6 ! i ( A j J n 1 ru 1 m '""Sr VOL. XXVIII. No. 89 ,W BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N.C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1906.---SECOND SECTION. 28th YEAR t J "T" "" f 1 -I ' SAW K1L1 ; light, wocs-wcisra mart: f OR EVERY KIKDCF WORX enoskes and Kins AND SIZES AND FOR EVE5Y CLASS OF SERVICQ. AS FOR OUR ESTUSATB CZXSS ' PUCINQ Y01T23 3I3BES MACHINERY C0"PANY COLUMBIA, 8- C FOUR EXTRA MEM8ERS Woman Relieved By ; Skilful Amputation ol Extra Finger And Tost. ' '" --. A" prominent physicial, als3 skilled in urgery, of this city, a few days ago had an unusual call to perform an oper ation upon a colored woman living in this city. 7.-' ' ';;'': This woman had an extra finger on each hand, and an extra toe on each foot, and these extra members were not just skinny - protuberances, but each one had a bone covered by flesh. For years the woman has b Jen troubled by these superfluous members. She could not wear shoes except by cutting away the sides, and . the extra fingers were in the way in trying to . do any work. ." Finully consulting the physician, she decided upon- the operation, and it proved a success, and she . is now like other people, as to her fingers and tees. .. -;".' ; !'- Vv' To make room for the new stock of goods, we will sell out at your own price a few decorated 10 piece Toilet Seta, albo 8 day Clocks, enameled ware, etc. 132 Middle St Gales , Creek V:'-;: V'! February 6th. Mr. J. L. Sharpe was the guest of Mr. J. H. Lewis Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. W. L. Taylor will move into his new residence soon. .1"; : . Miss Dilla Barnes of Croatan was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Carrie Garner Saturday night and Sunday. Our young people will give an oyster roast at the creek Saturday evening. - Everybody is cordially invited. We are sorry to state that Mrs. Car rie Garner continues to be very ill. Mrs. D. J. Hall was the guest of Mrs E. F. Oglesby Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Garner visited , their parents at Broad Creek Sunday. We are glad to state that Miss Sarah Bell, who hus been very sick for some time, is recovtii ing. , "' ' :- Iceburg. ;' THEinPLEI,IEIITCO, RICHMOND, VA ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Fencing, 1 Hoofing, Datb Wire, Pul:ry Netting. Write for prices and catalogue. We carry one of the largest and best stocks of Farm Implements in the South, and can lave you money on your purchases. What ever you need, get our prices, be fore purchasing. Special bargains in Farm Wagons and Buggies. Best makes. - Low Prices. TI:3 Implement Co., 1C:2 LMa St., Richxond, Tl. i Wanted -to. Buy All Kinds of Southern Fruits and Vegetables for CAS II or will handle on conci"nrncnt. Let me know y.ur p'icu cn v.I. :t you 1 ve or will Lave. ! TIE GATE CITY. Items of Interest From That Active Metropolis, Testimony In Samuil'i Cast at Times Con . Diets. Audubon Society. Suipected Murderer Arrested. Breeie ol Aihs ' vllle Bank Notoriety. (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, Feby 7. In the trial of G. W. Samuel in the Federal court yes terday, ex-Deputy Collectors J. H. Smith and J. W. Hasty, themselves in dicted were the principal witnesses examined for the defense, tha-eross examination of -the latter- not being completed when court adjourned. They testified that Samuel was a fine officer, and corroborated his evidence in every particular. Under cross examination both failed to explain how in a few months after they enterei the revenue service in Wilkes, going there without means they became of financial import ance. , Hasty acknowledging loaning out as much as three thousand dollars in cash in six months after he arrived. The only witness other than a revenue officer was a Justice of the Peace, stat ing that their general knowledge of the existence of distilleries especially of Jim Combes and McEwin steam dis tilleries, he was asked on cross exami nation why as a magistrate he had not issued warrants himself for the arrest of the parties. He replid that several times he had consulted with United States Commissioner Duia, who said that the revenue officers knew all about the stills