Mttn Wcto turn VOLUMI XX?ii, IIW BEEN, CLUVII COUITT, . C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1104 NR8T SECTION. NUMBER 47. T t Hecker s Prepared Buck wheat, and Fresh Lot fancy Elgin And Fox River Print butter Just Received, CORNED 'Phone 1. J. k McDML, Success don't consist in not mak ing mistakes, tut in not making the same one over ftoice. You can make no mistake if jou go to I.I.MITCHELL A CO for up-to-date Dress Goods and Tii minings, Silks find all tho new novelties. This is a part of the line : Shoes, Hosiery, Cotton and Woolen Underwear, Carpet, Hatting, Rags. Oil Cloth for Hoars and table, Stair Oil Cloth Shelve Oil Cloth, Shetland and Mercerized Shawls in white and biue, Blankets, Bed Spreads, Sheet?, Pillow Cases and Lace Curtains and Window Shades PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office. NEW WARPS When We Say New Jackets & Coats in all the newest lengths and shapes for ladies and misses. Fine high class tailor made garments that j on will admire, possessing all the newest fashion kinks at 9, $12 50 and $15 Some particularjy pretty Misses Coats at $9 Temporary Quarters No 41 Pollock St cMillmeiydepartment 109 Middle Veadyto we are showing a complete Hats far women and children $2 50 For Collars and Girdles of Taffeta Ribbon 6 inches al4 at!) the yd! also nice lot MULLETS. WholeMale eft Retail Qroer, 71 Br4 Nt 9 Warps we mean Street wear hats line of fine Ready to-wiar spletxiid values at $2 and we sre offering a fine quality wide, in all the new popular nni i in lUULLAn HUMOR CURE FromPimples to Eczema From Infancy to Age To those who hare suffered lone and hopelessly from Humors of the Blood, Skin, and Scalp, and who hare loot faith In doctors, medicines, and all things human, CUTICUR A Soap, Ointment, and Pills appeal with a foroe hardly to be realized. Every hope, every expectation awakened by them has been more than fulfilled. Mora great cares are daily made by them than by all other Skin Remedies combined, a single set, costing but one dollar, being often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases of tortur ing, disfiguring humors, eczemas, rashes, itchings, and inflammations of the skin and scalp, with loss of hair, when all else fails. Sold throt!hniit the world. Cutleorm Soan. u .Olnt. mMTgHPt. m'lioivciii, .wt. ( in lo I'illo, Be. per vial of 80). LfeDot tolvent, Wc. (in form ol Chocolate Coated ots: London, iff Charter. luiitSL' so. ; rani, a kuc ae la ralx ; Boiton, 137 Coturubut Ave Potter Orug A Chem. Corp.. Sole Propa. duT Send for u About the Skin and scalp. ' JUDGE PARKERS LETTER. Document Announcing Els Acceptance in the Hands of the Public. J udge Parker's letter of acceptance has been made public It Is an able and brilliant effort in which he handles skill fully every subject at Issue between the two great political parties. Of Imperialism he Bays: "If we would retain our liberties and constitutional rights unimpaired, we cannot permit or tolerate, at any time or for any 'purpose, the arrogation of unconstitutional powers by the-execu tive branch of our government. We should be ever mindful of the words of Webster, "Liberty Is only to be preserv ed by maintaining constitutional re straint and just divisions of political powers." Be enters a succint and logical dls cussion of Tariff, Tariff Reform, Reclp rocity and the Trusts and the evils' aris Ing therefrom. He Bays of the Trusts that neither the president nor tho candidate for the pres Idency can apply the law relating to this matter, but that the Pederal Judlc lary Is the only body empowered to pun Ish them. He writes at length of the Independ enca at the Filipinos, the Civil Service and the Governmental affairs of army and navy and of pensions. News in a Nutshell. Gholeia is said to te epidemic In the Russian army and causing many bun dred deaths a day. Arrangements for holding a World Peace conference at Washington. D. 0., are being held, On account of a mistake in reading orders, two passenger trains on the Southern railway collided near Knox ville, Tenn., Saturday morning and 64 persons were killed and 125 were injur ed. (I. Anil mm & Co., a large manufac turing firm of Canton, Ohio failed, llabll Itles reported to be $1,500,000. People