A . rfv i ,' ! i i fly i i Vf V0I. XXVMK No.57 h, tRH, CRAVES COURT V. X fl., TUESl'7 ,"0CT,0B!R 17 1905 FIRST SECTION. 28th YIAR f L TTl tSSS" COTTON PRESS I PLEfT, STttOMEST, BEST TUB MU""AV QlNHINO tVSTCM , Eta. OIBBKJ MACH1KMT CO. CalmakU, a. C CODING RECEPTION SHORT PASSING EVENTS. MORDAUNTS QUIT THE ROAD. i The Repertoire Company Break up on Ac count of Poor ButlntM. The Mordaunt Stock Co., which was 25 HEARS Two car loads of horses for the Dan- iels-Hahn Horse and Mule Co. have ar- J I rived and they are a splendid lot of to have been the attraction and the i animals. They come from the best ' Opera House all this week, broke up at Of (COin ENDED Capitol City Making Final Arrange mentt. Preparation lor 50,000 Visitors. Fair MkM Good First Day. Decorations on Build ing. Now Slate Bank Examiner Haywood, Enter Upon Hie Duties. Raleigh. Oct 16. The committee having in charge the reception of the stock farms in the west and are well Kecky Mount baturaay mgni at tne hred. Htronir and adanted for all kinds actors have returned to New York. of work. They are as fine a lot -as were ever brought to New Bern. Mr. C. P. Snow has been assigned the agency of this section for Chambers Encyclopaedia, which is issued from the press of J. B. Lippincott Company. The work is very handsomely gotin up and well illustrated. ' There were sales in the local cotton market yesterday at 9. SO to 9.60. The Village Improvement Depart- The reason assigned for the failure was poor business. It had been their mis fortune to either follow tiigh priced shows or to follow another repertoire company and ; the large crowds on which they are dependent for success did not materialize. Manager Matthews announces the engagements of drama " The Fliyer Mam," mesaay uc,. ai, ana Daredevil Dorothy" .Wednesday Nov. 1st. v NEW YCRKS, CHAMPIONS - President here met this afternoon and ment 0f the Woman Club will meet at f 1 J 1 1 . . Cl l ' ... . Win Feur flames Out o! Five From Philadel phia. All Shut Out Gamse. Special to Journal - New York Oct 14. The New York Nationals are champions of American base ball, today's game settling the questi n, the Giants taking the fifth , game played, and winning four out of the five games played. "It was the great Matthewson again, he winnintr every game in which he pitched, and everyone a shut out Ben-' immediately following that made the final ' arrangements. . Secre tary Loeb sent -"Word by a gentleman who came here to look over the ground that it was desired to have the street i along which the procession would pass roped, as is done in the large cities, and Mayor Johnson said this would be attended to. - The President will be taken to the Executive Mansion and after breakfast the line of march will be taken to the fair grounds" quite a section of the city being covered in the route. On the boot of the President's carriageTwill be a secret service man and three others will be in the carriage of the ' President On arrival at the fair grourds the procession will enter , the der opposed him but while he pitched great Dan, allowing ew xonc out nvej race the presidential party, the hits, the men behind him could not get Governor, Council of State, etc., going a man across the home plate. ' Thirty thousand people viewed eon test, which ends the struggle tween the two leagues. New made two runs and five hits, Athletics pn'mroi and four hits. rtLL THIRTY FEET. A Workman For Blades Lumber Company Suffers a Sever Accident. ' Mr. Ellis Hall, a workman for the Blades Lumber Co. at their plant on Griffith street, is confined to his home on East Front street on account of painful injuries he received yesterday morning. He was at work repairing the pipe us jd to convey ' the saw dust from the saw mill to the ice factory and was sitting on the pipe, about 20 feet above the ground.' ' The pipe broke at a joint and he was thrown up several feet and when he struck the ground he landed on his back. His descent is judged to be all of 30 feet When he was taken home it was feared that his Injuries were of a se rious nature but Dr. Primrose was summoned who found that he was suf fering from concus-ti m of a vertebra, one of the small septum of the back bone. The doctor announced that he was not dangerously hare but that he would be re .uired to remain in bed for some time. , 1 to the right, and the military to the the left- The military will then march . J pass the President