I "J la,. 4ft 1 Tho Iliad You llavo Always Eontt, and which has been In use for over SO years, has borne the signature of Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "are bub Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of -Infants and Children Experience against Experiment , What Is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare) gorlc, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms end allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation - and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the tomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIAALVAY0 Sears the Signature cf t Tough Boys In Court About a half dozen boys who have begun to acquire a reputation for being tough, were taken before the mayor yesterday on the complaint ' of Prof. Craven. They had got into the cellar of the new school building and had built a Are in the furnace and made themselves comfortable for quite a while. When the janitor arrived at tho school house the boys got wise and lef , but not before they were discovered and identified. There were evidences of a pretty good time for boys as there were innumerable cigarette butts lying around. , ' :- ' : , y' . . The boys were given a stem lecture by the mayor who told them that he could have sent them on to the higher court for the misdemeanors they had committed and that they were all bad Boys. One, the ring leader of the es capade had not been caugV ; in addi tion to bis connection with the affair he is wanted for assault on- a small boy. The crowd was scared and perhaps may learn a lesson from their first experi ence in the police court. , The Kind You Haio Always Bought In Use For Over 30. Years ' w mmun aewun, t ninu wrairn mwm voaa on. - - lukens Mr. Editor, Dear Sir: v . r I take great pleasure in writing to " you this shert letter in regards to the items I Bent you over a week ago, Now this item I shall send you will be the - second one. I have, had lots of the subscribers to come around and ask ne why I did not put Lukens' items in the paper. Of course I told them that I had sent an ftertl to the editor at Hew Hern, but I did'nt know why he had failed to publish them, and they have asked me to write another and ask you j to publish it, as it helps the people else- i where to learn the happenings of the week around Lukens. : ' ... ' So now Mr. Editor, I have .a very in teresting item for your paper for this week of which I hone to read in the is- aue of your paper of Jan. 30th. Of .course I feel a little burlesque in my ' first item?, but the rest and what I shall send you in the future will be just as -it happens every day of the week, Ed.-We are always glad to publish letters from our mail correspondents, when they contain real news, and Bears the signature of the writer, hut when those letters are intended to burlesque or make fun of the conditions of a com munity or persons living therein, or conbists of elaborate write-ups of social events, contain personal opinions of 'politics or religion. Such letters will bo relegated to the waste basket. The writer who complains above that his items were not published, no doubt early discovered the reason thay were not, as he promises that hereafter he will only report news as it happens. ; We are having lots of severe weather for the past few days in Lukens." Mr. George R. Jones of this place who is employed at the Pamlico Lum ber company's mill was very badly hurt 'Wednesday morning the 24, ' He was caught between the ends of the logs and the crow- bar of the log-jack which pulls the logs from the water to the saw. Mr. Jones had two ribs on his left side broken and was very badly crushed in his Btomach. He was taken to the River View Hotel where Dr. Windley of Winthrop was called to his raid. Mr. Jones at this writing is im proving very well, but he is still con fined to his'room. He will bemovedtc .his homo ns soon as the weather will permit. Mr. J. T. II. Mooro has his launch bottom painted and hope to have it finished by next Saturday, ' Ho will make a trip to New Bern" on Saturday evening February 23. We are glad to learn that Mr. Tom' . Tasto'a little girl