l atahlUW 187ft . isub idied in Two Section, every Tuet- and Friday, at Journal Building, 56 J Craven Street. CHARLES L. STEVEN 5 BDITO 4KO PBOFKmO( SUBSCRIPTION RATE? ; Two Months,. ........ .........Sffpenta, 'J ureee Months,...,. 85 " Six Months.. ...60 " welve Months,.,.. .....vfl.00 ONLY IN ADVANCE, Official Paper of New Bern and Craven County..;;' '? " '. "C ' ' -,i Advertiaini; rates furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry , ay mail, : . ' - " - ;. " , ; fjyTW autnulu is only Bent on pay . n-advance basis. Subscribers wil' receive notice of expiration of their sub- notice wi.l be appreciated by the Entered at the Postofflce.I Mew Ben A. C as second-class matter, - New Bern, N. C, Jan. 2, 1906. DELICACY IN PUBLIC OFFICE. Senator Bailey is credited with the thought that a United, States Senator should resign when he finds himself in a position where delicacy required him to remain away from his duties in Con gress, delicacy of course being the care ful and gentle expression to stand for a - Senator who has been found derelict in some public or "private trust To the majority of people the asso ciation of delicacy with any one holding such a position as United States Sena tor, must appear ridiculous. But it has been lately demonstrated that while some Senators have through . force of public opinion been compelled to rt hnquish fat jobs in corporations, yet the aforesaid delicacy has not caused them to give up their official positions, or release a dollar of salary, which they were paid for services presumed to be rendered to their constituents. , There is necessity for an open and unhesitating expression on the part of , the public towards the conduct of every man in public office, who has been elected by popular vote, or otherwise secures a position of public trust, be it in the active administration of affairs or not, for public position demands ac knowledgement in work on the part of those in office. . The fact that men in public office, j and this is not confined to the United States Senate, or the House of Repre sentatives, are found guilty of offenses outside of their offices, ought to raise the question and doubt as to the hon esty of their conduct in their official trusts, and in most instances it is likely to prove true that in some manner or degree will men who are dishonest out side of the official positions they may occupy, are likely to prove , derelict in their positions of trust, and where deli cacy may be found in such offenders there should be a public opinion ex pressed which would cause their retire ment from office or any position of pub lic trust. TEMPERANCE EVERY WAY PROFIT ABLE. Temperate living- has long been preached from the pulpit, and declared by the moralist writer for the personal physical benefit, and the individual profit as it might keep those so inclined from harmful dissipation. ; -; - But in this age, while the educational movement for temperate living is more strongly proclaimed and advocated, yet there are outside influences which declare the commercial and financial value for those of temperate habits, which are as Important factors in help ing the cause of temperance, as those which urge temperance on purely physi cal grounds. " .. A notable instance in this financial value of temperance, is seen in the action of a Swiss life insurance com pany which offers a premium to those of temperate habits, the members of a temperance society of railroad employes ! .. '-r charged four per cent less pre i i.him, than employes who were not i Lers of the organization. A Swiss '' .' (it insurance company is also : total abstainers a reduction of I r c-tit in rates, and beginning ; .;, this refaction is to be in- ! i . n per cent 1 I it 1; been e ri:t :;! ) ! iwn v fraternal organizations, where the members are taxed for each death. As each year passes, education show- ng the value of temperance will prove of great value to the coming race, and. as the money value of temperance is better known and appreciated, there will be moi e demands, that men and women must be temperate in order to secure profitable positions, to say noth ing of the value which temperance works for human progress and the up building and advancement of mankind. A TEAR OF C0LL0SAL THINGS, The year just closing has been one of collosal things throughout the worid. The great Russian-Japanese war was ended, and following it, Russia has been and continues to .be the scene of a gigantic revolution. But looking backward over the affairs of this country, with its peaceful seenes and plenteous harvests, with labor at good prices for those who work, and good prices for those who raised. crops, or-manufactured goods, there review is . ...... .... . . , v . an' immense one. ;.';;-vv,;-;;'.S'.