and had been repeatedly in formed of them and would do nothing, and that as Justice of the Peace he had no right to issue a warrant for a State offense on hear say testimony, but that a sworn complaint had first to be made before it became his duty t(j take act ion. - . ' Mr. T. Gilbert Pearson, Secretary of the North Carolina Audubon Society, has returned from Minneapolis, &inn., where he deliver 3d an address list week before the annual meeting of the State Game Wardens and State Game Commissioners of the United States. He also responded to. a toasfT-at a big banquet tendered to the wardens and commissioners. Oji his return, Mr. Pearson spent a day in Milwaukee, and in Chicago, inspcting the methods of the Audubon Societies of Wisconsin and Illinois. Last ' night Mr. Pearson left for Richmond, Va., to deliver an address this morning before a joint game protection committee - of both houses of the Virginia Legislature. The police here last night arrested an Italian named Pentro Zontirioinni on suspicion of being a man advertised as wanted for murder- in California.' and for whose arrest a reward of five hun dred dollars is offered. . The man ' was arrested at the station but protests his innocence.- He was locked up await in; further information. ' He very much resembles the photograph sent here, but his height is at least two inches less than the published description. Greensboro is truly a Gate City, Sun day night the following Superior Court Judges Jif transit were at the Benbow hotel:' Jones of Winston, Cooke of Louisburg, Long of Statesville, Peeble of Jackson, Furgurson of Waynesville, Brjaa of New Bern, Shaw of Greens boro. When United States District Judge Boyd walked fh the hotel today, there was the unusual spectacle of eight active judges in active conversa tion, not one of them realizing how seldom such a thing happened, or re ferred to it ; ' While busy in court yesterday after noon, District Attorney Holton was handed a telegram from Richmond, say ing that the Circuit Court of Appeals had granted a new trial in the noted Breese case. ' Address to Woman's Club At the Presbyterian Lecture room last night, Mrs. W. R. Hollowell of Goldsboro, spoke to the Woman's Club, AftAr the Rfv. Mr. Garth bad offered ! prayer, the Misses Wyatt played a duo 1 on piano and violin, and Kcv Mr. Uarth I sang a solo. , Mrs. Hollowell was gracefully intro duced by the President of the Club, Mrs. II. B. Dufly. . Mrs. Hollowell needs to be hoard to be rightly appre ciated, for the charm and forCe of her language, her voice, and her earnest' : ness, cannot be depicted by printers ink She told a number of the incidents of the work accomplished by the Wom an's Club of her home city, and briefly outlined the points in tho several de partments which are in the Club, not ing where effective measures can be introduced and successfully worked out. Her address in regard to the np Cca.ilty of a State Reform School for youthful criminals was moat ablo. Tho spocker w:i9 voted thanks for her ad- di'i s et tiii.clirae by a ri: in: votf. TLi.) o ' !n". will prove one of treat en- CiU) : iiH tit tJ t'.O loeul club. A Board Agriculture to Provide One For A. & M. College. Charier Granted Beaufort Company. Money For State School. Lljht Snow ' ' Fall. Complaint Against St A. . L. Road Bed. Railroad I Wins Fight. (Special Correspondence.) . Raleigh, Feb. 7. The special com mittee of the Board of Agriculture which has in charge the providing of a kitchen garden for tile Agricultural &. Mechanical College has directed the professor of agriculture to establish such a garden to . establish this with vegetables at cost 'price. There are over 400 acres of fine land on the col lege farm and the garden will be made quite a feature of this. ' : ' ? Charters are granted to the Shull Contracting Company of Beaufort, to erect buildings and do all sorts of other contracting, capital stock $100,000, C. L. Duncan and W. J. R. Shull being the principal stockholders. Also to the Gem Cigar Company, Wilmington, cap ital stock $10,000, J. C. ' Wessell and others stockholders. ' ' ' It was thought last 1 night that a heav) snow storm was imminent This morning a little snow