n ) 1 ID ! 'J VOL, XXVIII.-No, 88 NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY. N,C, TUESDAY, EBRUARY 6, 1906.---FIRST SECTION. 28th YEAR ..AvNfv urn J K n i - U I i i 1 1 i x iv if i ii ... ii ri. s i-s UtA I 1:1' I L J .I I J 11 1 I i " I I .. I a I r i if 13 igiiiii ) - SAW KLXLS. LI03T, Jl'JSIUa AKD En FOB EVERY K1S3 CFtfCSX ENGttES AIO ECiCS AND 5IZES AND FOR EVE2Y class op scsvica ASK FCSt OUR ESTCHATB PUCINQ YOUS CSSOU S1BBES MACHINERY CCmPANY COLUMBIA. S. C. J- E Latham & Company' Weekly - -. Cotton Letter. s j Special to Journal. s , Greensboro, Feb. 8. Since our letter of Jany 27th cotton has made a further decline of J cent per pound, but' there is Bome recovery and the market closes steady, 25 points up from ( the lowest. The census .department estimates that there is yet to gin 254,000 bales. If this estimate should prove correct, and the amount reported ginned . is not un der stated, it would mean a growth estimating 'inters and samples as 250, 000, or 10,600,0CO bales. We can see no "reason to abandon our estimates of Jl, 000,000 bales commercial crop, but while trade continues good we are not inclined to be too bearish on the decline This lowering of prices will have some tendency to reduce the contemplated acreage, and perhaps cause less ex travagance in the use of commercial fertilizers.- . Receipts continue free, and mofe' than sufficient to supply the demand. It is thought however, thatt this supply is coming largely from hedged dealers, and discouraged mer chants, as the farmers are holding rather firmly. In tho natural order of things we should have some further improvement from this depression." : OASVOniA, Bwratb : Tha Kind Yob Haw Always Bag j ' By The People, bays tilenn JIS Special to Journal. Raleigh, Feb, 3. Governor Glenn received a telegram from the Cleveland Pre&i, asking him as to the'election of United . States senators , ' whether he preferred it should be by the people or legislature. He replied the North Carolina legislature had instructed its senators and representatives to vote for such am tndment of the constitution as will provi I for the election of sena tors by the people.. Ho heartily ap proves this action. X tiiei:.:flei7.e!itco. RICHMOND, VA, ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Eloofihd, Write for prices and catalogue. We carry one of the largest and best stocks of . Farm Implements in the South, and can lave you money on your purchases. What ever you need, get our prices, be fore purchasing. , w , Special bargains in Farm Wafont and Buggies. Best makes. Low Prices, , Th3 Implement C0.7 t::2 c.: si., .itd, uy 7mited to'Buy All Kinds of Southern Fruits rr ! Vegetables for CASH or will handle on c: ' 'r.mcnt. Let me know r yAccz cn v. hat you 3 . 1 '! CCLLEEE LECTUaES. Mclver tehvers G. F. C. Dr. First Before Samuel Ttitlmony Ended. Worthy of Piymcnt for Mental Anguish Delayed Train.- Schtdul. Pastor . Mothtr Jones, May Return. Socialistic - .Speaker." .- ""'"' (Special Correspondence.)- Greensboro, Feby 3. The testimony of G. W. Samuel. - the .revenue officer on trial in the Federal court here was i . . .1 a i : ta..:-. cross examination District Attorney showed that stills which had been run ning for months while Samuel was in charge were easily found when new ' officers arrived in 1905 and that eleven were destroyed irt two days," among them being three steam distilleries operated by Jim Combes and his two brothers. : Solicitor General Hayes, who has been present during the whole of the trial, aiding in the prosecution, was called to Washington last night, to consult with AttorneyGeneral Moody over some important briefs in prepara tion for the Supreme Court. He will return Monday. - 4 . .: In saying the mental anguish claim in the W. I. Young case, here, was new in this State, " this correspondent was advertant to the numerous decis ions and recoveries against; telegraph companies for failure to deliver tele grams announcing serious illness or death of relatives. Rut in tho case of W. , I. Young's suit against the Southern Railway, the mental- anguish arose from faulty performance of a contract and the peculiar agony of de layed schedules while trying to reach a desperately sick wife - and child, was the principle in the case, which also contained a claim for recovery of $720 already paid out for a special , train. The