VOL. XXVIII.NoJ SO NEW BERN. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. TUESDAY, EBR TJARY 13, 1906 FIRST SECTION. . 901, VI? AD iV i:;-fe:g addresses RALEIGH. ' ' . RALEIGH , SOUTHERN, saw r:i,i8. wocs.wcsx.'a lucrrni FOR EVERY KMO OFVCSX LNOL'XS AK3 tCXCS AND 5IZES AND PGR BVE3Y CLASS CP SCRVIC2. ASX FOe? 0(X ESTUUTS I PUCINd TOUR OSSE. MnnrlMn Ainurnu AAnni ul - COLUMBIA. & C Delivered Before State Superintend ents of Graded Schools. i umcer Elected For Entiling Yar. Argu Jint I Samuel Cm Begun. At tempt to Provo Politic In ' 8mut' ProMcutlon. : . (Special Correspondence.) Ureensboro, N. C.,, Feb. 10. There was a fine audience at Smith Memorial Building last night to hear the renowned lecturer and school specialist, Hon. rreston Search of California. He spoke under the auspices of the citv I Child Labor Movement and jects. Its Ob-1 Show Men Indulge In A Scene Not on Program secretary Lacy In Texa. State Charter 0,dM' ",no' "'g Slowly Passing Away Granted. Woman's Club. County Sur veyor Wake County Dead. Death of Sherlfl Hodge of Beaufort County. . (Special Correspondence.) Many State Official Indisposed. Gov. Glenn Busy With '; . Correspondence, (Special Correspondence.) Commissioners Proceedings ine Board met at the Court House m New Bern on Monday, February 5th, I 1SW. at 10 o'clock a. m., in regulai ession. .. - ..:.:' Present commissioners Foy, Harvey, Richardson, Barrington and Wadsworth. i Ordered that the clerk be instructed to serve notice on the following named persons to appear before the Board Grimes is absent from his office beinir Raleigh, Feby 10. Friends of State confined to his room by a severe cold. Treasurer Lacy will be glad to know Hon. S. F. Patterson of the department that he has been heard from from San of agriculture is able to sit up after a Antonio, Texas, from which point he confinement to his Led. These two An Act of Negligence Cause a Collision In Which Four Live are Lost, r Greensboro, Feby 12. Sunday morn ing at 2 o'clock the north bound ex press No. 34 ran into an open switch at he western end of the yard and col- lided with a shifting engine and killed j outright engineer Will Sellars, fireman and show cause why they have not v,naries jonnson and engineer Charles listed their taxes, vir,: John Bowden, Norvel of the passenger train, Simpson Lucas and Lewis, O. D. S. S. Co., Mrs.' Freeman conductor of the shifting train Emma Powell, F. C. Roberts, Agt Raleign, Feb. li-Secretayof State v ' nea IW0 " ' w' street- J- w- Stew- , .'I-":?. Z . . te, hours later. . art, Mary Ann Starkev. D. W R.i ' None of the passengers were injured C. Hughes, Thos. Williams, George and the. train was quickly provided Eubanlu- v ; with new engine and crew jind it re-1 n mtion the Board took recess un- Pire uizao o'clock p. m. SCALY ECZEMA ALL M B007 SAMUELS NO GOVERN MENT OFFICIAL sumed its trip not badlv delayed. Graded schools tn th ;Z reporto an improvement in health.. Mr. together with treasurer !: maki man .of the PW twin ' ifte 2:30 o'clock p. m., . .u t,. o , . "lTomiiiomoi imo h . tk.t th. i n. ... .oi..mX-. i. . was painfully bnl ed. of the HWiSnWl f,. ..- v. Lacy will remain some time in that three of the State officials1 who Iikuo I . faui-"jr uuw noi senousiy wound-1 r-" x, present commis- Technlcal Objection Raised by Lawyer.. Defendants Face to Far With nf tji- I section of the southwest, principally in yielded to the chances of the winter - uswau lucain. ... - i . . . . The city superintendents now in session Ariiona' Governor Glenn is busy in hi i.ffiae lne b,ame fop 016 accident is put up- here attended in a body. This af ter- The Secretary of State charters the Wlth accumulation of mail for the on lne 8wlhnan Turner Welfare and noon the association metotthn stt D. J. Bost Company, at Concord for e days of his absence in the weste awrence Malcolm. They have dis- grocery is $50,- ad- Normal and Industrial Colleee and af-1 the conduct of a wholesale ter hearing elevating addrojuM t mm business. The capital stock Special to Jourpal. , lUty Supenntendent Crowell of High 0(. Greensboro, N. C, Feb. 10. In thero,nt on the teaching of music in the! The Woman's Club of. Raleigh was Samuels case this mornins- Judo-e B-llmo"c "ciooi ana rrom superintendent I addressed by Mrs. W. R. Hollowell of Inf PllhliM Tnof riiUJa- T V T . I rt t i l ! 