zm mm StblUh4 187ft. Pub ished In Two Section, wrery Tuee Jay tad Friday. i Journal liutldlng. 56 tn Craven Strwt. ' ' -' : OHARLF U STEVEN . - tiUBSCRlFTICWt KATES'-, Two Month,. :. . Threee Month,.. , U: Mentha ..... 80 welTe Months ONLY IN ADVAHCK Official Paper of New Bern and Craven County. . Advertising; rate rurnwhed upon p ' plication at the office, or upon nquiry : iv mull .- . these products to be grossly wasted, has lead to their possible destruction. 1 And the prodigal waste, the quantities ; of oysters and fish gathered from the sounds and rivers, has not been of any real value to the State, in way of reve nue. Outsiders have carried away thou sands of boat loads of oysters, and these sold in outside markets have been passed to the consumer under every name except being from North Caro lina. . Uorth Carolina may be noted for its fine oysters and fish, but where is the market in which these native products are rightly labelled, or where the con sumer calls for North Carolina oysters, j in preference to others? It is not laws that are needed for the Hons to un In Samuel's Case And Goes to Jury Next Week. Mothtr Jones Gal Large audience. Meet ing ol Superintendent ol State Graded Schools. Two Wedding ol Promi nent Greensboro Ladle. (Special Correspondence.) When court adjourned last night, In . Marking Boundaries for i .. - !- Carolina Fisheries. New Beru MTTh jock." ib on y sen o w- nn,un,Hnn luJ nniUHmr un of the sea ..uri70n hiwi. SubscriDers " wui . . ; nnt.iofi of exniration of their sub-1 tmjx industry of this State, but an in SSSta iSSSnZ teliigent and non-political handling of the industry, along practical ana busi ness lines. And this only will save and preserve this industry THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OF Fl NANCIAL SUCCESS. For the youth of today to reconcile Journal - Entered i the Viwuirtice, A. i ". second-class inatuir. New Bern, N. C, Feb. 13. 1906. SUBSTITUTES FOR ; THE POORER CLASSES. twentieth cen- I et iaK frond, but costinsr ",oney K"1"1 u U.,-,, n.ifk thnan nrim Inipn which Were v Weinrwri toa tre-i""J - r ic, . r .j..: u tl, f mendous extent, the substitution 0fpon----.wm kind of article to be worn or eat- PPeMS to much .v4.v Ko TBnnl und Uhe average 9U Uj tJM? U1MC3 v f 1 r fila.i th various articles of household use and decoration. In manv instances this substitution is demanded for appearance sake, in wear ' i in iuwoli-ir and household nwt, The rich neighbor can pay for wc 3 - - the irenuine article, the man next door, mind to undertake, for with the examples of wealth accumu lations to be seen on every side, the ImiPHtinn nf nrinciDle Beema to be of I "1 7 1 Ismail account. Franklin has said "The way to depending upon, a salwy, desires to mou th nntward aDDearance, . and buys the make up, adulterated article- just as good,, but cheaper. However the evil, in its demoralizing nature, of make believe in appearances, a those things wl.ieh Jo not vitally af fect, yet in food and drink, there is a public demand that if adulterations are to be madc,let each article so made up, so adulterated, bear the. stamp of its maker, the true character of its adul teration. The poorer classes may have the colored picture in place of the oil painting, their walls may be lainly papered; their furniture painted or stained pine, clothing of shoddy make; hW a with DaLer soles, and other out ward articles of use of materials sub scituted for the genuine, but in those things which enter into life, in the way of food and drink, there should be dras . tic laws, enforceable laws for the pun ishment of those who adulterate every kind Of article which enters the list of food, for it is the poorer classes that suffer, they must buy food in package and can, and the larger the quantity, the cheaper it must seem, : therefore unless such packages and canned goods are honestly marked to show , the true nature of their contents, the poor classes are buying and consuming food, "which however cheap its first cost may Beem, is going to prove frightfully cost ly in its effect upon the health of the men, women and children, who lgnor antly are forced to consume these