V-i- ; r xi M-v v VOLUME XXVII.. IIV.BIRI..CRATIR COOim. H fi ,. FB(I)U MARl'H 3, 18115. 'KtOND SECTION. NUMBER S7 . r. : i i if vn rn : y mi i ! I II ; i- - 0 ? A Fine Corn Crop, r, In fact, nyotbercrononearth, ; will t eaollv produced If you fertilize liberally wltk Virginia-Carolina - Fertilizers. '. They are made oi superior Im ported potash salts, ammoulates and phosphates, by the moat ex pert and successful fertilizer men In the world. Insist on vetting these brands take no other. It your dealer hasnt them, write us to the city nearest you lor Infor mation. : VTltOTNTA-CAROMNA CH BMICALKXIMPAN T ' Richmond, Vs. Atiurta, Ga. Norfolk, Vs. - BaTsnnah.Oa. . Durham, M. 0, Montgomery, Ala, CtaarlMtoa, 8. 0. Monlil, Turn. nrrco rna cm i cctti cmcwt Of North Carolina Bonds Held by Scaler ol New Yonk. Dommitlee Recommend .. & x ..-.V.'..' "U t : ' ..'" ed It. . ;; Special td Journal, : :j J, t it 1 Raleigh, N. C, Mar. l.-Late this af : tarnnnn an acreement was . ranched in thedcttleraent of the. vSouth Dakota bond matter and the legislative commit tee prepared the) following report which it submitted tonight; The committee to which was referred the South Dakota judgment and the Schaefer bonds, : to carefully consider the same' and 'make "recommendation report. : - , . ' 1st That the Governor, with the ap proval of Council of State be directed to settle the South Dakota judgment in the manner deemed by them best to protect the State's interest. ' id" After careM, consideration of the bonded indebtedness known as the Schaefer Brothers bonds, being- 242 -of $1,000 each, with interest for twenty nine years, and after consultatui with the -attorneys of ' bond . holders, the committee unanimously recommend that the State pay the bonds holders $895, per bond, amounting to $215,864, which is $447,216 less than' the principal and interest, $179,136 loss than the first proposition suggested by the bond hold ers to the Governor, N and $26,136 less , than the ultimatum they offered. . The $215,864 recommended by thecommittet andjicoepted "by the bondholders, is based, though less, on the settlement of .1879 allowing 2 cents on the ; dollar and interest for 2 years with interest on the deferred coupons, this being in strict accordance with the debt settle ment of 1879, and the Democradic plat " form. We believe this, setttlement both honest and just, and recommend that the legislature accept and approve it ' NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. Eggs, per dozen...'.,............. . . .....i.,...18 thickens, old per pair.. .50-65 , " young, per pir. .60-65 Pork, per lb, ...........7 Live Hogs ........4-11 Beef. " .. ...6 & 7 Hides, green, per IT 5c & 6J " dry, " .8 & 10 Beeswax, .20 to 23 Corn, per bushel...... i..'..........75c OaU, '............'. ..... ... 671c Peanuts 85 Potatoes, Yams... ... .....70 Bahamas.. ....GO Local Grain Market. . " v'orn. per bushel 65 Oats, " 45 Meal, " , 70 Hominy " '. 7J Corn bran, per 100 His .... $1.00 'Wheat bran, " 1.40 Fe-1, l"f) ns ...1.35 ii. -I !, 1"' IS.h 1.60 . ll.H-.., l,:ills , .45 r 1.50 , i. Timothy per ti.n 20 rs. Cas.sie L. Clindwick wants a co of venue, but her counsel op- ci vr : n ii:g:i school 1. i f .r r " I BUST .DAY State Legislature Working With A Rush. New Bill Still Being Introduced. James town Exposition Appropriation Bill It Killed. Governor Glenn . .'. Has More Recom- . mendillons. . Special to Journal - Raleigh, ' March 1. --'In the Senete bills were introduced to exempt mem bers fire companies from jury service;, to limit poll tax; to empower county commissioners to fix place of execution of criminals. ' ; , Bills passed to authorize Southern Carolina Railway to build in Tyrrell and Hyds; to make part of Pamlico county stock law territory; to incor porate Raleigh & Southport, and South port and Western Railway;, to amend charter of Washington. The Senate concurred in the House amendment to the pension bill reducing the amount from $300,000 ;to $275,000, and in House amendment the bill valida ting defective deeds and causing defec tive orders. Bills were passed to erect gates in no fence territory in Craven; to change the time of holding courts in Greene and Craven; to define vagrancy, amend ing the law and making it mere string ent; to give' executors, or administra tors power to foreclose