t Journal volomi mu. IIW BIRR, CKATII COUITY, I. C, FRIDal, HOVKMBIK 11, 1904 SICWl) SECTION. Nl'MBKR GG Bern NORTH CAROLINA Blankets W"4, alt wool, Hhtte or gray, $350 lt-4 $4.75 12-4 $5.50 Mercerized Down Comforts 12-4 $4.00 IJ.fflTCBELL&CO PHONE 288. 42 Pollock St.. Ovvosite Post-office. I iOMMMM JUS! RECEIVED Sour kraut, mince meat, seeded raisins, citron, new prune?, evaporated peaches and apples, new lot Hamj'i small hams and breakfast strips, macaroni and cheese, aw.et and sour pickles, cranberries, banannas, nice Baldwin apples 30o pk, finest quality malaga grapes 20c lb, self raising buckwheat old fashion buckwheat, new oaL. flakes, brown sugar So lb, chocolate 10c and 20o per cake, very best quality; complete stock fresh canned goods. A big stock to select from. Qual ity the very highest Prices as low as possible. We will thank you for your patronage and do our best to please you. CRAVEN COUNTY'S tOTE The Result of the Labors of Canvas? ere. Coon 0 Board of house at 11 o'clock laid Tuesday. The townships and pre- A MATTER OF HEALTH The Canvassing Board of Election! cocvened at the yesterday and nessed in review on the result of the electl Board Wat composed of the clerks of election in the various cincts of the county. The National Republican ticket, it will be observed, was voted quite a good deal more than waa the State Republican ticket. There was mora "acr.tchlng' than hat been done in an election for many years. In some caset some of the candidate! ran behind the rest of the candidates on their ticket fully 150 votes Below we cite the result of the election lu the city by Wards and also or tne townships and preclude of the county. Mr E 8 Street waa chairman and Mr Al fred Gasklna was secretary.; Electoral vote: Parker 240: Rooaevelt SS: State ticket. Glenn 258. Harris 45. The balance of the State ticket received s corresponding; vote except Grimes who got 858. County ticket Wate8, Grtffla, republican 50, Fulcher 856, Jones 257, J W Biddle 256, Ernnl 214, Wadsworth 258, Richardson 258, Poy 251, Harvey 207, Bar rlngton 127. Electoral vole: Parker 56, Roosevelt 6, Glenn 57, Hsrrls7. Bute ticket wss voted straight. The County ticket received 65 votes with no oppoaltion. TKU1ITB. Electoral ticket: Parker 120, Roosevelt 21, Glenn 129, Harris 8; the State tick et was voted without alteration, 0UYSM. Parker 87, Roosevelt 28, Glenn 96, Harris 22. A. few of the candidates were chan eed from the regular majorities. The oomnty ticket was in the proportion of 99 Democratic and 17 Republican votes. Prfeer m HnnuBvelt .27. Glenn 94. Uarrls 24. The State ticket WSS voted without any changes. The county ticket gave some evidence of splitting but the ratio of 105 to 11 did not vary s great deal. FT. BARNWELL. Parker 115, Roosevelt 6, Glenn 115, Herrts 7. Bute and County tickets were votnl straight. TAYLORS STORK. Psrker 19, Roosevelt 6, Glenn 24, Harris 8. State and County tickets voted without change. LEE'S FARM. Psrker 58, Roosevelt 2, Glenn 58, Harris 2. State and County tickets wera vo ted straight. THDRMAN. Parker 21, Roosevelt 11, Glenn 12. Harris 10, 8tate and County tlckete were vo tad straight except that R P Wllllsms received 23 votes and W R Barrington II for Commissioner. Wholesale aft Retail Grocer, JAMAH Sm 'Phone 91. 71 Broad Ht New Arrivals New Line of Furs in the New Styles for Ladies, Misses and Children All Priced Low. Ladies Sweaters. VERY SPECIAL, All wool, in cardi nal and white, at $2.00 POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS MO SUBSTITUTE CITY. CANDIDATES. President Paiker Roosevelt Governor Glenn Harris Congress. Thomas Robinson,. Legislative. D L Ward WL Arendell J S Basnlght J M Mewborn O H Gnlon L J Taylor Sheriff. JssW Bddle John Biddle Coroner. R D V Jones Treasurer. F S Ernnl 0 B Hill Surveyor. Pulcher Register of Deeds. Geo B Waters - J B Griffin County Commissioners. Wadsworth Richardson Poy .'. Harvey Barrington Williams Hunter Hmsllwood HcLawhorn Beard ... any Parker 9, Roosevelt 0. State and Conn- tlcaeis were vowu wu change. A , .T. Parker 84. Roosevelt 6. Glenn 86, Hsrrlal. State and Connty tlckels voted straight. ..ODOT sj iOA Jl J n.