THE WEEKLY JOURNAL im Pub baaed In Two Section, mrj Taas- say wt Friday, at Journal Building. 64- OOrtTtra CHARLES L, STEVEN SUBSCRIPTION RATEP-, Tw Month,... T rem Moota,. wonw oath. $1. ONLY IN ADVANCE, AdertUlnratea furnished upon ip p'ication at the offlce, or upon inquiry HTThe Jovxnaj. is only sent on pa r-n-advanoe basis. Subscribers will rereiTe notice of expiration of their tu - xnption ana an immediate reaponse w-icc wui he appreciated by tie 'itTSMnl r.ntered at the PoatofBce,. Mew la n t. i a second-class matter. DISPENSARY IS FOR MONET, NOT MORALS. The differences of opinion bet we n the two Rlelgh papers, the Post and Times as to the dispensary in their cl r, also the repotted wrangling among t le aldeimen in council, indlcstes that tie dispensary is likely to become a sou je of contention, if not worse in thecapltoi city of North Carolina. Liquor selling has always been a most profitable pursuit From a financial standpoint It Is a rapid money winner to him who engages in Its traffic, and the dispensary, ss tort of a halfway station tie' ween the saloon and teetotalism, Is found when glren enough time, to I e come fl-grant in Its abuses as ever was the saloon. The attempt to hold up the dispensary as something in the moial line, it ab surd. It deceiret some good people be cause it Is not open at night and does not offer a retreat for the person who treats. It propitiate the tax payer be cause of its revenue, in taking the place of the saloon at a tax payer. But as Its business Increases it Is cer tain to corrupt. It makes the "good cit izen" wh j accepts a position to regulate its workings, and make It "moral," for getful of hit first promises, and he becomes sordid In the desire I6 gain. The cttlzsnt where the dispensary Is established look upon Its ever increasing sale with satisfaction. It It a splendid revenue producer, even exceed! the licensed saloon, and so the profit It considered, while the misery It gives It not thought of. And at the dispensary growl and p rospors, it gains In ita influence. It it helpful in city affairs, It It good for the politician through It j Influence. It may diminish drinking In one quarter, while It increases it In another. But above all It does not sound to obnoxioua to tay dispensary, as It does, saloon. In South Carolina the dispensary It known through IU long association, and the following from the Charleston Newt and Courier thowt how this Institution Is considered by the leading State newt paper: In an article headed "Local Optl n or Dispensary," it tayt that this law in South Carolina "will not be settled til it la jettled right The system oug tt to be destroyed, root and branch. It has brought great reproach upon Vie State and It hat not cultivated or pro moted the spirit of temperance in our people. On the contrary, the success of the establishment It judged, not by Its prohibitory effect!, but by the volume of Ita salet and the revenues of the State from the business." So In South Carolina, the dispense' y Is an established institution, desired be cause of itt revenues, while from ita moral aids1 it hat nothing to offer. AN UNANSWERABLE ENDORSE MBNT. Tuesday's National Presidential elec tion moat go upon record as the moat extraordinary In the history of this country., From a Democratic standpoint there l j no argument to present against the tremendous landslide. There Is evident ly something faulty In Democratic poli cies when inch a vote I cast against tem, for certainly no inch majorities can be set down to Trust money. Perhaps the New York vote may be set down to the feeling that HllUam wet behind Judge Parker, heme the distrust At for the net of the States, the inter pretation has only two intntlrsaa, that the American voter endorses itrtnuo and that there It too much prosperity In Ihe country for any change of Ita chief administrative affairs. Within the State of course there have vtttailM.bat that are not apparent, nor do they oouat as of any protalaane la the National result, which It to overnhelmlag, that what were considered doubtful States were swept Into the Republican column at II they belonged there. The possible future effect of this Re publican victory la that It again restore William Jennings . Btyaa as a most prominent figure la