' ' - -r'i I -i i nr I I , ' . ' ; i I J 1 ' lit , I ' " ' ' '" - I I I I I ' II 7 he ,nd i er nd rm in- ou rse ia ed ). vol. mill. -No.sir 1 1 1 State Library " IV BCR9. CBAVth niltm . F 1 1 0C10BI11 IS 1905 SICOND SECTION, 28th TEAR I ! ? III . c Va lZZSm COTTCM PXZSS! (IBPUST, ITUOHGEST, KIT . Tn Uuhhat Qinmimo SrrtTtM ' SiM, Fmm, CwiMwri, Etc n GIBBCf MACHINIKT CO. 'v Clmbl, m. C. Murdered in Wilmington, ' Another murder has been, added to Wilmington's long , list of tragedies. The affair ocurred yesterday morning and the victim is Mrs. Mollie Wright, the mother of Mrs. Arthur Kafer. Mrs. Wright's daughter, Mrs. McCraw was living with her, separate from her hus band on account of his treatment, he being; abusive and threatening. Wednesday McCraw came to Wilming ton afteran absence of several weeks. He was drunk and in a quarrelsome, middle of January . . . . ;' BIB PAYHtUTS Which State Treasurer Lacy Makes Soon,- Number of Lawyara In Gttlt-Kllgo Caie. Maxlcan War Vatarans. Boys Bri- gada Goldsboro, in PrMldant's - : Escort. Nw Voluma Stat Racorda. Worn an Will Stand Trial. Raleigh, Oct 12. Before the Su preme court today there was argued in noted case of Rev. Mr. Gattis against Rev. Dr. Kilgo and B. N. Duke. ' A remarkable number of lawyers were on hand representing both sides these be ing C, B. Aycock, C. B. Watson, T. P Hicks, B. S. Roystcr, A. W. Graham, A. A.!Hicks, R. W. Winston, W. A. Devin and Frank L. Fuller. ; ; State Treasurer Lacy says that on the 15th of December he will be called on to pay $275,000 on pension warrants; Dee. , 1, $40,000; being the monthly operating expenses of the State admin istration; Jan. 1, $75 000 interest on Che bonded debt and $40,000 current ex penses for the month; and about the $200,000 of public mood. He went to Mrs. Wright a house school warrants, under the ,act giving and beat and abused his wife until she aid to schools and for keeping them called for the police. He slipped off open at least four months in the year, and the police were not able to find him This wi l make about'' $750, 000 o be Yesterday morning he came back to paid out in that period. . , the house and afier some words with The news of the death of J. Q. A. her shot her in the back, the ball pen- Bryan of Wilkes county was heard etrating the lungs and causing death with interest here. He had been sick in about an hour. Mrs. .Wright ex- for manv months at his homo in Wilkes a ciiuvnn c7r.2pj.7s1 A PUGILISTIC EVENT. Absolutely Pure im no SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder free from alum or phos- phatic acid NEGRO CREW MUTIMED. claimed "O.i.he kilUd me but don't hang him.". '.These were her last words McCraw .was arrest d almost immc d'ately and will bo held on tha charge of murder. , - . the remans of Mrs. Wright will be taken to Wasl itigtonN C for burial U day. ' county. During the fusion administra tion he was in the Legislature and caused a great deaLof amusement by his wit. ' ; ;: Next Tuesday the Mexican War Vet erans will meet hereand will be called to order by Col, Louis F, Beclor, the president of the National Association. Mayo Johnson will welcome the veter- New Plays Tresented Next Week, ana and Rev, Dr. M. M. Marshall will Hal Mordaunt. leadinsr man inxthe prayer. Wednesday the veterans Uorduunt Stock Co , who -ccupies the will K to the fairgrounds and on Thurs bolrda at ' the New Masonic ODera day will have a place of honor in the House all next 'week, is one - of the ris- parade which will escort the President ing young actors of the day, and the ' The Boys Brigade of Goldsboro. oi- company supporting him is the strong ganized drilled, and commanded by est that money could get together. The Capt Edgar Bain, a son of Inspector plays that are to Le presented here are General T. H. Bain of the North Caro aU new havine never been seen here, 'lina National Guard, will be here next Monday night the company will present . Thursday and will form part of the es the beautiful societv drama entitled "A cort of the President. About l.