and Governor, who , Will 111 IfllO " OIMM WV.VMI York i the grand-stand and the race course. Provision has been made by which at least 50,000 people can easily see the President. On the stand will be the President, and his party of seven, Governor Glenn, the Council of State and the personal staff. - ' , Ten thousand persons visited the fair grounds yesterday and the street cars were crowded all day. Everybody seemed to be pleased with arrange ments made. A great deal of decoration was done today. For the first time the Postoffice was decorated. A regulation of the Treasury Department prohibits this, ; but all the occupants of the building re quested that they be allowed to decorate it at their own cost, the work is very elaborate indeed. '.' ; ; ' . General James D. Glenn, Private Se cretary of the Governor, yesterday had the fourth attack of , acute indigestion, ' and this was very severe, but today he ' is very, much better though having fever. i State Bank Examiner Fabius J. Hay wood, Jr., today began his official duties in the field, having for some days been at the office of the Corporation Commission, which appointed him. the residence of Mrs. N. H. Street this afternoon at 3:30 3'clock. The friends of Miss Bertie Neighbors will regret to learn of her being quite ilL Miss Neighbors is the efficient night operator at the central telephone exchange. Mr. H. C. Armstrong has removed h's grocery store from No. 44 Middle street to No,' 48 tame street The Jones-Adams Carnival Company which was in Kinston last week under the auspices of the firemen of that city was a financial success. The firemen had $500 to put id their treasury. An action was brought against Duffy Dennis in Justice Bafrington s court Monday for cruelty to animals, Mr. Samuel Hudson being prosecuting wit ness. Mr. Hudson hired the defendant horse to drive, and while it appeared that the animal was returned in a sic t and exhausted CQTlditidn, there was no evidence produced that any cruelty had been used, so the defendant was dis charged. Mr. ' Hudson appealed from the Justice's opinion and the case will go to court Hackburn & Willett shipped a large quantitity of the third crop of string beans to the northern market by the steamer Albemarle last night . A nerson was fined five dollars and costs in Justice Street's court yester day for violation of game laws.. He shot a water fowl known as blue petrel species of duck. The open season for duck does not commence until "Novem ber first Mr. Ferd Hahn who suffered a very severe accident a few days ago by a large pane pf glass falling on his hand severing the muscles and ligaments on the arm is recover ng slowly and hopes to be able to be out in a few days. BID FAREWELL TO THE OLD CHURCH - THE rKuiniut wmir HvRtem of all impurities Now is the time to take Holster's Appropriate snd Affecting Services In the Old Rocky Mountain Tea. It will you well and keep you well. 35 Tea or Tablets. Far sale by Duffy. . - trake : ' Centenary Methodist tnurcn I "Farewell! a word that must be, and cents. Msri President to Present Award of Special to Journal. : Raleigh, Oct 16. Thursday morning at the Governor's Mansion President Roosevelt will present the $3 0 loving cup which Mrs. Lindsay Patterson of Wi ston-Salem presents to the North Carolina author, whose work published this year is the most meritorious. The award will be made tomorrow o- hath been a sound which makes uslin- , . ger;-Yet, farewell!". . . L : byron, I The last religious services in the old Centenary Methodist Church were held Sunday night The congregation was very large and the services were im pressive. There were many who were affected by the meeting and the thought ot leaving a place which had such memo ries, some joyous and some sad, was one which brought the tears to many eyes. It was like parting with a dear friend and though the change is for the better the association and memories nf the nld church cannot be erased from .... . r-t 3 fT' evening Dy tne aiate i uerary ana nis- the heart torical Association. Why suffe r wit h tiredness, mean cross feeling, no strength, no appetite? Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. - For sale by F. S. Duffy. Allen's Minstrel Show A. G. Allen's big minstrel show en tertained a large audience here Mon day night The tent was packed, the crowd was perfectly orderly and seemed to enjoy themselves in the heartiest manner. ' The acting' was clean and' refined. The jokes were the best cracked here in some time, and the chorus was splendid. This is the fourth perform ance of Allen's minstrels in this city and the performance last night merited the large attendance it received. Aatham Who Did DMl ol RAPID WRITERS, Orikt The rapidity of the anciet writers Is seen from the great number of works propared by them. Llvy, for Instance, wrote 142 books. Among the Romans, Cicero often wrote "three or four im portant works In a single year. Of later writers. Dr. Johnson, Scott ana Byron were all rapid writer. Byron, It Is related, wrote "The Corsair" In ten davs. while Scott wrote a work for whlcb he was paid 1.000 In ten days "Eab and His Friend," .by Dr. John Brown, was written, it IS said, at a Ingle sitting. i v. The story Is told that Dean Shipley once said to Hcber, "Suppose you write a hymn for the service tomor row morning," and by the next mom Ins; the hvmn known all around the world, "From Greenland's, Icy Moun tains," was written, printed and used In that day's missionary service. Chalmers was once- asked pow long It took to prepare a sermon., lie repuea "That depends on how long you want It If your sermon 1 to be half an hour long, it will take, you three days; If It Is to be three-quarters of an hour, It 'will take two or perhaps one, but If you are going to preach an hour, then there is not much occasion to think a great deal about it It may Ik done In an hour." - , Samuel Johnson would write at single sitting the manuscript for forty eiglt printed octavo pages. 'In one week he wrote "Ha8selas",to pay for his mother's funeral, sent It off to the publishers without reading It over and was paid 100 for It Boston Business Man Cured By Cirtl- cura of Awful Humor Covering Head, Neck, and Shoulders After Hospital and Doctors Failed. Under date of September 9, 1904, Mr. S. P. Keyes, a well-known busi ness man of No. 149 Congress Street, Soston, Mass., says:, "Cutieura did wonders for me.1 For twenty five years I suf fered agony from terrible humour, completely cover ing my head, neck and shoulders, discharging mat ter of such offen siveness to sight and smell, that to my friends, and even to my wife, I became an object of dread. At large expense I consult ed the most able doctors far and near. Their treatment was 01 no avail, nor was that of the -hospital, during six months' efforts. I suffered on and concluded there was no help for me this side of the grave, men 1 neaxo of some one who had been cured by Cutieura, and thought that a trial could do no harm. In a surprisingly short time I was completely cured." SARCASTIC DEAN SWIFT. Se: THEY COME AND GO. Mrs. W, C. Estell and son, Edwin, who have been visiting her mother, Mrs. S. F: Hurtt returned to their home in Savannah, Ga., yesterday. Miss Cora Eagles and Master Mercer Griffin left yesterday for Tarboro. Mrs. S. V. Richardson is visiting friends at Garner. Miss Bertha Wooten left yesterday for Raleigh to attend the Fair. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Ives returned from Newport yesterday. Rev. N. W. Ayera left yesterday for a visit at Morrison, Tenn. Mr. Alfred Cheney went to Charles ton on business last night Mrs. C. E. Wetherington went to Raleigh last night Mr. J. A. Patterson went to Norfolk last night Morris House, Vanceboro. Recently Csmpleted, Now Prepared to Give Good Attention to All Guests. First Class Meals Served. Call and See Me, Near Foot of Bridge, Vance boro, N. C. L. M. Mori is, Proprietor Rev. G. T. Adams preached a touch' ing and appropriate sermon on the text found in Deuteronomy 1; 6: "The Lord God Spake Unto us in Horab saying Ye . have dwelt long, enough in this Mount" His remarks were to the ef fect that religious ajffairs grow and de velop as secular things do and they Have the same needs. A .House of God should meet the requirements of His people who worship in that house the same as a private residence meets the demands of its occupants. A large and well built church is not for show, it is t for the greater development of Gou'j J r 1 1 . 1 t 1. 1 - ' lungaom, ana as uie cuurca una uecu put into a larger and better house of worship so their responsibility in causa of Christianity increases. He spoke feel ingly of the tender memories which hang around the old church and that if the walls could speak, wonderful things would be heard. 