1 .! m.. t i ; f . ..vuiowuiunu i. tfuyaer on i oi iioiusuoro conceniiiiif leueraiion. """""" Pweriu, iffni pKunio th. 8vgtera of tMpMn n t? I ... f, Judore Bovd contended that there waslcki n o i. j .. .1 . . ; . . . . . : """"i owiren maae anotner fatal variance in the bill of indictment I mirable talk on graduation work. and the proof was that Samuel was charged with having committed offen ces as an officer, a general or special employee of the government He read the revised statues and decision of the SuDreme court ahowinsr that Samuebl1116 Federal court "was neithf voffiov ' employee and was a simple hireling part of theState. It is ouile likeiv appeared and the police have not been that his report concerning the Si ale ab 6 Jocate them. A warrant for Hospital at Morganton will be if iven to their arrest was sworn out Sunday the public Tuesday. . -. laiiernoon ior them. The wrecked Ten- H. C. Brown, secretary Noith (w P1161 wer brought to the depot vard lina Corporation Commission leav for and large crowds visited the scene of New Bern tomorrow as witners in tt e e Ieaul accident, . .. . ; . . . . . case of Hill nt o I membership witn tnai ooay insteaa or " ; "f""1- "i"" . by independent movements. ; The ad- Tfa,'roar . Improvements in Tabernacle Church, C. Railroad. The officers for tha Dr. B. F. Dixon. State auditor . . . i " ( " 1 i r I nkA m-lj' . r . . . . elected were: President: J. T. AlHer-ltvith ninn. nf local nftt.tim nnH m wasnington u. u. today to att-nd a i" ""emacie oapusc church is man of Henderson; Vice President, W. regard for her State and its women. meeting National ; Association State unaerKng some repairs and improve S. Snipes of Winston: Secretary and J?h wM out snoken In her desire to Auditors and Comptrollers. ' , ments hi& will be of permanent bene Treasurer, I. F. Griffin, Salisbury. aid the Children's Confederate vete- Georee. the younger son of Col. Fred " 10 " church. ,'A new carpet has Inn omnmatil f kA C. I . , m . - . I W1I1H FIRM nAPfl TO Van txr hia f..uA . - I wcu MUlLUOflCU mill enn WB a Bra Tii ha -"--- omnue, casein rans in advance onne erection oi any i - - -v -i . -.-- - nextreeular meeting to hW Ma did notboem until more monuments or tokens of a more l1" m wesl iexas on account illuess 1.'' " ui w" win give ine " wim lungs, at waco, Texas. A trial sioners Foy, Barrington, Harvey, Rich- arason ana wadsworth. : On motion Board took recess until 8:30 o'clock. ine aamtary Board met at 3 o'clock p. m., present commissioners Foy, Richardson, Harvey, Barrington and Wadsworth and Drs. Hughes and Prim rose. On motion the salary of Superintend ent of Health was made $50.00 per montn ror the present year. :; On motion Sanitary Board adjourned. The Board of Commissioners met at d.du o clock pursuant to recess. Pres ent commissioners Foy, JHarvey, Rich ardson, Barrington and Wadsworth. Ordered that J. E. Register be no tified to appear before -the Board at its i . airent or special I e afternoon session yesterday, ' when perishable esteem, s'a simole hirelino- of r-J-of Asheville, made the Rev. A. J. McKelway, secretary of . A justice of .the peace V . lupeniniC SDeecn Of two hmipafny fUl.i . i jlmjt.i a I betWn thtuhonni nf nn anfl rams m .rt . . yt ... . - - rna ndnrionHi liuiu uiuur AHHOCiauon nu a, m. revenue agent vapman unaer spec. prt,on - gathered about him in Raleigh the fol- " of the unusual happenings in statute auinonzing employment oi ae .: tectives and that he only acted as such . and could