... ........ -Twpr THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Pah lebed is Two Sections , vs r y Tues day tad Friday, at Journal Bolldlag, 84 SO Craven Straat. CHAKLB5 L 5TBVBN?, SUBSCRIPTION RATKP-, Two Montha, SBCente Threee Months, 85 l Montha, 80 " wel re Montha, tl. ONLY IN ADVANCE, V1, pTIoi diert lain a rates furniahed upon ap- icatlon at the oftice, or upon inquiry by rjrThB Jotnoiai. u only aant on pay-n-edvanoe basis. Subscribers will raceiT notioa of expiration of their sub scriptions and an Immediate reeponae to notice wu) be appreciated by the Jouuax Entered at the Poetotflce, . New Bern H. C aa second-class matter. REAL SOURCES OP PROSPER ITY. Industry, thrift and economy, with an Intelligence which can grasp the Bit uatloa, and know what kind of endeav or and an orgy li beat to be exerted, ha produced the great results In the up building of this nation. It Is the value of the article to the cod umer which makes the country's wealth. The output of the gold mines is often heralded as something sxuairdl nary, In the wealth producing line, yet the farmers of this conntry in the psat two years, it Is eatimated.liave produced wealth exceeding all the gold mined In the world since America was discover ed. Perhaps the fact that the gold and sil ver, the precious stones which are taken from earth, are ever before the world, makes their value and Importance ap pear more impressive, while the great cotton crops, the crops of wheat, corn, oats, are annually consumed, so that they are not apparent to the visible sight, dulls the fnll appreciation of their great value. The Secretary of Agriculture says that within four years the value of farm cap ital, apart from the recent Increase In the value of farm land, has increased two billion dollars, and in eight years the deposits In Iowa banks have nearly doubled, In Kansas baiks more then doubled and In Mississippi banks in creased thrse fold. The value of the crops of this year, omitting what Is fed to stock, comes close to five billion dol lars, and Is six times the value of the capital stock of all the national banks. It Is in the growth and marketing of these agricultural products that times are prosperous, combined with good prices obtained for these products, which enrich or help every one ecgaged in cultivating or handling them, from the sower and gatherer, to the seller and consumer. It Is the farm product which Increases the value of the ground in which It Is grown, and promotes every channel of trade through which it flows after it becomes an article of com merce, until It goes into final consump tion. BEWARE THE THOUGHTLESS WORD! The old saying which notes the virtue In silence, has been oft verified by actua experience In the lives of men and womej who fail to follow Shakes peare's Injunction, "give thy thoughts no tongue," but instead give free tongue to thoughts that would have been best left unsaid. 1 he thoughtless word has not only wrought ruin in the home, but it hss brought disaster to business interests and developed war between nations. It la the seemingly little thing, which once uttered is beyond recall and will circle the globe without being caught. "Boys, flying kites, haul in tbelr white - winged birds, But yon can't do that .when flying words. Careful with fire is good advice, we know, Careful with words is ten times doubly o. Thoughts, unexpressed, may sometimes fell back dead, Bat God Himself can't kill them when they're said." And yet every day we pay less -heed, give little thought, when In conversation some gossip la provoked, and words are uttered carelessly, which perhaps In themselves, In their own first Interpre tation are not of evil, yet given wing grow Into monsters, to distress If not wreck lives. Word are to easy to take flight. Con venation in every one's daily life Is so simple end natural, opinion find modes of expressing themselves in apparently pore guise, but if then be not fore thought used, there will be the careless word to mar all, to destroy the good which might have done so much to aid In some llfj. How often will elevating convention and grand thought! be suddenly dwarfed by the carelessly nt ttred word, tad where the sublime ida was paaaing current in the minds of the listeners, the Utile thoughtless word, slipped fotth to ruin and destroy, to efface the noble thoughts and to plunge "from Heavon to hell." It is the thoughtless, the oa relets word which Is to active for evil, for once sent forth no one can or may esti mate its force for hsrm, when If thought had been taken, the word could have been withheld, remained unsaid, and lc Its place the word sent forth, whloh could have helped and benefitted others. Grip Quickly Rnocked Out. "Some weeks