-i fwt t LLtA kA nu.H qo nrr. 17. Stftto ticket voto 1 strftlclit; Oil th.c?un7yck.T receiving from 90 to 95 vote. "2 Sli ts'gla'S u'Sii S3 S s 'Sic. Sejffr Bs$pksT P-S 124 197 139 112 20 16 9 24 28 17 7 128 02 144 118 19 16 6 19 17 15 4 198 BOS 144 120 33 16 IMI 8 2 125 208 144 118 28 16 08 19 119 28 16 8 16 144 10 2 16 19 10 2 124 210 144 120 28 16 5 14 19 8 2 128 208 144 118 28 16 5 16 19 10 2 128 208 144 118 23 16 125 208 141 117 22 16 8 16 22 11 2 128 208 144 US 28 16 126 209 142 120 21 16 5 15 20 10 2 16 126 204 141 115 21 16 125 204 188 116 20 16 125 208 187 118 20 15 124 200 138 116 21 16 91 180 128 88 19 88 86 38 36 3 10 31 24 11 8 7 29 23 11 3 6 16 20 11 8 7 16 20 11 8 State Press on Election. The Democrats made a strong fight and loat. The country ii not necessari ly going to the dcmnitlon-wow-wowc We look for It to s'ill prosper and grow rich, to increase In National greatness and In Internationa' Importance Neith er Mr Roosevelt nor the Republican party could check Its onward march If they desire to do so. Wilmington Mes senger. The chief cause of Judge Parkere'a de feat Is not dne to him or t the psrty plstform or the management of the r am patgn. but to conditions not controlled by any body of men. The Industry and thrift of the people lias brought geneial prosperity to the country. Mr Rooae velt has contributed nothing to It, but it has prospered In spite of his policies Notwithstanding that fact, when men are employed and getting on pretty well the advice to "stand pat," accompanied by the promise of a "square deal" has weight with the voters. Raleigh News & Observer. Because the country Is prosperous under a kindly Influence of an all-pro tooting Providence taken In connection with the energy and thrift of an enlight ened people the voters of this republic have decided to "stand pat" for the next four years. That Is the whole thing; In a nut shell. Klnston Free Press. Oh! Hell. Durham Herald. Anyhow the doubtful States are not hopelessly republican. Another time the .Democrats will do better. Just bound to be their inning some time Greensboro Telegram. GUM ROW. and Coun ty tickets ROOSEVELT 343 AWnSTICB AT PORT ARTHUR Borne Tremendous Republican Plursi- ttes, Solid South Broken. New York, Nov 0. The solid South was broken by the probable defection Of Missouri -this section of the country usually having 13 States in the Demo cratic column. The figures tonight show bat IS States, with 183 votes for Judge Parker. President Roosevelt carried! all the Northern States swept then, In fact snd tonight he had 343 electoral votes. The banner State la Pennuylvanla. Twenty four hours after the polls closed the returns from this state indicated that Roosevelt's plurality would reach 485,000. Next came Illinois, where the President polled approximately 226,000 more votes than did Judge IPsrker. Ohio gave Roosevelt 200,000 and. New York 174,000. A specialist who has made it a atndy says three is an alarming increase la feeble minded people and that their class should be coloafaed in oader t! check the growths. SULPHUR'S READY AID Japanese Steadily Assaulting Fortress Havoc From One Shell. TokicHov 10. It Is reported that Gen Stosssel in command of the Russian troops, st Port Arthur, has asked for an armistice. The purpose of bis request la not stated. The Japanese are said to have been inflamed by the Russian khnu nf tha Jaoaneae wounded, and it is therefore hoped Btoessel will ospitn lata to prevent the Japanese troops from avenging these reported indigni ties. Rome. Nov 10.-A dispatch to the Glordale dl Roma from Toklo saya the bombardment of Port Arthur by the I Japanese under General Nogl is pro ceeding without interruption, r repa rations he adds are oa loot tor a iresn, general ataeult- CheeFoo, Nov 10 A shell on No vember 6th, demolished aland mine at of the Port Arthur forte and be tween six and seven hundred Russians were killed and wounded. There no longer seems to be sny doubtful States, If yesterday's election lstsken to mean anything. With the exception of the South, all the country seems to be on the Republican aide. Wilmington Dispatch. If Roosevelt hsd only hsd the good judgment to have kept the negro out of his csmpalgn and out of hit platform, the solid South would today be broken, a consummation devoutly to be desired. Raleigh Times. The presidential election la lost to the Democrats, but many Democratic States have won victories that mesn much, very much, and will, in a large measure, com' pensate for the loss of the National ticket Winston Journal. WIRBGR SS. NovessVr 8. Mr Alonzo Thomas of Beaufort spent Saoday here: RevJRJennett -pent San jay wito MrD W Hu nnlngs. Misses Emma and Mabel Dlcklaaon went to Beaufoit Monday. Messrs Qrover and Horace Hardest of II at In we spent Sunday afternoon here. The Virgil returned from New Burn Friday with a cargo for our people. Hon J R C.lloway and a few county officers made lectures here Monday even lug on Democracy. Rev V 1) Swindell will conluct ser vice at Bethel church here Sauday at 3 pm. The evening of Nov 5th from 7 to 10 o'elock was delightfully enj yed at the home of Misses Lets and Vera Uardesty where a Birthday