democratic circles, and It will also likely cause the Heirtt following to annate greater political strength, and give It an Important bear ing la Democratic councils. The Republican landslide Is so great that Itt affecta are certain to be felt la the South ia coming elections. With the elimination of the objectionable feature of President Roosevelt's altitude tow- ar is the negro, there Is certain to t two white parties with poss ble discus slon of State and National Issues which witl make changes at the polls In th big majorities, and crests greater hv tereats among the voters, causing vot s to be cstt In tome proportion to the number of cit'xena eligible to vote, and removing all poetlLlj apathy. As to President Roosevelt it Is hardl possible for him to more strenuosly enact the vote of the Rough Rider dur ing his next term In office. The chances are that he will he less strenuous, as ha la now the choice of the people, hence more Is expected of him, so that by blr public conduct of affairs he may lully merit the mott convincing vote cast for him on Tuesday November 8tb, 1904 SOUTHERN DEMOCRACY HENCE- FORT MUST BE FREE. The result of Tueedty's election must convince every self-respecting Southern Uemocrat that hit emancipation In Nat- onal Democratic politics has arrived. In other words, it It time for the South ern Democracy to be free to assert It self in naming a representative on the National Democratic Presidential ticket and unlets thlt and other prerogaitvee be granted, the once solid Southern Democracy shall refuse to any longer support purely sectional nominations In every National campaign the South, politically, hat no ttatut. That It It It left out of the political count. To be ture It It at once placed at "Solid" for what ever may be labeled "democrat," belt a Greeley, or any one else. It hat rep. retentation In National conventions, and casts Its vote for candidates, and hurrahs over the nominees, bat that ends it on both sides. The Republicans simply turn their attention to other tec tlone, while the democrats do about the tame, while the Southern Democrat rushes into the campaign, exerts hit own energy, tpendt hit own time and money, and returns the Sooth, solid for the National ticket, and these electoral votes are received without even a word of thanks, while northern States secure the benefits which hard fought over po lltlcal territory mutt alwayt give, even to the losers. The principles of democracy fNonh and South, are thown by the election of November eighth, to be quite diver gent. The National platform declared for certain issues, named a candidate who was taid to stand for principle! which were sure to secure the voters, and the result Is seen the South stands alone.glvlng ita electoral vote, while the northern democrats, who named the man and platform, failed to give a tin gtevote. it makes the oouth appear ridiculous. It had little voice in nam ing the nominee and in determining the platform, but gives a unanimous vote to aaslst the section which had all the say, but which gives no vote. Henceforth there will be no South to give all, and receive nothing. There mutt be a political recognition after this, or the South will not give itt solid vote for nominee and platform of the section which tutu itself in the final vote, to cast it or not, ss local condi tions may beet profit the party lead en. As a political section, the South hence forth should dictate, instead of being made the compliant and easy tool of the politicians, who are for their ind! vldual Interests, first, last and all the Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessness It responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles. But since the advent of Dr King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, even the worst eases eaa be cured ud hopeless resignation is no longer necessary. Mrs Lots Cragg of Dor chester, Mastk, is one of many whose life was saved by Dr King's New Discovery This great remedy Is guaranteed for all Throat end Lung diseases by CD Brad- RALEIGH. lanrease Number Parmer Institute Held Tobacco Hoove Freely. Cat tle Raking section. RnJeigb, Nov 8 In a lattxrtew with Or Tail bntier, State vetrinarlan, tome very Interesting thing were learn ed about the Farmers InstlttrtM held