I i 4 I I- 7 V t r s The Kind You ILtvo Always Eoujlit, and which Las been In use Tor. over SO years, has ' " and has been made under his per 'ffli. sonal supervision since its infancy."- , '"tfcvC45 : AllnviM mill fai Jiuiiilmi th In tTilct- All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment ' What Is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-1 : goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Norcotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind -Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the - Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. - ' GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAY3 Boars the The Kind You Have toys Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ftM oiht.uk oommmt. t mmut TMrr, mtm win n I 1 Foy Holland Pollocksville, Feb. Z At the Bap tiflt church in this place on Wednesday at 8.30 p. m., Mr. Reginald E. Foy and Miss Bessie Holland were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Bilbro. -' At the last tap of the church bell, the ushers, Mr. A. Street Lee and Mr. John Ray Whitty marched up the aisles of the church followed by the bridal party. The bride and her sister, Miss Mabel, maid of honor, up the left aisle. The groom and best man, Mr C. A. Bell, up the right aisle,.', to the strains of Mcndlessohn's wedding manh ren dered by Mrs..nnie Shepard Hart. ' - Tiie bride wore white china ' silk and carried a bouquet of white carnations. The maid of honor wore white silk and carried pink carnations. The church was tastefully decorated in green and white. -, The bride and groom standing under an arcH of evergreens, were mode man and wife. . They were the recipients of many pretty and costly presents. After. the. jgeremony, the , .bride and groom were entertained at .. tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bryim of this place. .- ' .. . - ' ' A Friend. A Mcnact to Health. ;;j . . Kidney trouble .is an insidious danger, and many people are victims of a seri ous mnludy before the symptoms are recognized. ' Foley's Kidney Cure cor- .recta irregularities and strengthens and . -builds up the kidneys, nd it should be taken at the first indication of kidney -trouble, as it is Impossible U) have ' i good health if the. Kidneys are derang' ed. ' For sale by Davis' Pharmacy. - Improvement of Bogue Inlet . 'Congressman Thomas has introduced ia bill in Coigress authorizing the Sec xetary of War to cause n survey of , Bogue Inl t to be made with a view to making the channel deeper. This ia in ilino with other harbor improvements nd it Man important point on the -coast. A harboring place will be af forded there in cise of storm if this .uieas&re is successful.'; . Luckiest Man In Arkansas. . '"I'm tho luckiest man in Arkansas, writes II. L. Stanley, of Brono, ''since the restoration of my wife's health af- tr couuhing and bleeding from the 'lungs, and I owe my good fortune to the world's greatest modicine, Dr. IKing's New Discovery, for Consump tion, which I know from experience will euro consumption if taken in time. iMy wife improved with tho first bottle and twelve bottles completed the cure." Cures the worst cough i and colds or money refunded. At , All Druggists.' iCOc and fl.OO." "Trial bottle free. ' Studies in Tiio Life f Christ There will be given a sertesof studies in the life of Christ at the Christian Church every Thursday night. The prayer meeting -7. 30 to 8 o'clock, the lesson study 8 to 8.30. The studies are not only for the benefit of the members of the Christian Church, but for p 11 who will attend. 'J he first lesson, "Jesus before He Came Into the World," John 1:1-18, Luke f;l-l4 was given Thursday niht. ' ' Frightfully Burned. Chan. Moore, a machinist of Ford City, Ta., had his hard-frightfully Lurried in nn eleetrieal furnaee. Ho np I'li. d I:uckl.'n'H Arritea .''ulvewiih the u-'uul result: "a quiek and l -ifi-ct fine." Cr. ' t healer OU C;u ;h fir riirnn, V."ini!ii!(, IVzriha in,. I " !. f t All lr'- J K f ll. h 1' t (T e 1. ' .:,'y borne the signature of Signature of DUNCAN SUCCEEDS HIMSELF Voluntary Bankruptcy. Statt Charters ' - Granted -a.. - . (Special Correspondence.) Raleigh, Feb. 2. The official trans fer has been made as to the office of Internal Revenue Collector E. C. Dun can, by which he succeeds - himself. Deputy Commissioner J,..C. Wheeler, a veteran in the , service, for 25 or 30 years, and once locate) in Raleigh, made. the transfer, assisted by Revenue Agent R. B. Sams. - .' 