Social was given in their honor. They entertained their nuny friends with games and jakee un til 9 30, then confectlonaries and cream was served, after which the merry party dl.banded and went to their respective homes, Especially did the party that went on the wagon erjsy the occasion. INEZ. Harlowe and N. Harlowe. Nov 9, Our election yesterday passed off very quietly. A small vote was cast, hut the results were about the usual majority for tbe whites. Messrs John S. Morton and J H Elliott spent last Sunday in New Bern on bual ness. Mr James Weekf, who has been work log lor forae time at Wlnthrop, has re turned home and has taken work with tbe Blades mill. Miss U-fsie Morton spent a few days visiting rela'ives at Riverdale last week. Dr C N Mason went to Beaufort Mon day making a short visit to his father, Mr J H Mason who Is still ou the sick list. Mrs John S. Morton spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at River dale. Mr Boomer of Morehead City one of our nleasant commercial men was here to see our merchants last Mon day, Mrs Dan G. Bell came yesterday from Morehead City to spend the week with her parents. Mrs Jane Harner, who has been vlsftinz at Newport returned Sun day. Messrs A J Barbour and Joseph A Morton scent Monday lu New Bern on business. J as R. Bell Esq, and Mr T R Mason are snendlne the day In New Bern on business. Mrs W A Bell hsve gone to New Bern today to do some shopping. OLIVERS. DOLLAR HUMOR CURE FromPimples to Eczema From Infancy to Age To those who have suffered long and hopelessly from Humors of the Blood, Skin, and Scalp, and who hsve lost faith in doctors, medicines, and sU things human, CUTICURA Soap, Ointment, and Pills appeal with a force hardly to be realized. Every hope, every expectation awakened by them has been more than fulfilled. More great cures are daily made by them than by all other Skin Remedies combined, a single set, costing but one dollar, being often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases of tortur ing, disfiguring humors, eczemas, rashes, itchings, and Inflammations of the skin and scalp, with loss of hair, when all else fails. Sold throughout the world. Cuticura Soap. 35c., Oliit-mt-nt, Hh, lie-solvent, SOc. (In form of Chocolate Coated ri ... ' uc-r vial or (SO). Depot: London, V Charter house Sri.; Paris, SRuedelaPalx; Boston, 1ST Columnut A.e. PottiT Drug it Chem. Corp., Sole Prop.. Mr Send lor "All About the Skin ami Scalp." ,m to m Is Estimated Democratic Majority In State. It sounds well to say that the people didn't want a change nohow; but it ia nearer the truth to say that divided and indifferent lmpecuniosity will always stand a poor show In combat with organ lzed. united and Interested money. Ral elgh Post. November 8. Mr and Mrs J P Harper, Jr., of New Bern hsve been visiting Mr J T Harper Sr., and family. Miss Bertie Heath gave an entertain ment Saturday night consisting of con fectlonaries and plsys. Every one seem ed to enjoy it. Mr snd Mrs Phineaa Turner of near New Bern visited friends here Sun day. Mr Willie Higgins of Low attended services at Oak Grove Sunday. MrsJT Heath and daughter, Bertie went to Trenton Monday. Messrs J C Parker and B R Hender son went to Trenton Monday, Crjps are nearly all harvested now. Sweet potatoes are right nice. Uncle Josh wants to see some more items from Long Branch and other pla ces, for it seems as If they had stopped writing entirely. Dr H R Parke; is having a nice little house built on his place near Oliver cross roads. We suppose it is a tenant house. UNCLE J08H The outlook for the psrty at this time Is gloomy Indeed, and unless some new Moses shall arise to lead the faithful out of the wilderness it is hard to ssy what the future contains. Ashevllle Citi zen. chronic stomach trouble We take it the neonle by their ballots or Tablets. Jf o uuny yesterday meant to express to President Roosevelt that they hold him to have worn worthily the mantle of McKinlev ; w .,.. kniri hi. (a h i man of I Oor f ootball team went to Chocowin- eharaoter and ability second to none; Ry Monday and played the Trinity Winston Not Scratched Very Much. Building for Wake Forest College Labor Bureau Statistics of Interest. . ' Raleigh. Nov 10. At Democratic headquartera here It la said that Francis D. Winston will run very closely with the other nominees on Democratic ticket and that he will not.be over a thousand behind it, notwithstanding some at tempts to scratch his name. Prof. J B Carlyle who baa been raising funds for the alumni building at Wake . Forest College was here today, and said he had secured (10,000 this being at the rate of over a thousand dollars a week. Tbe