HBP ieto Cent lltadklg Irarnal VOLOMl IXTI1. IIW BIRR, CRATII COUHTT, I. 0, TUESDAY, NOYEMBIR I. 1904 FIRST SECTION. NUMBER 5? -1 i i I: ; i New Arrivals of Silks. We Wat on Sale Monday Morning some special values in SILKS 80 Inch Black Taffetta Silk. Guarantee woven in edge of every yard $1 85 value for $1 00. 87 lack BlMk TaAetta , extra heavy q jality SI 85 grade for 95c. 84 imh Black Taffetla, worth $1 00, ipeclal at 75c. M Inch Black Annure ft 8 value for 85c. K Inob Black Dutchess, worth $1.86, special 95s. 86 Inch Black Peau de Bala, 61 50 veins for $1 85. 84 Inch Black Peau da Sale , very heavy quality worth $1 50, redox ductlon tale $1 85. Brown and changeable Gree : Diana Silk the price U only $ 1.00. Thete Sllki are all new. We Invite every lady to (aspect then . I.M.MITGHELL&CO Fresh Arrivals -AT- cMcDANIEL'S. Nice new Prunes, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Ap ples, Sun Dried Apples, Cape Cod Cranberries, Malaga Grapes, Becker's Prepared guckwheat, Old Fashion Plain Buckwheat, Freeh Oat Flakes, Grits, Rice, Shreded Cocoanbt, Sweet, Mixed and Plain Cucumber Pickles, Fresh C'tlerj, Od Fish and Ir bh Potatoes, Canned Goods of all kinds. We will thank you for a share of your trade and guarantee satisfac. ion. Yours to please, Wholesale A Retail ; Grocer, 'Phone 01. 71 Broad ft. 9 1 SORE FEET SORE HANDS One Night Treatment with ton Soak the feet or hands on retiring; in a strong, hot, creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, and anoint freely with CUTICURA OINTMENT,- the great Skin Cure and purest of emollients. Bandage lightly in old, soft cotton, or linen. For itching, burning,, and scaling eczema, rashes, in flammation, and chafing, for red ness, roughness, cracks, and fissures, with brittle, shapeless nails, this treatment is simply wonderful, frequently curing hv one night. Humor Cirm. con. Mini, nf l!l ITU '1 1 HA , Rcaoh-ent, SOc. (In form of Chocolate Coated: OMaMi So; I Fill,. I' m', per vial of 001, Ointment, .Wo. Depota: IT Ciiartcrhouae Nq.; Farii, ft Rue tie la Palat Boalon. 17 Coluuibua Ave. Potter Drug Cheui. Corp.. Sol Prnpa. gf Send for " Hot to Carp Etctj Humor." J. L. MAIL, WINTER GOATS ! The time is ripe for the buying of Winter coats. We have collected the best productions of the best makers and if you have a coat to buy, lor any member of the family, we strongly urge you to take a careful look throuh this handpome up-to-date collection. There is the buying satisfaction awaiting you here ot the very best kind. LADIES COATS. In the leading colors, finely tailored satin lined $10 value, special price $7 Beautiful Covert coats special values at $lo- Fine quality black cloth, satin lined $12.50. Misses Coats Beautlfulllne cf Missel and Children's Coats from $8 00 to tip 00 Time to plenisb the Towel Stock Toa stay bay few or as many ot there towels as you tee at, but this Mat: towels are not to be had at these prices always. Very Special Talne. All Linen Towel 18x36 inch 10c. All Llntn 81x44 Inohe 18f c. A Special Lot of Una Towels, worth up to 10;. Special price We. ikmm CONSECRATION OF BISHOP STRANGE. An Important Ecclesiastical Ceremony To Take Place at Wilmington Today. Kev Robert Strange, D D, who w na recently elected Bishop Coadjutor of ; East Carolina Diocese will be con secrated to his new office at Bt James church at Wilmington today, The) oc casion will be impressive and th cere mony elaborate. It will be attended and rticlpated in by many prominent mini Inters and bishops, Many clergymen of other denomination are also expected Dr Strange Is the fourth bishop tbi.t the city ot Wilmington furnished to-th Episcopal church, the other three belt g Bishops Davis of South Carolina, Green of Mississippi, and Watson of North Carolina. It is expected that Bishop Wateon will be in good health enough to attend the ceremonies. The sermon will be delivered by lit Rev A M Randolph, Bishop ot Southern Virginia. SB1HD1FININ cum. J,. SucH a Condition of North Carolina Farmers EIGHTH ANNUAL CONVENTION A MATTER OF HEALTH GovttMr Ayeock an Speaking Trip. Laval Tax Levy For Schools. Ix-Confederate's Funeral. Rural Pre De liveries, Raleigh, ' Oct 81. Governor Ayeock went to Clinton today to speak. He will not return here until after the elec tion. While on this speaking tour he will be heard at Hagerftown, and Balti more next Friday and Saturday. A number of new rural free delivery carriers are appointed, these being the