-j ' Aarriculture has been the foundation of our national prosperity, me attend ant of good prices for good crops. Har vest after harvest has seen jthe products from the soil go into consumptive use at prices which in the aggregate are Stupendous. , Some idea in the way of realization of what the earth has brought to the farmer, maybe gained from the. figures, that the value oi che farm products of 1905, exceed those . 1904, by $1,300,000,000. With such an aggregate increase of wealth from the ground, it is not sur prising that the people of this country hive been extravagant in many way 3 that in diamonds alone, the importa tions were $36,000,000, and in Wal! Street over $1,000,000,000, of important corporation bond issues were brought out and sold. The payments of dividend and inter est accounts, while they are to be dis tributed tomorrow, in the New Year of 1906, yet they were gained and made possible by the prosperous conditions of 1905. This dividend and interest pay ment to be distributed is a large amount, $141,153,000, an increase over Januaty 1905 of $4,500,000. In the material and industrial growth the figures are .equally tremendous Every town and city shows increase. Buildings have been erected by the thousands, and manufacturing plants by hundreds. One of the best situa- tions as to the country in general, is that no wild speculation has developed from the prosperous times. It is to be hoped that with the promised continua tion of good times, that there will be no general speculation during 1906, for with it must follow evil for all classes in the country, with demoralization in all trade and manufacturing interests. ' . How's ThlaT : ' We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions; and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Waldino, Ktnnan & Marvin, ' Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. . Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Tes- imonials sent free. Price, per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. . Take Hall's Family Pills for const!- Call money reached 125 per cent on some privately arranged loans in New York. .. ' Bmti tks 11 Kind Yon Haw Always fagi .Blfnitue Before the insurance investigation Louis F. Payne denied the report that he received $40,000 from a company for allowing it to write its own report of an investigation he had ordered in 1889. No Cue of Pneumonia on Record. We do not know of a single instance where a cough or cold resulted in pneu monia or consumption where Foley's Honey and Tar had been taken. It cures coughs and colds perfectly, so do not take chances with some unknown preparation which may contain opiates, which causes constipation, a condition t'at retards recovery from a cold. Ask fur Foh y's Honey and Tar and refuse j ;',itut9 o'Tj red. (a--'.- 1 : ? I-' -n-1 ,, been sworn v Yo; k Ci!y for tin- r :f y v ." t evrd In l.y it t f lu- a f L ! ' NO A. AN. C. INTEREST. Did Howltnd Really Ever Have Ont Dollar In This Property? '- Asheville Citizen. . It was learned yesterday that Mr. R. S. Howland now has no interest in the Atlantic and North Carolina railway which the Howland Improvement Com pany leased from the State several years ago for ninety-nine years. v Mr. Rowland's interests were sold to Mr. Perry J. Marsden, U. S. Senator Nelson Aldrich and other Rhode Island capitalists connected with the Rhode Island company, which owns practically all the street railways' and electric pluits in Rhode Island ; : These facts were developed yester day when Mr. Howland's representa tive was asked about a law suit which has been brought by Mr. R. F. Foster against Mr. Howland for damages for breach of contract Mr. Foster was freight agent of the Southern at Ashe ville when Mr. Howland leased the road from Goldsboro to Morehead City and was at once general manager. It is learned that the suit arose out of an alleged breach contract in connection with this employment Not a great deal of money is involved in the suit it is said. '- Mr. Howland is now devoting much time to his property in Cuba. ln Praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy There is no other medicine manufac tured that has received so much praise and so many expressions of gratitude as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is effective, and prompt relief follows its use. Grateful parents everywhere do not hesitate to testify to its merits for the benefit of others. It is a cer tain cure for croup and will prevent the attack if given at the first appear ance of the disease. It is especially adapted to children as it is pleasant to take and contains nothing injurious. Mr. E. A. Humphrey, a well known resident and clerk in the store of Mr. E. Lock, of Alice, Cape Colony, South Africa, says: "I have used Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to ward off croup and colds in my family. I found it to be very satisfactory and it gives me pleasure to recommend it" - For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S Gould Steamers to Europe. New Orleans, Dec. 29. The recent visit in this city of J. P. Spanier, Gen era! European