living It. the vicinity of Mt. Vesuvius, Italy, are leaving dally fearing a volcanic eruption. Joo Jefferson, the famous actor, Is about to retire from the stage on ac count of 111 health. He has cancelled his season's engagements. A Remedy without a Peer. "I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble,'' says J P Slots, of Edlno, Mo For any disorder of the stomach, bilious ness or constipation, these Tablets are without a peer. For sale by F B Daffy and Davis Pharmacy. A free bottle of Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup will be sent to any reader of this paper who will write to the Thacher Medicine Co., Quttaoooga, Tenn. j MlilGH. Interest in Campaign Arcustne Local Politicians. Encouraging Repert of the Progress of Education. Uoreruor Ajeocks and Judge Wlnstoas Warm Keceatlon in the North. Judex Wlasteas Brill iant Speech Raleigh, Sept 85,-The work Is well underway now on the aew Agricul tural balldlng for the North Carolina College of Agriculture aad Mcch, ic Art. The foundation being up to the level of the first floor windows. It is to sost $00,000 and Is being built out of the funds of the State Department of Agri culture. There was a conference tcday of the Superintendents of Sunday Schools in Raleigh Township, at which it wai de cided to hold in the near future a special service, a mass meeting of all the schools, In the Academy of Music Tom O. Qooch and wife who left this oosnty fifty years ago for the far west and have amassed a large fortune, grow ing fruits at Severa, Cal., is visiting relatives here, this beiog his first visit, since he left. The annual report of the Superinten dent of Wake county Public Schools to the county board of education show that there are 10,622 white and 8,906 colored children of school age In the county and tbat there Is a decrease of 841 In the enrollment of white, and 240 in colored children. As to illiteracy the report shows that there Is iess than 1-5 of cne per cent of white children who cannot read and write and lees than 3-6 of one per cent of colored children who cannot Tead or write. With all the movement, the State over for local taxation for the lmprovemont of Public Schools. Wake county has not yet a single rural local tax district but the county Superintenden a report sets out that the sentiment of the people Is now ripe for such a movement and rapid strides along this line may be ex pected during the next two years. Attorney General R D Gilmer goes to Mt. Olive tomorrow to deliver a cam paign speech, from there he will go to Warsaw on the 28th and Kenansvllle on the 29th. State Auditor B F Dixon ha atone o Pamela, Martin county and spoke on the issues of the campaign there, and at Kiuston today. He will be at New Bern tomorrow night. Hon. J B Grimes, Secretary of the State left for Walnut Cove, today and will discuss the Issues of the campaign there tomorrow. He will also speak at Msdlson, Went worth and Hillsboro be fore he returns to the city. Governor Aycock, who has just re turned from Maine, speakers in the high est terms of his and Judge Winston's re ceptson at the hands of the people of that State. He le greatly impressed With the Industry and thrift In the State. There is apparently no poverty within her borders. Every home is well kept; the people are.wlde awake and very alert. The Governor and Judge Win ston made twelve speeches eaoh. Ac cording to the Governor, Judge Winston literally took possession of the hearts of all the people who heard him. His speech was a delight from beginning to end, full of s wit, humor, pathos and argument, reaching at times to real and high eloquence. His description of the closing days of the war always evoked the tensest attention .and ended, after the audience had caught its breath, with uprbarlous applause. Among other things, Judge Winston tald, I rememcer the Confederacy only In weakness. recall her women dressed In black, mourning over countless new made graves. I can see the armless sleeve; the sightless eye; the hesitating step, see the long thin line of gray at Appo mattox vanishing into nothingness to re appear clothed in blue, fighting under the Stars and Stripes side by side with you for Cuban independence. We have cemented the foundations