not be: c mvicted under the bill of indictment. J ddge Boyd said he was inclined to the same opinion I until Monday. - His effort was pronounced by. every- loww named committee who will fur- tho c,ty of RaleiK after the Saturday y as a very great presentation of ther the purposes of the Child Labor mnt 8 Performance at the Academy of '" Kuvenunent s contentions. Judge purposes movement in this section: Dr. H, A. Bynum made two hours argument this RoyBter, chairman, for the temporary Fremont Stock Co., a 10, 20- and 30 morning when court will take a recess 8ervice8; c. L. Coon, secretary, J. W. cent combination playing herehrough- mtenor a more pleasant aDDeamnra. Other improvements are being- con templated, x ' The choir of this church which is large has secured the services of Mr. Brown, the professional choir master Music, as given to the members of the rain aBd lead hem and they expect mj uave as gooa singing as any church the valuation of his property should not! De increased. in the city. . and discharged the jury until Monday , by the request of Solicitor General Hayes when the district attorney can be present. He- says he had carefully examined into all the points raised by Judge Bynum before drawing the bill of indictment and was prepared to de fend it successfully. To the spectators the document came as a sensational surprise and the re lease of Samuels is freely predicted. Judge Bynum spoke for two hours and hisi argument was masterful. THEY COME AND GO. i Miss Margaret Smallwood returned yesterday from a several months visit . with friends in New York City. Mr. George Green left for Wilson for a few days. . Miss lUizaheth Davis returned yes terday from a visit at Beaufort and Moreheadtity wnare she lectured on missionary work. . - Master Haywood Guion went to Washington, N.'C yesterday to visit relatives. Before) tho Gales Creek. RaiW C. H. Poe. Dr. T. N. Ivev. uul me wee, colonel fTenlont and argument beiran vmtm. I r.- i i o rn n n m ir I One of his Bneoinltv mn nnmA.1 Vnrlra day judge Boyd onrequestof attorneys, Wf u Poteat, Wake Forest College, 8enes of word battles concerning allowed eight hours to each side instead rir RH win Mills of Durham. Dr. R. F. the matter of salary, the latter com- six as had been previously aereed PomnVioii a uv,..nia rr M n n.nim plaining he was unpaid, and the nrincioal UDOIL. . ; , I . K .. I knlHinn. U- V-J V - ...a! . I WCT 1fTPK BFlH traitr,rr tkni. A . I.. I . There was a very spicy legal aru- rZZ! V " 7 T N iency for his services. The The bad weather has hindered thorn ;7J3:W -nut' tr.lm.0t SOmVuP: Scales, ex-overnor C B. Aycock, and waxed so warm tMt a newal of moreh vy.uvU W11Q1CU t A .1 VlPK AlOflV I VIA flTiMltil AtW I vwvlxa iIVUUIO WttS bllC ClUalllif I vivntaii TVa I TIAI!" Of who novf v -r - - -- - r . . . I : - sv uwaw February 10. The farmers are getting busy repair- The resignation of Mr. Hahnas fence! commissioner of the 8th township was! presented on motion was accepted. 1. . n r mi ju UIU1.1U11 iur. a. u. i nornton was I appointed fence commissioner of 8th I wnship.to fill the vacancy caused bv mr. nann s resignation. : ' j - Mr. R. A. Nunn appeared before the I Board in the interest of the Board of I Education and requested that the Board I of Commissioners have a map of the! county made. un motion commissioners Fnv nn Eruptions Appeared on Chest, and Face and Neck Were All Broken Out Scales and Crusts Formed Iowa bdy Has Great Faith In Cuticura Remedies for Skin D'seases. - ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA "I had an eruption appear on my chest and body and extend upwards and downwards, so that my neck and face were all broken out; also my arms and the lower limbs as far as the knees. -I at first thought it was prickly beat. But soon scales or crusts formed where) the breaking out was. Instead of going to a physician, I purchased a complete treatment of the Cuticura