mortgages. The bill to provide for Hall of Records, failed to pass. Bills passed amending, giving Governor right to grant condi tional pardons; to require county sur veyors to keep records of surveys of entries of lands; to provide for collect ing taxes from persons who have re moved from counties, after tax listers have made up their lists: to provide for allowing homesteads to hold land in cortimon; to allow executors and ad ministrators to provide gravestones foi deceased perso is; to provide fire proof depositories for county records; to pro vide punishment for, violation of law against selling liquor within a certain distance of hundreds of churches and schools. Bill to appropriate $50,000 for Jamestown Exposition, was referred to appropriation committee, which means its death. - Resolution was introduced in House urging reduction of acreage in cotton; to amend the oy3ter. Bill incorporat ing many churches and school houses. and protecting them from sale or man ufacture of liquor within a radius from one to three miles. Bills passed to al low Naval Militia an equal sum per capita; to that allowed National Guard to place tablets to the memory of N. C. troops at Bethel and Chickamauga. Message from Governor recommend ed $5,000 annually for school of Tech nology at Spray, to be established by Frank Mebane and other prominent men north and south. , The House con curred in Senate amendments to bill repealing anti-jug law, except for four counties named in it, . but refused to joncur in Senate amendment 'striking out excepted'eounties from new anti jug law. . A committee on conference way appointed. - Bill to divide State into two judicial circuits was tabled. Hollister's RockyMountain Tea never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys, stimulate the liver and cleanse the blood. A great tonic and muscle producing remedy. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets, F. S. Duffy. " , CALLS CZAR ASSASSIN And Demand (or His Abdication By Fathsr ' ' Gspon. Paris, March 1. Huminite published a remarkable letter today from Father Gapon, the priest who led the people to the Czar's palace when the troops fired killing hundreds. In this letter Father Gapon brands the czar as an assassin and demands his abdication forthwith. The letter says '"Nicholas Romanoff formerly the czar is the new assassin of the empire. Full of simple faith I marched toward the palace peacefully accompanied by your people and you knew it. Innocent blood will alvays -iei,u';sf e the assassin and the Russian people. You can no longer stem the p iu!;ir s!vum, now fuiiously swollen eve:i by promises of natural assembly. Dynamite bombs and popular insur r.;i lion ,v.v;iit nil thy race and the as- sai; iii'a ;'; I Torr.'nts of blyod per .1 tbroii ;h thy default h:M:i will be f arid Kus: i;t in ilMl'lCO I'.Ui, '. !' Therefor re- h t' ' fioni! im!y the tribunal t ,''..ne (,f te ;j ti v. t:- t l A JATTEl CF HEALTH 7n K w si Daft IHHl 11 " Absolutely Pur& !IA$ 1 SUBSTITUTE Lane's School House. . . , . 1 March 1. , :; Mrs. Joel Kinsey of New Bern, who his been visiting her son, Mr. Joe Kin sey returned Wednesday. ' ' i Mr. James Civils died February 25th. His remains were interred in Asbury Cemetery. " .' ' .' M ;. . . Saturday night . during the thunder st )rm the lightning struck a tree about four feet from the corner of Mr. Ed ward French's dwelling.' There was not much damage -done. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Russell spent Sunday at his father's. " ' ; We are sorry to hear that Mr. W. J. French is not able to be oufc , v Ve are glad to hear that Mrs. Ada Russell is improving. - ; : 'Mr. Henry Russell spent Sunday evening at Mr"'. W. J. French's. Misses Sallie French and - Ettie Latham spent Sunday afternoon at Mi W. R. Koonce's. Elder J. J. Boyd filled his regular appointment I Sunday Feby 26th., at Neuse Level Church. - Miss Julia Lane is spending this week at Mr. M. D. Lane's. - "- 'Blue and Brown Eyes. Paint Your Buggy For 75c. to $1.03 with Devoe's Gloss Carnage 1'aint. It weighs 3 to 8 ozs. more to the pint than others, wears longer and jives a gloss equal to new work. Sold oy E. W. Smallwood and The J. C. Whitty Co. - - - I ' " Railroad Magnates Here. ; Tlie officers of the Howland Improve: ment Co,, passed through New Bern on a