of a reunited country In the blood of the sons of the North and South. Too much cannot be said In praise of the thoughtful assiduity with which Hod. W W Stetson attended to every detail of the campaign. He made their stay not only comfortable but in every way delightful. He anticipated all their wants, arranged for them to meet as many people as possible aad ahowed them every place of Interest. He Is a great Superintendent of Public Instruc tlon. He Is coming Into North Carolina this fall and both Judge Winston aad Governor Aycock anticipate that our people will show him after their own Southern fashion, how much they appro elate his kindness to Southern men In Maine. 1 he opening of the State Normal and Industrial College, of Greensboro, has been postpone?! until October th, on ae count of the new building not being corrpleted- Cause of Insomnia. Indigestion nearly always disturbs the sleep more or less and Is often the cause of Insomnia. Many eases have been per manently cured by Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. For sale by F S Duffy and Davis Pharmacy. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE, our ta pir, Americana. I hare eapreas my limited rower of comprehension of many matters uf the day, that threw me in the shade. The movements surely have a wonderful peculiarly, that In soae degree Is per plexlng. However I am implied to desire learning why and for what purpose, the so call ed Sham Battlea were recently fought at "Maaasiet?" and ask what benefit was the resnlr. I am a "Tar Heel", of the genuine stamp. I have seen many "Sheila buist" aad the retreat of the "Forelgneis", who could not speak a word of our language, with this comrade, more than once, and often, wbiU ponding over the past day, I aak myself, why not let tbe whole matter of the unjust war against the South. Wrap Itself In "Rip Van Winkles" garb, never lo to be awakenei'. And to day we claim lo be, "One People Amer icans" of the Noith, South, Bast ml West. All only ado. "Oblivion, let thy curtain drop " T. Li H. Mori load City, Sept SO, - A Thing of the Past. The Carnival Is now a thing of the past. The crowds dispersing by 11 o'clock Saturday night It was made pos sible for the managers of the different shows to tear down their tents at an ear Her hour than was expected. The tear ing down and packing was done quietly and the dawn of Sunday morning saw a greatly different sight than there had been during the week. The cars were loaded at the space be tween George etreet and tbe Frog Pond and then were baoked up to the ACL depot. The Carnival has been a financial suc cess and while there were a good deal of vigorous opposition to the exhibition on account of their blockading the streets we are very glad to say that as a whole It was good amusement and con ducted quietly and In ird order. True, the shows were not of a nature that would call forth the highest mead of praise and admiration, yet there have been Carnivals supporting shows that were so much worse that the people are very glad to know that such concerns can be respectable and worthy to be pat ronlzed. The Seeman-MIHIcan Carnival and Mardl Gras Co., is a good amusement concern and no oily need ever be fearful that their enterprise will be regarded as Improper in any way. Injured in Gin. Samuel Ipock of Cove, was seriously Injured In Ipockg gin 17 miles from New Bern Saturday evening. He was operating the gin when his right hand was caught in the machinery and fearfully mangled. A nurse near at hand sewed up the wounds In order to make it better to brine the wounded man to this city. He was taken to Dr Duguld's office and an examination showed the fore arm and hand badly lacerated and two or three fingers severed. It was Impossible to state last night just what the result would be, but no thing more serious than the wound it self was apprehended, Mr C T Watson is having two neat tenements erected on George Street, below Pollock. The Improvements along there take the place of a lot of old dllap ldated shanties, that have been an eye sore for many years. Just across the street other improvements could be made. Davis Pharmacy Successful. After a great deal of effort and corres pondence, Davis Pharmacy the popular