arro during the severe winter westher both my wife end my self contracted severe oolds which speed lly developed Into the worst kind of la grippe wltli el) its miserable symptoms" says Mr J 8 Egleston of Maple Lending, lows. "Knees sort j ilnts a:hicg, mus cles sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose runnlrg, with alternate spells of chills and fever. Wo began using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets, and by Its liberal use eoon com pletely knocke d out the grip." These Tablets pronvte a healthy action of the bowels, liver and kidneys which Is al ways beneficial when the system Is con gested by a cold or attack of the grip, for sale by F 8 Duffy. Soliciting: Ag-ent at New Bern For A & N C It Las been officially announced that Mr A J Cooke has been appointed Solic iting Agent of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad at New Bern, N C, having In charge the soliciting of freight and passenger business at New Bern The Atlantic and North Carolina Rail road recognizes the importance of New Bern as a commercial centre, and in or der that a Representative of the Traffic Department may be easily accessible at all times to the patrons of the line at New Bern, Mr Cooke has bsen appoint ed to fill the position, and it Is believed the appointment Will give satisfaction, not only to the Railroad Company, but to Ilia morchants and shippers as well. Mr Cootie has had many years expert lence in the capacity of Soliciting Agent at various points in Carolina territory, and has lately been In charge of "The Atlantic Hotei" atMorehead City. Tne appointment Is marie effective December 10th, 1904. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Cstsrrh Cure. F J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned," have known F J Cheney for the last 13 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in f 11 bust ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. lWaldisu, Kiskan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tsken intern ally, sctlng directly upon the b'ooJ and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials free. Price 75 cts per bottle. Prest. DRFratcis, of the World's Fair, has written a letter to the Oovernor of each State and Territory embraced in the Louisiana Purchase Informing htm that the Exposition Company has de cided to present to each of these States and Territories the statute symbolic of it and occupying a niche in the colon nade of States back of Festival Hall, on the Fair grounds Flfht Will Be Bitter Those who will persist In closing their ears against the continual recommenda tion of Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bit ter fight with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what Tit Beall of Beall, Kiss, has to say: "Last fall my wife had every symp tom of consumption. She took Dr King's New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her. Guaranteed by C D Bradham.drug gist, i'nee cue, and si. Trial bottles free. The business organizations of Norfolk acting in conjunction with the varions railways having deep water terminals here and the United States immigration authorities, are to tike determined steps to break up the gang of sailors' boarding house men, "Shankhaiers" and "crimps" said to t e infesting the port and doing Injury to sbipplhg Interests. The Key Tbat Unlocks The Door to Long; Living. The men of eighty five and ninety years of age are not the rotound well fed, but thin, spare men who live on a slender diet Be as careful as he will, however, a man past middle age, will occasionally eat too much or of some article of food not suited to his constltn Hon, aid will need a dose of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to cleanse and invigorate his stomach and regulate his liver and bowels. When this is done there is no reason why the average umu should not live to old sge. For sale oy all druggists. There were eighteen Inches snow fall in tome places in Western Carolina this week. Only n little "hominy" In this section. HOLD THE COTTON That It The Heat intent of Craven Coun ty Fai In response to a call to the farmers cf the South to asset at convenient places and forsaalate plans to improve smarkat prices on the cotton crop, a few rep re seatatlve farmers of Craven county act at the court hones Saturday noon to dlaones the question . The wea. her was bad that bet few could get out bat what attendance there wu, desnonstrat ed the fact that the matter with which they had to deal was of vital impor tance. 