In North Carolina this year. There were 80 of these which le more than twice as many a were ever held in one year be fore. On an average about 100 farmer attended thee Institute, making a total of eont 9 00. This It a very grttl'yiog showing. A great deal of valuable in struction was given. The Oe'obtr j bulletin of the agricultural department will consist entirely of selected talks be fore these Institutes by th different gentlemen who made the addresses or lectures This matter will be found to r of great practical value Next year there will probably b an even greater extension of the Institute system. Jr Butler wu asked about the work id regard to quarantine Inspection of the cattle raising section of th State and replied that It had been finished both by himself and by the Federal inspector!. He is now wait 'tig to Itarn now much more free territory his been diied, as the Inspectors will find how much more hu been freed from the deadly cattle ticks. It is learned from tocacco buyers here that farmers are now bringing In leaf quite freely. Prices are high. The weather hat not been favorable for hand ling leaf until very recently and then the farmert have been very busy with other crops. Wrappers are bringing from $30 to $58, and common grades are high. About a third of the crop has been sold It Is said. Not over an average crop was planted In this section or east of here, hot west of here there is s fall crop and a good one as to quality It Is said that the farmers in that lection will be strictly In it this year. Professor Wade R. Brown of the School of Husio at the Baptist Ualver slty for Women hu done a great deal to promote the love of good music here and Is an admirable director. . He hse arranged for an artists recital at the University Friday evening by Madame Charlotte Maconda, soprano, and Mis Marie Nichols, violinist, and John J Bltckmore, accompanist He seyt aconda Is the greatest artist who has ev--r appeared In Raleigh. Henry W. Litcbford and James J. Litohford will leave here tail week for Texas and Mexioo to be absent a month They go to St. Louis and from there make the tour with the railway commls stoners of the United State. A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching, Bltad,Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists refund money If V A ZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case, no matter4of how long standing, in 8 1 14 days. If your druggist hasn't it send 50o In stamps and It will be forwarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co, Ssint Louis, Mo. A Card. Editor Journal: I have been repeatedly asked con cerning the trial which took place before 8 R Street on yesterday afternoon tn which trial I wu auedby AD Ward for $150 for professional services alleged to have been rendered me by him and others at his request and employment. Slnre it was not reported, I write this card for the general Information of the public. As soon at I was sued I em ployed counsel who asked for a jury trial before the Magistrate The follow lng jurors were sworn and empanelled to try the case between Mr Ward and myaelf : C T Watson, M L Uollowcll, W H Hancock, Henry Gas kins and J F Ives. The jury decided In my favor and Mr Ward was taxed with the costs of the scion. Mr Ward was represented by Messrs D L Ward, Mr Mark Stevenson, Mr R A Nunn, Mr Quion appearing at a witness for them to show that the amount charged wu a reasonable fee if Mr Ward's statement wu true. My lawyers were W W Clark and R B Nixon. Nov. 8th B. B. DAVENPORT. Blnks What did you say to your wife when you got home late Inst night? Jinks -My dear. Blnks Ia that ill? Jinks Ves. She began talking then. Cincinnati Tribune. flolsy Company. Bonrer-So your landlady objected to Topnote and hit chum singing duets In your apartment? Roarer Tee; she told me my room wan better than my iiiirs swim Is Proverbial. New Bern Women no How much we owe to the sympathetic side of womankind. When others suffer they cheerfully lend a helping hand They tell you the means which brought relief to them that you may profit by their experience. Readthe testimony given here by a New Bern women. Mrs N Vincent widow living at 108 Craven street uyi: . "Doan's Kidney Pills hue been very beneficial to me. They certainly