agent for the entire Gould system has given renewed impe tus to the story that the Gould's will make either a close alliance with some line operating between New Orleans and Mediterranean ports or operate their own line. ' The move may have a further significance in view of the early construction of the big govern ment immigration station. General Passenger Agent E. P. Turner of, the Texas and Pacific has taken much in terest in this project which will assist the road in populating its line from New Orleans to El Paso from among the largely . increased number of immi grants who will be sent 1 to New Orleans for general Southern Distri bution. It is said that the Texas and Pacific proposes to make further im provements in its general Bervice with special reference to the handling of passenger traffic, industrial enter prises and immigration" (f n va kind of billious mood, You wish an aid to digest food, No other pill is half so good As De Witt's Little Early Risen . When e'er you feel impending UL And need a magic little pill, Ne other one will fill the bill Like De Witt's Little Earl y Ri ' Clarks. Dec. 28. " It is quite wet around here. We have had a good deal of rain lately. Christmas has come and passed. We had a lively time here, but we are glad to say that Christmas passed without any accident King Alcohol did not give any trouble. We had a nice Christmas tree for the school, which was greatly appreciated by the little folks as well as the older ones, it was conducted by our- very nice teacher, Miss Lottie Wilcox. Many little hearts were made glad by her efforts. . .. .. : ; .' Mrs. A. T. Weatherington and child ren went to (Jove to visit her sister, Mrs. I pock. , Mr. A. T. Weatherington went to New Bern today on business. ' Herbert Eubanks, son of G. l Eu- banks, has been quite sick with pneu monia, but is getting along all right now. Hope he will soon be out again. Mr. Elijah Eubanks met with an ac cident yesterday morning, he attempted to open a sliding door to a work shop, by some means it struck him on the mouth cutting his upper lip vefy badly. He went to New Bern and had it dressed.: Mr Frank Taylor of Sloop Point is visiting his parents in Clarks. Mr. Elijah Taylor has moved here. We are glad to have him with us again Mr. H. C. McKeel is spending Christ mas with his family near here. Mr. J. P. Stewart went to New Bern ycatferday on business. Mr. Phillips and wife aie vwiting at Tliurman this week. C. T. W. In r 1 c: e 1 (' - t.f r il s f r . ii 1 1 r a;:..-'r ' it- - mz State Chartert Continue to Be Granted. Geveraor Speak at Charlotte. Involuntary Bankruptcy. Important Criminal Cat. Public School Teachers to Form Al location. Old Confederate Veteran Burled. v Raleigh, Dec 29. Govern Dr Glenn eft today for Charlotte to be the guest of the Manufacturers Club, and will make , two addresses there. He may not return until next Tuesday, Monday being a holiday. ;v '.-' t Charters are granted to the Brooks Mercantile Company of Nashville, cap ital stock $50,000; the Carolina Drug Company of Washington, $50,000; the Eagle txirniture and Carpet Company of Lumberton, $25,000, to manufacture and sell. , ;': . iAn unvoluntary bankruptcy proceed- iKs has been instituted here in the case of the Quinn-Bird Mercantile Company of Mt Olive. The assets are said to be about $6,000, the petitions ask for the appointment of a receiver and upon the return of Judge Purnell from Rich mond one will be appointed, "'p ) Attorneys for Burton , JarrelL the cegro convicted of aiding and abetting id the killing of a man named Kins' in Warren county say the appeal is per fected. ' The case is a very remarkable one. Garfield Hicks, who killed the man was tried for murder in the first degree, but there was a mistrial, the jury standing ten for first degree and two for second degree. - Yet Jarrell was convicted and sentenced to twenty five years. The attorneys say that there is no case like it anywhere in the books in which the principal failed of conviction, which the assistant was canvicted. ,.'y-'--' The teachers of public schools in this county are to meet March 16th and will organize a thorough association, one of the purposes being to look more closely after rural schools. . It is very notaWe that much more attention is being paid to rural schools in many of the counties than ever before. v F, M. Carter, who served in Com pany G., Second Regiment, N. C Troops was buried today from the Sol diers Home. He was from Guilford county and had been in the Home only a month. . - : Doctor Could Not Help Her. ' "I had kidney trouble for years,' writes Mrs. Raymond Connor of Shel ton, Wash., "and the doctors could not help me, I tried Foley's Kidney Cure, and the very first dose gave me relief and I am now cured. I Cannot say too much for Foley's Kidney Cure." It makes the diseased kidneys sound so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. Unless they do this, good health