1 he price of cotton has hsd a down ward tendency from the beginning of the season but the great slump occurred after the government report of Decern her 3rd, which wu the final official re port of the entire cotton crop forltoe, being 13,190,000 bales, figures which were a great surprise to everybody. The announcement was the alga for the Wall street bears to get busy and the result of their activity la evident in the low price of the commodity. Mr Daniel Lane presided at the meet tng and Mr Q L Hardlaon wu secretary. Mr Lane stated in a tew remarks the ob jsct of the meeting. He said that the farmers of ths South were confronted with a condition which they had got to meet with firmness and mast insist on their rights or suffer te. rlble lossu. He said it would injure the farmer for years to come unless he made a vigorous protest. Planters are moused all over the South. Texas, the leading cotton produoing State, is most prominent In the sgltatlon. It is the judgment of msny that con certed action and that alone will bring about the desired result. The remedy for the trouble he believed was in two thlngs-to hold 20 per cent of cotton now on hand and to decrease acreage Mr C E Foy thought that the farmers should get together and then It will be easy to control the situation. There have been times before when cotton wu low In price and by forming a com bination to fight the speculators who have been largely responsible for the low prices. Mr E W Rossnthal stated he believed the government report wu not a good thing for the farmer. If a petition should be presented to eongress to mate no more estimates, on which specula tors cculd base their operations. He cited the esse of the western farmers who requested congress to abolish es tlmates on wheat and corn. This prac tlce was discontinued and the difference was very marked. Cotton mill owners and farmers should harmonize. It has been demonstrated that in these places where mil's are located and the pinners and farmers agree that the latter generally satisfied as to the price paid. Manufacturers are the farmers' best friends Mr A B Dawson advised cutting the cotton acreage. He remarked that he should reduce hls crop 60 per cent and others said they might cut theirs down 80 per cent. An able editorial frcm the Progressive Farmer was read by Secretary Hardlson, which counseled both of these proposl ttons -holding cotton and cutting down the planting area. The chairman appointed a committee composed of Messrs. A B Wadsworth, A B Dawson, M M Cannon, J M Spencer and M D Lane to draft resolutions, which were u follows. 1. In view of the present disastrously low price of cotton we dtem it wise that farmers hold their cotton crop on hand for 00 days -nless the price gets to 10 centi, then if necessary market it u slowly as possible- We think It wise to hold at least 80 per cent of cotton un less the market reaches ten cents. 8. We believe that the Question can be well met by curtailment of the acre age; therefore we advise all farmers in the county to cut their acreage at least 5 per cent. 3. We advise that meetings be held In townships, December II, at 9 p m; then and there to appoint committees to com plete the county organisation at the court home Saturday. January 7th The meeting voted to appoint acorn mi t tee to devise plans for county organ lzation. Those appointed were: J J Wolten den, M D Lane, EH Meadows. J J Baxter, U B Foy , G L Hardlson and Daniel Lane. A Certain Core For Croup. When a child shows symptoms of croup there la no time to experiment with new remedies, no matter how high )y they may be recommended. There it one preparation that can always be de pended upon. It has besn in nee for many years and has never been known to fail, viz: Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy. Mr M F Compton of Market, Texu says of it, "I have need Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in sevsre eases of croup with my children, and can truthfully say It always gives prompt relief. For sale by ail druggists. The Introduction of foreign labor Into the cotton mills of South Carolina marks n new era in the cotton manufactur ng Industry. This departure has been nude cecesssary by the scarcity of mill labor, duo to the high price of cotton draw ng the present help back to the farms. A Costly Mistake Blunders are somettasM very expen sive. Occasionally life Itself is the price of a mistake, hut you'll never be wrong if yon take Dr King's New Life Piles for Dyspepsia, Dltziosee, Head, ache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25e at C D Bradham's drug store. CABUGE m State Horticulturist Te Visit Here Next Week. Children's Home Society Work. Jones Pays Costs. McBee Again Up. Urewth Insurance BujI te s In State. Charter mated, Raleigh, Dec 16 State Horticulturist Harold Hume will leave here next Tuee dsy tor New Bern, to Inspect the cab bage growing tests which are In pro gress cn the farm