1 Following the sermon, the pastor of ficiated in a love feast ' in which all participated. Afterwards a testimony meetiner in which several spoke some in a reminiscent mood and all pledging to renew their faith and to live more for Christ's Kingdom. , y Died a Century Old Laner McKay, a colored woman died at her home in Richardson'a aueym this city a few days ago at the extreme age of one hundred y ears, eleven monthg She was well known in tne city navwg been nurse for a great many people who themselves are well advanced in years, and to whom they are indebted for tender watchful care. r She had fourteen n living, the vounzeat of whom Is Miriam Hodgei Hodges aged 52. She is survived by 49 grandchildren. v Dr. Hyatt Coming. Dr. H. O. Hvatt of Goldsboro will be in New Bern at Hotel unaiiawsa inov, 6, and 7, for the purpose of treatui riiapnnen nt tne eve. ear. nose an throat Parties under forty years of aire who mav need treatment are re quested to call Monday, if convenient via people can come any uay. Rale mmd Dlrttoa For That He Wrote. There was-a- servant pro'jlera when Dean Swift was alive just as tnere todav. and he died In 1745. In his "Rules and Directions For Servants' he wrote: "When you hare broken all your earthen ; vessels below stairs, which Is usually done In a week, the copper . pot will do as well. It can boll milk, heat porridge, hold small beer. Apply it Indifferently to all these uses, but never wash or scour It." And again: "If you want paper to singe fowl tear the first book you see about the house. Wipe your shoes, for want of a clout, on the bottom of a curtain or a damask napkin." "In roasting and bolliug," he goes on, "use noue but the large coals and save the small ones for the fires above stairs." Another touch that might have been written to- day Is the following: "When a butler cleans the plate leave the, whiting plainly to be seen in all the chinks, for fear your lady should not believe you had cleaned It" Once more: "There are several ways of putting out candle. You may run the candle end against the wainscot, which puts the snuff out immediately; you may lay on the ground and bead the snuff out with your foot; you may hold It up side down until it is choked In Its own grease or cram it into the socket of the candlestick; you may whirl It round In your hand tlU It goes out" CUTICURA-THESET,$1. Complete Treatment for Every Humour from Pimples to Scrofula , Both the affected IMtrtS with hot water and Cutieura Soap to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle; ory, without hard rubbing, and apply Cutieura Ointment freely, to auay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal; and, lastly, take Cutieura Resolvent us to cool ana cleanse the blood. A single set is often sufficient to cure the most tor turing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humours, with loss of hair, when all else fails. Cuilcur Sow. Ointment, nd Pllli toM tkroMMM Ihf worlil VoUr lm Chem. Corp., Sol. Proprlrtm, Reduced Prices on SUHwell Gas Lights For a few days or until this advertisement is withdrawn we will sell all $1.00 Lights at 75c. $1.50-Lights at $1.15. '. $1.75 Lights at $1.35. A powerful light of 250 and 350 candle power indorsed hy every user. v Shis offer will only hold good for a few days. Order at once.' Can be seen in ouriFurniture Store. r J OH N B. IVES. Phone 257 93 Middle Street Cement Compotmd Notice Any subscriber having a copy of the Weekly Journal of August 8th 1905, will confer a favor by sending same to this office. Is an efficient, durable and water proof covering suitable 'Jxit old or new felt, tin or metal roofs. Hyman Supply Company, New Bern, N C Sole Agents m Craven, Jones, Pamlico, Carteret and Onslow Counties. Manufacturers are Holten and Collins Co., Philadelphia, Pa. J L. HARTSFIELD, Contractor and Builder. OmCk 93,1-2 MIDDLE ST. PHONE ?3o tygutd be glaa to ba&e my one inspect my Itoork Laths For Sale as it goes up. Death at Pollocksville . Died Sunday, Oct 15 at his home near this place, Mr. ueo. ttaniey, r e was in his place late Saturday evening selling fish and oysters in aparent good health. Mr. Stanley returned to his home late in the evening, had a chill at night but was up and able to be around attending to the feeding of stock next Sunday mot ningibut was taken sudden ly ill, dying in a few hours. He leaves a wife and several small children. He was about 30 years old, industrious hard worker, a good .provider, kind, Wing and