following: Hobgood, B S Pender; Gran ite Falls, Grant Miller; Bahama, E G Harris; Grover, John Q White; Windsor, three, J J Dempsey, John W Gale and William E Brown, Jr: Aulander, two S O millford, Claude P Newcomb; Macon, two, MW Drake, J E Shaw. Postmaster Bailey says North Carolina Is not unfairly treated in regard to the nnmterof carriers, but gets Its fair pro portion. He laid the monthly payment to thote in the State now exceed forty thousand dollars. Today the number of carriers reached 774. The efllcial of the United State Dis trict court went to Wilmington todsy. The docket there contains no important cases, ft Is said. Division Superintendent Hudson of the Seabcard Air Line railway is sick with diphtheria at hi home here. State Superintendent Joyner says the number ot school districts which have levied local tax today reached 380. Next year this matter will be pressed with great v'gor. The farmers are Jo good spirits and financial condition generally. The reg ister of deed here says that they are cancelling mortage and documents of that kind and are tlso able to hold cot ton to an extent heretofore unknown. This is regarded as very favorable Indi cation ot their statu. The funeral of Capt J W Lee, a well known ex-Confederate Veteran of this city was held this afternoon from his home. He was for a number of years chief of police ot Raleigh and for a long time was in China and Japan a a rep resentative ef the American Tobacco Company. News in a Nutshell. BRITISH BOATS PATROL Take no Chance. Russians Fear Quiet of Japanese Means Out burst. Gibraltar, Oct, 3i-The British Beet has been ordered to patrol the straits and Intercept all British collier and bring them here. Tbeyhave also been ordered to escort mall boats. St. Petersburg, Oct 31 Sunday passed quietly at the front. The Japanese for ces apparently have some move on foot, bat it exact object 1 unknown. A flanking movement is dally expected. United Daugbttrs . f the Confederacy Meet at Pa) etievllle. The convention which has b-tn recently held at Fa etteville 1 die eighth annual convention of the Unl td Daughter of Confederacy, and one that will ever be remembered by those v. t o were entertained at the old historic city of Fayeitevllle. Thl convention proved to be one of the most Interesting, which has been held, a many Important .in jects were discussed and the matters settled. The meetings were held In the Knlgb.it of Pvthlas hall, the wall of which for the occasion were adorned wlih Con federate flags and portraits of the brave heroes, who gave up their lives for the cause. The sessions were held every day irom 10 a m to one p m, and In the after noon and evening teas, receptions and other functions occupied the remainder of the time. Wednesday evening a receplloi was given to the delegates by the J E B Stuart chapter of FajeltevMri at tho K of P Hall. Thursday evening the Fay- etteville Independent Light Infantry gave a reception followed by a ball. Thursday afternorn, Mr Hubert Lutter loh gave a tea at her home on Bay Mount Hill. Frld.ty afternoon the J E B Stuart chapter gave a drive to Tokay, four miles from Fayetleville, which Is the home of Col and Mrs W J Green where delegates were received at tea. Throughout the social function the beautiful chrytthemuns for which Fay- etteville is nottd were in special evl dence in the decorations. The fact that Fayeitevllle had only two weeks notice would never have been surmised by the delegates, who were present, for the utmost hospitality was extended on all sides, so that the vlaitors felt perfectly at home, and were able to feel that the courtesies shown were from the generous heart of tbeir entertainers. It was a convention which will ever be most pleasantly re membered by those fortunate enough to have been there. At the convention the following of ficers were elected: President, Mrs H A London, Pitts- boro; First-Vice President, Mr Hunter G. Smith, Fsyetteville; Second Vice President, Mr W S Parker, Henderson; Third Vice President, Miss Sue Tate Morganton; Recording Secretary, Mrs Williams. Newton; Corresponding Secre tary, Mrs G P Alston, Pittsboro; Treas urer, Miss Mary Oliver, New Bern; Register, Mrs A L Smith, Charlotte; Historian, Miss Rebecca Cameron, Hills boroj item 4KlN POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS MO SUBSTITUTE SHORT PASSING EVENTS. SHOT IN SELF-DEFENCE List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at New Beta. Craven