rettcv ed me of very disagreeable pain In m back from which I suffered for along time. I obtained them at Bradham's Pharmacy and I mutt say they proved to be a good remedy in my cue." , For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents Foster-MUburn Co, Buffalo, N Y., so'd ior u united mate. th name Doaa -anr) JOST SO. After Election Rcnurk. ExpecUaf RooseTelt's Ekctloi. Rerablleaas Set 2,000 in Wilkes. Other Political Feateree ef E ec tlon aad Prophecies. Leave For i rip to Mexico Pas tor Be algsi. Raleigh, Nov. 10-1 cry body took the election very quietly here. As one prom Inent man remarked there were no head aches or heartachei last night or Ihl morning Governor Aycock return ed from Goldebr in I, morning. He said that wbie he expect ed Rootexelt to be elected he expected Parker to carry New York state and cer tainly did not expect a slump like this one' When asked what he thought of North Carolina he replied: "She's all right. There Is nothing the matter with North Carolina You can always count on her to turn out all right." On prominent man said he expected the next president to bt a socialite, and a few minutes after thil WU laid a tele gram came to your correspondent from a Chicago paper.orderlng the vote given Eugene Debs, socialist, for pres ident, in North Carolina. One of the happiest men wu deputy US Marshal Sharp of Wilson connty who came in this morning, all smllu, and said: "My town. Elm City, gave 100 votes for Roosevelt, the first time such a thing ever happened. All were cut by white men. No, a negro attempted to register and not oae wu around the polls." Olenn, nominee for Governor, will run away ahead of Parker in the voting while i.oosevclt will run away ahead of Harris, the Repuollcan nominee for Governor. Some Democrats voted for Roosevelt, and he got a lot of the Inde pendent votes, mill operatives, etc. The Republican were quite jubilant at the 2,000 majority they got In Wllteii, and at the hundred majority they got la Stanly. Telegrams to State chttrmai ilmmons this morning said Dare had elected Etherage Democrat, to the House by about 50 majority, but that the coun ty ticket was doubtful. The Republicans carried Sampson, of course aided by their fiiendi the PorniUts by 800 major ity. They claim It by 800. Gatet coun ty went Democratic by 000 and Colum bus by 500 to 760. Dr and Mr D H Abbott left today for Mexico, to be absent a month, travel ing through tbat country with the rail way commissioners of the various State?, who have left Bt Louis on a special train for thlt tour None of the corpc ration commissioners of thlt State make thlt trip, strange to tay. They mlaa a mott de.lghtful lour of a wonder ful country, It it a pity for then to mlsa such an opportunity. The Supreme court today took up the dockets of appeals from the 11th district Among the attorneys present are O B Watson .Clement Manly, R P Taylor, Ox ford, William B Rodman of Charlotte Now that the election It over people will settle down to business end there will be some newt at the Capitol. A lot of people don't want to talk much about politics. One man was ukod if Cleve land bad been nominated would he have boon elected and taid yes, with a whoop while another, a very prominent man. said in reply to the tame quettlcn that Cleveland would have shsred the fate of Parker, and intimated that Bryan was the only man who could be a winner. One man taid the real trouble wu that the Democratic National managers were second clats men, and that Gorman wu the only first class man among them, while the Republican are putting In the very ablest men they can possibly find. Rev M W Butler, for five years pastor of the Christian church here hu resign ed to become Editor of the Young Peo ple's Worker, and Secretary of the Sun day School department of the Southern Christian Church. HAS STOOD THE TEST 36 TEARS The old, original GROVE'S Tutrices Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It Is Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure, no pay, 60s. An elephant Is without doubt the most difficult passenger to load of any In the world. It la rarely that the best of them can be Induced to walk aboard a ship as did the traditional pair of elephants who boarded the ark. To overcome their objection they are