r .j., .ml fliAro Rhould he the iuui.., I ships which . severest penalties for wilful food and! f - ' K nrO 1 1" 111 tfP TAP . drink adulterations, that is for selling such adulterations without a distil truiRhinir mark to designate their real o " '. composition. As in every kind of substitution mak ing, the profits for adulterations and counterfeits of every kind are so enormous, that the manufacturers can " destroy all legislation aimed against their business, and keep up their profit earning, through it means the destruc " tion of human lives. Every Pure Food law should have the careful attention of everv legislator, that such laws may be passed and then rigidly enforced. ket. It depends chiefly on two words, Industry and Frugality; that is, waste neither time or money, but make the best use of both." Industry, unfortunately, has a harsh sound to most of the young. It is sociated with regular labor, fixed taskk and an accounting for every minute and hour, how SDent. Industry, also has the record of giving wages in stip ulated amounts, in certain payments, and in money only, that is fairjy, and honestly won through toil and personal effort. ' ' There is no fascination of get-rich- quick, through Industry. It promises its followers success, but it is a success which may be just a plain every day success. No trumpets to blare the name, no parade, no music, just suc cess which may only be the inner con sciousness of right done, honestly won. nineteen witnesses had been examined during the day in the Samuel caser The testimony was in support of that given by witnesses at the opening of the case, some of it contradicting that of the de fendant and his witnesses as to .stills being destroyed, others testified that the Bill Williams still had been out in the1 weather for twelve months to all appearances. ; It is not thought more than an hour will be consumed in the examination of witnesses this morning, when the argument will begin. Six hours will be allowed each side for ar gument, and it is understood that eight lawvers will address the jury. - This gives each lawyer one hour and a ha1 each. Special Assistant District At torney J. Britt will make the opening reument for the government and wil bo followed by Judge Bynum for the lef endant" Assistaat District Attorney Price will follow for the government then vrill come ex-Governor Ayccck and Mr. J. W. McNeil for the defendant, followed by Solicitor General Hayes Mr. Watson will close for the defend ant and District Attorney Holton will close the case for the government. The jury will probably get the case by Tues day night, the winding u of the fifth continuous week of the trial. Mother Jones,"' spoke to a crowdec" audience at Labor Union Hall last night She devoted most of her mcst impres sive talk to a discussion of child laboi and some of its abuses. She alsc touched upon the Socialist doctrinei predicting that the day was not far die ant when the Socialist party wouh dominate the affairs of this countr imd said the greatest agency of its pro- jagation was not agitation so much as the grinding of the sweat aftd honest physical and mental toil of the million! to build up millionaire collosuses am dobauched monied autocrats. About twenty-five SuperintendenU of city graded schools have gathere( here to hold their annual session. ; Th organization . meeting was held in th Assembly Hall of the Benbow hotel last night, but there was so litt'e heat in thi large room, it was impossible to trans act any regular business. The mair sessions of the Association will be helt today and tonight, the session tbi? morning being in the library hall at the State Normal and Industrial College Quite an additional number of Snperin Work to b Dont So Fish May Enter Riven Great Number Corporation Certificate : tuued In Thi Stat. Col. F. A. Old Goe To Txa. (Special Correspondence.) Raleigh, Feby 9. Governor Glenn is Er;.i:.".E!IT ASSISTS CAUGHT WITH THE GOODS. i Some Run North in receipt of a letter from George M. Bowers, Commissioner of fisheries of the National Government and a supple mentary letter ; from Prof. J. A. Holmes, in which the department promises direct