Remedies, in which I had great faith, and all wu satisfactory. A year or two later tho eruption appeared again, only a little lower; but before it bad time to spread I procured another supply of the Cuti cura Remedies, and continued their us until the cure was complete. It is now five years since the last attack, and have not seen any signs of a return.' I have taken about three bottles of tha Cuticura Resolvent, and do not know how much of the Soap or Ointment, a I always keep them with me; probably one half dozen of each. "I decided to give the Cuticura Rem dies a trial after I bad seen the results of their treatment of eczema on an infant belonging to one of our neigh bors. The parent took the child to the) nearest physician, but his treatment did no good. So they procured the Cutiouroj Remedies and cured her with them. When they began using Cuticura Rem edies her face was terribly disfigured with sores, but she was entirely eured, for I saw the same child at the age of five years, and her mother told me the eczema had never broken out since. I ' have more faith in Cuticura Remedies for skin diseases than anything I know of. I am, respectfully yours, Emma E. Wilson, Liscomb, Iowa, Oct. 1, 1905." Complete Extern! and Internal Treatment far Enrf Ilumor, from Pimple, to Scrofula, from Infancy to Are. " conililluf of Cuticura Soap, Hoe, Ointment, ., Beaotr ent, Wc. (In form of Chocolate Coated HI U, ate. per rial of w), may be had oOall dnuHlete. A eluKleeet often euroa. Fotler Drug k Chcm. Corp., Sole Prone, Boeton, laaee. aiuuoOl'rtV'iiow tt-,TinlriiiT' Half," returned Sunday with' relatives in Mrs. R. Ulrich; evening from a visit ' 'Suffolk. . ' Capt. Howland, of the revenue cutter Boutwcll, who has buen on a Board of Naval Inquiry at Mobile, for the past m mth, returned to ew Bern on Sun dny. Mr. city. posedly sensational evidence offered n, a't w,k.i.v. T.T.inh. than word trouble was the closing Misa DilHe by the prosecution in the Samuel's easel :.., - l ., v.. Vi I Scene in the Academv in tha lireaonre visiting her sister Mrs D B Garner last: - , , JCVUJ VU DC JJ W1D ULOIUdttaitUU '"a . I'" , - 7 - ' which gave an interesting - glimpse of Bre the prevention of children under 14 of Beveral witnesses who had assembled Saturday and Sunday. the political phase of it The defense veara from njeht work; prevention of to look at the tawny lion , in caged , Dr Sanders made a professional trip nas ail a ong Deen intimating that the girh at same age from cotton mill work ecurity, after he had done his turn nf e yesterday to see Mrs J A Taylor, prosecution was inspired by the oDDon- ,i k. .,- n. n j before the footlights. ' CoIa Fremont who was qukk siclv . enta of Congressman Blackburn, but writ, T became strenuous with a stick and I Rev T s Dixon has left his charge successiuiiy resisted the first effort of . ..'. . . . struck Yorke. Later in tha nitrhk. infant uown east and joined the Life Saving the District Attorney to show other- ; 0I, r: Just as the colonel was going uhn. crew at Bogus Inlet wiA I trrt. to me uuiixoru Jtiaraware ai., at , . " , ;"' 1 -or- f :-j : tu. -,. ' a-iw, pursuant to recess. Wise. . - , I ... ... ' I the nlftftipr nnnnrt far AahamU u.h.m . We noticed in the items f mm hare I n x . . Greensboro, for the conduct oi a whole week befor last that p " . k" "a commvi oners aV. sale and retail business there, the thorized capital stock is placed at $50, Rcmainini in tha Pnnt rm. WJ " - - VUM Rl. IXL'W Bern, Craven county, N. C Feb. 5 Ordered by the Board that Sarah Capps be allowed to pay all back taxes upon property listed to her which property has been sold for taxation. Board took recess until 10:30 o'clock a. m., February 6th, 1906. . The Board met at 10:30 o'clock a; m.' February 6th, 1906, pursuant to recess. January Statement J. . 5, 1906. 