special train at half past eight o clock last night and , went to Morehead City on a tour of Inspection, The train stopped at the depot to get water and staid a few minutes at the depot platform. The train was ' com posed of two cars, President Perry's ' private car and the Vance. s In the party were President Perry, R. P. Foster, R. S. Howland and Fred Merritt. They were met at the depot by Messrs. A. D. Ward and J. J. Wol. fenden. . It is possible that the party will stop here on their return and will be guests at the hotel Chattawka. ' Why suffer with headache, constipa tion, stomach, kidney and liver trou bles, when Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will cure you? No money wanted unless you are cured. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. F. S. Duffy. A FAN MASQUERADE A Unique And Pretty Advertising Device Adopted By G. S. Wators & , Sons. ' A large number of children were af forded a great deal fun yes "tr day by a new fad introduced by G. S. Waters ct Sons, the enterprising carriage manu facturers, " It was what may be called a "fan masquerade." Mr. WateJS gave the children fans which were were ingeniously made in the shape of a human face. ' . All sorts of grimaces and caricatures were painted on them and they were made in a manner that 'would fit the face, There was the German, the Irishman, tho negro, the tramp and all sorts arid conditions of men pictured on the faces. The back of the fans contained the ad vertisement of the firm.' f : The children formed a procession and marched though the city hiding behind thema-.ks. They were a merry lot of boys and girls. About 300 fans were given away and the demand was much larger. Al though the weather was not such as to require a fan they are in hopes - they will need them some time before long.' ' ; ' That Ecautiful Gloss. comes from tho varnish in Devoe's Var niali Floor Taint; costs five cents more a qunrt though. Sold by E. W. Small wood. - ' hade Trees' 1 O! Uisistb llcitli ts Ett Tre 'mYKU LKAF AS PI NT ;e a nieo ri ::do 1 r - iriil will be ' C H- lofine b.. -f ! NO BUCKET SHOPS Senate Judiciary Committee Report - Adversely For Them. Closing Days Mark Mad Passage of Bills. One Vote Against South Dakota " Bond Settlement In llousc. - 1 Sale of Steamerllly. ' " Spqcial to Joui-nal. ' i v - v i. Raleicrh. Mch. 2. In the Senate ti e messages from Governor Regarding tl e South -Dakota judgments of Schaffer bonds was read. The (bond committee reported. t Report was adopted thanks to Senate extended by Governor and Council of State. A resolution was introduced inviting National Editorial Association to meet next year "in North (Jaeblina. Bills passed to charter Kinston and Cape Fear Railway; to prevent; running at large of dangerous or vfcious dogs; to prohibit fishing nets in 'certain parts of Greene; to make anti-jug' law of 1903 apply only to Mitchell, Cleveland, Ca barrus, Gaston, Perquimans and Ashe; to authorize county boards of education to fix time for holding schools; to in corporate Christian University; to pro vide for establishment of public school libraries in rural districts jtp authorize State Board of Education to publish certain text books relating' to history and literature of North Carolina. ' The bill to prevent fire insurance companies from limiting commissions of agents received from other fire com' panies, came up with unfavorable re. port was filed. ' The bill Was warmly debated, passed final reading, 31 to 4; Bill passed to enlarge powers corpora tion commission regarding telegraph, telephone and express companies; ' to am.nd the law, regarding over charges in freight rates, in loss and to freiglif, , . In ' House message was read from Governor detailing terms of bond set tlement agreement, and urging adop tion by legislature. ?, Bill authorizing payment of $215,000 in settlement Schafer bonds came up on second reading. 