5ST-' W1rr .... rv .., ,' VOL. XXHI1I. -No 48 IIW BIES, CKAVIH COUKTY, H C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25 1905 SECOND SECTION. 28th TEAR I 4 1 II TEB "BOSS" COTTON PRESS! HMPLEST, STKQN6EST, BEST " : ' a Thi Muhnav Ciminq Systim In, Fmw Condentwt, Etc. ( GIBBCt MACHINERY CO. Colombia, S. C, LANDS . OFFERED. But Very Few Applications For Immi- grants. Attempted Negro Outrage. Fin Investigation I' ROOSEVELT'S PROPOSITION Submit On to Ruwla and Upan Which Will Remove Deadlock. ' i r Portsmouth, August 23. --The, presi , dent's proposition if accepted will put an end to the deadlock. It is as : fol lows: "Japan to sell all or half of Sak. halin to Russia to consent to pay a , price for Sakhalin as a remuneration to Japan. Russia is to pay to keep the Russian prisoners on that island. Japan . is to yield the subject of the . intend - Russian warships and the limitation of : Russia as naval , power.; Japan . is to permit the sale to an international syn . dicate of tha eastern Chinese railway; the proceeds to be added to her re . numeration. "The conference met early today. J Japan has assured the presi- - dent it will present his terms to- the . conference. Cure Found For Leprosy. ' Manila, August 22 What appears to be a well authenticated instance of the cure of leprosy has been found here, few weeks ago a patient who had been under treatment for that disease, died of liver complaint. After the pa tients' death every 'part of the body was subjected to a searching microsco pic examination by bacteriologists, but not the slightest trace of leprosy could be found. Dr. H. B. Wilkinson, , the physician who treated the patient for leprosy, is a graduate of the University of Virginia class of 1S94. . y i -. Hurrah For New Bern. ' Mews and Observer. ' ': "Hurrah for New Bern!" said a gen tleman from that city who spent yes terday in Raleigh. The Board of Aldermen of that city he said, has adopted an ordinance pro hibiting carriages and hacks from being driven on the streets at night later than nine o'clock. New Bern is in the wake of Raleigh, but it is always awake. Arapahoe -A .'. August 24th. .;. Business in Arapahoe is as flourish' ing as can be expected at this season of the year. ":: ; : ' From the amount of lumber that is being sawed by our lumber man Mr. J. B. Lee, there seems to be groat prep arations for building. ' Saturday before last, the fighting boys of our community united their forces at Arapnhoe, and fought a bat tle that would have made Japan and Russia blush. I am not prepared to give the particulars, but it resulted in one or two getting knocked down with clubs and one came very near getting his throat cut with a pocket knife, and other hurts of less importance. Two , of the boys are bound over to court under one hundred dollar bonds, while others that were implicated will hard-, ly be able to shun the court.. What a pity that young men who claim to be intelligent cannot see how ungentle manly it is to use brute force to settle ' small difficulties. The mechanics will start up work on the Arapahoe academy the first of September. The Methodist and Baptist Sunday day Schools are anticipating a fine time here tomorrow; they will give an an nual. All are invited to attend. Miss Cornelia Holton returned home last Friday. She has been visiting friends and relatives near Arapahoe. Mrs. Alice Land and daughter Allic and Miss Meta Simpson went to Orien tal Tuesday. They were accompany by Mrs. G. W. Brinson. They took the Neuso yesterday morning for New Bern State Charier Granted. Relic - ' For Hall of Hletory . . ;- Corporation) Com i ' mission Re- : turns, . Raleigh, N. C, August 23 Governor Glenn left today for Red Springs where he delivcres the principal address at the reunion of the people of that section tomorrow which is to be a very large affair: y '.