Republicans are confident of the election of Blackburn in tueStb. district. jjjs? i ine democrats were pretty oiue aoout It yesterday and the figures looked very bad Indeed. The Republlccns are now saying that the Democrat Ic majority in the State will not go over 40,000. Cer tainly a conservative estimate is 45,000. The Republicans are boasting that Roosevelt got more votes in the South than McKlnley did. They add that ha led their State ticket in all Eastern North Carolina. State Treasurer Lacy is expected to return here on the 20lh Inst from Arizona. Today some Interesting Information was given out by the State labor bureau regarding trades in this State, their Mrs John Wesley, St Louls-Hollister's ayeraie wages, etc, 28 per cent of the Rocky Mountain Tea is the greatest n"u reports my ,n0lr wages nava tonic I have ever used; cured me of N B H A NOTES been Increased, while S per cent show a 86 cents, Tea decrease, 73 per cent made full time and zo per cent worn overtime, 85 per cent report cost of living increased, 65 per cent favor a ten hour day , 9 per cent a nine hour day, 5 percent an eleven hour day and 31 per cent an 8 hour day, 89 per cent favor fining a days work by law and 11 per cent oppose it, 90 per cent report financial conditions good. that they approve of his life and conduct school there. We suffered defeat by a . j i. ..Ml. ek.f m K J arnrn nf 44 to 0. but OUT boVS showed in pnww .uu m imv,., ... - - - v..l48Mr cant fair. !Sm.r..ta, .-11 n.Mo o-rwprnmint to h liu P.f. eOOO DlUCK. ninoi our piayera iiau i ' ' r" i...,.nnati ofnaace nroaneritv never been in the game before and con- Pcentad, 87 per cent report im J ' r ' r . I .. j i n-v-l nrovement in edurtit nn. OT . Gazette I seoueniiy ueaeryo some auotvaute. iu ' 1 r Trinity boys were very kind to na and ""OI eaucauon ana is per entertained us royally. eom oppose h,o per cent work by the The name was wltneaaed by a good a,' " Per wm "y tne week, la par .. mw . . 1 oAnf ho liin 4nK T Ma . V al.. many people rrom mue wasmng-i" and happiness. Asheville News. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, Nature' Greatest Germicide, cures Itch, plarees prickly heat, burns, aoalda, canker and soreness of scalp, eyelids, month, and throat. THe rf ,ht remedy to always la th medicine ejat At druggists guasertaUy. Ash for hawkltrk of Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co, Balti more, Md. ; ' assiij .. , ftodol Dy spepsia ft Th .rear struggle of life is "rat for bread, then the butter on the bread and last sugar on the batter. Doesn't Respect Old Are. Its ehesaeful when youth falls to show proper respect for old age, but jut the eoataary in the case of Dr King's Pew Ufa FUli. They eat off maladies no sasttar how severe and irrespective of old ace, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipation ail yield to this perfect PHI 88a, at all drag store. ta poof pue n e,wanua wirfadtlp tpspawst 'aawnsoowq, sag The cause is plsin prosperity. The people ate satisfied and when Mark Hanna promulgated the motto, "let well enough alone," he hit it clearly; this ia what did the work. Naturally the pec pie are not eager for a chance without a cause. What they call a cause is some thing that hits their pockets, something they feel directly every day. The aitn atlon is just this ss long as times are good under. Republican administrations just so long will that party remain in power. Greensboro Record. month, 1 p. r cent each by the piece, by will be played her lue ye" ,nQ ov lne nonr Pr ton. A return game Monday afternoon. We truat there will be a good crowd to see the game The Trinity boys are splendid play ers. are paid weekly, 18 per cent monthly, 87 per cent favor weekly payments. A novel feeling of leaping, bounding Impulses got through your body. You teal young, act young, and are yonng after taking HoUiater'a Rocky Moun-' all druggists. tain Tea, Patty. Herb W Edwards Injured. Herb W Edwards of Dee Molnes.Iowa got a fall on an ley walk last winter, spraining his wrist and bruising his knees. " me next aay," he says, "they were so sore and stiff I was afraid I would have to stay la bad, bnt I rubbed them wall with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and after a few applications all ioreoeee had dlaai poured." For Bale by In Missouri Polk St Louis, Mo., Nov turns show-tha K i nor by a asa)tftv , sand and the im;; velt has carried tL ; sand. and Roosevelt. it) iipsourl is I i ed Gover - f rty thou- ihat Roose t uy four thou- 85 centa, Tea or Tablets. F Makes children eat, Makes mother strong Makes a healthy famllj He 88 sleep and glow.

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