isjunpoasible. HALF THE WORLD'S COAL OIL United State Break , The Record For - r" Petroleum. ' J Washington, Dec 28. The United States supplied more than half of the petroleum produced in the world in 1904. A statement of the world's pro duction of petroleum, prepared by the British Board of Trade, which has just reached the bureau of statistics of the Department of Commerce and Labor, puts the petroleum production of the world in 1904 at 9,303,000,000 gallons, of which 4,916,000,000 gallons were pro duced in the United States, 3,650,000, 000 gallons in Russia, 202,500,000 gal lons in Austria, 206,500,000 gallons in Java and Sumatra, 135,000,000 gallons in Romania, 105,500,000 gallons in Brit ish India (principally Burma), 49,000, 000 gallons in Japan, 20,000,000 gallons in Canada and 18,500,000 gallons in Germany. j - The world production for 1904 breaks all records. In 1903, which made the highest record of any year prior to 1904, the total production was but 8,504,000,000, and in 1902 it waa 7,588, 000,000. The increase in 1903 and 1904 occurs chiefly in the United States. The United States and Russia produce practically nine-tenths of the petroleum of the world. Water Cure for Conttlpatlon. ' Half a pint of hot water taken half an hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh ca thartics should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets They are mild and gentle in their action. For eale by Davis Pharmacy Thoueh Germany has held Metzfor thirty-five years, she is still adding to the strength of iU defenses and has built three more great forts command ing the plateaus of Gravelotte and Amanvilliers. Sura Ik. A -7"-" ' of Ex-Reprwntullve II. Kirke Forteet, who rppr.ri-t" 1 ii: out; in tne Cm r. j, v.'lr '.e a tour of toe wm M to t : -! $t,r ',' If .t I'.-ptiot mi. i..r.s. :.i no!: j v ' i La uvi-d to endow A r If .'a. Itii a f " I .: .1 -eto ' I . I .. "I i THE RUSSIAN, TROUBLES Bridge Over Volga River Blown Up. Serloui Condition Throughout The Empire. ' . The bridge over the Volga at Ivor has been blown up. It is stated the situation In Moscow is growing steadily worse'. ' According to Russian Government advices, the Moscow "rebellion" is un der the control of the military, and the strike is expected to be called off south While the strike at Odessa is nearly over, martial law has been proclaimed there. In the fighting at Moscow the non combatants were the worst sufferers. . Th9 Lettish insurgents in the Balti: provinces disabled a bridge and caused a frightful accident to a passenger train. The situation in Poland, wh r j theH strike is spreading, is represents as growing worse. - Eight hundred railroad men are said to have been killed or wounded at Rostoff-on-Don by an artillery bom bardment. : . Revolutionists in the Government of Lomzha stole all the Government funds it is stated, amounting to $243, 000. . . Torture of Proachr-:' The story of the torture of Rev. O D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church of Harpersville, N.: Y., - will interest you. He sayB: I suffered agonies, be cause of a persistent cough, . resulting from the grip. I had to sleep sitting up in bed. I tried many remedies, without relief, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery 1 for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which entirely cured my cough, and saved me from con sumption." A grand cute for diseased condition of Throat and Lungs. ' At all druggists; price 50c and $1.00, guaran teed. . Trial bottle free. ' WORKMEN BURIED Br WALLS Weakened By Rains Excavation Cave In . Carrying Earth And Men, Washington, D. C, Dec. 29 Just after work was started this morning in an excavation for the! . new Metropoli tan Citizens Band . building, opposite the Treasury Department, at Fifteenth street, a cave-in occurred and a num ber of Italian workmen we're bufied in a pit thirty-five feet deep : Three bad ly injured . were rescued imrr.edi.tel and another shortly after was taken from the pit dead. Further rescue was stopped by the adjacent wall threaten ing to fall. It is believed four or five men are buried in the bottom' of the pit Last night's rain veakened the wall and upon the resumption of work this morning the shoring gave way at the rear, precipitating several tons of earth and brick on the party wall and end of the blind alley into the excava tion. " King of AIICough Medicine. Mr. E. G. Case, a mail carrier of Canton Center, Conn., who has been in the U. S. Service for about sixteen years, says:"' "We have tried many cough medicines for croup, but Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is king of all and one to be relied upon every time. We also find it the best remedy for coughs and colds, giving certain results and leaving no bad after effects." For sale . by Davis Pharmacy andF. S. Duffy. Gigantic Dry Dock Off For Philippines Annapolis, Md., Dec. 28 The gigan tic dry dock Dewey made an auspicious start this