-SOO Broken Heart" This play is full of comedy ard pathos and teaches as good a moral lesson as aro learned now-a- difys from soma pulpits'. In this p'ay Mr." Mordaunt character ises the part of a minister and is seen at hia best The plsy Is full of comedy the effer- . vesceniu i wtiicb never fails to throw the audietiw into convulsive roars of laughter. Thj comedy . roles, are de lightfully handled by Geo. Hanna, Will C. Davis and Miss Estelle. Wentworth. - Miss Zehra St. Clair as "Ann" is ' splendid, her emotional lines completely winning the sympathy of her auditors. Other plays to be presented here are as follows: . x' "Thou Shall Not Kill" by Count Leo Tolstoi. This is the jlay that created such a furore in Russia and the publi cation was surpressed by the Czar, this is the first time it. has been presented children pupils of the white, public schools, of Raleigh, will assemble at the Capitol square and will sing a national air and display flags as the President passes at the point on his way from the Executive Mansion to the fairgrounds. ' The 26th volume of the State Records has appeared, containing the names of heads of families in North Carolina in 1790, taken from the United census for that year, Congress having by special act allowed the State to copy and pub lish this valuable and interesting list which has . been indexed by Doct Stephen B. Weeks,' whose home is now Santa Fe, New Mexico. The tenderloin woman, Jennie May, whose assignation house in East Ral eigh, was visited by ex-District Attor ney Claude Bernard and Deputy Mar shal John C. Dockery and -two young Ship Come Into Port at Southporl With A Ghostly Story A story that seems almost incredit- able for its brutality; and fiendishnesst comes from Southport. The four mast uchooner Harry A Berwind sailing from Mobile to Philadelphia put in at South. port and reported that the negro crew had mutinied - while sailing and had killed the captain, mate, engineer and cook; all white, and a colored sailor. The story briefly told is that the sai lors for some fancied '. wrong or uncon auerable thirst for blood attacked the men while they slept, killed them and threw the dead bodies overboard. The negro sailor was killed because he hailed a passing vessel the schooner Blanche H. King, which came to the relief of the Berwjnd. The King took in the situation at once and took pos session of the Berwind putting the en tire remainder of the crew in irons and brought them to Southport and report ed the affair to the federal authorities having jurisdiction. v . : THEY COME AND GO. V Raleigh women last summer with a on any stage in the South. , Henry resulting sensation, a snooting anau- Miller's masterpiece "For His Child's nd heavy damage suit, has returned Sake" Bartley Camrbell's celebrated nd will stand trial. She fled from drama "Hearts of Gold.'? The irreat here the day after the ex policeman English melodrama "The Silver King." , Rogers shot Dockery. She is to be "In Colorado,'; "The Vapor Chimes,',' ( tried next Saturday, and Bernard wi 1 and "My Wife." Moving pictures that be 1,16 leading witness for the State,he move, illustrated songs, red hot songs, ; being now out of town. dances, etc , are features of this en gagement . The management guarantees this to be far above the average and to lovers of the good clean drama this will be a decided treat Popular throughout the week, seats at once. prices prevail Tea or Tablets, Reserve your. Duffy. Cleanse your system of all impurities Now is the ,time to take Holiister'i Rocky Mountain Tea. It will make you well and keep you well. ' 35 Fx sale by cents, F. NewYcrk Takes Third Game Special to Journal. Philadelphia, Oct 12. In the third game of the series for the championship between New York Nationals and the American League - D ath of Young Boy , David Sanders, son of Mr. Nathaniel SHORT, PASSING EVENTS. A-Sparring Match Between Two Wall Known . Punchen In Bout lor Benefit of Band. Saturday