: ...aaw i a. aa. . m 8 fimftmL VOLUMI XXTI1. IIW BIBI, CRAYII COOITT, I. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1904 FIRST SECTION. NUMBER 49. Jfeto Bern wekl Newest Things in belts and bags Poan de Soie and Leather lie! to in black and color;, fancy back with buttons, either brass or silk; tbeired sides with handkerchief front. Bags of the newest makfi, envelope and Peggie Bags, fitted with strap handle at 25c and 50c. Oar fall stocks are unusually attractive this seuton; from our comprehensive collection of dress fabrics. As the fall season of 1904 is now under way we can safely recom mend a few specialties that have been greatly in demand, as follows: Tailor Suitings, 58 inch wide, all wool and the pre is only 60o the yd. J.MJITCHELL&GQ PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office. Nice lot of Harvey's SMALL HAMS Not covered, just received at McDANIEL'S Just Received, CORNED Phone 91. 71 7HIIUIU milllhERY &PEMNG We will have our Fall Millinery Open ing, showing all the newest ideas in ladies, misses and ohil drens headwear. . Souvenirs Millinery - 109 Middle St. ! i 1 n. also nice lot f as MULLETS. i Grows. Bros! Hi On T hursday October 6th Department. SUN SPOTS Prevented By YSOAP Assisted by CUTICURA Oint ment, the great Skin Core, and purest and sweetest of Emollients. For sunburn, heat-rash, tan, freckles, pimples, blotches, black heads, red, rough, and oily skin, bites and stings of insects; for cleansing the hair and scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff ; for baby rashes, hchings, and chaf ingst for many sanative, anti septic purposes that appeal to mothers, as well as for all pur poses of the toilet, bath, and nurs ery, CUTICURA Soap, assisted by CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Cure, are priceless. N. B. Complete External and Internal treat ment for every Humor, from Pimples to Scrofula, from Infancy to Age, consisting of CUTICURA Soap, Ointment, and Pills, price, the set, On Dollar, may now be had of all druggists. Sold throughout the world. Cutlcurn Soap. 2.V., C nt rnent. AOc., ltt solvent, 60c. (In form of Chocolate Co ted Plili, SSc. per vial ot ). Depot,; London, 17 Chat ter houe. Hq. ; Vert., 8 Rue de la rail : Bolton, 137 Coluu bua Ave. Potter DruaasChem. Corp-.SolePropa. 09- Send lor "How to Preserve, Purifr, and BenutU) the SUPERIOR COURT Full Term for Craven County Com menced Yesterday Morning 11.30 O'clock. The opening seatlon of the Fall term of court for this county did not sit until 11.30 o'clock yesterday lmornlng, the judge being delayed In his arrival. J radge W B Council of Boone, Is pre siding, and Solicitor Larry I Hoore pros ecuting. The judge's charge to the jury was not a lengthy one. but was comprehen sive and to the point, and court was In good working order by the afternoon session. The oases taken up were han dled with unusual dispatch, all possible consideration was given however to the defendants. Eight cases were disposed of several of them being jury casts, as fol lows: John Taylor, charged with carrying concealed weapons, was found guilty and fined $15 and costs Henry Connor, assault and battery; guilty; fined $10 and costs. Ed rim 1th, larceny isentensed to twelve month confinement In county jail, with leave to commissioners to hire out to work on Pitt county roads, John Moore, larceny, fonr months on roads. Peter Battle, larceny, 12 months on roads. Galloway Moore, gambling; 60 days in jail. Lettuce Coble, larceny, 12 months in the penitentiary. Lettuce is slightly demented and teemed to enjoy the pros pec,t of a visit to Raleigh. William Simmons, larceny; 12 months In penitentiary. Alexander Simmons, was brought up on a charge of criminal assault, and It appearing that Simmons was too poor to employ counsel, His honor assigned counsel, and the ease will perhaps be called Wednesday. Court took a recess at 5.80 o'clock un til this morning. Only a morning ses sion will be held today. Death of Little Leinster Duffy The friends of Dr and Mrs Leinster Duffy were surprised and grieved to learn of the sudden death of their little son, Leinster, which occurred Sunday afternoon. The little boy had been suffering since Friday with a severe attaok of malaria. Sunday morning diphtheria developed and despise the care ot physicians and friends, death claimed