county N. C. Oct. 31 1904: HEN'S LIST. Today IUi Robert Strange, D D, will be consecrated Bishop Co-Adjutor of the East Carolina Diocese of the Proti :s- tant Episcopal church, at St .Ian; its church, Wilmington. Marie Corel II haa won the fight for the preservation of the Shakespeare relic? at Stratford. Ths motion to pull down-' the cottages, was defeated by two vote. The Confederate monument erect ed by theU D O waa unveiled at Tsrborro, Sunday, General JS Carr being -the orator of ths day. Well informed circles hesr that t he Czet will Usue a manifesto next woike granting almost complete freedom to the Russian press. Over 100 Indians have died ef scarlet fever, which 1 reglng north ol Selkirk, Mont. To Former Pupils. Editor Journal: There has passed from the scenes of iw irni wuu came into ne lite OI many ot the citizens of Ne w Bern. For more than fifty years Ml Baohel Brook field hes been a teacher n our ended chools and her faithful? je and gentle ness Inspired a feeling ot kae to spring within the hearts of alh who, .came under her benign influence ra. teacher. In appreciation ot her otwer ceasing; and untiring efforts ha the. schools, I a) one ot the many who haw tad the ad vantage ot her guMit.g hand, ask all her old pupils to Qontnibut to a fund to raise a suitable morjumea to her mem ory. I believe the response to this call will be generous and will commend Itself to everyone whowjasher nek. kav In days gone by. A popular mntritmtlon will net a good SOm tor at hanriamna n rial, and a to start th e list I stave In the Journal's hand one .foliar. Ail those who wish to express that anaceolatlon and love for out dent mad teacher hand Death of Hiss Rachel Brookfield. There was a feeling of profound sor row in the city Sunday when the an nouncement of the death of Miss Rachel Brookfield at Moreanton was announc ed. The news, however, was not nnex pected. as it hsd been known for some time that she was failing and that her malady was incurable. Miss Brookfield had no email part in forming the character of the citizens of New Bern. Although a teacher may be said to do so indirectly she was an Import ant factor in planting influences and im presslons In the minds of the young which will sorely develop in later life For more than fifty years she held the the position of teacher In the graded school and not one ot her students ever left hea tender care without a feeling of re ret and leaving an expression of love. Her memory bears the sweet In cense ef happy school days In the m'nds of many hundred New Bern people at home and abroad. Her remains were brought to the city yesterday morning and placed in the Presbyterian church where the funeral was hold at halt past three o'clock. A large number of friends of the deceased were p-esent to pay their last respect to on whom they loved. The stu dents of the graded school attended in a body The services were conducted by Rev H 8 Bradshew and the Interment was mads In Cedar Grove Cemetery. Sold Liquor on Sunday. James Johnson and James Dudley ware arretted Sunday nUht by officer Lupton on the charge of selling llquo on the street on Banner. They were given a preliminary hearing at five o'clock last night by the Mayor and were bound over for trial In the Super ior Court under $100 bond each. in yoat office. A Robert Arjge, J M Arthur. B John Branch' care W A C O & Co, F A Bell, Hutart Brown 89 W 28 St, Moses Boun. C Rev J T Clark, Webster Campbell, C Crawdes, T W Crowder, E Mrs Ellison. F Roscoe Fulcher. G J B Gaskel, Eddie Green, H C M Hill, Rev Carr M Hughes. I Hervey C Ipock, H O Ipock 8. J W A Jones. M E D More 14 Spring St, John Mc- K'ean, Gen Del. O Dock Outlaw. R W F Rose, G R Rose. S Willie Stanford care John Cooper, Forest Smith, J M Smith, SJ Shopper, Samuel Simmons. T Frank Thompson. W J J Washington 2 Gas St, John Wall 11 Camen St, OB Wethering ton, Duff Wiggins R F D t, J P Wood, Mary White (D Lj Edward White WOMEN'S LIST. H Miss Ana Huti . M Mrs Edud Murrell. B Mrs Msggle 1 Mirth. 8 Mrs Sarah Sellers R F D 2 U Mrs T N Underwood. W Miss Llller Webb, Mrs Nancy Wright. George Carraway Avoids Death by Killing Negro Bent on Murder. 