night at the Opera House there will be held a benefit for the K. of P. Band under the management of J. B. Dawson. Mr.. Dawson has secured "Billy" i O'Brien of Philadelphia, ' the Light weight champion of the middle States to spar three (3) local boxers, 4 rounds each.. ' :-'-.v. .. i There will be a 6 round wind-up be tween O'Brien and Jack Hall of Boston, one of the fastest 135 pound boxers in the ring today. All the 1 cal admirers of the sport should be on hand, as there will certainly be a hot time in New Bern that night , Billy O'Brien is one of the best known pugilists in the ring today, and has an international reputatian. On March 17, 1897, at Birmingham, England, he de feated Dick Burge, the light-Are'ght champion of England in 19 rounds of the fastest fighting ever witnessed in England, in America O'Brien has met Buch well known men as Austin Gibbons Dal Hawkins, Billy Dacey and a host of other good men nearly always' get ting the big end of the purse. All those who attend will surely get a run for their money when Hall and O'Brien met in their 6 roiffld go. Several good vaudeville turns by lo cal talent will also be given. We Make a Special 'Btd For Your Patronage This reason based upon the largest and most attractive stock of merchandise .. under one roof irrthis city. - Heavy cotton flannel only 5 cts per yard, worth 71c. . . ' . Flannclotte that's worth 10 cts per yard only 5Jc. - , . Outings, 4Jc ' ... ' Red and White Flannel from 15cts to 4Scts per yd. . . Shirt goods 58 inches wide, all the latest shades worth $1.00 yd., our price 4$ cts a yard. . A large variety of silks from 371 to 78 cts a yd. Sheeting 45 cts per yard. ? Double Breasted Suits for style says Dame Fashion. Right again, as usu&i- and right here are the suits snappy in their stylish smartness. ' ' L We can't begin to show their unusual look of neatness, and distinction in rough sketch like this you will get a better idea from a mere glance in our win. dow the next time you pass. . Slip on a coat or two and you'U see how they fit and the quality te sure. ' ' 'Give us a trial on our T. D Barry Shoes and our Bjacon Shoes which are th best styles and the most comfortable shoes in toan. - . Story Of Progress The most famous exponent of the part of Satan in the world is Lewis The Raleigh News and Observer in Morrison, who will appear as Mephisto its issuance of its State Fair Edition of in his new an i splendid production of 32 pages, has surpassed all its previous "Faust" It will be. presented in this notable special editions. Its Fair num city uva few weeks. ' t j ber tells of. the Old North State's great Mr. "Joe KJ Willis. New Bern's gen- industrial and commercial progress, by tlemanly ' undertaker, passed through illustration and well prepared reading here last night enroute to Portsmouth matter, and goes east to west, from to remove the bodies 'of C. B. and E. Beaufort to Asheville: Such an edition L. Keeler from there to New Bern. sw thousands of dollars to Morehead City Coaster 11th. .. ' I North Carolina, as si 0 ing this State's The ma tra n Was de aved an hour sc"" uc,c",i",rc"" and a half last night on - account of the Van Amburg circus whichN showed at Goldsboro. ; , " v Messrs. J: H. Weddell and Gilmer Williams returned last night from a very successtui nuntmg trip near I Shepard, living seven miles from Mays . ville, Onslow county, died, last Sunday world's after a few days illness of congestive 1 . 