him. The boy was a bright little fellow and was loved by all who knew him. Be was six years old list Friday, the day he was taken sick. Tho sadly bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire community. The bnrlal took place Monday mora lag at 10.80 a m, Rev T P Noe of Beau fort conducting the services. Inmonia and Indigestion Cored '-Last year I had a very severe attack oi indigestion, l could not sleep at night ind suffered most excruciating palna for three hours after each meal. was troubled this way for about three months when I toted Chamblerlaln's Stomach and Liver Tablets.and received immediate relief says John DIion.Tul lamore, Ontario, Canada. For sale by CIRCUS MAM STABBED. As a Result of Long Standing Feud J M J Kane U Wounded by Cuddy Service. The first tragic occurrence of circus time occur red yesterday when JMJ Kane, advertising man for the Fore paugh and Sella elrcui was stabbed In the bieait by Cuddy Service, advertising man for the John Robinson elrcui. Kane Is not serioMly lnjared,hla wound however, Is near the heart, the knife blade striking a rib at a point a little more than an inch from the heart and deflecting In an opposite direction fol lowing the course of the bone. The wound Is about two Inches long and a third of an Inch deep. The man will probably suffer nothing other then the nervousness and pain which naturally follows such attacks. The cause of the assault dates back two years. The men have not been friendly and though they have met fre quently while in the transaction of their duties they have had but few encoun ters. It seems, moreover, that the rival ry of the two circuses enters but little into the matter, the quarrel being of a pnrely personal nature. The attaok occurred at the Coast Line depot yesterday morning just before the train left for Wilmington. Kane httd checked his baggage preparing to leave for Wilmington and Service bad gone np there to get a package when they got together. There waa little said by. either men before the deed was done and the weapon used a small pocket knife, was used before a lick waa atruck. The first knowledge of any of the byatandera that Kane had been cot was when he ex. clsimed "stop that man, be stabbed me." Service went over a short distance to a barn where some of his men were mak ing paste and offioer Bryan arrested him there He made no resistance. Service was arraigned i a the police court )esterday afternoon. Mr W W Clark appeared foi the State and Mr E M Oreen was attorney for Service. The testimony was given by Doctors Caton and Jones snd was Introduced to deter mine under what amounts of bonds the defendant should te placed. As a result of the examination Mayor Bills bound him over for trial In Super lor Court In the sum of $100 which he gave. Both Service and Xtae live in Clncln nasi. Late last evening Kane swore out a peace warrant for Servloe before Justice S R Street, before whom the hearing will be at 10 o'clock today. An Answer to Geo S. Wilcox's Card New Bern, Oct 1st 1904. Ed Journal. Dxab Sib: First I wish to correct the Register of Deeds Information to Mr Wilcox, that he was recommended by the RepuDllcan chairman of theBxe entire oommlttee as a Republican, we recommended Mr Geo 8. Wllcon to re present the Republican party as Judge of election, not because we thought that he was a Republican, but because we be lieved him to be an honest man, and would give all sides justice. Our reason for that conclusion was be cause he would not bo driven by the pSrty lash In 1000 to vote for the consti tutional amendment against his honest convictions, and was defeated for Coun ty Surveyor by the Democratic bosses, and I believe he stands as an out cast, to day in the Democratic party beoause of that Independence, but if we are mis taken in our conclusion about Mr Wilcox we are glad that he has publicly Inform ed as. He explains at some length his reason for being a democrat, which Is about the usual reasons given, that his Daddies before him were Democrats, Indeed by looking away down the ages he finds his great grandfather to be a Democrat, be fore the Americans ever elected a Presi dent, and seems to gather great coursge by relating that bis father once licked a man because he differed from him In politics, If he had a little more family history to relate, I