1905 Feby 1, tobal H" 30, to taxes collected " " S. B. Taxes colld. To bal. W. Biddle, sheriff, Feby 3,469 65 10,428 69 15 00 138 96 Cr. LIST OF LETTERS tha onmnanv hna an anrraf ,k: I Week before last that Rfiv waa nnt Ka- I . . ... . au- 7 , ' "6-6..w. .u -- r- oarnngton and wadsworth. weeic, ne was arrested Dy a constable 1 W,D uau" m i. w. nan, wonaer 2, by FS Ernul, tr. schools Pursuant to notices served on themdo a :izeu cupiuu hlucb. in uutccu at tou,- , . - ... wWtliet moi. M- n it -..u uouwa servcu on mem 1(1 do .of which amount $9,300 ispaidin, was the ims of justice "HU f-J that byorderofthe Board. The followiug JfJ retail depa-rtment of the Burwellft ?fwS" be?".E10U83i for. the TJZZ ? m' t Hi Parties appeared before the 26 do . n. r-u niorv ! tnaL with the result that a fine $5.35 getic and valiant, might been a mis- Board and listd nrnnrtv0a 2" ? f J WIIVfTOp A. E:nsteinpf Kinston is in the Wo want to fill your! prescriptions. We know no can please you. Let us try. Warren'a Drug Store Oak and Pirje Wood. Dry Oak. and pine wood sawed in stove lengths at ELLIS COAL AND OOD YARD. Union Point ' Fhone 4 ' MEN'S LIST. A-CD Area.-' . D-C T Dickinson, 821 E Broad St John Ford. ' . v u uiiver Uilbert, Mr and Mrs El- mon Gamer. ' H Mr and Mrs John Alexander Hall. isain aatcb, Charlie Hill, care'W. J fayne, Chaa. Hotel . J L J" Jorman. (D L) Robert JnnAn n . . opecivei.) . K Zeb Kornegay. M-Calvin McClamb. W A McCov oo iiuji. . - ' , oo oiiuuie street, u u Menshen. w M Quince. S-Wm. Sue, St Peter Baptist church, ftiuun jseuears. T Sam'l Thomas, 139 Brags Alley r. r-ofc viatr vaiinune. , W-A F Wiggins, W T Wflliams. ' WOMEN'S LIST. - o mrs itoseraner Bryan, 18 West 8 treat. , the Dunn Drug Co , is also incorporated under the name of Burwell-Dunn Re tail Store, With its principal offices at Charlotte. . " . '. " The Lawndale Lumber Co., at Lawn- dale, in Cleveland county, will manu facture lumbers and furniture, with a opital stock of $50,000, of which was imposed, and the colonel waslta,ce allowed to proceed to his sleeeper. with I Mr- J- A. Adams has made some im- just margin enough for an uncurtained I Provement to his dwelling lately. exit. Yorke left the company here, -and I We are glad to note that Mr. C. M. F. Raiff. J. W. Stewart. N. H. Street, Mrs. Emma P. Powell. is accompanied by his wife. The .two shark who has been right sick with a I F. C. Roberts Agt men are Drotncrs in law. i rising on ms root ior two weeks, is Lucas & Lewis H Tr 7, " 7 L"T . mM! , , Dy a " " ... On motion the clerk ,.,nt K1ftn ha. keen neid In tha a- -- y.ca.ui.g aim . t - - tives, Willam Clinton Upchurch.the old- breaking a new farm, $ 20 25 48 08 20 00 22 50 32 60 59 00 will handle all classes of lumber and will also conduct a plant for the hand ling of naval stores. . There has been subscribed $50,000, out of an authorized capital stock of $100,000. - ' . GeoW. Atkinson, for many 'terms ty.is quietly passing away. Mr Upchurch will have been 94 years old next Wed. St Valentine's Day. The venerable man was born in Morrisville, and was married to Miss Adaline RoyBter, of Raleigh, who died here 12 years ago. Since that time it haa been the wish of county surveyor of Wake county, and nearly 75 years old, died at his home in the bereft old gentleman to continue Swift Creek Township, where he had his residence at the old ho.no on Wil been a sufferer from cancer. ' - mington street where he had aii, News was received in Raleigh of the ations with his wife, and there he was death of sheriff R. T. Hodges, cf Heau- watche dover and Cared for in every fort county, an officer who has been sense that love and devotion could most prominently connected and asso-1 dictate. For something more than 50 C Julia riarir tr,. n.ii I elated with ueiTiocrauc omce in mat years mr. upenurennas been a most . -i-, m '.. -" . i5ry" I auction of the State for a numher nf regular mornintr vinltnnt at tha Citv p"tr j i f Cil led to Dny All Kinds of . Southern Pmits and Vegetables ant