-; - " . The Corporation Commission has re turned from South Dakota, where they attended the National Convention of Railway Commissioners, sessions being held at Deadwopd and Hot Springs, the places being only two miles apart. They say the crops in Jowa and Nebraska are the finest they ever saw. The attend ance at the Convention was larger than usual. No business of special impor tance to North Carolina was transacted. Deputy Commissioner of Insurance Scott, is now in the western part of State investigating ; tires which is thought to have been incendiary. ' ; A charter is granted to the Young- Hartsell Mills Co., which will build and operate a cotton spinning and weaving mill in No. 11 township, Cabarrus coun ty, near Concord, the capital stock be ing 200,000, one fourth preferred, J. I, HartselL R. S.. Young and W. C. Hous ton being the stock holders. ' Col. S. J. Cobb of Lumber Bridge has sent to the Hall of History the British musket used by his grandfather Neil McAlpin during the war with the revo lution. He writes that McAlpin was a lieutenant and was wounded at Ramsays Mills on deep river, at ' the battle of March 28th, 178L thirteen days after that of Guilford court house, and that he took tt.e oath of allegiance to the United States at Wilmington, w,herehe was left suffering from two wounds his regiment having gone with Cornwallis to Yorktown. He took the oath some time after the surrender of Cornwallis, He then went to the Scotch settlement in Robeson county and located Rennert where he died in 1830. Col, Cobb says the old musket has killed hundreds of deer, bear, turkeys, panthers, wild cats etc., and will still shoot as well as ever making a noise equal to that of a small cannon, the recoil equaling the kick ' of a mule. ; ' Secretary Brunerof the Board of Ag- riculture is very much astonished at the fact that so few applications for ten ants or laborers, have come into him from the people of the state in response to his circulars. , It had been under stood that great numbers were desired and in fact that a quarter of a million people could be placed, but not enough applications have come in to make up a car load of people and he does not care to go to New York after a smaller num ber than a car load, say 60 or 60. There are really more offers to selNand than there are applications for immigrants. The Baptists here appear to be much pleased at the selection of Rev. M. L. Kestler of Morganton to succeed Rev, J. B. Boone as general manager of the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasville. At one o'clock this morning the wife of Richard Crone, who is a night watch man at the Seaboard Air LineRy. shops here, awoke in time to see a negro the act of climbing into her room through a window. ' She screamed, the man fled and was shot at Bloodhounds were wanted but there are none here, The penitentiary bloodhounds are longer kept here but at the state farm near Wcldon. ' , PU1STIC0 FUSTISOefflfe economical material for tinting and decorating walls, superior to kalso mine and wall paper, and j much cheaper than paint PiflSTico grggdtf . tures of other wall coat ings, and none of their dis advantages. Packed in dry powder form, ' in white and tints,' ready for use by adding cold water. Full directions on package. Any one can apply ' it Sample card of beautiful tints for the asking. HI IHTERESTS BETTER AT NEW ORLEANS Marshal Dockery to Go North - Meet Representatives .: to And See as to Rates. - Power of Commis sioner Internal Revenue to Compromles Caaes. Food Adulteration Inspec tion. State Charter Granted. : Raleigh, Aug;24. SulSfc? U. S. Marshal. H. C. Dockery goes to Put In Bay Lake Erie, to attend, the special Antl-Kalsomlne C. MID tUPIDS, MICH. - For Sale in New; Bern by EW Smaliwood. FEVER IS CHECKED f Local Authorities Exercising Every Effort And Efficient Handling of Cases. New Orleans, August 23. While the leaders in the fight against yellow fever feel the struggle is succeeding beyond expectation ther is no disposi tion to lull the public to a false sense Of security lest there be a relaxation in the efforts of every household to main tain the recent control of the disease, The situation is , encouraging above Canal street and the disease has failed to secure a foothold there. Cases are now being reported within six or eight hours after taken down, indicating increased efficiency by the local author ities and their close co-operation with the Federal. Last night's report says the deaths yesterday numbered 9, and new cases 57. The new foci is 21, cases under treatment 819. Linevitch Seeks To Divide Japan. session of the supreme representatives 115 in number, of the