and immediate ;- co operation in regard to a recent reso lution at the last meeting or the fctate Board of Geological surveys, concern ing the North Carolina fisheries. This ltter states that the Federal govern- tnei t will gladly assist the State in marking the boundaries and open ways in end that the shad, and other fish may enter the sounds and other? waters where their spawning grounds are lo oted. In the absence of the Governor no immediate action will be taken but accessary steps will immediately follow Small Boys Chicken Thieves Down One Cautjht. Hen roost depredations have been so common of late that owners of poultry have been on tho alert hoping to get up with tho thief or animal that was de populating their chickens. Lnst night, Mr. Will' Brooks was at his liome on East Front street, ' reading, when he heard the plaintive squawk of one of his hens. He grasped his hat and be took himself to the scene- of- action to see four small forms hiking away each with a fat pullet under his arm. He overtook one Of them and held him good and fast. The boy , had hold of the chicken as if it was a bag of gold and consequently was caught red handed, as it were. ; The boy is a diminutive scalawag not over twelve years oldand his hame is Willie Grady, colored. He could not run fast with his burden so that'Mr, Brooks caught him easily and took him to tho city hall, k; He spent the night in the municipal caiaDoose. - K f ' f ',' ''' t ' ' "About a year ago," writes MrsMattia Allen, of 1123 Broadway, Augusta,. Ga., "I suffered with blind, sick headaches and backaches, and could get no relief until I tried 7I!!E OF m nn Voman's Relief It is thought that this is the gang or " ; .V.... ,u , o.,Ji .I. a'partof it that has done systematic cniCKen stealing aim mtuiy pcuyie lost some fine poultry. Posibly by this capture an important- clue is obtained and tho others may be arrrested soon. . "' , 1 immediately commenced to improve, gnd now 1 Jeel like a new woman, unu wisi tu recommend it to all sick women, tor i WRITE ' : Know 11 WU1 vuie incui, as nuiu my. IIS varaui is pui e, 1 1 icuiw 1 ku cau a ui . nmV''''' vegetable herbs, which relieyes and frankly, describing temaie puma, .-5u.utw your symptoms.' wo wm , KvnCtlOns.lOlies up ti ieui di is consider your case and give . , . hrnhpr Stnte of health. you free advice (in plain seaiea v. wrM-" . . , envelope). . Don't hesitate, but Try it for your trouble. Every drnggtst sells It wrftetodav. Address: Ladles' Ad visory Dept., The Chattanooga Medi cine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. in $1.00 bottles. A Menace to Health. the return of the Governor to his offica. It is hard to figure what the possible Kidney trouble is an insidious danger, results may be to North Carolina by and many people are victims of a sen- reason of i such action since it means ous malady before the symptoms are 1 doing away with the nets which are recognized. Foley s Kidney i-ure cor- usually spread in the coast waters. The rects irregularities and strengthens and -IP .TOITQ' ;redit of this work will belong dis tinctively to the North Carolina Geolo rical survey and to those, who are to ictively interested and employed there n. The Secretary of State reports that from. December 1, 1904 to February 0, 935 there- were- i'suod from his office 120 certificates of incorporation?. From December 1, 1905 to February 9, 190K rhere were issued 194 certificates. This builds ud the kidneys, und it should be taken at tho first indication of kidney trouble, as it is impossible to have good health if the kiaiiys are derang ed. For sale by Davis' Pharmacy. ' We can shin whiskey to any noint in North Carolina that the Railroads or Steam Boats lines go." We are located in the State of Virginia and the N. C j An-ti-jug laws do not effect ua at all as we are protected by the Inter-State v Commerce Laws. We sell corn whiskey at $1.23 per gallon and Bye whiskey at $1.50 per gallon and up. Write us far our complete Price-list and Express rate to your office. . Z F LONG & CO.. P. B ox Sf8. Suffolk .Va ENTOMBED IN MINE. But Little Chance For Escape of Miners. Charleston, W. Va., Feb. 