fell but not enough to make any show on the ground. ' I . At the office of the State Superin tendent of Public Instruction work is being done in arranging for the paying out of.what is known as the second hun dred thousand dollars of . the State school fund, this being used to keep all schools at least four months in the year. No less than 59 counties have applied for aid and as every applica tion has to be looked into with great care, the amount of labor involved may be imagined. The number of applica tions has caused some comment Ti e amounts will not be given out until the matter is adjusted. As soon as possi ble the warrants will be issued. : Here tofore the applications have generally baen scaled, in some cases considerably. Complaint has been filed by several persons as to the condition of the road bed of the Seaboard Air Line between Charlotte and Rutherfordton. The commission will take up this matter at once. President John A. Mills won out in the fight which was being made to pre vent his going through the lands of Mrs. Cockrane, near Fayetteville with the Raleigh and Southport Railway. . Yesterday's Telegraphic ; . lews. . New York, Feby 7. A burglar en tered the room of the daughter' of Isa dora Wormsey and stole S3, 000 worth of jewels. She pursued the thief but he escaped. Victoria, B. C, Feby 7. Inquest ov t the dead bodies of the steamer Valencia results in a verdict of accidental drown ing. Captain exonerated. Ninety-five bodies still missing. Omaha, Neb0 Feby 7. Pat Crowes trial for robbing the packer, Cudahy. of $125,000 five years ago, the' trial has a bearing on the kidnapping of Your g Cuda,hy. : ' ; Washington.D. C, Feby 7 Congress man Cock ran bitterly attacked the rail ways in the discussion of the railway rate bill. He declared that favoritism had been shown. . . , . Washington, D. C. Feby 7. Chief Chemist Wiley, of the Agricultural de partment reports that over 100,000 babies have been killed by soothing syrups and twice as many by impure milk. He says food adulteration is terrible menace. Washington, D. C, Feby 7. Prof. Wolfe, principal witness in the Smart Polygamy case states before the com mittco that Polygamy has increased :B,ncG utan became a State and has known of many plural wives. Washington, D. C, Feby 7. The nomination of B. F. Keith, to be col lector of the port at Wilmington has been sent to the houBO. Gst In ine biomoch. ' Belching and that Sonne of fullnejs so often experienced after ea n (,l i i. is The ! ' i.n 3 i's direct fe-1 canned by the form: h f f... ell !. ( t I 1 f r,, r. ' - .) i . r .:. c: ' r T. " ' i v It y ri r VINOUS RELIABILITY. Countless Physician loin With Mr. Dully In Recommending Vine). Countless physicians and riruarvi U are now prescribing and endors; ig Vinol as the moit valuable cod hvr preparation known to medicin", aud it is fast superseding all other fim cod liver oil: A prominent physician writus:' "I nfrt satisfied that Vinol derives its worM ful life-giving ; and slrengUHsrwiin.r power from the medicinul curn.iv la ments found in the coil' livn . i the best strenth creator ami vt uhv r for old people, weak w.im :n,- I i and the convalescent., that i or siw." i Another physician writes: ! I u I Cite many cases when? health li-- I, 4n restored in a surprisingly short lun - h Vinol,; I should be very sorry ?. ' to do without Vinol in my pr, ciir It has no equal for hard colds, s ir li.r at and bronchial troubles." ' ' Now, when wo tell you that w ' -.w' never sold in our Ftore a rcm-d' i puch remarkable curative and I . ib creating power as Vinol, for U; the sick an ! tho aged, tvi !.:.. f. t fails to accomplish what wr-i iv i iJ we will refund your monc, v i ..ut question, no ailing ptr on nl.o.i!.! . h a -tate to try Vinol with su h mi n, r standing, - - - In cases where cod liver oil. sions and other tonics fail, Vii .i 1 heal, strengthen and cure." .1-. Duffy, Druggist. Harlowe and N. Harlowe. ; . :,V, . Feb. 7. Mr. S. M. Brin8on, Superintendent of Public Instruction, was in our midst last week attending his duties as su perintendent and made a most appro priate address at the North Harlowe school building. . '- : J Mr. W. J. Harris,: the happy laugh