ever told the sitter not to wink, for the effort to rerram svowo nuv given tnar eye 1 an HwvewswvMw. " - picture; Bven tben It was not always tuidarstood.; fine old lady lumped out of tb chair before a sitting was half overpraising both bands and exclaim- lng; "Stop it Stop lit I winked!" Another remarkable fact waa that sitters seldom acknowledged their own likenesses. "All good but mine,';, was the common decision. An aged couplo after examtatag tnsir pictures came to thla roiafluatoa, Marla, yours la per fect, buttUle 9e aot look like me.' But tb u Mjr Answered, "Jeems, yours Is m jptoral hs life, but mine Is a failure." After a longer conanltoUon the old oeBtteniw' said, "W must know each Ctbtr baJtter than we know ourselves.' At time When Daniel Webster st to dak-uerreotrpe tb finished sjtatam wma held before him. Xurning wwr, Ae hl: "I am not to Judge of my nws ioka..,It la for you to Judge, swAyo twut decide whether the work w worthy of your reputa- ton., A. JWigarajas In Century. XAYJiCRO. . i..w.j :-..'. t W aawf : fsom , 8msll this weak sitendWth Teachers Insli tut of Pam- County.; TJj Institute, w think is do - lag azoeUem work. , Tb atUadanc It aot very hvrge, ba h teachert teem to bevrysanchtaaitMSt,la thIrwork, and taking atfvwtag of th opportuaity presented tot Hem. f : Wltn tad ear utia. th.ra kra several young teachers presenf, trying to prepare the si selves fot Bssfnlnsss In the future. -' .:if,. t ' W ar aavue -Dr Bnrkett this week of tb A.M. College, and w think I the iastuun or this county, is very for tunate U securing his servtoes. His leotur are not only lustructiv oud practical to teachers, but would be very Important to farmers could they hav them.1 1 ...; (..,, We tsie a few teachers from Beaufort I C., v -t t " 2 t!.e al7...' -s of THE COTTqCa.'IrfDDSUT. Facts snd figs ret Shewing Increased umber of Mills and Decreased , s J w - Bastaas. ,VJ To ths Editor f The State, Columbia, I tent yoa su article dated May 5th, andpabUahed Ib The Stat May 9th, oa the oottoa seed All Industry In our State. 5 At this time I wish to supple ment What I said f la that article by gtv tog Some furtber flguiis Which t And In The National Proyisoner of May 21. ' ' la that paper, may be found along article by Mr. Daniel O. Ropet, specie agent uf tba United States census bu reau. It has been Mr Ropara duty for years to look after wollaotlng statistics oa the oottoa and cotton aeed oil in dustry and ha la . therefore more able to gtv eocurate figures on the eotton teed oil Industry . than any other one man' In the flrst place I wish to aote the tremendous increase In the number of mills in the United . States, comparing the season of 1800-1900 with the season 1903-1904. Beaton 1899-1900: Tons No. Mills, per mill 857 0,945 ' 27 " " 6,374 20 9,501 40 5.909 8 4,403 21 11,952 20 5,383 41 9,626 6 4.404 48 3,261 15 11,120 102 6,790 5 4,348 United Ststis Alsbame Arkansas Georgia - Indian Territory Loaitlena North Carolina Vlssisslppl Oklahoma South Carolina Tenneee Texas - AUothsrs Now compare this season's crush with the season of 1903-4, which is as follows: Tons No. Millt. per mill. 644 " 5,083 58 8,912 33 9 239 99 3,765 y 15 4.655 43 7,854 85 6,064 41 2,966 10 5.810 84 2,976 21 8 175 145 5,463 10 4,842 United States Alabama Arkantas ' Georgia Indisn Terrltoi Louisiana - Mississippi ; North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas nil Otners u These figures tail the lituatlon more eloquently than any thing else possible which may be written upou the subject, and I would most certainly recommend to those who wish to embark In the cot ton seed oil business to study the figures 01 the lure males, viz., norm uaroiina, South Carolina and Georgia. In North Carolina tha number of mills lucres sed" 0Ter 10 p the total number of 0Ilwhed ncreMed but very little. Thd n-mber of toni mlu decreased ., ,,, .. . iqo inftn from B 883 I lesson ivuo-. . jn ooaiu Knwun uv I . .. ... . .vt . . AA numoer or muis increuea just bdou I per cent.: ths amount of seed increased considerably; but the amount of seed per mM decreased from 3,263 to 2,976 tons per mill.