Royal Arcanum. This order has 3750 members in North Carolina, and 31C.0C0 in the United States, these carrying six hundred and eighty millions of insurance. rThe other representative from North Caro lina is H. Taylor Rogers of Asheville. Under a new regulation, adopted at the last meeting the rates were materially increased on the older members and this special session is to see whether there shall be a revisal. The executive committee called in two actui ries - of National reputation and after two years conference, at a cost of, $20,000 made a tabulation, on a scientific basis, intended to perpetuate the order. The rates were so high upon theoloVr mem bers that they v raised a howl. It is not known by Mr. Dockery whether the action taken will be reconsidered or not. He opposed the increase, being one of the seven members who did so and was the only one who spok against it. ' Whatever he does, he" say's will be for the best interest of the Order and in justice to the ' older members Mrs. Dockery, Miss Nettie Dockery and Miss Bessie Everett accompany Mr. Dockery to Put In Bay. s . A good deal of talk is being heard about the power or the Commissioner of Intoi nalRcvenuo to compromise cases before or after trial. , The Commis sioner is especially authorized by section But Worse OuUlde. That Is Yellow Fever , . Report, . New Orleans, August 24. The situa tion apparently improved yesterday in the city, but is worse in the State. There were only five deaths and 10 new foci here, but new places of infection were discovered in other parishes. There was a steady increase in Hanson City and St Charles parish. The gov ernors of Alabama and Louisiana threaten to become engaged in a con troversy because Louisianians ere net permitted to pass through Alabama unless they spend seven days in deten tion. " .. The following is the official report to 6 p. m. Wednsday: New cases 53. Total to date, 1,556. v Deaths, 5. Total, 213. ' New foci, 10. Total, 353. Cases under treatment, 812. THEY COME AND GO. London, August 24-A new Chwang of the .Kevised statutes, to taKe dispatch says General Linevitch still de action, with the advice and con taching a considerable farce to strength sent of the Secretary of the Treasury en his extreme right. His plan seoms and tho attorney General in any. crimi- to be to divide the Japs into two or or civil case, ine aumomy, given mm hodiM bv cnmiMllin? them to de- very complete. The Comrafesloiwr " i i i ,T n ..i in . vote their attention to his left flank and w a suuoroiaie oi me secretary ana me fViiinrpvont. thftir mittinc t.hn milwAV Treasurer, between Harbin and Vladivostok. SHORT PASSING EVENTS. With the coming of the automobile to New Bern, it is just as well for all who drive horses, or drive autos, and even those who walk across the streets to take heed. It is not every horse that knows or likes an auto, and with so many girls and ladies driving horses, accidents are not only possible but quite probable, and these might prove disas trous and all auto-drivers are not per fect in their control of their machines, so accidents are easy to occur. And those who walk should, take heed lest their walk have serious interruption when crossing the streets. . The yacht LaVinan sailed early yes terday morning for Core sound. The residence of Mr. John Dunn on Middle street is being enlarged by an addition on the north side of the house. That enterprising merchants. Coplon is having the front of his Middle street store changed, the old windows to be replaced by large plate glass ones, and the windows also increased in depth for the better display of his goods. Fixinq Prices For Cotton and Cotton Seed. A charter is granted the Regal Mfg. Company at Forest City, Rutherford county, to manufacture lumber, capital stock $15,000. Cpburn L. Harris, expert of theAgri cultural Department has completed the inspection of foods for man and beast in this State in search of adulterations, and finds a very remarkable improve ment over last year. The results will be given in the Bulletin for Novem ber. ' . The street railway here is put ing down two miles of new - lines with 60 pound rail, is building cement bases for new engines at the power house and also a cooling tower there. The Secretary of State