ing salesman was with our merchants last week and went away carrying some orders that plesed him. Mrs. M. A. Tavlor of New Bern, is on a visit to relatives and her old home and is stopping with Mrs. W, W. Long. Dr, C N. Mason spent Monday in Beaufort to see his afflicted and aged sainted father, Mr. J. H. Mason. Miss Mamie Bell of New Bern, came Friday to make a short visit to her sis ter, Mrs. J. G. Taylor. W. N. Bell commissioner,' attended the regular meeting of the board last Monday in Beaufort Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Conner went to Newport Saturday to attend the quar terly meeting and' returned . home on Monday. Mr. W. F. Becton is in New Bern today, where he has gone to make ar rangements to send or carry his daugh ter to the hospital for treatment Mrs. A. F. Bell and Mrs. E. Janie Bell went to Beaufort Monday to visit relatives and returned home today. Miss . Figette came in from Bladen where she had been teaching last Sat urday and began to teach in the Har lowe school last Monday, which opened with twenty-five pupils. V Miss Conine Bell who has been on a visit to Mrs. W. N. Bell and other rela tives left yesterday for her home at Morehead City. ' Mr. J. C. Long came home from his work at Lukins last Saturday spending Sunday at home and returning to his work at Lukins. ;-.- Mr. E. D. Hardesty has been at Havelock this week doing surveying for Mr, J. A. Bryan. " Mr. Neil was at Harlowe Sunday in his Naptha boat bringing Miss Lela Hardesty, who made Ja short visit to her parents and returned same day to her school at Merrimon. Mr. W. N. Bell went to Newport Monday. ' J as. R. Bell Esq., is in attendance of the Craven county court at New , Bern today.. x "', .;Z-r"- It arouses energy, develops and ntim ulates tho nervous life, arouses the courage of youth. It makes you young again. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 86 cents, Tt.a or Tablets. For sale by F, S. Duffy. An Announcement The undersigned desire to give notice of the formation of a co-partnership between them for the practice of law, undor the name and style of Guion and Dunn. Each desires to thank his pat ons for their past courtesies and to solicit for the firm a continuance of the same. Mr. 'iuion will be absent irom the office for the period of about two weeks during which time all pro fessional services required of the firm will be promptly rendered by "Mr. Dunn and communications requiring consult ation promptly forwarded. Feb. 1, lOOti " Very renpoetfully, OWEMII.CUION, VILLI VI LUNN.Jr. Remarkable Case of Murder to be Again Heard. No Argument Supremo Court. Largo Num. berColoreiTLodgei. Copies of Guber . notorial Letter Booki. Ex-Judge GrahamSerlously Sick. i , - (Special Correspondence.) Raleigh, N. C, Feby 8. In the Su. preme court next week Attorney Gen eral Gilmer will make argument for the State in si Very interesting cage in which two negroes, Hicks and Jarrell of Warren county, are the defendants. No such case can bs found anywhere in the book, every feature of it being re' markable. The chief peculiarity is that there was a mistrial as to the man who killed King, a white farmer when he was on his way home with his team, while as to the man Jarrell, who wts convicted of being an accessory to the crime there iwas a verdict of twenty five years in penitentiary. There was no argument in the Su preme court today, the first district appeals having been disposed of yester day. :: , .'v.-.. ;y;;r" :-j"r i he Insurance Commissioner says there are about eighty or ninety lodges of the colored Order of Sons of Giddeon in this State these having u average membership of about fifty each. The Order of Good Samartans which is al so under investigation as far as its in surance feature is concerned is of course much, larger, being the most powerful of the negro Orders with an insurance of aid feature.' State tVetrinarian Tait Butler left tiday for Columbia, S. C, to deliver an address before the . Live-Stock Asso ciation of that State. Governor Glenn, it is announced will be absent from Raleigh until next Mon day, -when he will be again at his desk. i -:: By direction of the Historical Com mission the letter . books