point is a new one in North Caro lina. The verdict for the $72i) and ths additional sura of $500 damages for the mental anguish caused will bring the matter squarely up to the Supreme Court for decision. If somebody could get a verdict for mental anguish caused by lying bulletin boards as to the ar rival and departure of trains it would bring about a speedy reform' in this aggravating nuisance, and serious bad example to the rising generation by in culcating disrespect for telling the truth. . : v.' . ; There are well defined rumors here that an effort is being made to induce Rev. W. W Moore, President of the Union Theological Seminary of Rich mond, to return to his native State and become pastor of the. First 'Presbyteri an Church here,, to fill the ; vacancy caused by the transfer of Rev. Dr. E. W. Smith to Louisville, v Dr. Moore will preach -in the church here next Sunday. The small but active band of Social ists in Greensboro have arranged to have another one of . their celebrities speak in Greensboro. It is Mother Jones this time. She will speak in the court house next Thursday night Her discourse will be along the same line as was that of Eugene V. Debs last Saturday. ' Greensboro Female College has inau gurated a series of lectures by well known men, open to the people of the city at large as well as to the students. The first lecture of the series was de livered last.nightby.lDr. C. D. Mclver, president of the State Normal and In dustrial College. He was introduced by Mrs. Lucy Robertson, president" of the College. Dr.. Mclver's address was a discussion of the relations of culti- vated and educated young women to present day problems in North Caro - Una. ' He outlined the great work done by MDO,...ff. Twm., n: nninrin o.,t th hnanir! fnr thn in. sane in this and twenty-two other Stot. and even ahmad mnnnmonr tn hr faith, heurt nrt lovn. H niH she saw something that needed to be done and did it He pleaded with his yqung hearers to do something. It made no difference, he said whether it was done directly or indirectly. The girl in the home can put power in the arm of the father or brother can hold up the ideals of those who strive, can encourage and cheer. Then 'the ppt-ak told the young ladies what they might do in emulation of the 2,000 young wo men -who had bnnded themselves to gether in the work of improving the country school houses. It was tho wo men he said who beautified our churches and to them we must look for the be;mt'."cation of the Nut to tho men, the m.;:i!mrU to their e ' t. 1 1 ;";'"'.f! C "' ' ' :., ' If .M ," school houses, "tiurlhouses are masculinity and lr. : .'IviT t ' '1 uuiiciuuuu yeaiwrvmy muruiiiB. xuihib " ' -- - - t ie day deputy collectsrs J. W, Per- as it now stands today, largely of wo kins, Starky, Hare, J. T.;:Shepard,en work, for said l-c yiiat for wo eorge W, Sheet and T. L; Green, all mn. tt rmW wtcrc.,.,; Prof. W. of whom had done service in Wilkes, t C II. Hammel will make the next pub testified to Samuel's good character as He" address at the College on "wireless a man and officer and corroborated his telegraphy." . -evidence in many particulars.; On 1 - " one when an individual makes up his i his mind on agroup of individuals make up their collective mind. The' speaker described the work that has been done since 9 improving Guilford county rural schools,: In . 1897 every schoo j district in the county voted against the 1 special tax. Now 35 have voted, taxes on themselves. In 1902 when the agita tion for local tax was launched, the ap propriations for schools in these dis tricts was $G,0C0, this year.itis $20,000. The school houses in those districts in 1902 r, were valued at $1,770; in 1890 at $41,875.- -Try to be master in what ever you do," .the speaker -counseled. Be the best seamstress, make the best hat In urging" the possibilities for usefulness which lie before women the .speaker evoked hearty applause by re- f rrinp-r.n I rroonfihoro pottiap fjfHmrp t-nis d News IntcrestlFrom That ' Center Value of Childien't Home Society. District . ; Attorney Hoiion. , Federal Court. .? ' Return of Jamas Combes a - . sensa!ionalFeaturo. ' " (Special Correspondence.) - Greensboro, Feb. 5.. The little baby- waif left here by a .strange woman six weeks.ago to be cared for by Nancy Holt, a negress living a mile beyond the city limits, was taken in possession Saturday night by officers of the law under a writ of habeas corpus, and proceedings for guardianship instituted by W, B, Streeter, superintendent of the Children's Home Society. The of ficer found the child in a small room in which four negro women slept and lived, and ha says "the baby slept at night between two of the women, It was placed.in possession of Mr Streeter who will take care of it until the hear ing by the judge on the return day of the written das from service. ' . J-."