- The number of mills In Geor gls Increased ' over 100 per cent; tb amount of seed Increased very Slightly and ths amount of seed per mill decreas ed from 0,90 to 8,765 toot per mill These fleures 8 show emphatically that I the quantity of seed produced In these g;ut forming the base oftupply for .he OoeraUon sf thee ' mills, hu .bout reachad It. limit and an gmter increase in uie numuer 01 niuu wm vuj ! bring down tb amount of seed crushed . ... . I1T 1 by each mill to such an extent ' that It twill be absolutely Impossible for the mill, to make money with the small amount of toed al 'their command for crushing. Please BoHce that the State of South Carolina of all the States In ths oil mill business stands nsxt to last among ths mills In amount of seed crush ed. It South Carolina continues to bulhj mills the number of tons per mill will continue to grow leu at the number of mills increase. ; , U Aal stated In my artiol published May 9. we bar lest about doable the number of mills that . w ought to have for the supply of teed In this State. ..Ths Inivllabla consequence of !meny mills sad fsw seed with u bu bees that each mill knowing that ' the . supply of teed was limited, hu pushed, up . tbe orloe of seed until oottoa seed hu been higher In South Carolina than any other State la tb union. This 'difference of brie bat been from $100 to 14.00. Now, I want alto to glr you ' 'some figures taken from th ssms artlole, showing 1 the returns per Ion of aa average for I the United Btates during 1903-4; S gallons crude oil tt $0 88 per gallon. ;"' ' ' "i ' flLll 760 lbs. meal ? "JS, f 7.50 I W0 lbs. hulls ... ':v- 'i;,, -1.80 Fttn Ih. 11ra' :' 1 . i:,i,. tsMi Total vain dot ton seed H I Less cost maaufacturlng per ' ton i ,: 1 1 . .. , . I ! . n 18.78 17.8J Cost of ton botton seed . h ' uMiitih- ProQt oa toa of teed Mow what I Want to call attention t narllcularly ie the fact thst when Mr. Koperw rot this article that oil Was s"."'t" cents rr r " i s lat $1.55 M tai.7a L,;-,'. ; too Taking h!s flguris as soeurste aad ealea latlng oil at 81 coats per galloa, Instead of 28t oents yoa will fled tha there u a lots of $1 98 per toa Instead of a profit of 94 oents per ton. Prom the shots yoa may see at a glanc hs problem confronting the oil mills of theaoBth easlera States. . In Mr. Ropet 'a agar he gives the cost of a toa of teed aa 117.63. ; I will aot miss the mark very far whea I say the coat of a toa of cot ton seed ia South Carolina for last sea- son waa at least S2.00 mora than Mr. Roper's figures. This being the ease the loss will be at least $1.00 per tan greater than figures sbors, all of which is "food for reflection." i ' Alvis Ktbkbboob. ., (We learn that the cost per toa for some mills is Ave to six dolltrs per ton- Ed) Amateur Base Ball. Special to Journal. Besufort, June 9. The flrst aad aec-1 ood base ball team of Beaufort mat at the grounds Tuesday at 3:30 for a gamo rue second team was victorious over I the heavy sluggers. The scrubs played ball from start to finish snd gsv their opponents some hard guessing. " Te soera was 6 to 8. Tame Partridges. Partridges become very tame when they are not hunted or otherwise die-1 turbed. On the property of the Black Mountain Ion Company, In Buncombe I county, where no hunting has been at- lowed, they have teeame nearly as tame I pigeons and will remain on open I ground close to where carriages I pass. TWO SISTERS OP MERCY. Visit New Bern on a Tour sf Recrea tion and Research. Bisters M. Austin and M. Phllomena sisters of mercy from the convent loca ted on 81st street New York City were visitors In our city yesterday. They arrived on the steamer Neuse, being on trip of recreation aad research. - Their principal object in comlagto New Kern wu to locate a hospital la which some Siitert of Mercy who were f riendt of theirs, were aarsee during ifce war. Their efforts were aot entirely successful and yet through ths assist ance cf Mr William Oliver they learned muoh about this city daring lbs war and undoubtedly will be able to learn more of their sisters' labors among the sick and wounded. The listers wsre courteously escorted on their tour of th city ana to National Cemetery by Father George They were greatly pleased with tbe city and with their trip. Tbey returned on the steamer Neuu last night. SULPHUR NATURE'S GREATEST GERMICIDE A Freer Use of It Would Save Doctors' Bill Greater healing power can be had la ths privacy of tha home by using Max- cock's Liqid SutPtm la ths bath than bv loumeylng to ths most famous sal phur springs." '' Greater benefits to ths skin, a and more beautiful - compleiloo eaa b had by ustng the' hsrmless Hahoock's Liquid Bclphok for th toilet thaa by ths uie of dangerous drugs snd oaa metlcs. 