druecist has succceeded in getting the Dr Howard Co. to make a special half price Introductory offer on tbe regular fifty cent size of their celebrated specific for the cure of constipation and dyspep sia. This medicine is a recent discovery for the cure of all diseases of the stom aoh snd bowels. It not only gives quick relief, but it makes permanent cures. Dr Howard's specific has been so re markably successful In curing constlpa tlon, dyspepsia and all liver troubles, that Davis Pharmacy is willing to retur the price paid In every case where it does not give relief. The old fashioned Idea of dosing with mineral waters, cathartic pi Is or harsh puagatlves will soon be a thing of the past. The best physicians are present) Ing Dr Boward's specific because it real ly gives the desired results and on ac count of the small and pleasant dose that is needed. Headaohes, coated tongue, dizziness, gas on stomach, speeks before the eyes, constipation, and all forms of liver and stomach trouble are soon cured by this scientfic medicine. So great Is the demand for this spec lflc, that Davis Pharmacy haa been able to secure only a limited supply, and every one who is troubled with dyspep its, constipation ot liver trouble should call upon him at once, or send 86 cents, and get sixty doses of the best medicine ever made, on this special half price of f er, with his personal guarantee to refund the money if It does net cure. essSaat cold, t Iu amsti Baai Patssai A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS MO SUBSTITUTE A NOTABLE AMUSEMENT EVEN!. A Grand and Colossal Biblical Spectacle By John Robinson. John Robinson's every popular and ever welcome shows come t ) us thii year with such Important accessions and augmentations as to overshadow all contemporary amusement ventures. They have not only materially streng thened their ring and hippodrome per formances, and largely added to their al ready vast menagerie, but are producing an astonishing new feature which can uot but commend Itself to all classes of patrons. We allude to the grand Biblcal spec tacle of "Solomon, His Temple and the Queen of Sheba." Unerring In histori cal accuracy, faithful In scenic delinea tion, realistic indeplctlon of incidents and events, Impressively grand In page antic effects, magnificent in costumes and appointments, entrancing In musi cal features, bewitching In beautiful bal lets and exciting In games and chariot races, this unprecedently sublime fpecta cle will commend Itself to every vis itor. Th : show will exhibit at New Bern, Tuesday Oct 4th, Auction ot Cireus. Wilson-Dally Times. At Tarboro on November 19th some thing of great Importance will happen, for one tt the largest shows on the road will be sold out from monkey to ele phant and tent, spike to railroad cars. Adam Forepaugh's and Sells Brothers circus will show at Tarboro at that date and at the conclusion of the performance the entire aggregation will be sold to the highest bidder. Show men from all over the coun try and those Interested In circuses are expected to be on hand and bid on the outfit. In addition to this the property of the company comprising railroad tracks, barns, cages, etc., for quarter lng the circus daring tbe winter, located at Columbus, Ohio, will be leased or rented. The sale Is made necessary by reason of tbe death ot one of the Sells brothers and the psralysls of the other. Kiuston Free Press Items September 26th. Misses Bruce and Mabel Swift return ed from New Bern last night. Will Exum, the convicted murderer of Guy Walstoo, was taken to the Goldsboro jail this morning for safe keeping pending his appeal, the jail at this place not being considered alto gether Becure. Sheriff Woolen took Will Smith, col ored, to the penitentiary today to serve a ten year sentence for breaking la houses up near LaGrange. He was the only prisoner sentenced to the peniten tiary during the term of court just closed. Superior court adjourned Saturday evening and JudgeJMoore and Solicitor Duffy left Sunday morning for Wllmlng ton where court ii hold this week. Tbe unfavorable delay of two days In start Ing and the murder trial which oonsumd great deal of the time of tbe court, to gether, kept the court frcm doing any thing at all