petei Mttn 9 VOLDMI IIYI1. IIW BEBM, CRAVIH C0UIT1, I. C. TOIfO', KOYKMBIK 2 1904. FIRST SECTION I1R 69 We Have Just The Newest Things In LADIES JACKETS, Black and caster and tan. Beautiful j Sample Furs, $3.00 to JJ.MITCBELL&CO PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. JUSl RECEIVED Sour kraut, mince meat, seeded raisins, citron, new prune;, evaporated peaches and apples, new lot Purvey 's small bams and breakfast strips, macaroni and cbeese, swet and sour pickles, cranberries, banannas, nice Baldwin apples 30o pk, finest quality malaga grapes 20c lb, sel f raising buckwheat, old fashion buckwheat', new on - flakes, brown sugar 5c lis chocolate 10c and 20c per cake, very best quality; complete stock fresh canned goods. A big stock to select from. Qual- ity the very highest Prices as low as possible. We will thank you for your patronage and do our best to please you. 2f J. L McBANIEL, 'Phone 91. Cold Weather Specials Ladies and Misses Coats, Some new sample coats, all size 36, Sriced very low. Brown's and tans, in -4 and 27 inch length?. Furs. New shapes, new I flat; all priced low. Blankets. North Carolina Blankets, all wool, 10-4, $3.60. Ultra and Duttenhofer Shoes. The newest styles, patent and plain leathers. $3.60; new tan Ultra with Cuban heel, blucher, $3.60. Misses school shoes, low heavy sole, $2.00. Holiday Books. Beautiful gift hooks 16c, 29o, 49c New copyright books, by the best au thors, all $1.08. Affair at the Inn; The Rose of Olds St Louis; Double Harness; The Belle of Bowling reen; The Han on the Box; A Ladder of Swords, Gods Good Han, The Faith ot Hen; In the closed Boom; Christmas Eve on Lone son e; The Georgians. timionl Got Them In. j line of $15.00. Wholesale A Retail Grocer, 71 Bros! Hi styles; round and dm mis. But Political Gossip StiU Comes up. . State Charters Granted. Pamlico Country Pamphlet Thinksglv lor Day Observance Presbyterian Chuck. Sals ea Debt. Raleigh, November 81. The Republi cans, locally at least, are wall frightened by the news from Washington that the president does not care to hare office holders serve more than two terms. Some of the office holdara pretend that the whole atory la a Joke, but the laugh seems to be all on the outatde. It li said that before he left the Senate Prltchard had let the Republicans of Western North Carolina know that he wu op posed to the holding of office more than two terms, and It seems this has filtered into this part of the State also. Beyond any question the Republican offloa hold ers are very much agitated. Charters are granted to the Wathovla Knitting Company of Winston-Salem, capital stock $50,000, W 8 Blevers and others stockholders, and to the Concord Real Estate Company, capital stock $100,000, J W Cannon and others stock holders. Tomorrow the pamphlets which are to be used in the public schools for the cel ebration if "North Carolina Day" will be issued. The theme this year will be "The Pamlico Countrv" For the first time the pamphlet will be well lliaakra ted. Up to yesterday the First Presbyterian Church here had a debt (of $4,700 on its new building bat at the service yer ter dsy morning $6,100 waa ratted, being contributed by sixty persona, and the re mainder will be pledged this week. In the Supreme Court this week, 18 in district appeals will be called and ar gutd. The docket la a fairly heavy one. Democratic State Chairman Simmons is quite a good goesser. He th ught the patty's majority would be close around 60,000 and it seems that It la al most 51,000. The sheriff of this county haa secured a photograph of George W Tilley, the young white man who late In September shot and killed his mother In law and dangerously wounded his wife. The photograph shows Tilley and his wife sitting beside each other There appears to be some little cine as to his where abouts. The Governor has offered $300 reward for him. The Corporation Commissioners have gone to the mountain section or the State to inspect several railways. They have not done much inspecting during he present year, but will look over a number of roads In the next few weeks. Elaborate preparations have been made here for the observance of 1 hanksglvlng day. At the penitentiary the few con victa now within the prison will have a good dinner. There will be a big spread turkey included of course, at the Soldiers Home, and the veterans are looking for ward with much pleasure to the day. Secretary of SUte Grimes was talking villi your correspondent today about the need of modern steel oases for the very valuable