- The news here that District Attorney Holton had been given assurance that he would be re-appointed district attor ney was not surprising here, where his great work in prosecuting frauds against the'1' government ; has been known perhaps better than anywhere else, as most of the big revenue trials for the past three years have been in the Federal court at Greensboro. Hoi- ton's great ability and zeal in ferreting out as well as prosecuting the violators of the revenue laws, has been recog nized for some time,' and rumors that the whiskey .ring inside the republican organization would be able to turn him out was always discounted. , There was the usual short Saturday morning session.of j Federal court, and none but character witnesses were ex amined in the Samuel case. Deputy collector T. L. Green, who -was under going cross examination by the district attorney when court adjourned Friday did not get a chance to complete his testimony and was on the stand again this morning. The character witnesses were made, a -cross-examination l y Mr. Holton, to take up so much time, it was Saturday noon recess hour before they were disposed of. .' Aside from character witnesses the defence so far has had only witness to testify who was not a revenue officer, or who had been a revenue officer ' - " ' . ' There was a mild sensation here when thelWilkesboro train arrived after Federal court had adjourned Saturday and there Btcpped frim the train the much discussed and ' long ; looked for James Combes, whose name and ex ploits as a blockader and ostensible in- t former hive figures so largely in the t trial ofthe revenue officers, especially in connection with officer Samuel now on trial for alleged filing of false in- ' formers checks in the name of Jim Combes and conspiracy with Combes to 1 defraud the government Combes was indicted at tho special term of the Knd'JUiy last September With the of- ficera for al,ced conspiracy to defraud V government, and one'of the counts against Samuel in his trial now is col- lusion with Combes, a distiller to tl'ow him to run contrary to law. " ; A . woman worries until she gets wrinkles, then worries because she has them. If she takes Uollister's Rocky Mountain Tea she would have neither, Bright, smiling face follows its use. 33 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale by F. S. Duffy. . - - -" .Died On February 1st, at her home in New York City, Mrs. Hugh L. Colo, in the 52nd year of htir hve. : ; - ' Notice On account of the death of a neigh- bor, tho ba.sket party at Stapleford's' School House will Lo postponed until Saturday nitfht. Feb. 10th. K. A. ST AT LK IT) I J D. For Rent or Calc A limi mc ami let : T. A. t Ti mini, N. C. r. ' ,,..; t..:.: 4 I HUlllda iiauii luau him iicniviii ui Clansman. Arguments Heard Before Judge ' Purnell. Applicants For Attorney Lfvenscs. . Capital Club Fire Damage. In surance Underwriters As-,, soclation To Meet at , . ' Plnohurst. . i (Special Co Tespondence.) Raleieh, Feb. 5 The Supreme Court met this morning to examine applicants for attorneys' license.- Of thei.e there are 37, of whom 10 are from 'the State University and nine from Wqke Forest College Law .School. All jcil,w were present. Attorney General Gil mer arrived Saturday evening : from Waynes ville. ; . -i j , : '. The Life Insurance "Underwriters Association of North Caroling is called to meet in annual" session at Finehurst on the 20th inst. Mr. Wilcox of the Mutual Life is the President and Mr. P. D. Gold.of Greensboro Is the Secre- tary. ' ' -: . Insurance adjusters are here to set tle the loss by the fire in the Capital Club the damage being mainly, from smoke. A member of the club said he thought $3000 would cover the dam ages, though another member pur, the figure very much higher. . It seems to be expected by 4he Uni ted States officials here that Mr Claude