afternoon on its 14,000 mile trip to the Philippine Islands, under the direction of Commander H H Hosley, United States navy. The start was made at 2:05 o'clock, and at 6 the lights on the dock could be seen at a distance of eight or nine miles below Solomon's Island, the starting point " There was no mishap of any kind. Three vessels in tandem are towing the Dewey. Next to the dock is the collier Brutus, then the collier Caesar, and in front is the tug Potomac. Commander Hosley will have his quarters on the Glacier, the supply boat, which will accompany the dock and its attendants. The huge tow line was dropped over from the Dewey at 11:30 this morning, taken aboard the Brutus and made fast just at noon. Chief Boatswain Philip Mullan, United States navy, had direct control of se curing all the towing apparatus, the whole affair being under the control of the signal of Commander Hosley from the Glacier. A salute was fired from the Sandy Point lighthouse as the Dewey passed, and it was returned from the Glacier. 01 Interest to Jtfother. Thousands of little ones die every year of croup. Most of them could have been saved by a few dost-3 of Foley's lionoy and Tar, and every family with dii! ircii should krop it in toe home. It contains no oj'Otto.i jird ii s. fj and pure. I'.si. Oor; II. 11 . '-:-t, inn I'tp.v.i i. i-o, Cal, v. i : ' s : !y lot 1 W'o f. , ! t ' ' ' a u, :..f 1 . i rsid 'A ii i tkk ill Pc-ru-na Wao An Emphatic Endorsement. Mr. M. Broderick,4a5 E. 4Cth St., Financial Secretary Stablo Emptoyee Union, No. 1041, Chicago, III., writes : , ; v . "I have been lufferisg from a weak back and kidney trouble for tome time and have been able to And relief only through the use of Feruna. . "Caring the winter season I usually keep a bottle of your medicine in the house and by taking a doe at night, I am feeling fine the next morning; , V "Some of my friends aeeare me that Pernna is equally as good for their various ailments aa it i for my complaint, but, I do know that for kidney trouble and eufterlng from a weak back it has no equal." - Kidney Trouble Is Not Always Recog nized as Catarrh Pe-ru-na Re- lleves Kidney Disease r)e- cause It Is a Remedy For v ' All Pluses of Catarrh. TWENTY-FIVE years ago, before Dr. Hartman began distributing hit pamphlets, books and newspaper articles, Bright' Disease of the kid ney waa regarded as a disease wholly distinct from catarrh. Now, Bright' Disease Is thought by many the world over to be a phase ot catarrhal Mlammatlon. ' . To relieve Bright' Disease something must be used that has the power to re lieve catarrh." ".' - -''.' ' . Any medicine that la a remedy for catarrh of one organ is obviously a med icine for catarrh of any other organ. Peruna Is an Internal, systemic ca tarrh remedy I FIVE YEARS OLD if SMOOTH AND MELLOW ( mm J4 s!-j. Express Charges Paid By Us. 1 l 1 Ml ! A trial win convince jruii tutu, mvsa yuuua mu niu very best for medicinal find other purposes. Send us vour orders and if not perfectly satisfactory,- return at our expense in i at once. All shipments are made in plain, c: f'v " Iiemit by roatal or 'mm Writo for price Sale and Exchange Stab its Having so readH' dt.-pif !! of the recent two car loads of ITors'-s and ITul. received and owip-r to our inrit H-iini tri'lf find domanr1, our I.'r. I.. G. Dfnii has just purchas'-.i CJ 1 A of Konei n 1 t:ak-a weit;liinr E J to 1- .0 lbs, D to 8 years old, all wi-;l Iri.U and a-t; ! t the farm, r-d, limber, and draft pur p gen. li.is st.. k wee-'pei-t wiir.in nxt 3 i:sys. We alsto carry In r-'-oik con stantly a f.d I ci.!',-' e lin of open and top Lujpries, Surreys, Tri"-'", Wajjons, Cart V, hvet.i, I.urne:.- of every deseriptiou, Kolx s, l;!unkets, V. I. ; , etc." t-'.:vme will be sold on cl" mamin for caoh or secured paper. It Will yon well to wait and see us before Lu-'uil;. lours Truly, ..... T filial P -- ..OUULL ..: 'ami bach." No Equal." Like catarrh, it pervades the whole system, and counteracts the effects of the dlsoaso. ' A great many people believo that they havo been cured of chronio Bright's Disease by the uso ot Peruna'. It Is certainly true that In the earlier cfifff,a nt RritrM'a Hltfutmrn. Peninm in an effective remedy.. Numerou testimonials on this point establish the fact beyond all doubt. ' ; Mr. Otto A. Flelssner, American epi curean, formerly Chef to Ool. W. J, Cody, 1112 Sixth Ave., Seattle, Wash, writes: ."- "I suffered with kidney and bladder trouble until life did not seem worth living. I had tried many medicines, but did not get any relief nntll I took Pernna. It was really wonderfnl how much bettor I was after I used thla medicine only a week. At the end of six months I found to my relief that it hud rltl my pystom of nil poison and I was cured lo s'.ay cured." - . FULL Q0M7S lt.l J t . 1 4 U and money will be refunded j. j- j- Express Money vraer. list of other liquoro. 'V TT .1 1

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