of all the Governors ari being copied for publi cation. The typewriters are at work The first of the letter books is that of Governor Pollock which is private prop erty but which is being used for this purpose. . News is received here ol the serious illness of wc-Judge Augustus W. Gra ham at his home in Oxford. Governor Glenn has accepted an in vitation to deliver an address at South em Pines on the 24th inst, at which is to be a reunion of the Blue and the Gray; THE STEWART SANATORIUM The Pnblle Should Know About This Ercsl- lent Hospital. Any one doubting the value or need of the Stewart Sanatorium should pay this institution a visit The Journal has from time to time urged the need of a hospital and we find in the Sana torium the realization of all that we could wish. It is strictly modern in all of its features and its equipment is wonderfully complete. The location is pleasant and the building is admirably adapted for the purposes of a hospital. The wide cor ridor one enters makes a pleasant wait ing or reception room. The general office is the first room on the left and there all the business is transacted. On the first floor is the men's ward in which are three patients now. Up stairs are wards and private rooms, operating room wards tyt women. In the operating room will be seen all the up to dato appliances for a speedy and thorough operation. The table used for the purpose is the most recent approv ed device, the room is light and con venient. The ' sterilizing and cleans ing department is in the next room. The heating for the sterilizing prepar ations is done by means of an acety lene gas stove. An acetylene gas ap paratus is being instituted there. The stationary bowl in the cleansing room is supplied with foot lever which does away with the stop cock and any germ it may conceal. Everything is neat and clean; a big rack is full of linen cloths for band acres, and in another cupboard will be found medicines, salves and drugs al wavs on hand. The building is heated by steam which insures comfort every part of the house regardless tha condition of the weather. Down in the basoment are the kitchin, dining room, and two wards for colored peo ple. ' Thero are accommodations for 18 patients and the superintendent Mis3 Morris will have pupil nurses who as they become prepared In the science of nursing will assist her, tour young ladies have already made application Miss Morris has had the very best kind of experience to enable her to sdmin ipter wisely to suffering humanity. Ti.oso who take instruction of her will learn thoroughly end well. Watch the paper for our openir;j d For BreaJdfest Luncheon or Tesc -, A few small biscuits easily made with Royal Baking Powder. Make them small as small round as a napkin ring. Mix and bake just before the meal. Serve hot. Nothing better for a light dessert than these little hot biscuits with butter and honey, marmalade or jam. You must use Royal Baking Powder to get them right. ROYAL BAKING C5 '53--O .1 O S3 O 4- o O-l Cook stoves, We carry a full line of better on the market. We . Full line General Hardware and Building Mate; rial. i Gaskill Hdw. & Furniture, Stoves, Mattings, Etc. Largest stock of Mattings in the city. Royall and Borden Felt Mattresses. . New line of Go-Carts. . , We are still offering some bargains and it will pay you co call on us. JOHN B. Phon 257 93 Middle Str Photo Portraits Latest Styles Wootten's Studio, i iiaiiKS, i nanus, . Our greatest of all sales is ended and I t: this method to thank the trading public for tL patronage. While we have sold so many ro we still have on hand a great many winter re that we are determined to close out and for t: ? mamder of the winter season we will cell fcr c all Clothing, Overcoats.Heavy Shocs.Drc;: ; G : Ladies Cloaks, Skirts, Blankets, Under ;, r, hundreds of odds and ends, etc., at cc: t ; ! We guarantee to save you money car may want in regular ctoe!:. POWDER CO., NEW YORK . m 4 V-i Cook Stoves. heavy weight Stoves. None guarantee them. - . Hill Supply Co Phone l4 IVES. - et 92 Er.st r next wo k. New 5 and 10c Store, next t'l ! l" (!''" ' to Kafer's. i ' 'J ':y Cf

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