Nita is some better. Dr. Daniels of Oriental Was railed to see to see the child and oays that she has a very bad case of dypthcria. The barge Experiment has finished her loading here and expects to sail for Vandemere to get her deck loaded. The captain, W. JJ. Canister reports a very severe storm on Pamlico Sound when he came across. Mr. L. E. nnd E. A Whitford made a flying trip last Tuepday to Clubfoot Cr"-k on business and returned the t,uiie day. Mr. R. II. Laughinghouso and R. S. Cherry made a business trip to Oriental last Tuesday and returned the same day. They had a rounh trip coming lack. The Old Citizen or Lukens says r 1. 1 ill s Arapahoe " Jan. 29. Our people continue to build and move. It is nothing strange to see a load of furniture passing on the road. There are two new buildings nearing completion on the Point road near Arapahoe, Mr. Wm. Green and Mr. I. E. Tingle. J J . ' . Mr. James Morris of Norfolk, Va,, has moved in our community. He will live in Mr. I. E.Tingle'S new house until he can build. , Mr. Morris will no doubt make a good citizen. 1 1 Mr. Thomas McCotter moved from the Point road yesterday to Mr. James Dellamanrs farm on .Neuse river. Mr. Charles Lane will occupy the place - he moved from. V -' Mr. G.'T. Bennett has moved into his new residence in Arapahoe. - - - '. Mr. Smithwickand Miss Alice Mil ler of Arapohoe were married last first Sunday. We wish them a long and happy life. " ' ' ' Mr. W. W. Dixon has-moved in, his new home in Arapanoe. Mr. w. w. Cuthrell will occupy the house Mr. Dixon moved from. Mrs. J. D. Fhiliips, who lives in Wil kinsons Point, has been very sick the last few weeks. Mrs. J. J.-Bland, who lived at Arapa hoe, died yesterday afternoon. She leaves a husband and three children. --:-. ' "'. - a.b. If n a kind of billioua mood, . You wish an aid to digest food, No other pill is half so good As DeWitt's Little Early Risers- When e'er yon feel impending ill. And need a magic little pill. No other one-will fill the bill . Like DeWitt's Little Early Rise Fired on SpanistfVessel. , Madrid, Spain, Jan. 30VA telegram received today from Mellia, a Spanish town on the north coast of Morocco, states that a party of Moors passing along the coast fired on the Spanish cruiser . Infanta Isabelle, causing some damage to the vessel ' A gunboat has been sent from Mellia to the scene of th firing. . - Not Important if True. . Durham Herald.' - We do -not believe that the anar chists are after Governor Glenn and are sorry that he considered the matter of sufficient importance as to give it publicity. - , Itching PIIm. If you are acquai ted with anyone who is troubled with this distressing ailment you can do him no greater favor than to tell him to try Chamberlain s Salve. It gives instant relief. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by Davis' Phar I macy and F. S. Duffy. County Teachers' Meeting. The teachers of the county met at the court house last Saturday and had a very . pleasant and profitable con- ference. The meeting was for the pur I pose of organization and a discussion of the interests of the schools in the county. The attendance wesvery good, j notwithstanding the bad weather, about 25 being present. Many good sugges tions were made and although there was no special address, brief remarks were made by Superintendent Brinson and others, and great good obtained. The Jefncers elected were: President, E. H. Moser, DoVer; Vice-President, Percy Mattocks, N. Harlowe; Secretary Miss Bessie Foy, Cove; Treasurer, Miss Etta Nunn, New Bern. The next I meeting will be held Saturday Febru-1 ary 24th. . - A Healing Gospel. The Rev.' - J. C. . Warren, pastor of Sharron Baptist Church, Balair, Ga., says of Electric Bitters. ;"It's a God send to mankind. It cured me of lame back,- stiff joints, and comoletc physical collapse.- I was so weak it took me half an hour to walk a mile. Two bot tles of Electric Bitters have made me so strong I have . just; walked three miles in fifty minutes 'and feel like walking three more. It's made a new man of me." Greatest remedy for weakness and all Stomach, Liver and Kidney complaints. Sold under guar antee at All Druggists. Drug Store Price 50c. .i. . . NEVER TOUCHED THEM.