records In his offices. He opened the doors of one of the heavy cases made of fat pine, showing within paper boxes In which la every land war rant, plot and survey, giving title to lands in the State. And not only these, but every original charter and all tne original laws and oiher par era, all are In such Are trap cases. The State cer tainly ought to make better arrange ments. The cases are so heavy and so large that they cannot be taken ont of the doors. They ware. In fact, built within the offices No state gives less care to Its public documents than does North Carolina. This seems to be a no torfous fact. Sunday -ornlng Fire, A small bouse la TincuD Allev neen. pled by a colored family waa de troyed bv fire at half neat one Snndav Morn intr The fire 1 supposed to have originated trom tne cnimnry ana u gain. -a sncn headway that the efforts of 'be flr on to cbcok the flames were in vio. Tht Ore cast a brilliant r. ftWtl n on the aky and a great many thought tne whole western part of the oil, was on Are. TBE SECRET OP, SUCCESS Forty million bottles of August Flow- er sold In the Unt" i -tat- alone elne Its Introduction I A d ih d. round t, r It is still growing Irn t that a line showing of success ? Don't It prove that August Flower has had unfailing success in the core of indigestion and dyspeptl' -the two greatest enemies ot health and happiness f Does it not af ford the evidence that August Flower is a sure specific for all stomach and 'ntestlnal disorders t that II has proved itself the best of ail liver regulators f August Flower has a matohlesa record of over thirty-five years in curing the ailing millione ot these distressing com plalnls a sttcoeas that it becoming wider In Us scope every day, at home and abroad, as the fame of August flow er spreads. Trial bottles 83c; regular slat 7Sc. For tab by all druggists. F o Luuy. OF HEALTH POWDER Abso'JtelyPure HAS K0 SUBSTITUTE Port Arthur the Key ot Asia- Coluis'b for November 10, says: THE STORY OF PORT ARTHUR, distressing as It is, has at least the merit of showing what a cargo of heroic vir tues the old world s 1H carries Slaugh ter has never been more shocking, but bravery has never been more abundant. Never In all history have men shown greater defiance of death than has been shown In the terrible months of straggle tor the citadel which has been for years the key to the Eastern situation. We can not wonder at tne price Japan would pay for the fortress, since as long aa Rusala owns that fort the purpose for which this war Is fought will not have been accomplished by Japan. If the war ahould be settled without depriving Russia permanently of the fortress a dagger would still be pointed at Japan's heart. The control of Korea by J ap a n would be an insecure defence as long as the strongest position in Manchuria was held by her enemv. Russia needed to bold the fori ress f ft ibe ame reason ilia Japan m e le.i to take it. Addi tional mntive- 'or b.)th sides were fnrni-bedb, considerations of prrst'ge and by tbe bi-aring jf the Port Attbnr situation on tbe mmense s rugule further norih. Tbe talk about whether all thla dlsperatecnorageaad Destruction about Port Arthur has been well Invest ed, therefore, seems to us beside tbe mark. It the war was to be a', all, Port Arthur was a necessity to each of the combatants, and time was an essential consideration to both, especially to Ja pan. It being something vital, therefor , to their countries' welfare, Russians and Japanese alike have fought for the strong hold In a manner to pr jve that man still retains the virtues of the bulldog. Effeminacy, for the great modern na tions, is an Imaginary bogy. Let a dan ger, as vital as has confronted Japan' threaten Germany, Fiance, England, or the United States, and we imagine that they also would still be found capable of fighting desperately in the last ditch Hypocrisy is Hypocrisy. Greensboro Record. The gentleman who presides over the editorial department of the Stetesville Landmark ha a discriminatlbg -eye and hates a humbug. We quote him: "It Is given out from Asbevllle that the Democratic campaign managers there solicited and received contribu tions from the Asbevllle liquor dealers. By and by it wu learned that the liquor dealers Lad also contributed to the Re publican campaign. Then, after tbe election, the Democratic managers. with s great show of virtue, retu ned tbe con tributlons of the ifq -Or men; and U la a d that the latter are alarmed, as tbe Democrats being under no obligation to them, may interfere