1 chilL He was eleven years . old.' His I death was a great shock for he was a favorite with the entire community. i Athletics, played here today, the score - . j was New York 9,.fhiladeiphU 0. Mat- Por Sale--Tuff BOlt. mewson ana VOamey were uw piicneni Miss Margaret Smallwood left yes terday for New York City. - Miss Mary Rogers of Kinston is in the city. Mr. L. G. Daniels has returned from a business trip out West , Mrs. D. M. Roberts and little daugh ter left for .Greensboro yesterday to visit Mrs. J. C Watkins. - Mr. and Mrs. C. ' L. ?Abernethy and son Charles, of Beaufort, spent the day at Goldsboro, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Morton and daughter, Annie, of Beaufort, passed through yesterday en route for Richmond,. Va. Mr. W. S. Cotton, local elitor Jour nal has returned from Beaufort and Morehead City. Miss Bessie Thorpe left last night for Kinston to view the Carnival. s Mr. Owen Dunn went to GolMi ro yesterday on business. ' Mrs. J. F. Rhem left for a visit at Vandemere. Mrs. J. H. Green. Mrs. Chas. Daniels and little daughter, Drucilla, left yet terday for a visit at Columbia, S. C. Mrs. Win Marshall returned home yesterday. , . . . Rev. Hight C Hoore of Raleigh was in the city yesterday to attend the meeting of the Atlantic Association. Mrs. Chris McSorley and her daugh ter, Miss Josephine, who have been the guests of relatives for a few days will I return to their home in Ne li York City on the boat tonight v' r It is. a splendid showinff for the State and does tha News Observer great credit for get ting it out ' v When vour appetite is raging, call in at Craven Cafe, and supply your wants Thurman. , The result of their sport . tWo expert cooks and porters. We was two dozen squirrels and two coons. wjh De gai to serve you at any and They also captured a live fox of the ajj times. Meals 25 and 50 cent; Quick lunch on short notice . ujEt.rs Attendance 11,000. Arv. v. ft lor IalUnts and C'.l'.'.'cn. r.3 rii Ycj K::3 .::;! V: Eears the , , "T" E'zaturs of t tf j,. 4'.--. Sale--Tug For Sale, a Tug Boat, 52x12 feet,, twin screw, draws 41 feet In good condition. Address, W. B. BAPTON, , 242 Main St., Norfolk, Va. Don't let the children suffer. If they are fretful, peevish and cross, give them Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea The best baby tonic known Strength and health follow its use. 35 cents, For sale by F. S. Duffy. Morris House, Vanccboro. Recently Completed, Now Prepared to Cive Good Attention to All Guests. First Class Meals Served. Call and See Me, Near Foot of Bridge, Vanco 1(11,1.1. 1. . l(),l. lull li. ' Eastman Kodaks And Supplies The Eastman Kodak Co. has estab lished a new agency for a complete line of sundries and kodaks at J. O. BaX' ter's, the leading jewelei. A large line of the folding variety expected short - tz:. f Tt rri laft, 4i'a A common variety Known as wooq iox which they brought home with them. The game season is reported as very promising, there being a big lot of q tail . ;; . '. ' The stiff northwest wind of yester day had its effect on the rivers, the waters being low, specially along the New Bern side of the Neuse river. Eureka Lodge No. 7, 1. O. O. F. will hold their regular monthly Social Ses sion at their Hall at 8 o'clock this even ing. All members and their families are invited to attend, the friends of members will be most cordially in vited. ; ' .- .. - Mr. Alfred Kafer gave an automobile party in honor of Miss Josephine Mc Sorley of New York City, after which a very pleasant reception was tendered to Miss McSorley by her cousins. Misses Mary, Maggie and Julia Mc Sorley, at their home on Pollock St Lovers of Conan Doyle's fascinating stories of Sherlock Holmes, will have the opportunity of seeing 01 e drama tized at the theatre tonight, The Sign of the Four.'; - v i-'-yj.. There were sales of forty bales of cotton in the local market yesterday, at 9.50. The lower prices in the York market was said to be caused by frosts not proving severe as expected and Liverpool was lower. . In the Superior Court yesterday, the insurance case continued to occupy all the time, i v -Nothing doing was the report at t Mayor's headquarters, yesterday. Severe Weather Change, . , There could be no complaint that the weather was not cool enough, Thurs day morning. The day before summer apparel was comfortable and even be fore midnikrht the same day, the over coat was seen. 1 Following the rain of .58 of anjnch there was a change in the wind from southeast to northwest and from 79 degrees to 42 degrees Thursday