recall he would be come so enthusiastic, that he would be like old Dave Crocket, he would declare himself one half bear, the other half wild cat, and would be ready to gnaw great hunks out of any man that would not vote for Parker. We do not consider It a very great calamity for him to decline to accept, or that his card will have any serious effect because most everybody takes George as a kind of novice. We sincerely hope that George will read some of Vance's maxims, especially the one in which he says, that wise men will change but fools will not. W. R. DIXON. Tobacco Market Booming. The tobacco market it now in good shape and tobacco in active demand. Bring down your good stock and yon will pleased with the sales. The prospects are good for high prices for the balance ot the season. Broke Into His House. S. LeQuInn of Cavendish, Vs., was robbed of hit customary health by Inva sion oi Chronic Constipation. When Dr. King's New Life Pills broke into his house, hit trouble was arretted and now nee entirely cured, t ney're guar an teed to cure, 85c at C D Bradham's BIG LtND DEAL. Mew Bera.reope Nuttlate A Sale For 1ft, 130 Acres o' KIdi Timber Land la Brurtarlrk CcUuly. Boutbparl SundtrJ 2ih. The most gi -antic laud and timber deal ever made a Bruoawlck Connty waa consummate 1 last Saturday when the deeds were ignod conveying the rights and owLershlp la the Green Swamp Section from Brunawlck County citizens to the Waccamaw Land and Lumber Company, a corporation organ ised under the laws of North Carolina, for the purpose of manufaatorlng all kinds of lumber for the trade. The deed of conveyance signed by J J Wo'faoden et. ux, and J A Meadows el. at., acknowledges the sum of one bun dled and ten thousand, two hundred and seventy five dollars, as first payment, and sets forth'that four other payments aggregating the sun of two hundred and foity alt thousand, two hundred and seventy fivti dollars ss payments sub sequently to be made. The whole tianaaclion, which convrys 171,120 acrea of land aggregates the aum of $357,000 00. Thla Green Swamp section has been the occasion of much talk and of jealoua concern fur many years, aa therein well nigh tneatimable stores of wealth In the fine timber which until the present has remained practically untouchep. Some of the finest pine, cypres, poplsr, oak and othir grades of timber lu alLthe South lands are to be fonnd here. Ifhas been known that In the near future these Umber lands -vere going to be opened up, but not until last week did the mat ter come to a definite beginning. Ed Several prominent citizens, of New Bt ra were Interested in this v i. li able tract of land, and the sale of It waa no doubt a profitable transaction to all parties concerned. SUGGESTIONS FOR HEALTH. School Rooms and Public Buildings Should be Thoroughly Dis infected. Science haa revealed a good many un pleasant things for the good ot the hu man race. That is a paradoxical state ment bnt It it none the less true. To be plain on the matter we .mean that the theories advanced by physicians and bac terlologlstt on the question ot tne sour ces of disease are baaed on facts. People can not be too careful In this season when epidemics of colds, diphthe rht, typhoid fever and malaria are so prevalent about how well they keep their living rooms. Germs of the deadliest kind are to be found In the dust arising from sweep ing. In places where there Is sickness of any kind there is great need to keop the room where the patient is scrupu lously clean and properly disinfected In order to prevent the spread of the disorder. A gentleman told the Journal recently that boards of health were too derelict in their duty because they did not re quire the Boards of health to command janitors of school houses under their control to use a disinfectant while sweeping the tchool room. This Is a matter which needs attention as scholars assemble In the school rooms who come from homes where there is disease in one form or another and they unconsciously carry germs with them unites they use the greatest precaution themselves.' There la always need of a thorough cleansing In a room where pupils of all conditions are gathered together. It is Incumbent on the Board of Trus tees of the New Bern Graded school to promote and sustain the health of the school children to order a hygienic