5 W. H. Sanderlin of Windsor, a vol untary petitioner in bankruptcy, in a merchandizing business, ;.- with , assets stated at $23,800, and liabilities at $29 0C0, assets consisting of stock. . The Secretary of State charters the Dobbin-Ferrall Company at Raleigh with an authorized capital ; stock of $100,000, $40,000 of which is subscribed by T. W. Dobbin, J. F.i Ferrall, J. R. Young, J, . M. Womble , and A. -H. Moonehan. .This company is ,one fof the oldest established concerns in Ral eigh and has heretofore been known as Dobbin & Ferrall. ' - The Charlotte Leather Manufactur ing Company is chaitered at Charlotte, N.. C, at the plant occupied by the Shaw Tannery Company for the man ufacture of saddles, harness and other like leather goods. The capital stock ia $100,000 and the incorporators are W. W. Shaw, R. B. Pharr, and N. S. Reed. t . The Original Laxative Cough Sprup is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It expels all cold from the system by acting as a eathxrtic on the bowels. Kennedy '8 Laxative Honey and Tar ia certain, safe and harmless cure for colda, croup and whooping cough. Sold byF. S. Duffy. . ' THE GROUND HOG CAME OUT Meaily Llttl Varmint Pokaa His Nose Out .too Far ind Sea His Shadew. The weather yesterday was 'clear and cold and the bright sun was a mockery, for if tradition and signs mean anything the old saying that is on Candlemas day the wood chuck or ground: hog as it is better known sees its shadow, it goes back into its hole and remains for six weeks until the cold weather fe over. We can not say in this case that we are to have six more 'cold weeks of winter as we have not had any yet, consequently it will be very strange if we do not have some unusually cold weather. Forecasts by all the weather prophets, DeVoe, Hicks and others say that the month of February will have a rough time getting through:' ? One prophet predicts that a very severe Bpell of weather from February 10 to 14 when not a spot in the whole coun try will be free from the icy touch of the Frost King. The prophet declares that the mercury in Raleigh will got down to six degrees below zero, while other places will be visited by the cold in proportion to their location. If in a kind of bilious mood, You wish an aid to digest food, t No other pill is hulf so good As DoWitt's Little Early Misers j vVhen e'er you feel impending ill, j And need a mngic little pill, I No other one will fill the bill Like De Witt's Little Earl A Mlulnar Fratir. Cohans; Did you enjoy the ocean trip? I'kerdek Not mudi. 1 missed tho train hoy and V little boxes Of C. -t.-Et. Louis To ;t l,:, piitirU. Tli Yellow Fevor C n i :'y l..-..i i" ewe 1. It I rs 1 r a (' t t: " f C'.a--r-M-V The Woman's Club -There was a large and enthusiastic meeting Of all the departments of the Woman's Club last Tuesday afternoon in the Elks Club rooms. - The meeting was opened with prayer, after which the secretary called the roll, -and read the minutes of the last meeting which were approved. Treasurer's report was also read and approved. Mrs.- M, M. Marks read report from Childs Study Department, which showed good work done in that department and great in terest taken in the work by the mem bers. Mrs. Marks has made a most able chairman, and much credit is due her for the advancement of this depart ment And with the hearty coopera tion: of the superintendent, "and his efficient corps of teachers of the Grad ed School, plans have been effected. Mrs. R. P. William?, chairman of the Village Improvement Department read a mof t carefully prepared report, and showed that this department of energetic workers has accomplished a great deal, regardless of the fact, thtt they have received no encouragement whatever from those whose duty it was and whose pride and pleasure it should have been to aid this department. ' Bat with such a public spirited chairman, and willing, workers, we" hope yet to make : marked improvements . in , our city, and that the source of comfoit reaped from the untiring efforts, of the Village Improvement Department will be a monument to the solid and un doubted truth that the women did the work.,;; A