9-Twenty increase is hardly appreciable to the svn men ar6; 8till entombed in : the lsual reader and on looker but wnen narreii mint- near Oak Hill, in Fay- cho total is cast there will be Blown a ette countVl in the Loup Creek field, jurprising magnitude of business and wher0 tne o plosion occurred yester- levelopment in North Carolina. jay afternoor. In is known that thir- Tht ntnrfi nf t.h Youncr Hardware hu-ninf mtsn were in the mine and Company on Martin street in Raleigh there may have been more, , as the lad been closed under execution, claims work is done by contract - and no rolls imounting to nearly $300 having been are kept. Twelve escaped, Tne mi- thus far presented.. Definite figures arc j0rity of the men are negroes and Hun iot stated. It is said this morning I KarianB. ' - 'WfflSXEY FIVE YEARS OLD SMOOTH AND MELLOVT FULL And Frugality is less tempting, evenftendents came in on this morning'f . . ' t : J lU. MnA4-.nw mill Via laWTolv traillB OIIU HIC UlCCbiMg Will attended. Last night there was aboul than Industry, for it means the giving up of so many comforts, - which are tc- day set down as necessities, and so be cause your next door neighbor, your friend you meet on the street or at the club, enjoys them. Frugality, in this age of rapid' weath getting, and its consequest luxurious living, is too slow to be followed, with her promises of wealth in the end. Speculation nevei is found in the company of Industry and Frugality, for Speculation says, "today, wealth and all that it gives, is yours, industry ana uruganiy may keep their promises in the distant fu ture, but think of the denials and hard- are your portion while waiting for wealth through following Industry and Frugality." These first principles, leading to financial success, are as true today in their results, as when the great Frank lin uttered them. It is the impatience of the ag3, that has relegated Industry and Frugality to the rear, as being un- suited to the temperament of twentieth century progress, in this age when a mile a minute is too slow, when news twelve hours old is out ol date, and when a wireless -telegraphic system keeps every steamship on the high seas in close communication with every passing event on the land. It is the idea that wealth, fame, hon or, may come without - the effort, that Industry 'can be Eliminated, that is so fatal Every great in- SAVING THE SEAFOOD INDUSTRY At a recent meeting of the State Geological Board, is reported that Gov- j yention, the very speed of the present ernor Glenn was asked to see that the I century in every line, Is the product of In laws enacted by the Legislature be en- dustry and Frugality, which have found f rced which look to the preservation KTEE ... . T .. I OUIe WJ Miv MLiva v w huwv of the sea looa inaustry oi iwu, v.- principlM wil, also find ju8t Li. a. I nerfect reward in the future, as they It is easy to pass laws, and for Boards I have in the past u . i c.Avurnfirs to sav that these laws i.. . w mo. hJ There is more Catarrh in this section rauw!TOu,-- j-a I 4 ii n ,,- j;nQ Rvcr resulted in helping the , fish and nnt fnrBt1 nd until the last few . . ..l-... j I1 ' 7 . rater wiausiry oi mis owue, u i year8 waB (.uppoged to be incurable. 1. for invest igutions Into causes For a itreat many years doctors pro- H have led to the destruction of f,i a products, have resulted in ' nt to solve tho question ' '' ' .1 a'tcni-ii-s, and when , l" is rohiilt is never hard 1. 1..-' v f no in si t- t' p;-t- s of nounced it a local disease and pre scribed local remedies, and by constant ly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional d!;io;:.e and therefore requires cort.stitu- 1 treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure .r.i-. i t. d by F. J. Cheney & Co., i, ( .:.), is t',e Oi!y ccr I ; i t' e i ' ct. It is t ' yi.ii' i f . l 10 ! ,i !. It j.