101 members voted aye, Patterson, republican from Swain voting No, Butler of Sampson was ex cused from voting, upon statement he had no interest, in matter, except, that of any other citizen and tax payer and as representative. The bill provides for a bond issue not , to exceed $250,000, Bills passed td incorporate Richlands; to allow.the people of Cumberland to vote under the Watts law. Bills passed to sell the steamer Lilly, which was for some years used as oyster patrol boat. A humorous'motion that name Lilly be stricken from North Cardina navy list, being adopted unani mouslv bv a rising vote. The House, like Senate balloted for University trustees those recommended by committees were chosen, their names having been published. ; The appro priations bill came up. ' Laughinghouse protestsd ' against appropriations to State Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro and A. & M. College at Raleigh, saying sons of rich men were being educated at the State expense, while helpless soldiers were ' denied adequate pensions. The bill passed without amendment. "Its passage with out extended debate or single amend ment being unprecedented and taken as high compliment to appropriations committee. ; Bills passed allowing home life insurance companies to deposit re. serve bonds with State Insurance Com' missioner to prevent fire waste. The Senate judiciary eommittee after hearing argument from attorney T. C. Guthrie ofCharlotte in opposition to the anti-bucket shop bill which had passed the Houso by an overwhelming majority reported it favorably bv a vote of seven to five. It is freely predicted that the bill will become a law Saturday. , Can't you eat, sleep or work? Bad liver7 Hol'U.tcr's Rocky Mountain Tea ma'ies rkh, red blood, gives strength and health. Cures when all others fail. No cure no pay. 33 cents, Tea or Tab bits. F. S. Duffy. $10 REWARD'' For information which will lead to the arrest and conviction of party or putties who have entered upon my b.ml in No. 1. township, ru,tiliro county, and torn down po; tej ni.tK's, broken i!..wn and i.,,rie. t,:f mv 1 :;!!! viire f an-! Potash Is necessary for colton to produce " high yields and good fibre'. Write for our. valuable books on fertilization; they contain informs, tion that means dollars to the farmers. ; Sent free on request. Write now while you think of it to the .- : -. . ; ; ' . OER.MAN KAU WORKS ' New York Aihina. fia.- Vi Nassau St., or I 1 "'oar t -nil , f tv -mm pf. . PATBIOTIC HIT. Governor Asks Legislators to Work Without Pay Monday and Tuesday. Satisfaction Over Bond Settlement. Spite Legislation (;. on. Geological Smrvey, . Insur- ; . ance Trust Still Supreme. 'i ..... .... Raleigh, March 2. Everybody ex presses extreme satisfaction at : the settlement of the South Dakota bond matter, a settlement which is honor able to the State and satisfactory to the holders of the bonds. When it was found that these bonds had been duly issued under an honorable act the peo ple wanted to see the matter- disposed of, and Governor Glenn struck a key note in his first message to the legis lature about the settlement. The Legislature is arranging to ad journ Tuesday night. The - Governor sent in a message today, urging . the members to serve two days more with out pay, showing the necessity for their staying that much longer. Of course a number of them will go home Saturday or are now saying they will do so, and it is now stated that all - the roll call bills will be disposed of by Saturday so that light Jiouses after that will make iittle difference. . " " Editor Caddell retires from the after noon paper, the ' Times . on the 10th. The Messrs ; Heyle, the new owners have already taken charge. Mr Edgar Womble will remain business manager of the paper, " A prolonged fight has been made by some men in the legislature against the geological survey and it i apears that this is a personal matter against, the State Geologist, very largely. Some members have so stated. They do ndt realize what the survey has done for the State, and some of them have de sired to get rid of the vfhole business; not caring for anything of the kind. , A very wealthy New Yorker, a native of Raleigh, the head of a great manu facturing concern, is here looking into the kaolin interests of North Carolina, j Charles J. Harris, who is known as the '.Kaolin King" and who was the. Re- publican nominee for Governor last year is also here. His mine, all in " Western North Carolina supplies a chain of the largest potteries in the United States, from East Liverpool, Ohio all the way tq Trenton, N. J. ' ':- , ! "V A number of persons left here today for Washington, among them Revenue Collector E. C- Duncan. Governor Glenn and staff leave tomorrow at noon on