much enjoyed report from the L tarary Department was read by the Under, Miss Mary Hendren. It is just t say this .department jenjovs a htra y trea. with Miss Hendren as tl e"r eader. Sha has a thorough knowl edge of the best writers, and her abilM ty to impart this knowledge is too well Bnd favorably known . throughout the State for any words from the writer to add to it. On motion made by Miss Hendren, the Circulating Library was taken in tq be a part of the. Woman's Clubhand Miss Mary G. Oliver was unanimously elected chairman, of the Library Extension Department Mrs. Marks stated she had received a letter from Mrs. Hollowell Of Goldsboro, ac cepting the invitation to address the Club next Wednesday night. Mrs. Weil will accompany Mrs. : Hollowell, and give the Club a round table talk On the Library Wednesday afternoon. A committee composed of Mrs F.' W. Hughes, Mrs. R. P, Williams and Miss Stevenson was appointed to select a proper place for the address. The Club will give "a reception in honor of Mrs. Hollowell and Mrs. WeUWednesday af ternoon in the Elks Hall. 1 As a club we acknowledge our hearty thanks to the Journal for the courtesy extended each department of the Club and the very prompt fulfillment of all promises made i s. It is a noted fact that the Club is growing in interest and numbers. : , S.'R, S. STOPS ANY ITCHtHG. Doan's Ointment Cures Eczema and Itching Piles. ' New Bern Peo ple Recommend It, One application of Doan's Ointment stops any itching. Short treatment cures eczema, itching pites,salt rheum any skin eruption or skin itching. -,' It is the cheapest remedy to use, because so little of it is required to bring relief and a cure . Here is New Bern testi mony to prove it; ' :'-. - W. FV Aberly, Supt. and part owner of the Pine Lumber Co. on Griffith St, residing at 9 Graves street, says; have used Doan's Ointment in my fami ly , and found it to be all right I do not care to allow my name to be pub lished as recommending any proprie tary medicine and telling about my ail ments, but Doan's Oointment is such a valuable and efficient remedy ' that will not object to saying so to anyone. I obtained it at Bradham's Phar macy. ; '. , ', . For ale by all dealers. Price 60 cts, a box. Foster-Milburn Co.,' Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents for tlie-U. S. Remember the name Doan's, and take no other. - : Fnlrr Stortc. Mr. Bacon When a woman tolls a fairy story she always begins like this "Oneo upon a time.":, Mrs. Bacon Yes, and n-lieu a mnu tells a fairy story be always begins like th?s: - "There now. dear, don't be niigry with me; you see, It was dlko thia." Youkers Statesman. A ' A Habit to Be Encouraged. ". The mother who has acquired the habit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saves herself a great amount of uneasiness and anxiety. . Coughs, colds and croup, to which children are susceptible are quickly cured by its use. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia, and if given as soon as the first symptoms of crouo appear, it will prevent the attack. This remedy con tain nothing injurious and mothers give it to little ones with a leeling of perfect security. Sold by Davis Phar macy and F. S. Duffy. " II J I ' 1. , If you nro ficqii.'ii it" I v i 'i n v. ho is troubled with t' d ti I.;' ft. ; ' i ran do him no rf V i I i t !l !!!.! to try ( I ' ' ', '. I ' i' ' . . t, ) : . p, 1 " : : 1 ! WEEKLY LETTEh Ceautiful Displays In Shop Windows, Airy 8pring Novelties Shown Beeid Wintor Fur. The shops of New York have nevei presented a more fascinating appear ance than during these last few ..weeks of midwinter when all the between sea son fashions are displayed at suelj amazingly low prices, Early spring novelties, which look deliclously fresh after the heavier fabrics of winter, are shown In airy smartness beside auto mobile coats and furs. Apropos of 'furs, the woman who is thoughtful can now procure the most beautiful pieces coats, ninff'i, bona, etc. In such bargains ns to make It a good Investment for colder weather still to come or for next winter. : The luxury of owning a beautiful set of furs la wonderfully gratifying, They lend an air of rlchiiessthat: nothing can equal, and a fur set In three pieces lint, scarf and muff can be secured most reason ably. Then, too, fur trimmings