is preparing abstracts of all the wills in his- office, four thousand in number.Jthese running from 1700 to 1773, though there are son. v very few after 1750. All names given Mr , p . ft vesterdav in the wills, and the locations of the . ure trf to A8heville. I.. Jn .j..n..A4 It.. . I .... n nhnhMnfa , laltuo al V cuvci mi uy uicoc auovii,kD, i l mi i i. .J rr-i .:tl u n ' wnicn win ue pruiieu. iiie wuw uavv been placed in jackets, endorsed, Jasper. Makes bone and muscle faster than any other remedy, Brings strength, health and happiness tothe whole fam i'y. Thats what Hollister's Rocky : Miiitaiii Tea will do. 35 cents. Tea or T J -Ms. Sold by F. S. Duffy. There will be a lawn party in Mr. Ed-. Wetherington's yard at Jasper, Friday night Sept 1. The proceeds will bi used for the benefit of Bethany Chris tian church at Jasper. Everyhody cor- tee at its meeting at Asheville diallv invited and a large attendance tember. will be highly appreciated. Committee Mr. and Mrs. J. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 23.-The Georgia division of the Southern Cotton Asso ciation today adopted resolutions call ing upon cotton growers to fix a mini mum price of thirty cents a bushel on cotton seed and to sell not a pound at a less price: also declaring that no cotton shall be sold by farmers under its iurist'iction at less than ten cents a Dound. until a fixed price shall be agreed upon by the executive commit in Sep An assessment of one cent a ' hale, based on the number of bales E. ' raised last year, was levied to meet the Wetherington, Mrs. Sim Dawson, Miss Florence Wetherington, Miss Ida Weth erington, Mr, Mark Dixon, ' expenses of the State organization. A wonderful tonic for the sick and afflicted. Get strength, health and happiness by using Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. . A bracing family medicine. 35 cents. Tea or Tab lets. Sold by F. S. Duffy. , . Cental Notice. Dr. Early is out of town and his office will be closed until Sept, 8th or 9th Notice! N otice is hereby given that I will ap nlv for deed for lot of land No. 4 Com street Durchased bv me af 'Sheriff sale of land sold for taxes on 29th day Aug. 1904. ' ' ' Geo. Eubank. OAO'jCOnlA. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. - Wolfenden, and daughters, Mrs. J. L. Hartsfield and Miss Mamie Wolfenden, left yesterday for a visit at Blue Ridge Springs, Va. Mrs. Sudie Richardson and niece, Miss Bertha Wooten have returned from spending the summer at Norfolk, Va, Mrs. O. K. LaRoque who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Smith, returned to Kinston yesterday. , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gaskins left for Burlington yesterday o visit relatives. Mrs. M. C. Mansfield was in the city, yesterday on her return from Nor folk. Mr. H. L. Gibbs of Oriental, was here yesterday. , Miss Mabel Chadwick of Beaufort, is the guest of Miss May Hendren. Mr. E. K. Gulley, who has been here several days on business, returned to Goldsboro, last night Mr. T. C. Wooten of Kinston, was here yesterday on business. Rev. Dr. Beaman of Durham, passed through last night on his way to More- head City for a few days visit Rev. J. Q. A. Graham, of Marshall- burg, was here yesterday. Mr. W. R.. Guion was here for a few hours yesterday. Miss Susie Guion has gone to visit relatives at Snow Hill. Mr. Isaac W. Hughes has gone to Morehead City for a few days. Mr. Harris Lane arrived in the city yesterday. , Mr. Thos. Brogden who has been in the city for several days left yesterday for Wilmington. Mrs. M. J. Leary of Pollocksville, is visiting Mrs. J. A. Jones. Mibs Mary W. Edwards of Kinston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. J. Hud- WINCHBSTM r M RIFLE AND PISTOL CARTRIDGES Winchester Rifle and Pistol Cartridges of all calibers are loaded by machinery which sizes the shells, supplies the exact quantity of powder, and seats the bullets properly. By using first-class materials and this up-to-date system of loading, the reputation of Winchester Cartridges for accuracy, reliability and excellence is maintained. They cost no more than inferior makes. Ask for them, and Insist upon getting them. THEY SHOOT WHERE YOU HOLD A Clean Sweep Sale. Intire Stock ot Summer Goods Must be to Make Boom for our Fall Stock. sold WHITE LAWN. 40 inch White Lawn, worth 20c yard, only 10c for this week. . RIBBON No. 40, all colors, worth 14c, for this week only 9c per yard. NEEDLES. Only lc per paper. CORSETS. 