- The Senate considered Senator Till man s resolution to investigate the causes of the Chinese anti-American boycott. .- The Yellow Fever Gernt has recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to the malarial g m. To free the system from dis ease germs, the most effective remedy U Dr. King's New Life Pills. Guaran tied to cure all diseases due to malaria noison and constipation. - 25. at All Druggists. Secretary Taft sent to Congress 11 bills, making radical changes in the army and providing for the creation of a national reserve of 50,000 men. v ' A Menace to Hoalth.. Kidney trouble is an insidious danger, and many people ore victims of a seri ous malady before the symptoms are recognized. - Foley's Kidney Cure cor rects irregularities and strengthens and builds up the kidneys, fend it should be taken at the first indication , of kidney trouble,; as it is impossible to have good health if the kidneys are derang ed. For sale by Davis' Pharmacy. k Short Respite Wilmington Star 30th. An Associated Press dispatch to the Star from Washington, D. C, last night says: "In the Supreme Court of the United States today, the case of Robert Sawyer and Arthur Adams were advanced to be heard onApiil 2nd, next ) The two men are under sen tence of death in North Carolina on the charge of participating in a mutiny on the schooner Berwind last year. -.V 4eut.ft-ouH Ai;tur. Sir Her.rr IrvUia cue day met a bro ken down ncto? In tho Strand. "1 nev pr npp von lit the theater now,'' Baid Sir Henry. The other murmured some thing about his ill luck and slinbbraess. "Oh. nonsense; - you come tomorrow and elve your name at the box office'" lie went, to find two tickets awaitmg him, with a fifty dollar note. OASTOIIIA. Beuttiw i m ma Haw Always uata a An attempt was male to assassinate M. Alberti, the . Danish Minister of Justice. . . . Fnliiou XoiepT For Men" Failed to Traduce Aojthlnjt Startling;. ' After Mrs. Poiuauby bud talked about dressmakers iiud di'ej.iiuakiug until Mr. Poiisoiiby was weary, and wheD Mrs. linblngtou bnd for more than two solid hours diseussitl gjwiis, hats, wraps, corsets and I'eininlue apparel in general, Arthur rwnstiuuy flicked tlie ashes from his cigar nnd, turulug to DallIugton( asked: - . - -. "By the way, Fred, where do you buy your shirts?" ; ; :. "1 always get them at Crelghley's." "Do you like his style? I think Mud- gers makes the sweetest shirts I ever Wove. Thf fit Just lovely over the liifia, aud ho seems- to have a way of putting in sleeves that is so cunning.' 'Oh, I nUull nave to go to him when I need shirts again. Where do you get your trousers?", . - ' Manscll : always makes mine. I wouldn't think of going to any one else. How much did you pay for that vest? Iff just its sweet as It can be.",, Yes, Isn't it pretty? Do you know, I bought It ready made, I very seldom do such n thiusr, but It happened to Just fit me, and couldn't resist It.- Did Mansell make that coat you're wear ing?" Yes. How do you like It? Do you think it fits mo just right across the shoulders?" "It's perfect I never saw anything sweeter. Yon ought to -wear gray all Uio time. It's really very becoming to you. hat n cunning tie you have. Where -do you g:t your ties?" "Oh. I wouldn't thlnlf of getting a tie anywhere' but at Murgenlielm's. Do yuu like these socks I'm wearing?" "Dear me! They're nwfully cute. I bought some hew ones last week, but I like yours hotter than ..any of mine. I'm goins to have a new pair of trou sers cut out ju.st ns soon as I can get around to it. What do you think would bo a f;ood stylo for' me to get? Would yon have them shirred at the knees?" Xo. I don't like them that way. I think I should have them tucked at the ends mid .cut full at the sides, with deckel edged seams. Still, If you ll!:e them gathered at the ton, I Arthur," exclaimed Mrs. Ponsonby, 'have you' suddenly gone crazy?" "Fred Dnllington," that gentleman's wife demanded, "what In the world is lhc matter "with yon?" Tin? tucii shoals their heads and de nial that they had lost their wits. Be Iivi reii ui:v:l. Mrs. Fousonby asked M:-s. T'.i;!'r.