with their business If the Democratic managers had nev r solicited and received the contribution of the liquor dealers they would deserve some credit, But inasmuch as tbey did solicit and receive sncb co trlontlons which were afterward returned not be cause they didn't want to be under ob ligations to tbe liquor men, but be ause the latier had also contrlou'ed o 'he other aide well, the lat said '.bout that the hotter I 1 nor rpr sli g that te Iqaor dealer- c bflrmieil to both sides. The ver g u ,uor dealer doesn't bestir himself in polities with ont an ot. ct to view and ha o j c is io have his butlnens pro voted, or at least lei aon : an' s the Asbevllle liquor men na'0 aih aire n h fix. d with Dote SO. I n- Uemoc als wre wi ling t te an r et cad get until ib-- torn, a mi tne iquor men were dividing, thi-n i b.y go very vino,.. us." Nex thug you no th- Pue In H art will p 'he h"-s on tlx Land mark man Ye1 h p erieV t hypocrisy by wro-m-ov e, ml d Marriage Ann unc ment The following marriage meat baa been item-d:-, announce- Mrs C J. . avis requests the honor of your presence at the uia rla,e of he daughter Smile to Mr George W Dill on Wednesda evening December the 7 h nineteen hundred and four a' live o'clock 184 Pollock Street New Bern, North Carolina. Mo Invitations sent In this city. A MATTER it AKlN WAS IT ROBBERY? Or Was it a Deep and Well Laid Ploi to Get Mote Money ? I ne ounaay paper coniaioeu kdh- tonal story of the robbery ot tbe ante ol I the Forepangh and Sells Bros circus while enronte from Klntton to Tar- boro. The report stated that the ticket wag on In which the safe was kept was on a flat car. Entrance to the wagon was affected by means of keys which bad been stolen from the treasurer. The rob bery occurred sometime during the early morning hours, before 5 o'clock. Tbe amount said to have been akeo was $80,000. Several employees of the circus were arrested but were soon after released, no evidence being found by which tbey could be held. Every poetible sugges tion of a clue waa followed up but no trace of tbe money could be found of search warrants were sworn ont. A man and woman were arrested in Norfolk aa being suspected of tbe rob bery. They were released, however, up on failure to find proofs ot suspicion. The owners of the show offered a re ward of $2000 for the appiehenson ot the thieves. BELIEVED 10 BE A FAKE. A special from larboro to the Wilson Daily Times, last evening says: "The impression Is gaining ground cere that the allege 1 robbery of Sells and Forepaugh's Show was a fake, and Intended to beat Mrs Sells ont of money. Why the managers of the show should nave allowed $80,000 to have lain in a ticset wagon ungarded, when It could i.ave been sent to local banks, Is a m.vs tery. bothering the police authorities of this city, Mr dells was very nervous, and left with tbe other on specials last night fur Columbus. The show people were sitting around alt day yesterday and were paid off, ao it was staled late yesterday afternoon with 080,0u0 received uy express from New York, which came In on tbe afternoon tram. The tact that all the managers of the ahow have dropped the trace and gone borne, leaving the authorities with tne bag to hold, is als ) deemed suspicious, before tbe circus reached Tarboro uhu i of Police Cotten received a letter from Bob Pinkerton, saying he had no dete: lives with the show, tbough the ahow people have told everywhere tnst tbey had. Mr Sells Informed Mr Gotten Saturday morning that the reason he did no; re pott the rubbery earlier was because bit own detectives were working on the ..ase, but they could not discover the guilty parties. The case promises interesting develop merits. It is believed here some one Is trying to swindle the widow Sells out ot some of her money. Suggestions To Hunters The hunting season being on the fol lowing suggestions from a northern ex change may be helpful to some one. Those who go out for game won t have to come back with some lame ex cuse If they follow these directions care tally and they may be the means of the sportsmen having some good luck. RABBITS When they refuse to sur render or come out and be shot, advance un tnem in parallel trenches, men positions may then be rushed with the least possible loss. If they are too fortified, countermining ahould be con ducted. QUAIL The best way o attack these ta from a war balloon. Jugs of nltrogly cerln lei fall when yon are over their center will ront them The balloon ahould not fly too low, as yon may bo enfiladed by the Are of other