-ii tll.i-fy "i t 1 1. ,-, i v ,r -i tf t:. two book agents of representatives of publishing bouses present for everyone of the superintendents. Dr. Preston W. Search will address the body thit morning, and tonight at Smith Memo rial Hall he will address the Children and patrons of the City Schools, the Superintendents attending, in ,a y- . At tne home oi tne oriaes uncte, xur. A. Odell, this afternoon, at 4 o'clock occurred one of the most elaborate weddings witnessed here this season, Miss Zula Aurora Hinshaw and Mr. Eugene Thompson Bost of Concord were united in marriage by Rev. G, T. Detwiler, in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. , The home was elaborately decorated, and a reception given, lasting from 5 to 8 o'clock, wt. as attended by large numbers of friends of the - bride in the city. The couple left on the night train for Palm Beach and will be at home at Boats Mill near Concord after March 1st The bride has made her home here with her uncle for the past seven years, and is an accompusnea woman, graduating at Greensboro Fe male College in 1903. i There was a sur prising display of useful presents in the library, among them being a chest of silver from Mr. and Mrs. OdelL Another of Greensboro's fairest and most lovable women was married at noon today, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Lee. when their daugh ter Misi Pearl Rosa Lee and Dr. John William McPherson were united in the bonds of wedlock, Rev. Charles E. Hod gin of 5 Westminister Presbyterian church officiating. They left on the midnight train for Washington and other northern points. Returning in two weeks to the home of the groom at Haw River. Failed All efforts have failed to find a better remedy for 'coughs,, colds and lung troubles than Foley's Honey and Tar. 1 1 stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. j. N. Patterson Nashua, Iowa, writes. "Last winUr i hud a bud ild on my lungs and tried at least half a dozen ad vertised cough medicines and had treat ment from two physicians without get ting any benefit, A friend recommend cd Folay's Honey and Tar and two thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lung medicine in tho world.. Dor sale oy Liavis Pharmacy. ;hat a receiver will be asked for, W, J Voung, Sam Young and others of Ral iigh are stockholders. The company has done a retail hardware business. No further particulars have today oeen received as to the condition of Douglas Olds of Waco, Texas, a son of Ool' Fred A. Olds -of Raleigh. The Colonel is on his way to Texas. ;- The Farmers Protective ' Association of North Carolina will meet in Durham the 12th Of February at noon, pursuant to a call issued by Col. John S. Cun ningham, president of that body stated that at this meeting many matters of vital imrjortance to the farmers of the State will be brought up and (its cussed. The North Carolina Anti-Saloon Lea eue chose the following central execu tive committee: J. W. Bailey, J. I. Johnson, Josephus Daniels, N. Broughton, and Rev.- J. C. Massee. It is not believed any of the ea- tombed men are alive. The ventilation were wrecked by the force of the exolosi in and the circulation of air through the mine was stopped so that i no one with any hope of living can ven ture in until tht fan are repaired and set to working as?ain. , Frightfully Burned. Chas. Moore, a machinist of City, Pa., Express Charges aid By Us. "A trial wilt convince you that these poods arcs the very best for medicinal ana omer i uriuv.-. -" nnrl if nnt. r.Prfoc.1, v satisfactory, return at our expense and money will be refunded at once. Ail snipmeuwi mo mouo i" Remit by Postal or Express Money Order. Write for price list of other liquors. a machinist oi forai had his hat.d frightfully burned in an electrical furnace. He Bp- It is plied Bucklen's Arnica Salye with the usual result: : "a quick and perfect cure." Greatest healer on earth for Burns. Wounds. Sores, Eczema and piles. 