Dackery will become Marshal by Feb ruary 15th, though his nomination has not yet gone into the Senate. - 7 Today there was argument before Judge Purnell in the United. States Court in the quite interesting' case of Thomas Dixon,' the play-wright of New York, against Thaddous tirecton, to make permanent the injunction to prevent Brecton and hia . company, which is well known as . tho Corinne Runkle Company from playing' -'In Re construction Days"' which Mr! Dixon claims is an infringement upon - his rights in his play of the Clansman. Judge Purnell made tho injunction perpetual, Brecton having failed to answer the rule to ; show causs why it should not be granted. The Supreme Court at the -present term will hear the very notable! case of. Bob Lilliston, Convicted of murdering Charles G. Smith in the depot here the last day of the State Fair. The evi dence of Mrs. Hicharuson, who was formerly a Miss Allen -.cfhi4,,Xvhtt& developed since the conviction and the question is bow to get this before the courts. Mrs. Richardson was formerly connected with a newspaper. TEMPORARY INJUNCTION Judge Purnell Restraining Suffolk And Caro lina From Trespassing on N-& S. . . .... Railway. .-. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Feb. 5.i Juigo Purnell is' sued a.temporary injunction, restrain ing the Suffolk and Carolina railway from trespassing on the rihht or way of the Norfolk and Southern, at Itoper, the suit being brought by the trustoo's order of the Norfolk and Southern, the Metropolitan Trust Company of New York. The Suffolk and Carolina sought to condemn the right of way through the yard of the Norfolk and Southern, It is a contest to ' prevent the Suffolk and Carolina from entering " Mackey's Ferry, an important point on Albo- marle sound. " The Norfolk and South ern is now under the same control a: the Atlantic and North Carolina,, the New Bern, Oriental and Western, and perhaps the Raleigh and Pamlico, though some assert the Suffolk and Cwolina controls the latter. ; Tho in junction matter will be heard here March 5th. ..' . ' ; v- ".' ; ' Special sale on gold decorated glass ware today 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c goods, for 5 and 10c at the new 5c and 10c Store, 90 Middle St, old Journal oflieo. SUPERIOR COURT C0'VENES A Urge Docket of Civ I Case t ) be Tried. : J. Term of Two Woekt. '. Superior Court f or the trial of civil cases began yesterday with Judge Long of Statesville presiding., Tho term will last two weeks unless it is found necessary 10 conunuu Home oi me cases thus shortening the term. ' Fur cases were continued yesterday for various reasons mostly for sickness The caseon trial was that of Godctte vs Bowen from North Harlowe, and alleged slander is the cause. Tho case will be given to tho jury today. . 1 Oak and Pine Wood. Dry Oak and pine wool pawed in Kl.-vo 1. . . " . at n.I.l.i COM, AXI.) W Willi ITCHING HUMOR Eruption Broke Out in Spots All Over Body Caused a Continual 1 Itching for Two Years Doctor's Medicine Did no Good Cured at Expense of only $1,25 and Now THANKS CUTICURA FOR COMPLETE CURE ' "Some time ago I wrote you for a book on the Cuticura Remedies and: received it O. K. and went and bought the Soap, Ointment, and Pills.- They did me more good than any medicine I ever used. They cured me of my skin disease, and I am very thankful to you. Mv trouble was eruption of the akin, which broke out in spots all over my body, and caused a continual itching which nearly drove me wild at times. I got medicine of a doctor, but it did not cure me, and when I saw in a paper your ad.. I sent to you for the Cuticura book and I studied my case in it. I then went to the drug store and bought one cake of Cuticura Soap, one box of Cu ticura Ointment, and one vial of Cuti cura Pills. From the first application I received relief. I used the first set and two extra cakes of Cuticura Soap, and was completely cured. I had Buffered for two years, and I again thank Cuticura for my cure. If you wish, you may : publish this. Your friend forever, Claude N.Johnson, Maple Grove Farm , R. F. D. 2, Walnut Kan, June 15, 1905." ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! : Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! This is the condition of thousands of skin-tortured men, women, and children, who may be instantly relieved and speedily cured by warm baths with Cuticura Soap and gentle applications of Cuticura Oint ment, the great Skin Cure, and mild doses of Cuticura Resolvent Pills, when physicians and all else fail. ;.i Sold throughout th world. CuHcnra Botn, 2flc., Olnt- neut. fiUc- KMOlTOnt, Wo. (In form of Chocolite Coftted I'll!., xou. pur tut ui wit ui7 ue iiru 01 ail unilKMK. A ftfiitlB aft ones curat. Kuw Urug k Cham. Corp., Sol fmpf., HotoD, Mail. j-MUrr"MAJttt (ho Bkte, Scalp, anilUalr.' THEY COME AND GO. Mr. W. R. Hawkins, representing II E. Bucklen- & Co., of Chicago, was here yesterday. y Mr. J. H. Hunter of Havelock, wa here yesterday. ' Judge Bryan returned Sunday even ing from Concord, where Jie has been holding court. Mrs. Roes and daughter, Miss Ethel, who have been guests of relatives and friends here, have returned to heir homein Baltimore. Miss Fannie Green left yesterday to visit her sister, Mrs. Plummcr, at Petersburg, Va. MisstJertrude Baxter, of New York City, is visiting Mrs. Mary McK. Nash Mr John Rice of Portsmouth, Va., left last night after visiting his parents for a few days. Mr. Harris Lane left yesterday for a visit at his home at Hickory Grove. . Miss Mary Rogers of Kinston is in the city. Attorneys L. B. Varser and E. M. Wooten of Kinston, arrived in the city yesterday. ' Mr. J. E. Hudson spent the day in Kinston Sunday. Mr. Arthur Van Buren of Fayette ville, representing the Southern Life Insurance Co., returned from Wilming ton last night and will remain in the city during the week. Mr. F. H. Busbee of Kaleigh is in the city attending Superior court Miss Annie Hardison, head trimmei in the millinery department of J.J. Baxter's store went to New York'Iast night in the interest of her depart ment. " - ' - ' : ' - Miss Lena Sanford is visiting friends in Goldsboro. '. . ' '' Mrs. Geonre Green is visiting rela tives in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. J. B." Blades went to Washington, D. C. last night. They will also visit friends in Philadelphia Wood's Seeds. Second Crop Seed Potatoes go further in plrfntlng than other Seed Potatoes, yield better and more nniform crops, and are in high favor with truckers ana potato growers wherever planted. Our stocks are of superior quality, nniform in size, and sent out in full-size barrels. Write for prices, and Wood'a 1503 Seed Cook, giving till and Inte-restinfc information about Seed Potatoes. T ' ' V ..3. ::. X. iMa curry t)a Ihm'--' b lu tha S-mtli. I .'i k of TottltocS t t orn. grown an 1 f i I I. V ; ' 1 t ) I, S3 o i 4 I OS - on o Cook Stoves, Cook Stoves. We carry a full line of heavy weight Stoves. None better on the market. We guarantee them. - - Full line General Hardware and Building Mate) rial. Qaskill Hdw. & Furniture, Stoves, Mattings, Etc. Largest stock of Mattings in the city. Royall and Borden Felt Mattresses. New line of po-Carts. " We are still offering some to call on us. JOHN B. Phone 257 93 Middle Str-et Photo Portraits .AjAAlji A A A. A A FWVVVVVVWWW ff Wootten's Stadio, Thanks, Thanks, Thanks Our greatest of all sales is ended and I take this method to thank the trading public for their patronage. While ' we have sold so . many goods we still have on hand a great many winter: goods that we are determined to close out and for the re-. mamder of the winter season we , will sell for cash all Clothing, Overcoats,Heavy Shoes,Dress Goods, Ladies Cloaks, Skirts, Blankets, Underwear, and hundreds of odds and ends, etc.i at cost and less. We guarantee to save you money on anything you may want in regular stock. - F T' BAXTER I It Pays to Trade at Ervin's The Goods Ate all - The prices are reasonable, because we buy in large quantities, and give our customers the bene fit. The service at our store is polite and prompt. All goods sold are strictly guaranteed to be as represented or money refunded. We carry a full line of heavy and Fancy Gro ceries. Provisions for the farm or delicacies for the Epicure. ' .' We handle country produce and solicit con signments of same and guarantee to get the high est price that can be had in the market for it. Wholesale No. PI South Front St. . tx3 4 , Mill Supply Uo. Phone Ui bargains and it will pay you IVES.' latest Styles at 92 East . Ffont St. A A A A A A A A A A A M. A WW WWW WW WW WW ' New And Fr and Retail Grocer, ('. v, '1

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