a. m. was change severe enough, to practi cally banish straw hats, and ahirt- There was no frost reported in this! vicinity, but Mr. W.R. Sauls from Fort Barnwell, said there was quite a frost fn his neighborhood. The forecast was for frost here this morning with rising temperature follow ng the cold wave. Queen Quality And Reeds Shoes. We have just received a large ship ment of Queen Quality and E. P. Reeds shoes for women and, Stacey I Adams, Crossetts and Douglas for ' men. Also a fine line of school shoes for girl and boj s. J. J, BAXTER. S COPLOM 75 Middle Stre t. M flinslrels Under Canvas . " ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY " onday Night, Oct 16 Show Grounds on Een Street, known as the old . favorites ' fair grounds. Return of th 16, tfa Origbl r New (Qrlsus ttrels . constantly on hand. all for anything thejnarket affords and you wili be sup plied. Odd Fellows Building Middle St Open from 5 a. m. to midniRh . J. R. HATCH, ... ' Proprietor. i FREE IF IT FAILS He Doe Not Unless It Iax&llens famous plantation band ' D'uggtst F. S. Puffy Say Chime Anrthlng lor Vlnol 6lva SalWaciory Result. When asked by a reporter of the Journal how he could make such a broad offer in regard to any medicine, Mr. Duffy replied : "If Vinol were a patent or secret preparation it Would be another thing, but it is not, everything it contains is named on the laeL Vinol i simply the up-to-date form of administering cod liver oil, which for centuries has been recognized as the grandest of all bod -building agents for wasted human strength and vitality, and during the last five years we have seen it produce such grand results that New we are now willing to back it with any kind of a guarantee. . . In Vinol we have simply done away with the useless, system-clogging oil ; and have given to the people all the medicinal, body-building elements of cod liver oil in a highly concentrated and deliciously palatable form, and we , have never sold in our store a medicine of more curative ana strengui-creaung value than Vinol, and If the people of New Bern only realized its value we would not - have clerks enough in our store to supply the demand for It In a natural manner Vinol tones up the ' digestive organs, makes rich red bio d', and creates strength. We can only ask ' the people of New Bern to try it on our guarantee." F. S. Duffy, Drug- gis. the largest Minstrel Show in the World. NEAT, CLEAN AND REFINER BETTER THAN A CIRCUS. UMDER A MAMMOTH CANVAS. THEATRE SEATING 2,000 PEOPLE. Admission 2 5 and 35c Ikafe anl tot Stoves Now is the time for Fall painting. Use Heath and Milligan. Fall weight, none better,! General Hardware and Builders Material. Gaskill Hdw. & illl Supply Co; Phone) 14 FlIltlE! Hyomei Cures Catarrh Breathe It. No dangerous drugs or alcoholic con 1 A 1. coctions are taken into tne siomacn when Hyomei is used. Breathed through the inhaler, the balsamic healing of Hyomei penetrates to the most rem te cells of the nose and throat, and thus kills the catarrhal germs, heals the ir ritated mupous membrane, and gives complete and permanent cure. ' Hyomei Is the simplest, most pleas ant and the only guaranteed cure for catarrh that has been discovered. Com plete outfit, $1.00; extra bottle, 0 cents. For sale by F. S. Duffy. ; ' Heating and Cook Stoves Fu'l line ot House Furnishings, Laco Cur sains. Window shide3, Rugs New line of pis ture'rane nv ui dings. Agent for Ililwau-icD Dustless Brush Phone 25? OH N B. IVES. 1 93 Middle Strjet Always tic 1111 3 a Cc! J in Q22 Dy, G: j I I ), y rrrtt rO THE riEI-CHANT: If you tavca't Red Meat Tctacco In stock," write the factory we wiU supply you djrect TO Till We clve yrwi our absolute t" "' r. : - ' z ( f 1 ' ' r tr ' icco and c 'y .r 1' : -t r'Vrr 0rr1'"' '' CCIwIK.IER: l! t each 10c plug of Red Meat is . r . - re p aosj soly juiCy chewingqual- 'i ' "le"" rf 1 or sol 1 bv P'v f irtnry t ) t ,z c trrr i: X Tc ' cro i r. 'V f PTR) TOT

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