are air ways popular on evening, ft'raps 01 gowns, and, combined with -j these are some of the, choicest of lncoa which make a tint or mulf simply adorn hie. pevotees of fashion spend hours' hi tho selection of rare old lace, whose filmy trimmings cost a fabulous sum,, for lace Is like' wine Its value ,' Increases with age. -. . Setm In one of the shops this week that Is noted for its exquisite lingerie waists were several , that showed In stead of medallions tiny lac$ bouquets off such flowers as snowdrops,, lilies of the valley, etc., In such wonderful imi tations that lt would be linvd to dis tinguish them from real lnee.. .These have an air of Individuality about them that was not seen in other models. Oerman Valenciennes in clear Cut pat terns is found In underwear which can be picked up tor a very Inconsiderable sum. A pretty petticoat was finished with rows of insertion alternating with tucks, and the absence of a lace edging at the hem meant good wear, for con stant laundering could not harm It. To bo described with all dainty things were some stockings whose de signing showed a great amouut of thought As smart stockings are worn at all seasons of the ye'ar; to corre spond with gowns, one shop was Just overflowing with every variety of n-o auction, some of fine silk inset with real lnee'butterflles. Openwork stock ings are not so popular as last season, but the teal thing is a flue mesh with hang embroidery. The loud culorluga of a season ago have been relegated to the background of the out of dates and are replaced by exquisite pule tints to match pale shaded gowns. Clockwork stockings lend a slenderness1 to .the ankle and are the essence of. smart ness. A very economical way lu se lecting fancy silk stockings ' is to get those having lisle thread feet, as they are more durable. - : '" j ,;: pearly every girl, be she rich or por, has some pet fad in dress that she lu dulges. One girl with pretty feet shows her Individuality in hosiery, nnd from a shopper's standpoint she has a great variety to choose fromj" another, unv- ing a -soft,, velvety complexion, "en hances it by. always appearing lu the most original and daintiest of stocks and collars. Her stocks are of tho flit. est embroidered lineu, anu tlio more elaborate ones are made of soft chlf fons and mesnalines. '. . - One of the prettiest things erer cre ated to adorn the' neck ot fair woman was a stock of chiffon mescaline taf feta In soft folds, with a turn over of Alice blue embroidered In a miniature design of , fleur-de-lis. Long ends of plaited nicssalino were caught at In tervals with flue lace bauds. "All tho new gowns show the collars to be qulto high. Bomo are fastened In the buck with tiny bows, which take away the bare appearance and the long line af the back of the neck. They ulao hide the fastening that spoils the neatness of kj ninny gowns. ; Our readers may have advice on pur- chofiliiK and nny qui-sUon cn.-ierrnliiK fashion or fnbrirs answered without charge by Rone Oovcrnax, tiie f.-iylilna expert, by nil'lresxtntr Heni? lievcrnux, P. O. Do adit, Mnillson 8i;iiara, New York, Inclosing stamp fur reply. -I . racing to Death. ; A macriihlo invalid suffering from or I to 1 f malo functions, monthly nn u fdhtigs, dir.inpsa, t : tilings, dir.inpsa, TBI IiATBST GnKATTOK IN ; irNOBRTH , WAISTS ' , :- ' tic i, 1 i, consiijintion, v .'1 I 1 n f in wino of Cordui ' i's 1 ii k-l.'nu:;;lit,, two of t i' I ' ' ', i' 'i;d lr, si icntilic, vo .1 vn fur the tro:tt- ! ; . - i. Tl!"y are sild at ; : ' 1 1 i! in ev-'-iy (7- :-:v has stood th3 t::t 25 years. tozues. loc3 r 3 record " 1 wtth every fcottle Is a Ten Cent, package of Grove's A HOME MISSION NOTE Ths Heroism of Duty. " . "Heroism takes many, forms in the complicated life of the world, but Undoubtedly the highest exhibit is to be found in the' quiet; home existence where present self sacrifice is the prom ise of future comfort. , The mother de nies herself for the child and the father represses his own tendency to outlay for the sake of the family, while both forego many an expenditure in order that they may provide for the future. This is the clear heroism of duty and being witnessed by thousands of homes. Fortunately, it is seldom with out reward. ' True, these is much of life's work that is done without return, and ingratitude is only too common. Even governments are sometimes un just to their heroes, and republics are said to be particularly ungrateful .But the economy and denial at the end, is worth all that It costs and repays every outlay . In that hour of final redemp tion we have yet to learn of the father or mother who regretted the past cost and effort." ' - Common Colds are The Cause ol Many Serl- 1 oua Diseases. Physicians who have gained a nation al reputations as analysts of the cause of various diseases, claim that if catch ing cold could be avoided a long list of dangerous ailments : would never be heard of.