cleaning of the school room every day. The rule should apply to other public buildings where audiences gather. Kinston Free Press Items October 1st. Mr E W Chadwlck arrived from New Bern this morning to take a position With the Klntton f.umber Company as bookkeeper. Coroner R W Wooten and jury held an inquest over the body ot William Hough, the tramp who was drowned be low Klntton tome time ago and whose body was found at the mouth ot Stoning ton creek this week, and the verdiot was accidental drowning. The body was buried on the river bank near whete it was found. Mr Barney Garris, eon of Mr Ransrm Oarrit, ot near La Grange, while feeding his father's gin yesterday afternoon' hid hit hand caught In the saws and one arm wts cnt and mangled so horribly that it was necessary to amputate It above the elbow. The other hand, the left, which Mr Garris pot unconsciously to the right to extricate It from the' gin, waa alto badly lacerated, but can probably be saved. The young man It 85 vean old and has a wife and three small child ren. He It retting as well at possible to day. I live and let my brethren lire With all that's good with me. Unto the poor some cash I give, The balance 1 give Rocky Mountain Tat, F. S. Duffy. A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS MO SUBSTITUTE SHORT PASSING EVENTS. School opened yesterday with a very large attendance. The primary grades are especially well attended. Mr Ed Bowden and Miss Laura Bar dison were married at 8 o'clock last night st the home of the groom's father Mr F M Bowden. Rev G T Adams ptr formed the ceremonies. Dr H O Hyatt, cf Eioeton, came yes terday tnorniag, and Is at the Hotel ChattsVka. where he Is advertised to examine ml treat persons affilcted with diseases of the eye, e.r, etc. As a specialist, Dr Hyatt will remain until Thursday morning. IS.der Cbnrchlll who has be m holding mee lngs in Kinston during the past week, arrived it the city last night and wll duct a te: Iim of meetings in the Free Wll! Baptist chcrch on Spring Btieet. Their many friends in this city will be pleased to learn of the promotion of Miss Mary Brown and Miss Raebol Brown, who are holdlrg government positions la Washington City. Sted cotton sold on the local market yesterday at 8t cents. There will be no Echool today at either the white or colored graded schools. On account of the cLcus today there will doubtless be many persons In tov n who wm take advantage of the excite ment due to such occasions. Snettk thieves will be busy. Pickpockets will also ply their vocation crowds on the line of parade and at the show ground. It Is therefore wise to urge a'l to be on the lookout for crowds. The annual meeting of stockholders of the New Bein Building & Loan As sociation will bo held at City Hall Wed nesday Oct.5th at 8 p m. J R B Carra way, Secty. Mrt Mattle A Bray, while out driving yesterday afternoon lost a small brown hand satchsl containing a check for $83.17, payable to herself which the banks will please not cash if present ed. Forepaugbs & Sells Bros big clrcrs, which is one of the largest end best shows on the row), la advertised to show here November 17th Sixty cars are i es quired to transport the immense aggre gation. Mr Rlgdon Moon died at the residence ot his sod, 58 Grililt'i street, Sunday at noon. Mr Moore aral a native of Lenoir county and had not been living he'e very long. He was over 75 years of age The remains were Interred in Cedar Grove cemetery. Rev G T Adams con ducting the services. Six members of the Reforme l Men- nonita religious test arrived In the city last night and will participate in ser vices here this week. Blshow Lehman delivered the first sermon at the cotut house last night. The Goldsboro Lumber Company at Dover, hat purchased a motor car to run on their lines of railroads, for the convenience of officers of the company who have business over the roads. A trial run of the machine developed a tpeed of one mile i a a minute and ten seconds. Clubfoot Creek Mill Burned The tt.w mill located at Clubfoot foot Creek, which it the property of the Blm City Lumber Co, was totally de stroyed by fire Hunt ay morning at 4 o'clock. Fifty thousand feet of lumber were burned. The fire is supposed to have caught from the furnace and it wat beyond tny possible means of eonttol when discov ered. The