40c kind only 20c. '.BLEACHING. A Bargain at 6c, only 4c per yard for this week. ' ; TABLE OILCLOTH. Only 14c per yard, worth double. APRON GINGHAMS. 7c quality, only 5c per yard. MENS' UNDERWEAR. 40c kind only 19c each. MENS" SUITS. All mens' Bults reduced to half price $8.00 kind, now $4.00. $12.50 kind, now $6.25. BOYS KNEE PANTS. Only 12&, 15, 20, 35 and 45c a pair, worth double. : . MENS.' SHOES, i 98 pair Mens' Sample Shoes to close out at a sacrifice. TABLE LINEN. 40c quality only 22Jc per yard. 76, Middle Street. Furoitare and House Furaisfa on a New York Cotton Market. The following were1 the opening and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, August 24. Opeft vlligh Low Close Aug 10.75 10 80 : 10.73 Oct 10.96 1104 I- 10.89 Dec 11.10 1117 v " 11.01 Receipts 11,261 SALE OF mi ilDG: Bv virtue of a power of sale contain- od in a morteratre from W. H. Harris to me registered in the Collectors office, District of Pamlico, N. C, port X New Bern. N. C. in liber ,15 of Mortgages, folio 50, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at Hollister & Cox's wharf n Now rrn. N. C. on the 25th day of Scptembor, 1905, at 12 o'clock m., the Steam Tug or vessel called the "Mary Belo" of the burden of 9 70-100 tons, or thereabouts, together with her bow sprit, boat, anchors, cables, chains, rig ging, tackle, apparel, furniture, &c Ac This 23rd day of August, 1905. B. E, Moore, Mortgagee. Everything to make a home comfortable and attractive, such as book cases, China Closets, Rockers and others. Any one that is thinking of buying will do well' to see mo before) they buy, as we sell goods where competition cuts no figure. x ' , NEW BERN. N C Better prepared than ever before for giving a first-class course in Short hand and the full Commarcial Course, and for placing our students in positions. Fall term begins Sept 1st. Write for full particulars. S. J. HOLLADAY, President Mr, J. W. Wooten of Jones county was in town Thursday. Mr. J. C. Parker made a business trip Thursday to the city. . Ex-sheriff D. J. Sanders of Onslow county is in town. . . Dr. W. L. A. Graham of Hollywood spent Thursday in New Bern. ; Mr. John Biddle of Fort Barnwell, was a business' visitor to the city yes terday. Mr. J. H. Bell of Pollocksville in town a few hours Thursday. Messrs. M. W. Carman and A. E. Wadsworth, of Craven county, "were here yesterday. Mr. A. B. Dawson of Jasper, made a business trip to New Bern Thursday, was PEACE OR WAR Awaltlna Word From Cisr. Conference Favors Peace. Portsmouth, August 24. Sentiment here is equally divided between peace and war. The envoys of both Russia and Jnnan talk of the hopelessness of the situation, but Its certain both de sire peace. The concessions .proposed by Japan have been cabled to St, Petersburg. The plenipotentiaries are now awaiting the answer of the ciar. Afree bottle of Dr. Thach'sr's Liver ana Blood Syrup will be sent to any reader of this paper who will write to the Thachet Meuicine Co., Chsttaaong. Tenn. mm line of S-a.it Caseo 'Our Perfection Tray Trunk." JOHN B. FURNITURE, RUGSandHOUSE ' x . FURNISHINGS At IVES, 96 Middle Street J. M. HOWARD. E. J. HESTER. Farmers Tobacco Warchouc Vni- hA uIa ftf If Tobacco. The prospect is that Tobacco will aell fof fair prices this season, and we will be t repared to get the seller as good prices in New Bern,' as any other market in the East. We will have a full corps af Buyers, and will do our best to please our Customers. ix)me to me opeum salc, August 1st, 1905. Sales every day at 11 o'clock. Good Btables. Good Water tnd b,est attention. We have Storage and Grading Facilities for all who wish them. ' ' . SIOAIIX) &.HESTEI2, Managers. DOrsOHOE, Auctioneer. , Farmers Tobadco Warehousa.' I rionse Work b Hard VcrU. without Gi ;L1 LV. - i i - ' i :r CII.MIT: If ycu haven't Red Meat Tobacco Li stock, write the factory we win v?lyyczxz. We - Ive you our otncluts guarantee that each 10c r'2f Kc J 1 cat 13 I -j ' 2 f f 1 '.t'-r tc-'..r.co P"ul cont .-arm more r.on s-.'-l juicy chewi- qid- I 5 ll 1