affectionate husband and father of sterling character. We all bow in humble 'submission to the will of God and deeply mourn sympathy with bereaved and stricken family. We shall miss his genial face among us, better men are scarce. " ' . A Friend. Your Interest . Is always considered at this store. Proof is in the prices and quality pf our goods. Make comparison, and see for yourself. OAOTOIU.f' inn the jO ' K' 1,08 '!5'' BltlgTit The State Fair Excursion. Tickets for the great State Fair at Raleigh are now ready for sale.' The tickets purchased in advance will be good any day next week and the public are advised to procure their tickets in advance thus avoiding the rush and confusion at the ticket office. Those desiring passage" in the parlor car Vance should also procure their tickets in advance. t , On Thursday, Roosevelt day, the special train will leave NewBerh at 6 65 a. m. Cars will be at the depot for the accommodation of the New Bern passengers and the company greatly desires that the people will oc cupy the cars before the train arrives in order that there may be as little de lay as possible. Dr. H. O. Hyatt so long a resident of Kinston has moved his office to Golds boro far the convenience of his patients who seek ,from - a distance, Goldsboro being the railroad centre of Eastern Carolina. He has made special ar rangements with the various hotels and boarding houses to take care of his patients while there. . A Great Minstrel Show. Winston-Salem Journal Oct 15. The Donnelly & Hatfield Minstrels held the boards at Auditorium last night and gave ft pleasing and much varliut nerformance. The costumes were pretty and new, the music excel lent and the jokes were actually funny. All in all, the popular vardict was de cidedly favorable to the aggregation. Opening with ft spectacular scenic effect, "The Evolution 01 Minstrelsy there followed the ballad singing a ne gio skit entitled "The Meeting of the Trustees;" then an olio beginning with Truscaro Brothers, Roman ax jugglers, followed by Messrs Donnelly and Shunk i . dnnhla monologue, ft decided nov- it -'-'- 1 it that hrouorht the laughter, borne clever feats of contortion were perform ed by the Toledo Troupe, ana uwiora and Finning had an acceptable musical act The finale was a circus burlesque that sent the audience away in great good humor. . ' , The Donnelly as uaweiu bhhdm will be seen here F riday October 20. DRESS GOODS. When you inspect our stock of Dress Goods you can find the cheapest assort ment in town. . OUTING. 1,500 yards nice quality outings.going at 4c yard. . 25 PIECES. Fancy Silk, worth 75c, only 39c. Come quick before it's gone. WORSTED. j 12J and 15 kind only 10c yd. $ JUST RECEIVED. 5,000 yards, Remnant Cloth for Skirts, Cloaks and Jackets well worth from $1.00 to $3.00 per yard. This lot of goods will be sold at ft bargain. WAITING FOR YOU. . . That new fall suit you've been think ing about is waiting for you here. Pit ces from $4.00 to $15.00. BOY'S SUITS. We have the finest line of boys suits in the city, prices from $1.00 to $o.0 per suit Sizes 3 to 17. OUR LINE of Mens, Ladies and Childrens Shoes are the best you can find in town for the money. CLOAKS. Showing of new Cloaks and Jacket, all sizes, all prices. Come in and look"' them over, try them on and note tfce. styles and prices. 76 Middle Street. Queen Quality & Reed Shoes We have just received a large ship ment ot Queen duality and E. P. Reeds Shoes; tor wenwn, and Stacy Adacia J Crosetts and Douglas lor men. Also a S fine line of school shoes for the girU Tinn't let the children suffer. If they are fretful, peevish and cross, give thorn Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea . .1. m. The best baby tonic known, totrengtn w and health follow, its use. For sale by F. S. Duffy. 35 cents, L and boys. 1 1 aa a AS. J k Some fine F, F. F. Hams justrei.OWWWW' eived at Oaks Market "TO THE MERCIIAirr flf you haven'tHed Meat tobacco in stocSTwrite the factory we .1 L 1 TO TIE CONSUMER: ir- :,... ovnlnt irnnrflntee that each 10c plug of Red Meat i r. r.tY-rr tiifcnrfo and contains more rood solid juicy chewirsqual ity t'li pny c'hrr 10cpn,,TPf pny W Tit c"-rM or soi l hv pnv f irtnry :is I al- I ry r . t vtt Writ Dvn and nuareM plainly hera I '1 mr.1 V n a enrd which wi'.l entitle l.im to one 5c cut cf Ped I '. nt Tel iCco rr.r.n at any ttore r.an: 7 t' ' I t

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