a special train en tho Seaboard Air Line. The Governor will have a very , handsome escort. ; Mounts for the staff have been arranged for. j The insurance committees did not act on tho bill drawn by attorney Field of this city, designed to knock out what is termed tho insurance trust, namely the Southeastern Tariff Association. The committee said it would take . up that matter later.' It had a long session and turned down another bill drawn by Mr. Field regarding commissions to agents. It decided to favorably report one allowing home life insurance com panies to deposit with the Insurance Commissioner a sum of.money equal to the surrender value "bf policies, such j policies to be registered, this being a plan pursued in other States. - - To tha surprise of not a few persons, the legislature knocked out the bill which was designed to allow Paul Gar-' rett to manufacture wine . in Halifax county ad to sell it in sealed packages ; so arranged that they could not be re used by any one else. The, bill had a lavorauie iwpors, uut iv. was very promptly knocked out. , . j I President Mclver of the State Nor- - ; mal and Industrial College I Kama ta ..fin. TMll.'ll rDQIiVIrl M 1 la .Mil introduced by the Appropriation Com - mittee. It puts the college back whrra it was before the great fire of 14 months ago, but with better buildings, so that the college is really the gainer, while it j has no more buildinn?. After a long fi(,ht the di,pi.nr-ary ques tion at Wilson is to be left to the vole of the people there in April of next year. Much interests epi''-cii in thc'plan for the school i t to hnoly which I'nitik ' I.Mie iir-'l ...,. o:'.,t v.-.;!:!.v i NEW ARRIVALS "AT" J.L McDANIEL'S New Barrel Sauer Krout, . ' Fresh Harvey, Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams. Fresh Invoice Heinz Baked Beans Plain and with Heinz Sweet Mixed and Plain Sweet Cucumber Pickles. Florida and California Oranges, ' OnUrio and Heckers' Prepared and Plain Buckwheat , ' Fresh Elgin and Fox River Print Butter. Dried Apples 5c lb. " " lJ.L.McDaniel Wholenale & MssiiiU Grerer.. T , larker Store. ifTTTTYYTVTTTfVrTTVVfVTTTTVTyTTTTYTyfTYTTTytfy'ffftVTy j The tat FratureCv I ' 54: Street. Spring J That just meet the wants of extremely Fine Chances for Great you will be convinced. Next to Sam Lipman's Dry Goods Store. AAAAAAAAAAiiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA You Will Save liloney By buying goods at This Week's Sale. Read carefully every item adver tised in this advertisement and yon will soon find a saving from 25 to 40 per cent. -1 r 10 4,fcheetin!2f. - Three hundred yards of Best Quality 10-4 Sheeting, price elsewhere 28c, our price this week 20c yard. ; Sea Island. 1,800 yards the very best full yard wide Sea Island, Others ask 7c a vard. We sell the same quality for 5Jc the yard. Hamberjr Bargains. 1,400 yards, fine quality Edging and Insertion., Price elsewhere 15c.our mice 7c the yard. - r Rubbers. Men's Rubbers 60c, Ladies Rubbers 40c. o - Our end of Season's sale of Clothing and Furnishings. The Bargain hunters are buying large packages of Goods each day. Big cut in Suits, Sacrifice price on Overcoats. 75 Middle Street. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Fresh Lot Apples, Oniuns and Irish Potatoes JUST RECEIVED a Solid Car Load of Flour from the old Relia ble Voight Milling Co., embracing the following popular brands. OUR PATENT, CALLA LILY AMD ABOVE ALL Our Goofs arc Fresh , - mid Carefully Selected . Reasonable Prices. We solicit consignments of all kinds of Country Produce and Guarantee Prompt attention and Quick Returns and will promise the Highest Prices that can be obtained. - - - . Give as aTrial No. 81 South Front St. AA1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4 3 HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD. BEST FENCE ON THE MARKET. iruu Hno Building material, Paints and Oils. SAW HILLS and Gaskiil Eldw. & ; , fl. unwATtK 73 Middle fit r J ; Phone 147. Double Dutch Pictures reduo All othsrs 10 to 25 per cent. A tofi'.OO Cor. Broad and Hancock St. Corner' Broad and Hancock Sts. Openers. - all. Cash Bargains. or Installment. Offer Just give us a trial and s i MILL EUFPLIE3. - Hill Suonhr j - . Kii.t. hrrri.tis a r,nti it- sV ral A:". 1 C; i

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