1 -- ,, s Liquid Sulphur curee dandruff,! pimples, salt rheum, Itch, hives, eryslpa mi and all opea sons. It Is aatare's greatest germicide. Writ to Hancock Liquid Sulpher Co., Baltimore, Md., Tor free booklet, or uk your draggle! for Hancock's Liquid Bblpbub. NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET ,. , wbouusli raicu tramatMV. Chickens. old dm Dair. ...... . Ml ax.' rfi-" ii. 850 J; young, pr pr.,...i Pork, per lb. HI Live Hobs ... ...... .......... - 4 8 Beef,- " . .,M, . . 11 Uiaes, green, per i.......,....,r .....be dry, sets Beetwss,, . Corn; per bush. .WtolM t 75c B7t0 uats, " ,. ........ Peanuts ........ .........mi 851 Potatoes. Yams........ 70 Bah emu. i ......... '.'ft'?0 . Local Grata Market Corn, per ba..... ....f .75 uats per on ;i .071 meat, per ou ........ !......,.. .T -if' Hm.tr.ir...;: 1.00 m Hominy, per ba. worn oraa, ni w ,..-.., -vl A . i 4AA 1W. Wheat bran, par ....V.V. j.. . j.40 Peed. 100 lba:.'..;.V..'.......i,.h .1.85 Cotton seed meal, 104 lbs... MV. , 1.00 Cotton seed buns. 100 lb. . : .. ... 9 BhiD stutt.i..V.....v No. lTlmothv. W ta.;. V. ... M 09 : A1U1 t UK I'M) 1 Prevents, Relieves, and Cures. Id fancy or old age. Absolutely n Safe.' Contains no opiates. ! Tor6al at . "f: Surrim er We have just received New Lawns and Organdies in beautitul patterns and the price is in reach of every shopper Fashion decrees that llowers shall reign supreme. The latest effects so much in demand are the florals, rather large in design and of striking colorings. Small and neat effects seem to be relegated to the rear for the balance of the season. New Screens for fire place and halls. You may need one of these to put a finishine ' touch to your room or nail. We have them in beautiful designs, it will be worth your while to see them. The Price is $1.00, $2.00, $3.00 Each. We prepay Exprew and freight on all purchases amounting to $5.00 or over shipped to any place within a radius of 100 miles of PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office. SPECIAL SILK SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. ? Summer's Host Very Low Priced. An uamatchablj fine stock of ings 'and effects a display not rivaled the lowest. White Habutai Wash Silk. 36 inches wide, an extra fine wear and very lustrious, cannot bet duplicated for less than 85c. Special at 69c. White Habatsi Wash Silk. b - 27 INCHES WIDE. i Extra fine quality with good lustre, cool and serviceable for sum mer waists and dresses ,well worth Checked Taffeta Silk 'An exceptionally good quality in blue and white and black and white regular 85o grade, NOW 69c, STRIPPED TAFFETA SILK. Splendid quality all silk, bright and perfect 90c is the real valuta Price for this sale. 69o, , . , , - FINE rONGEE A fashionable silk for waists color SALE price 69c, GOOD QUALITY PONGEE BILE, S6 Inches wide, price while K lssts dSc. Ladlssjdrop stitch hose 85c kind at Big Lot Vcty Fine BJ Just Received Mi I jiCS; e Also jit Bll Fancy New 5 ' m ;3t & Also new barrel Fulton ; ; , J w a J ay j aoigiM -1 V- -n 1. 1.1. Trr 1.11 O 2! : c omplete stook Fresh 5f a We will thank yon for a t,j4 . ireui mil vwigut a ouuw vru anu auiuuiu xiuui. - Good Carolina Rice 10c qt " :- E ; J Guaranteed ot your maney refunded. .-.i . 1 M wLi'-". iil' nJ'n.'.-j n.. m - , 1 J w wwu wwin j tours 7 of menstruation !!i:L;!loSMil, St jif. :-ibi' i . . W i womannooa, aiuing aeveiopment ol organs and boay. Mo V knows remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life I becomea a pleasure. Sjl.UO FEB liQX BV JIAIIj. oU 14 1st llexr Bern Wash Goods. Beautiful 5ilks the season very newest weaves, color in the city and prices decidedly 65c. NOW 43c. . SILK, 27 inches wide. and dresses' fine quality in the natural 30c 3 pair for 60c '. i C Ham PI: Orleans Molasses. , Market Corned Beef, uvvvi j . TV I. . J A 1 , T71 Canned Goods, v 3f share of yonr trade. Satisfaction suu f ius xcm, ' to please,' ' ' t ' ' "' Wholesale eft Eetall 71 Brtisd CIV 'Vi They overcome Weak res8, irregularity and oiuii.i. ua, Increase vl(f or ana Danisa "pama They are "LIFE SAVKKS" to girl at by Davis Vhzmzzj, uc:zs! CD yc:j ' -liU ISont'it r : jf- a a S ' s !" . S . J - ' J m m m ' z r m ' i m em e . f sh 2 m m m : '.' 1 I 1 f 1 t t cf c - 'r V tt "t v '' ' vr f

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