of Wm Dunn tht re. He will thence start out on a tour through the trucking district, leaving about the second or third ot January probably, for the purpote of ascerttln irg what lands can be obtained and all other necestary polnta In regard to the location cf the very Important test far u recently authorised by the Board of Agriculture, the test) on this farm to be of small fruits, trucMcg, vegetables ber ries, etc. of course the East Carolita Truckers Association will co-operate to the fullest extent In this movement, which it has so successfully- lnaugnrated and In which It ftelt so mnch Interest. Mr. Hume It a very practical man and so Is Mr. Dunn, who Is the chairman of that committee rf the Bosrd cf Agri culture, A charter was granted today to the Bsnk of S outhport with psld np capital stock 9,000 and power to Increase this to $20,000. R C Hood snd others ate ihe incorporators. It was expected yesterdsy that there vould be another considerable snow-fall lut night, but only about half an Inch loll, with some sleet, and this morning the weather was glorious. S ate Superintendent Wm B. Streeter of the North Carolina Children' Home Society wss here todsy snd talked very interestingly of the work which this ex cellent organization haa done In finding aomea f jr children. No less it an 1(30 families hsve aeked this society for chil dren. Fifty-three children have been given Christian hornet and up to tht lime something over $3,030 has baen contributed to the Society. It it a bright and beautiful woik that the Society Is (loin In having rescued chil dren cared for and properly brought up. Several children h ive been taken from Raleigh snd have literally been saved. I) ii found that the actual cost of caring for a destltutue child during his minor ity on the plan adopted by this society Is about $109, which is the pr'ce of what is known as a benefactor's numbershlp. This is one of the 23 Stste Societies and it is non sectarian, thoroughly Christian and brcadly charitable. The Supreme court has concluded the hearing of appeals set at the end of the docket. The coui t will adjourn in a few dry a. 1 he Raleigh Electric Railway Com pany todsy made an offer to sell Its plant to the new Raleirh and Durham Railway Company, which was tonight granted a charter by the Aldermen here, "Charles C. Jones of G Utboro hss paid the $US5 due as costs In his case before the Federal court, this case having been disposed cf lsst June. V E McBee has been appointed by Judge Pnrnell n co-receiver with W J Edwards of the Carolina Northern Rail way, the headquarters cf which is at Lumberton, and went there today the two taking charge of the road. Miss Nora Phillips, a daughter of the late Hon. Samuel F. Phillips, of Wash ingtcn, D C, Is chosen as Superintendent of the Rex Hospital here, to succeed Mrs Lawrence who died a tew months ego. The Insurance Commissioner bu gianted licenses during the year to 89 life, 18 assessments. 104 fire and marine, 31 accident, and surety companies, and 85 benevolent orders. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund. ihe money if It falls to cure. E W Grove's signature is on etch box 85c. Growth of Insurance Business In the State. Rslelgb, 17. In a special interview with Insurance Commissioner Young some very interesting facts regarding the development of the Insurance business in North Caro lina companies were ascertained. The increase of the business of home com panies is certainly remarkable. In 1889 there were no stock or legal- reserve com panics of North Carolina's origin doiog buslneis In the State and only one assets ment atsxittlon, ths total assets report ed being only $1,580 by these c ompanles which are life. Now such companies report capital $ .25,600; usets $878,000, business In force $2,188,000 premiums re ceived $91,000. The Fire Insurance companies organized in the State make a splendid showing, showing an Increase ia capital dm leg the put four years of $887,000, assets $3,448,000 surplus $2, 200,0.0, yearly business $31,243,00), In crease In yearly premiums $70,000; io nrease In Insurance in force $38,830 000. The Commissioner said that this ts a very handsome showing indeed. He finds that the valce of State property upon which Insurance Is taken is (8,189,000, while ihs total Inn ranee upon tt is only $357,000. He ssya that really the State ought to carry a great deal more In surance, aay from 60 to 70 par cent of the valce c f most of the buildings, and he will so recommend. For the year end ed last Aptil he paid into the State Tressnry $178,0C0, snd during lbs pres ent fiscal yesr of his department will pey at leut $900,000. The old, original GROV4.8' TsstelesS Chill Tonic. You know what yon are taking It is iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No Com, no pay, 60c. Supreme Court Opinlsts Special to Journal. Raleigh, Dee 17 Supreme conit this evenlsg filed following opinions. Hiram Orlfla vs I A L Ry from Hall ifat, petition to reaar dtssslastd. Stale vt Hi ft f as Wak. new trie': Fire Extinguisher C, VS ailroad, from Mtckllnburg, new irla'. Ctiebvs Rhea, from buBcom'-e, - ror. Turner vs Wilsoa, from Orange, ra vened. Turner vs McNie, from Oreag", re versed. Jua-e vs Macknlgbt, from M ore; pe tition te rehear allowed; j nigment be- ow affirmed. Satterwhlte vs Ooodyear, from Hay wood, i rror: Stale vs Davis Irom Ula ln. uew trial. Lance vs Tan'.or, run Madison, no er ror. Coward vs & mmiisioners, Jackson, error. 8 . up vt Btalnp from Cherokee, er ror. Trotter vs Angel, from Macon, lo er ror. Frances vs Reves, from Haywood, af srmed- State vs Morris, from Hertford, per curiam, no rror, State vs Sptulll, from Msrtlo, per curiam, no error. State vs Gentry, from Cherokee, (er curiam, no error. To Editor of Journal. New Bern: If I. AM Paint is not soli a' New Bern we will fell property owners li rect, also send half gelli n for rjaralna ;lon, give th r:y dayt t me for payment md free paint to paint first house i aim ed. Wears and covers like gold. Lead with zlnr. Non chalkabie. 4 gallons LAM and 3 gallon nil will pslnt a mod rate s'4;d houe. We levite property owners .to write for particulars, si d color cards. LONGMAN & MAR riNt Z Paint Maker for Kilty Years. P S Mercban a dealring afency. ma Obtain It If proprrl equipped for sell ing. Hyde County Rust Pr lof Oats for seed. Rye and Clover. Bay, Grain and Feed at Chas B Hill, Eist fide Market Dock, New Bern, N C. News ot the lots of the barkentlne Emits, boucd from Fernandtaa, Fie., to Fall R ver, Mats., with lumber, and of the rescue of her csptaln, his wife and the crew cf seven men after being 15 hours at the mercy of the sea on the ves sel's deck-house, wu brought t y the Clyde Line stesmer New York. Revolution Imminent A sure sign of spprosching revolt snd serious trouble la your syttsm is ner vousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. Electric Bitten will quickly dis member the troublesome causft. It never falls to tone the stomach, regu late the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Ron down systems- benefit rerttcularly snd all the usual atundlng aches vanish un der the searching and thorough effect IvCness. Electric Bitters U only Mo, and that Is returned If It don't give per fect satisfaction. Guaranteed by C D Bndlum. druggist The syndicate organized by Speyer and Co. to finance the $35,000,000 Cuban loan has been wound up. Participants are uld to hsve divided a profit of slight'y leu than 0 per cent. At no time were the members of the syndicate called upon to pay any part of their sub scrlptiocs. FROM GEORGIA. C C Bo wen, Attorney-at-Law, Dalton, Ga To Flncher & Nichols "Hare just finished painting three ot my honses with L M Paint It covers almost twice u much surface ss expect ed. Had no Idea that cost of paint would be so small. Always give me L & M." Actual cost ot Longman Martinez L M Paint leu than $1.90 ter gallon. Wears and covers like gold. Sold by lly man Supply Co. A Guaranteed Core For Piles Itdhing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists refund money It PAZO OINTMENT falls to core any case.no matter of how long standing, in $ to 14 days. If your druggist nssn't tt send SOc In stamps and It will be fnrwrded post paid by Psris Medicine Co, Saint Louis, Mo. The-No va Reforms of Lemberg, says a Steady stream of Russian deserters con tlnue to arrive there, most of whoa ate goleg to America. J CUB A COLD IN OSK &.AY rako Laxative Bronx Quinine Tat.ct nil druggists refund the money If It tails to cure K. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. NOTICE ! ABuket Supper end Sillabub and and Cake Eating at the school house at Jasper N C, on Thursday Bight, Decern berll, 1904. Proceeds to be nsed to pay for desks for school room. All are cor dially Invited to attend. At Home Bat imlphur bath art relief of Sal atl dOont. and internal, wtll cm both of thete terrible dtecuci. Bmt the sulphur aantt be la rack form that tt can be absorbed by th ajMcvA. The only prepantioa ol sulphur eer aiscoTereo. wu cut DC Hancock's Liquid Sulphur It it Katun' t Greatest Orrmteidt. Such cms In ear that we fwsnmla It to care Eczema, Acne, Itch, DaadmrT. Kin swot in, rrickly Bleat, Diphtheria. Catarrh, Cancer, Sore Mouth and Throat, Cuts, and all diaeaaea of the scalp. For aaie o alt reliable drugftett, Hancock's Liquid Sulphur Ointment Prepared especially for Burna, Scalds, Open Sores. Ch fed Parts, Raw Surfaces. Soils, riles, Kougnness or race ana Write for booklet on the curatlre HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR CO., llire -t- Tout- Bonit-'.Kfcly oru,lil warn Mrs. r-rettlfnet' thai that fellow Smirks. vho'si paying nitration to her, is n mis erable flirt. .Mm Hem! Better warn Smirks Mrs. I'rottlfnco Is a widow. ltepartr-r. "Pa, wl'Bt 1h repartee?" "Oli, merely an insult with Its dross suit on, my sou." Puck. To some the past gives only resret, the present sorrow, the future fear. Lambert. 