loss was 4,r00 and there wat no insurance, Back to The Old Home. The O Marks building which was dam sged by fire a few weeka ago has been repaired and Simmons & Hollowell havo removed their dry goods to their old store and are ready to greet their friends and patrons. STOLEN From the house jf N P Wll- lis, near Vanceboro, last Saturday Oct 1, a gold hunting case watch, Walthtm movement. Number of oase 2708250 inriy dollars reward for the arrest and conviction ot thief. Don Willis. Curt A Remedy That No One Is Afraid To Take. Dr. Thacher'a Liver and Blood Syrup has been used in thousands of home for fifty-two years with perfect confidence and the most remarkable results. The great success of this remedy it doe to the fact that its formula (which con sists of Buchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellcw Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian, Senna and Iodide of Potassium) has been freely published. Doctors and Druggists everywhere do not hesitate to recommend a preparation which they know contains the best known remedies for correcting all irreg ularities of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood, and the diseases caused by the failure of these functions to perform their proper workT Thousands of sick ones to whom life has been a burden have written grateful letters that others might profit by their experience. - Bioomtko Gaove, Tax., Nor. It, 1901 II waa suffering terribly with Indijeotion ond kidney trouble and aent to my drugg-iat far aoraetnlng to relieve ma. Aa h. stmt me a package of Dr. Thacher'a Liver and Blood Syrup I concluded to try it, and now I am deeply grateful to my druggiat aa well ao to you. I had been a sufferer from theae thing a a ad a general run-down condition for ten years, and had only received temporary relief from other mediefnes. But after ualng not quite two packages of your Liver and Blood Syrup I feel aa atout and hearty as I ever did in my life, and I am satisfied that I am entirely cured. I feel no symptoms whatever of kidney trouble, and my digestion is aa good aa any living man' a. I can now eat whatever I chooae. I never had any remedy give me anch quick and permanent relief, ana I can not nut a cor rect eatimata on the value your medicine haa been to me. I would not take any amount of money for it. Very gratefully youra J.C. BROWN. If you nerd a nwdlHne write to-day tor free .ample bottle and "Br. Thmeher'e llralth Book?' Give eymptome for advioe. We sim) aafe you to try it at our ecc penmt We Know what it will do. for tale by all BruggUtotwomUem gO cente and 91.00. ibaouer xmeam co., Chattanooga, Tenn. NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET WnoLEA.LE PBICE8 CURRENT. -' Eggs, per dozen 20c Chickens, old per pair 00 " young, per pr 80 at 50 Pork, per lb 7 Live Hogs 4 &5 Beef, 67 Hides, green, per lb 5c " dry, " 8ft 10 Beeswax, " ....20 to 25 Corn, per biiBh, . . 75c Oats, " tWfcs Peanuts 85 Potatoes, Yams 70 Bahamas 60 Local Grain Market Corn, per bu $ .76 Oataperbn - .55 Meal, per bu 80 Bominy, per bu 77, Corn bran, per 100 lbs 1.00 Wheat bran, per " 1.50 Feed, 100 lbs 1.85 Cotton seed meal, 100 lbs 1.60 Cotton seed hulls, 100 lbs .60 Ship stuff 1.50 No. 1 Timothy , per ton 20 00 Kalsomirte . ji .hot ter, filthyZ rk, in whitV 1' .finely Se,-5?i? nastirv, aj iin-. c.enmb'?,?i S22 nu To nf.i; on. rt..r. W on. .no 8rau aniI I -'uniine h. - -- "ntror av.ir. I vermin ,a on ttTJZJ&f " I lnd tho tuKi8 f deadly a IT:1" wh.f tZ'-.?lP nalanm ;."-""" with I HaTtiS J tsw. Sold by E Wfc&aSwlSli Going lor Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Don't vat voxtrself in this man's nlaoe, bnt keep a bottle of this remedy in your home. There is nothing so good for Colic, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and Dian$oea. It is equally valuable for Summer Complaint and Cholera Infan tum and has saved the lives of more children than any other medicine in use. When reduced with water and sweet ened it is pleasant to take. You, or tome one of your family, am sure to need this remedy sooner or later ana when that time comes you will need it badly; you will rt" l nnlclrly. 'Why not buy if now an 1 for such an emergency? I' ,esixe,60o. MiftSarj ttaaialtoanw an druggists.. Drag Store. ntT-wT-O OOIXIT

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