-: Every one knows that pneu monia and consumption" originate from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung trouble are ag gravated and rendered more serious by each fresh attack. Do not risk your life or takechances when you have a cold, f Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure it before these diseases de velop, - This remedy contains no opium morphine or other harmful drug and has thirty years of reputation back of it, gained by its cures under every con dition. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. Revenue Cntter Examination. ', The United States Civil Service Ex amination will be held at .' Raleigh, Charlotte, and Wilmington, February 26, 27 and 23. As the commission has experienced considerable difficulty in securing eligible! for this service, qual ified persons are urged to enter the ex amination. , .; '- ' - The examination will be on spelling, arithmetic, algebra, geometry1, trigo nometry, physics, history, civil govern ment, grammar, English literature and one modern language, either French, German or Spanish. j Applicants admitted to this examina tion not less than 18 years of age nor more than 25. He must bel not less than 6 feet 3 inches in height, good moral character and unmarried.; Persons who took the examination last May whether successful or not, may, by filling out new applications be eligible to this one. ) ,v Pirating Foley's Honey and Tar. Foley- & Co., Chicago,' originated Honey and Tar as a throat ana bang remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for th genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey ami Tar and refuse any substitute of ft-red as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. ' It is mildly laxa tive. It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. For sals by Davis Pharmacy. Harlowe and N. Harlowe. ' , JanySl. Mr. Percy Mattocks was in attend ance at the teacheis . institute at New Bern last Saturday. : . Mr." J. R. Mason and sister, Mrs. Lewis Baxter went to Beaufort yester day ta visit their grand father, Mr. J. H. Mason who is still in a feeble con dition.; :.' ' - -. (- ' . .j Misses May Adams and Clara Mor ton is visiting at Thurman to attend the basket party at that place. t ' , Mr. John S. Morton one of our most enterprising citizens has put in his mill a feed in place of a corn and cob crush er. . Mr. Geo Henderson,, Jr., of New Bern Bpent Sunday here, the guest of W. N. BelL esq. $ , ; . Dr. C. N. Mason is attending a small child oFlRev. J. R. Jenette at Core Creek who is very sick with diptheria. Miss Sudie Webb who has been visit ing at Mrs HW. Bell's returned to her home at Morehcad last Monday. Mr, W F. Becton went to Newport on business yesterday. 1 ,-: it ' We are. glad to announce that .Har lowe has been so forturfate aa to obtain M ins Figette of Virginia to teach our public school, to commence next Mon day. ..." . Quite a party took passage with Capt. A. L. Becton on his elegant naptha launch, the Shamrock, among whom were: Mr. W. R. Becton and .1 MI.. kAn TT.1nfnM w ' Ja8 R Bo Morri8 M paniel of Harlowe, Mr. F. E. Dickin- son 0f Blades. Miss Bird Small and I Thomna Morris of Core Cr. k and I. r. Fonner Culway of n'ar Ecaufort, hav. ing a delightful run from the canal to New Bern in about four lumn. o. Z Af ITS' 1 Avcrc-3 Annd Sales over CzicrA a I : cr merit e-teal to von ? r: PASPEJ i : mn Oi IT 1L Life often seerris too long to the woman who suf fers from painful, periods. The eternal bearing down, headache, backache, leucorrhea, nervousness, dizziness, griping,; cramps and similar tortures are dreadful. To make life worth living, take Woman's Relief It quickly relieves inflammation, purifies and en riches the blood, strengthens the constitution and permanently cures all diseased conditions from which weak 'women suffer. , ,..It is matchlessi marvelous, reliable. - At all druggists' in $1.00 bottles. " WRITE DS A UTTER freely and "frankly, in strldtest confi dence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will tendfreeadvlce (In plain sealed envelope). Address: La dles' Advisory Dept. j The Chattanooga Medicine Co. Chattanooga Tenn. ,, SOUTHERN -"RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 5, 1905. 