'WINCHESTER "New Rival" Black Powder Shells are made for good shooting and good shooters shoot them. There is no guess work when your gun has a " New Rival" in the chamber: for it's the kind of shell that can always be depended upon to . shoot where the gun is held. ."New Rival" shells are sure-fire, give good pattern and pene tration and cost but little more than cheap inferior makes. ORDER THEM AND TAKE NO OTHER THIS WEEK BARGAIN WEEK! Remember We Will Save You Money in Every Department. $3 OHO worth Met'i Youth's and Children's Suit and Over- fUUU neaata wilt trn at cost 10 nlosc US Ladies Jackets! CD Jtr I 68 inch wide Repellant, all colors, this week 49c per Kepellant jard WOrth $1 0o. One hundred Comforts will 'm cioseii out at 403 eacn. A large assortment of BJanktts to be closed out at factory prices 500 yards Outing to close this week at 4 1-4 ots yard 2,500 yards Homespun, this week 8 8-4c per ya d A fine line of Ladies' and Men's Gloves. 500 Men's 8hirt, all sizes, 75c kind, this weea 87c each. 300 pair Men's. v omul's and Children's Hioes, tl 60 kind will go at 95c a pair for choice. 75 JHIdsifc St. Ihe Hyman Supply Co., Dear Sir: Over fifty years ago, our firm began Belli o g pslnl throughout the South sales have continued uninterruptedly, and ten times greau r than any othei brand of paint. Read the following: ' Have used the L. & M, pslnt twenty years, houses painted with It eight years ago show better today than houses painted with other paints wlihtn two years." A. B. Edgell, Aischoa, Fla. ".Have nsed all brands of paint, L. & M. Pure Palot stands better, and wears longer than any other paint I have ever used In my ten years ei peitence." H. F. Smith. Painter Concord N, O. "1 painted FranhenburgBlock with L & M Paint, stands out as though varnished. .-,, Actual cost was less than $120 per gallon." .W. B. Barr, Charleston, W. Va. "I painted our old homestead with L. &. M. Paint twenty-six years ago. Not painted since; looks better than houses painted In the last four years with other pslnt," H. 8. Scotfield, Harris Springs, B C. "Used the L. & at. Paints for sixteen vears. Painted three bouses with It fifteen years ago; they have not needed painting since. ' J. E Webb, Hickory. N O nespeetfnll, LONGMAN A aURTINBZ. These Celebrated Paints are sold by Qyman bnpply Co HAS STOOD THE TEST 2ft YEARS Beautiful Color Photo, Free. To every near subscriber to the Weekly Journal, not lees than Six Months, and to every subscriber who pays up to date his or her ahscrtption, the Journal will give Free, n beautiful Color Photo, which can be framed and hung upon the wall of any home as a beautiful adornment. Remember this Offer, and tesuie this Color Photo, when yoa subscribe to the Weekly Journal. at tw, oaltttaaT Th nilpaurtmtnral.rxtcniil s est oy we sxia aaa try the aiff- naaos ana muia Lnsesscs. and tpUeSSla i of sulphur. MS. Flaeat rroirit Jenela Ira h Wrla. The late killrf of Saxony left lb ' richest collection of crown Jewess ht j Europe. One 'las case In the "green vaults" at broaden contslaa asaorteel sets of the most eoatly gema. In one ie uothlue but sapphires. In another em eralds, lu another rubies, in another diamond, in another pearls. The lar gest rubles weigh forty-eight and afty uiue carats. The rarest gem ia a grew disniond weighing fo.ty carats. There ftre two of Martin Luther's EbJUBS aSMl one of Melanclithon's. tStSSbiStAwwMtm$IM Notice ! Nonce Is given that certificate No 283 for o je Share of slock, in the A ct N O R R On, whloh wu isued to me May 81st, I860 has bt eo bst, and that I shall apply for another crriltfeate Dacemler lat, 1901 HENRY R BRYAN. s Miiiiarj KINSTON, N. O., offers excellent college preparation, bosinesi and literary equipment for practical life at the rate of 1150 per year including uniform. Location unequalled for health, morale, quietude, beautiful environments and good water. Buildioga well heated end adapted for work. Three aph-ndid literary societies and two religious organizations. Students interests at heart. W. H. RHODES, Supt. SPECIAL SALE! ON. Dn 6Kisf Chikiii, 8km, Han, Ms, Ladies1 Jaekefs, Stilts. Suits and Overcoats from $2000 np See me before you buy. No trouble to show goods. Yours to please, B. Melstea, The Honest Merchant, 7t Middle St., Bryan Block.