-:!.:n haw she Intended to hiv.e l.'T Im'.ian head skirt made nn. I"tU::iV.sal:l Mrs. Dallington, "I v:::l Iiv it i.-tsiltctr botir in front ana lj(i:n:l,' I;o j-6u remember that denim Mi-. r. Iefe:...-,1 .nid .rJiiuncd tho two men lit frenli eiMii mid sat hack and were silent. R. li. lvincr In Chicago ltecord' Herald. ' :v.i iean the pinkish one that ; l:u-!e:;;i v.tto'.e for you?' What Good is' Accomplished ? Wilmington Messenger. . Those men with their automobiles are establishing new records for Bpeed every day. After a while they will annihilate Bpace and then perhaps they will be content, but the question is: What good have they done to mankind when they have done so. , '4. , 'i ' ' '''',".: " " " A Habit to Be Encounged, The mother who has acquired the habit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamlterlain'B Cough Remedy, saves tierself a rreat amount of uneasiness and anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup, to which children are susceptible are quickly cured by its use. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia, and if given as soon as the first symptoms cf croup appear, it will prevent the attack, This remedy con tains nothing injurious and mothers give it to little ones with a feeling of perfect security. Sold by Davis Phar macy and F. S. Duffy. New King fakes The Throne Copenhagen, Jan. 30. Frederick, the eldest son of tho late King Chris tian as Frederick the "VIII, was pro claimed King at noon. Common Colds r The Ctuie of Many Seri ous Diseases. LaGrlppe and Pneumonia. , Pneumonia often follows LaGrippe but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. It cures lagrippe coughs and prevents pneumonia . and consumption. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute . of fered Mr. G. Vacher, of 157 Osgood St., Chicago, writes: "My wife had a were case of lagrippe three years aeo. and it left her with a terrible cough. She tried a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and it gave immediate relief. A 50 cent bottle cured her cough entirely," Refuse substitutes. For sale by Davis Pharmacy. Gas In the Stomoch. Belching and -that sense of fullness so often experienced after eating is caused by the formation of gas. The I stomach fails to perform its functions and the food ferments. - Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct the disorder. They aid digestion and strengthen and invigorate the stomach and bowels. For sale by Davis' Phar macy and F. S. Duffy. . "Wheels" Are llcnilireai.'V ""Ahl" ho sighed. '.'.'."If you uuly gave J me the least possible hobo I" "Good grneiaii3!" retorted the miru hearted bells. - "I've been giving you the least I ever gave to nny man!" OASTOHIA. Bmh the : ZJf m mi m "aw ,lwa" "N of i Uunbt. Jack What seemed to be tho hard est thing to you In learning to ride the bicycle? Tom The ground. Tom Twenty dollars for that simple fall hat? You- must be crazyl Clara Well, I must say it's going to luyhead. Mall nnd Express. Ji' vr j u f ft . M A V- S MM MMJ i " Leader" and Repeater" SMOKELESS POWDER SHELLS Carefully inspected shells, the best com binations of. powder, shot and wadding, loaded by machines which give Invariable results are responsible for the superiority of Winchester "Leader" and "Repeater" Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells. There is no guesswork In. loading them. Reliability, velocity, pattern and penetra tion are determined by scientific apparatus and practical experiments. Do you shoot them ? If not, why not ? They are THE SHELLS THE CHAMPIONS SHOOT n New Stock Horses Arrived. We have just received a fine .lot of horses suitable for farm work or dri ving, which we will sell at reasonable prices. We have also a full line of Wagons. Buggies, Harness, . and everything usually kept in an up-to-date stable. We will make Terms Right. - Se us. CHDU&CO., 66 Broad St New Bern, N O SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 5, 1906. 118 Daily. 136 Daily. P M 6 45 6 57 7 15 7 80 7 42 8 05 P M 1 27 ' I 40 1 53 1 58 2 08 2 13 2 18 2 30 f 2 42 2 51 3 03 3 25 8 35 f 3 43 3 58 108 Daily. "am" 7 20 f 7 33 7 481 7 53 8 05 8 10 8 15 8 271 f 8 38 8 47 9 00 9 20 9 30 f 9 37 9 51 112 Daily. 