hunters. U0CES They can be outflanked with a submarine. However, it they oecome alarmed they will rise. For hi emergency there should be a sup port of monltore and a flying detach ment of airships to cut off their re treat. OPOSSUMS Climb the tree with a mating ladder and drop hand grenades down the hole You must retire swiftly nd In good order, or you may be an nlhilated by your own detachment while yon are still up In the tree, mak log a noise like a Thanksgiving Day dinner. Once in a while we hear a hunter In these parte mistaking a fine 'horse or cow (or a deer. Ho one has yet been so unfortunate aa to be unfortunate as to i te not for a deer. However, the news paper headline eulled from different papers snows that the mortality list still goes marching on Was Half Cooked t Peppered a Cow 1 Loses Left Hand I Shot In the Foot 1 Climbed a Fence I Hunting Accident I Another Fatality 1 Mistaken For Rabbit r Trigger Slipped 1 Oh, It wu Loaded 1 Got Both Barrels I Bit by f tray Shot I Killed a fine Horse 1 Find Too Boost Blew Io the Monte I HARDY BRYANT DEA. Man Shot by Hit Brother Last Thurs day Dies Pr m His Wo nd. Hardy lir an', the colored mm Hardy Br an', the colored mm who WM ini,t bT nll brother, "Big Bph," laat Thursday cied of bis injuries yesterday morning at 10:80. It bal been thought that tbe man might recover although chances were agalnat bloi. He waa able on Sunday to walk around a Half, but Sunday night a change for tbe worse set In and death followed. Tbe cause of the difficulty which re sulted In ibe shouting, was as near as can be ascertained, a gambling quarre;. The two men we rj playing cards in Bill Johnson's saloons on Queen street and a dispute arose over the money which wa said to have been qnite an amount. Hardy attempting to take tbe money and Kph preventing him. The former was run outof the house and the fight con tinued in the street where tbe shooting wu done. Bryant was shot In the back. the bullet lodged in tbe Intestine abd death resulted from blood poison. THB MURDEBXB ARK1STID. Big jsipn wss caught at riluston yes terday. He wss arrested by Chief of Police John Taylor after receiving a telephonic description from Mayor Ellia The arrest was made fifteen minutes af ter the mersage was received. Officers Lnpton and Bryan left on the shoo fly for Klnston last night and will return with the man today. He will un doubtedly be tried at the present term cf court. FOOTBALL NEXT THURSDAY. The NBHA snd Cape Fear Academy In a Fierce Struggh for Supremacy. Lovers of football are promised a rare treat Thanksgiving sfiernoon when the strong N B M A team will meet on the gridiron at, Blades Park, the Cape Fear Academy Team of Wilmington. This team has plsyed three games this season win lng tWo, and are considered one ot the fasted teams of the leaner lights. The management btspeaks a liberal patronage of the public the expense is heavy and as the stores will be closed no doubt there will be a record breaking crowd. The time of the game will be 3 o'clock and the admission will be, gentlemen 29 cents, ladles and children 16 cents. Tobacco. The outlook for good prices for the next few years was never better than now. In fact the tobacco crop this year and It Is a very poor one too, will pay much better than the cotton crop. I am a farmer and planted both crops this year. My tobacco will bring from $100 to $126 per acre and my cotton from $80 to $33 per acre. Tne cost of production will not exceed $15 per acre. Mow It looks reasonable to me that It will pay every farmer t j more diversify his crops, don't plant too heavy of any one, some cotton, tobacco and potatoes, I mention these for they are tbe money crops, by this method you would get re munerative prices for all. The territory Is expanding for manu factured tobacco all the time and farm ers have ii to grow, and why not the farmers In Eautra Carolina gtow thetr share of it, for a belter quality can be grown here than elsewhere, besides the old tobacco belt can't grow any more than tbe do now, and South Carolina uas about quit as thetr soil is uat so suit able as ours. ' My brother farmer Investigate the mstter and use yotir very best judg ment. FARMER. WARD'S MILL November 18th Cool dry weather now but fine for work. Our new preacher Rev Andrews has come to his new field, has filled one of his appointments at our churoh. We are well pleased with htm. Mr J O Littleton went out hunting a little while and oame In with four squlr rela and a fine turkey. General Willis came home yesterday from