wit i the civil docket and all cases were ontlnued till next term. New Light For Diamond Shoal. Mariners who have experienced the danger of Diamond Shoal at Cape Hat- teras, one ot the worst places for wrecks on the Atlantic Coast will be pleased to know that steps ara being taken to es tablish a strong and endurable light house at that station and thus tbe gov ernment will do all In Its power to re duce the number ot ship wrecks there each year. The Charlotte Observer of Sunday contained an article describing the pro posed lighting station at this point. It is to be made entirely of steel, 60 feet high and will have a strong electric light lo the tower. Your blood goes through your body with jumps snd bounds carrying warmth aad active life to every part, It you take Holllster's Mountain Tea, 85 cents. or Tablets, F B Duffy. Joint Discussion I Hon Charles L Abernethy.DemocraUe candidate for Presidential Hector, aad Hob Thos E Owen, Republican candi date for President ill Elector, wUl have a jolat discussion of the political Issue of the day at tbe following time aad p aces: Trenton, Monday.Oct. 8rd at 1 o'clock. Pollockvtlle,Monday, Oct Id at eight Jacksonville, Tuesday, Oct. 4th a night. New Bern, Wednesday, Oct. 6th at night. Dover, Thursday, Oct 0th. Vanceboro, Friday, Oct 7ih. Bayboro, Saturday, Oct 8th. Arapahoe, Saturday, October 8th at night. Tried For Alleged Assault. Thomas Wise and James Wise of Pass I co, Pamlico county were arrested Sat urday by Deputy United States Marshal Ward on the charge of having violated Section 5406 Revised Statutes of the Unl ted States by committing an assault on a man who had formerly been a witness n a government case. The witness was a colored man named Frank Skinner. The men were tried before United States Commissioner Charles B Hill who dismissed the actloa for want of 'irisdiction, The attorney for the government was R W Williamson and for the defend ants were Messrs O H Gulon and H L Glbbs. TUSCARORA I Sept 24th. Cotton picking Is being pushed In our neighborhood. The price is good this year but there will only be a half crop. Mr Jack Green and David Vanderford passed through here today, returning from Brown's Sound with a load of fine mullets. Mr Emmett Williams and wife left for their home In Greenville S C, today. Mr Willlums has built a nice house on his landnear here.having just completed tbe painting before his departure. Mr G D Wctherlngton of Cove spent Friday In Tuscarora on business, A number of our people went to New Bern.Saturday to attend the Republican convention. Heavy Dew. Fearlul Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute Such, In brief was the condition of an old sol dier by name of J. J. Havens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with kid ney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitters. It put him on his feet in short order and now he testi fies, "I'm on the road to complete re covery." Best on earth for Liver aad Kidney troubles and all forms of Stom ach and Bowel Complaints. Only 60c Guaranteed by C D Bradham Druggist NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET WHOLESALE PRICES CURKCHT. Eggs, per dozen 20c Chickens, old per pair 60 " young, per pr. 80 it 60 Pork, per lb 7 Live Hogs 48 Beef, " 647 Hides, green, per lb 6c ' dry, " 810 Beeswax, " 80 to 80 Corn, per bush 76c Oats, " 57fc Peanuts 86 Potatoes, Yams 70 Bahamas 00 Local Grain Market. Corn, per bu ft .76 Oats per bu 66 Meal, per bu JO Hominy, perbu 77 Corn bran, per 100 lbs. 1.00 1.60 Wheat bran, per Feed, 100 lbs 1.86 Cotton seed meal, 100 lbs. .. .... LOO Cotton seed hulls, 100 lbs .60 Ship stuff 1.60 No. lTlmothy , per ton 80 00 YsTv IA CINiti nu k I naT ' 1 " " Sr - 'viiiine, Jt is a . i ' "'-"7 aTItt n v.. . COM wsil- I Kaliomri. i. Ir rabbtar or i.iff!?.l vermin.ltBKl "d th. 4.y dieiS j 1y UbmJ. .! . mSSi tints free. --.""aWoflawi5l ..OTMfcl Sold by B W SmaMwo NOTICE I Fo S le A fine two horn- :-, .tt 800 acres, sit uated on Swift Greet near Vanceboro and known as the Mono farm. It is under good cultivation well constructed buildings and a good landing place at the river shore. For term, address or call on I At JP "wlTIXsIsIfla Tea m

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