7 here was a tragic affair on the old Judge Green farm, eleven miles from New Bern Saturday night, and a resn l Jesse Bond a negro Is dead and Join Carraway has a painfel It not serlocs gun shot wound In the leg. The cause of the affair lies in the fact that Barnes had been discharged from the service of George Carraway who re cently bought the farm and the negro was bent on revenge. Be had been em ployed by Mr Carraway for six or eeven j ears having come from Greene county with Mr Carraway. He had been a very good help but lately had become over bearing and In many ways very disagree able, so that It was necessary to dis charge him. From tbat time the negro had been uglier than ever and made many threats how he waa going to "do" Cariaway. It la said that early on the day of the killing he showed a razor with which he was going to cut Carraway' throat. Saturday night the negro went to Mr Carraway' house armed with a shot gun. When Mr George Carraway came out the door Barnes attempted to shorn him but was prevented by Mr John Oar raway who struck the gun away and re ceived a charge of duck shot lr his leg, The negro was in the act of putting another shell in the gun with the pur pose of again shooting at Carraway when the latter ehot the negro with his rifle, the ball penetrating the side just above the hip. A blood vessel was rup tured or an artery severed for the man lived only a few moments after being hit by the ball. Dr Street was telephoned for to attend Mr John Carraway and the Sheriff depu tlzed him to empanel a jury and hear the evidence pertaining to the negro's death The jury rendered a verdict of juatlfia ble homicide. Mr Carraway was arretted and was given a bearing in Justice 8 R Street office last night. He was heli under $1,000 bond for trial this afternoon The adjournment was made in order t-- have necessary witnesses present at the trial. The sympathy Of the whole communt ly is with Mr Carraway and everybody says that he acted only In self defense. The negro's boast i and threats were enough to put the men on their guard against an attack by him. Seed cott n sold on the local matket yesterday Uj cents. Trie negro Murks Havens, who was arrested Ssta day for larceny and carry Ing c novated weapon waa taken before the major at 10 o'clock yesterday aad put under $50 bond for trial la the Superior court. Being unable to for nUh bond he was committed to JalL Rev E K Gillespie, cf Greensboro, Sup. rlctecdent of Synodical Missions of the Preabyteiian church preached la the local church Sunday and Delivered iwo line and much appreciated ser mons. Mts John Waters received a check for $8,001 yesterday, the amount of the in sure ice policy be d by bor late husband, Capt Jno Waters to the Royal Arcanum. Boys smoking t igarettes cansel a fire In some cottcn standing on the cotton exchange platform Sunday afternoon. The fire department was railed and soon put the fire out, but not before four bale Were injured. On account of increasing business in he manufacture of guano. Messrs E H and J A. Meadows have been obliged to build an addition on their factory on East Front street,' 200 feet long by 60 60 feet wide. ,T G Dunn & Co, pat another large pane of plate glass in their store front yesterday to replace the one broken some weeks ago. Chairman E M Green was busy yes terday seeing. to th j proper distribution of the election ballots for Craven coun- Frlces on cotton In the local market yesterday ranged from 9.12$ to 9.46, Nlcsy Brock, quit jail last Thursday and seemed to like life so welrthat she was up before the mayor yesterday for disorderly c induct. She was fined five dollars and costs or 20 days in jatl. Jim Hat sell another disorderly was let off with the costs, Revival Meetings Begin. Revival meetings commenced Sunday at the Centenary Methodist Church un der the charge of the pastor, Rev G T Harry I Adams. The congregations thus far have been very large and considersble Interest manifested. Tne meeting will be continued for some time and the pas tor wtil preach every night. The ladles hold prayer meeting every afternoon at halt past three. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services. Firemen's Dance at Kinston. The Firemen's Square Dance which wss held at Kinston last Friday night was a success. The event was long anticipated by the lovers of the terpslohorean pleasure and anticipations were tally resllz- NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET WHOLESALE FRIGES CURRENT. Eggs, per dozen ,. 