street, Mrs M J Cahowe, No 28 graven street. G Martha Green, Belair R F D No 2. ii-mary uui, care W J Payne. J-Mrs Dempsy Jones. v-ranny Lam, care Miss Louler inusoei. ,. . " Mflry E Moore.' Mrs Silma Mchvian, care Rigdon Green; Mrs myrine Moore, 110 Queen street. R-K E Ruff. o am Amanaa Button, R F D No , Mrs ueia T Sutton, (2) Adiag Scott 53 New So. Front St X T-Mrs Mary Taylor, 11 Broad St., T ..I. r, j auin AUWIlrienU. W Mrs Willmingston. I ersons Calling for the above letters will please say advertised and give date Ul 11HL years, and where he had honored the market scarcely ever having been post of Bheriff for nearly 26 years. Mr. 1 missed, save on Sundays, and he has Hodges was a brave and fearless Con- through all this stretch of time carried federate soldier, ''having seen trying the same market basket, and looked and continuous service in the defeose personally after the needs of his house- of his loved Southland. He is survived hold. Some weeks ago he sustained an by a large family both immediate and injury by a fall, since which time he by marriage. His wife and children has been steadily failing. ' Mr. Up- are well known in this part of the church was engaged in active business State. A PRESENT TO MISS ALICE Col. W. H. Oliver Senile Unique Remem branc to The Prosldent't Daughter As a Wedding 61ft. in Raleigh until about 10 years ago, when he retired by reason of advanc ing age. Mesdames J. C. L. Harris, W. G. Upchuch, F. O. Moring W. IL Dodd; S. C. Pool, of Raleigh, and Mrs. P. A. Carter, of New York, and J. W. and George Upchurch, of Raleigh, are children. In additioa to the attend ants about the seeming bed of death 29 grand children and a number of great PTillonrlncr tha ammnla out kit nttimu I ..... ..... The iTjrulationa now , , J i "''"'"' """"" grand children are assembled about the iTJKuiULiuils nOW.reaUire that til I in mnmr nnrta tt ta nnnnf-.. rv.1 ir . . . . .... cent shall be .lwtJi ,uJ2" . 'r "" ..r"v ' home ol the earth-wearied old citi of each MAmrA iZ. "" ". "ver.naa A"C6 KOOSO- len, ...vu ,iji, Vl t I HIM inir nrnof.nl nn .l n -. l " vu.l.lltHlllt the souvenir book of Now Bern recent S. W. HANCOCK, PostmuBter. was instructed to communicate with the corporation commission in refejenca tn tha n n s Mr. Jack Adams and crew caught S. Co. and Norfolk & Sontham R p' over $50 worth of nice trout one day to the end that the valuatinn a..aH this week. Zoo Loo. hv tha Co. at $7,142.86 and the absence of val uation Which should haaaaonaad aorninat It arouses energy, develops and stim the Norfolk & South, R R ahnnM uiates tne nervous lire, arouses the becomwtMl it 26, by F S Ernul, treaar. schools 26, by F S Ernul, treaar. genl. fund 31, by FS Ernul, treaar. schools 31, by F S Ernul, treasr. genl fund 31, Commission on $10,- 443.57 6 per cent 14,052 18 1,000 00 2,000 00 3,500 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 . 50000 1,00. 00 600 00 '552 13 14,052 18 courage of youth. It makes you young again. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets, For sale by F, S. Duffy. RAIN AND WIND. Miss Jennie Cox, who has been the EUat of her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Rigdon, If ft for her home in Oriental hint night If IT n hat for (1111 orwm Ur,1. , "".""cr went to Richmond IOr O.wal Of Will handle On last Light to arrange the Onslow bond cori'nment. yc-;r prices iy compuea ny ivirs. ts. u. 1'owell along Tuesday the 13th. big sale on all With It he sent a Card with the follow- kinds of crvstaland froUhnntt tylnaawara Let mo know caso- " cr will on what have. i yOU I , f,!r;(Jattl(, H. Tou, of Rail- :h waH in nig sentiment 'May Joy and Gladness Greet Thee." Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Longwonh May peace within thy walls A constant guout be found. With plenty and pro: it;rty, Thy palaces be crowned. also vases and lamps. et Store. The New Rack- A Sock Social Tho Ladies A id Society of tho Chris- I H Lliry I; t 1,' ' t. l.tun went to f.! i V turn c: fit h wi tvri, i i v ' i R1VO I 1. II. :;ir ". v ' 'it) Sock Social, .liinpr at 7."