118 136 108 112 Daily. Eastern Daily. Daily. Dail Lv, r m P M AM AM 1 IE f 1 30 1 27 ! I 40 1 53 7 20 0 GREENSBORO....... 8 McLean 15 Gibsonville... 17 Elon College.....;... 21 Burlington.............. 23 Graham...... 26 Haw River.. 32 Mebane 37 Efland 41 Hillsboro 46 UNIVERSITY' 55 DURHAM 57 East Durham 61 Brassfield f 7 23 7 48 7 63 1 47 1 53 2 06 2 11 2 17 2 33 2 45 2 58 3 12 3 40 1 58 2 08 2 13 2 18 8 05 8 10 8 15 2 8 271 ! 2 42 f 8 38 2 51 8 47 9 00 3 03 6 45 6 67 3 25 3 35 .9 20 9 30 3 55 7 15 f 3 43 f 9 37 f 4 10 7 30 7 42 8 05 3 58 4 lOj 4 36, 9 51 4 27 O Morrisvilie 10 02 4 40 73 CARY,... 81 i RALEIGH.......... 10 30 5 15 , i 52 4 58 flO 4". - f 5 33 8T,G arner... flO 51 f 5 40 Auburn. .4... ..... ... Clayton..... ......... Wilson's Mills SELMA Pine Level Princeton Rose GOLDSBORO. 5 11 11 02i 5.54 5 25 5 43 5 50 fll 18 f 6 09 11 30 6 29 11 36 f 6 35 11 48 f 6 46 6 051 6 21 fl2 03 f6 40 12 20 7 15 AM M PM Ar. This condensed schedul a is published as information and is subject to ch a without notice to the pubi c. Trains Nos, 112 and 108 connect at 5oldsboro with Atlantic Coast I ; trains, both Southbound and Northbound; and with Atlantic and North Care trains for Morehead City and intermediate points. i Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No. 33 for Charlotte, O-' bia and Jacksonville.'- No. 37 solid Pullman train, drawing-room sleepers I York to New Orleans and Memphis, also for Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro, L, ville and local stations. Train No. 117 handles through coach between Raleigh, Chase City a Richmond, where close connection is made with Washington Southern Rail? for Washington and Eastern cities. -- Train No. 107 connects at Durham for Oxford, Chase City and Richmo University Station for Chapel Hill daily except banday; at Greensboro v train No. 36 for Washington and points North, close connection for r inst Calem, High Point, Salisbury, Charlotte and intermediate stations. , Train No. 135 connects at Greensboro with No. 39 for Charlotte, Colurr' and Jacksonville; No. 35 for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest; i, 34 and 38 for Washington and all prints North; connection is also made at Su bury for Western North Carolina noints. tt. UARDWICK, P. T, M. W. H. TAYLOB, U. V. A. H. B, SPENCER, G, ' ! Washington. D. C. R. L. Vernon, T. P. A, .. -Charlotte, N. C. , . Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchano tSTJAJSILsIT; Largest and finest stock of Horses and Mules ever offered for si-Jo i i . A car load of jeach just in. - Also a complete line of Buggies, , . Harness, Robes, Whips, Cart Wheels, Etc. Broad Street. Now Bern, N. C. J. M. ARNOLD, Livery, Feed, Sale Largest and Hm-st ' "' k -f lUr A car loml of c-n.-h j-ist r-r-iv-.l. (' Eol,. m, wi.i; -. ii-!,! c.'tv;.. -. "' - rv-n r: -1 r-r Bhick Root Uver I i UIULL . s I SUFFERED GREATLY, writes Mrs. L. E. Clevenger, of Belle vlew, N. C, "at my monthly periods, all my life, but the first bottle of Car dui gave me wonderful relief, in& now 1 am in better health than I have been for a long time." Time, ' ' Lv, T, E. Green, C. T. A. Raleigh, N. C. Successor to M. Hahn & Co., 107 135 111 117 . Daily. Daily. Daily. AM PM AM A a . 11 69 6 35 5 85 , fll40f 6 15f 5 17 . 11 27 6 00 5 05 . 11 22 6 65 5 00 . 11 14 5 46 4 47 . 11 07 5 39 4 40 . 11 01 5 33 4 30 .. 10 60 6 22 4 17 .. flO 38 f 6 10 f 4 02 .. 10 28 6 01 8 47 . 10 16 4 49 3 30 . 10 00 4 30 3 00 9 : .. 9 44 4 18 2 48 9 1 .. f 9 37 f 4 10 f 2 SQ,f 8 . 9 13 f 8 58 2 15if 8 1 .. 9 05 3 49 2 05 8 1 j 8 45 7T .. 8 26f 3 IE 1181.. .. 8 20 f 3 06 11 23 .. 8 08 2 55 U 08 .. 7 65 f 2 40 10 60 .. 7 45 2 25 10 381 ... 7 36 2 12fl0 251 .1 7 26h 2 01 flO 10 : .1 7 14 f 1 49 f 9 65 7 00 1 85 9 40 AM I PM I PM I A I TrrinrvTTTi imrriinTnn l