4 10 10 02 4 t 52 4 58 5 11 5 25 5 43 5 50 6 051 6 21 f6 40 M AM 1 IE f 1 30 1 47 1 53 2 06 2 11 2 17 2 33 2 45 2 58.J 3 40 3 55 f 4 10 . 4 27. 4 40 5 15 f 5 33 10 30 flO 41 flO 51 f 5 40 11 02! 5 54 fll 18 f 6 09 11 30 6 29 11 36 f 6 35 11 48 fl2 03 12 2o PM f 6 46 '715 AM : 0 : 8 15 17! 21 23 26 32 37 41 46 55 57 61 ej 73 81 87 Lv. Eastern Time. 107 Daily. GREENSBORO.... McLean Gibsonville. ....... Elon College. Burlington.. Graham.. Haw River. ... .. .. Mebane Efland . Hillsboro ............ UNIVERSITY .... DURHAM East Durham Brasafield. .......... Morrisvilie CARY..... . I RALEIGH....... Garner... ....... . Auburn.. Clayton. Wilson's Mills.... SELMA Pine Level Princeton Rose "... GOLDSBORO.... Ar. ' - - 135 Daily. Lv. AM 11 59 fll 40 11 271 11 22 11 141 11 07 11 01 10 m flO 38 10 28 10 16 10 00 9 44 f 9 37 9 13 9 05 8 45 8 26 8 20 8 08 7 65 7 45 7 7 26 714 7 00 AM 111 Daily. 117 Daily. PM 6 35 f 6 15l 6 00! 5 65 6 46 6 39 6 33 6 221 f 5 10 5 01 4 49 4 30 4 18 f 4 10 f 8 58 3 49 3 30 f 3 121 f 8 06 2 59 f 2 401 2 25 2 12 2 01 f 1 49 1 3E PM AM 5 35 f 5 17 5 05 6 00 4 47 4 40 4 30! 4 17 'f 4 02 3 47 3 30 3 00 2 48 f 2 85 2 15 2 05i 1 40 11 45 11 81 11 23 11 W 10 50 10 38 flO 25 no 10 f 9 55 9 40 PM 9 20 9 07 f 8 42 f 822 8 12 7 60 AM This condensed schedula is published as information and is subject to change) without notice to the publ'e. v . ; ' Trains Nos, 112 and , 108 connect at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line trains; both Southbound and Northbound; and with Atlantic and North Carolina trains tor Morehead City and intermediate points. ... Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No. 33 for Charlotte, Colura bia and Jacksonville. No. 37 solid Pullman train, drawing-room sleepers New York to New Orleans and Memphis, also for Winston-Salem. Wilkesboro, Dan ville and local stations. Train No. 117 handles through coach between Raleigh, Chase City and Richmond, where close connection is made with Washington Southern Railway for Washington and Eastern cities. -- Train No. 107 connects at Durham for Oxford, Chase City and Richmond; University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday; at Greensboro with train No. 36 for Washington and points North, close connection for inston Calem, High Point, Salisbury, Charlotte and intermediate stations. - Train No. 135 connects at Greensboro with No. 39 for Charlotte, Columbia and Jacksonville: No. 35 for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest: Nos. 34 and 38 for Washington and all points North; connection is also made at Salis bury for western Nortn Carolina points. . S. H. Hardwick, P. T, M. W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A. H. B, Spencer, G,tM Washington, D. C. R. L. Vernon, T. P. A, T. E. Gbeen, C. T. A. Charlotte, N. C Raleigh, N. C. Physicians who have gained a nation al reputations as analysts of the cause . . . . . n a . 1 . .1 I . ? .1: . I Al. .. i- I e tide here 13 3 leec nigner man ; 01 varn.ua u.weaHes, cmiin mm 11 wiur ocii for years and is still rii.ing, ' ing cold could be avoided a long list of ,! ..! rrous n.'.ments woulu never oe 1, s (.r. Coast Road Takes P. 0. & W. Into Its Control. Virginian-Pilot, 30th: Local officials of the Virginia-Carolina Coast railroad yesterday confirmed the purchase of the Pamlico, Oriental and Western railroad. The purchase was authorized at a meeting of the board of directors and their action will be sub mitted to a meeting , of the stock holders for ratification on February 12. As announced some time ago by the Virginian-Pilot, the consolidation of these two roads and the Suffolk and Carolina, had been decided upon and would soon be announced. . The four properties h the merger are capital ized at $7,500,000. Development of the large timber interests understood to have been recently secured from the J. I. Roper Lumber company, end. other timber tracts controlled by the companies,, will be the first object of the company. It is also true that teri milial facilities are held in Norfolk. Another project, and In part responsi ble for the merger, is the formation of a combination with the C. & O. for an eastern and western outlet. ' This will give Eastern North Carolina Bnothor, and it is claimed, more direct route to the east and west, The noting in Gomel, Russia, grow ing out of racial feeling resulted in the ' destruction of more than 100 buildings. . OASTOniA. b ..v. m li;n You Haw WSWI HOtlWI' VW. M - Slgnttut of MiSlCILI: DODODODOOODODODOCOQOCnCZCn O () () t) C) () () RCount Frederick ' Lamsdorff , and Baron Roenne were murdered by revo lutionists in.Courland, Russia. OAOTOniA. fttui th ' Kina ion Han vmi mm glmtnie of . Uriliinn governor. "Oovenior.. 