!) C:e Ii'iim', 01 1 he f ,rn;;J ,1 it ti n v Hold High Carnival In the Section and Not Muck El Wat Doing. What is confidently asserted to be one of the worst storms that has hap pened for years visited this section yesterday. The wind blew furiously and the ram (fell incessantly, some times it came down gently but most of the day it descended in torrents and when the wind was strongest walking on the street was almost impossible, It was useless to seek the protection of an umbrella for the wjnd made a mere top of it The tide rose about four feet and the river was in a state of tumult and crafts had a hard time bat tling with the waves. Capt. Harker, maater of Mr. George N. Ives gasolene boat Sappho made a trip on the boat to the light house at the mouth of the river and returned to the city covering a distance of ninety miles. The captain reports tho rough- Jest weather that he ever encountered and ho thinks that there never was such a bad Btorm. When the weather is considered its a wonder that any boat that sails on local waters could pass through such a storm and not Buf fer by it The boat has established a fine record which will be hard beat The forecast for today is continued rain and high northeast winds. appears to the board that there is an error in valuation of 0. D. S. S. Co. at the above amount and that the Norfolk & Southern R. R. should be valued at that amount in stead and that the a D. S. S. Co.. which owns no steamers should give in I county, Respectfully submitted, J. W. BIDDLE, Sheriff. Sworn to and subscribed before mo Feb. 5, 1906. W- R. BARRINGTON, J. P. Ordered that the county attorney be and is hereby ordered to look into the matter of all corporations of Craven the real and personal property as do I individuals. ; - Ordered that the valuation of the property of C. S. Hollieter on Graves street be corrected by adding $1,800 thereto. On motion it is ordered that R. O. Lancaster be notified to open the old road . from the Washington road to Neuse road until Ihe new road is se cured according to law. The report of Dr. J. F. Rhem, supt of health, was presented and on motion was accepted and ordered filed and recorded. ' Ail regular bills were allowed. On motion board adjourned. GEO. B. WATERS, Clk. of Bd. Comrs. February 9, 1906. Ladies, read this catalogue of charms, smootn skin without a blemish, in short, perfect health. For sale with every package Hollister's Rocky Moun tain tea. 35 centa. For sale by F. S. Duffy. TflA WAlaAI4- 1 IP o r 1 . tcuuiit ui o. .biiiui,, treasurer. n . . . . was received and ordered filer! ami i "-" a ukm,m recorded. Report of F. S. Ernul, treasurer of Craven county for month of Janu ary 1906. v..:-.-- To Bal on hand . To Interest Fund Bal due treasurer ' Fence No. 1 Bal on hand Fence No. 3. Bal due treasurer Respectfully submitted, F. 3. $1,359 60 26 83 Tuneful Merry Melange , The Lyman Twins who appear at tho 31 71 opera house next Saturday night havo a company or pretty girls, fina singer 175 11 mirtt provoking comedians and i- otherA features that go to make vn a ttltmiv s' tiny appear this sr , . - - Treas. m 8 miflcal comedy The Ituhl ! Sworn to before me this 2nd day of briKht slid tuneful sketch of v ' Feb. 1906. , . , . Twins play to a good a.lvai.i . ' W. B- FLANNER, J. P. are supported by a LriMi comedians and a fma c',. J. W. Biddle, sheriff, presented his of beautiful youri ' v report which was accented anrl nr,i..r.n,i among whom wilt Le I . t i filed and recorded. i will remembered v, : h ' pretty and fa a ! - when ' t t- us c Cf i the com Ask any "JAP" that you may see, "Why the Czar, with ISear behind, "had to climb a tree. ' The Yanks, Cod lie. tho Ya.'.s f Ti.cy pave us Koi ky in ' , , The com; mid pi, ; V, v 'i a i Tell: f 1 1