19e Chickens, old per pair 65 " young, per pr 40 & 60 Pork, per lb 7 & 8 Live Hogs 6 & 6 Beef, " 6 4 7 Hides, green, per lb 6cWty dry, " 8 10 Beeswax, " 20 to 88 Corn, per bush 75e Oats, " 670 Peanuts -85 Potatoes, Yarns 70 Bahamas M Local Grain Market Corn.perbu $.60 69 Oats per bu 60 Meal, per bu .80 Hominy, per bu 80 Oorn bran, per 100 lbs ,80 Wheat bran, per " L40 Peed. 100 lbs L$S Cotton seed meal, 100 lbs 1.60 Cotton seed hulls, 100 lbs j80 Ship stuff 1 JO No. ITimothy, per ton 80 0 ) of each advertised letter. 8. W. Hancock, P. Persons calling for the above letter will please say advertised and give date of their list. en. Th relations now reoulre that (1 one The flnancUl uoces was alio a nota 0 I . . AAAIl V - J . cunt .ball he collected on the delivery Die one: over zw oemg mauo The music, which was iurnisnea oy Levin's splendid orchestra, of Raleigh, was especially adapted to the occasion and the "Virginia Reel" and similar old fashion pieces were listened to by those who had almost forgotten them, with great pleasure The amusing feature wss the assistance rendered the orchestra by old Frank Baker, who with his fiddle stood at the platform arradged for the must oiaus and sawed through ihe pieces with a much seriousness and attention as If he were the whole thing. We are Informed that there will be another Square Dance In Kinston about Christmas time, whioh, we are Informed bv the manager, Miss Sybil Hyatt, will eclipse the dance of Fri lay night. Church Dedication. The new Christian Church at Dover dedicated Sunday in the presence ot a large number of worshippers. Rev. L Snl rely , of Bt Louts preached the tar BOB. Some Ancient Documents There is an Interesting relic on exhib Ition at F B Daffy' drag store. It con sists of a frame containing four aocu menu issued while this State was a col ony and under the control of the Eng lish government. The documents are all commissions ap pointing one John Blmpson, ot ntt county to various offices, both military and civil. On one of the papers the name ot Wm Tryon, who occupied the "Palace" on George street is the appoin tee, That one was signed November SO, 1786; others were signed July 81, 1767; March 48, 1771, and November 80th, 1771. A Remedy That No One Is Afraid To Take. Dr. Thacher' Liver and Blood Syrup has been used' in thousands of homes for fifty-two years with perfect confidence and the most remarkable results. The great success of this remedy is due to the fact that its formula (which con sists of Buchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Saraaparilla, Gentian, Senna and Iodide of Potassium) has been freely published. Doctors and Druggist everywhere do not hesitate to recommend a preparation tvhich they know containe the best known remedies for correcting all irreg ularities of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood, dtid the diseases caused by the failure of these functions to perform their proper work Thousands of sick one to whom life has been a burden have written grateful letters that others might profit by their experience. y BLOoxmo Oaova, Tax., Nor. IS. 1901 I' was auffcring terribly wlli ladimtioa and kidney trouble and seat to my araggist rat something to reliew mo. A n lm .f m. nark.cre of Sr. TtMCBCr'S t.iver and Blood Syrup I concluded to try IL mid now I am deeply grateful to my drogftit as well ua to you. , 1 had Deen a auncrur n um inm .mug- - feneral run-down condition fbr tea nan, hnA nniv rrrrlvrd temoorarT relief from ..i her .medicines. But after using mot qattt two mcknges of your Livtr and Blood Syrup I rati as to5t and hearty a. I ever did In my 1, aad I am satisfied that I am entirely cured. I feet no aymptoma wnaterer or aiuncy irowsic,nm ray digestion is as good aa any living man'a. 1 cun now ear wiiaiever i tuuw. i never had anv remedy give tt and permanent relief, and I can not put a reel esumaie on mc mc yws. wvwwm been to me. I would not take any amottl money for It. Yry graieiuuy youra A free Dottle of Dr. Thacher' s Liver and Blood Syrup will be sent to any reader of thia paper who will write to the Thacher The experimental piece ofmaoads salting on Graves street between Middle and Queen streets is completed. It Is good sample of improved road and is the best in the city. The citizens ear nestly hope to see every street in the city in just the condition that this little I never had any remedy give me such quick 31 te J. C. BROWN. If vou need a mr.d) free amp(e bottle , OMM y mptewtf - 'in prune. We know x for Kile by nil em.it and $1.00. xaACBMM MXMOXXM CO., ChatU m Know One Bum 1 tamswrtaaUeolrt. lUnamlal S rarinl 111 J. II. N.

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