usually first coaxed or forced to enter great wooden boxes, when they are securely fattened and the entire out fit ia hoisted with a derrick to the level of the decs and swung aboard. THE SECRET OP SUCCESS. Forty million bottle of August Flow er told in the United States alone since its Introduction 1 And the demand for It la still growing If n't that a fine showing of success ? Don't It prove that August Picwer hu had unfailing success in the cure of indigestion and dyspepsia the two greatest enemies of health aad happiness ? Dees it not af ford the evidence that August Flower is n sure specific for all stomach and Intestinal disorders ? that it has proved itself the best of nil liver regulators f August Flower hu a matchless record of over thirty-five year in curing the ailing millions of these distressing com plaints a success that ia becoming wider In Its icope every day, at home and abroad, as the fame of August Flow r spreads. Trial bottles 85 regular rise 75c For tale by all druggliti. f S Duffy. CIRCUS THIS 18 TMfc? GREAT INTEKOONTINSNTAL HOW Of frPrS? ADAM FOREPAUGH & Vast Circuses, 'and Hippodromes United Wttt fir SmtftiN Sunn km h mq "1 Brt.ii ill Arule iMtfti li tttsN Sprt Mk In Tat Cltj nam . . i an a i a ni a t . i )...! V k- ku .HmU. kt T1 kan mmm si naaalt lit a Whteh ia unparalleled aad apjattdid DUt a THRILLING, TRANSCENDENT and TREMENDOUS FEATURES i to bo aaan on earta, and title of "The Mounting Maniac of Isa, HMfT m ess iniiniitain'Ti.iM ONLY TROUPE OF 9 melodies MONS Wboae combined Bareback, Sulky and Park Tart JutTRlin Initiations, in the course of which, holdiner & Sulky aloft by ita Thills, he sprinfs from the (round to the back of his Kunnmn Thoroughbred and balances a Park Cart on hi Chin, arc surpassing illustrations of skill and strength, THE FOUR MARTMEKS Gaul s greatest (inn ( 1st Mates. Ts Comic Cs The Miser ist IsOols, The Pinches Parisians, aai etaer Fro, Uns to- getber with fifty other of the World's most famous and Funniest Fools in the en latin & Fame's only EDDY FAMILY Now first introducinc their new and the only Aerial Stage Acrobatic Aot DEMON-DRIVEN DIAV0L0 Looping the Giant's Loop on a Bicycle. An inimitablesuperhuman feat, defying duplica tion and beggaring description. Which thrills and electrifies as would a battery of dynamos. A spectacle staggering Sensation's self. Acres of astounding, dumfounding. dare-devil, dazzling, delighting, marvelous and merry prodigies and pastimes, and rarest living lessoni 1 MISTELUTIOI OF EI8NT CIRCUS COMPANIES A hundred acts and rivalries in three rings 100,000 feet of aerial space, on elevated stagi and a grand coliseum course. The Chariot Races of the Roman Cnsars. T he SiipvrUttiue Siamese Twins of Natural History. Never before were seen her savage representatives in such huge, ferocinut and varied form. The Mightiest Herds 0 Wisest Elephants, and towering colosHally in f,ime amtaig thera THE FOREPAUGH DANCING ELEPHANTS -THE SELLS BROTHERS' SOLDIER ELEPHANTS. There are Peerless Hundreds in their Horse Show. A Blue-blooded Congress of Prize-winning Perfection. The Morning Free Street Pageant is a Gigantic, Glorious Revelation OF ORIENTAL OPULENCE AND HISTORIC MILITARY DISPLAY. n performances daily, rain or shine, in new process waterproof tents. Admission, SO cents. Children under 0 years, 25 cents Doors open t 1 and 7 P. M . for the McnRPnes and Oami Promenade Concerts by Merrick's 8upcrb Military Band. Arenic displays 1 hour lateii On exhibition day Numbered Coupon, actually Reserved Seats, mi; be secured at the regular prices . Bradham's Pharmacy, Pollock AFTER THE CYCLONE. The Post Mortem and Inquest of the Great Political Killing. Agala the people have spoken and the Powers that were continue to be the Powers that ate. In the wo Ms of the Immortal Kelson, "we Mve met the enemy and we are theirs." The election was quiet, bat the effect It produced was not conducive to the most pleasurable thoughts among those who tepr tented the minority party. It was a signal rout the like of which has not occurred since U 8 Grant defeated Horace Greeley over 80 years ago. Every Northern 9ta e gave Roosevelt an enormous majority; even the States which were thought to be doubtful and consequently to hive a Democratic lean ing came out bold and