Southwest, where be has been do ing some brick work for Mr Morton. Mr B F Willis Is doing some carpen ter work at the Simmon's place for Mr Smith. Bro Andrew and Bro Wynn are some of our good hunters, They have killed some sqtrrels and a coon. They do tne treeing themselves, roby says Bro Andrews does that General Willis tells ot a man that wu digging a boat out of a large Cy press and cut a large Whlteoak snake tut of the middle of the tree, no place tor the snake to get in or out.solid wood all around the snake. He waa alive and ready to bite, but died in a few minutes Mr JO Wynn says he saw a guinea egg with a live ground puppy In It and the hll not broken. The postofflce was moved the first of 'his month. Mr J A Baggett Is poet master. H, OO Newman, Frankfort Oar taby was sickly, did not grow. Our doctor) recommended Holllster's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Now she's strong, royand healthy, thanks to your Tea. $5 cents. HAIR GROWTH Promoted by Shampoos of SOAP T And light dressings of CUTICIRA, the great Skin Cure and sweetest of emollients. This treatment at once stops fall' ing hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, destroys hair parasites, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, loosens the scalp skin, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp, when all else fails. Solil thronr,li(rot the -orld. Outiourt 8op, 8c., Ota. mnt, We, KlTnt, Wlc. (to form of Choooluc CootM Pilli, 3.V. per vta.1 of flu). IJepoti: London, IT Coftrter houie So. Purli, Roe de ta Ptii i Bolton, 1ST CalamkM Ave. 1'otMT Ortu; K UMOB. corp., noie rrep - tnd for "iil About the Sk : aKin, etc. Superior Court Transactions The second session of the fall term of Supetior court began yesterday, Judge W B Council presiding. The criminal docket is not large but there are a few Interesting cases on for trial. Following are thu cases caled yester day: State vs Julius Arnold; assault and uattery; $16 and costs. State vs Malcolm Arnold; assault and batter; $5 and cost-. State vs E B McLawhorn, mlsdemean r; $50 and costs. State vs C B Williams; seduction; on trial. SULPHUR CURES ECZEMA. Eczema Is cured by Hancock's Liquid Sulphur used with water according to directions. It is nature's Greatest Ger micide, and heals many other diseases also, together with cankers and sores of scslp, nose and throat. Pimples, Uch and prickly heat succumb to It. At druggls;s generally. Ask for booklet f Bancock Liquid Sulphur Co, Balti more, Md. A ' Remedy That No One Is Afraid To Take, Dr. Thachcr's Liver and Blood Syrup has been used in thousands of homes for fifty-two years with perfect confidence and the most remarkable results. The great success of this remedy is due to the fact that its formula (which con sists of Buchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian, Senna and Iodide of Potassium) lias been freely published. Doctors and Druggists everywhere do not hesitate to recommend a preparation which they know contains the beet le nown remedies for correcting all irreg ularities of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood, aud the diseases caused by the failure of these functions to perform their proper work Thousands ol sick ones to whom life has been a burden nave written" grateful letters that others might profit by their experience. BLOoitmo Guovb, Tax., Nov. 18, 1903. I was suffering terribly with Indigestioa sad triUuey trouble and teat to my druggist for M.rmetnluff to relieve me. As lie sent me a package of Dr. Thachtr'a Liter and Blood Syrup I concluded to try it, n n d now I am deeply grateful to my druggist .is well as to you. I tnd been a sufferer from these things and a ir-'urrral run down condition for tea yeare, ami had only received temporary relief from other medicines. But after uttag not quite two Packages of your Liver and mood Syrup I feet .i utout and hearty aa I ever did in my life, and i ti m satisfied that I am entirely cured. I feet no svraptoma whatever of 1-i.lnev trouble, aad uy uigesuon is aa goo" I can now eat whatever J t never had. any rein, and permanent relief, tect estimate on the v. been to me. I would i money for it. Very t r ivlnf i - irh quick t put a eor- edttlM 1 y mount of yours J.C.BaoWN. Tf V"ti nrd a m4U4 vrU U-4mffrr - urtmpfe ol ami "Dr. Xhiohn-. ilratth bonk." (7 1st nnmplomt for adrlee. Wo iinlM ak you in try it mt ear eat ; auM. If " know what it mill do. for into by nil Jirugglfto twatce 5w ( anit $1.00. W) i 1 haa

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