1-oik of .Missxirl.' the Chlesga . Chronicle, . "ua:i I 1 camrlit 111 the net of Accepting n lil iiie tn cxehnnza far a roirdan. The prison er wns sent to jail for six yen im, for fjlue resisiraliou. but Uoe.4 not m-em t have luulerstood what ho vw do lug. . Ills wife, , with her ilireo risll dreii, came to see tho governor, but ho wa still In doubt. :'" ' : ;i "The prisoner's tlve-year-old duli;?li- tor npiirandied him timidly nnd 8:i!d, If you let my papa go I II give you a kiss.' The governor replied a trwo huskily, 'All right, llttl girl, you shall take him homo with you.1 U. S. Cherry is sulferinif very h f ruin a large boil on his neck. - 1!. E. r A jv to f iii v 1. I 1 ry m-9 knows that pneu ,,i . . ' rj ordinate from ' srsh, broiirhiti4. fpi ; SiV t m l" J 1 Do 0 p t 1 are tt 1 1 ' J r Pirating Foley'e Honey endTir. Folev & Co.. Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung r'ini':1 , nnd on account of tho great ! t mi; 1 pnptil.-irit V of l oh'y's l.;rwy The attorneys for the Government and for the packers failed to agree on a statement of facts and testimony must determine the issue, . I ' r I 1 1 r 1. I r r 7 f 1 e 4 A r.l c:. Don't Have to Wait for Weeks. A New Bern Illustration. Waiting is discouraging. Prompt action pleases everybody. A burden on the back is 8 heavyweight Hard to bear day after day. Harder still year after year. Lifting weight, removing the burden. Bringing appreciating responses. New Bern people tell of it Tell how it can be done. Tell of relief thats quick and sure. Here is case of it: C P. Bartling, proprietor of the Bartling fhaving Parlor, place of ad dress 109 Middle St, says: "I used Doan's Kidney Pille which I procured at Bradham's Pharmacy, for my back and kidneys, and I found them to be all that is claimed for them. I had trou ble with my back for some time, the secretions from the kidney were very dark and full of sediment and my back gave me any amount of trouble. It pained me and ached bo badly at times that I could not attend to businers, Doan's Kidney Pills went to the right spot so quickly I could hardly believe it The first did miso much good that I bought a second and used four pills day. My back has not hurt me since and I can stand on my feet all day and do not get tired like I Used to. You can use my name and welcome for 1 know tho great value of Doan's Kidney riiis." For sale by all dealers. Prieo I ) ct.i. a u.k. Vttr-v.:v, 1 '11 Co., r ' ' ::. y. ..!. !'-!.' 1 f r r r. r. ; - t ' .) 1 ' , : u O At the Head of ell Tobacco Fertilizers Meadows Gold Leaf TOBACCO - GUANO ( ) 1 j i ) Use it and you will be pleased. Meadows COTTOW AND ALLCROP jj Guano, and Special Fertilizers For All O Crops. Ji It no Sales Agent in your vicinity, writs O us. we use oniy me uniax rnixu () FOOD IN OUR GtOOWS. Insist on having ) BRASD. t. H. S J. A. Ltfij.ib oU., L.ir.'JLli.'v. Factory Neuse River. new beun, n. c T T" tl I j ., . . . , . im u. 1 nunc, ou. J fm. p.- .... " - - - " M MW mm W 'W- -w , " the IIEADOY7 () O j l: haqtsfi" : s. fontrnctor ami LZzill,'.. r. orrick'93 1-2 middle st. i . After having so much trouble to get Tin work done when I v like I wanted it done have purchased the Tin Business of L. II. ( opened a First Clans Tin shop No. 90 Middle Street, next t Store, where I have competent and experienced men to d r v this business in conjunction with my CONTRACTING " II ', " Any work sent me will receive rilO.M PT ATT III i !': ', i ' UVEUEI) when niOT.tirMIX I have an EXriHUIUICKD F.I.ATKIt. ALL KE ' It: DONE. STOVE PIPE V.nt to Or.l.-r. CUVel'. ! ', I