flatfootei for the opposing party. Thera was an Increase in the Republican Congressional repre aentatlon in almost every Slue. The result In Mew Tork was the most surprising. With many t hlngs to favor Democracy In that State especially the election of the State wtss rnoe jolt to have tt give Roosevelt the phenomenal majority of 188,000. It had been the fear among many leading politicians of the Republican parly of Mint State that their candidate, Higglns would lose even U the State did cany for Roosevelt. Ani although hedtd run be bind his ticket he was , elected by the magnificent majority of 85,000. So It was in other States when it seemed that Democracy had a cinch in view of dls tensions among the Republicans. Those States in every esse either held their own or gave Increased msjorlties. Notable among those States were Michi gan, Ohio, Illinois, ' Wisconsin snd Indiana. They not only gave a very large vote to Riosevelt bat elected thei 8tate ticket by handsome mtjrl- In North Carolina the result shows the apathy that hat existed all through the campaign. In some districts the vote suffered very materially by the stay at home element. In other the fairy tale of prosperity had considerable In fluence as was seen In Increased votes of the Republican party. The latter ra ise and the Watts bill incident are attributed to be the causes of the defection In the usually large Democratic majorities given l this State. Coming down to the mors local part of the campatga, we must say that the Democratic patty did splendidly lathe rapport of their ticket. The third con gressional district started Hon. 0. R. Thomas to th National House of Repre sen ta tire by the Tory substantial ma jority of 6000 votes over hit opponent, fudge W B O'B Robin congratulated for his remartabl cam paign. He tan ahead of fats ticket In all the counties of the district. Messrs Ward aad Ar.ndell.candl Jatea for the State Beeate also padea brilliant canvas aad receive 1 practically th nanlmous yn'.e or their pttty 1 1 Craren New Bern Thursday piWiwioa. not only indodr all the hew attnetnuthat all other- tueUAT man OI nJ sssjuiii r uicaa ami iiutmi mm rrwywDeiw ana as vrwry nanmrnm ummumm 14 THE so HUNCARIAN MAGYARS la the wondrously wild, weird and emotionally eccentric dances, and rdiuu . savagely strenuous acrobatic originalities of their mytterious race. Whose miraculous and incredible feat of scaling awheel the narrow, absolutely perpendicular interior circle of "The Devil's Chimney " hat sained for him th the Bewitched Hike." And still another M U Carteret, Jonet, Onslow, Lenoir, Duplin snd Greene ooontler. It wss an taction tint was a record breaker in announcing the result stan early hour As early ss 8 o'clock tele grams began to come and they occurred at frequent Intervals. It wss plain to tee from the contend of the dispatches that Ihe hope of Par ker winning was a fcrlorn one. The local members of the party gathered at the Court Hoots to hear Ihe returnt and hope against hope until about 10 o'clock and then some waited until later to see how bad the rout would be. The Journtl was unable to secure en tirely accurate figure on the result tn this county and district. The canvassing board will meet at the Court House to day at which meetiog the figure will be correct d aid made official. We will publish the result tomorrow THE STATE ELECTIONS Returns cn Congressmen And Mtjorlty Vote Conflicting. The Journal had specials from the western section of the State yesterday, mostly on the Congressional results. In the tenth district Gadger received a majority over Swant of 1160 against a majority of 187 In 1001. In the fifth, W W Kitchen's mnjoiity over Reynolds wai given at 9,000 to 4,000, against 8 80) In 1901. In the ninth Webb's majority la esti mated nt over 8,000, in 1902 it was 5,600. In the eighth, the latest lntt nlgbl from Charlotte wit that democrats claimed Newltnd' election by 988 majority. Blackburn' friends claim that these figure are not correct, and that B ackburn It elected. The vote it very close but official count It expected to give tt to Newlasd. In 1909 the dis trict wu democratic by 1,423. Chairman Simmons claims Democratic majority in North Carolina It 60000. No Poison in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy From Napier New Z island Herald: Two yeara ago the Pharmacy Board of New South Wales, Australia, had an analjkia made of all the cough medi cine that were told In that market. Oat of the entire list they found only one that they declared waa entirely free from ill poison i. Thl except ion wai Chamberlain's Coo gh Remedy, made by the Chamberlain Medicine Co, Dei Moines, Iowa USA. The abseenoe of all narcotics makes thli remedy the saf est and beat tbat can te had: aad It Is with a feeling of security that any moth er can rrtve it to her little ones. Cham-, berltln'i Cough Remedy ia especially recommended bv Hi makers for couch. colds, croup aad whooping cough. This remedy u for sale by all Drug gists. ftodol Dyspepsia Cure OiflMltl Wises. VOU SJgSjaV NOV 17 GREATEST FEATURES SELLS BROS. as mamm miy iva a unsuej mmm - FULL-GROWN LIVING POLAR BEAR5 A greater number than Sir John Franklin. Kaaa Qreabr or Peary ever mw together at any one time. Toose PanuH retEMNAL rm urn meters LaPamllle Bruin Lecaaaon Seven Male and Female Arante Qeniuaea ia their Phenomenally Original Prrf li limine,. "ON TUB WAV TO TSC OsMNS PStt UaCC SUB." The only altogether new equestrian feature ia amis anaab for over half a century. PRODIGIOUS PORTHOS THM CHASM -VAULTING OVOUST who, in a teeming deenerate 4ah to rare deetrno. tioa. leaves his headlong course to By SO FEET AWHEEL TMtMMNUI SPAC. and then regains his narrow pathway mieiallieu. Among their heroic, historic aad marvelous MILITARY FEATURES, those incomparable masters of manual aad drill ALL-C0NQUERIN8 AURORA ZOUAVES apt ly described by the New York Journal as Pre-eminent Parisian Phenomenon 13 E 5R T and Middle Sts TWO GREATEST MENAGERIES UNITED. Rarest Wild Beeiti With Interetttog Histories No one competent to if rets an opln ion of the tubject ever questioned th claim that AdamForepaugh' meaagerl contained the biggest and rareat col lsctlon of wild bestts evor, movtd by real or rail, with ttut ( f 8slla Brothers tueh a clots second tn coot and magni tude as to make the rivalry between them highly Interesting From afadlao i Square Gar dm, New York, to Mel bouriie. Au t. alta, the surpassing result of oombtiiiair, these two travelling sod ogtcal gardent li well knoan It may. b 3 Incidentally mentioned tbst la the last named city value aad Interest were added to ibi living aggregation by the purchase there of the enormous tigers forming a notable feature of its public zoological gtrden. Oae of these terrl i le creatures wu shot set en times with a Winchester, st close ran je, in Mays vllle, Ky, in the effort to reicue afoot hardy keeper from ita massive jawt. Some Idea of its strength and vitality may be gathered from tha fact that It till liver, With four toll- la It body, three others baring passed entirety through It. Among the recent addi tions are to be seen the extra ordinary and unprecedented number of fourteen living, full grown Polar Beara, a tingle specimen of which was heretofoie b:ra regarded as an exceptionally rare fea ture. Another ponderous amphibious attrac tlonnthe bis-mat known llvfae- Nile Hippopotamus, who, since the Still Brother bought him and hi late mat, twenty Ave yeara ago, hat gr wn from a bleated baby of five hundred weight to tip the scales at four tons, and atraaga to relate, though naturally a tender tropical creature, hu become acclimated to live long and prosper In water whose temperature would jut rait the fourteen Polar Bears The double herd of blBges-, littlest and brightest ele phants whose uoled ageatt has been computed wonll reach from the begin ning of the first gnat pyramid to the completion of the last sky scraper the Sultan droves of gigantic and tacred camels and dromedaries, tha giant double don filled with an lntercontl nent coogreu of splendid specimens of everything worth Melon that roars, chat ten, colli, crushes, ravages, mari nates, rum or I at, will also be here on November 17th, snd you wlU have a full hoar In which to Inspect them and enjoy the molar prom load conotrt by Prof Mtrriek't fine military aad arenic band, before the brilliant el rent aad hlppodromatlc perform tnces are an nounoed. Reserved teats at Bradham's Plar-msey. Hodol Dyspepsia & Msj)rgt woja ytrtj et&.

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