25c at All Druggists. B. & N. C. assessed damages $250 Superior Court News The case of G. E. Hawk vs Rowland Improvement Co.. and the A. Co. : they aro each. The case of Bottling Co., vs Habicht . i : mi. a. was on trial .yesteraay. j,ne action was for an account During the evi dence it was developed that an amount ' Gat In the Stomoch. Belching and that sense of fullne is so often experienced after eating is caused by the formation of gas. The stomach fails to perform its functions approximating ?800 had been paid for and the food ferments; Chamberlain's j:auor within two months time. The Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct jury awarded the plaintiff a judgment the disorder. They aid digestion ana 0f mis. the amount in full of the claim. strengthen and invigorate the stomach The attorneys in the suit of Hill vs and bowels. For sale by Davis' Phar- Raiiway Co, , anrued on a motion to re- macy and F. S. Duffy. - m0ye the case to another county" The An undenrround telecra ih messatre to Europe is expected to ba tne next A.& N.C. mio iba control ot tne origmai in eat triumph of Father Joseph Murgas company. W. W. Uark represents the whose system of wireless telegraphy me piainun, r . a At the Head of alt fecco Fttiiliztis....... Meadows Gold Leaf TOBACCO -GUANO Usa it and you will be pi ased. Meadows OTT0i AM), ALLCROP Guano, and wpaciil Feniiizera For All Crops. is now in practical operation. This ailment is usually caused by u hiMHiier coum-jf. uo , v . a i ..M44- .1 case is to arnuF ho tease and give the fj 1 no J l " y UUI V Vjr .wiw I 1 US. WO WBO OU'V LUtJ DXiOi tiJtcx w i f t) FOOD IN OUR GOODS. insist ou uuviug . iuh Daniels and A. D Ward, are conuaet for the defendant. Judge Long reserved his decision until oday. No pill is as pleasant and positive as rheumatism of the muscles and may be DeWitt'a Little Eariy Risers. These cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Famous Little Pills are so mild and ef- Balra two or three times a day and rub fective that children, delicate ladies bing the parts vigorously at each appli-1 and weak people enjoy their cleansing cation. If this does not afford relief, effect, while strong people say they are bind on a piece of flannel slightly damp the best liver pills sold. Never gripe. ened with Pain Balm, and quick relief Sold by F. S. Duffy. is almost sure to follow. For sale MEADOWS E. H. S J. 4. QO CO., :mkum Factory Neuse River. o ( ) u 0 0 j f A ' Tt Vrf mT W W W- w w Hm ' NEW BERN, N. C L. D, Fhone, 6G. tm. rfr. 0- w w W Www W 1 I W O () ) o ( i) () t ) by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. The body of 'Capt. . James B. Clay, of Lexington, Ky., grandson of Henry . The imports into the United States Clay, who died on a train near Battimore have nracticallv doubled in value in the was taken Dacic to KemucKy. - i last seven years, the calendar year 1005 the imports aggregated in value $1,172,000,000 as against G35,OO0,OO0 in the caleudar yeai 1898. ' Mr. ' Burr Mcintosh, in a luciure at Ford,8 Opera House, in Baltimore pre dieted an outburst and general mas sacre of foreigners in China in the near future. t!.- IV. .luuoiiul . 'i 1 ! r to a t i At RUkmer's shipyard Promerhavcn tlu'ro w;is Inn-.' hf"l the l;ir,;f" t r; i ii.g . !,"; in t'.; wmlJ. Tl.o 1-i !.h of llie i':, t i.i 4 i f- t. In r bn , ' ', m Ct f-i-t, i .1 !.'!( ii uf K.f H 1 1 ,- !. n. Common Cold art The.Causa of Many Sari- out Diseases. Iliysiciuns Viho have gained a nation al reputations iu analysts of the cniiKC of varu us ell . i rises, cluiinthat if cntrh ing colli cou'd be avoiilud a long list of diir;'--ii'is &i'.iri.".!s would never be heard of. Hvi-ry ono ktKiwa th:it )ir..u- mom-i a .1 Cd1.!, Si ar. 1 i. I t .1 COM' i, ; ..on on; ',n c .l.irili, liio'ii 1 lur-x troi ! '. ni ! !!. r-! .' . . ' i ! ' 1 l J I 1 to tr Tho Ytllow Fever Garm . has roc ntly been diacovered. It bears a closo resemblance to the malarial germ. To free the system from dis ease germs,, tho most effective remedy is Dr. King's New Lifo Pills. Guars n teedto cure all di3ascs due to malaria poison and constipation, 25. at All Druggists. :- '' ' " ' Secrotary ' Iloster.s weekly cotton statement uhows for the nine days of February an incease over last year of 53,000. -; A Healing Gospel. Tho Rev. J. C. Warren, pastor riwirnm l'..iptiot Church, lial.-ir, C -.iys of i:iecinc I.itlera. "It's a V. send to maukiiid. It cured t- - f 1 of Mi ll 7 .-till joints, :e. 1 v:-; n l ir to v, . L. V, I f f .) 1 I T i r . t v ,.1 r t i i l ' it 1 1 i . t) 11 It ,-1 I!.. ot W. I 4 V li If v'i'i r.'c f- , V.- V. r II

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